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Virtual Vacation
Bible School Camp Publication 6 We Are in This Together
Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D.
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ISBN: 9798664516289 copyright 2020 Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D.
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Moms Dads Grandparents Young Adults Every VBS Camper past, present and future
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Table of Contents Incredible News Room .... 7 The New Normal: What’s That?
Digital Fitness Room....12 No Parent/Grandparent Left Behind
Prayer Room...16 What Matters Lunch Room ....19 Other Countries: We Don’t Eat That for School Lunch
Wisdom Room....21 Top 20 Things Jesus Would Not Do
Mission Room.... 24 Top 25 Most Alluring Staycation ideas 0-$100: Part I
VBS Mail Room....31 Social Distancing and Masks Q&A
Game Room....32 Proverbs ID Game, VBS Acronym
Rich People Room....34 Arts & Crafts ....39 Win, Win, Win 4 VBS Awards
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Welcome Publication 6 is sporting a new kind of “new normal” cover makeover” per the suggestion of a fascinating young adult Vacation Bible School (VBS) consultant. The cover is different and there are brand new entertaining experiences in each topic that are referred to as rooms. The rooms show in the table of contents. There is Room for God, Jesus, you, and everyone who will read the publication. You and yours are, indeed, truly welcome as the sign says. Welcome to VBS camp rooms where the light of the Holy Spirit is always left on for you.
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What is the New Normal? The new normal is a better or worse paradigm
economies that comes after seasons of local and global pandemic crisis and discomfort.
This too shall pass!
The new normal refers to what things will look like post pandemic. The good, the bad, and the ugly of what the new normal could look like goes something like this.
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New Normal Economy from the pen of a retired economics instructor ***less reliance on one country to supply
products; make our own and have multiple supply chains from different countries—not just one “made in China� main supply chain anymore
***more businesses with online service capabilities and fast delivery ***major economic no profits or low profits for local small businesses as well as for national businesses in industries
hotel, restaurant, and sports
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New Normal Mindset Activities from a small local church congregation 1. Learning to use Zoom 2.
relationship with God and not just doing good works and having services 3. Writing down of relevant, short mission and vision statements yearly
Virtual Vacation Bible School Camps 24/7/365
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4. Training younger generations to take our place via intergenerational collaboration and not just direction giving all the time 5. Training women for leadership 6. Filing for 501-3C non-profit status 7. Engaging in beneficial outreach
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New Normal Mindset Observations from VBS campers No Cash Accepted Debit/Credit Cards Only
**more movement towards a coin less, paper money less society decreasing spread of germs **school, work, and business meetings done virtually reducing the need to travel **mandatory restrictions like seating limits, temperature checks, masks on **intense data mining of personal activities via cell tracking; vehicle GPS; and credit/debit card use
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DIGITAL FITNESS WELLNESS ROOM No Parent/Grandparent Left Behind TEM Talks Technology Education Moments with Talk Show Host Miss Avon
Dear Miss Avon How do help a tech resistant adult?
The best way to help a tech resistant adult is to “listen to what the adult is not saying.� A way to do this type of listening comes from a scenario: There is a 92-year-old retired, highly decorated military veteran in a senior center computer essentials class, who threatens to toss the computer out the window, if allowed to do so.
Six weeks later, the
frustration ceased significantly.
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communicating with an overseas son by email, reading the news, checking sports, and social media socializing. The following semester he meets over the Internet the 82-year-old lady that he later marries that year. What he was not saying were three things: • I do not want to look dumb or too old to learn, especially in front of the guys and girls, too. • I want my child to be proud of his Dad. • Regardless of my age, I can do all things through God who strengthens me. It is important to note that there is a difference between a tech resistant and a tech challenged adult.
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When you listen to what a tech challenged adult is not saying, it will sound something like this: • I don’t know how but want to know. • I need access to patient, caring, knowledgeable training tutors. • I lack access to personal up-todate software/hardware. • I do not see a need right now. Even though the new normal calls for remote learning, the best way to help a tech challenged adult is in a face to face, short class with other adults who experience similar tech challenges and are at the same level of proficiency. There are three times when the best way to help is to apply the advice in
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the Prayer of Serenity as when a tech resistant adult does not say, but demonstrates: • I do not want to do this because I can always get someone else to do it for me. • I just can’t right now due to the mental, spiritual, or the physical. • Just not interested. End of story.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
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Prayer Room What Matters A
man’s YouTube presentation of lyrics like these show that prayers can present in many intriguing, sometimes controversial, life-changing forms.
