About Vero Beach Neighborhoods Places to Explore The Arts The Great Outdoors Golf and Tennis Dining Out Volunteer ... And More!
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Welcome Do you remember the first time you came to Vero Beach? I do. This seaside community my husband and I call home wasn’t even on our radar until 18 years ago. Then we received a wedding invitation, circled the date on the calendar and made plans to stay the weekend. It was one of the best decisions we’ve ever
“At the beach, life is different;
made. Hand in hand, we walked the beach, stopped by the Center for the Arts,
time doesn’t
now the Vero Beach Museum of Art, checked out what was playing at Riverside
move hour
Theatre and cheered the Dodgers on to victory while devouring Dodger Dogs. That was the beginning of our love affair with Vero Beach. As luck would have it, not long after we moved here, I met Beth Moulton, who was planning to launch a publication called Vero Beach Magazine. She asked me to write two articles for the first issue; and even though I was new in town, her community spirit and infectious enthusiasm inspired me then and still
to hour but moment to moment. We live by the currents
does today. As the magazine’s “senior writer,” I’ve penned hundreds of stories
but plan by the
about people, places and organizations that have helped shape the community
tides and follow
we all care so much about. There is so much to see and do here in Vero Beach – so many opportunities to learn, support and become involved. In the past I’ve counted on the magazine’s
the sun.” –UNKNOWN
annual Guide to Season to let me know the what, where and when of things happening locally. This time around we’ve upped the information level and turned our guide into a handbook that has more things to explore, discover and enjoy. I know you will find it as useful and fun as I do.
Ann Taylor
Senior Writer
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ivingBack To Our Community
Norris & Company has maintained a history of leadership and involvement in the community E\ VXSSRUWLQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQV ÀQDQFLDOO\ DQG WKURXJK YROXQWHHU HIIRUWV UHÁHFWLQJ RXU JHQXLQH commitment to community, families and children. Over the years, our company has shown its support for many worthy causes such as Indian River Land Trust, Humane Society and Food Pantry among others. Together with our agents, we continue the longstanding tradition of donating a portion of each transaction to Habitat for Humanity because we believe that everyone deserves a home.
3377 Ocean Drive,Vero Beach, Florida Norris Christy's_HB_spread.indd 2-3 Norris Christy's_HB_spread.indd 2-3 001-022 Contents_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 4
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The RR The
I In A Am
Envir Envir Ve Ve
Norris & Company is Proud to Support the Indian River Land Trust as well as many other Local and National Organizations. The Realtor’s Realtor’s Association Association of of IRC IRC The Florida Realtors Realtors Florida Humane Society Society Humane Indian River River Land Land Trust Trust Indian American Cancer Cancer Society Society American Junior League League Junior Environmental Learning Learning Center Center Environmental Vero Beach Beach Museum Museum of of Art Art Vero
Vero Beach Beach Beautification Beautification Commission Commission Vero Riverside Children’s Children’s Theatre Theatre Riverside Guardian ad ad Litem Litem Program Program of of Florida Florida Guardian United Way Way United Hibiscus Children’s Children’s Center Center Hibiscus Samaritan Center Center Samaritan The Source Source The Indian River River Community Community Foundation Foundation Indian
Daisy Bridgewater Bridgewater Hope Hope Center Center Daisy Gifford Youth Youth Activity Activity Center Center Gifford Shining Light Light Gardens Gardens Shining Food Pantry Pantry Food Indian River River Impact Impact 100 100 Indian Education Foundation Foundation of of IRC IRC Education Big Brothers/Big Brothers/Big Sisters Sisters Big Autism Speaks Speaks Autism
National Little Little League League National Pelican Audubon Audubon Society Society Pelican Nature Conservancy Conservancy Nature Atlantic Classical Classical Orchestra Orchestra Atlantic Knights of of Columbus Columbus Knights Chambers of of Commerce Commerce Chambers Local Schools Schools Local and Area Area Churches Churches and
772-231-1270 | www.norrisandcompany.com 001-022 Contents_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 5
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3325 OCEAN DRIVE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 772-234-3404 7:13 AM
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WE DARE YOU NOT TO FALL IN LOVE I have been in Vero Beach for 18 years and for 18 years, I have been astonished by what a wonderful city I live in. Inspired, with a group of like-minded people, I first began capturing the magic of this place in Vero Beach Magazine. Our staff then wanted to share our good luck with others who might not know Vero Beach as well as we did, so we offered guides to season and to summer. Because of the popularity of both publications, this year instead of publishing just a guide, we have instead published this annual handbook that incorporates the information you need if you want to live here. If you actually do live here and want to find ever more interesting places to go and things to do, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ve changed the format here and there and added a bit of fun and whimsy with interesting tidbits about Florida and Indian River County. Not to worry though! Our new publication covers all that we’ve covered in the past and more. After we welcome you to our fair city, we offer a bit of advice for activities you might consider for a two-day stay as well as photo-ops to make your friends jealous. Then we introduce the neighborhoods on the barrier island and the mainland, both great places to live and explore. Discover our great attractions for the whole family to enjoy. As the cultural jewel of the Treasure Coast, we present all those great activities found in our fair city from art to dance to music to film and more. But don’t think we have forgotten one of the primary reasons you have come here – the great outdoors. We describe adventures on land, on the water, in the air and, believe it or not, on horseback, too. You can take a dip in the ocean, hike, bike and play tennis and golf for starters. And when you’re starving from all those activities, we invite you to dine at one of our restaurants. To show you the kind of community we are, we present a list of nonprofit organizations you can join once you move here, or you can check our extensive calendar for nonprofit events that you can take part in while you’re visiting. Last, but not least, we thank our advertisers who make our publications possible. Enjoy Vero Beach and the new Vero Beach Handbook. And have great fun while you’re at it!
Elizabeth Moulton
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M O U LT O N L AY N E , P L w w w. m o u l t o n l a y n e . c o m 7 7 2 . 2 3 4 . 0 4 45 DAV I D M O U LT ON | S C O T T L AY N E 4 8 8 7 N O RT H H W Y A1A V E RO BE AC H , F L 329 63 M E M BE R O F T H E A M E R I CA N I N ST I T U T E O F A RC H I T E C T S C ON N E C T I C U T # 5131 F L O R I DA #A A0 0 0 3621 N E W YO R K # 0 352 27
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Contents WELCOME TO VERO BEACH............................................23 About Vero Beach......................................................................................... 26 Vero Beach History....................................................................................... 28 Southern Sayings.......................................................................................... 34 Getting Here ...................................................................................................38 Two Days in Vero Beach ..............................................................................40 Shoot Me Now, Best Places to Take a Selfie.......................................46 46
23 AT HOME IN VERO BEACH...............................................49
You Belong Here.......................................................................................... 52 The Basics...................................................................................................... 60 Facts About The Treasure Coast and Florida...................................... 64 Neighborhoods........................................................................................... 70 Educational Resources..............................................................................86 Medical Resources......................................................................................90
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A PLACE TO EXPLORE................................................97 Things to Do & See....................................................................... 100 Kids’ Top 12 ....................................................................................104
History Museums ..........................................................................108 Science and Nature ......................................................................110
THE ARTS..........................................................................................121 The Cultural Arts...................................................................................... 124 Fine Art....................................................................................................... 130 Theatre........................................................................................................ 142 Dance.......................................................................................................... 147 Film.............................................................................................................. 150 Music........................................................................................................... 152 Lectures...................................................................................................... 158
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Biking is available on trails and marked lanes throughout the county.
THE GREAT OUTDOORS ............................................163
Breathing Space ..................................................................................166 Parks........................................................................................................172 On Land .................................................................................................174 Hiking .....................................................................................................180 On the Water.........................................................................................186 In the Air ................................................................................................194 On Horseback ......................................................................................196
GOLF AND TENNIS............................................................199
Golf! It’s a Way of Life..........................................................................204 Tennis! Game. Set. Match!.................................................................210
DINING OUT..............................................................................213 Eat, Drink, & Be Merry.........................................................................216 Fine Dining.............................................................................................220 Casual Dining........................................................................................221 International Dining ...........................................................................227 Coffee & Desserts.................................................................................230 Cocktails & Live Music.........................................................................231 Vero Beach For Foodies......................................................................233
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Jesus Bandres serves during the USTA Futures Event.
VOLUNTEER................................................................................ 235 Animals..................................................................................................... 240 Arts and Culture.................................................................................... 240 Children and Youth............................................................................... 242 Community Services ............................................................................243 Education................................................................................................. 245 Health and Wellness............................................................................. 246 History...................................................................................................... 247
Home and Family.................................................................................. 248 Hunger .................................................................................................... 248 Nature and the Environment ............................................................ 248 Senior Services ...................................................................................... 249 Sports and Recreation ........................................................................ 249
EVENT CALENDAR......................................................................................................................................................251 BUSINESS DIRECTORY...........................................................................................................................................263
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ANN TAYLOR Senior Writer ANN TENCH Copy Editor MELISSA KAREN SANCES Associate Editor
9 ELIZABETH MOULTON Publisher LISA DIGGINS Associate Publisher SUSAN HALLAR Account Executive ASHLEY MATE Account Executive MARIE VAN MEERTEN Business Manager
9 SUSAN GASPARRO Art Director RENEE BRADY Associate Art Director KATIE O’DARE Social Media Strategist Contributing Photographers GREG HILLS, NATE MOULTON, PATRICK THOMAS
9 SUSAN LORENZ Distribution Coordinator 772-231-0021 susan@pakmailbeachside.com Moulton Publications Inc. 956 20th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-234-8871
The Official Vero Beach Handbook: The Insider Guide to Vero Beach is published annually by Moulton Publications Inc. as a supplement to Vero Beach Magazine. Entire contents copyright 2016 by Moulton Publications Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. The publisher is not liable for errors or omissions. © 2016 Moulton Publications Inc.
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WELCOME To Vero Beach About Vero Beach Vero Beach History Southern Sayings Getting Here Two Days in Vero Beach Shoot Me Now
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The Barber Bridge links mainland Vero Beach to the barrier island.
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The Indian River Lagoon is an estuary of national significance.
About Vero Beach Weather forecast: Sunny, with a high of 78, low of 65; winds out of the southeast, 8 to 10 mph; seas 1 to 3 feet. Chance of snow: zero.
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erfect weather aside, it’s impossible not to fall in love with Vero Beach, where every day dawns with a sunrise promise of new opportunities. Just one visit to the cultural center of Indian River
County, and you’re hooked. Some say it’s because of the small town charm and natural beauty, while others will tell you it’s the people. Still others will make note of the unpretentious sophistication. Whatever the reason, Vero Beach, known as “The Jewel of the Treasure Coast” and the “Gateway to the Tropics,” is a place where spirits are lifted
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by sea-scented breezes and the fragrance of jasmine; and friends are easily made. Those who have chosen to live here cherish what they have. When two 13-story oceanfront condominium buildings were constructed in 1973, residents overwhelmingly voted to limit future building height to three stories. Everyone in his or her way has made it possible to preserve an enviable quality of life that continues to attract newcomers – artists, authors, doctors, educators, entertainers and retirees, people from all walks of life with talents, ideas and skills to share. Vero Beach, once called “Florida’s Best Kept Secret,” has been discovered.
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The stately blue heron stalks the shallows for a minnow.
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The downtown business district expanded rapidly when trains began stopping in Vero Beach.
Vero Beach Was Here Before You Were
f you’re a history buff, one of the first things you want to find out is when and how Indian River County and the city of Vero Beach got their start. So let’s take a look at the past. During the 1600s the area was home to the Ais tribe of Native American Indians. The Seminoles soon followed. But let’s take a step or two deeper
since we now know from skeletal remains that at least five individuals had already staked their place along with Ice Age mammals. If that news didn’t shake things up enough, the 2009 discovery of a drawing of a prehistoric mammoth carved on a piece of bone, estimated to be between 13,000 and 20,000-years-old, definitely did. Now fast-forward to 1893 when Henry Flagler’s Florida East Coast Railroad began making stops at Vero’s train station, effectively speeding up the influx of newcomers. Growth was inevitable, and those who envisioned the future began snapping up large tracts of land. By 1914, the town of Vero was beginning to take shape as roads, residential areas, parks and a business hub were carefully laid out.
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Early settlers picnic along the banks of the Indian River Lagoon.
• Residents cheered when The Strand, the first movie theater, opened in 1917. A year later Vero had its first power plant, and two years later weekly copies
ficked. The rush was on. Bridges connecting the mainland with the barrier island
“History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity.”
spurred the development of beachside businesses and hotels to accommodate
of the Vero Press started rolling off the presses. The slogan – “Vero - Where the Tropics Begins “ – became an instant marketing mantra. In 1924 the Florida Theater was established with 600 seats and an organ that played music while silent films featuring the likes of Charlie Chaplin and the Keystone Cops flickered on the screen. The new theatre became the place to see and be seen. Goodbye, Strand. Yet it wasn’t until 1925 that members of the Florida Senate passed a bill creating Indian River County and adding the word “Beach” to Vero, making it the county seat. In 1927, John J. Schumann took over the Vero Press and renamed it the Vero Beach Press-Journal. When rumors began circulating that Vero Beach was about to have an airport, newspaper headlines included the name of Bud Holman, who was instrumental in making the rumor become a reality in 1930. Two years later, Eastern Airlines began making refueling stops, and not long afterwards the air carrier added passenger and mail service. Vero Beach had become more than just a tiny dot on the map. American’s love affair with the automobile led to an increase in the number of highways connecting cities and states. It didn’t take long before Route 60, which linked the Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf of Mexico, became heavily traf-
the growing number of tourists. Citrus and cattle man Waldo Sexton built
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Ocean D
5070 N. A1A, Vero Beach, FL 772.234.3700 www.oceandriveplasticsurgery.com
Dr. Alan Durkin, MD, MS Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery • Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery, Indian River Medical Center
• Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery
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• State Certified Surgery Center • Radiesse® Hands Center of Excellence • New Beauty Magazine, 2012-2015 • Castle Connolly Top Doctor
Ocean 1 023-048Drive_HB16.indd Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 31
11/20/15 11/24/15 8:55 3:46 AM PM
Pineapple farms were once a thriving industry.
the Driftwood Inn, a rambling two-story oceanfront structure made of wood and flotsam-jetsam from shipwrecks Sexton had found washed up on the beach. The eccentric entrepreneur imprinted his signature style on the Ocean Grill, a landmark where it’s said a ghost roams the kitchen after the restaurant’s chefs have called it a night. During World War II, the U.S. Navy commissioned a pilot-training station at the airport, and 1,400 service men and 250 planes moved in. After the war ended, the Navy closed the station, yet many of the pilots who had found sweethearts and made lifelong friends here returned, put down roots and contributed to the local economy. The economy took a big boost in 1948 when the
Indian River grapefruit are known all over the world.
“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” – PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY
Brooklyn Dodgers came to town. Dressed in their red, white and blue uniforms, players smiled as Dodgertown,
as demand for housing on the barrier island and
the baseball team’s new spring training complex, was
mainland increased. New residents, many of them
officially dedicated. Four years later the sports venue
affluent patrons of the arts, devoted their energies
was renamed Holman Stadium in honor of Bud, who
and financial resources to creating a vibrant cultural
was instrumental in bringing the Dodgers to Vero Beach.
community. The extent of their generosity can be
Baseball fans from near and far came to cheer “the home
seen on the walls, halls and stages of theatres,
team” on. There wasn’t a hotel room to be found, restau-
museums and concert halls that bear their names.
rants added extra tables and chairs, and shop owners
As a result of their efforts, we are blessed with
were busy ringing up sales. Life was good.
professional and community theatre presentations,
The more people spent time in Vero, the more they wanted to live here. Developers were having a heyday
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an outstanding museum of art as well as orchestra, symphony, opera and ballet performances.
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Southern Sayings : Barking up the wrong tree. (you are wrong)
: Bless her heart. (backhanded compliment) : Do go on. (you must be joking) : Don’t bite off more than you can chew. (attempt what you can accomplish)
: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. (¿UVW NQRZ WKH UHVXOWV)
: Don’t let the tail wag the dog.
(the boss is in charge, not the workers)
(work or make way for those who will)
: Fly off the handle.
(angry and lashing out)
: Get the short end of the stick.
(not invited and treated wrong)
: Go whole hog. (go for it all) : *HW \RXU IHDWKHUV UXIÀHG (upset and pouting)
: Holler like a stuck pig. (someone misled you)
: I do declare. (usually means nothing) : In high cotton. (rising up in society) : Like a bump on a log.
(lazy and doing nothing)
: Like two peas in a pod. (act and think alike)
: Mend fences. (settle differences) : Scarce as hen’s teeth. (no such thing) : Sight for sore eyes. (nice to see you) : Stomping grounds. (familiar territory) : Too big for one’s britches.
(taking oneself too seriously)
: Well, shut my mouth.
(shocked and speechless)
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A M A R K E T I N G - FO C U S E D B O U T I Q U E B R O K E R A G E
RIVER RIDGE Unsold After Two Years. We listed, Marketed + Sold in 6 weeks! SOLD!
Whether you’re a Seller exploring the sale of your property fast and for top dollar or a Buyer seeking a fabulous deal you thought impossible,we simply get it done. From resales to new construction to development ,we know where the treasure’s buried. Call us to discuss your real estate goals — we’ll tap into our decades of marketing & industry experience to get you where you want to go! ORCHID ISLE ESTATES Sold in 6 weeks for $250K higher than community average! SOLD!
OCEAN PEARL Received 3 Offers within the first 72 hours on the market! Sold for full list price! SOLD!
ROYAL PALM Iconic Vero home, Sold quickly, after being on market elsewhere for 18 months! SOLD!
HARMONY ISLAND Sold for full list before property hit the market! SOLD!
O W N E R & L I C E N S E D R E A L E S TAT E B R O K E R 2 8 5 5 O C E A N D R I V E , V E R O B E A C H F L 3 2 9 6 3 / / 772 - 2 3 1 - 9 9 3 8 / / D a l e y A n d C o m p a n y . c o m
DaleyRE_HB16.indd 1 HB2_NEW.indd 35 023-048 Welcome_2016
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Vero Beach H alfwayandbetween New York Your I-95 Oasis
Latta, South Carolina Toll Free: 888-752-5090 • www.abingdonmanor.com
Abington_Manor_HB16.indd 1
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Celebrating life’s occasions ~ make them memorable make them noteworthy CRANE & CO.
In the Village Shops Noteworthy_HB16.indd 1
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6100 N A1A .
Vero Beach
Mon-Sat 10 to 5 10/7/15 9:50 AM
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Dale So
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Flight Safety planes await their student pilots at the Vero Beach Airport.
tional airlines. The airport is 109 miles north of Vero
Vero Beach is off the beaten I-95 path, the most
Beach, on Semoran Drive off the Beeline Expressway
direct way from Point A (South Florida) to Point B
(County Road 528). The airport is 8 miles east of the
(Indian River County). Take exit 147 (State Road 60)
city “Mickey” made famous. Long and short-term
heading east. Before long you’ll find yourself in the
parking are available, as well as off-site parking lo-
heart of Vero Beach. If anyone tells you to take U.S.
cations with shuttle service. MCO is busy ‘round the
1, which runs north and south through town, ignore
clock, so be prepared. Shortcut tip: if you’re driving
them. Too many stoplights, too much traffic, too
north on I-95, consider taking State Road 520 west,
much of a hassle. You’ll be tearing your hair out by
which links up with the Beeline closer to the airport.
the time you reach the Welcome to Vero Beach sign.
By Air
Then there’s Palm Beach International Airport (PBIA), 80 miles south of Vero Beach off the I-95 Belvedere Road exit. Getting to PBIA is a piece of
Hop on board a commercial flight from Melbourne
cake. Long and short-term parking is available;
International Airport (MLB). Only 39 miles north
ditto rental cars, shuttle buses, taxis and ground
of Vero Beach, parking is accessible and affordable,
security staff professional and helpful, and tasty
If private and jet charter services are what you’re
short-order fare is served up with a smile. The draw-
looking for, our very own Vero Beach Municipal
back: a limited number of carriers offer fewer flight
Airport (VRB) on Airport Drive is the place to go.
and schedule options.
A bonus: Elite Airways has have twice-weekly non-
Options abound at Orlando International Airport (MCO), the hub of many domestic and interna-
023-048 Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 38
stop flights to Newark Liberty International Airport through April 2016.
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Vero Beach
Skydive at Sebastian Airport.
There’s so much to see and do in Vero Beach and Indian River County, yet for some, the longer they live here, the less they seem to see and appreciate the riches that surround them. But once they leave, they begin to realize what they miss and what they took for granted. With that in mind, why not set aside two days to rediscover some of the joys that brought you to Vero Beach? You’ll be glad you did.
Go kayaking, paddleboarding or canoeing.
. Tickle your toes in the beach sand
Rise and shine. Sun’s up,
a bit bold? Try sky diving and
clear of suspicious looking objects
there’s a sweetness in the air, and
enjoy a bird’s eye view of waves
the beach beckons. Once there,
kissing the sand below.
baring scary looking teeth.
tickle your toes in the sand
If that’s not your style, rent
Here’s another thought. Hop on
while staying clear of a family
a kayak or canoe and explore
a bicycle and head for one of the
of tiny terns skittering about in
the St. Sebastian River. As one of
many well-marked cycling trails.
search of breakfast. While you’re at
Florida’s last remaining natural
Vero Beach is known as a bike
it, you just might spy a shimmer-
waterways, you’ll be greeted by
friendly town, so get out there
ing shard of sea glass to add to
a variety of wildlife, including
and peddle away. Check bikevero
your collection.
otters, wading birds and mana-
on the Web for a map of more
tees. Just make sure to paddle
than 450 bike byways.
Feeling more adventurous and
023-048 Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 40
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Walk across a bridge at McKee Botanical Garden.
Check out 3-D art at a local gallery.
See a play.
Pay a visit to McKee Botanical
know it’s a good day to dig out
artists. You’ll not only see some
Garden. Thanks to community sup-
your red and yellow kite with the
amazing two and three-dimen-
port, the horticultural and historical
multi-colored tail and head over to
sional art pieces, you just might be
garden has been lovingly restored
Jaycee Park where you can watch
tempted to bring one home. If it’s
to its natural beauty as envisioned
it dance and soar. If you’re really
the first Friday of the month, put
by founders Waldo Sexton and
feeling spunky, how about showing
the Gallery Stroll on your calendar.
Arthur G. McKee 88 years ago. In
off some of those fancy loops you
addition to the sights, sounds and
learned as kid? Or maybe not.
sense of history, the garden hosts
Check out some of the art
Make sure to buy a ticket to one of Riverside Theatre’s performances and be prepared to ap-
educational programs, events and
galleries in the historic downtown
plaud like crazy. The talented cast
special exhibits.
business district, and strike up a
will have you on your feet clapping
conversation with one of the local
and cheering. Broadway, watch out!
Fly a kite. If the surf’s up, you
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11/24/15 3:47 PM
Area. Visit Oslo Riverfront Conservation
Look at gold at a treasure museum.
Take a stroll along the historic Jungle Trail..
TWO To see how Florida looked
um is a favorite place for visitors.
The peaceful surroundings will
before it was settled, take a stroll
This is where the story of the 1715
take you back to a time when life
through the Oslo Riverfront
Spanish Treasure Fleet, swallowed
seemed so much simpler and you
Conservation Area. It’s a great
by the sea during a hurricane, is
can never tell what kind of interest-
place to explore trails that seem to
told through exhibits, video presen-
ing wildlife and bird life you’ll find.
vanish in thick undergrowth and
tations and a panorama showing
check out the enormous ferns and
the survivors’ and salvagers’ camp.
Jaycee Park or settle in a board-
Walk along the Historic Jungle
walk pavilion and enjoy a view of
small native orchids. Keep an eye out for the elusive land crabs. The McLarty Treasure Muse-
023-048 Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 42
Amble down the boardwalk at
Trail, the dirt road early settlers
the sea and sky. For those in the
carved out of what was a jungle.
know, it’s not just about the dis-
11/24/15 3:47 PM
Do some shopping on Indian River Boulevard.
Take a tour in the Vero Beach Museum of Art sculpture garden.
Visit the Vero Beach Magazine Loft in the Village Shops to read about Florida’s past and keep up with the present with current periodicals.
tance or the water view, it’s about
Drive a shopping whirl, too, while
to promote literacy and the love of
the smiles and friendly waves you
you’re at it. You will find everything
reading. Or if you’re more interest-
get and give along the way.
from bathing suits to art. Lots of
ed in Florida’s past, visit the reading
interesting finds along the beach.
room upstairs Loft.
It’s definitely time to slow the pace by doing a little shopping.
If you’re all about reading, check
There’s still time left in the day
Try the Village Shops, where cob-
out Vero Beach Magazine’s Little
to make it over to the Vero Beach
blestone walkways lead to specialty
Free Library in the Village Shops. It’s
Museum of Art where gallery
shops that feature men’s and wom-
a free book exchange so you take-
exhibitions run the gamut from
en’s apparel, accessories, gifts and
a-book and leave-a-book when
traditional to modern, thought-
art. You might want to give Ocean
you can. It’s also a wonderful way
provoking to humorous.
023-048 Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 43
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10:50 AM
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Shoot Me Best Now, The Places To Take A Selfie Instead of sending a Hallmark card every Christmas, take a picture of yourself at one of these landmarks in Vero Beach. If you’re feeling daring, pop a Santa hat on your head and put a smile on your face. The suggestions below give you a snapshot of what Vero Beach is all about.
Snap a turtle.
Hug a turtle! It’s easy to spot the 30-plus colorful turtle sculptures brightening corners, storefronts and businesses throughout Vero Beach. The colorful hand-painted creations were auctioned off several years ago. The theme, “Overcoming Hurdles With Turtles,” resonated with the community, raising $500,000 for mental health awareness and programs. The turtles are all over town, so check the Environmental Learning Center, the Heritage Center, McKee Botanical Garden, Riverside Children’s Theatre or Riverside Park in Sebastian.
Take a photo with a judge. Pony up with Patriot.
You be the judge. Get up close and personal with the bronze sculpture “Trial Scene” to the right of the walkway leading to the Vero Beach Museum of Art. Created by Tom Otterness, the scene pits the accused against a railing prosecutor, while jury members look on, pondering a verdict. Inspired by the O. J. Simpson trail, we already have an idea how things will turn out.
Grin alongside Goofy during one of Disney’s Vero Beach Resort Character Breakfasts, served up every Saturday. There’s no age limit and no end to the fun you’ll have in the company of Mickey and Donald’s clumsy but lovable best friend.
023-048 Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 46
11/24/15 3:48 PM
Ocean D
3225 Ocean Drive, Vero Beach (772) 234-1225
Discover Something Beautiful At Ocean Drive Jewelers Ocean Drive Jewelers presents a distinct boulder opal pendant designed and handcrafted by master jeweler Taso. Every opal is “one of a kind� due to the phenomenon called play-of-colors, a color change noted in the stone as it is rotated and tilted. Taso has been in the jewelry industry for over five decades, designing unique pieces for exclusive clientele from all over the world. He specializes in redesigning aged pieces into new works of art.
Ocean Drive Jewelers_HB16.indd 1 023-048 Welcome_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 47
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Swim and boat at Sebastian Inlet.
Giddyap at Pocahontas Park where “Patriot,” the 9-foot fiberglass sculpture by Darold Fulton, has been
a permanent fixture since the 1960s. Occasional facelifts maintain his healthy glow. You may not be able to saddle up the big guy, but do your best to make it look like you’re trying!
