Holiday Publication #2 - Vacation Bible School Anytime with 8 Amazing Rooms At Inn To Visit

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Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2


Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

Vacation Bible School Anytime Publication 2 - RESPECT

Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D.

ISBN: 9781706229834 copyright 2019 Dr. Katie Canty, Ed. D


Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

Introduction This holiday season, my wishes for you and yours are plenty. I wish you enjoy the best of health, the greatest love, truly pleasant days, brightest future, and every blessing that comes with believing, respecting, and loving God and his son, Jesus the Christ.


Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

Greetings from your editor/author This Christmas season my wishes for you and yours are many. I want to put the wishes in a musical piece for you, but I am still a Book 1B beginner.

I am self-learning to play the piano. The family indicates that my piano playing at this time falls short of earning the respect of their ears. Maybe by next leap year, I will play well enough to present you a spectacular musical greeting. But, as presented in the Introduction and here, these are my words of greeting to you and yours, minus my piano accompaniment. To All, A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Hope you enjoy the activities designed just for the “Jesus is the Reason “holidays.


Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

Table of Contents Room Descriptions & Location Vacation Bible School Online is organized into rooms. The choice is

Respect Room Page 5 Rethinking Respect the Jesus Way What Does Respect Look Like? Respect--Must See Video for Kids, Teens, and Adults The Golden Rule Workers Ask This Question

Incredible News Room Page 10 Gifted Gift Wrap Hands The Jesus Party Ever Been BINGO Christmas Caroling--No Talent Required

Prayer Room Page 17 Thanksgiving Prayer of What? 2-Word Leap Year Resolutions That Always Work

Books of the Bible Room Page 18 Aha Moments with Luke – Art from Bible Journals

Digital Fitness Wellness Room 21 Ask Miss Avon Technology Education Moments (TEM) Buying Tech Gifts for No-Techies and Techno-Phobics The Computed Swallowed Granny Puzzle to Complete

Rich People Room Page 25 God Help Us All—Respect and Your Money Knowledge of Christ Book & Movie Club to Visit or Join yours. Which room(s) you would like to visit first, revisit, and share?

Christmas Presents Room Page 26 The Next 3 Kings Present to Present Dilemma Nativity Christmas Play to Star In—Just 1 Rehearsal Needed, Nothing to Memorize Why Is This Teddy Bear So Mad? Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest to Enter


Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

Christmas Baking Mission Room Page 32 Straight Out of Compton Christmas Cookies Story A Tasty 1-Dish Holiday Meal with Every Holiday Food in It Candy Gift Greeting Scrolls to Make & Give to Groups

Bedtime Story Room 37 Legend of the Winnabow Traveling $5 Bill


Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

RESPECT ROOM Rethinking Respect the Way Jesus Teaches Us What is “paying your respects?” Glad you ask. It is the offering to another person(s) a kind expression of greeting, welcome, hello, esteem, or well wishes with a good, caring attitude.

Paying your respects can also be a gentle display of compassion following someone’s passing by attending a service, baking a cake to give, sending a card or maybe giving flowers.


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Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

What respect looks like a video for kids, teens & adults to see After seeing this video, can you see differences or similarities in the way respect is or is not shown in places you go, live, study, or work? __________________________ Wonder Grove Kids!

Jesus Pays His Respects Wow! when Jesus pays his respects by friending us back, notice that things get fixed up: spiritual death can’t hold you, vision comes, brokenness becomes wholeness again, oceans calm down, evil goes on the run, dry bones walk, hungry people get feed so they don’t hunger and thirst no more for sinful things.

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Which is the most accurate statement, according to the Bible?

a. Yes, you can buy respect. Everything has a price. b. Ask God to respect you, then you will respect God. c. Some people do not deserve your respect, don’t give it. d. The best way to deal with disrespect, is to give it right back. e. Jesus was well respected in his home town of Nazareth. d. People need to be shown and taught respect, especially for themselves as well as for everyone else near and far. e. Most families talk about Jesus, go to a church service, or acknowledge Jesus in some good ways at Christmastime. f. Following the golden rule don’t work around here, so why try. g. Many people usually will respect you, if you respect them.

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How to Show RESPECT every time to every one

1.Following the Golden Rule. 2.Using good manners, not bad language. 3.Practicing tolerance. 4.Being considerate of the feelings of others. 5.Not threatening, hitting or hurting anyone. 6. Dealing peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements. Use kind words not your hands.