I just wanna live God protect me
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I'm a young black man Doing all that I can To stand Oh, but when I look around And I see what's being done To my kind Every day I'm being hunted as prey My people don't want no trouble We've had enough struggle I just wanna live God protect me
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(Just stay right by my side) I just wanna live God protect me (Just stay right by my side) So many thoughts in my head Will I live or will I end up dead? It's an unequal sequel No matter where I be There's no place safe for me Oh, oh I'm not asking for too much So Lord, please, help I need an alarm system in my house So I know when people are creepin' about these people are freakin' me out these days It's getting hectic everywhere that I go They won't leave me alone There's things they all want to know I'm paranoid of all the people I meet Why are they talking to me? And why can't anyone see? I just want to live Don't really care about things that they say Don't really care about what happens to me I just want to live
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successful schools serve more fresh fruit and vegetables rather than a sugary cookies, salty chips, or overly processed meats and treats snack or lunch.
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So, which VBS camp serves the most nutritious and delicious snacks? We do not know, yet! But we do know what country has the most nutritious, high end restaurant style, delicious school lunches? Of course, it is France. An example of a French school lunch is: Brie, green beans, carrots, rare steak, kiwi and apples.
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WISDOM ROOM There is so much information out there about what Jesus would do. But, what about things that Jesus would not do in seasons like our “we are in this together� seasons of struggles and challenges.
scripture, these are things that Jesus would not choose to do in 2020 and beyond. Would it be wise for us not to choose to do them, either?
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Top 20 Things That Jesus Would Not Do in 2020 and Beyond 1. Say something is alright when God says that it is wrong 2. Expect others to wash, cook, clean, and provide for him 3. Disrespect people--especially family, women, and children 4. Quit and forget about fulfilling his God-given purpose 5. Bully people for tithes and offerings 6. Give up too soon on lost people 7. Take advantage of others 8. Run for political office 9. Have an affair(s)
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10. Be tech illiterate 11. Hate his enemies 12. Be a racist 13. Get tattoos 14. Be lazy 15. Disobey God 16. Do drugs 17. Dress inappropriately 18. Lie 19. Steal 20. Cheat The one word that sums it all up is the word “sin.� In seasons of struggles and challenges, Jesus would not sin.
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Staycations: Top 25 Most Alluring from $0-100
A staycation is a vacation spent in the home or close to home. An example of a staycation comes from an episode of a popular television sitcom.
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The Dad character is excitedly and hurriedly rushing down the stairs to catch his vacation flight to Paris. His wife, is hot on his heels, begging her husband to let her go with him. But Dad delivers a positively “no� answer. The irony is that about 15 minutes into the show there is Dad, a shoe store salesman, who still has his 1970s minimum wage job, sitting on the family couch, wearing a French beret, and eating something. Dad tells his attention seeking son to never, ever bother him about anything while he is on his annual mental health couch vacation.
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A staycation in a sitcom world could be like this Dad’s. In a “new normal” world, a staycation can be a lot more than just a mental health retreat. Part 1 staycation ideas present here in Publication 6. Part 2 staycations appear in the upcoming Publication 7. The Part 1 staycations listings that are intensely alluring, mildly alluring, or interesting alluring plus in the price range of $0-100 are as follows.
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VBS MAIL ROOM Text Message for VBS Campers Dear VBS Campers
Would Jesus stay home and/or practice social distancing? Thanks for helping me to understand.
Post answer.
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GAME ROOM How to Play The Proverbs Quotes Identification (ID) Game Be the first to find and share the correct Proverbs chapter and verse to see what the quote really says! Hint: The words rhyme with the correct Proverbs quote/saying.
1. The hen is brighter than the boar. 2. Actors preach sounder than nerds. 3. Kates cakes amaze. 4. Cook before you sleep. 5. Meanness texts shamelessness. 6. The burly herd sets the norm.