Drive up to Sebastian Inlet State Park and take a stroll out on the pier where waves crash through the grates and fisherman dream of pulling in the “big one.” Snap a surfer catching a wave or the pelicans wheeling over inlet in search of fish.
Take a walk along the boardwalk at the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. See if you can catch a flock of ducks settling in one of the ponds or a kestrel lurking in a tree. You might spot and capture an osprey in flight if you’re good enough.
If you haven’t been to the new and improved Humiston Park playground yet, you should stop by, as photo ops abound. Sit and snap astride the playful Dolphin sculpture until a five-year taps you on the shoulder, demanding equal time.
Visit the Hall of Giants in McKee Botanical Garden. The exotic building, made of cypress and decorated with bells and stained glass, houses the world’s Visit the critters at Humiston Park.
largest table built from a single piece of mahogany that Mr. McKee supposedly found in a basement in New York. It’s a spectacular long shot.
Capture the sunset from the Merrill P. Barber Bridge.
Head over to Veteran’s Memorial Island Sanctuary in Riverside Park where the American flag flies high over the sign honoring America’s fallen heroes. Smile, salute and click the shutter! You might want to try a second shot there at night with the spotlights on the flag. Beautiful!
At sunset, say farewell to a photo-filled day while standing on the walkway beneath the Merrill P. Barber Bridge, camera or cell phone at the ready to capture the golden glow that spreads across the sky and river waters. Or climb to the top of the bridge and snap the Atlantic or the Indian River Lagoon. Both are breathtaking.
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AT HOME In Vero Beach You Belong Here The Basics Neighborhoods Educational Resources Medical Resources
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The Mediterranean-Revival architecture is indicative of the Royal Park neighborhood.
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You Belong Here! For those seeking a place in the sun and a simpler way of life, Vero Beach – consistently voted one of the best small towns in America – is the place to be. Travel agents tout the variety of lodging, dining, and shopping options. On paper the city looks like a dream destination. Wondering how those who live here view Vero Beach, several random strangers were interviewed and this is what they said.
Vero Beach is a dream destination.
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 52
11/24/15 4:22 PM
Like my daddy used to say,
“Land is the only thing that matters… because it’s the only thing that lasts.”
It’s no secret that real estate is still an outstanding investment – especially in a community like Vero Beach. Call Charlotte (not Scarlett) Terry Real Estate Group and let us meet all of your buying and selling real estate needs.
2911 Ocean Drive, Vero Beach, Florida 32963 Across from Humiston Park
fax: (772) 234-8620 h
Two of Vero Beach’s most trusted names in real estate Charlotte Terry Real Estate & Alex MacWilliam Real Estate
Charlotte Terry_HB16.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 53
10/22/15 11/24/15 12:33 4:22 PM
Joe S., a 40-something software specialist thought for a few minutes, then said, “I like the small town feel. There’s breathing space here. Vero’s not crazy-congested like Miami or Orlando, and I’ve lived in both places. There are no tall buildings crammed together. You can actually see the beach and ocean when you’re driving over the Barber Bridge.”
Stroll the beautiful beaches.
Cozy up to an oak tree.
Over the years, Dave R., a recently retired banker from Chicago, had visited friends living in Vero Beach and couldn’t wait to move here. When asked why, he said, “The weather, hands down. Chicago isn’t called the Windy City for nothing; and if you’d ever spent a winter up north, you’d know this place is paradise.”
Sarah D., a personal trainer, was next. “Ohmigosh, there are so many things I like about Vero, but I’d have to say the friendliness factor is it for me,” Sarah said. “Once you’ve lived here for awhile, it’s like ‘Cheers,’ where everyone knows your name.” When the barista greeted her by name, Sarah beamed.
Stop and smell the flowers.
Their responses confirmed what most of us already know. There’s no place quite like Vero Beach.
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PATTY KING RENNICK Bringing the most serious Buyers & Sellers together.
15 Royal Palm Pointe Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-5704 + 772-633-0501 pattyrennick@me.com Visit me at www.PattyRennick.com
Rennick_HB16.indd 1
Westmark_HB16.indd 1
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Tile Ma
What comes to mind when you consider tile? We think of timeless natural stone, marble, glass, hand crafted ceramics, porcelain and mosaics sourced from artisans and craftsmen across the U.S. and around the world. For your bath, kitchen, living room, bedroom, patio or pool – anywhere you envision a special look and feel. We offer you custom design and professional sales support and strive to deliver the best personal service. Whether your project is large or small, please come visit our showroom or call us for an appointment. – Diane Hess, Assoc. ASID 4001 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (772) 978-1212 www.tilemarketverobeach.com
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11/24/15 10/10/15 4:22 2:49 PM
Vero Beach Weather
Avg. Temperature .......................................... 61.6 62.7 67.2 71.3 75.8 Avg. Max. Temperature ................................. 72.5 73.5 77.5 81.5 85.2 Avg. Min. Temperature .................................. 50.7 51.9 56.9 61.0 66.2 Days with Max. Temp. of 90 F or Higher ..... 0.0
Days with Min. Temp. Below Freezing .........<0.5
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 58
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79.5 81.1 81.3 80.1 75.5 69.3 63.7 72.4
88.2 90.1 90.0 88.3 84.0 78.7 74.1 82.0
70.8 72.1 72.5 71.9 66.9 60.0 53.3 62.9 12.0
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Visit the Indian River County Administration complex to take care of business.
The Facts, Ma’am, Just the Facts: Indian River County, which is part of the 19th Judicial District of Florida, has a five-member Board of Commissioners and five Constitutional Officers (Tax Collector, Elections Supervisor, Property Appraiser, Sheriff and Clerk of the Circuit Court). All are elected positions. See www.ircgov.com. The City of Vero Beach is the county seat and operates under a council-manager form of government. The five-member City Council appoints the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk. Council members are elected. See www.covg.org.
So where do you go to take care of the small and not-so-small stuff?
but make sure you have your Florida license plates, vehicle registration and title in hand. For your information, the Tax Collector’s office also issues hunting and fishing licenses.
First of all, there’s the matter of your car. According
When it comes to automobile insurance, Florida is a
to state law, it needs to be registered and licensed
“no-fault” state. That means all licensed and registered
in the state of Florida, so make your way to the Tax
private passenger motor vehicles, as well as those
Collector’s office, located in building B of the County
belonging to non-residents who have been in the
Administration Complex at 1800 27th Street. That’s the
state for 90 days or more, must carry property damage
same place you go to get your Florida driver’s license,
liability and personal injury protection insurance.
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Norris_Dan_Downey_HB16.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 61
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The good news is that Florida has no inheritance, state or gift taxes, making the Sunshine State particularly attractive to retirees. There is, however, a 7 percent sales tax that excludes medicines, medical services and food. When it comes to real estate taxes, property owners are assessed ad valorem (based on value of the property) and non-ad valorem taxes by the county, city, school districts and special districts, so be sure to take advantage of the Homestead Exemption if you can. Currently up to $50,000, the exemption is available to permanent resident homeowners living on the property as of January 1 of the tax year. The exemptions are also available for veterans, disabled individuals, and widows. Every penny counts. If you’re a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age or over, and you’re wondering where you can register to vote, wonder no longer. There are a number of places in Vero Beach you can go to, including the Chamber of Commerce, the library and some banks. If in doubt, go to the main source: the Supervisor of Elections located at 4375 43rd Avenue; phone number 772-226-3440.
IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCY Police, Sheriff, Fire, Ambulance Poison Control Crisis Center
911 911 911
NT NON-EMERGENCY LAW ENFORCEME 772-569-6700 e Offic iff’s Sher nty Indian River Cou www.ircsheriff.org 772-978-4600 Vero Beach Police Department www.vbpd.org
UTILITIES Florida City Gas Florida Power & Light Vero Beach City Utilities Propane Gas: Amerigas
800-993-7546 800-226-3545 772-978-5100 772-567-4394
SANITATION 772-978-5300 Solid Waste . 772-562-6620 Republic/Treasure Coast Refuse Corp 772-569-1776 Waste Management
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 62
Downtown Vero Beach has Southern charm, great restaurants and elegant art galleries.
GOVERNMENT OFFICES City Halls 772-571-0116 Fellsmere 772-231-1771 Indian River Shores 772-581-2770 Orchid 772-589-5330 Sebastian 772-978-5151 Vero Beach Indian River County 772-567-8000 Administration Building 772-226-3485 Animal Control 772-770-5185 Courthouse 772-794-7400 Health Department 772-770-5060 Library, Main 772-567-8000 Property Appraiser 772-564-3000 School Board 772-226-1338 Tax Collector 772-562-6620 ices Serv blic Repu Sanitation and Federal Post Office, Main Social Security Administration Veterans’ Administration
772-567-5206 866-964-7414 772-226-1499
11/24/15 4:22 PM
Norris_NandC_HB16.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 63
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FACTS ABOUT THE TREASURE COAST & FLORIDA Known as the “Gateway to the Tropics,” Vero Beach is located in a climatic transition zone that offers an unusual mix of vegetation found in the coastal Carolinas – ancient oak trees and pine forests – blended with swaying palms and
The population of Vero Beach nearly doubles to 30,000 during the winter months.
colorful blooms typical of the tropics.
According to Alisson Clark in the May
In an effort to attract tourists, in 1922
10, 1999 Ocala Star-Banner, the name “Wabasso” is
the name of the town of Quay was changed to Winter
derived from the reverse spelling of Ossabaw Island,
Beach with the slogan “Where the Sunshine Spends
one of Georgia’s Sea Islands. Maybe. Or the town
could be named after a spider of the Wabasso genus.
Florida’s state tree is the sabal palm, the state flower is the orange blossom, the state bird is the mockingbird and the state reptile is the alligator. Of course!
The McLarty Treasure Museum on North A1A features the history of the 1715 Spanish treasure fleet. The fleet was returning to Spain from Havana when 11 of the 12 ships were lost in a hurricane on the evening of July 30 off the coast of Vero Beach.
The first newspaper in town was known as the Vero Press. It was established in 1919.
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 64
Busted! On October 21, 2013, when serving a warrant on a suspect in Vero Beach, Indian River County Sheriff’s deputies found an alligator living a life of luxury in a hot tub. He was dining on chicken, no less. Both owner and gator were bagged!
Riomar Country Club golf course opened for business in 1920. President-elect Harding played golf there in 1921. His score was not reported. Wonder if he made par.
Blue Cypress Lake is the largest lake in the Treasure Coast and Indian River County: over 6,500 acres in size, an average depth of 8 feet and a 21-mile shoreline surrounded by 29,000 acres of marshes, swamps and cypress forests. The lake’s name comes from the blue appearance of the cypress trees as the morning sun’s rays reflect off the water.
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 65 EleganceBySea_HB16.indd 1
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Sebastian Inlet was once known as AT HOME IN VERO BEACH
Gibson’s Cut in honor of David Gibson who dug a cut from the Indian River Lagoon to the Atlantic Ocean at Sebastian. Gibson’s Cut appeared on a U.S. National Geodetic Survey map in 1880.
The Merrill P. Barber Bridge, a concrete arch bridge, is 3,834 feet long with a main span of 100 feet. The vertical clearance is 65 feet.
Native Americans from a variety of tribes gathered together as one mixed tribe called the “Seminoles,” a corruption of “cimarŕon,” a Spanish word. The Seminoles were known locally for their intricate clothing and beadwork.
In June 2015, divers recovered more than 300 gold coins – nine of which are valued at more than $300,000 apiece – in shallow water off the coast of Vero Beach. That discovery has proven to be worth more than $4 million for the team that found them. In 1696 Jonathan Dickinson’s ship wrecked off Jupiter Inlet. As he fled north to his intended destination of Philadelphia, he wrote of a local tribe of Native Americans known as the Ais whose most powerful chief was located at Jece where Vero Beach is today.
Bernard Romans wrote one of the first descriptions of Vero Beach in his book A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida published in 1776.
Turning the tables! That perfectly designed eating machine – the invasive lionfish – is now being
Caliber_Homes_HB16_HV.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 66
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served as a delicacy in several of our local restaurants. There’s no minimum size limit, closed season or bag limit for recreational and commercial harvest of But watch out for their poisonous spines!
The Hibiscus Festival is a yearly celebration for the City of Vero Beach to increase awareness of the historic downtown sector, raise funds for Main Street Vero Beach that work toward the preservation
lionfish. No fishing license is required to catch them.
and growth of the area, and encourage community participation from residents, organizations and businesses.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s South Florida Ecological Services Field Office in Vero Beach is one of the most important in the nation as it coordinates the efforts of numerous federal, state and private partners to restore the Everglades and protects, conserves and enhances the natural flora and fauna of South Florida.
The Jungle Trail – a narrow, 7 ½ mile, unpaved road located between Old Winter Beach Road and A1A – is part of the Indian River Lagoon Scenic Highway System and on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. The road started as a means to transport citrus to packing houses on the mainland and became popular with tourists in the 1930s. Today it’s popular with locals and with tourists.
Let’s hear it for Fellsmere … and the ladies! Fellsmere was the birthplace for equal suffrage for women in Florida. There, women were granted the right to vote in municipal elections in February 1915. The first woman to cast a vote not only in Florida but south of the Mason-Dixon Line was Mrs. Zena M. Dreier. It was not until 1919 that a U.S. Constitutional amendment granted suffrage to women.
According to the United States Census Bureau, Vero Beach has a total area of 12.93 square miles; 1.85 square miles or 14.31 percent of it is water. The city is divided by the Indian River Lagoon into the mainland on one side and the oceanfront barrier island on the other.
Sothebys_Knight_bacon_HB16.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 67
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Rehmann HB16.indd 1
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The Grand Harbor Beach Club overlooks the Atlantic Ocean.
John’s Island residents enjoy a dip in the pool.
If you’re house hunting, you will be surprised and delighted to find so many residential neighborhoods within the larger Vero Beach community, all with a distinct “flavor” of their own. Private Residential Club Communities Tennis is alive and well at Grand Harbor Golf & Beach Club where top-level amateur tennis players compete during United States Tennis Association-sanctioned tournaments and charity fundraising exhibitions. Two championship golf courses attract residents who take to the fairways year round, and boaters find a safe haven at Grand Harbor’s deepwater marina. John’s Island, a river-to-ocean community in Indian River Shores, features three championship golf courses where the United States Golf Association held its 35th annual Mid-Amateur Tournament in October 2015.
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 70
“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.” – WILLIAM MORRIS
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 71 WindsorRE_VBHB16.indd 1
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Enjoy the view at Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club.
The Moorings off of AIA offers the Pete Dye-designed golf course.
The Moorings is tucked away on A1A.
Yet there’s more to “JI” than golf, including Har-Tru tennis courts, air-conditioned squash courts, and beachfront and golf clubhouses offering fine dining and social events that attract young and old alike. The member-owned Moorings Yacht & Country Club on south A1A purchased Hawk’s Nest Golf Club last fall, adding a second 18-hole course and clubhouse to the list of member-friendly features that includes Har-Tru tennis courts, a fitness center, health spa and pool in addition to a country club on the Indian River Lagoon offering fine dining along with fine views. Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club, an ocean-to-river
The Orchid Golf & Beach Club is described as an “intimate” club.
community on north A1A, is described as “an intimate, private club” with an Arnold Palmer-designed 18-hole championship golf course sure to challenge even the lowest handicap player. Other amenities include a
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 73 Reilly_Construction_HB16.indd 1
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Gather your clubs and head to Windsorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s championship links-style golf course.
The May Pops is held at Windsor each year.
tennis center featuring Har-Tru courts and a fitness center, and a Beach Club with terrace bar, lounge, dining room and popular oceanfront pool. For the horse enthusiast, Windsor, with its first-rate equestrian center and riding trails, is likely to be the community of choice. The New Urbanism architecture also appeals, as well as an 18-hole championship links-style golf course and clubhouse, fitness center, and The Gallery at Windsor, an independent art space within the upscale residential community.
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 75 Beachland_Homes_HB2016.indd 1
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Riomar’s grounds hearken back to Vero Beach’s beginnings.
In-Town Residential Neighborhoods The laid-back charm of Central Beach is what draws homeowners to the barrier island neighborhood, bordered by Iris Lane on the south and Live Oak Road on the north. Ocean Drive restaurants, boutiques, hotels and businesses are within walking distance. Riverside Park, with its tennis courts, a walking and jogging trail, boat ramp, Memorial Island, the Vero Beach Museum of Art and Riverside Theatre, is but a short
Central Beach has its own special charm.
skip and hop away. Riomar has been called the crown jewel of Vero Beach’s barrier island due in main part to the neighborhood’s historical significance. Golf enthusiast Winchester Finch discovered the barrier island location in 1919, invited
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Orchid_Island_Realty_HB162.indd 1
Leigh_HB16.indd 1
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The beach is only steps away at Castaway Cove.
Enjoy the beach at Sandpoint.
his Cleveland cohorts, and coined the name (translation: river to sea.) The Riomar Country Club, chartered six years later, became the social hub of a growing seasonal community. The first houses were built on sandy shell-packed roads close to the clubhouse. While a handful still stand, over the years structural renovations and paved roads have left their mark on the neighborhood. Even so, the communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intrinsic character remains; tradition is Riomarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s niche. South Beach ocean and riverside residential communities on A1A south of the Alma Lee Loy Bridge and north of Round Island, bear seafaring names the likes of Castaway Cove, Sandpoint and Oceanridge. Most are gated and deed restricted. More often than not new residents are greeted by friendly neighbors bearing gifts.
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AlexMacWilliam_KarenSmith_VBHB16.indd 1
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 79
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Take a leisurely ride through the Vero Beach Country Club.
The Vero Beach Country Club, McAnsh Park, and Royal Park Area neighborhoods on Vero Beachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mainland are close to churches, the public library, county administration building, courthouse, and best of all, a revitalized downtown arts and business district. Royal Park and McAnsh Park date back to the early 1920s, and many of the original homes representative of the architecture style of the era remain.
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 80
Many of McAnsh Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s homes date back to the 1920s.
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AlexMacWilliam_CherylGerstner_VBHB16.indd 1
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AlexMacWilliam_BillLynch_VBHB16.indd 1
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 81
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Estates, Farms, Ranches to the West AT HOME IN VERO BEACH
If it’s wide open spaces you’re looking for, Vero Beach has that, too. Just west of the city, two new subdivisions are just getting their start: The Farms and Hidden Hammock, both with five acre lots for sale. If that doesn’t suit your fancy, you can find much more extensive acreage where you can build the house of your dreams and have space for children and horses to roam as well as all the privacy you could ever want. Plus, you can build a barn big enough to house all your toys. Much of the landscape is old Florida, untamed and isolated. Wildlife and birds flourish. And if you really want to get into the spirit of old Florida, you might find a farm or a grove with the original homestead available. Nowhere else in the county will you find the sweeping views and great dome of sky.
Wildlife and birds – like this attentive egret – flourish just west of the city.
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Indian River County is famous for its citrus.
Sothebys_Jill_HB16.indd 1
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9/17/15 10:57 AM
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049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 84
Royal Park offers private docks and canals leading out to the Indian River Lagoon.
11/24/15 4:22 PM
hurricane protection from someone you’ve trusted for over 35 years.
• Colonial • Bahama • Accordion • Rolling Shutters Gates • Hurricane Panels • Retractable Awnings Owner Tom Pease with son, Tommy, in their manufacturing facility located on Commerce Avenue in Vero Beach.
Showroom & Factory • 1055 Commerce Avenue, Vero Beach • floridashutters.com Phone (772) 569-2200 • Toll Free (800) 741-2202
Florida Shutters HB16.indd 1
10/7/15 9:15 AM
Christine McLaughlin Broker/Owner
www.propertyinvero.com • 772.234.1688 3201 Cardinal Drive, #7 • Vero Beach, FL 32963 • shamrock19@earthlink.net Shamrock_HB16.indd 1
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 85
9/14/15 12:24 PM
11/24/15 4:22 PM
Vero Beach and Indian River County have been blessed with outstanding schools, both public and private. National achievement tests have proven that the quality of Indian River County’s public school system is above the national average. Kindergarten is required by the state of Florida and children must be 5 years old on September 1 to enroll. Many public elementary schools and three public high schools provide a broad spectrum of educational opportunities. Indian River County is also home to several charter and magnet schools and a center for exceptional education. Saint Edward’s School and Saint Helen Catholic School are two of the private schools in the county. Saint Edward’s offers programs from Pre-K to 12th grade; Saint Helen offers programs from kindergarten to 8th grade. At a college level, Indian River State College provides schooling for over 40,000 residents with an undergraduate enrollment of 17,806. Bachelors and two-year Associate degree programs, technical and vocational certifica-
Alternative Education Center 772-564-6240
Beachland Elementary 772-564-3300
Citrus Elementary 772-978-8350
Dodgertown Elementary 772-564-4100
Fellsmere Elementary 772-564-5970
Freshman Learning Center
tion programs, and adult education are all offered. The Richardson Center at
the Vero Beach campus is a full-service business operations center, offering
Gifford Middle
interactive meeting rooms that use state-of-the-art technology. Barry University, the Florida Institute of Technology, Florida Atlantic University and Rollins College/Brevard are also within commuting distance of Indian River County.
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 86
Glendale Elementary 772-978-8050
11/24/15 4:22 PM
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 87 Saint_Edwards_HB16.indd 1
11/24/15 4:22 AM PM 9/29/15 8:01
Highlands Elementary
Storm Grove Middle
Suncoast School
Treasure Coast Elementary
Willow School
Vero Beach Elementary
Oslo Middle
Vero Beach High School
Imagine Schools, South Vero
Pelican Island Elementary
Wabasso Exceptional
Indian River Charter High School
Rosewood Magnet Elementary
North County Charter School
Sebastian Elementary
Master’s Academy
Saint Peter’s Academy
Sebastian River High
Saint Edward’s School
Sebastian Charter Junior High School
Liberty Magnet Elementary 772-564-5300
Osceola Magnet Elementary 772-564-5821 772-564-3980
Sebastian River Middle 772-564-5111
772-564-5400 772-978-8000
772-778-0892 772-770-0758
Saint Helen Catholic School 772-567-5457
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 88
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Sassy_HB16.indd 1
9/17/15 10:43 AM
There’s no Place Like Vero Relaxed, understated and diverse … you’ll never run out of things to do in this Philanthropic Seaside Community of Vero Beach! Enjoy all we have to offer! Riverside Theatre, Vero Beach Museum of Art, McKee Gardens, Ballet, Lecture Series, Plentiful Beaches, Exceptional Restaurants, Sports Haven, Shopping…and more!
Peggy Hewett, REALTOR® 772-321-4282 phewett@norrisandcompany.com
Multi Million Dollar Producer | Professional | Personable | Knowledgeable | Experienced Norris_Peggy H _HB16.indd 1
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 89
9/30/15 7:15 AM
11/24/15 4:22 PM
Indian River Medical Center
MEDICAL RESOURCES There are plenty of options in Vero Beach to keep you fit and healthy, including two hospitals, a Dukeaffiliated heart center and other state-of-theart, comprehensive care solutions.
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 90
Indian River Medical Center 1000 36th St. 772-567-4311 www.irmc.cc See ad on page 143
Sebastian River Medical Center
13695 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-589-3186 www.sebastianrivermedical.com
11/24/15 4:22 PM
049-096 Regency_VBHB16.indd At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 1 91
11/24/15 9/29/15 4:22 4:33 PM
URGENT CARE & WALK-IN CLINICS CareSpot Express Healthcare
Indian River Walk-In Care
East Side Urgent Care
Indian River Walk-In Clinic
1820 58th Ave., #110 772-202-5795 www.carespot.com
960 37th Pl., Ste. 102 772-770-6225 www.verobeacheastside urgentcare.com
First Help Urgent Care Clinic 777 37th St. 772-770-4690 www.verocare.com
049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 92
1880 37th St. 772-778-1400
652 21st St., (Miracle Mile) 772-299-1092 www.irwic.com
IRMC Urgent Care - Pointe West 1960 Pointe West Dr. 772-226-4250 www.irmc.cc
IRMC Urgent Care â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sebastian
801 Wellness Way, Sebastian 772-226-4200 www.irmc.cc
Treasure Coast Community Health 772-257-8224 1555 U.S. Hwy. 1 www.techinc.com
Urgent Care West 2050 40th Ave., #6 772-564-0175 www.urgentcare west.com
11/24/15 4:22 PM
Adam Jones DMD MS Giuliana Diaz Jones DMD Cosmetic Dentistry I Dental Implants I General Dentsitry I Teeth in a Day
Vero’s Premier Dentists • Doctor of Dental Medicine • Masters of Science in Prosthodontics • Speciality Certificate in Prosthodontics • Speciality Certificate in Dental Implants
5070 Florida A1A Suite E, Vero Beach, FL 32963
(772) 234-5353
www.veroimplantdentistry.com VeroImplant_HB16.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 93
10/7/15 10:35 AM 11/24/15 4:22 PM
IRMC_HB16.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 94
9/17/15 11/24/15 10:23 4:22 AM PM
Give Yourself The Gift Of A Lift SPECIALTIES INCLUDE: • Minimal incision lifts for the face, body, neck & brow • Breast augmentations, reductions, post-cancer reconstructions & lifts
Ralph M. Rosato MD, FACS
• Chemical peels, Botox, Obagi Medical Products, Laser Surgery • Tummy tucks and liposculpture • Skin cancer treatments
The Rosato Plastic Surgery Center 3790 7th Terrace, Suite 101, Vero Beach, Florida
(772) 562-5859 www.rosatoplasticsurgery.com
10:23 AM
Rosato_HB.indd 1 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 95
10/7/15 11/24/15 10:05 4:22 AM PM
D E R M A T O L O G Y Specializing in the Detection and Treatment of Skin Cancer, Cosmetic, Surgical & General Dermatology COSMETIC ) Botox ) Juvederm ) Restylane ) Sclerotherapy ) Peels ) Skin Care ) Facial Rejuvenation LASER - IPL ) Skin Rejuvenation ) Hair Removal ) Age Spots ) Facial Veins
GENERAL ) Eczema ) Acne ) Rosacea ) Problems of the skin, hair and nails SURGICAL ) Skin Cancer
American Academy Of Dermatology American Society Of Dermatologic Surgery American Society Of Cosmetic Surgery
Board Certified
787 37th Street, E-250 Vero Beach, FL 049-096 At Home_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 96 Dr. LarryLandsman_HB.indd 1
Call for an appointment
11/24/15 4:22 AM PM 9/29/15 7:03
A Place To
EXPLORE Things to Do & See Kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Top 12 History Museums Science and Nature
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11/24/15 5:28 PM
Stroll through McKee Botanical Gardenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tranquil grounds.
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11/24/15 5:28 PM
Things To Do & See Did you know that Vero Beach used to be called “Zero Vero?” The folks who say that should really get out more. There are so many things to do, places to visit, experiences to enjoy, both in town and within an easy drive. No matter how long you live here, you’ll find something to explore.
