Talking about keeping it simple and a lot more fun: Our Sunday School teacher, Dr. Canty, wrote the script so that the narrator reads in the narration when it is time for a performer(s) to say, do, or sing something. Includes Christmas recitations, legends, traditions, and ways to present a 1-rehearsal, nothing to memorize, musical nativity play/skit. What is special about this play is that it helps us to participant in a sermon rather than just hearing one about Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
• The holy spirit cast of the Jesus is the Reason Nativity comes to you as heralds, shepherds, angels, wisemen, Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus.
• The New Twinkling stars consist of talking people Christmas Cards, musicians, legends and Christmas traditions storytellers. There is an opportunity to enjoy the Sunday school Fruit Bags tradition.
• By the end of the play and presentations, everyone has an opportunity to understand that Jesus is the best gift ever to receive and to give.