The Jesus Is The Reason Nativity - A short musical play with performers age 5 to 90

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Introduction Talking about keeping it simple and a lot more fun: Our Sunday School teacher, Dr. Canty, wrote the script so that the narrator reads in the narration when it is time for a performer(s) to say, do, or sing something. Includes Christmas recitations, legends, traditions, and ways to present a 1-rehearsal, nothing to memorize, musical nativity play/skit. What is special about this play is that it helps us to participant in a sermon rather than just hearing one about Jesus is the Reason for the Season. • The holy spirit cast of the Jesus is the Reason Nativity comes to you as heralds, shepherds, angels, wisemen, Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. • The New Twinkling stars consist of talking people Christmas Cards, musicians, legends and Christmas traditions storytellers. There is an opportunity to enjoy the Sunday school Fruit Bags tradition. •

By the end of the play and presentations, everyone has an opportunity to understand that Jesus is the best gift ever to receive and to give.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Dedication to Pastor McCracken - the narrator pastor known for giving the best comforting, healing hugs to everyone so that they can know what an amazing hug from a child of God is really like to Jaimee - a lovely, curly blonde, red hair daughter with inner and outer beauty who displays the radiance of Christ in herself and in her church photos of visitors, family, friends, and neighbors To each and every one of you who enjoys and shares this publication. Thank you.

ISBN: ISBN: 9781710097931 copyright 2019 Katie Canty all rights reserved

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

THE CAST Part 1 Holy Spirit Cast Part 2 New Twinkling Stars Yes, this play is very suitable for mixed age groups and multi-generations. Our cast consists of kids, teens, young adults, and senior adults ranging in age from 5 (a king) to 90 (the lead angel). No one ever knew that we accidentally did Part II of the play first instead of the recitations, which worked out much better to perform the play first, then the recitations next! Cast members may include many non-church members as well as willing family, friends, and neighbors.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady





Joseph & Mary’s Song – O Come All Ye Faithful


Lady Tianna

Inn Keepers

Barbara, Diane, Dorothy


Isiah, Christopher Andre, Mel

Shepherds Song: Silent Night


Wana, Carrie, Estelle, Shayla

Angels Song: Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Three Kings Kings Song: We Three Kings

Bobby, Chance, Mike

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady


Christina, Flutist Andrew, Pianist

Christmas Heralds

1. Gladys, Christmas Is 2. Isiah, Christmas Meaning

Christmas Cards

3. Delores, Merry Christmas 4. Mel, Christmas Wisdom 5. Dorothy, Christmas Blessing 6. Ethel, Jesus Is the Reason

Christmas Prayers

6. Rel, Christmas Prayer 7. Lillian, Nativity Prayer

Christmas Legends/Traditions

8. Chris, Candy Cane 9. David, Christmas Tree 10. Wanda, Poinsettia 11. Mary, Tradition Fruit Bag Gifts

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

THE SCRIPT Talking about keeping it simple and a lot more fun--In this play, our Sunday School teacher Dr. Canty, wrote the script so that the narrator reads in the narration when it is time for a performer(s) to say, do, or sing something.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady



Rev narrator stands in front of the audience behind a podium to narrate. If a pastor, the performer can narrate from the pastor’s sermon podium if allowed to do so. All actors are lined up and march in from a specified location usually from the front entrance of the church, down the center aisle.

Rev the Narrator reads: Christmas fills our hearts with joy as we think of gifts, lights, and holiday spirit. But remember, Christmas means something more, it’s the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us travel back to Bethlehem and share the story of the birth of Jesus the Christ as

we hear Miss Christina playing “O Come All Ye Faithful. Miss Christina: Clarinet Solo “O Come All Ye Faithful”—no singing just music

Rev: And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed… And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem… to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife,

Joseph Lamont and Mary Lady Tianna are now on the way to Bethlehem: being great with child.

Joseph/LaMont & Mary/Lady Tianna travel to Bethlehem from back of church by walking slowing down the aisle side by side. They go over to the first door which is the entrance to the Dining Hall. LaMont Joseph knocks on the door many times and yells loud.

LaMont as Joseph:

Do you have any room in the inn?

Diane as Innkeeper 1: No, I’m sorry we are full. Try across the way. Points to the choir room door. Slams the door in his face.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

LaMont/Joseph takes Mary/Lady Tianna’s hand and leads her to the next inn door which is the Choir Room Door entrance. Lamont Joseph knocks on the very hard several times, and shouts even louder.