Brave an airboat ride with your (daring) family.
hy not give line dancing a shot? The Vero Beach Community Center is
the place to be on Wednesdays when Mary and Joe crank up “Achy-Breaky” country music and get the ball chain and side steps going. It’s a workout. Or feed a giraffe at the Brevard Zoo. Eyeball a gator at the Indian River County Wetlands preserve. How about taking a dive at the North County Aquatic Center? If you’re looking for a different kind of adventure, spend a weekend at Westgate River Ranch, a dude ranch in the center of the state, offering hayrides and campfires and S’mores. Remember those? Or grab a ride on an airboat and zip across Blue Cypress Lake, the largest lake on the Treasure Coast and in Indian River County. We could go on and on, but this isn’t about us, it’s about you; so you need to decide where to go and what do. Here are some suggestions; and if you happen to hear someone call Vero “Zero,” be sure to set them straight.
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 100
Go exploring the old-fashioned way.
11/24/15 5:28 PM
Across from Vero Beach Hotel & Spa
(772) 231-9889
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 101 CooperCo_HB16.indd 1
11/24/15 11:23 5:28 AM PM 10/7/15
View a sculpture at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.
Feed a giraffe at the Brevard Zoo.
Look an alligator in the eye â&#x20AC;&#x201C; at your own risk, of course.
O Take in a baseball game at Dodgertown.
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 102
11/24/15 5:28 PM
An ever-changing array of unique beach inspired products, custom made pillows, personalized cutting boards, picture frames and apparel, client gifts and much, much more...
Order online and pick up at our Vero Beach fulfillment location! w ww.b e a c h s i d el i n en s . c o m 097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 103 Beachside Linens VBHB16.indd 1
11/24/15 5:28 AM PM 10/7/15 8:41
North County Aquatic Center offers fun for all ages.
KIDS’ TOP 12 Andretti Thrill Park The park offers go-karts, 18-hole miniature golf, Andretti Edge race track, batting cages, laser tag, indoor ropes course, kiddie rides, playground, Wave Rave paddle boats, train rides and an arcade. 3960 S. Babcock St., Melbourne
Disney ’s Vero Beach Resort Character Breakfast Goofy and Donald greet families
and sign autographs at a beach-
front breakfast in the Shutters
Restaurant on Saturday mornings. Gift shop. 9250 A1A 772-234-2000
321-956-6706 www.andrettithrillpark.com
City Of Sebastian Skate Park A 7,700-square-foot street course skating area is open to the public for skateboards, in-
Fun City
This play and party center is filled with inflatables and arcade games for all ages. 1375 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-770-0707 www.funcityfl.com
line and quad skates. A signed,
athletes and team training. 3901 26th St. 866-656-4900 www.historicdodgertown.com
Indian River County Main Library The library and its branches provide programs and services for all ages as well as a Gift Shop staffed by enthusiastic volunteers. 1600 21st St. 772-770-5060 www.irclibrary.org.
North County Aquatic Center This family-oriented public facility has an extensive water play area, competition pool with 24 lanes and diving well.
notarized or verified waiver
Historic Dodgertown
must be on file.
Dodgertown was the site of
1121 Barber St.,
the Dodgers’ Spring Training Camp
for more than 60 years. Today, the
80-acre sports and conference
center offers full amenities for
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 104
9450 County Rd. 512,
11/24/15 5:28 PM
All Thru
Fine Gifts & Home Decor
Serving Vero Beach for Over 35 Years!
All Thru The House_HB16.indd 1 097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 105
11/17/15 11/24/15 9:16 5:28 AM PM
The Royal Palm Pointe Fountains offer a way to cool off on a summer day.
Humiston Park has playgrounds for fun and covered pavilions for picnics.
Royal Palm Pointe Fountains The interactive fountain at the end of Royal Palm Pointe for kids of all ages offers scenic river views, picnic tables and fishing dock. 2 Royal Palm Pte. 772-567-2144
Skate Factory
The family skating rink has
skating, classes, video arcade
and team spor ts including
speed skating and roller
hockey. Available for private party rental. 485 27th Ave. S.W. 772-794-3373 www.skatefactor y.us
Pinz Sports Grill. 929 14th Ln. 772-299-7467 www.verobowl.com
Westgate River Ranch The 1,700-acre dude ranch has western-themed accommodations, horseback riding, nature hikes, fishing, swimming, airboat
Safari Mini-Golf & Games
Vero Bowl
skeet shooting, hayrides, cook-
Family entertainment with 36
This is not your fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bowling
outs, a petting farm, a rodeo and
holes of mini-golf, a baseball
alley! Over 30 futuristic glow-
line dancing at the River Ranch
batting cage, an arcade and
in-the-dark bowling lanes provide
food is provided.
the latest technology, including
3200 River Ranch Blvd.,
455 9th St. S.W.
38 high-definition televisions,
River Ranch
billiards, and lane-side food and
beverage service from King
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 106
and swamp buggy rides, trap and
11/24/15 5:29 PM
Lily Pad
Featuring girls and boys clothing and accessories for babies, children and tweens 3121 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL32963 (772) 231-7405
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 107 Lily Pad_HB16_fixed.indd 1
11/24/15 11/15/15 5:29 3:52 PM PM
Go back in time at the Indian River County Historical Society housed in the original Vero Beach Train Station.
HISTORY MUSEUMS Hallstrom Farmstead
world â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Indian River grapefruit.
An historic home built by
Gift shop.
Axel Hallstrom, a Swedish
2140 14th Ave.
horticulturist who emigrated
to the United States in 1898.
Open by appointment.
Laura (Riding) Jackson House Home of the poet Laura (Riding) Jackson, the house is the symbol of a way of life that was more environmentally sensitive.
Indian River County Historical Society
Located in the original Vero Beach
through May.
railroad station, the society offers
Environmental Learning Center
1723 S.W. Old Dixie Hwy.
Indian River Citrus Museum
displays of county memorabilia, historic artifacts and a miniature
The museum showcases the
areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grove culture, artifacts,
2336 14th Ave.
photographs and memorabilia of
the pioneers who established the
The historic house is open for tours on Saturdays, October
255 Live Oak Dr. www.lauraridingjackson.com
most popular citrus fruit in the
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 108
11/24/15 5:29 PM
Visit the birthplace of the Navy Frogman program.
McLarty Treasure Museum The museum is located on a National Historical Landmark site
1322 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-589-9875 www.melfisher.com
Sebastian Inlet Fishing Museum The museum, a part of Sebastian Inlet State Park, focuses on the
divers, displays of artifacts from the
National Navy UDT â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SEAL Museum
1715 shipwrecks and a film featur-
The birthplace of the Navy Frog-
Inlet Bridge, A1A
ing the story of the doomed ships.
man program includes the lifeboat
13180 N. A1A
used in a hijacking by Somalian
pirates in 2009, a steel I-beam sec-
tion from the World Trade Center
attack in 2001 and other displays.
and offers diaries of current treasure
Mel Fisher Treasure Museum
local fishing industry. South side of the Sebastian
3300 N. A1A, Ft. Pierce 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com
The legacy of treasure hunter Mel Fisher is displayed.
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SCIENCE & NATURE Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge The refuge has exhibits of sea turtles and the barrier island, environmental education programs, orientation movies and a 3/4-mile foot trail and lagoon kayak launch along with a number of walking trails. 8385 S. A1A, Melbourne Beach www.fws.gov/archiecarr
Brevard Zoo The community zoo features animals from Florida and around the world, with demonstration feeding of alligators and Scientists monitor the environment to ensure its health.
crocodiles, river otter interaction, train ride for young children, zip lines, paddle boats or kayaking for teens and older guests. Gift shop. 8225 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne www.brevardzoo.org
Go SCUBA diving and mingle with the turtles.
Deep 6 Dive & Watersports SCUBA or free-dive with lessons provided by certified instructors. 416 Miracle Mile Plz. www.deepsixintl.com
Environmental Learning Center The 51-acre campus boasts natural surroundings; multiple species of birds, fish, crustaceans, mammals and indigenous plants; boardwalks, paths, indoor labs and the historic Laura (Riding) Jackson home. Special programs, classes and workshops offered. 255 Live Oak Dr. www.discoverelc.org
“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” –HENRY DAVID THOREAU
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Solid W
Solid Waste Disposal_HB16.indd 1 097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 111
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Spread across 4,700 acres, the eco-ranch and wildlife conservation area has a variety of safaris: horseback, coach, zip line and canopy cycle; also restaurant, cabins, special event facilities, camps and gift shop. 4755 N. Kenansville Rd., St. Cloud www.foreverflorida.com
Fort Drum Crystal Mine Search for fossils and minerals, including ancient calcified marine clam shells with large amber crystals featured at the mine. Gift shop. 28320 N.E. 55th Ave., Okeechobee www.thefortdrumcrystalmine.com
Harbor Branch Ocean Discovery Center
Brave the zip line at Forever Florida.
Located at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, the interactive exhibits and theatre showcase marine, environmental and research efforts. Gift shop.
Admire the herons at the Indian River County Wetlands.
5600 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Ft. Pierce www.fau.edu/hbo
Indian River County Wetlands The preserve is home to alligators, otters, turtles, and during the migratory bird season, roseate spoonbills, egrets, herons, sand hill cranes and many other species of migratory birds. West Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 90th Ave. at 8th St.
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 112
11/24/15 5:29 PM
Kennedy Space Center NASAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s launch headquarters features
exhibits and hands-on experiences, in-
Tour the launch area at Kennedy Space Center.
cluding guided tours of the launch area and facility and IMAX movies, veteran astronauts, training in spaceflight simulators and the Apollo/Saturn V Center. Gift shop. SR 405, Orsino www.kennedyspacecenter.com
Laporte Farms The five-acre farm hosts several events throughout the year and is home to a variety of animals, including a zebra, a goat, chickens, ducks, parrots, a donkey, a ram and more; available for parties and groups or individual visits by appointment. 7700 129th St., Sebastian www.laportefarms.com
Manatee Observation Center A waterfront wildlife observation center presents manatees as the main attrac-
The manatee has been fascinating us for centuries.
tion, along with hands-on exhibits. 480 N. Indian River Dr., Ft. Pierce www.manateecenter.com
McKee Botanical Garden The 18-acre subtropical hammock is home to a diverse collection of plants and restored architectural treasures, trails surrounded with native vegetation, ornamental plants, water lilies and orchids, ponds and streams. Restaurant and gift shop. 350 U.S. Hwy. 1 www.mckeegarden.org Loreicae sit quia con parum lati cusam, conserferio mo occupta duntia num fugitem
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 113
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Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area The conservation area has 298 acres of undeveloped mature coastal hammock with live oaks over 100 years old, scrubby flatwoods and estuarine wetlands with boardwalks, observation tower, trails, canoe launch, parking area and public facilities. Oslo Road (9th Street S.E.), east of U.S. Hwy. 1 www.ircgov.com
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge The refuge has over five miles of foot trails, a boardwalk and observation tower for viewing wildlife. Accessible from the north end of the Jungle Trail. (3.7 miles north of CR 510) 4055 Wildlife Way www.fws.gov/pelicanisland
Follow the historic Jungle Trail to visit Pelican Island.
Piper Aircraft Tours of the manufacturing facility are offered by appointment. 2926 Piper Dr. www.piper.com
Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary The sanctuary, adjacent to Riverside Park, honors the memory of area men and women who died while defending our country. Adjacent to Riverside Park 3001 Riverside Park Dr. 772-567-2144
Take a tour of Piper Aircraft and see how planes are made.
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11/24/15 5:29 PM
ting 10 Yea rs lebra e C
Vero’ s Lifestyle Store
Home Décor D Furniture Decorative Accessories Lighting D Table Top Gifts D Apparel Jewelry D Shoes Handbags D Apothecary 1882 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY 772.770.642 D 2900 OCEAN DRIVE 772.231.2901 LOGGIAHOMEANDGARDEN.COM
Loggia_HB16.indd 1
New_Vision_HB16.indd 1
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 115
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9/29/15 7:17 AM
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Crockett_Bus_Matters_HB16.indd 1 097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 116
10/7/15 11/24/15 10:19 5:29 AM PM
Our Boa
10:19 AM
Our BoatExplore_2016 House_HB16.indd 1 097-120 HB2_NEW.indd 117
9/30/15 7:32 11/24/15 5:29 AM PM
The Joy of Chalk Paint® 25 years of Annie Sloan paint No sanding, priming, stripping
Take a painting class!
Full & half-day classes every week Located at House of Charm Antiques, Vero Beach’s direct French importer 4400 US Highway 1 Next to Central Window on Design Row Vero Beach, FL 32967 (772) 770-0703 www.houseofcharmantiques.com House of Charm_HB16.indd 1
10/7/15 9:22 AM
Windows | Doors | Glass | Screens
Family Owned & Operated ~ 2nd Generation 4388 U.S. Highway 1, Vero Beach, FL 32967 phone 772-562-8161 | centralwindow.com
Central Window HB16.indd 1
097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 118
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097-120 Explore_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 120
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THE ARTS In Vero Beach The Cultural Arts Fine Art Theatre Dance Film Music Lectures
“Evening Silence,” by Ronald Tinney
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11/24/15 5:50 PM
Plein air painting is a popular pastime in Vero Beach.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 122
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121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 123
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Under the Oaks, sponsored by the Vero Beach Art Club, is one of the major art festivals in the Southeast.
The Cultural Arts Vero Beach is known as a vibrant cultural community where art, theatre, film, music and dance are celebrated in numerous ways and venues. What early patrons of the arts envisioned, funded and created has been expanded and enhanced, thanks to continued support by those who have followed.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 124
With four active orchestras, the Treasure Coast is a haven for music lovers.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.â&#x20AC;? - PABLO PICASSO
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JM_Stringer_HB16.indd 1 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 125
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Riverside Theatre presentations keep Vero Beach residents entertained year round.
“As practice makes perfect, I cannot but make progress; each drawing one makes, each study one paints, is a step forward.” –VINCENT VAN GOGH
We also have classical ballet to enrich our arts scene.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 126
11/24/15 5:51 PM
VBM_Exhibitions_HB16.indd 1 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 127
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VB_Museum_Programs_HB16.indd 1 128 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd
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8:30 AM
VB_Museum_Concerts_HB16.indd 1 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 129
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FINE ART Vero Beach Museum of Art What began as a community-based, nonprofit organization called the Alliance for the Arts, which
recognized accredited museum where thousands of people come annually to learn, create and enjoy. As Lucinda “Cindy” Gedeon, the museum’s director
became the Center for the Arts, then the Vero Beach
and CEO says, “You can have a vision and all the ideas
Museum of Art, has a rich history that gives testimo-
in the world, but if you don’t have the support you
ny to individuals, past and present, whose passion
don’t get very far. The museum has been allowed
for the arts and humanities has led to a nationally
to blossom because of the philanthropic nature of
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 130
11/24/15 5:51 PM
the people in Vero Beach.” Upcoming exhibitions include Oscar Bluemner: Selections from the Vera Bluemner Kouba Collection, January 16 through May 22; John Baeder’s American Roadside, January 21 through May 15; and Nature Illuminated: Landscapes and Still Lifes by Heade and his contemporar-
The Vero Beach Museum of Art is one of the premier regional art centers in the nation.
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” –ARISTOTLE
ies, February 6 through June 5.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 131
11/24/15 5:51 PM
“Three Dories,” by Michael Kahn at Admiralty Gallery
Vero Beach is blessed with an abundance of galleries that feature the work of painters, sculptors, photographers, print makers and jewelry designers. For an up-close look and chat with local and not-so-local artists, be sure to wend your way along 14th Avenue and the surrounding streets in Vero Beach’s Historic Downtown district during the First Friday Gallery Stroll. The monthly event is fun, festive and habit forming. There are so many galleries to explore and enjoy, so get started.
The Admiralty Gallery The gallery exhibits a unique blend of contemporary fine art in abstract, impressionistic and realistic styles by awardwinning local, national and international artists. Subject matter includes Vero Beach and other coastal landscapes, river and seascapes, figurative and marine paintings, color field works, glass and wood sculptures. 3315 Ocean Dr. www.admiraltygallery.com
An Image Evolution Signature Art Gallery of Vero The custom metal-print production facility features fine artists and photographers. 4344 N. U.S. Hwy. 1. www.animageevolution.com "No Friskies Tonight," by Sue Dinenno at the Artists Guild Gallery
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 132
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121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 133 WindsorGallery_VBHB16.indd 1
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Breezing American Pharoah,â&#x20AC;? by Lila Blakeslee at Gallery 14
Artists Guild Gallery
Indian River County Courthouse.
Morrell Polackwich, Dorothy Napp
The cooperative fine-art gallery
2041 14th Ave.
Schindel and Shelley Weltman.
of 18 member artists and
Ongoing represented artists are
numerous consignors features
Walford Campbell, Joan Earnhart,
every medium: sculpture,
Flametree Clay Art Gallery
pottery, jewelry, ceramics and
The gallery presents local ceramic
glass. Art classes, commissioned
artists and exhibits of fine ceramic
works and private showings
artwork from the functional to the
are also offered. Different guest
whimsical and conceptual.
artists are featured each month.
2041 14th Ave.
1974 14th Ave.
more than 12 rooms of art in
Terry Green, Emily Heinzel, Viola Pace Knudsen, Francis Mesaros and Carol Staub with monthly rotating guest artists. 1911 14th Ave. www.gallery14verobeach.com
The Gallery at Windsor The gallery is an independent
Gallery 14
art space within the Windsor
Gallery 14 features works in
community. In addition to being
oil, acrylic, watercolor, mixed
home to important works from
media, collage, sculpture, ceramic,
the George Weston Collection,
jewelry and photography by
the gallery invites curators to
Gallery 14 partners Edgardo
respond to the space with
The Cultural Council and the
Abello, Lila Blakeslee, Barbara
exhibitions of contemporary
Florida Arts Council present
du Pont, Mary Ann Hall, Barbara
painting, works on paper and pho-
Art in Public Places exhibits at the
Landry, Virginia Knapp, Deborah
tography. Past exhibits by leading
Cultural Council of Indian River County and the Florida Arts Council
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“August Morning,” by Mary Garrish at J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art
“Princess Parrotfish,” by Greg Hills at Greg Hills Photography and Gallery
contemporary artists include Peter Doig, Bruce Weber, Ed Ruscha, Christo & Jeanne Claude, Alex Katz and Tony Scherman. Through a partnership with the Whitechapel Gallery of London, The Gallery has exhibited works by Beatriz Milhazes, Gert and Uwe Tobias and, most recently, Jasper Johns. 3125 Windsor Blvd. 772-388-4071 www.windsorflorida.com/gallery
Greg Hills Photography and Gallery
786-212-7050 www.greghillsphoto.com
James R. Hahn Productions Works of James and Kay Hahn,
The gallery features a selection
J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art
of signed and numbered fine
The gallery offers worldwide
art prints on canvas, watercolor
prints and project examples.
collections of original paintings,
and metallic paper as well as
2020 Old Dixie Hwy. S.E., Ste. 11
objets d’art, sculptures and select
face-mounted acrylic prints.
antique furnishings.
Photography services are available.
3465 Ocean Dr.
1614 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 135
mural and trompe l’oeil specialists, are shown including originals,
11/24/15 5:51 PM
The Laughing Dog Gallery
Main Street Vero Beach Studios & Gallery
Meghan Candler Gallery
The gallery features a sophis-
The studios and gallery showcase
The gallery features a beautifully
ticated collection of works
the works of local artists Lisa Lugo,
curated collection of paintings
from over 350 contemporary
Barbara Sharp, Katherine Joline
by select local, national and
American craftsmen. The Trea-
Tucker and Sherry Wilson. Works
international artists. Over 40
sure Coast’s largest collection of
include hand-beaded necklac-
contemporary, emerging and
art glass, along with ceramics,
es, pottery and mural art with
established artists working in
sculpture, furniture and an
hand-painted gift items.
abstract, impressionist and
extensive collection of fine art
2036 14th Ave., Ste. 103
realistic styles are represented in
jewelry are represented in their
the friendly and sophisticated
friendly, 4000 sq. ft. showroom.
environment. New paintings from
The collection is also viewable
the studios of New York, California,
on the website.
Atlanta and Cape Cod artists are
2910 Cardinal Dr.
currently featured and are
viewable on the website.
6160 A1A in The Village Shops wwwmeghancandlergallery.com
“Quiet,” by Blalock at Meghan Candler Gallery
Gla bat ext vie
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 136
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McFarland 772-539-2925
CONSISTENT TOP PRODUCING AGENT gmcfarland@sorensenrealestate.com
Stunning Oceanfront Home in Seagrove
Glamorous home with all the finest features â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Brazilian cherry floors, four spacious bedrooms, four full baths and two half-baths, three fireplaces, library, gourmet kitchen appliances, extraordinary millwork, extra-large swimming pool with spa and much more to discover. Set on an estate-sized lot with wide ocean views from most rooms. Please call or email for information on this and other extraordinary Vero Beach homes.
Fitzgerald 917-744-7530
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DSRE_McFarland_HB16.indd 1 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 137
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Palm House Gallery & Studio The working gallery and studio is located in the heart of Ocean Drive shopping, featuring original oil paintings and artwork by award winning artists Wendy Douglas, Dede Gilbert, Stevee Greeff, Rick Kelly, Kathy “Kiki” Kemp, Madeline Long, Liz Mayo, Suzy Mellott, Emily Tremml, Janet Kipp Tribus and Lee Moore’s faith and family jewelry. The artists’ works include plein air paintings, Florida landscapes, marine and beach scenes, contemporary realism, portraiture
Clique Wall Tiles at the Laughing Dog Gallery
and narrative imagery. Commissions are accepted. Open by “appointment or chance” throughout the year. Located upstairs at 3227 A Ocean Dr. 772-231-6816 www.palmhousegallery.com
Sebastian River Art Club The club has over 150 members, offering art classes, lectures, demonstrations, open studios, mentorship, competitions and art shows. Six rooms of members’ works feature paintings, pottery and sculpture. 1245 Main St., Sebastian www.sebastianriverartclub.org
The Teaching Art Studio & Gallery The gallery is a working studio showcasing the works of artist
“Untitled,” by Suza Talbot at Sebastian River Art Club
and teacher Leigh Bennett. Art classes are also offered. 1981 14th Ave. www.leighbennett.com
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 138
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www.meghancandlergallery.com VILLAGE SHOPS • 6160 A1A • M-SAT 10-5 • 234-8811
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Tiger Lily Art Studios & Gallery The studios and gallery feature the works of Cristina Abizaid, Travis Blanton, Julia Carter, Shotsi Cain Lajoie, Sharon Sexton and Glenda Taylor, and include paintings, sculpture and ceramics. 1903 14th Ave. www.tigerlilyvero.com
Vero Beach Art Club The art club is an independent, nonprofit organization serving 450 members and the art community through education, exhibitions, social events and monthly meetings, with special programs and guest artists. 3001 Riverside Park Dr. www.verobeachartclub.org
Vero Beach Museum of Art The museum is the largest
“Wind Spirit,” by Cristina Abizaid at Tiger Lily Art Studios and Gallery
“New World Map”, by El Anatsui at Vero Beach Museum of Art
accredited art facility on Florida’s Treasure Coast. The museum presents changing exhibitions from lenders and its permanent collection of 929 objects of American and international art. It features sculpture parks, galleries, tours, art classes and public programs from lectures to film studies, as well as jazz events, an annual children’s art festival, KidZ ArtShops, Turtle Tours and museum store. Admission fees apply (free admission the last Saturday of each month). 3001 Riverside Park Dr. www.verobeachmuseum.org
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EDGARDO ABELLO LILA BLAKESLEE BARBARA DU PONT MARY ANN HALL VIRGINIA M. KNAPP BARBARA LANDRY DEBORAH MORRELL POLACKWICH DOROTHY NAPP SCHINDEL SHELLEY WELTMAN OUR HOURS ARE: Oct-May, Tues-Fri 11-6, Sat 11-5 June & July, Th/Fri 11-5, Sat 11-4 Closed August and September Always open for First Friday Gallery Strolls Open by appointment or by Chance 1911 14TH AVENUE, VERO BEACH FL 32960, 772.562.5525 WWW.GALLERY14VEROBEACH.COM Gallery14_HB16.indd 1
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Riverside Theatre & Children’s Theatre This is a town that loves its theatre. Ever since stage lights first shone on the Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s production of “Tom Jones” on November 7, 1973, the community has enthusiastically embraced theatrical efforts, so much so that today Riverside Theatre, affiliated with Actor’s Equity Association, the League of Resident Theatres, Stage Directors and Choreographers Society and United Scenic Artists, is widely recognized as a cultural treasure throughout the state and nationally. It’s no wonder. Thanks to talented actors, actresses, vocalists, and dancers, we can be alternately amused, saddened, enlightened – and always entertained! Most would agree that Artistic Director and CEO Allen Cornell is the one to thank for Riverside’s success, yet what many people don’t realize is that all of the sets, props, lights and costumes are designed and built on site under Allen’s direction. If you were at a performance of “Les Misėrables,” you heard the spontaneous applause when the curtain went up and the set came into view. “Creating theatre is all about deciding on the material, getting all of the elements together, then putting it out in front of the audience,” says Allen. “For me the whole thrill is starting each season with a blank slate. Like a ball player, every time you go to the plate it’s a new experience. It never gets old.”
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The Riverside Theatre and the Vero Beach Theatre Guild have been entertaining Vero Beach audiences for decades.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to.â&#x20AC;? - WILLEM DAFOE
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Riverside Theatre’s 2006 production of Sleuth starred Warren Kelley and J.C. Hoyt.
The 2016 season promis-
Pulitzer Prize for Drama, A Chorus
es even more, as Swinging
Line is on tap January 13 through
Hello Dolly! on tap March 8
on a Star runs from January
February 1 followed by Over the
through 27. One of Broadway’s
5 through 24. It’s a musical
River and Through the Woods
most enduring and delightful
journey that begins in a smoky
February 2 through 21.
musical comedies, the story is
Rounding the season out are
1920’s Speakeasy and ends in a
Vanya and Sonia and Masha
1950’s Manhattan supper club,
and Spike plays from February 16
by Thornton Wilder. Don’t miss
kicking off a sparkling Stark
through 18. This hilarious comedy
this revival.
stage schedule.
won the 2013 Tony Award for Best
Winner of nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and the
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 144
based on the “The Matchmaker”
In Freud’s Last Session March
Play and features a family reunion
22 through April 3, Freud invites
you won’t soon forget!
C. S. Lewis to his home on the day
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“The King and I” always enchants its audiences.
England enters World War II. The
February 19 through 21 and Teen
March 3 through 20. No need to
two enter into a witty, intel-
One Acts April 22 through 24.
tell you that story. It’s one you
lectual discussion touching on love, religion, politics and life. Closing the season is Sister
Vero Beach Theatre Guild The Vero Beach Theatre Guild
know and love. The season closes out with The Nerd May 12 through 22, one of
Act running from April 12
continues to come up with
the funniest Broadway plays ever
through May 1. This musical was
crowd-pleasing plays starting
written. The action centers on an
nominated for five Tony Awards
with Social Security, a hilarious
aspiring Indiana architect, Willum
and tells the story of disco diva
comedy about a married cou-
Cubbert, who wants to meet the
Deloris Van Cartier and the out-
ple – both art dealers – whose
hero who saved his life when he
rageous events that transpire
tranquility is shattered by the ar-
was wounded and unconscious in
after she witnesses a murder
rival of several of the wife’s family
Vietnam. Be careful what you wish
and hides in a convent. You take
members, showing from January 7
for Willum – because your hero is
it from there.
though 17.
Rick Steadman, The Nerd whom
The Riverside Children’s Theatre features Seven Supermans
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 146
That perennial favorite The King and I is stage front from
you might not get away from in this lifetime.