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THAT’S INCREDIBLE NEWSROOM Gifted Hands with Gift Wrap Anyone who wants a gift wrapped so that the recipient will love the gift wrap as much as the gift, calls on Mrs. Rose Lamb of Castle Hayne. She is the gifted hands, gift wrap lady. Mrs. Lamb designs gift bag souvenirs for special events, and decorates special event tables. She just can’t resist turning a plain ordinary paper box or paper bag into a beautiful, most spectacular work of art—like the Rembrandt of gift wrap art. Yes, her legal last name is really Lamb!

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THAT’S INCREDIBLE, TOO World’s Most Expensive Christmas Card $28,158

World’s Most Valuable Gift still Priceless at $0

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Amazing Jesus Birthday Party on The Bus Have you ever been to an event where Jesus and those that love him show up? You should have been there on the bus for a church day trip and birthday party for Jesus. **On the way going we enjoyed entertainment and gifts like: the 3 Kings welcome gift bags, a Bingo Christmas caroling game, a comedy routine by Cree Johnson (Pastor Brailford), and breakfast.

**We enjoyed the dinner theater’s first performance of the season which was beyond spectacular. And, so was the tasty food like melt in your mouth roast beef and juicy sweet steamed carrots.

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**On the way back, we enjoyed a unique sweater contest, fashion show, gifts from Santa, cookie bags from the Chocolate Chip Chef, and an on the bus Christmas caroling sing along. There were sweaters like the Red Nose Christmas Deer, Ho Ho Ornaments, Purfect Christmas Kitty, and Christmas Animals. The Ho Ho sweater won. There was another contest for the best Christmas fashion wearers. The Santa red boots outfit wearer and light shining ornaments red hat wearer won. Actually, everyone on the trip is a winner just for being in the midst. We continue to celebrate Jesus and hope that you will, too. Note: The snow chill in the air made it feel more like Christmas. It was supposed to have been, rain, ice, and snow at the place we were traveling to. But the ice and snow did not come the entire time we were traveling and enjoying. It only began to rain when we entered the back home again parking lot at 6:55 PM. We were scheduled to arrive back home at 7 PM. Ain’t Isn’t God good!!

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Ever been BINGO Christmas Caroling? It’s a game-no talent required. Calling out BINGO means, a few words of the winning songs have to be hummed, song, or even chanted. If playing as a team, the team members can help each other with the singing.

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PRAYER ROOM Thanksgiving Prayer or What?

A 4-year-old boy who was asked to return thanks before Christmas dinner. The family members bowed their heads in expectation. He began his prayer, thanking God for all his friends, naming them one by one. Then he thanked God for Mommy, Daddy, brother, sister, Grandma, Grandpa, and all his aunts and uncles. Then he began to thank God for the food. He gave thanks for the turkey, the dressing, the fruit salad, the cranberry sauce, the pies, the cakes, even the Cool Whip.

Th en he

paused, and everyone waited--and waited. After a long silence, the young fellow looked up at his mother and asked, "If I thank God for the broccoli, won't he know that I'm lying?"

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Me, Pray Out Loud at the Holiday Event and Say What? Thanksgiving Blessings Lord, as we bow our heads to pray, We celebrate Thanksgiving Day Help us have the right attitude, As we turn to you in gratitude. Thank you, Lord, for this good food; Thank you for our festive mood. Thanks for blessings great and small; Thank you, thank you for it all.

Irish Christmas Prayer The light of the Christmas star to you The warmth of home and hearth to you The cheer & good will of friends to you The love of the son & God’s peace to you

New Year’s Prayer In the new year, may Almighty God grant happiness, health and wealth. May blessings be more And troubles be few, And may want and worry be a stranger to each and every one of you.

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Twenty 2-Word Leap Year Resolutions That Always Work 2 Words That Can Change Your Life 1. believe God 2. Bible study/Sunday school 3. demo faith 4. friend Jesus 5. God first 6. good attitude 7. graduate school 8. healthy numbers 9. listen more 10. manage finances 11. new skills/hobby 12. obey God 13. on time 14. positive friends 15. receive healing 16. right reasons 17. smile/laugh more 18. smoke free/drug free 19. ten commandments 20. walk blessed

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BOOKS OF THE BIBLE ROOM Aha Moments with Luke Bible Journal Entries

Luke is talking about Jesus from birth to age 33. Jesus says he is coming back again—but nobody really knows when or exactly how. Reading Luke’s book shows how Jesus is a really good friend and how God allows Jesus to bless and save each one of us.

