1 minute read
A Message from the Village President

It is with great pleasure that the Village of Buffalo Grove presents the annual “A Citizenʼs Guide to Local Financial Activities” for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020. It is my desire to deliver to the residents of Buffalo Grove an overview of the Villageʼs progress and financial performance that is transparent and easily understood. This report summarizesthefinancialactivitiesoftheVillageand is not intended to replace the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The full disclosure financial statements, or CAFR, can be found on the Villageʼswebsiteatwww.vbg.org.
The analysis conducted within this report outlines growth drivers, capital projects, and summarized financial and trend data. The presentation of financial information in the report has been derived fromtheauditedfinancialstatementsandconforms to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) andrelatedreportingstandards.
The Village continues to make financial transparency a priority and providing open communication with its residents and businesses. It is my hope that the information and data contained in the 2019 guide to local financial activities will provide the reader a snapshot of the challenges and opportunities the Village of Buffalo Grove is managingtodayandintothefuture.