11/24/15 5:52 PM
DANCE If your two left feet kept you from You have the chance to become an instant fan of ballet in Vero Beach,
becoming a performer, fear not.
“Ballet Suite 12,” by Francis Sprout
which boasts two dance companies.
Vero Classical Ballet This year Vero Classical Ballet is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Barry and Amy Trammel are the directors. Barry has danced across the United States from Florida to Oregon and back working with great artists of the Russian tradition of classical ballet. Amy Trammel earned a coveted position in the Colorado Ballet. Be sure to catch Vero Classical Ballet’s Cinderella on June 18.
Ballet Vero Beach Relatively new to the community, the ballet has certainly made its mark. Thanks to professional dancer and choreographer, Adam Schnell, the resident dance company, formed three years ago, is here to stay. “Our mission is to promote the art of dance as a universal language,” says Adam. “You can go to any country in the world that has music and ballet and enjoy and appreciate what you’re experiencing.” Bravo! This year’s performances include the Pastoral Symphony January 22 through 23, featuring the main stage premiere of “Museum Pieces,” created for the 2014 collaborative performance between Ballet Vero Beach and the Vero Beach Museum of Art; Museum in Motion on February 10; and the Finch Concerto on April 8 and 9.
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Dancers execute an intricate move during a performance.
“Dancing with the feet is one thing; dancing with the heart is another.” –UNKNOWN 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 148
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Vero Beach audiences wait for the curtain to rise on films from the Met and the Bolshoi at the Majestic 11 and the film series at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.
FILM While you may not be able to fly away to New York, Boston or Washington to take in a live concert, opera or ballet performance, you can slip into a seat at the Vero Beach Museum of Art or Majestic 11 Theatre where the magic you might otherwise miss is captured on the big screen. Folks rave about the quality of live simulcasts shown at the local movie theatre where a partnership formed eight years ago between Vero Beach Opera and the Majestic has brought a new awareness of and appreciation for opera. Add to that the Bolshoi Ballet performances in high-definition and plays from Britain’s National Theatre, and you have a feast for the senses. Concert lovers, theater and ballet buffs already have dates marked on their calendars along with a note to be there early. And don’t forget the Vero Beach Museum of Art’s short film concert February 13. The Asbury Short Film Concert is an entertaining and enlightening mix of live action comedy, drama and outstanding animated short films honored with Academy Award nominations or “Best of Show” awards at U.S. film festivals and international festival honors. Not to be missed.
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The Bolshoi Ballet in High Definition
“The Taming of the Shrew”
scandalized the world. Two
Jan. 30
hundred years later, it is winning
Three of opera’s greatest dra-
the Olivier and Evening Standard
matic sopranos, take turns in the
awards for Best Play.
title role of the proud princess of ancient China as told by Puccini.
“As You Like It” Feb. 25
Jan. 24 & Jan. 27
“Manon Lescaut”
While many suitors, including
Mar. 5
the persistent Luciento, dream of
The opera was Puccini’s first hit,
marrying the lovely Bianca, her
a musically sumptuous work that
father will not let anyone marry
captures the irresistible allure
her until her elder sister, the
of a pair of ill-fated lovers: the
ill-tempered shrew Katharina, is
heroine Manon and the loyal Des
Film Studies program presents
herself married. You get the idea.
the finest in classic and contem-
“Madame Butterfly”
Mar. 13 & Mar. 16
Apr. 2
On: Films about Art in the Long
Spartacus, a Thracian king, is
The tragic love story of Lieu-
Run running from January 5
turned captive by Crassus with
tenant Pinkerton of the United
through February 2, 2016. The
his wife Phrygia. Forced to fight
States Navy and his geisha wife
second series presents Could’ve
as a gladiator and kill one of
Cio-Cio San (Madame Butterfly).
Wons: Films That Almost
his friends, Spartacus plots an
Enjoy Shakespeare’s glorious comedy of love and change.
Vero Beach Museum of Art
porary cinema. The first course for the 2016 season is Keeping
Snagged an Oscar from Feb-
unprecedented revenge. The plot
“Roberto Devereux”
Apr. 16
The season ends with Trends in
In Donizetti’s opera, Queen Eliza-
International Cinema: Partners
beth I is forced to sign the death
from March 15 through April 12.
“Don Quixote” Apr. 10 & Apr.13
warrant of the nobleman she
Cervantes’ eccentric hero Don
loves, Roberto Devereux.
Quixote leaves on a journey full of adventures with his squire
Sancho Panza in search of the
Apr. 30
perfect woman. Think tilting at
Soprano Nina Stemme por-
trays Elektra’s primal quest for
The Metropolitan Opera in High Definition
“Les Pêcheurs de Perles” Jan.16 Bizet’s gorgeous opera of lust
Majestic 11 by Cinemaworld
vengeance for the murder of her father, Agamemnon.
The National Theatre Live
“Les Liaisons Dangereuses” Jan. 28
and longing set in the Far East
In 1782, Choderlos de Laclos’
returns to the Met stage for the
novel of sex, intrigue and betray-
first time in 100 years.
al in pre-revolutionary France
ruary 9 through March 8, 2016.
“Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.” – INGMAR BERGMAN
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The May Pops is an annual musical fundraiser that you won’t want to miss.
MUSIC Music has been making Vero Beach go round since the first settlers arrived humming happily. It didn’t take long before banjo players, drummers, piano players and other instrumentalists got together and struck up the band. Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses took note, forming vocal groups that performed in churches and concert halls. It’s no secret that singing is good for the soul. According to researchers at Oxford University, it’s also good for making new friends. After studying a group of adults ages 18 to 83 who didn’t know each other before they started singing together, researchers came to the conclusion that singing can make us happier and more willing to bond with others. Whether you’re singing, playing an instrument, or are a member of the audience, music has a magical effect. Over the years the number of musical offerings in Vero Beach has increased. There are opera and orchestra performances along with choral concerts galore.
“The advice I am giving always to all my students is above all to study the music profoundly ... music is like the ocean, and the instruments are little or bigger islands, very beautiful for the flowers and trees.” –ANDRES SEGOVIA
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May Pops at Windsor
under the stars feature Don Sole-
sing along to familiar tunes. It’s a
dad, February 4, Ed Shanaphy
but one thing’s for sure, you
party that benefits the local com-
& Friends, March 17, and Dave
don’t want to miss May Pops!
munity through the initiatives of
Mundy and Soulfege, April 14.
This is the 27th year for what
the Indian River Medical Center
began with an outdoor concert
Foundation. See you there!
Vero Beach Opera
The Emerson Center
ues to dazzle as Metropolitan
So many choices, so little time,
at Riverside Park. Not only were the musical selections applauded when the orchestra began to play
The Emerson Center’s Masters
The Vero Beach Opera continOpera luminaries soprano
Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture”
of Music impressive schedule
Deborah Voigt, tenor Marcello
and fireworks lit the sky over the
includes Peter Yarrow of Peter,
Giordani, and basso Paul Plishka
Indian River Lagoon, those in
Paul, and Mary fame on January
light up the Vero Beach High
attendance stood and cheered.
13; The McCartney Years on Feb-
School Performing Arts Center.
ruary 11; and The Kingston Trio
Watch for Die Fledermaus Jan-
on March 4.
uary 10; the Opera Showcase,
The cheering has continued as May Pops, long considered a
February 6, featuring artists from
cherished tradition, is held the first Sunday afternoon in May on the polo grounds at Windsor. The Brevard Symphony Orchestra,
cert-goers who tap their toes and
Vero Beach Museum of Art Other musical performances of
the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia; and the World of Opera, March 13, which features
conducted by Christopher Con-
note: Warm Nights, Cool Music
Marcello Giordani Foundation
fessore, joined by guest soloists,
in the Park at the Vero Beach
International Vocal Competition
never fails to entertain con-
Museum of Art. Jazz concerts
Stay cool with “Warm Nights, Cool Music in the Park” at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.
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Orchestras and Chorales THE ARTS
Not only are we blessed with our own opera, we also have a
Schubert’s Symphony No. 9 on January 14. Taking center stage for the second concert are Rossini,
The Brevard Symphony Orchestra The Brevard Symphony
number of outstanding local
Ravel, Respighi and Hayden on
Orchestra starts off with a bang
orchestras and chorales that
February 10. The third concert
with Voyage to Jupiter on
features Mozart’s Symphony No.
January 23. On February 20, the
32, Beethoven’s Piano Concerto
orchestra segues into POPS! I
No. 4 in G and Shostakovich’s
Love a Piano. March 12 sees a
Symphony No. 9 and will be held
presentation of Scottish Spring,
on March 10. The season ends
and Mahler’s Symphony No. 5
with Eng’s Andante for Strings,
is presented April 9. The season
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 8,
closes out with Hugh Panaro in
and Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concer-
Concert on April 30. Concerts are
tra opens its season with the
to April 7. Concerts are held at
held at the King Center for the
Overture to Oberon, Shostakov-
Waxlax Center for the Performing
Performing Arts in Melbourne.
ich’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and
Arts at St. Edward’s School.
present internationally known performances. Sample the quality presentations from these excellent organizations.
The Atlantic Classical Orchestra The Atlantic Classical Orches-
“Music expresses that which cannot be said, and on which it is impossible to be silent.” - VICTOR HUGO
The Indian River Symphonic Association The Indian River Symphonic Association has been bringing quality symphonic music to Vero Beach since 1994. This
Take your pick among a number of outstanding orchestras and chorales.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 154
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season is no exception. Starting THE ARTS
off with the Polish Baltic
The Space Coast Symphony
ends with a pop salute to mothers with Mother’s Day Bouquet on May 7. Concerts are held at the
Philharmonic Orchestra, Jan-
The Space Coast Symphony
uary 22, the concerts continue
offers a variety of entertaining
Vero Beach High School Perform-
with the Buffalo Philharmonic
concerts starting with Tchaikovsky’s
ing Arts Center.
Orchestra February 9, the
Piano Concerto February 7. On
Brevard Symphony Orchestra
March 6, Duke Ellington’s Three
February 21, the Jerusalem
Black Kings pays tribute to Dr.
Symphony Orchestra February
Martin Luther King. On March 20,
The Treasure Coast Chorale The Treasure Coast Chorale
29, the Russian National Or-
Danny Elfman’s Serenada Schizo-
shares its love of choral music
chestra March 6, and end with
phrana, the world premiere of a
with the community. This year
the Brevard Symphony Orches-
new work by Aaron Collins, will be
the chorale is presenting Take
tra March 13. Concerts are held
presented. Bach’s Brandenburg
Me Home Country Roads II
at the Community Church.
No. 2 is offered April 16. The season
March 13 and Salute to America May 22. Concerts are held at the
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. -BOB MARLEY
Community Church.
Many local orchestras perform in Vero Beach.
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Signature Interiors_VBHB16.indd 1 121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 157
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A visiting lecturer speaks to a sold-out crowd.
LECTURES Vero Beach has long been the home of inquiring minds eager to explore new ideas and reasons why things are the way they are. It’s no wonder then that lecture series intended to inform and inspire have grown in both number and popularity. If you thought that last year’s line-up of notable names on speaker schedules at Riverside Theatre and the Emerson Center packed a punch, this season promises to be a knock-out winner.
Riverside Theatre The Distinguished Lecturer Series at Riverside Theatre features such notables as Dr. Eric J. Topol on January 25 discussing how mobile technology and cheaper gene sequencing are opening the door to a whole new kind of medical care from this es-
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 158
Colin Powell spoke at Riverside Theatre’s Distinguished Lecturer Series several years ago.
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teemed cardiologist and researcher. Ken Burns, one of the most recognizable documentary filmmakers of our THE ARTS
time, speaks on February 8. On February 22, Bret Stephens, Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist shares his perspective on politics and world events. The series ends March 14 with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The Emerson Center The Emerson Center’s 2016 Celebrated Speaker Series kicks off with Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her astronaut and U.S. Navy Captain husband Mark Kelly on January 16, recounting details of the road they have traveled since the attack on Gabby’s life. Next comes Marcia Coyle, February 6, chief Washington correspondent for the National Law Journal. You simply can’t miss – and laugh along with – Dave Barry, as with tongue in cheek, he describes the highs and lows of life in South Florida on February 27. The
Dave Barry will speak at the Emerson Center in February.
“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” - OSCAR WILDE
Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords are part of the Celebrated Speaker Series at the Emerson Center.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 160
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Roth 121-162 Interiors_HB16.indd The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 1 161
10/7/15 11/24/15 10:07 5:53 AM PM
Loreicae sit quia con parum lati cusam, conserferio mo
series closes out with Michael Tougias on March 19. Tougias is co-author of The Finest Hours which has been purchased by Disney for a film. If you’re itching to find out more about this state, The Emerson Center also hosts a free – Yes, FREE! You don’t hear that too often these days – Florida Human-
“For me, the worst part of playing golf, by far, has always been hitting the ball.” - DAVE BARRY
ities Series that features historians, journalists and songwriters who tell tales about the Sunshine State’s past. On January 21, Tom Berson, former journalist and
Michael Francis talks about “La Florida Before Jamestown: Europeans, Africans, and Indians in La
environmental history professor, describes the numer-
Florida, 1513-1607” on March 10. Jack Davis, Univer-
ous valuable natural springs in Florida that brought
sity of Florida environmental historian, discusses the
tourists here before Disney. On February 18 author
natural side of the human saga in Florida’s history, the
and environmentalist journalist Craig Pittman tells
early artists and writers who discovered a paradise
“How Florida Contracted Manatee Insanity.” Jacques
they feared would be significantly altered or com-
Cousteau and Jimmy Buffett play starring roles.
pletely lost. Catch him on April 14.
121-162 The Arts_2016 HB3_NEW.indd 162
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The Great
OUTDOORS Breathing Space Beaches and Parks On Land Hiking On the Water In the Air On Horseback
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 163
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Paddleboarding is a great way to spend time on the Indian River Lagoon.
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 164
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163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 165
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The majority of days in Vero Beach are filled with sunshine, perfect for spending hours on the beach.
Breathing Space
hen you’ve grown up in a place like Minnesota or along the Jersey shore or close to the dunes of Lake Michigan, living close to a body of water is usually a priority.
Discovering Vero Beach with its sandy beaches stretching for miles along the Atlantic Ocean and beauty of the Indian River Lagoon is
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” –VINCENT VAN GOGH
like finding the proverbial pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
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Rod_Mickley_HB16.indd 1
9/29/15 7:58 AM
Dedes HB16.indd 1
9/29/15 6:51 AM
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No matter when you move here, even in mid-January when admittedly it can get a bit chilly every now and then, unpacking can wait. THE GREAT OUTDOORS
Throw on a light-weight jacket or a sweater and head for the beach: check out the map on pages 172 and 173. Folks who visit arrive pale and stressed leave tan and relaxed, a baggie full of shells and sea glass in their carry-ons. Help your children and grandchildren collect “lucky” sea beans, that mysterious seed that has traveled thousands of miles over ocean currents before washing up on our beach. Most people haven’t been lucky enough to find a doubloon, a ring or pieces of eight during their beach walks, but there are those who do. Optimistic treasure seekers continue to search sea and shore for fortunes believed to be on board the 11 Spanish ships that went down during the 1715 hurricane. In 1994 an off-and-on treasure hunter, diving in eight feet of water near the Sebastian Inlet, discovered $1 million worth of jewels and gold coins from one of those sunken ships. Kind of gives you hope, doesn’t it?
The Sebastian Inlet is one of the waterways leading from the Indian River Lagoon to the Atlantic.
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 168
COOL BEANS Who doesn’t like treasure hunting on the beach? While bona fide gold and silver are usually hard to come by, sea beans in all colors, shapes and sizes – about 220 species of them, to be exact – wash up on Florida’s beaches. Edward L. Perry IV of the McLarty Treasure Museum defines sea beans as driftseeds, nuts and fruits that can “survive” ocean currents for a month or more. That means that a bean originating in Jamaica could coast to Florida, then up to New England and across the Atlantic Ocean. Once they’ve landed, some are even able to germinate! In Florida, sea beans are most plentiful following hurricane season in September and October. Search the wrack, or line of debris left by each tide on the beach, and you just might find a small fortune.
11/24/15 5:38 PM
VeroBeachRoofing_HB16.indd 1
10/7/15 10:33 AM
Owner of A Shade Better for 30 years 772.569.5522 â&#x20AC;˘ www.elmoreinteriors.com Jennifer Elmore_HB16.indd 1
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 169
9/30/15 6:59 AM
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Many people who visit our fair city forget that we live on the edge of the tropics. The winter sun, so anemic further north, is brilliant here. If you’re not careful, you’ll wind up with an uncomfortable pinkish hue. Think baked lobster!
To protect your skin, apply lots of sunscreen, wear a hat that covers your face and neck and seek shade occasionally.
2 3 4
Apply sunblock generously at least 20 minutes before you head outside, so it has time to sink in.
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and it refers to the “theoretical amount of time you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned.” An SPF of 15 would allow you to stay in the sun 15 times longer than you could without protection. A higher SPF blocks out more rays. So, a product with an SPF of 15 will filter out about 93 percent of UVB rays, while SPF 30 filters out about 97percent.
If you are taking antibiotics or products with ret retinol, your skin can become more sensitive to the effects of sunlight; so you need to be more vigilant with your sunscreen application.
A broad spectrum sunscreen should contain PABA derivatives, salicylates, and/or cinnamates for UVB absorption; benzophenones for short shorter-wavelength UVA protection; and avobenzone, ecamsule, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide for the remaining UVA spectrum.
Be thorough when applying sunscreen, especially those hard to reach places: the middle of the back, scalp, ears, tops of your feet and lips.
Reapply sunscreen every two to three hours depending on the amount of time you’ve been in the water.
The sun is the most radiant between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., but it’s also at its most dangerous. Just because you can’t see the sun doesn’t mean it’s not affecting you. You need protection even on a cloudy day in winter when you’re getting as much exposure to UVA rays as you would on a hot and sunny summer day.
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The power of 3 steps for more radiant skin.
Lena’s Salon of Vero
2907 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, Florida 32963 772-234-7577
LenasSalon_VBHandbk_HH.indd 1
10/7/15 9:28 AM
3403 Ocean Drive • 772.231.4300 From Beachland Blvd., turn left onto Ocean Drive • Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm MMaison_HB16.indd 1
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 171
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11/24/15 5:38 PM
This map shows all of the beaches and parks available to Indian River County residents and its many visitors. Enjoy yourself! Beach
Sebastian Inlet State Park
Roseland Community Center & Park RD Dale Wimbrow Park ND Donald LA E 1 S MacDonald RO Park
Boat Dock Boat Launch
Ambersand Beach Access
Dogs Allowed Equestrian Access Fishing
Treasure Shores Park
Lifeguard Parking
Sebastian Riverview Park
North County Regional Park
85 TH ST
West Wabasso Park
Beaches & Public Parks
A1A Tracking Station Park
Riverside Park
Humiston Park
Troy Moody Park
Jacoby Park
South Beach Park
Pine Hill Park
South County Regional Park
Grovenor Estates Park
A.W. Young Park
Pocahontas Park
Royal Palm Pointe Park
Leisure Square
16th Street Sports Complex Charles Park 8T H S T
Jaycee Park MacWilliam Park
Bethel Creek House RI
Piece of Pie Park Tropic Colony Park
Hosie Schumann Park
4 1ST ST
Joe Earman Island Park
45th Street Dock I ND
Gifford Park
Little Portion Park
Walking Trails
Kiwanis Hobart Park
Turtle Trail Beach Access
Rentable Space
Seagrape Trail Beach Access
Live Oak Road Park
County Fairgrounds Hobart Ball Fields
Picnic Tables
Wabasso Beach Park
Wabasso Causeway Park
Golden Sands Park
Oslo Dock
OS L O RO AD ( 9 T H S T S W )
Vero Highlands Park
Round Island Riverfront Park
Round Island Oceanside Park
From Round Island to Sebastian Inlet, Indian River County has approximately 22.4 miles of barrier island beaches.
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 172
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Wabasso Beach Park 1820 County Road 510
Jaycee Park Ocean Drive at Conn Way
Round Island Oceanside Park 2200 S. Highway A1A
Seagrape Trail Beach Access 8302 N. Highway A1A
Sebastian Inlet State Park 9700 OCEANFRONT N. Highway A1APARKS
t ne
A.W. Young Park East end of 21st St.
Wabasso Causeway Park 1820 Wabasso Beach Road Round Island Riverfront Park 2200 S. Highway A1A
Humiston Park Ocean Drive at Easter Lily Lane
Donald MacDonald Park 12315Turtle Roseland TrailRoad Beach Access Wabasso Causeway Park N. Highway A1A 18208102 Wabasso Beach Road (continued)
Jaycee Park Station Park Tracking Ocean ConnN.Way 800Drive 46that Place, Highway A1A
Joe Earman Island Park Accessible by boat only, 1 mile Wabasso Beach Park INLAND PARKS north1820 of theCounty BarberRoad Bridge 510 16th Street Sports Complex 16th St. and 20th Ave.
Round IslandShores Oceanside Treasure ParkPark 220011300 S. Highway A1A A1A N. Highway
Live Oak Road ParkPARKS RIVERFRONT South side of Wabasso Causeway 45th 512 Boat Street LaunchDock Gifford Dock Road
Seagrape TurtleTrail Trail Beach Beach Access Access 83028102 N. Highway A1AA1A N. Highway
Mac Williams Park Southeast end of Barber Bridge Blue Cypress Park Park 7400A.W. BlueYoung Cypress Lake Road East end of 21st St.
Sebastian Inlet StatePark Park Wabasso Beach 97001820 N. Highway A1A 510 County Road
Oslo Dock RIVERFRONT PARKS (continued) Eastern end Launch of Oslo Road C-54 Boat Sebastian River Canoe Launch Bethel House CR 507 and Creek Fellsmere Grade Road County 512 A1A 4405 N. Road Highway
Tracking Station Park 800 46th Place, N. Highway A1A A.W. Young Park East end of 21st St. Treasure Shores Park 11300 N. Highway A1A Bethel Creek House 4405 N. Highway A1A Turtle Trail Beach Access 8102 N. Highway A1A Dale Wimbrow Park 11805 Roseland Road Wabasso Beach Park 1820 County Road 510 Donald MacDonald Park 12315 Roseland Road RIVERFRONT PARKS 45th Street Dock Gifford Dock Road
s A.W. Young Park East end of 21st St.
Bethel Creek House 4405 N. Highway A1A
Dale Wimbrow Park 11805 Roseland Road
Donald MacDonald Park 12315 Roseland Road
Riverside Park Riverside Charles Drive Park Sebastian Riverview Wimbrow Park Park 15thDale St. and 24th Ave. U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive 11805 Roseland Road Joe Earman Island Park Roseland Community Center & Park Accessible by boat only, 1 mile 12925 83rd Ave. north of the Barber Bridge Fairgrounds Ag. Building Wabasso Causeway Donald MacDonald Park 7955 58th Ave. 1820 Wabasso 12315 RoselandBeach RoadRoad Island Riverfront Park LiveRound Oak Road Park 2200 Highway A1A South sideS.of Wabasso Causeway INLAND PARKS 16th Street Sports Complex Palm Park 16th St.Pointe and 20th Ave. MacRoyal Williams Park 2 Royalend Palm Southeast of Pointe Barber Bridge 512 Boat Launch Sebastian River Preserve OsloSt. Dock Stateend Park Eastern of Oslo Road 1000 Buffer Preserve Drive Blue Cypress Park 7400 Blue Cypress Lake Road RIVERFRONT PARKS (continued) Riverside Park Riverside Drive Sebastian River Canoe Launch County Road 512 C-54 Boat Launch CR 507 and Fellsmere Grade Road Roseland Community Center & Park 12925 83rd Ave. Sebastian Riverview Park U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive Charles Park 15th St. and 24th Ave. Round Island Riverfront Park 2200 S. Highway A1A Wabasso Causeway Park 1820 Wabasso Beach Road Fairgrounds Ag. Building 7955 58th Ave. Royal Palm Pointe Park 2 Royal Palm Pointe INLAND PARKS 16th Street Sports Complex 16th St. and 20th Ave. St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park 1000 Buffer Preserve Drive
Grosvenor Estates Park Live Road Park 3205 10.Oak St. SW South Open Areaside of Wabasso Causeway St. Sebastian Preserve 512 BoatRiver Launch State Park 1000 Buffer Preserve Drive Mac Ball Williams Park Hobart Fields Blue Southeast of Barber Bridge 5790 77thCypress St. end Park 7400 Blue Cypress (Playing fields only) Lake Road
Gifford Park 4715 43rd Ave.
Piece of Pie P 37th Ave. at A
Grosvenor Estates Park 3205 10. St. SW Open Area
Pine Hill/Lon 206 30th Ave
Pocahontas 21st St. at 14t
Hobart Ball Fields 5790 77th St. (Playing fields only)
Roseland Ba 8020 129th C
Hosie Schumann Park Piece of Pie Park St. 37th1760 Ave.37th at Atlantic Blvd.
ParkPine Park PineJacoby Hill/Lone at 25th Ave. 20619th 30thSt. Ave.
Kiwanis Hobart Pocahontas Park Park 77 St. 21st58th St. atAve. 14thand Ave.
e Park
Sebastian Riverview Park U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive Roseland Community Center & Park 12925 83rd Ave.
Golden Sands Park 10350 N. Highway A1A
South Beach ParkPARKS RIVERFRONT Ocean Drive at 17th Street 45th Street Dock Gifford Dock RoadPARKS OCEANFRONT
Sebastian River Canoe Launch County Road 512 Riverside Park Riverside Drive
45th Street Dock Gifford Dock Road
Dale Wimbrow Park 11805Treasure RoselandShores Road Park Sebastian Riverview Park 11300 N. Highway A1ARiver Drive U.S. Highway 1 and Indian
Joe Earman OCEANFRONT PARKS (continued) Gifford Park Island Park RIVERFRONT PARKS (continued) Bethel Creek House INLAND PARKS Accessible by boat only, 1 mile 4715 43rd Ave. 4405 Tracking N. Highway A1A north of the Barber Bridge Station Park Sebastian River Canoe Launch Royal16th PalmStreet PointeSports Park Complex 800 46th Place, N. Highway A1A County Road 512 2 Royal Palm 16th St.Pointe and 20th Ave.
Ambersands Beach Access 12566 N. Highway A1A South Beach Park Ocean Drive at 17th Street
Eastern end of Oslo Road RIVERFRONT PARKS
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 173 C-54 Boat Launch
Tropic Colon 1820 46th Av Open Area
LeisureBall Square Roseland Field 3705 16th St. 8020 129th Court
Troy Moody Victory Blvd.
Little Portion Park Park South County Regional 8001900 20th 71st Ave. Ave. SW Open Area
Vero Highlan 625 Highland Open Area
Roseland Community Center & Park Fairgrounds Ag. Building 12925 83rd Ave. Kiwanis Hobart Park Ave. 58th7955 Ave.58th and 77 St.
Tropic Colony Park North Regional Park 1820 46th County Ave. 9450 CR 512 Open Area
West Wabas 8900 64th Av
Round Island Riverfront Park Gifford Park A1A 2200 S. Highway Leisure Square 37054715 16th43rd St. Ave.
Troy Moody Park Piece of at PieCordova Park Ave. Victory Blvd. 37th Ave. at Atlantic Blvd.
