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Exceptions to Bid/Procurement Requirements

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Appendix M

Appendix M

Exceptions to Bid/Procurement Requirements

Sole Source Procurement

A contract may be awarded for a supply, service, or construction item without competition when, the Finance Director, Chief Procurement Officer, or a designee of either determines in writing that there is only one source for the required supply, service, or construction item. Purchases made in this fashion in excess of $25,000 must be brought before the Village Board in the form of a request for Bid Waiver.

Emergency Procurements

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Policy, the Village Manager, Finance Director or Chief Procurement Officer may make or authorize others to make emergency procurements when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety under emergency conditions; provided that such emergency procurements shall be made with such competition as is practicable under the circumstances. If emergency purchases are needed during business hours, begin Purchase Order procedures immediately and contact the Chief Procurement Officer for Purchase Order approval. When emergency purchases occur during non-business hours, contact the Chief Procurement Officer immediately the next business day. A written determination of the basis for the emergency and for the selection of the particular contractor shall be included in the contract file.

The Village Manager must authorize any emergency procurement for more than $25,000. In such cases the Village Manager will notify the Corporate Authorities as soon as is practicable of all emergency procurements that exceed $25,000.

Professional Services

Professional services including but not limited to Accounting, Auditing, Financial, Recruitment, Employment, Procurement, Information Technology, Legal, Land Survey, Architectural and Engineering services, are generally procured through a Request for Qualifications or Quality Based Selection process and may be followed by or in conjunction with a Request for Proposals. The Village Manager has authority to award the contract based upon quality, performance, and the time specified in the proposals for the performance of the contracts.

Fuel Procurement

Due to the speculative nature of fuel purchases and an ever-increasing volatile market, the Village Manager working in coordination with the Fleet Manager has been authorized by Section 2.08.040 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code to make purchases in excess of the bid limit in order to secure fuel at the best possible price for the Village of Buffalo Grove.

Natural Gas and Electric Supply

Due to the speculative nature of Natural Gas and Electric Supply purchases, the Village Manager working in coordination with the Chief Procurement Officer has been authorized by Section 2.08.040 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code to enter into agreements in amounts in excess of the bid limit in order to secure these commodities at the best possible price for Village of Buffalo Grove facilities.

Consortium Procurements

The Village is a member of multiple consortiums including but not limited to the Northwest Water Commission, Northwest Central Dispatch, Geographical Information Systems Consortium, and Government Information Technology Consortium in which all elect to purchase goods and services. If the consortiums board agrees to make a purchase the Village is obligated to make these purchases and as such does not follow a formal procurement process. All purchases that do not have consortium board approval and are over $25,000 will be brought before the Village board for approval.

Cooperative Procurement

In some cases, the Village has an opportunity to purchase through a joint procurement agency. Joint Procurement cooperatives can save the Village of Buffalo Grove money through collective buying power. It may also be the case that other agencies have gone through the Bid process for items or services the Village now seeks. In those cases the purchasing department may recommend that the Village Board “authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with Vendor Name., for goods/services at a not to exceed amount of $XX,XXX in accordance with the Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act (30 ILCS 525/0.01 et seq.), pending review and approval of the contract/agreement by the Village Attorney.”.

The Illinois State Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220) allows for cooperative procurement. * 3rd Party includes but is not limited to; the State of Illinois Central Management Services, United States General Services Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference and the North Suburban Municipal Partnering Initiative, Sourcewell, and Houston Galveston Area Compact. Pursuant to authority in chapter 2.08 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code the Village may utilize Bids obtained through the Illinois Government Joint Purchase Act (30 ILCS 525/0.01)

Asset Sharing Policy

A subset of Cooperative Procurement is Asset Sharing. The Village of Buffalo Grove is committed to providing safe, efficient and effective services to the Residents of Buffalo Grove and other external stakeholder groups through the sharing of assets where appropriate and practical. It is the policy of the Village of Buffalo Grove to ensure that certain criteria are evaluated when making capital asset purchases. The administrative guidelines outlined in Appendix J. apply to all situations where the sharing of assets could be of mutual benefit to those involved and reduce the overall lifecycle cost of the asset. This Policy shall apply to all departments of the Village and include such things as vehicles, equipment, trailers, and tools.

The purpose of the Asset Sharing Policy(“Policy”) is to provide the Village of Buffalo Grove staff with guidelines and directions for acquiring assets that can be shared. The benefit to all parties is a more effective use of resources, enhanced inter-governmental cooperation, and more efficient use of taxpayer dollars through cost sharing.

The Policy is designed to be a fluid document and will be modified from time to time to conform to changes in law, technology and actual practice.

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