LaMont: Please, do you have any room for us in your inn? Dorothy as Innkeeper 2: We have too many guests already, we have no room. Why you got that woman out here in this cold, seeing her condition and all! What wrong with you, boy? Returns and slams the door. Joseph leads Mary to the third inn—door near choir pews, and Lamont Joseph leads Mary to the third inn and bam knocks on the door really hard, and yells out even louder.

LaMont: Do you have any room for us in your inn? We have come a long way and my wife is with child. Barbara as Innkeeper 3: All of our rooms are full. I have an empty stable out back you may use, it’s not much, but it will give you some shelter. Lady Tianna as Mary: Touch’s Lamont’s arm. Joseph, the baby will be coming soon, let’s please go to the stable. Barbara, Inn Keeper #3, grabs a lantern—flashlight, and shows Joseph (LaMont) and Mary (Lady Tianna) the way to the collection table which has been placed where the announcer’s stand is. There is a baby carrier sitting on the collection table with a doll in it facing the podium with a baby blanket over it so that no one can see the baby, yet. Note: The 3 inn keepers go and sit in the choir to help sing. Mary and Joseph stand side by side on the right side of the baby manger table.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Rev: And so, it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. The

Shepherds could be seen on this Silent Night, now a song which the shepherds now will sing. Mary (Lady Tianna) picks up baby Jesus, smiles at the baby and LaMont and lays Him back in His manger while the shepherds march in from the back.

Andrew, Andre, Isiah as Shepherds: Shepherds sing “Silent Night” just 1 verse March in single file proudly and in unison with shepherd sticks in hand, singing from back of the church to the front collection table manger. Turn and stand on the left side of the collection table manger. Move down to make room for the angels when they march in.

Rev: And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, low, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were so afraid until they heard

heavenly sweet angels singing Hark! the Herald Angels Sing! Carrie, Estelle, Shayla, Jessica as Angels: Angels sing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” just 1st verse March in single file looking heavenly pretty from the back of the church to the collection table manger. Stop in front of the collection table manger, then turn right. The shepherds will move down to make room for you to stand.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Rev: The

heavenly herald angel Miss Carrie Canty could be heard telling the shepherds this: Miss Carrie as the Messenger Angel: Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Rev: And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God. Rev and Angels say together: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

The lead shepherd, Shepherd Isiah could be heard saying:


Isiah as the Lead Shepherd: Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. Shepherds & Angels & look right towards the baby doll in the mange. Shepherds and angels move down to make room for the 3 Wise men when they get to the collection table manger.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Rev: And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. [And]

Behold, there came wise men, King Mike, King Chance, and King Bobby from the east to Jerusalem. Bobby, Chance, and Mike as the 3 Wise Men Kings: Wise men sing Shepherds sing “We Three Kings� just 1 verse Wise Men each holding a gift, march single file in unison, happily from the back of church to the front collection table manger. Stop turn right. The angels and shepherds will move down to make room for you.

Rev: When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; King Bobby

Frankincense; King Chance Gold, and King Mike Myrrh.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Each Wise Man takes a turn going over to the baby to present his gift to baby Jesus when Rev, the narrator, calls out their name. Say the name on your gift. Place it on the table. Return back to the place where you were standing before you presented your gift. Wiseman King Bobby says Frankincense for Jesus Frank Kin Sense Note to Bobby—this is what it sounds like.

Wiseman King Chance says Myrrh for Jesus.

Mirth Note to

Chance—this is what it sounds like, sounds like—almost like birth.

Wiseman King Mike says for Gold Jesus. Bobby, Chance, Mike--Look on top of your box to see what you are to say. Stay there on the right side of table after you present your gift.

Rev: After the kings present Jesus with gifts, the

singing of Mary,

Lady Tianna, is now being heard: Mary (Lady Tiana) sings “O Holy Night” or a song of her choice. “O Holy Night” is best if able to sing it. Rev: As we see the twinkling Christmas lights, let us remember the star that led the Wise Men to seek the Savior. When we give and receive gifts, stop to ponder what gifts you can give to the Christ child. For, “The Spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness. It illuminates the picture windows of the soul, and we look out upon the world’s busy life and

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

become more interested in people than in things. The spirit of Christmas is something I hope all of us would have within our hearts and within our lives, not only at this particular season but also throughout the years. A wise Christian once urged, ‘Let us not spent Christmas… but let us keep Christmas in our hearts and in our lives’.” Now we ask all cast

members to prepare to present you and Jesus with their closing Christmas songs. Rev. After the cast singing, the 20__ church Santa is going to pass out fruit bag gifts, then we have the benediction, grace, and take photos, and enjoy our Christmas brunch. Entire Cast Closing song mix: All cast members facing audience sing 2 closing songs—Go Tell It on the Mountain and Joy to the World. Just 1 verse of each The last song is lead by the 3 Wise Men— “We Wish You A Merry Christmas.”