Royal Palm Pointe Park Estates 2Grosvenor Royal Palm Pointe Park Little Portion Park 19003205 71st 10. Ave.St. SW Open Area Open Area
Vero Highlands Park Pine Hill/Lone 625 Highlands DrivePine Park 206 30th Ave. Open Area
St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park Hobart Ball Fields Drive 1000 Buffer Preserve North County Regional Park 77th St. 94505790 CR 512 (Playing fields only)
Park WestPocahontas Wabasso Park at 14th Ave. 890021st 64thSt.Ave.
Oslo Dock C-54 Boat Eastern endLaunch of Oslo Hosie Schumann ParkRoad 507St. and Fellsmere Grade Road 1760CR 37th Riverside Park Charles Riverside Drive Jacoby ParkPark andAve. 24th Ave. 19th15th St. atSt.25th
Hosie Schumann Park 1760 37th St.
Jacoby Park 19th St. at 25th Ave.
Kiwanis Hobart Park 58th Ave. and 77 St. Gifford Park 4715 43rd Ave. Leisure Square 3705 16th St. Grosvenor Estates Park 3205 10. St. SW Open Area Little Portion Park 1900 71st Ave. Open Area Hobart Ball Fields 5790 77th St. (Playing fields only) North County Regional Park 9450 CR 512 Hosie Schumann Park 1760 37th St.
Jacoby Park 19th St. at 25th Ave.
Roseland Ball Field 8020 129th Court
South County Regional Park 800 20th Ave. SW
Tropic Colony Park 1820 46th Ave. Open Area Piece of Pie Park 37th Ave. at Atlantic Blvd. Troy Moody Park Victory Blvd. at Cordova Ave. Pine Hill/Lone Pine Park 206 30th Ave. Vero Highlands Park 625 Highlands Drive Open Area Pocahontas Park 21st St. at 14th Ave. West Wabasso Park 8900 64th Ave. Roseland Ball Field 8020 129th Court
South County Regional Park 800 20th Ave. SW
512 Boat Launch
Blue Cypress Park 7400 Blue Cypress Lake Road
South Count 800 20th Ave
Kiwanis Hobart Park 58th Ave. and 77 St.
Tropic Colony Park 1820 46th Ave. Open Area
Leisure Square 3705 16th St.
Troy Moody Park 11/24/15 5:38 PM Victory Blvd. at Cordova Ave.
Humiston Park offers playground equipment that entices young and old alike.
Lifeguards watch over swimmers at our busy beaches.
Since Day 1, Vero Beach pioneers and planners have made it a point to set aside land for parks and recreational areas. Check out the map. Some – Pocahontas Park, Jaycee Park, Humiston Park – have playground equipment while others have shaded picnic pavilions – Round Island Park, South Beach Park, Jaycee Park. As well as offering facilities for simple relaxation, many of these areas provide a wide range of outdoor activities that include everything from boating, camping, fishing and horseback riding to kayaking, tennis and walking trails. Some parks also offer picnic tables and children’s playgrounds. See www.covb.org for City of Vero Beach Parks, www.ircgov.com for Indian River County Parks and www.floridastateparks.org for the state’s parks. You won’t be disappointed. Speaking of Jaycee Park, did you know that a House of Refuge, built in 1876 to give aid to stranded sailors, used to be there? Seems the original building, which burned down in 1917 and was rebuilt ten years later by the Coast Guard, was used as a lookout post for German submarines during World War II. No longer standing, its story is worth telling.
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4880 87TH STREET Next to Burger King, US 1 Wabasso (772) 388-4077 www.wabassobeachshop.com Open 7 days: Mon-Sat 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sundays and Holidays 12 noon - 4:00 p.m. Wabasso HB16.indd 1
10/7/15 11:03 AM
1175 Commerce Avenue, Vero Beach www.OrchidIslandBikesandKayaks.com
Your fun in the sun headquarters!
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 175
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11/24/15 5:38 PM
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 176
Memorial Island provides a quiet sanctuary honoring those who died in service to our country.
11/24/15 5:38 PM
Enjoy The Indian River Lagoonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Conservation Lands Join the Indian River Land Trustâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s weekly tours. Expect the Unexpected: bird watching and wildlife observation.
Always Free to the Public For details visit www.irlt.org or call 772-794-0701 Indian River Land Trust_HB16.indd 1
9/30/15 6:53 AM
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Breathe Healthy Rest Healthy, Sleep Healthyâ&#x20AC;?
36 Mo. Interest free 1125 U.S. HWY. 1, VERO BEACH, FL 32960 DELTA PLAZA, NEXT DOOR TO DANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FAN CITY - JUST SOUTH OF STAPLES HOURS: MONDAY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SATURDAY 10-6 SUNDAY 11-5 772-226-5019 WWW.ORGANICMATTRESSHAVEN.COM Organic Mattress_HB16.indd 1
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 177
10/7/15 10:00 AM
11/24/15 5:38 PM
Vero Beach has many parks for our four-legged friends.
WOOF! WOOF! We don’t have parks just for people. Man’s best friends have a few of their own. There’s Vero Beach Dog Park on Indian River Boulevard, a block north of the Merrill P. Barber Bridge, where pooches large and small sniff and chase one another with cheerful abandon while their owners stand by and socialize. There are plenty of laugh-out-loud-moments as puppies scramble to keep up with the big guys during a game of catch-me-if-you-can. Visitors are welcome. The Dogs for Life Park on 16th Street is another off-leash park where dogs not only frolic and run free, they can be trained to become certified assistance and therapy dogs, like Bubba who had been trained to be the “ears” of a legally deaf woman by Shelly Ferger, Dogs for Life founder. If the phone rings or there is someone at the door, Bubba lets his
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 178
owner know. Six years ago Sebastian’s Bark Park on Keen Terrace welcomed its first four-legged “customers,” who gave it a four-paws-up salute. The free public park not only has an open off-leash area, there are some set aside for small and large dogs. And yes, there’s a lot of happy barking going on. Last but not least is the Bow-Wow Off-Leash Dog Park adjacent to the Humane Society’s Adoption and Education Center. There is a membership fee and you have to have adopted a dog from the Humane Society, but the price of admittance not only helps support the non-profit organization, it’s a load of fun for the four-footed set. In addition to separate small and large dog areas and a sandbox, there are tunnels and a ring ball – think Westminster Dog Show obstacle course.
11/24/15 5:38 PM
The Dealership Alternative For Over 35 Years THE GREAT OUTDOORS
24 months/24,000 mile parts & labor warranty on service We service and sell import and domestic vehicles.
150 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach 772-569-4714 www.donsimport.com
Faithfully serving our community since 1980.
Dons Import HB16.indd 1
10/7/15 9:00 AM
(772) 567-9098
abcogaragedoors.com LICENSED & INSURED 670 8TH COURT, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32962
ABCO_HB16.indd 1
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 179
9/22/15 9:58 AM
11/24/15 5:38 PM
Like to get out in the fresh air? Wander through semi-wilderness? Strike out on your own? Vero Beach and Indian River County have just the places for you. The Environmental Learning Center The Environmental Learning Center is another local favorite. The 64-acre campus on Live Oak Drive off the Wabasso Causeway has easy hiking trails that wind through palm hammocks, salt marshes and mangrove forests. Shady pavilions offer the perfect excuse to sit and stay awhile.
The Indian River Land Trust The Indian River Land Trust promotes the preservation, conservation and improvement of natural resources and special places in Indian River County for the benefit of the general public and future generations and they have wonderful trails to travel. One of the favorites is the Toni Robinson Waterfront Trail on the west side of the Indian River Lagoon off 79th Street and U.S. Hwy. 1. There, instead of what could have been the site of multiple riverfront residences, a scrub habitat, oak forest and mangroves have been preserved. The Land Trust also has hiking trails at Bee Gum Point, Spoonbill Marsh and the
Captain Forster Hammock Preserve offers a glimpse into â&#x20AC;&#x153;naturalâ&#x20AC;? Florida.
Lagoon Greenway.
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 180
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163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 181
11/24/15 5:39 PM
St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park If you really want to rough it and take an extended hike, visit the St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park. You can hike until you drop – over 60 miles of trails in 22,000 acres of wilderness. These trails are also open to mountain bikes and equestrians. If you decide to brave it, you’ll wander through forests of longleaf pine, grassland prairies, scrub cypress domes and swamps. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to spot a rare Florida scrub jay, an Eastern indigo snakes, bald eagles and gopher tortoises. The elusive bobcat also makes the preserve its home.
Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area When you discover the Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area “ORCA,” you will be surprised because you are less than a mile from a shopping center and smack in the middle of a wilderness. ORCA has trails and boardwalks that meander through 298 acres of mature coastal hammock, scrubby flatwoods and wetlands. Some of the live oaks that dominate the hammock are hundreds of years old. Native plants include wild coffee, myrsine, marlberry, firebush, native wildflowers, saw palmetto, cabbage palms and a
Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area is a tranquil haven in the heart of a commercial area.
wide array of other species. The Hammock Loop trail is full of birds and wildlife while the Scrubby Pine Flatwoods trail is at a higher elevation and
“The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.” –AUTHOR UNKNOWN
contains many bromeliads, large
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 182
11/24/15 5:39 PM
Sexton Plaza - On Vero’s Beach 772-231-6424 / 800-531-5872
GT Rhodes HB16.indd 1 163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 183
3349 ocean drive vero beach mon-sat / 10-5 772.234.6111
POSH_HB16.indd 1 10/7/15 11:54 AM
9/30/15 7:42 AM 11/24/15 5:39 PM
St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park has over 60 miles of trails through a variety of habitats.
sand pines, saw palmettos and
flatwoods community with native
native wildflowers. The “Awesome
songbirds, woodpeckers, squirrels
Pine” is located in this area and has and other wildlife.
a pond, an observation platform
for public hiking include the
and a canoe dock that connects
Jungle Trail, now on the National
“Look deep into nature, you will understand everything better.”
to the Indian River Lagoon. Just to
Register of Historic Places, and the
the south of the main ORCA is the
Pelican Island National Wildlife
South Oslo Riverfront Conserva-
Refuge where you can come eye-
tion Area or “SORCA,” a scrubby
to-beak with hundreds of birds.
been documented as the largest slash pine in the world! The Coastal Wetlands trail leads to a large wildlife observation tower over
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 184
Other Conservation Areas Other conservation areas open
11/24/15 5:40 PM
Fine Marble Imports
Solid Handcrafted Marble DĂŠcor Showroom Pieces & Custom Orders Available 1800 Old Dixie Hwy Vero Beach, FL (772) 925-1335 info@anchorstonestatuary.com www.anchorstonestatuary.com
Anchor Stone_HB16.indd 1 163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 185
10/7/15 8:36 AM 11/24/15 5:40 PM
If you’re a boating enthusiast, Vero Beach is the place to drop anchor. The Vero Beach Municipal Marina at Marker 139 on the Intracoastal Waterway has long been a popular winter address for northern boaters who live aboard. They also like the Vero Beach lifestyle so much that they end up buying a house and settling in permanently. Lucky us! And don’t forget the other marinas around town: Loggerhead, Sebastian Inlet, Fins and Capt’n Butcher’s. Fishing If you don’t have your own boat, fear not. A number of outstanding fishing guides – Big Easy, Captain T. Fred’s, Capt’n Butcher’s, Rogue Wave, Skipper Sportfishing, Vero BackCountry, Fish Vero Beach, and Middleton’s Fish Camp – offer river and off-shore charters. Boat tours of all shapes and sizes are just waiting for your call. These charters are piloted by seasoned captions that know where the tarpon, snapper and grouper are biting on any given day. The options are endless. By the way, the Sebastian
Fishing in Vero Beach ranges from the shallows of the Indian River Lagoon to the Gulf Stream and beyond.
Inlet State Park is known to be a
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 186
11/25/15 10:01 AM
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 187
11/24/15 5:40 PM
premier saltwater fishing
Airboat Rides, Gator Bait Air-
Island and Oslo Riverfront
location, prompting serious, and
boat Adventures, Marsh Beast
Conservation Area to name
not so serious, anglers to head for
Airboat Tours, Stumpknocker
just a few. If you don’t own a
the jetties and closeby shore areas.
Tours and River Explorer just fit
kayak or canoe, not to worry as
the bill.
rental options abound. Check out
Airboat Tours If fishing is not your cup of tea, try an airboat tour at Blue Cy-
Orchid Island Bikes and Kayaks,
Kayaking and Canoeing
Adventure Kayaking, About
If taking to the water in a kayak
Kayaks River Rentals and Tropi-
press Lake or in the Indian River
or canoe is more your style, there
cal Kayak Tours. There’s nothing
Lagoon. Capt. Bob’s Airboat Ad-
are plenty of available launch
more fun than taking a kayak out
venture Tours, Florida Cracker
sites – McWilliams Park, Round
on the lagoon.
A canoe can get you close to nature.
A number of companies offer airboat rides at Blue Cypress Lake and other waterways in Indian River County.
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 188
11/25/15 10:01 AM
Find A Boat
Sell A Boat
Manage Your Boat
%R\ODQ <DFKW 6DOHV 0DQDJHPHQW RIIHUV \DFKW PDQDJHPHQW DQG EURNHUDJH VHUYLFHV :H DUH ORFDWHG ZDWHUVLGH DW WKH 9HUR %HDFK &LW\ 0DULQD Waterside at the Vero Beach Marina • 3599 Rio Vista Blvd, Vero Beach, FL 32963 2IƓFH Ř &HOO Ř ZZZ ER\ODQ\DFKW FRP 163-198 Outdoors_2016 Boylan_HB16.indd 1 HB2_NEW.indd 189
11/24/15 5:40 PM 10/7/15 11:56 AM
Sebastian Inlet is one of the premier surfing spots on the East Coast.
that 13 years ago Surfing magazine
“The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears or the sea.”
While surfing may not be
named Sebastian one of the “15
your thing, it is for many resi-
Waves that Fuel Surfing’s Future,”
dents and visitors. When “the
but then we already knew that,
surf’s up,” boards and their own-
didn’t we? Don’t forget Monster
ers are ready to ride the waves.
Hole located about 1/3 mile off the
Those in the know head for
beach on the south side of Sebas-
the Sebastian Inlet next to the
tian Inlet. The contour of the ocean
north jetty where a significant
floor rises up; and when the surf
surf break creates waves that
is big, the waves form long lines,
delight surfers of all ages. Over
giving a long ride. Locals also fre-
the years local and national
quent Wabasso Beach and Spanish
surfing competitions have been
House. Take lessons or rent a board
held at the inlet. During the
– at Adventure Kayaking, Deep
new water sport to come along –
80s and 90s while surfers were
Six, Epic Sessions, Paddles By
paddleboarding. Unlike surfing,
flying over waves, filmmakers
The Sea, Shark Bait Beach Gear
you can paddleboard on oceans,
were busy making surfing mov-
Rentals, Surf Vero or Wabasso
lakes, rivers and lagoons. Vero
ies, none memorable.
Surf Shop – and head out on your
Beach offers all of these exciting
own or with your family.
venues. Take a lesson or rent a
What remains memorable is
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 190
Paddleboarding And let’s not forget the hottest
11/24/15 5:40 PM
Capt Bo
Venture into Vero Beach’s natural environment for an exciting, educational and action-packed trip for the entire family!
Welcome to the Treasure Coast’s Most Popular Airboat Tour!
(772) 633-7849 www.airboatadventuretours.com
163-198 Outdoors_2016 Capt Bobs HB16.indd 1 HB2_NEW.indd 191
11/24/15 5:40 PM 9/28/15 2:54
Vero Beach offers great opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving.
board from the same folks who
est fees apply. The beaches and
placed in 1999 by the Indian River
provide surf boards and surf les-
lagoon don’t charge a dime.
County Government and are located at depths of 66, 71 and 73
son. Take a paddleboard eco-tour or just get out on the water and
feet along the beach front of Vero Beach. Not only do we have reefs,
have some fun and get a great
Vero Beach is a great place to
workout at the same time. It’s a
snorkel and scuba dive. While we
we also have the wreck of the
great sport for the whole family.
do not have the typical coral reefs
Breconshire within easy swim-
No prior experience is necessary.
that are found in the tropics, we
ming distance of the beach.
Don’t be surprised at who you’ll
do have reefs made of limestone
see out on the water. Does that
and coquina rock. Seaweeds and
plate and gold coins that lie close
guy have gray hair?
soft corals live on these rocks
to the beach, the result of the
and provide habitat for a diverse
wreck of the Spanish treasure
range of sea life.
fleet in 1715.
Swimming If you love to swim, Vero Beach
In addition, we have four
And don’t forget the silver
If you are interested in renting
is a great place to be. Not only
artificial reefs along the beaches
equipment or you want to take
is the ocean a favorite “swim-
of Indian River County, about 200
diving lessons, get in touch with
ming hole,” but we also have
to 300 feet off shore. The first is
Deep Six Dive and Watersports,
great pools at the North County
located along the south beach
Sebastian Dive & Surf Company
Aquatic Center, Gifford Aquatic
of Vero Beach at a depth of 38
or Shark Bait Beach Gear Rent-
Center and Leisure Square. Mod-
feet. The remaining three were
als and get ready to “take a dive.”
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 192
11/24/15 5:40 PM
Deep Six Dive & Watersports For Everything Under The Sea & Sun 416 21st Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 562-2883 www.deepsixintl.com Deep6 HB16.indd 1
10/7/15 11:44 AM
Classical_Carwash_HB16.indd 1
9/22/15 10:06 AM
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 193
11/24/15 5:40 PM
Really want to get away from it all and get a bird’s-eye view of the Treasure Coast? Take a ride with a pilot in a motor glider courtesy of Treasure Coast Motor Gliding at Vero Beach Municipal Airport and see what it feels like to soar like a bird along the beaches and over the county to Stick Marsh and the Sebastian Inlet or take lessons to become a glider pilot. Or if you’re feeling really adventurous, enjoy skydiving over the coastline of Florida. Discover the excitement and inspiration of making your first jump with Skydive Sebastian. Hold your breath, fall out of the aircraft, return to Earth with the aid of gravity and – Whew! – slow down during the last part of the descent using a parachute.
“How strange is this combination of proximity and separation. That ground – seconds away – thousands of miles away.” – CHARLES A. LINDBERGH
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 194
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View the coastline from the air when you skydive from Sebastian Airport.
163-198 Outdoors_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 195
11/24/15 5:40 PM
ON HORSEBACK Looking for something utterly romantic for you and your spouse? Want something really invigorating for the kids? Take a horseback ride on the beach at dawn or on an isolated trail through Florida’s wildernesses, state parks and preserves. Build eager young riders’ confidence or spark their interest in a new sport. If it’s lessons you’re looking for, you won’t have to go far. Visit BG Polo & Equestrian, a 36-acre compound offering half-hour riding lessons for children ages 3 and up and specializing in English, Western and Dressage. Or head to the 15-acre, family-oriented facility at Vero Equine Riding Academy with your children ages 4 and up for English, Western and Dressage lessons. Visit the nearby Carefree Ranch with your children ages 7 and up for English and Western instruction. Take private or group lessons at High Hopes Eventing Farm – or let them come to you. They also offer half-day clinics for up to 5 riders. Head south to Carousel Party Acres in Fellsmere with your children ages 4 and up and enjoy a special “sibling discount.” Just looking for a leisurely ride? Carousel also offers trail rides around their own farm or at St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park. Whether you love the woods or the water, Fort Pierce Authentic Tours offers horseback riding on the beach or on scenic trails, and Tours on Horseback in Ft. Pierce offers scenic beach tours on Saturdays and Sundays for riders ages 10 and up. They also offer wooded trail rides at Paleo Hammock, Bluefield and Pinelands Preserves.
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A number of Indian River County farms and ranches offer horseback riding tours as well as lessons.
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“If you are fearful, a horse will back off. If you are calm and confident, it will come forward. For those who are often flattered or feared, the horse can be a welcome mirror of the best in human nature.” –CLARE BALDING
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11/24/15 5:40 PM
And Tennis
Golf! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Way of Life. Tennis! Game. Set. Match!
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In past tournaments sponsored by his foundation, Mardy Fish had fun playing against the likes of Ivan Lendl and James Blake.
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 201
11/24/15 6:02 PM
Golf and tennis are two favorite sports played in Vero Beach.
Golf & Tennis
ecause of its wonderful climate, Vero Beach has come to enjoy a reputation as a golf and tennis mecca. Some of the top golf course designers in the world have blessed our county with
extraordinary golf courses and the designers of our parks and recreation areas have created tennis courts of every type. And of course, we have a network of golf and tennis professionals ready to give lessons, too. So get out on the links or pick up a racket and head for the courts
“If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation. If you work at it, it’s golf.” –BOB HOPE
to enjoy two great games.
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 202
11/24/15 6:02 PM
Ou o S
Resident and Non-Resident Memberships Available*
The Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2nd-Oldest Certified Audubon Signature Sanctuary THE SPIRIT OF GOLF, TRADITION & FAMILY
Our mission is to provide a superior golfing experience to men and women of all skill levels by protecting the beauty and condition of our Audubon Signature Sanctuary golf course while preserving the uniquely friendly atmosphere that has set this private golf club apart since its inception.
IndianRiverClub_HB16.indd 1 199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 203
For information call 772.770.0757 or email stu@indianriverclub.com *By invitation only. 800 Carolina Circle SW Vero Beach, FL 32962 www.indianriverclub.com
10/7/15 9:25 11/24/15 6:02 AM PM
Couples get in a little putting practice before a tournament.
public courses. You’ll also enjoy playing a round or two at Quail Valley, Windsor, Bent Pine, Vero
The sport that attracted early
Beach Country Club, the Lakes at
Riomar Country Club members
Pointe West and the John’s Island
continues to draw those who
love the game to Vero Beach
And give a thumbs-up to Audu-
where private golf communities
bon-Certified Sanctuary courses
and public courses offer both
at the Indian River Club, The
challenge and camaraderie.
Moorings Yacht & Country Club
You’ll find yourself right at
and Hawk’s Nest, Grand Harbor,
home at Vista Plantation Golf
Orchid Island and Sandridge
Club, Sandridge Golf Club and
Golf clubs. Golfers tee off early,
the Sebastian Municipal Golf
stay for lunch commiserating or
Course, three of Vero Beach’s
congratulating each other on
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 204
“A passion, an obsession, a romance, a nice acquaintanceship with trees, sand and water.” –BOB RYAN
11/24/15 6:02 PM
VeroBeachCountryClub_HB16.indd 1 199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 205
9/29/15 4:51 11/24/15 6:02 PM PM
RD D Golf and tennis courts abound in VeroA1ABeach and Indian River County. AN
a te lW rw ay
Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club BA
Schumann Drive Tennis Courts
85 TH ST
Indian Trails Tennis Courts
John’s Island West Course RedStick Golf Club Sandridge Golf Club
Quail Valley Golf Club
Bent Pine Golf Club
Hawk’s Nest Golf Club Riverside Park Tennis Courts
4 1S T ST
Quail Valley River Club (tennis) BL V
Riomar Country Club (golf)
8T H S T
Twin Oaks Tennis Club
West Side Racquet Club
613 606
Charles Park Tennis Courts
Pocahontas Park Tennis Courts
Links at Pointe West
Vista Plantation Golf Course
South County Regional Park
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 206
Grand Harbor Golf & Tennis Club
John’s Island Club
69 TH ST
Sea Oaks Tennis Club
A1A American Golf Club
Moorings Club
Vero Beach Tennis Club
OS L O RO AD ( 9 T H S T S W )
Indian River Club
11/24/15 6:02 PM
r y golf)
orings b
Bent Pine Golf Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s water hazards are a challenge for any golfer.
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 207
11/24/15 6:03 PM
their scores and go home only after the next tee time has been GOLF & TENNIS
reserved. They sign up for club tournaments, special events and parties. Roger Van Dyke has made it his mission to pass that love of the game on to others. When the PGA master professional golfer retired nine years ago, he could have taken it easy, played a few rounds of golf with his buddies and called it a day. Instead, Roger established the Indian River Golf Foundation and works tirelessly to see that others, young and old alike, have the opportunity to experience the joy and benefits the game of golf offers. Vero Beach native and golf pro Jackie Stoelting can attest to that. Winner of the Golf Channel’s 2014 “Big Break Florida” challenge, she competes at Ladies Professional Golf Association tournaments around the country. Jackie and her husband Travis hope one day to have a
parum lati cusam, conserferio mo occupta duntia num fugitem
golf camp or academy for kids, passing on a way of life they treasure.
“To find a man’s true character, play golf with him.” –P.G. WODEHOUSE
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 208
With 19 golf courses, Vero Beach has been called “golf heaven.”
11/24/15 6:03 PM
Plan Wisely ,QYHVW &RQ多GHQWO\ Enjoy Life
772.231.3122 1401 Highway A1A, Suite 207 ~ Vero Beach, FL 32963 Email: info@c1ag.com
w w w. c1a g . c o m Capital Investment Advisors.indd 1 199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 209
10/7/15 6:03 8:46 PM AM 11/24/15
Singles or doubles, tennis is a great way to have fun and get some exercise.
TENNIS! GAME, SET, MATCH! One of the things a lot of folks enjoy is a good game of
al tennis ladder. Does that bring to mind
tennis – both watching and
anyone? Like Mardy Fish maybe?
playing. You can cheer on the
Mardy, a former world-ranked top
high school tennis teams when
10 player who recently retired, and
they compete on the courts at
the Mardy Fish Children’s Founda-
Riverside Park. You’re likely to
tion work hand in hand with the
see some pretty good up-and-
Indian River School District to pro-
comers who had the potential
vide young people opportunities
to go on and play competitively
to participate in fitness, nutritional
at the national and internation-
and enrichment programs that
al level. It takes talent, training
prepare them to live healthy and
and a deep-seated desire to
productive lives. Tennis has done
reach the top of the profession-
that for Mardy, and he and his
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 210
“The mark of great sportsmen is not how good they are at their best, but how good they are at their worst.” –MARTINA NAVRATILOVA
11/24/15 6:03 PM
The well-maintained courts at Riverside Park are open to the public day and night.
Competitors shake hands after a well-played match.
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 211
11/24/15 6:03 PM
family want others to experience and enjoy the sport they GOLF & TENNIS
champion. Tennis is big in Vero Beach. The courts at private communi-
Wil Spencer makes a perfect two-handed back swing at the 2015 SorensenRealEstate.com Tennis Classic.
ties like John’s Island, Orchid, The Moorings, Windsor, Sea Oaks and Indian Trails are well used, both for social and competitive play. Round robin tournaments bring out the best of everyone’s game, and the awards presentation is a celebration that goes on long after courts lights are dimmed. The same holds true at the Quail Valley River Club, Hidden Palms Tennis & Swim Club, Vero Beach Tennis Club and Twin Oaks Tennis Club. For over 20 years, the Boulevard Village & Tennis Club and Grand Harbor Golf & Tennis Club have played host to United States Tennis Association professional circuit tournaments, bringing up-and-coming players and their families to Vero Beach. The competitive events are well worth the price of admission and play is fast and furious. Blink and you could well miss a winning corner shot. There’s plenty of tennis being played on the public courts at South County Regional Park and Charles Park, as well as Sebastian’s Schumann Park. Some of the courts at Pocahontas Park and Riverside Park have been adapted for pickleball, a combination of tennis, badminton and paddleball. You have to see it to believe it.
