1 minute read

Why My Sister Gets 12 Christmas Gifts and I Get Just 1?



Talking about keeping it simple and a lot more fun: Our Sunday School teacher, Dr. Canty, wrote the script so that the narrator reads in the narration when it is time for a performer(s) to say, do, or sing something. Includes Christmas recitations, legends, traditions, and ways to present a 1-rehearsal, nothing to memorize, musical nativity play/skit. What is special about this play is that it helps us to participant in a sermon rather than just hearing one about Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

• The holy spirit cast of the Jesus is the Reason Nativity comes to you as heralds, shepherds, angels, wisemen, Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus.

• The New Twinkling stars consist of talking people Christmas Cards, musicians, legends and Christmas traditions storytellers. There is an opportunity to enjoy the Sunday school Fruit Bags tradition.

• By the end of the play and presentations, everyone has an opportunity to understand that Jesus is the best gift ever to receive and to give.


to Pastor McCracken - the narrator pastor known for giving the best comforting, healing hugs to everyone so that they can know what an amazing hug from a child of God is really like

to Jaimee - a lovely, curly blonde, red hair daughter with inner and outer beauty who displays the radiance of Christ in herself and in her church photos of visitors, family, friends, and neighbors

To each and every one of you who enjoys and shares this publication. Thank you.

ISBN: ISBN: 9781710097931 copyright 2019 Katie Canty all rights reserved

The entire book is available on Teachers Pay Teachers,

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