 Wait, the 3 Kings start out singing as a trio “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” -- the first verse, then the entire cast and audience join them in the singing the first verse again.  Finish the song, then, the men bow, ladies’ curtsy in unison.  Last, smile big and give Jesus a big happy birthday hand clap!! Part I Performers take a seat in designated front pew seats to enjoy presentations by Part II performers. The Play Director will MC this Part II and briefly present each speaker in his or her own way.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

PART II THE CHRISTMAS SPEECHES - RECITATIONS The speeches are read rather than memorized, and printed in larger font size. Our age 80 something and 90-year-old Christmas speech givers really like the larger fonts, which makes reading a lot easier for them. There are 12 speeches/recitations, but we did not use all of them.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #1 _____________________name Christmas Is Christmas is not about gifts and toys. It is the time when people rejoice. Christmas is not about food and drinks. It is not about the world as everybody thinks. Christmas is about everlasting love. It is thanking the Lord for what we all have, Christmas is about sharing and family. Christmas is about Christ, who loves us fully.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #2 _____________________name Christmas Meaning C

is for the child born that night to be our light.

H is for his Holy name. R

is for rejoice with gladness and joy.


is for Emmanuel, God with us.


is for the star that lead the Wise men to him.


is for truth and grace that is being sent our way.

M is for Mother Mary laying Jesus in a manager. A

is for angels singing songs of great joy.


is for our salvation.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #3 ___________________name Christmas Blessing May God grant you always A sunbeam to warm you, A moonbeam to charm you, A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, heaven to hear you.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #4 ____________________name

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you. May your day be joyful. And your night be blissful. For today is hopeful. And tomorrow is peaceful. May Christ fulfill your wishes.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #5 _____________________name Jesus Is the Reason In Bethlehem, God gave to us The source of Christmas joy; A star shown on a miracle: The virgin birth of a boy. He was born both God and man, A Savior for us all, The way to get to our heavenly home, If we just heed His call. So, as we shop and spend and wrap And enjoy the Christmas season, Let’s keep in mind the sacred truth: Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season. by Joanna Fuchs

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #6___________________name

Christmas Wisdom Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to be put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #7 _____________________name

Christmas Prayer May all my family and friends who need a miracle be blessed. May all who are feeling unwell or weak be given strength. May all who have heavy burdens have their loads lightened. May our Christmas be filled with much happiness and joy!

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #8 _____________________name

Nativity Prayer Lord, you came upon A Midnight Clear to bring Joy to the World and to draw us near.

It was a Holy Night when you came from above, to fill our hearts with hope and love.

Thank you, Sweet Jesus Boy for clothing us with Comfort and Joy.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #9 _____________________name The Legend of the Poinsettia Legend has it that a child having nothing to give the Christ child on his birthday gathered some weeds into a lovely arrangement. The only gift he had to offer. When he bought the gift to the manager, the simple gift weeds were transformed into a brilliant red bloom—the Poinsettia. Now the Poinsettia is known as the most beautiful flower representing the Holy Night!

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #10 _____________________name Legend of the Christmas Tree On the day of Christ’s birth all came with a gift to bear, except a little tree for he had nothing to share. Hearing his distress God’s angel from above, sent twinkling stars to grace the tree and shine with all their love. Evergreens appeared upon the limbs once bare, the gift of everlasting life that Jesus would declare. So, remember when you see a Christmas tree so bright, that God’s love for us shines in every twinkling light

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #11 ___________________name The Candy Cane Look at the candy cane What do you see? Stripes that are red Like the blood shed for me. White is for my Savior who is sinless and pure. “J” is for Jesus my Lord. That’s for sure! Turn it around and a staff you will see, Jesus my shepherd was born as a gift to you and to me. the home school village

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Recitation #12 ___________________name (A speech you want to say about Christmas goes here.)