199-212_Golf&Tennis_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 212
11/24/15 6:03 PM
DINING Out Eat, Drink & Be Merry Fine Dining Casual Dining International Dining Coffee & Desserts Cocktails & Live Music Vero Beach For Foodies
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 213
11/24/15 6:10 PM
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 214
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The Wild Berry Beggarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Purse with Chocolate Ganache, Mango Salsa and Sauce Anglaise is an extravagant and fun dessert.
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 215
11/24/15 6:10 PM
Dining out along the Indian River Lagoon is a delightful treat.
Eat, Drink and Be Merry
ungry? No worries. Vero Beach offers a wide range of culinary options designed to fit your taste buds and budget. If you’re in the mood for Italian – yes!
– you’re in luck. A number of restaurants around town specialize in serving up the most amazing pasta e fagiol, shrimp scampi, and eggplant parmigiana. Delizioso! Is it dinner time yet? Crave a thick steak, juicy hamburger or some Moo Goo Gai Pan? How about seafood, a bowl of soup and a sandwich, a salad? A sports bar? You can find them all. The beauty of it is, they can all be found within easy driving distance since Vero
“We all eat and it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly.” –ANNA THOMAS
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 216
is blessed with an abundance and variety of restaurants and eateries to choose from. Hundreds of local restaurants offer a broad range of delights to fit any craving or price range. To make it easier for you to decide, here are suggestions ranging from upscale dining to casual fare, coffee and deserts, and cocktails and live music.
11/24/15 6:10 PM
“The Art of ITALIAN FOOD Moving Forward.” Early Dining Menu 5 ~ 5:30pm House-Made Pasta & Ravioli Creative Specials Nightly Open Mon - Sat from 5pm NEW LOCATION! 2023 14th Avenue • (772) 979-9789 • AvanzareVeroBeach.com
Mediterranean-Inspired Cuisine Nightly Happy Hour 5 ~ 6:00pm Creative Tapas & Small Plates Indoor & Outdoor Dining Open Tues - Sat from 5pm
1920 14th Avenue • (772) 226-5254 • BijouVeroBeach.com
Wood-Fired Steaks & Seafood Nightly Happy Hour 5 ~ 6:00 Early Dining Menu 5 ~ 5:30 Bar Menu Available All Night Open Mon - Sat from 5pm 901 21st Street • (772) 226-7870 • VeroPrime.com
Avanzare HB16.indd 1HB2_NEW.indd 217 213-234_Dining_2016
9/24/15 1:54 11/24/15 6:10 PM
This dish is a burst of flavors: Napoleon of roasted red peppers, herb goat cheese and marcona almonds with a Calabrian chili pepper vinaigrette.
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 218
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” - VIRGINIA WOOLF, A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN
11/24/15 6:11 PM
Blue_Agave_HB16.indd 1 213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 219
9/22/15 11/24/15 10:04 6:11 AM PM
Scallops and a garden salad just begin to whet the appetite.
1932 14th Ave. 772-978-9789 Italian $$ D
Maison Martinique
1050 Easter Lily Ln. 772-234-4114 Contemporary American
1603 Ocean Dr. 772-231-7299 American, Seafood $$-$$$ D
$$-$$$ L D
Ocean Grill
Bijou Noche 1920 14th Ave. 772-226-5254 French Mediterranean $$ D
Citron Bistro
Vero Beach Hotel & Spa 3500 Ocean Dr. 772-469-1060 American, Seafood $$-$$$ B L D
Johnny Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market & Bistro
6260 N. A1A The Village Shops 772-231-6556 Contemporary American
1050 Sexton Plz. 772-231-5409 American, Seafood $$-$$$ L D
Osceola Bistro 2045 13th Ave. 772-569-1299 American, Seafood $$-$$$ L D
1409 A1A 772-234-4181 Italian $-$$ L D
$-$$ B L D B Breakfast
Citrus Grillhouse
L Lunch
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 220
D Dinner
$ Inexpensive
$$ Moderate
$$$ Expensive
11/24/15 6:11 PM
The Wave Kitchen & Bar
2855 Ocean Dr. 772-231-4090 American, Seafood, Steak $$-$$$ D
Disney Resort 9250 Island Grove Ter. 772-234-2180 Continental $$ B L D
Costa d’Este Beach Resort 3244 Ocean Dr. 772-410-0100 Contemporary American
Pomodoro Grill 3055 Cardinal Dr. 772-234-1123 Italian $$ D
The Tides
Ristorante di Mare
$$-$$$ D
1517 S. Ocean Dr. 772-234-2809 Italian $$-$$$ D
3103 Cardinal Dr. 772-234-3966 American, Seafood, Steak
Trattoria Dario 1555 Ocean Dr. 772-231-1818 Italian $$ D
Scampi Grill 2054 11th Ave. 772-563-9766 Italian $$ D
Vero Prime 901 21st St. 772-226-7870 Steakhouse $$-$$$ L D
Polo Grill
$$-$$$ B L D
14 Bones Barbeque 1500 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-770-5646 BBQ, Steaks, Seafood $-$$ L D
Applebee’s 5335 20th St. 772-978-0551 American $-$$ L D
Barefoot Café 2036 14th Ave. 772-770-1733 American $ B L
LIFE IS SHORT. EAT GOOD FOOD. Citrus Grillhouse HB16.indd 1
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 221
9/28/15 3:02 PM
11/24/15 6:11 PM
Beach Bum Bagel Café DINING OUT
2205 14th Ave. 772-299-3242 Deli $ B L
Blue Agave 1979 14th Ave. 772-999-3484 Mexican $ D
Blue Star Wine Bar 2227 14th Ave. 772-492-9057 American $-$$ D
Bob Evans Restaurant
BLACKENED MAHI WITH PINEAPPLE SALSA Serves 4 The caramelized, grilled pineapple adds a wonderful flavor to the salsa – a perfect foil to the spiciness of the blackened Mahi. Pineapple Salsa ½ pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into slices ½ tablespoon olive oil ¼ cup red onions, diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons cilantro Salt and pepper to taste
Blackened Mahi 4 tablespoons olive oil 4 five-ounce Mahi steaks ¼ cup blackening spice Salt and pepper
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 222
Make pineapple salsa first. Brush the pineapple slices lightly with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, then place the slices on the grill or under a broiler and cook, turning occasionally, until softened slightly and nicely marked by the grill, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Remove from the grill and allow to cool to room temperature. Dice the pineapple slices and place in a medium non-reactive bowl. Add the red onions, bell peppers, honey, cilantro, salt and pepper and stir well. Put the salsa in the refrigerator for a few hours. Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Season Mahi steaks with salt, pepper and blackening spice. Cook fish in hot oil until tender, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Plate the fish steaks and top with the pineapple salsa. Serve with your favorite sides.
6070 20th St. 772-299-1011 American $-$$ B L D
Bobby’s Restaurant & Lounge 3450 Ocean Dr. 772-231-6996 American, Burgers $$ L D
Bonefish Grill 2075 Indian River Blvd. 772-562-6956 Seafood $$ D
Boston Market 1775 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-564-0485 American $ L D
C.J. Cannon’s 3414 Cherokee Dr. 772-567-7727 American $ B L D
Café Euro 575 21st St. 772-257-6337 European $ B L
11/24/15 6:11 PM
Chipotle Grill
Eagle’s Nest
1580 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-388-8588 American, Seafood $$ L D
5855 20th St. #201 772-907-0635 Tex Mex $ L D
100 Brush Foot Dr., Sebastian 772-589-6803 American $ B L D
Casey’s Place
Country Ham & Egg
Einstein Bros Bagels
917 Azalea Ln. 772-231-4790 Burgers, Sandwiches $ B L
478 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-589-4845 Southern $ B L
1226 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-257-6039 Bagels, Coffee & Tea $ B L
Cracker Barrel
The Fishack
3201 Cardinal Dr. 772-234-8300 Sandwiches, Salads $ L
9380 19th Ln. 772-563-0066 Southern $ B L D
1931 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-770-0977 Seafood $$ D
Five Guys
940 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-564-9040 Tex Mex $-$$ L D
3149 Ocean Dr. 772-231-0208 Deli, Ice Cream $ B L
1355 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-299-4355 Burgers $ L D
Chill & Grill
Dockside Grille
Hurricane Grill & Wings
7401 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-562-5477 American $-$$ D
41 Royal Palm Pte. 772-569-6865 Steaks, Seafood $$ L D
1555 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-562-2226 American $ L D
Capt Hiram’s
Entertaining with style & distinction for over 30 years
486 21st St, Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 563-0646 www.elizabethkennedycatering.com ElizabethKennedy_HB16.indd 1
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 223
10/7/15 9:08 AM
11/24/15 6:11 PM
Kilted Mermaid DINING OUT
1937 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-569-5533 American $ D
Kountry Kitchen 1749 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-567-6733 Diner $ B L
Lemon Tree 3125 Ocean Dr. 772-231-0858 American $-$$ B L D
Marsh Landing 44 N. Broadway, Fellsmere 772-571-8622 Southern $-$$ D
Mr. Manatee’s
BABY HEIRLOOM SALAD WRAPPED IN A CUCUMBER RING WITH CRUMBLED FETA CHEESE Serves 4 2 pints of heirloom tomatoes, quartered 2 small shallots, finely diced 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 6 ounces of crumbled feta cheese 1 teaspoon of chopped fresh basil 1 3- inch cookie cutter ring 1 European cucumber, peeled and sliced very thin lengthwise Salt and pepper to taste
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 224
In a small mixing bowl, place tomatoes, shallots, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, crumbled feta cheese and fresh basil. Mix lightly and place in refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes. Take the cookie cutter ring and place in the middle of a serving plate. Place the cucumber slice inside the ring. Place the tomato mixture inside the cucumber and press firmly. Remove the ring by pulling upright and garnish with micro greens. If you have extra dressing from the tomato mixture, drizzle around the plate.
30 Royal Palm Pte. 772-569-9151 Seafood $-$$ L D
Mrs. Mac’s Fillin’ Station 951 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-564-8400 Diner $ B L D
Mulligan’s Beach House Bar & Grill 1025 Beachland Blvd. 772-492-6744 806 Indian River Dr., Sebastian 772-918-4844 Seafood $-$$ B L D
The Organic Fountain 1880 37th St., Ste. 5 772-226-0674 Organic Café $$ B L
Outback Steakhouse 1475 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-567-5222 Steaks, Seafood $$ L D
11/24/15 6:11 PM
Red Onion Eatery
2001 Indian River Blvd. 772-794-0188 Salad, Sandwiches $ B L D
3727 10th Ct. 772-564-0804 3001 Ocean Dr. 772-492-8881 Sandwiches $-$$ B L D
Disney Resort 9250 Island Grove Ter. 772-234-2000 American $$ B L D
Riverside Café
879 17th St. 772-778-1145 Bakery, Coffee $ B L D
Patisserie 1910 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-770-4122 Bakery, Sandwiches $-$$ B L
Pelican Diner 13260 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-228-9600 Diner $ B L D
Quilted Giraffe 500 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-978-4242 American $$ D
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3341 Bridge Plaza Dr. 772-234-5550 American, Seafood $-$$ L D
Ruby Tuesday 1825 58th Ave. 772-569-6464 American $-$$ L D
Seaside Grill 4200 Ocean Dr. 772-231-1911 Burgers, Sandwiches $ B L
Panera Bread
Slice Of Paris
Sonny’s Real Pit BarBQ 5001 20th St. 772-770-4190 Barbecue $ B L D
Southern Comfort Grill 642 21st St. 772-794-0567 American $ B L D
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Southern Sisters Café DINING OUT
709 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-581-0203 American $ L D
Squid Lips 1660 Indian River Dr., Sebastian 772-589-3828 Seafood $$ L D
T.G.I. Friday’s Indian River Mall 6200 20th St. 772-770-3170 American $-$$ L D
TooJay’s 555 21st St. 772-569-6070 Deli $-$$ B L D
Tropical Smoothie Café 1555 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-226-9988 Deli $ B L D
VB Sports Grill
1902 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-563-9600 American $-$$ L D
8 pounds chicken thighs, washed and dried
2 garlic cloves, peeled and ground ½ tablespoon ground black pepper ¼ cup fish sauce 1 tablespoon turmeric powder ¾ cup lime juice ½ cup fish sauce 1 bunch Chinese parsley, chopped 1 bunch spring onions, chopped 1 teaspoon sugar
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In a sauce bowl, whisk the clove, pepper, fish sauce and turmeric powder and pour over chicken, rubbing the sauce into the chicken. Cover and leave at room temperature for 45 minutes. Set the grill on high. Once the temperature is high enough to sear, put the chicken on, skin side up and turn the temperature to low and cover. Check for flareups for the first few minutes. Flip after 25 minutes, and remove after another 15 to 20 minutes. Coat with ¼ cup olive oil and let sit for 15 minutes before serving.
4885 A1A 772-244-1500 American $-$$ D
Waldo’s The Driftwood Inn 3150 Ocean Dr. 772-231-7091 American $-$$ L D
Woody’s Bar B Q 13600 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-581-5767 Barbecue $ L D
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962 14th Ln. 772-569-8883 Japanese, Sushi Bar $-$$ L D
Chef Lin
Kata Restaurant
1850 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-778-6989 Chinese $ L D
1306 20th St. 772-564-8883 Thai, Japanese $-$$ L D
Plum Tree
1436 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-999-3553 Chinese $ L D
4165 9th St. SW #102 772-562-7818 Chinese $-$$ L D
Fujiyama Steakhouse & Sushi Bar
Saigon Sushi
5959 20th St. 772-564-8628 Japanese $-$$ L D
1866 14th Ave. 772-299-5997 Vietnamese, Japanese $-$$ L D
Takara Steakhouse & Sushi 1335 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-492-1500 Japanese, Thai $-$$ L D
Shandong Noodle House
Izziban Sushi
2089 Indian River Blvd. 772-257-6775 Chinese $-$$ L D
Siam Orchid 762 21st St. 772-569-2829 Japanese, Thai $-$$ L D
Sumo House 713 17th St. 772-770-0835 Japanese, Thai $-$$ L D
42 Royal Palm Pte. 772-978-9798 Japanese, Thai $-$$ L D
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Szechuan Palace DINING OUT
1965 43rd Ave. 772-562-7726 Chinese $$ D
Cuban Las Palmas 1929 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-388-5188 Cuban $ L D
Irish Kelley’s Irish Pub 484 21st St. 772-567-3838 Irish $ L D
Italian Baci Trattoria
SAUSAGE, CANNELLINI BEAN AND KALE SOUP Serves 6 2 tablespoons olive oil ½ cup carrots, finely diced ¾ cup white onions, finely diced ½ cup celery, finely diced, reserving inner leaves ½ tablespoon minced garlic 12 ounces Italian sausage, casing removed ¾ cup tomatoes, finely diced 3 cups cannellini beans, presoaked overnight 6 cups chicken stock ½ tablespoon fresh thyme 1 bay leaf salt & black pepper to taste 2 bunches kale, washed, blanched and roughly chopped 1 bunch Italian parsley, washed and roughly chopped
213-234_Dining_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 228
Heat the oil in a large pot and sweat the carrots, onions, celery and garlic over low heat until translucent and tender. Add the sausage and cook, breaking the meat up with a wooden spoon while stirring. Add the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Add the beans, chicken stock, thyme and bay leaf and bring to a simmer until beans are tender, occasionally skimming the fat off the top. Remove the bay leaf and season with salt and pepper. Place one third of the soup into a blender and purée. (Only fill the blender up halfway, pulsing until smooth). Add puréed soup to the remaining soup in the pot. Put the kale and parsley into soup bowls, ladle in soup and garnish with torn celery leaves.
1918 14th Ave. 772-794-4747 Italian $ B L
Basil Ristorante 920 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-581-3793 Italian $$ D
Carrabba’s Italian Grille 1285 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-299-5999 Italian $$ L D
Casa Vecchia Italian Restaurant 1327 21st St. 772-564-2400 Italian $-$$ D
Garage Woodfired Pizza & Pub 1802 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-492-8342 Italian $$ L D
Giorgio’s Pizza 955 17th St. 772-778-3800 Italian $$ L D
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Italian Grill
There’s nothing like a cupcake to soothe the soul.
2180 58th Ave. 772-567-6640 Italian $-$$ L D
Italian Kitchen 2121 14th Ave. 772-569-0060 Italian $-$$ L D
Nino’s Café 1006 Easter Lily Ln. 772-231-9311 4236 20th St. 772-562-0276 Italian $-$$ L D
Olive Garden 5945 20th St. 772-567-3223 Italian $-$$ L D
Pizzoodles 56 Royal Palm Pte. 772-567-4160 Italian $-$$ L D
Plum Tomato 1415 16th St. 772-492-3703 Italian $-$$ L D
Rella’s Bistro 1550 Indian River Dr. Sebastian 772-581-8329 Italian $$ L D
South Beach Pizzeria 1621 S. Ocean Dr. 772-231-1110 Italian $ L D
Vic’s Pizza & Subs 1140 U.S. Hwy. 1 Sebastian 772-589-8989 Italian $$ L D
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Vincent’s Ristorante 510 21st St. 772-569-4333 Italian $-$$ L D
Vittorio’s Pizzeria & Restaurant 4125 Oslo Rd. 772-770-6510 1275 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-569-3473 9615 U.S. Hwy. 1 Sebastian 772-388-0048 Italian $-$$ L D
Jamaican Mo-Bay Grill 1401 Indian River Dr. Sebastian 772-589-4223 Jamaican $-$$ B L D
Mexican Ay! Jalisco 469 21st St. 772-778-8489 1909 20th St. 772-978-0661 1814 U.S. Hwy. 1 Sebastian 772-388-2368 Mexican $ L D
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COFFEE & DESSERTS Abbott’s Frozen Custard 4140 20th St. 772-567-7338
Boardwalk Café & Ice Cream 4079 Ocean Dr. 772-234-9570
Brain Freeze Frozen Yogurt & Coffee Shop 2217 7th Ave. 772-492-9356
A recipe inspired by a visit to Armand Arnal’s restaurant, La Chassagnette in Provence, Chef Farnsworth recreated this amazing cookie and now you can try it too! 8 ounces light brown sugar 4 ounces unsalted butter, softened 2 large eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 6 ounces all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon cinnamon 3 ounces oatmeal 6 ounces dark, semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
Preheat oven to 350°F. Cream sugar and butter together. Add eggs and vanilla extract a little at a time. Sift together the flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon and stir into batter. Fold in oatmeal, chocolate chips, pecans and coconut. Place teaspoons of batter onto a non-stick sheet pan. Bake for 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
6 ounces pecans
Classy Cupcakes 712 21st St. 772-563-0110
Cravings 3149 Ocean Dr. 772-231-0208
Dunkin’ Donuts 504 21st St. (Baskin Robbins) 772-778-0717 430 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-778-8442 8195 20th St. 772-770-5662
Faith, Hope & Chocolate 2101 Indian River Blvd. 772-567-1414
Fillin’ n’ Chillin’ 2015 Oslo Rd. 772-569-8989
2 ounces coconut, desiccated
These French cookies are made with oatmeal, chocolate chips, pecans and coconut and are as delicious as they look. Make sure you buy quality chocolate for this recipe. You won’t regret it!
2915 Cardinal Dr. 772-234-2915
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Endless Summer Vineyard & Winery
Cobalt Lounge
925 Bougainvillea Ln. 772- 231-5536
How Sweet It Is
Vero Beach Hotel & Spa 3500 Ocean Dr. 772-469-1060 www.verobeachhotelandspa.com
1595 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-562-5996
Cork Tapas & Dessert Bar
2101 Indian River Blvd. 772-226-5249
1931 Old Dixie Hwy. www.fishackvero.com 772-770-0977
3001 Ocean Dr. 772-584-3281
Rita’s 1355 U.S. Hwy. 1 #9 772-770-0100 Italian $-$$ L D
Starbucks 1235 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-562-8335 6280 20th St. 772-299-7407
COCKTAILS & LIVE MUSIC Blue Agave 1979 14th Ave. 772-999-3484 www.blueagavevero.com
Blue Star Wine Bar 2227 14th Ave. 772-492-9057
Cabana Pool Bar & Grill Costa d’Este 3244 Ocean Dr. 772-562-9919 www.costadeste.com
Cunningham’s Pool & Darts 736 21st St. 772-562-1171
Earl’s Hideaway Lounge 1405 Indian River Dr. Sebastian 772-589-5700 www.earlshideaway.com
4200 Johnston Rd., Ft. Pierce 772-460-0500 www.endlesssummerwine.com
Grind + Grape
Filthy’s 1238 16th St. 772-794-9512 www.drinkatfilthys.com
Green Cabin Room Disney Vero Beach Resort 9250 Island Grove Ter. 772-234-2180
I’ll Drink To That
James Bond’s martini, Carrie Bradshaw’s Cosmo and Don Draper’s old-fashioned – all have served to glamorize cocktails as the suave and sophisticated ways to celebrate and be celebrated. Want to make a name for yourself? We’ve found the ideal drink for the local connoisseur to enjoy everyday celebrity.
Vero Breeze
1 Serving
2 ounces vodka 1 ounce St. Germain ¾ ounce strawberry basil shrub ¼ ounce lemon juice 3 dashes rose water Combine all the ingredients in a mixing glass, shake and strain. Garnish with a basil leaf.
Capt Hiram’s 1580 U.S. 1, Sebastian 772-589-4345 www.hirams.com
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Grind + Grape
Long Branch Saloon
Rosie Malloy’s Pub
925 Bougainvillea Ln. 772- 231-5536
2199 7th Ave. 772-562-0046
1125 21st St. 772-562-7125
The Grove Bar
Mulligan’s Beach House Bar & Grill
Shuckdaddy’s Rock-nRaw Bar
1025 Beachland Blvd. 772-492-6744 806 Indian River Dr., Sebastian 772-918-4844 www.mulligansrestaurant.net
2019 14th Ave. 772-617-2096
2115 14th Ave 772-492-8565
Havana Nights Piano Bar Caribbean Court Hotel 1601 S. Ocean Dr. 772-234-9041 www.thecaribbeancourt.com
Kata Restaurant 1306 20th St. 772-564-8883
Kelley’s Irish Pub
O’Conchs Pub 715 8th St. 772-564-0089 www.oconchspub.com
Ocean Grill Lounge
The Stamp 2015 13th Ave. 772-633-7274
Stix Billiard Club 939 14th Ln. 772-299-0000 www.verostix.com
1050 Sexton Plz. 772-231-5409 www.ocean-grill.com
Uncle Sam’s Brau Haus
484 21st St. 772-567-3838
Kilted Mermaid
Riverside Café
1937 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-569-5533 www.kiltedmermaid.com
3341 Bridge Plaza Dr. 772-234-5550 www.riversidecafe.com
4885 A1A 772-244-1500 www.vinzinvero.com
4216 20th St. 772-562-7017
Gather a basket of special treats at a local gourmet shop.
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This cheese tray satisfies the most sophisticated gourmand.
Driftwood Resort 3150 Ocean Dr. 772-231-7091 www.thedriftwood.com
The Wave Kitchen & Bar Costa d’Este 3244 Ocean Dr. 772-410-0100 www.costadeste.com
What-A-Tavern 58 Royal Palm Pte. 772-567-1599
YNot 710 S. U.S. Hwy. 1 772-299-0092
Countryside Citrus 3300 Ocean Dr. 772-234-8299 6325 81st St. 772-581-0999
Hale Groves 9250 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-581-7732
Peterson Groves 3375 66th Ave. 772-562-6900
Poinsettia Groves 1481 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-562-3356
Schacht Groves 6100 12th St. 800-355-0055
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Farmer’s Markets
Johnny D’s Market
Farmer’s Market Oceanside
1409 A1A 772-234-4181
Saturday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Humiston Park
Varietals and More
Gourmet Shops
Carmine & Lucia’s Fine Olive Oil and Balsamics
54 Royal Palm Pte. 772-217-2780
Village Beach Market
1916 14th Ave. 772-999-5402
4905 N. A1A 772-231-2338
Cheese Cave
Organic Farms
670 21st St. 772-794-3848
Osceola Organic Farm 6980 33rd St. 772-567-1530
3201 Cardinal Dr. 772-234-8300
Elizabeth D. Kennedy & Co. 486 21st St. (Miracle Mile) 772-563-0646
11/24/15 6:12 PM
Serves 6 as a main course or 12 as a side dish
3 pounds butternut squash, quartered, seeded, peeled, and cut into ½-inch diced (about 9 ½ cups) 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 4 cups milk 2 tablespoons dried rosemary, crumbled 1 tablespoon garlic, minced ½ stick (¼ cup) unsalted butter 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour 9 7 x 3 ½ inch sheets no-boil lasagna pasta 1 1/3 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup heavy cream ½ teaspoon salt Fresh rosemary sprigs for garnish
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Preheat oven to 450°F. Grease 2 large shallow baking pans. In a large bowl toss squash with oil until coated well. Spread in one layer in pans. Roast squash in oven 10 minutes and season with salt. Stir and roast 10 to 15 minutes more or until tender and beginning to turn golden. While squash is roasting, put milk and rosemary in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat 10 minutes then pour through a sieve into a large pitcher or measuring cup. In a large heavy saucepan, cook garlic in butter over moderately low heat, stirring until softened. Stir in flour and cook roux for 3 minutes, stirring. Remove pan from heat and whisk in milk mixture in a steady stream until smooth. Return pan to heat and simmer, whisking occasionally, about 10 minutes, or until thickened. Stir in squash and salt and pepper to taste. Squash sauce may be made 3 days ahead, covered with plastic wrap and chilled. Reduce oven temperature to 375°F. Butter a baking dish, 13 x 9 x 2 inches. Pour 1 cup squash sauce into baking dish – sauce will not cover bottom completely – and cover with 3 lasagna sheets, making sure they do not touch each other. Spread half of remaining sauce over pasta and sprinkle with ½ cup Parmesan cheese. Make 1 more layer in the same manner, beginning and ending with pasta. In a bowl with an electric mixer, beat cream with salt until it holds soft peaks and spread evenly over top pasta layer, making sure pasta is completely covered. Sprinkle remaining 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese over cream. Cover dish tightly with foil, tenting slightly to prevent foil from touching top layer, and bake in middle of oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake lasagna 10 minutes more, or until top is bubbling and golden. Let lasagna stand 5 minutes. Garnish each serving with rosemary.
11/24/15 6:12 PM
VOLUNTEER Animals Arts and Culture Children and Youth Community Services Education Health and Wellness History Home and Family Hunger Nature and the Environment Senior Services Sports and Recreation
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Teens prepare for a volunteer outing.
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The Indian River Land Trust preserves natural places in our county.
new Scully-Welsh Cancer Center, affiliated with Duke Medicine, has been made possible thanks to Marlynn and Bill Scully and Carol and Pat Welsh. Each couple gifted $12 million to get things going. Instead of stop-
ver the past several years we’ve published
ping there, they reached out to friends and
articles about individuals who give of
encouraged them to contribute. It’s no wonder the
their hands, hearts, talents and treasures
Indian River Medical Center Foundation’s tag-line is
to help others. When asked why community service has been such an important part of their lives, the
“Philanthropy at Work.” While it’s not always easy to find the time or the
answer was almost always the same. “I get back
funds to help others, when you do, the personal re-
more than I give.” Wow!
wards are well worth it. You’ll not only be making a real
For example, Hope Woodhouse of the John’s
difference to those who need support, you can make
Island Community Service League, a nonprofit
new friends, learn new skills. It’s been said that no
fundraising organization that awards grants to
matter how young or old you are, helping others can
Indian River County agencies that provide health,
add more zest to your life. We’re all for that! P.S. Don’t
education and human services for women, children
forget: A gift to a qualified charitable organization
and families in need said, “Philanthropy and public
could entitle you to a charitable contribution deduc-
service are part of my DNA.” Vero Beach Museum of
tion against your income tax if you itemize deductions.