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Luke crowds flock around Jesus because they hear of Jesus doing the impossible: healing blindness, paralysis, disease, feeding hungry folks, casting out demons, and even raising the dead plus making the best wine. Jesus says that the power of God can enable each of us to do great things, too!

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Vacation Bible School Online Anytime Anywhere, is it blessing anyone?

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DIGITAL FITNESS WELLNESS ROOM TEM Talks Technology Education Movements with Talk Show Host Miss Avon

TEM Talks speak tech knowledge in a user-friendly language that is more easily understandable by populations that did not grow up using computers. More than 3 thousand students have completed technology workshops and training programs so far. This TEM Talk is about high tech gifts for low-tech grandparents or techno-phobic individuals

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Vacation Bible School Online Digital Citizenship Blog

Dear Miss Avon Websites talk about these 5 items being great gifts for the elderly. But I wonder if my grandparents would actually use any of them. My grandparents act like they are mildly techno phobic. What do you think, Miss Avon? Used by Granny or chunked? 1. ring video doorbell – See and talk from wherever you are, at home or away from home, to whoever shows up at your door 2. the Ubi - Do nothing—just use your voice to do things like send email, text, or schedule stuff. Talk to manage tech devices in your home. 3. AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill—allows seniors to get back on their feet; helps people to walk and run safely & comfortably; Mobility problems, injuries, assisted walking dependency--none of these are issues. 4.


RealiPad - The Real Pad is aimed at older people who are still suspicious of using technology. The $189 touchscreen tablet computer has big home screen icons and easy video chatting options. 5. electric jar opener

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Digital Citizens Wellness Fitness Blog #200 Tech gifts for low-tech grandparents and/or the techno phobic individual Dear Digital Citizen I have heard of a prosperous adult son who built a new vacation home and invites his parents to live there with his family during the season. But the parents will not stay in the house long because they think that the house’s high tech and simple tech gadgets are spying on them. They say the moving faces picture frames are watching them, and that Alexa who brews coffee without them asking is being too controlling. The parents especially hate the toilet that monitors the health of their body waste chemistry. The son gifted the parents with the latest golden phones with “pay with your phone” aps. But other than playing candy crust games, the cells are rarely used.

A poll taken among a local church group of 70 to 90-year-old grandparents, indicates that most would give one or more of the 5 gadgets mentioned a try with if clauses:  if some capable person they like would be there with them every time to help them use the gadget  if they could remember where they put the gadget when they wanted to use it  if someone else installs and keeps the gadget working with safety in mind plus pays for everything

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The Computer Swallowed Grandma Digital Citizenship Puzzle 16 Computer Words to Circle in 8 Minutes

The computer swallowed grandma Yes, honestly its true She pressed 'control' and 'enter' And disappeared from view. It devoured her completely The thought just makes me squirm She must have caught a 'virus' Or been eaten by a 'worm.' I've searched through the 'recycle bin' And files of every kind I've even used the 'Internet' But nothing did I find. In desperation, I asked Alexa My searches to refine The reply from her was negative Not a thing was found 'online.' So if inside your 'Inbox' My Grandma you should see Please 'Copy,' 'Scan' and 'Paste' her And send her back to me!

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RICH PEOPLE ROOM God Help Up All – Respect and Your Money Welcome to a new kind of book & movie club for busy people living in a digital world with books that can change your life.

Knowledge of Christ Book Club selection for Magazine #2 I want each of my friends on Facebook to join with me in changing the generational financial wellness of our families. I have been adamite and serving in this industry since 1977. I have seen my share of, well, broke and financially destitute folk in my 33 years of ministry. Something is desperately wrong. I wrote a book with the hope that folk I love, want to see a financial change in would read it and start their path to financial wellness and independence. Buy the book and read it, and I promise if it won’t change your life, I'll buy it back. Go to, and start your change. We will be actively teaching and training folk all over NC for the manifestation of that change. Blessings.