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Local Church Christmas Tradition


The Tradition of Bowens Chapel Fruit Bags Continues Dr. Katie Canty

Legend has it that at Bowens Church, it was such a treat to get a Christmas bag filled with things like a sweet orange, some walnuts, pecans, and a candy cane. These were expensive items back then because most people like the renowned folk Artist, Minnie Evans, earned about 25 cents a day in Wilmington, NC. Yes, that is right--a quarter for working all day in the hottest cotton, rice, and tobacco fields, cleaning houses, sewing, ironing, building, or cooking. These were the childhood days of Bowens Chapel folks like Pearl McDonald, Neil Dinkins, Goldie Dinkins, Mary Nixon, Walter Brown, Dave Sanders and many more. In the Luxury Bowens chapel fruit bag after WWII, you would find both an orange, an apple, a candy cane and a few nuts. The Deluxe fruit bag in the 1980s and 1990s included a pair of socks, too!! So, an orange, apple, candy and nuts in your Bowens gift bag was the edible equivalent of getting the latest Play Station or $1000 cell phone. My great, great-aunt told us of one Christmas when her father pulled out an orange from his pocket after dinner, and made a big show of slowly peeling and dividing it up amongst the family. They had never had one before. Each child got one segment, and a little bit of peel - and it was MAGIC. The Bowens chapel fruit bags that our Bowens Chapel Santa will give to each of you today still represents the best happiness over sharing the best good things with family, friends, and neighbors.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady


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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

What We Learned for a Great Play Production Especially at a Smaller Church

Most Important: Please schedule and have a 45 minute to 1-hour rehearsal so that actors will know what to do, where to stand, etc. Make sure the robes will fit OK. It would be great to appoint a play photographer to take individual and group photos after the play. Of course, a musician who plays Christmas songs on the piano or guitar is a play necessity. An appointed person, even one just wearing a Santa hat, to pass out a gift to everyone, is a special treat at this play. Sometimes one person has multiple roles when a church is small like ours. Volunteers and or Willing Friendly Appointees 1. Play Director 2. Prop Manager 3. Costume Manager 4. Photographer 5. Musician 6. Santa

Props Important 1: Please have the play director or designate someone to be Prop Manager. The Director or Manager should set up props the day before the play, and remove them after the play.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

The props list: 1. table like a collection table to sit baby Jesus in (The table is the manager for this play.) 2. baby carrier surrounded by straw 3. cute larger size boy doll as baby Jesus 4. stuffed toy animals like sheep, cow, camel 5. three entrances, preferably with doors for 6. a flash light for the last inn keeper 7. a large candy cane – for the person candy cane recitation 8. a poinsettia – for the person doing the poinsettia recitation 9. traditions or legends – an appropriate item 10. a nicely decorated Christmas tree 11. small gifts suitable for any age group in the audience 12. Extra pins, including hair pins, ribbon ties, towels, and scissors are good to have on hand for the

Costumes Important 2: Please appoint someone to serve as Costume Manager. The Costume Manager should lay out costumes with each actor’s name on the costume the day before the play. The manager should make sure costumes are returned and put away after the play is over. It helps to place on each pew in the very back of church where the actors are to sit before lining up to march to the front of the church by the nativity table. The cast should be dressed and ready to march in at least 15 minutes before the play begins. Designate a separate room for dressing, if possible.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

The costumes list  a pastor’s robe or choir robe for the narrator  5 Large White Bath Towels for Joseph and the shepherds  4 walking sticks or long décor sticks for shepherds to carry  5 tie bands to tie around towels to make a head dress  5 robes—church robes or graduation robes for Joseph and the shepherds  4 angel halos, short white robe tops if you have them  3 smaller white choir shirts or robes for 3 children wise men  3 shoe gift wrapped shoe boxes for wise men to carry (Write the word gold in big letters on box top 1, frankincense on box 2, and myrrh on box 3)  inn keepers – decide on color or outfit to wear Mary wears a white pillow case made into a head wrap and long floor length dress or gown. Church members, family, and friends wear Christmas colors of red, gold, green, or white.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

See the real meaning of Christmas as a short musical play.


Mary Sings R ‌. for our audience, readers, and our Honorees - Our God Jehovah & Jesus the Christ


Jesus Is the Reason Nativity features actress and soloist Lady Tiana McCracken as Mary

Click on the link above, or cut and paste it in your browser, and it will take you there.

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

A 2nd Christmas Play plus story to enjoy is this one. It is on Amazon and at

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Jesus Is the Reason Nativity Play

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D., Our Sunday School Teacher and Sunday School Workshop Lady

Bowens Chapel is located at 5826 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 28412

The Sunday School Workshop sponsored by 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. Computer School for Grandparents 3916 Oleander Drive, Suite 7252 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.vacationbibleschoolanytime

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