Art’s director Cindy Gedeon noted, “The museum
The following list divides the nonprofits that would
has been allowed to blossom because of the
benefit from your time and funds into categories.
philanthropic nature of the people in Vero Beach.”
Find one you like and join up. They will all appreciate
So, too, has the Indian River Medical Center. The
235-250_Volunteering_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 238
your help!
11/24/15 6:19 PM
( 7 7 2 ) 2 3 4 - 0 0 7 8 | V E R O B E AC H , F L
Vi s i t o u r n e w we b s i t e a t w w w. l k d e f r a n c e s a n d a s s o c i a t e s. c o m
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Bauer Research Foundation engages in research studies that do not involve the use of animals but which can make a huge difference in improving animal and human health.
Vero Beach Dog Park, the off-
The Gifford Youth Orchestra
leash park along the Indian River
provides education, training and
Lagoon, has plenty of running and
on-stage stage experience in the
chasing space for our four-pawed
performing arts through music.
friends. It’s a social time for their
“More Violins, Less Violence, Better
www.bauerresearch.org Bark Park is the off-leash dog park in Sebastian with an open area where man’s best friends fly like the wind. Set-aside spaces accommodate shy small dogs and larger “customers.”
ARTS AND CULTURE The Academy for the Performing Arts offers vocal and instrumental instruction and performance opportunities for all ages.
Dogs for Life Inc. provides train-
The Atlantic Children’s Chorale is
ing for dogs to assist people with hearing or mobility issues, as well as veterans with post-traumatic stress issues.
a select choir that develops the individual’s potential to a high level of vocal technique while exploring challenging repertoire.
The Indian River Symphonic Association seeks to bring the world’s finest orchestras and soloists to Vero Beach. They’ve succeeded. www.irsymphonic.org Riverside Children’s Theatre offers affordable performing arts experiences and outreach to area children. The youthful enthusiasm and talent is something to see. www.riversidetheatre.com
Treasure Coast Chorale members
H.A.L.O. No Kill Rescue takes in
The Atlantic Classical Orchestra
choral music with four annual per-
and adopts out more than 1,500 animals annually, helping them find a “furever” home. www.halorescurefl.org The Humane Society of Vero Beach & Indian River County’s “Open door, Open Heart” shelter accepts all animals, regardless of age, health, behavior or adoptability. www.hsvg.org The National Elephant Center in Fellsmere is home to North American elephants in need of short and long-term health care. www.nationalelephantcenter.org
encourages and cultivates the appreciation of classical symphonic music by presenting performances at the highest artistic level.
share their love and enjoyment of formances at First Baptist Church of Vero Beach. www.treasurecoastchorale.org
The Treasure Coast Jazz Society
Ballet Vero Beach promotes
motion and preservation of jazz.
the art of dance as a universal language in our community and beyond with performances throughout the year.
encourages the performance, prowww.tcjazzsociety.org The Vero Beach Art Club fosters the appreciation of art and artistic
growth through exhibitions and
The Cultural Council of Indian
educational opportunities.
River County promotes public awareness of the many available cultural opportunities throughout the community. www.cultural-council.org
235-250_Volunteering_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 240
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@ The Village Shops of Vero Beach
• Unique Gifts • Home Furnishings • Bed & Bath • Custom Window Treatments • In-Home Design Services 6190 North Hwy A1A Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-226-7808 sales@coastal-comforts.com www.coastal-comforts.com
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10/7/15 10:32 AM
11/24/15 6:19 PM
The Vero Beach Choral Society
CASTLE strives to prevent child
Feed the Lambs Enrichment
performs classical and contempo-
abuse and neglect through educa-
Program Inc. provides recreation,
rary music, provides educational
tion and awareness.
education and mentorship ser-
outreach to adults and youth, and
vices for underprivileged children at no financial cost to their fami-
financial support to college music majors.
Childcare Resources of Indian
River works to ensure that all chil-
lies. www.feedthelambsep.com
dren have access to quality, afford-
Gifford Youth Achievement
The Vero Beach Museum of Art
able early learning and school age
Center establishes and maintains
enriches the community through a
opportunities that enable them to
an academic atmosphere that
wide variety of educational, studio
succeed in school and in life.
cultivates self-esteem, teaches
art and humanities programs; a
character and encourages each individual to achieve his or her
diversity of quality exhibitions; and the collection, preservation
Children’s Home Society of
ultimate potential.
and presentation of American and
Florida provides a full spectrum of
international works of art.
programs designed to prevent and
reduce child abuse and neglect,
Girls on the Run inspires girls to
and help young adults become
be joyful, healthy and confident
Vero Beach Opera Inc. promotes,
ready for their future.
using a fun, experience-based
professionally produces, presents
curriculum that integrates running. www.girlsontheruntc.org
and advances the art of grand opera as well as promoting opera
Crossover Mission supports and
education, awarding scholarships
redirects disadvantaged county
Growing Healthy Kids’ goals are
and sponsoring area singers and
youth through faith-centered,
to improve children’s health and
dedicated coaches and academ-
reverse and prevent childhood
ic mentors, using their love of
obesity. www.growinghealthykids.
CHILDREN AND YOUTH Big Brothers Big Sisters offers strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change lives for the better. www.bbbsbigs.org Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County inspires and enables young people to realize their potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. www.bgcirc.org
www.crossovermission.com Guardians for New Futures Dasie Bridgewater Hope
ensures that abused, abandoned
Center empowers students to be
or neglected children are
self-confident, responsible and
represented by a Guardian ad
well-rounded individuals in a safe
and nurturing environment.
www.dasiehope.org Epic Missions Inc. designs mission trips for teams of high school and college students, adults, families and church youth groups. www.epicmissions.org
“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” –WINSTON CHURCHILL
235-250_Volunteering_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 242
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Youth for Christ Indian River
The Association of Fundraising
provides safety for abused,
teaches and inspires adults to
Professionals promotes profes-
abandoned and neglected
engage in Christ-sharing relation-
sional development, networking
children through prevention,
ships with students.
and volunteer opportunities for
residential, shelter and recovery
local fund development professionals. www.afpindianriver.
programs. www.hibiscuschildrenscenter.org
Youth Guidance Mentoring &
Hibiscus Children’s Center
Activities Programs empowers Kidz Closet Charities Inc.
county youth through mentoring
Exchange Club of Indian River
responds to the needs of
relationships that broaden their
makes the community a better
children in Indian River County
place to live through programs
with clothing, school uniforms,
of service in youth activities, community service, Americanism
shoes, underwear, socks, educational items, bedding, cribs and
Youth on a Mission of Indian
and the prevention of child abuse.
River Inc. offers opportunities for
youth and adults to serve local,
national and foreign communities. Mardy Fish Children’s Founda-
Exchange Club of the Trea-
tion gives students access to af-
sure Coast follows the National Exchange Club’s four pillars of
ter-school fitness, nutritional and enrichment programs that prepare them for healthy, productive and successful lives. www.mffkids.org Redlands Christian Migrant Association provides childcare and early education to children of migrant farm workers and rural low-income families. www.rcma.org Vero Beach Teen Challenge helps 13 to 18-year-old boys get free of life-controlling issues using Christian principles in a 15-month residential program. www.ranchforboys.com Whole Child Indian River nurtures and develops children by connecting families to a network of community resources. www.wholechildirc.org
235-250_Volunteering_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 243
COMMUNITY SERVICES 211 Helpline offers guidance and support in helping teens, adults, families, seniors, caregivers and professionals find the services they need.
community service, Americanism, youth and prevention of child abuse. www.tcexchangeclub.org Florida Aquaculture Foundation promotes aquaculture, agriculture and related fields while
developing individual economic
American Red Cross – North
training and research.
Treasure Coast Chapter provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.
empowerment through education, www.floridaaquaculturefoundation.org Gifford Front Porch Florida is
a local nonprofit that provides
America Serving Veterans
process to take back the neigh-
Foundation Inc. works to improve the welfare of veterans and their families by providing the guidance
the means to participate in the borhood and make it an exciting place to live, work and play. www.giffordfrontporch.com
of a certified service officer in the area of veteran benefits. www.asvf.org
11/24/15 6:19 PM
Haiti Partners helps Haitians
Indian River Leadership Foun-
Quail Valley Charities Inc. sup-
change Haiti through education
dation works in partnership with
ports nonprofit programs in Indian
by working with schools, churches
the Chamber of Commerce, local
River County that benefit children
and organizations to transform
government and private sector
and education.
to raise awareness and mobi-
lize resources to build a healthy economy and help businesses and
Realtors Association of Indian
Indian River Community
residents achieve their potential.
River County provides pro-
Foundation builds a stronger
grams, products and services that enhance members’ abilities to
community through donor-driven philanthropy.
John’s Island Community Service
operate their businesses success-
League supports charitable
fully in an ethical, professional and
agencies in Indian River County
legal environment.
Indian River County Chamber
concerned with the health, edu-
of Commerce represents the
cation and human services issues
business community by providing
that affect women, children and
Salvation Army of Indian River
services, benefits and leadership
families in need.
County preaches the gospel of
for positive growth.
Jesus Christ and seeks to meet human needs in His name without
www.indianriverchamber.com John’s Island Foundation raises
Indian River County Library
funds to fund capital requirements
System collection consists of over
to agencies serving the economi-
270,000 items including books,
cally disadvantaged in Indian River
magazines, newspapers, microfilm,
Sebastian River Area Chamber
CDs, books on tape, DVDs, video
of Commerce promotes business development, encourages growth
tapes and more and provides access to the Internet.
Junior League of Indian River
of tourism and enhances quality
Main Library
promotes volunteerism, develops
of life.
1600 21st St., Vero Beach
the potential of women and im-
North Indian River County
proves communities through the
effective action and leadership of
United Way of Indian River
1001 Sebastian Blvd., Sebastian
trained volunteers.
County works to improve lives by
Brackett Library
mobilizing the caring power of the community.
6155 College Ln., Indian River State College
Military Moms Prayer Group Inc.
supports U.S. troops with weekIndian River IMPACT 100 provides
ly prayer and gift-box drives to
transformational, sustainable grants
deployed servicemen and women
to nonprofit organizations in the
during the holidays and through-
out the year.
www.militarymomsprayergroup. com
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” –BOOKER T. WASHINGTON
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Early Learning Coalition of
Literacy Services of Indian River
for the Indian River County Main
Indian River, Martin and
County provides instruction to
Library in Vero Beach. 1670 14th
Okeechobee Counties Inc. is
individuals with limited litera-
a partnership among parents,
cy skills, empowering them to
providers and the communities
become contributing members of
Vero Beach Air Show Inc. pro-
they serve to ensure quality early
the community.
motes community service and
learning experiences through pro-
grammatic and financial support.
Vero Beach Chamber of Com-
Education Foundation of Indian
ry education from pre-K through
merce assists members by promot-
River County enhances educa-
12th grade in a biblical worldview
ing tourism, encouraging economic
tional opportunities for all public
development and serving the
and private school students and
business community as its voice in
teachers through effective fund-
important governmental matters.
raising and the efficient allocation
Saint Edwardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School is a private
of resources.
day school for pre-K through 12th
grade students that provides a
Used Book Depot raises funds
Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy provides children with a college-preparato-
Vero Beach Christian Business
community and culture that pro-
Association Inc. promotes educa-
Indian River County 4-H Foun-
motes lifelong learning.
tion and encouragement and gives
dation helps raise money and
back to local ministries through
support for hands-on learning
outreach drives, monetary contri-
activities in the area of science,
Saint Helen Catholic School
butions and ministry spotlights.
healthy living and food security.
provides a quality education while
adhering to Catholic principles
Veterans Council of Indian River
Indian River State College
County transports veterans to the
Foundation supports the long-
Veterans Affairs Medical Center and
range plan of the college by
Scholarship Foundation of
provides services for veterans on
providing scholarships, high-tech
Indian River County offers schol-
Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
equipment, faculty chairs, capital
arship opportunities to students
projects and improvements that
with financial need who demon-
enhance student accessibility
strate the desire and academic
ability to succeed in pursuing a
and values.
post-secondary education.
American Association of Univer-
The Learning Alliance has a
sity Women promotes equality for
partnership with the Indian River
all women and girls through advo-
County School Board to achieve 90
Treasure Coast Gator Club
cacy, education and philanthropy.
percent student literacy by third
supports the University of Florida
Awards annual scholarships.
grade in 2018 through innovative,
mission of teaching, research and
evidence-based approaches to
service by fostering the relation-
teaching and learning.
ship among the university and
alumni, students and friends and
awards annual scholarships. www.tcgatorclub.com
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Vero Beach Power Squadron pro-
Autism Speaks is dedicated to
Indian River Medical Center
vides a safe boating education to
improving the future for all who
Foundation develops and sus-
the public and its members as well
struggle with autism spectrum
tains relationships with individuals
as social events and community
and organizations to enroll them
outreach opportunities.
in the mission of the hospital and encourage their financial support.
www.verobeachpowersquadron. com
Care Net Pregnancy Center of
Indian River County provides The Willow School offers an
help and practical support to
Indian River County Volunteer
academically rigorous education
those facing unplanned pregnan-
Ambulance Squad provides free
from pre-K through 8th grade and
cies and post-abortion stress.
non-emergency transportation for
encourages personal responsi-
both ambulatory and wheelchair passengers from their place of
bility for one’s own learning and thinking.
Center for Spiritual Care provides
residence to and from medical
individual and small group spiritu-
facilities in the county.
al and holistic growth experiences.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Indian River County - Center for Memory & Motion serves community residents with disorders affecting memory and movement by promoting quality of life and choice through advocacy, support, empowerment, education and research connections. www.alzpark.org American Cancer Society – Treasure Coast Area Office seeks to eliminate cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. www.cancer.org The Arc of Indian River County supports and empowers individuals with special needs to achieve their life goals. www.arcir.org
www.centerforspiritualcare.org Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Friends After Diagnosis enhanc-
seeks to cure leukemia, lympho-
es the lives of those touched by
ma, Hodgkin’s disease and myelo-
breast cancer through support
ma, and improve the quality of
meetings, education, networking
life of patients and their families.
and celebration.
www.friendsafterdiagnosis.com March of Dimes improves the Indian River County Healthy
health of babies by preventing
Start Coalition offers a broad
birth defects, prematurity and
spectrum of programs to assure
infant death.
pregnant women and their young
children receive necessary healthcare and support services.
Mental Health Association in
Indian River County Inc. provides immediate access with no barriers
Indian River County Medical
to mental health care.
Society Foundation provides
non-physician ancillary healthcare services and materials or supplies for patients in need through the “We Care” program. www.ircms.org/foundation
“Seek to do good, and you will find that happiness will run after you.” –JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE
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Suncoast Mental Health Center
Illness in Indian River County
Inc. provides best-practice and
improves the quality of life for
research-based assessment, coun-
caregivers of persons diagnosed
seling and supportive services
with mental illness by providing
to children and families in the
support, education and advocacy.
Treasure Coast area.
SafeSpace Inc. offers victims of
Sunshine Physical Therapy
domestic violence safety, support
Clinic provides personalized care
and education, empowering them
to improve function and health
to create an independent life free
through physical, occupational
from violence.
and massage therapies; personal
fitness programs; and community education.
The SPCA of Indian River County Florida, Horse Rescue Ranch is a dual-mission initiative to help both neglected, abused and homeless horses, as well as U.S. Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. 772-501-5197 Special Equestrians of the Treasure Coast fosters personal achievement for individuals with special needs through equine-assisted therapeutic activities in a safe and stimulating environment. www.special-equestrians.org Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County leads the community toward a substanceabuse-free lifestyle by reducing the incidence of substance abuse through education, prevention, treatment and recovery support. www.sacirc.org
HISTORY The Indian River County Historical Society saves, preserves and restores the historical and environmental resources of the county. www.irchistorical.org
National Alliance on Mental
Indian River Genealogical Society promotes interest in family and local history by providing education through community programs and projects. www.irgs.org Main Street Vero Beach works to revitalize, preserve and create
Treasure Coast Community
a vibrant, historic downtown
Health Inc. provides accessible,
community to live, work, shop and
comprehensive, cost-effective
play in.
and high-quality care to all
people regardless of their socioeconomic status.
Old Vero Ice Age Sites Commit-
tee preserves and excavates Ice Age archaeological and paleon-
Treasure Coast Ovarian Cancer
tological sites in Vero Beach and
Alliance provides a support group
Indian River County and promotes
for females with ovarian and other
education and understanding of
gynecological cancers.
their contents and history.
Visiting Nurse Association &
Vero Heritage Inc. promotes the
Hospice Foundation provides
preservation of historic buildings
compassionate, innovative,
in our community and educates
effective solutions and sets the
and heightens public awareness
standard for patients and caregiv-
of our local heritage and historic
ers needing home-based, hospice
and community health services.
www.vnatc.com Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Refuge of Vero Beach provides a Christian program where hurting women can find healing through biblical counseling. www.womensrefugevb.org
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Indian River Habitat for Human-
Harvest Food & Outreach Center
ity seeks to put Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s love into ac-
helps those in need break free
Breath of Heaven Ministries of
tion by bringing people together
from poverty by offering hunger
to build homes, communities and
relief, crisis care and transforma-
a hope for the future.
tive education and employment
training opportunities.
the Treasure Coast Inc. provides help, hope and opportunity to those facing homelessness and despair through faith in Jesus Christ to inspire them with spiritual purpose and encourage lifechanging principles. www.breathofheavenministries. com Camp Haven provides supportive living opportunities and education to men committed to rising out of homelessness. www.camphaven.net Economic Opportunities Council of Indian River County creates opportunities for low-income families to become self-sufficient and improve living conditions in their community. www.eocofirc.net Every Dream Has A Price strives to provide safe and affordable housing to eligible residents who currently lack a place to call home. www.everydreamhasaprice.com Homeless Family Center provides opportunities for homeless
www.irc.harvestfoodoutreach.org Operation Hope provides farm workers and other impoverished
Our Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Table Soup Kitchen
families with the basic necessities
feeds the homeless and needy
of life and quality education.
without discrimination.
Samaritan Center provides long-
Shining Light Garden Founda-
term transitional housing and
tion grows fresh vegetables to
guidance to homeless families in
help feed the homeless, hungry
Indian River County and prepares
and forgotten.
them to live independently.
The Source presents the Gospel to
Treasure Coast Food Bank strives
the homeless, indigent and those
to alleviate hunger by obtaining
in critical need. The drop-in, out-
and distributing food and other
reach ministry provides hot meals,
essentials in Indian River, St. Lucie,
emergency food boxes, clothing,
Martin and Okeechobee Counties.
basic hygiene services and serves
as a cold weather shelter. www.iamthesource.org Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council Inc. serves as lead agency for the continuum of care for the homeless in Indian River, St. Lucie and Martin Counties. www.tchelpspot.org
families to end homelessness by achieving self-sufficiency through education, living wages and permanent housing. www.homelessfamilycenter.com
NATURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT Archie Carr Wildlife Refuge protects habitat for what is the most significant area for loggerhead sea turtle nesting in the Western Hemisphere and the most signifi-
cant area for green turtle nesting
The Food Pantry of Indian River
County provides basic canned and dry packaged food to households of unemployed, underemployed and disadvantaged residents. www.foodpantryirc.org
in North America.
Coastal Biology Inc. involves people in conservation, education, research and monitoring experiences in our coastal environment. www.coastalbiology.org
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Keep Indian River Beautiful em-
St. Francis Manor provides afford-
presents programs that engage
powers individuals to take greater
able apartment access for local
learners to become more envi-
responsibility for community envi-
senior citizens living on a limited
ronmentally astute and better
ronments by involving volunteers
stewards of our natural resources.
in litter prevention, beautification,
recycling and conservation educa-
Environmental Learning Center
tion. UpCycle It, KIRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reuse-recy-
Senior Resource Association
Florida Native Plant Society â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
cle store in the Indian River Mall is
promotes independence and
Eugenia Chapter promotes the
well worth a visit.
dignity in our community by
preservation, conservation and
providing services to older adults and transportation to all.
restoration of Florida native plants and plant communities.
McKee Botanical Garden nur-
tures and enhances the historic 18-acre garden in a unique tropi-
Friends of St. Sebastian River
cal setting for education, enjoy-
maintains and improves the health
ment and enrichment.
and beauty of the St. Sebastian
River and its watershed through
SPORTS AND RECREATION A Florida Outdoor Center connects people to nature through
education and environment
Pelican Island Audubon Society
outdoor activities.
preserves and protects the an-
imals, plants and natural communities in Indian River County
Florida Archery Foundation
Garden Club of Indian River
through advocacy, education and
empowers athletes to grow as ar-
County furthers the education of
public awareness.
chers and individuals with a focus
members and the public in the
on increased strength, balance,
field of gardening, floral design,
stamina and coordination with
horticulture, botany and land-
Pelican Island Preservation
an emphasis on sportsmanship,
scape design. February Garden
Society supports and promotes
cooperation and dedication for
Fest at Riverside Park a huge
the Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge
archers of all ages.
and the National Wildlife Refuge
www.firstrefuge.org Indian River Bromeliad Society
Florida Comets provides an
promotes interest in the propaga-
understanding of the importance
tion, growth, culture and scientific study of bromeliads. www.irbromeliadsociety.org Indian River Land Trust promotes the preservation, conservation and improvement of natural resources and special places in the county for the benefit of the general public and future generations. www.irlt.org
SENIOR SERVICES The Public Guardianship Program of Indian River County provides a legal protector for low-income, incapacitated people who do not have family members or friends willing to serve as guardian. 772-536-7101
of academics, discipline, being on time, sportsmanship, responsibility, teamwork and being accountable through basketball. www.floridacomets.org Indian River Golf Foundation brings players to the game of golf, encouraging high levels of player development and teaching life skills. www.irgf.org
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Indian River Rowing Club pro-
Vero Beach Ski Club shares the
Youth Sailing Foundation of
motes the sport of rowing in the
love of snow and sport with fellow
Indian River County Inc. provides
community and helps students
skiers, offers a venue for alpine
educational, recreational and
through rowing experiences and
skiing enthusiasts of all ages and
competitive sailing programs for
backgrounds, and provides oppor-
residents with an emphasis on
tunities for club trips in the U.S.
free children’s participation at the
and abroad.
nonprofit’s facility on the Indian
River Lagoon.
Indian River Soccer Association Foundation funds partial need-
based scholarships and capital
Vero Cycling Inc. promotes
improvements for the Indian River
cycling in Indian River County,
Soccer Association, which oper-
encourages cyclists of all levels,
ates the Hobart Soccer Complex,
advocates for cycling-related in-
as well as helps youth develop
terests, and promotes safe cycling
soccer and life skills.
and respect among cyclists and
non-cyclists. www.verocyclingclub.org
Indian River Tennis Foundation supports junior tennis in the county. www.indianrivertennisfoundation. org
Teens take part in planting trees to enhance the environment.
Sebastian River High School Crew Inc. enriches the lives of high school and middle school students and their families through rowing. www.sebastiancrew.org Special Olympics Florida – Indian River County provides yearround sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. www.specialolympicsflorida.org Vero Beach Lifeguard Association promotes water safety and lifeguarding in Vero Beach and the surrounding communities. www.vbla.org
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2016 Calendar Year round, Vero Beach and Indian River County are packed with a wide spectrum of events for adults, teens and children. The following pages are designed to inspire you to join in the fun, meet new friends and enjoy the community spirit of our town. A monthly calendar with specific dates and locations for these events can be found in Vero Beach Magazine, available on newsstands or by calling 772-234-8871.
Antiques Show & Sale Vero Beach Museum of Art www.verobeachmuseum.org
Art By The Sea Vero Beach Art Club Vero Beach Museum of Art www.verobeachartclub.org
Bark in the Park Humane Society Vero Beach & Indian River County Riverside Park www.hsvb.org
251-262_Calendar_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 252
Dan K. Richardson Humanitarian Award
Have a Heart â&#x20AC;Ś Play Bridge For The Children
Gifford Youth Achievement Center
Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Home Society of Florida
The Moorings Yacht & Country Club
Bent Pine Golf Club
Gardenfest! Garden Club of Indian River
International Jazz Performance
County Inc.
Center for Spiritual Care
Riverside Park
Great Gatsby Gala
King of the Hill Youth Guidance
Vero Beach Museum of Art
Boulevard Village and Tennis Club
11/24/15 6:24 PM
The fountains at Royal Palm Pointe provide enjoyment for all ages.
Master’s Academy
Top Chef Qualifying Event
Bougainvillea Antique Show
Homeless Family Center
Garden Club of Indian River
Vero Beach Elks Lodge
Quail Valley Golf Club
Wild Game Feast
Quail Valley River Club
The Arc of Indian River County
Breakfast at Tiffany’s Bingo Luncheon
Jim Carroll Ranch
Senior Resource Association
Oak Harbor Club House
Patriot’s 5K Run/Walk
Quail Valley Charity Cup Week
Secret Garden Party Environmental Learning Center
Bridge Luncheon
Art on the Island
Grand Harbor Community
Vero Beach Art Club
McKee Botanical Garden
Marsh Island
Grand Harbor Club House
Supper Club
Big Brothers Big Sisters Golf Tournament
Chairish the Children
Riverside Theatre
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Vero Beach Country Club
251-262_Calendar_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 253
Hibiscus Children’s Center
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The waterlilies at McKee Botanical Garden put on a show.
Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation
King of the Hill Tennis Tournament
Passport to Wine and Dine
Youth Guidance Program
Hibiscus Children’s Center
Boulevard Village and Tennis Club
Bent Pine Country Club
St. Baldrick’s
Love Your Lagoon
Pony Up With Polo
Harbor Branch Oceanographic
Special Equestrians
Charity Golf Tournament
Cure Kids Cancer Gala and Auction
Florida Craft Brew and Wing Fest
Princess Breakfast
Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach Club
Mardi Gras Ball
Royal Palm Pointe
St. Helen Catholic School
Gala Dinner
Mother Daughter Tea
Reading Between the Wines
Old Vero Ice Age Sites Committee
City of Vero Beach Recreation
Literacy Services of Indian River
Quail Valley River Club
County Inc.