Book Comments …because we've been giving generational dollars to churches with zero return on investment and nothing to show for it! I’m telling y’all need to bless yourself & your Financial Outlook. Get the book by this Knowledgeable & Powerful Author. I Highly Recommend it!!!

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ROOM The Next 3 Kings Present to Present Dilemma

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The Next 3 Kings are ages 5, 7, and 8. The Next 3 Kings are children of God, a blessing, amazing school students, and stars in church plays.

Story Book & Nothing to Memorize 1-Rehearsal Christmas Play The Next 3 Kings do the “what in the world “da” puzzled look thing,” when it is time to present a present to the risen savior Jesus, not as the 3 kings of Orient Are, but as digital age children. The present they decide to present Jesus is shown. What is the present? Do you truly see it, yet?

What Present to Present Jesus?

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Presents - downloads and eBooks Sunday School Nativity Play Just 1 Rehearsal; Nothing to Memorize; about 45 minutes long

The Next 3 Kings star in the nativity play and are having so much fun, and are beginning to see a lot clearer why Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.

Need or want access to the Next 3 Kings Christmas play and activities? These are great ideas for Sunday School, church school, group, family, or home school holiday activities. Accessible on Amazon

or download via subscription at

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Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l A n yt i m e P u b l i c a t i o n # 2

Why Is This Teddy Bear So Mad? Green Teddy Bear Getting Mad Green and Mad Greener Do you see how well the hunk of a green teddy bear on the cover is being so respectful by not getting so mad any more when someone does something that ticks him off?

This hunk of a green teddy bear’s family is making Teddy this candy dish ugly Christmas sweater by adding Santa and pinning a row of candy canes around the bottom of the sweater. It is the only sweater like it on Earth that is a candy dish, a warm sweater, and the cover photo for a VBS magazine.

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The camera man asks Hunk for a candy cane, and the hunk says “Go ahead, take one.� But, later when the hunk of a green teddy bear gets ready to put his sweater on, there are no few candy canes still pinned on it.

Other people at the picture taking meet-up were sucking on candy canes from his sweater, people who did not ask his permission to take one. This made the sweater even uglier to the hunk of a green teddy bear, so he is beginning to get green mad, greener madder, then he stops. The stopping is because of what?

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three How To Enter the Teddy Bear Ugly Christmas

Sweater Contest Teddy Bear Ugliest Christmas Sweater Contest starts October 24 – December 24

The Teddy Bear Wearing the Ugliest Christmas Sweater Wins

Teddy Bear Ugly Christmas sweater contest for all age groups. Open to everyone globally – adults, kids, teens, Sunday schools, home schools, churches, etc. Under 18 age groups, should first ask for parental approval. Rules  a teddy bear of any size  a picture of Teddy wearing a Christmas theme sweater that you decorate, embellish, design, create, make, or buy.  Post your Ugly sweater wearing teddy bear picture in the Teddy Bear Room at Or, send by email attachment to

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 The most spectacularly decorated Christmas sweater worn by a teddy bear will be the winner. Prizes are Visa cards for 1st ($100), 2nd ($50), and 3rd ($25) place winners. Winners notified by email on Dec. 30. Good luck!

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CHRISTMAS BAKING MISSION ROOM The No Book Cookbook Internet Chef Tells the Christmas Cookie Story Most Unusual Delightful Straight Out of Compton Christmas Cookie Swap It’s been a cookie tradition for over 20 years now—the 4 PM Cookie Rule. This little unwritten, unspoken, but widely celebrated tradition takes place every year on Christmas Day at my maternal grandparents Compton ponderosa.

The men go to the front room that you walk into as soon as you enter the house. The women and the children go into what we call the piano room. It’s one of those rooms that’s always kept nice and neat and clean in case company comes. It’s carpeted, has leather couches, a recliner, a wooden piano, and a big, tall, real Christmas tree that Granddad loving selects for his family.

