VBCC May 2012, VOL 3, NO 3

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MAY 2012 VOL 3 NO 3

www.ValueBasedCancerCare.com NCCN 2012 CONFERENCE

AVBCC Second Stakeholder Integration Conference Cancer care in 2012—strategies for optimizing value

Optimal Care for Patients with Cancer: Who Decides? Multiple stakeholders now determine matters of quality and value By Audrey Andrews Hollywood, FL—Cancer care today is influenced by an ever-broadening array of players, and what was once an intimate relationship between patient and physician now involves multiple decision makers. At the 2012 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) meeting, a panel of various

stakeholder groups addressed the questions of what and who defines “optimal care” for today’s patient. Moderator Clifford Goodman, PhD, Senior Vice President at the Lewin Group, Falls Church, VA, summarized the panel’s observations: “The locus of Continued on page 18


Payer Trends in Oncology: Challenges and Solutions Putting patients first remains a key component Houston, TX—On March 29-31, 2012, approximately 200 oncologists, payers, employers, managed care executives, pharmacy benefit managers, and other stakeholders convened for the Second Annual Stakeholder Integration Conference of the Association for Value-Based Cancer Care (AVBCC). The mission of the conference was to align the various perspectives around the central needs of defining value in cancer care and developing strategies for enhancing patient outcomes.

By Caroline Helwick

Continued on page 10


Ready or Not, Value-Based Purchasing Is Coming Near You CMS establishes incentives for quality, not quantity, of care By Neil Canavan Baltimore, MD—It has been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is with this sensibility that Donald P. Howard of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) began his presentation at the 2012 Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) meeting, detailing the current state of the hospital value-based purchasing (VBP) program. The VBP program attempts to rewrite a systemic paradigm, mov-

ing from an approach in which CMS is a passive payer based on volume to a direct involvement by CMS as a purchaser of quality care. “The VBP program is a way to incentivize hospitals to move forward in this direction,” he said. Established in the Affordable Care Act, the VBP program will financially reward hospitals by the outcomes of the service they provide. “The infrastructure is already in place to do Continued on page 26

©2012 Engage Healthcare Communications, LLC

Houston, TX—The need to optimize the treatment of patients with cancer while using healthcare resources wisely—in other words, providing “valuebased cancer care”—is not a topic of debate, but how to achieve this press-

ing goal is far from clear. In a panel discussion during the Association for Value-Based Cancer Care’s Second Annual Conference, strategists from the payer side of the issue discussed Continued on page 11




Is higher cost of cancer care in US worth it? Cancer therapies’ value given preferential status VALUE PROPOSITIONS



Consider value in your clinical decisions CONFERENCE



Michigan oncology medical home Seeking value in oncology Aligning reimbursement with outcomes Community oncology in crisis


Clinical practice guideline updates Updated guidelines add 3 panels






Cost-containment top trend in community centers Coping with cancer drug shortages


Advances in personalized medicine Metformin protects against cancers


Considerations in multiple myeloma

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