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2020 Top Employers and Tax Payers
BG has a distinctive local economy with an employment baseof20,000dailyworkers.
BGhasover10millionsquarefeetofcommercial,office, andindustrialspace.
BG is home to several advanced manufacturing centers as well as many high profile firms such as Flex, Siemens andYaskawa.
Local Economy
External economic factors at the national and state level continue to impact the Villageʼs revenue profile and, subsequently its abilitytomanageoperating andcapitalresources.
Property tax collections totaled $17,035,362 which is an increase from the previousyearʼstotalof$16,321,876anincreaseof4.4percent.
Water and Sewer collections increased from $10,938,035 in 2019 to $14,625,649in2020.Atotalincreaseof33.7percent.
Sales taxes [net of rebates], both state shared and home rule, generated $9,829,765in2020versus$9,945,749in2019,adecreaseof1.1percent.
Maintainingthe village'sstreets, grounds,water, drainage,and sewersystems
Improvingthe qualityofmunicipal buildings,parking lots,andvehicles
Directingthelong termstructural needsthrough engineering
Revenue Overview

Revenues for the Villageʼs governmental activities for the year ended December 31, 2020 were $50.7 million an increase of $1.8 million or 3.7 percent.Propertytaxes continue to be the Villageʼs largest source of revenue (33.5 percent) at $17.0 million. Included within the property tax revenues are the pension levies for the Police and Firefighter Pension Funds and IMRF/Social Security. The pension levies account for 39.5 percent of the property tax levy. Other taxes and intergovernmental revenue including sales tax, state income tax, utility tax, prepared food and beverage tax, hotel tax, and real estate transfer tax total $20.7 million or 40.8 percent of total governmentalactivitiesrevenue.
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MoneyGeek.com recently evaluated small cities and towns across the United States - those with 30,000 to 100,000 residents - and ranked them according to the per capita cost of crime. They ranked Buffalo Grove the #1 safest town in the U.S., with a $22 crime cost percapita.
MoneyGeek.com recently evaluated small cities and towns across the United States - those with 30,000 to 100,000 residents - and ranked them according to the per capita cost of crime. They ranked Buffalo Grove the #1 safest town in the U.S., with a $22 crime cost per capita.