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There are 32 red, blue, or green lidded buckets with handles under the Christmas tree. Each of the large buckets are filled with 12 different kinds of cookies. When it is time to pass out gifts at around 1:45 PM, you are supposed to be gifted the bucket full of cookies that has your name on it. My grandmother bakes all different kinds of cookies, from chocolate chip to peanut butter to magic bars. The cookies are the handmade gifts that she gives--no store-bought gifts. The family is large, so usually a cookie bucket is given to each family group, like her son, his wife, and baby. Church folks that Mom likes, and her preteen and teenage grandchildren are each given their own cookie bucket, too. Families arrive early Christmas day. Soon after breakfast, family members drift in and out of the piano room to eat out of their own family’s Christmas bucket. No, they are not supposed to be eating their gifts, yet. Then, as their own bucket dwindles down, they begin to get a treat here and there from another person’s bucket. No, they do not ask to take a cookie from another’s cookie bucket. The main Christmas dinner begins at 1 PM. Around 3 PM, people are asked to gather at my aunt’s house, which is right next door. At exactly 3:50 PM, people begin to slip out of my aunt’s house back to my grandparents’ house. Family and church friends who are not wise enough to arrive by 4 PM, no longer have a cookie bucket gift, because others are taking the remaining cookies buckets with them. It’s OK they say do this kind of cookie swipe swap because everyone should know the 4 PM cookie rule!

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Holiday CANDY GREETING CARD Jesus is peace during life’s crackles and pops.

Chew on the Word of God daily.

Jesus is the only thing that really satisfies.

Break out into happiness because he lives.

The joy of the season is minty cool and refreshing.

To _________________________

From ________________________

Items to assemble to make your scroll group cards: bite size miniature Hersey crackle candy bar, stick of gum, Hersey Kiss, miniature almond joy bar, hard candy mint or candy cane

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Instructions: Print or cut out this page, place and tape a candy under each saying.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY & THANK YOU, JESUS A Candy gift scroll from your VBS Online Family and Friends

A friend like you, Jesus, is one of the nicest things to have, and one of the best things to be.

Thank you for encourageMINT.

Thank you for the invest-MINT.

Thanks for commit-MINT.

Thanks for the enjoy-MINT.

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The No Book Cookbook Chef 1-Dish Holiday Meal Holiday Pot Pie Recipe filled with every single one of these American favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas foods  Layer previously cooked turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied carrots and gravy in an unbaked pie crust.  Bake at 375 degrees just until the crust is golden brown. Note: Our Vacation Bible School Anytime No Cookbook Chef tosses in a pinch or handful of this or that rather than following a measuring spoons and cups recipe.

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BEDTIME STORY ROOM Legend of the Winnabow Traveling $5 Bill I had to go to Wilmington and had not planned to stay in Wilmington but the errands took all day so I stayed at Market Street house. I only had $5 cash with me because I kept putting the trip to the bank off. Went to Dollar Gen at Winnabow and the man at the checkout was having a problem with his card. I ask how much he needed and it was less than the $5 so I offered to pay for it. The woman in front of me had a hand full of money because she was buying a money order. She said, I'll pay for it because someone paid it forward to me. She paid it. When I got to Wilmington, I decided I'd better get something to eat because I might be stuck in Social Security all day.

Stopped at Burger King and I got the 2 for $4, when a lady came up wanting a sausage biscuit. They didn't sell biscuits and the only choice she had was the 2 for $4.

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Her friend gave her a dime before she left home to get hers some breakfast. The girl said she was not going to spend $4, so I said you can have one of mine when they are ready. I have an extra one. Got to my house and the roofers were there. I had asked him to leave me a bill under the mat. He handed me the bill and when I got to look at it, he had discounted it anther $400. I had told him his estimate was way out of line for taking two sets of shingles off. He went from $3400 to $2800 earlier, and when I saw the bill, he had dropped the cost down to 2400. A total of $1000. Stopped by Krispy Kreme to drop off food for the food bank, got a coupon for a dozen donuts, but didn't want to wait in line, so I gave it to the person behind me. When I told my friend what happened, she said keep doing it. I think God used that $5 bill to set off a change reaction. You cannot out give God.

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What isTop your 11 question? Questions & Answers

1. What is Vacation Bible school Anytime? Vacation Bible School Anytime is an online place at with publications and classes that await your participation as an adult, kid, or tween. There are 4 seasonal Vacation Bible School Anytime publications and classes: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.

There are usually 7 or more God friendly spirit-filled rooms to benefit from such as: The Respect Room, That’s Incredible Room, Digital Citizenship Room, Prayer Room, Rich People Room, Subway Art Tunnel, Bible Journalizing Room, Wisdom Room, Mission Christmas Cookies Room, and the Bedtime Story Room.