Community Center
Windsor Club
Rotary Club of Vero Beach
Motorcar Exhibition
Oak Harbor Club House
McKee Botanical Garden
Saint Edward’s Trunk Show
Hollywood Gala
Riverside Children’s Theatre www.riversidetheatre.com
Saint Edward’s School Parent’s Association Saint Edward’s School www.steds.org
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Sebastian Art Studios Tour Studios of Local Artists www.sebastianartstudiotour.com
Starfest! Childcare Resources of Indian River Oak Harbor Club House www.childcareresourcesir.org
Top Chef Finale Homeless Family Center The Club at Pointe West www.homelessfamilycenter.com
Valentine Ball
Angels Help Our Kids Take Flight Benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County Sun Jet Center www.bgcirc.org
Art in Bloom Luncheon Vero Beach Museum of Art www.verobeachmuseum.org
Bags & Bubbly Luncheon The Willow School Grand Harbor Golf Club www.thewillowschool.org
Harvest Food & Outreach Center Oak Harbor Club House www.harvestfoodoutreach.org
Vero Beach 5K Trail Run
Bella Notte American Cancer Society Quail Valley River Club www.cancer.org
Indian River Land Trust Lagoon Greenway www.irlt.org
Big Bang - Quiet Click Environmental Learning Center
Cause for Paws Humane Society Vero Beach & Indian River County
Sebastian Art Studios
Oak Harbor Club House www.hsvb.org
Champions for Children Golf Tournament Children’s Home Society www.chsfl.org
Championship Fever Soiree Children’s Home Society www.chsfl.org
Dash in the Sand 5K Hibiscus Children’s Center South Beach www.hibiscuschildrenscenter.org
Ecofest Environmental Learning Center www.discoverelc.org
There’s nothing like a day at the beach.
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Haiti Partners
St. Baldrick’s Head Shaving
St. Baldrick’s
Educate and Celebrate
Habitat Cracker Hoedown Indian River Habitat for Humanity Sun Jet Center www.irchabitat.org
HabiTrot to Higher Education 5K and 10K Race Indian River Habitat for Humanity South Beach Park www.irchabitat.org
Indian River County Firefighters Fair Indian River County Firefighters Indian River County Fairgrounds www.firefightersfair.org
Love of Literacy Luncheon
Springtime In Paris Ladies Bingo Brunch Senior Resource Association Oak Harbor Clubhouse www.seniorresourceassociation.org
Starlight and Sneakers The ARC of Indian River County Rock City Gardens www.arcir.org
The sandhill crane, an endangered species, mates for life.
Under the Oaks Vero Beach Art Club Riverside Park www.verobeachartclub.org
Blue Ribbon Luncheon & Fashion Show
Golf Scramble General Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasure Coast Women www.gfwctreasurecoastwomen.org
Hibiscus Children’s Center
Literacy Services of Indian River
Oak Harbor Club House
County Inc.
Great Duck Derby
Treasure Coast Community Health
Vero Beach Country Club www.literacyservicesirc.org
Pelican Wildlife Festival
Bluegrass & BBQ Bash St. Francis Manor
Physicians’ Symposium Women’s Refuge Quail Valley River Club www.womensrefugevb.org
Rock the Boat Youth Sailing Foundation www.ysfirc.org
Capt. Hiram’s www.thegreatduckderby.com
www. stfrancismanor.org
Pelican Island Preservation Society Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge
Bridge Challenge
Hibiscus Festival Main Street Vero Beach
National Navy Seal Museum
Heritage Center
Children’s Art Festival Vero Beach Museum of Art
Indian River Lagoon Education Day
Youth Sailing Foundation
Duplicate Bridge Tournament
Luna Fest
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River
Friends After Diagnosis
251-262_Calendar_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 256
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Spring Fiesta
Women’s Refuge
Blue Water Open Dolphin Mania
South Beach Park
The Exchange Club of Indian River
Ft. Pierce City Marina
Maya Matters 5K
Poetry and Barbecue
Treasure Coast Gator Club Toast
Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation
Chamber Golf Classic
Jackson Home
Indian River County Chamber
& Country Club
Environmental Learning Center
Treasure Coast Gator Club
Campus www.lauraridingjackson.com
Soup, Soap and Salvation Benefit Dinner The Salvation Army of Indian River
Conquistadors Sprint Triathalon Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Jaycee Park www.lls.org/pb
County Oak Harbor Club House
Dancing With Vero’s Stars
Indian River County Healthy Start
Date With A Plate Spring Luncheon Homeless Family Center www.homelessfamilycenter.org
Spring Swing Golf Tournament
The Arc of Indian River County Sandridge Golf Club www.arcir.org
Woman of the Year Luncheon Junior League of Indian River County www.womanoftheyear.info
Barefoot Beach Ball Vero Beach Lifeguard Association
Coalition Riverside Theatre www.dancingwithverostars.com
Fairy Festival McKee Botanical Garden www.mckeegarden.org
Golf-A-Thon Vero Nurses Association www.vnatc.com
May Pops Indian River Medical Center Foundation Windsor www.maypopsinvero.com
Pirate Ball Saint Edward’s School
Bernard & Betty Egan Memorial Golf Classic
Relay For Life
Samaritan Center for Homeless Families
American Cancer Society Various Locations
Riverside Children’s Theatre
The Moorings Yacht
Field Day Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club TBA www.w4ot.webs.com
Tropical Night Luau Youth Guidance TBA www.youthguidanceprogram.org
Waterlily Celebration McKee Botanical Garden www.mckeegarden.org
Beverly K. Norris 5K Substance Awareness Council TBA www.sacirc.org
Christmas in July Shop With A Cop TBA www.sebastianchamber.com
Chili Cook-Off Youth Sailing Foundation Vero Beach Power Squadron www.ysfirc.org
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Day of Caring
United Way of Indian River County Various Locations www.volunteerindianrivercounty.org
International Coastal Cleanup Keep Indian River Beautiful Various Locations www.kirb.org
National Estuaries Day Environmental Learning Center www.discoverelc.org
Chocolate, Champagne & Chefs
Touch a Truck Family Festival
Big Brothers Big Sisters of St. Lucie,
Childcare Resources of Indian
Indian River and Okeechobee
Indian River County Fairgrounds
Quail Valley River Club
Fundraising Golf Tournament
Amateur Golf Tournament
Women’s Refuge of Vero Beach
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian
Sandridge Golf Club
River County
Vero Beach Country Club
Hooray for Hollywood
Shore lb Throw Down Skim Board Competition
Holy Cross Parish Hall
Bridge Luncheon and Card Party
McKee Botanical Garden
Vero Beach Lifeguard Association
Indian River Birding Festival
TBA www.vbla.org
Tunnel to Towers 5K Run/Walk Tunnel to Towers Riverside Park www.crowdrise.com/T2TVeroBeach
The Arc of Indian River County
Pelican Island National Wildlife
Capt. Hiram’s River Challenge Triathlon
Ocean Research Conservation
Lines in the Lagoon
Various Locations www.hirams.com
Vero Beach Art Club Springhill Suites by Marriott
Indian River Habitat’s Bowl to Build
Indian River Habitat for Humanity
Evening Of Giving Grand Harbor Community Outreach Grand Harbor Club House www.ghcop.org
Vero Bowl Lanes & Lounge www.indianriverhabitat.org
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Cancer Society of Indian River
Indian River County Healthy Start
Coastal Conservation Association
Everglades Foundation
Beachside Half Marathon and 5K Walk/Run
Environmental Learning Center
ORCA A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery
Evening Of Hope Dasie Bridgewater Hope Center The Club at Pointe West www.dasiehope.org
Fall Benefit
Education Foundation of Indian River County Vero Beach Museum of Art www.edfoundationirc.org
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Festival Of Trees: Santa’s Elves Workshop
Harvest Festival
Riverside Children’s Theatre www.riversidetheatre.com
Riverside Children’s Theatre
Festival Of Trees
Festival Of Trees: Breakfast with Santa Riverside Children’s Theatre
Friends’ Fall Luncheon Riverside Theatre
St. Helen Catholic Church
Hoedown The Arc of Indian River County 1375 16th Avenue
Festival Of Trees: Girls’ Night Out Gingerbread Decorating Workshop
Give From the Heart: A Small Plate Event
Holiday Magic
Riverside Children’s Theatre
Quail Valley River Club
Festival Of Trees: Holiday Paint Party
Golf Tournament
Riverside Children’s Theatre
Sandridge Golf Club
The Samaritan Center
Women’s Refuge of Vero Beach www.womensrefugevb.org
Festival Of Trees: It’s A Wrap Mimosa Party
Golfin’ for the Lagoon
Riverside Children’s Theatre
Bent Pine Golf Club
251-262_Calendar_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 259
Environmental Learning Center www.discoverelc.org
Contemplate the beauty of our area at the Indian River Lagoon.
CASTLE Jaguar Land Rover Treasure Coast www.castletc.org
Homeless Family Center Annual Dinner Homeless Family Center Quail Valley River Club www.homelessfamilycenter.com
Hunger Free Holiday Radiothon Harvest Food & Outreach Center Treasure & Space Coast Radio www.irc.harvestfoodoutreach.org
11/24/15 6:24 PM
Land Water Wildlife
Pro-Am Golf Tournament
Soup Bowl
Indian River Land Trust
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River
The Samaritan Center
Rock City Gardens
Various Locations
Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island West
National Philanthropy Day
Turkey Trot Against Hunger 5K
Association of Fundraising
Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Festival
Sebastian Clambake Foundation
Riverside Park
Riverside Theatre
Riverview Park
Navy SEAL Muster and Music Festival
Signature Chefs Auction Quail Valley River Club
Association of Indian River County
National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum
March of Dimes
Riverside Park
9th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Special Soup Bowl Samaritan Center
Wintergreen Nightlights
First Church of God
Various Locations
Environmental Learning Center
251-262_Calendar_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 260
Harvest Food & Outreach Center
Walk to Remember Alzheimer and Parkinson
11/24/15 6:24 PM
ACO Benefit Concert Waxlax Center for the Performing Arts www.atlanticclassicorchestra.com
Art Trail Vero Beach Art Club Homes of Local Artists www.verobeachartclub.org
Boat Parade and Tree Lighting City of Vero Beach Royal Palm Pointe www.covb.org
Christmas Parade on Ocean Drive Oceanside Business Association Ocean Drive www.verobeachoba.com
Le Soiree Fabuleuse Gala
Literacy Services of Indian River
Hibiscus Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center
County Inc.
The Moorings Yacht &
Riverside Park
Country Club
Girls on the Run 5K Girls on the Run of the
Nights of Lights McKee Botanical Garden www.mckeegarden.org
Atlantic Classical Orchestra
Family Holiday Fest
Treasure Coast South Beach Park
Our Beautiful Waters
Environmental Learning Center
Holidays At McKee
McKee Botanical Garden
Santa Who?
City of Vero Beach Recreation Department
Jingle Bell Jog 5K
Vero Beach High School
Christian FM
Performing Arts Center
South Beach Park
Volunteer Open House Environmental Learning Center www.discoverelc.org
Watch the sun set over the Indian River Lagoon.
251-262_Calendar_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 261
11/24/15 6:24 PM
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ACCOUNTING Rehmann 5070 N. A1A, Ste. 250, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-8484 www.rehmann.com .......................................................... 68
ANTIQUES J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art 3465 Ocean Dr. Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-3900 www.jmstringergallery.com ........................................125
ARCHITECTURE Moulton Layne, P.L. 4887 N. A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-0445 www.moultonlayne.com................................................. 10
ART GALLERIES & FINE ART Anchor Stone 1800 Old Dixie Hwy., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-925-1335 www.anchorstonestatuary.com .................................185
Meghan Candler Gallery 6160 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-8811 www.meghancandlergallery.com ..............................139
ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT & EVENTS Cultural Council of Indian River County 2041 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-770-4857 www.cultural-council.org .............................................141
Indian River Symphonic Association 1901 23rd St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-778-1070 www.irsymphonic.org....................................................155
Riverside Theatre 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-6990 www.riversidetheatre.com ................................. 145, 159
Vero Beach Museum of Art 3001 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-0707 www.verobeachmuseum.org ..........127, 128, 129, 139
Gallery 14
Vero Beach Auction
1911 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-5525 www.gallery14verobeach.com ................................ 141
492 Old Dixie Hwy., Vero Beach, FL 32962 772-978-5955 www.verobeachauction.com ......................................241
The Gallery at Windsor
Rennick Realtors and Auctioneers
3125 Windsor Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-388-4071 www.windsorflorida.com/art ......................................133
15 Royal Palm Pte., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-5704, 772-633-0501 www.pattyrennick.com ................................................... 56
J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art 3465 Ocean Dr. Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-3900 www.jmstringergallery.com ........................................125
The Laughing Dog Gallery 2910 Cardinal Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-6711 www.thelaughingdoggallery.com ............................... 82
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AUTOMOBILE SALES & SERVICE Classic Car Wash 852 21st St. Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-563-6870 www.classiccarwashverobeach.com .........................193
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Don’s Import Auto Service & Sales
Jaguar Treasure Coast 4771 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 888-760-8865 www.tcjaguar.com .....................................................Bk Cvr
Land Rover Treasure Coast 4771 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 888-760-8865 www.tclandrover.com ...............................................Bk Cvr
BANKING, INVESTMENTS & FINANCIAL PLANNING Caliber Home Loans 2095 Indian River Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32960 800-401-6587 www.caliberhomeloans.com ......................................... 66
BLINDS & WINDOW TREATMENTS Coastal Comforts 6190 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-226-7808 www.coastal-comforts.com .........................................241
Roth Interiors 1865 Wilbur Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-1210 www.rothinteriors.hdwfg.com ....................................161
BOATING, FISHING & MARINE SERVICES Boylan Yacht Sales 3599 Rio Vista Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-3730, 772-633-2076 www.boylandyacht.com ...............................................189
Capt. Bob’s Airboat Adventure Tours
Client 1st Advisory Group Registered Investment Advisor
Blue Cypress Conservation Area, State Road 60, Vero Beach, FL 32966 772-633-7849 www.airboatadventuretours.com ..............................191
1401 A1A, Ste. 207, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-3122 www.c1ag.com.................................................................209
Deep 6 Dive and Watersports
The Crockett Group 3375 20th St. #110, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-9664 www.thecrockettgroup-insurance.com ............44, 116
Morgan Stanley 3525 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-1836 www.morganstanleyfa.com/leydakanner.com...........6
BEAUTY, HAIR AND SPA SERVICES Lena’s Salon of Vero 2907 Cardinal Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-7577 www.lenassalonofvero.com .........................................171
263-271_Directory_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 265
150 43rd Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32968 772-569-4714 www.donsimport.com ...................................................179
416 21st St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-2883 www.deepsixintl.com ....................................................193
BRIDAL & GIFT REGISTRIES Elegance by the Sea 6230 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-7333 www.elegance-interiors.com ........................................ 65
The Laughing Dog Gallery 2910 Cardinal Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-6711 www.thelaughingdoggallery.com ............................... 82
Leigh Jewelers 3401 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-8522 www.leighjewelers.com .................................................. 77
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Croom Construction Company
2900 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-2901, 772-770-6420 www.loggiahomeandgarden.com .............................115
1201 19th Pl. # A400, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-7474 www.croomconstruction.com ...................................... 11
M Maison
Reilly Construction
3403 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-4300 www.mmaisonvero.com ...............................................171
1515 Indian River Blvd. #232, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-794-9799 www.building2last.com .................................................. 73
Ocean Drive Jewelers
Vero Beach Roofing
3225 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-1225 www.oceandrivejewelers.com ...................................... 47
835 10th Ave. SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962 772-770-3782 www.verobeachroofing.com .......................................169
Westmark Construction Company
3325 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-3404 .........................................................................7
3003 Cardinal Dr., Ste. D, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-0155 www.westmarkconstructioncompany.com .............. 56
CATERING Elizabeth D. Kennedy & Company, Inc. 486 21st St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-563-0646 www.elizabethkennedycatering.com .......................223
CHILDREN’S FASHION Lily Pad 3121 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-7405 www.lilypadverobeach.com ........................................107
CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Beachland Homes Corp. 984 E Polo Grounds Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32966 772-675-4646 www.arthurrutenberghomes.com ............................... 75
EDUCATION & CHILD DEVELOPMENT Saint Edward’s School 1895 St. Edwards Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-492-2360 www.steds.org.................................................................... 87
FASHION & ACCESSORIES Cooper & Co. 3435 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-9889 ....................................................................101
Dede’s 1006 Beachland Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-6733 ....................................................................167
G. T. Rhodes 1008 Beachland Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-6424, 800-531-5872 www.gtrhodes.com ........................................................183
Kemp’s Shoe Salon & Boutique Central Window 4388 U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-562-8161 www.centralwindow.com .............................................118
263-271_Directory_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 266
3385 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-2772 www.kempsshoesalon.com .........................................149
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Noteworthy by Design
2900 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-2901, 772-770-6420 www.loggiahomeandgarden.com .............................115
6100 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-0085 ...................................................................... 36
M Maison 3403 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-4300 www.mmaisonvero.com ...............................................171
Posh 3349 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 3296 772-234-6111 ....................................................................183
Sassy Boutique 3375 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-3998 www.sassyboutique.com ................................................ 89
Wabasoo Beach & Surf Shop 4880 87th St., Wabasso, FL 772-388-4077 www.wabassobeahshop.com......................................175
GIFTS, STATIONERY & KEEPSAKES All Thru The House 1165 N U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-7991 ....................................................................105
Beachside Linens 790 15th Pl., Vero Beach, FL 32960 www.beachsidelinens.com ..........................................103
Coastal Comforts 6190 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-226-7808 www.coastal-comforts.com .........................................241
GOURMET MARKETS, DESSERTS & SPECIALTIES Elizabeth D. Kennedy & Company, Inc 486 21st St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-563-0646 www.elizabethkennedycatering.com .......................223
HOME FURNISHINGS & DESIGN SERVICES All Thru The House 1165 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-7991 ....................................................................105
Baer’s Furniture & Interior Design 4260 W. New Haven Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32904 321-872-2377 www.baers.com ................................................................. 39
Beachside Linens 790 15th Pl., Vero Beach, FL 32960 www.beachsidelinens.com ..........................................103
Coastal Comforts 6190 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-226-7808 www.coastal-comforts.com .........................................241
Coastal Décor by Joanie 910 Village Square Dr., Sebastian, FL 32958 321-368-2554 ....................................................................120
Coop 3355 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-257-5148 www.cooperverobeach.com ......................................... 69
2900 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-2901, 772-770-6420 www.loggiahomeandgarden.com .............................115
Decor Accents
M Maison
Elegance by the Sea
3403 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-4300 www.mmaisonvero.com ...............................................171
263-271_Directory_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 267
4330 U.S. Hwy. 1 Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-770-2762 www.decoraccentsvero.com .......................................119 6230 A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-7333 www.elegance-interiors.com ........................................ 65
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House of Charm
Signature Kitchen of Vero Beach
4400 U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-770-0703 www.houseofcharmantiques.com .............................118
3003 Cardinal Dr., Ste. D, Vero Beach, FL 772-234-0155, 772-234-0155 www.signatureofvero.com ...........................................227
Jennifer Elmore Interior Design
Spectrum Interior Design
1105 22nd St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-569-5522 www.elmoreinteriors.com ............................................169
5099 N. A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-4427 www.spectrumvero.com ................................................. 33
L.K. DeFrances & Associates
Sunshine Furniture
4328 U.S. Hwy 1, Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-234-0078 www.lkdefrancesandassociates.com ........................239
1295 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, #2, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-569-0460 www.sunshinefurniturecasual.com .........Inside Bk Cvr
The Laughing Dog Gallery 2910 Cardinal Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-6711 www.thelaughingdoggallery.com ............................... 82
Loggia 2900 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-2901, 772-770-6420 www.loggiahomeandgarden.com .............................115
Organic Mattress Haven 1125 U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-226-5019 www.organicmattresshaven.com ..............................177
Our Boat House 4320 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-569-7342 www.ourboathouse.com ..............................................117
Page 2 Design 44 Royal Palm Pte., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-492-9220 www.verointeriors.com ............................................ 12, 13
Rod Mickley 3340 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-4550 www.rodmickley.com ....................................................167
Roth Interiors 1865 Wilbur Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-1210 www.rothinteriors.hdwfg.com ....................................161
Signature Interiors of Cardinal Drive 3003 Cardinal Dr., Ste. D, Vero Beach, FL 772-234-0155, 772-234-015, www.signatureofvero.com ...........................................157
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HOME MAINTENANCE ABCO Garage Door Company 670 8th Ct. Vero Beach, FL 32962 772-567-9098, www.abcogaragedoors.com........................................179
Absolute Protection Team 4320 U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach FL 32967 772-770-0111 www.absoluteprotect.com...........................................117
Colkitt Air Conditioning 860 11th St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-4660 www.colkittac.com .........................................................239
Precision Maintenance and Property Management 1515 Indian River Blvd., Ste. A-232, Vero Beach, FL 772-794-9515 www.maintaining2last.com ........................................... 73
Sherwin-Williams 915 Bougainvillea Ln. 772-234-1026 www.sherwin-williams.com/emerald .......................185
Vero Beach Roofing 835 10th Ave. SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962 772-770-3782, www.verobeachroofing.com .................................... 169
Whitehall Professional Property Management 1201 19th Pl., Ste. 300 772-299-4599 www.simplywhitehall.com.......................................... 11
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HOSPITALS 1000 36th St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-4311, www.indianrivermedicalcenter.com ........................... 94
JEWELRY All Thru The House
1055 37th Pl., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-257-8700 www.newvisioneyecenter.com ...................................115
Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery 5070 N. A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-3700 www.oceandriveplasticsurgery.com ........................... 31
Rosato Plastic Surgery Center
1165 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-7991 ....................................................................105
3790 7th Ter., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-5859 www.rosatoplasticsurgery.com .................................... 95
The Laughing Dog Gallery
Vero Implant and Esthetic Dentistry
2910 Cardinal Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-6711, www.thelaughingdoggallery.com ............................... 82
5070 A1A Ste. E, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-5353 www.veroimplantdentistry.com ................................... 93
Leigh Jewelers 3401 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-8522, www.leighjewelers.com .................................................. 77
Loggia 2900 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-2901, 772-770-6420 www.loggiahomeandgarden.com .......................... 115
Ocean Drive Jewelers 3225 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-1225 www.oceandrivejewelers.com ...................................... 47
Veranda 3325 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-3404 .........................................................................7
LODGING Abingdon Mannor 307 Church St., Latta, SC 29565 888-752-5090 www.abingdonmanor.com ............................................ 36
Indian River Medical Center
New Vision Eye Center
NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Indian River Land Trust 80 Royal Palm Pte. #301, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-794-0701 www.irlt.org ......................................................................177
PRIVATE CLUBS Indian River Club 800 Carolina Cir. SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962 772-770-0757 www.indianriverclub.com ............................................203
Vero Beach County Club 800 30th St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-3320 www.vbcountyclub.com ...............................................205
PUBLICATIONS Vero Beach Magazine 956 20th St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-234-8871 www.verobeachmagazine.com ..................................262
The Aesthetic Dermatology Center of Vero Beach 787 37th St., E-250 Vero Beach, FL 772-562-SKIN (7546) ......................................................... 96
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REAL ESTATE Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Real Estate 2901 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-6509 www.alexmacwilliam.com..........................45, 53, 79, 81
Cindy O’Dare & Clark French at Premier Estate Properties 675 Beachland Blvd., Ste. 101, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-5555 www.premierestateproperties.com ...............................9
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc. 1961 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-231-4712 www.sorensenrealestate.com ..............................37, 137
Daley and Company Real Estate 2855 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach FL 32963 772-231-9938 www.daleyandcompany.com ........................................ 35
Dan Downey & Anne Wallace Norris & Company Real Estate 3377 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-713-6314, 772-532-3226 www.norrisandcompany.com ....................................... 61
Dustin Haynes at Coldwell Banker 4625 N. A1A #3, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-205-1931, 1-800-935-SOLD www.berobeachproperty.com .........................................3
John’s Island Real Estate Company 1 Johns Island Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-0900 www.johnsislandrealestate.com .................................. 55
The Moorings Realty Sales Co. 2125 Windward Way, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-5131 www.themoorings.com ................................................... 29
Norris & Company Real Estate 3377 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-231-1270 www.norrisandcompany.com .................4, 5, 61, 63, 89
Orchid Island Realty, Inc. One Beachside Dr., Town of Orchid, Vero Beach, FL 772-388-3888 www.orchidislandrealty.com ......................................... 77
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Premier Estate Properties 675 Beachland Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-5555 www.premierestateproperties.com Inside Ft Cvr, 1, 9
RE/MAX Associated Realty 3975 20th St. Ste. E, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-569-9340 www.wendywilson.remaxagent.com ......................... 68
Rennick Realtors and Auctioneers 15 Royal Palm Pte., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-5704, 772-633-0501 www.pattyrennick.com ................................................... 56
Shamrock Real Estate Corp. 3201 Cardinal Dr., #7, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-1688 www.propertyinvero.com .............................................. 85
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Real Estate 1401 A1A #100, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-492-1002 www.treasurecoastsir.com ...........18, 19, 20, 21, 67, 83
Windsor 3125 Windsor Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-388-8400 www.windsorflorida.com ............................................... 71
RESTAURANTS Avanzare Ristorante 2023 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772 979-9789 www.AvanzareVeroBeach.com ...................................217
Bijou Noche 1920 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-226-5254 www.bijouverobeach.com ...........................................217
Blue Agave 1979 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-999-3484 blueagavevero.com ........................................................219
Citrus Grillhouse 1050 Easter Lily Ln., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-4114 www.citrusgrillhouse.com ............................................221
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JRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 710 S. U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-299-0092 www.jrsverobeach.com .................................................219
Vero Prime 901 21 St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-226-7870 www.veroprime.com ......................................................217
TILE & STONE Tile Market & Design Center Vero Beach 4001 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-978-1212 www.tilemarketverobeach.com ................................... 57
3500 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-469-1060 www.cobaltrestaurant.com..........................................225
Solid Waste Disposal District 1325 74th Ave. SW, Vero Beach, FL 32968 772-770-5112 www.ircrecycles.com......................................................111
RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES Regency Park / Harbor Chase 910 Regency Square, 4150 Indian River Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-770-1228, 772-778-7727 www.regencyparkverobeah.com www.harborchase.com.................................................... 91
SHUTTERS & AWNINGS Florida Shutters 1055 Commerce Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-569-2200 www.floridashuttersinc.com.......................................... 85
Roth Interiors 1865 Wilbur Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-567-1210 www.rothinteriorswindowfashions.com .................161
SPORTS & FITNESS Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks 1175 Commerce Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-299-1286 www.orchidislandbikesandkayaks.com ...................175
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THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX Test your knowledge of Florida and the Treasure Coast.
2. What is Florida’s state bird? 6. What is an invasive spiny fish now being served as a delicacy in local restaurants? 8. What was the name of the first newspaper in Vero Beach? 9. Which town’s slogan is “Where Sunshine Spends Winter”? 11. What is the name of a local Native American tribe whose most powerful chief lived in Jece, now known as Vero Beach? 14. Which President-Elect played golf at Riomar Golf Course? 15. What is the name of the deep channel in the Indian River Lagoon? 17. What is Florida’s state flower? 18. What is the largest lake in Indian River County? 19. What is the name of an annual festival to celebrate historic downtown Vero Beach? 20. What is the name of a1696 pioneer who traveled through the area after being shipwrecked off Jupiter?
272_Crossword_2016 HB2_NEW.indd 272
1. Which bridge is 3,834 feet long with a vertical clearance of 100 feet? 3. What was the original name of Sebastian Inlet? 4. What author wrote the first description of Vero Beach? 5. What is the name of a historic narrow 7.5 mile unpaved road on the barrier island used initially to transport citrus? 7. What was the birthplace of women’s suffrage in Florida? 10. What city was the Spanish fleet returning from when it sank off of Vero Beach in the 1700s? 12. Which Native Americans came from a variety of tribes, lived briefly in Indian River County and then fled to the Everglades? 13. Which Indian River County town has a name derived from the reverse spelling of one of Georgia’s Sea Islands? 16. Vero Beach is known as the “Gateway to the ________”?
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