What Meaningful NORM Education Committee Develops Online Tools for Use Means to Members Your Practice By Linda S. McKee, EFPM, Practice Administrator, Rheumatic Disease Associates, Willow Grove, PA
By Lynette Byrnes, Practice Administrator, Chairperson, NORM Education Committee; and Andrea Zlatkus, Practice Administrator, Co-chairperson, NORM Education Committee
e see the National Organiza ment questions as well as their ideas and tion of Rheumatology Man suggested best practices. From under agers (NORM) Listserv light standing latest PRACTITIONERS healthcare regula FOR OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS, RHEUMATOLOGISTS, PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS, ANDthe NURSE up daily with members’ practice manage tions to training new staff members, we Continued on page 12
hat is Meaningful Use? If you ask someone at the US Department of Health & Human Services, he or she may tell you that Meaningful Use is an effort to maximize your electronic health record (EHR) technology to involve patients and caregivers in healthcare decisions or to improve care coordination as well Continued on page 18
Measuring Quality Improvement Healthcare in Rheumatology By Helen Hinkle, Office Administrator, Rheumatology Associates of South Texas, San Antonio, TX
s administrators, we are forced to juggle more and more because of the Affordable Care Act and its plans to improve the cost of healthcare in the United States.
Measuring quality improvement is a great idea, but shouldn’t we have been doing this all along? These last 20 years in the medical field have taught me the good and the bad side of medicine, and Continued on page 17
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