2. What are 18 Things Vacation Bible School Anytime offers me?             

God/Jesus Best Tips Bible History Christian Clubs Encouraging, incredible news Friending God activities Fun Arts & Crafts Games Giveaways Opportunities Prayer Digital Citizenship TEM (tech education moments) Wisdom, Respect, Love, Friendship, Laughter

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3. What is the mission and vision? The important mission of Vacation Bible School Anytime is to provide opportunities for sharing Vacation Bible School fellowship and information about God far beyond the constraints of a physical place and time such as a church building, one week, one time during the Summer. Our vision is to see tons of global people benefitting anytime, anywhere, online from Vacation Bible School God friending new opportunities.

4. What is the goal? The goal is shown on each publication’s cover. In this first publication the goal is to get people who desire wisdom to ask God for it. The goal of the second publication is to ask people to respect themselves, others, and Jesus the Christ in ways that please God. Relationship building with God in the form of prayer is always a goal.

5. What is Vacation Bible school important? No matter how old a child gets from 1 to 115 or more, it is important to keep learning as much as possible about God.

6. Who is it for? Vacation Bible School Anytime is for individuals, kids, teens, adults, families, schools, and groups everywhere on Earth. Everyone is welcome. The classes and publications are useful resources for parents, school students, college students, sororities, fraternities, home schools, Bible study groups, senior centers, community centers, churches, teachers, pastors, newlyweds, administrators and leaders.

7. How do I participate in internet Vacation Bible School?

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Attend online anytime you want to. Subscribing is the best way to participate. The place to get started in at the website, Facebook, and YouTube. Go here for more details:

8. How much does cost? The Vacation Bible School Online and Vacation Bible School Anytime sites provide free information and previews all the time. Yearly subscriptions are $19.99 per year for access to all 4 publications, a downloadable prayer journal, and opportunities to participate in all creative activities and giveaways. Each publication eBook copy or hard copy is available on Amazon.

9. How long is Internet Vacation Bible school? You Choose: That is the beauty of Vacation Bible School Anytime: Take a break whenever you would like. Attend any time as often as you would like to like from the comfort of a favorite chair.

10. How Can I make a donation? If willing and able, a donation can be made in any amount at www.vacationbibleschoolonline,, or on YouTube. Our mailing address is: 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. 3916 Oleander Dr., Suite 7252, Wilmington, NC 28406. Vacation Bible School Anytime is a community outreach program sponsored by 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc., a 501-3C, non-profit organization. 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. sponsors a computer school for grandparents, Digital Citizenship Technology Education Moments blogs, online classes, and Vacation Bible School Anytime publications and short courses.

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Address Vacation Bible School Anytime 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. 3916 Oleander Drive, Suite 7252 Wilmington, NC 28403 Giving Donation Links Or, scan the black and white square. Thank you.

eBook and hard copy publications on Amazon

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Resource and Image Credits page 1 page 5; page 6; page 8; Rose Lamb page 9; page 11 page 12; page 13; page 14;; page 16 page 17 shlbmllr preach-it page 18 page 19 clipartwiki page 20 page 21 RealPad; Seth Bailey; Leor Greblei; Steve Basta page 22;; poem by Sinead page 23 The Believers Guide to Building Wealth, William L. Neil page 30 page 34 page 35 Carolyn Willis story Page 45‌Rebecca Savatsky

References Lord God Jehovah Jesus the Christ NIV Study Bible, Catholic Youth Bible, The Everyday Bible, Life Application Study Bible

Editor/Publisher Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D.

Sponsor 1Byte Computer Literacy, Inc. – a nonprofit corporation sponsoring a computer school for grandparents, TEM Talks Technology Education Moments blogs, TEM classes, and Vacation Bible School Anytime publications and short courses

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Welcome and Thank You The Fall and Winter publications are ready. Publication #3 with the theme L.O.V.E. is coming this Spring. For each one of you using a Vacation Bible School Anytime publication as a Godly resource, thank you. God bless you.

Closing Prayer Father God, Thanks for everyone, everywhere pointing themselves and others to the wonderful love and amazing mysteries of you, God. May Vacation Bible School Anytime publications and classes be useful resources in the pointing. Amen

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