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GAME ROOM 2 How to Play The VBS Acronym Game Select relevant words of your choice to change or to complete the Vacation Bible School acronym. V- Victorious VBS A- all about Christ C- Christ centered A- all about God T- totally online I - intriguing Bible information O- opens the heart and mind to God N -new way to attend VBS B- blessed to have an opportunity to share I- interested in your VBS suggestions B- beautiful people of God in camp today L- love God 1st E- everyone can come to VBS camps SCHOOL-
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Ultra Rich – You Can Be It, TOO
Each morning for 3 consecutive days a drone drops off on the deck our Virtual VBS camp materials. There are materials for each age group, including parent(s), too! When I tune into my 9-year-old age group’s social media room, there is our VBS Camp Coach, smiling back at me, and asking if I would start singing a song to start the day’s opening devotion. The “Yes, Jesus Loves Me,”
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song that I start to sing, with fellow online campers joining in, is soon heard bursting through the airways and down through our hallways, too!
Coach asks each camper to take a turn reciting a Bible verse of their choice. There is a Romans 8:31 Bible verse printed on the side of a small blessing box. The blessing box comes each day in my VBS package. When it is my turn, I say the blessing box’s verse “If God is for us, who can be against us?” I tell the camp, that in these pandemic times, this verse is for me and you, too!
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The part I find most wonderful is meeting campers from different countries. My eyes light up when I see fun things that they are doing. Some VBS campers in France are making ugly Christmas sweater cookies in July.
Haitian campers have a choice of making Faith sandals or designing Jesus walk on water sneakers.
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In my Texas VBS camp, we are planting a real mustard seed of faith today. A soil packet and a few seeds are inside our VBS package. Yesterday, we learned how to look up something by chapter and verse from a book in the Bible.
“Princeton, why are you still writing in that VBS camp journal?” asks Mom’s personal assistant. The President and First Lady want you in the yacht’s dining room in 15 minutes. They want
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you to meet a few of the richest people on the planet. “Too late, I just met the richest people on the planet; but I’ll finish getting ready,” is what I say to the assistant. I walk briskly to the dining room while humming that Jesus Loves Me song that I can’t seem to get out of my head today. I like the way those Barrett sisters sing that song. Maybe, my parent’s rich friends will like that song, too! I enter the dining room, smile, and think to myself; I can introduce my parent’s rich new friends to my ultrarich VBS camp friends. See, this much I know: Jesus loves poor people and rich people, too! Wealthy, in between, or poor, will you be at a VBS Bible School camp this year? Princeton invites you, too.
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Win, Win, Win, Win One or More of These 4 VBS Awards Best TEM Logo Image Award
To win the TEM logo award, submit an image of your own creation of what you think best represents Miss Avon’s tech education moments talks.
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Miss Avon is the Tech Education Moments (TEM) blogger lady image. Miss Avon wants a design logo for the VBS camp’s Digital Wellness Fitness Room. Yes, you retain all rights to your image, and agree to let it post as a logo for the VBS Digital Wellness Fitness Room. If under 18, get parental permission to submit a winning logo image. Good luck!
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Award 2 Ugly Christmas Sweater Prize
Dress a teddy bear in an ugly Christmas sweater. By December 23, attach a jpeg picture of your teddy bear in an email.
Put “Entry Ugly
Christmas Sweater� in the email subject line. Ask your parent(s) for permission to enter, if under 18. teachertribe@yahoo.com
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Award 3 Top Dad Chef of the Year Prize There is a winner out there. If you know the Dad who should win the VBS Top Dad Chef of the year award, let us know. To nominate a Dad, send an email with his name and a picture
Nominees so far include:
Cuddin Texas
Pete, No Cookbook Chef, Mister Barbecue Phil, and the guy who owns the local Catch Restaurant. Nominate by June 1.
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Award 4: Mother’s Bible Coins Prize
Collect as many Bible coins as you can. There are coins in each publication and
postings. Collect coins for posting answers to games. Additionally, collect coins for responding
VBS making
Mailroom beneficial helpful
suggestions. By May 10 annually, the individual
Mother’s Bible Coins wins an award!
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About VBS Camps
1. What is Vacation Bible School (VBS) Online Anytime? Vacation Bible School Online Anytime is a friendly digital camp open all year. All peoples can come work on their communication with God and neighbors in ways like never before via 7 or more intriguing camp rooms. The rooms change to accommodate campers needs and interests. The light of the Holy Spirit is always left on for you there.
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2. What are 18 Things Vacation Bible School Anytime offers me? • • • • • • • • • • • •
God/Jesus Best Tips Bible History Christian Clubs Encouraging, incredible news Friending God activities Fun Arts & Crafts Games Awards Opportunities Prayer Digital Citizenship TEM (tech education moments) • Wisdom, Respect, Love, Friendship, Laughter • Motivational Entertainment
3. What is the mission and vision? The most important mission of VBS camp is to see a camper(s) thoroughly enjoy an experience(s) of friending God back in a way that is pleasing to God. The vision is to see at least one or more campers growing and glowing with the love of Christ deep down in their hearts in such a way that their glow points another to Jesus.
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4. What is the goal? The goal is shown on each publication’s cover. In this first publication the goal is to get people who desire wisdom to ask God for it. The goal of the second publication is to ask people to respect themselves and others. Communication building with God is always a VBS goal.
5. What is Vacation Bible school important? No matter how old a child gets from 1 to 115 or more, it is important to continue to grow and to prosper spiritually as well as mentally and physically. The Vacation Bible School experience has proven to be an important part of the spiritual growth cycle.
6. Who is it for? Vacation Bible School Anytime is for everyone--individuals, kids, teens, adults, families, schools, and groups everywhere on Earth. Everyone is welcome. The classes and publications are useful resources for: parents, school students, college students, sororities, fraternities, home schools, Bible study groups, senior centers, community centers, churches, teachers, pastors, newlyweds, administrators and leaders.
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7. How do I participate in Internet Vacation Bible School? Attend online anytime you want to via eBook, down load copy, or hard copy. Downloadable copies are available on Teacher Pay Teachers and Etsy. Amazon has hardcopies and eBooks.
8. How much does it cost? Annual subscriptions are $24 per year. The annual subscription includes it all: Access to all publications, plus a downloadable prayer journal, and opportunities to participate in all creative activities and giveaways. eBook publications are $2.99 each. Hard copy publications range in price from $5.38 to $9.
9. How long is Internet Vacation Bible school? You Choose: That is the beauty of Vacation Bible School Anytime: Take a break whenever you would like. Attend any time, as often as you would like from the comfort of a favorite chair.
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10. How can I make a donation? If willing and able, a donation can be made in any amount at any time. Vacation Bible School Anytime is a community outreach program sponsored by 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc., a 501-3C, non-profit charity organization. Thanks for your help. It is appreciated! Address Vacation Bible School Anytime 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. 3916 Oleander Drive, Suite 7252 Wilmington, NC 28406 Giving Donation Links & Addresses To donate to VBS Online via PayPal, use this email address voicespraise@yahoo.com To donate via Amazon Smiles, go to the non-profit charity – 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc.
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Publication 2
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Publication 3
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Publication 4
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Publication 5
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Riddle: What does Mom & Dads Virtual Vacation Bible School, the Chocolate Chip Cookie Imagineer, Katie Canty, and 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. nonprofit have in common? Answer: Smiles (Amazon Smiles) https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-5477787
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About the Author president of non-profit charity digital education group (1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc.) Sunday School superintendent, business education college professor, teacher, author, Mom, sister, and friend believer in Jesus and God founder Vacation Bible School Moms & Dads online camps blogger: Jesus Teacher Tribe, Sunday School Lessons 2 Love, Wisdom School, Knowledge of Christ Book Club, TEM Talks—Tech Education Moments, Senior Tech Academy, Beyond Computer Basics
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Resource and Image Credits cover page 16 YouTube) page 17 page 19 page 20 page 24 page 36 page 42 page 43
Canva images Keedron Bryant “I Just Want to Live� Dr. Katie Canty illustrations independent.co.uk pandemic fast food sales jaimeesgreetingcards@yahoo.com Jaro on Etsy Elder Howard on Facebook biblesupplier.com
References Lord God Jehovah Jesus the Christ Blessing Box Legacy of Faith Fascinating Bible Facts NIV Study Bible Catholic Youth Bible The Everyday Bible, Life Application Study Bible
Author/Publisher Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D.
Sponsor 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. a charity, nonprofit digital literacy corporation
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