Butterflies | Silvia Pogoda

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For B. You gave me a hand and took me on this journey. For Gaia and Leo. You are the universe, forever in me and I am forever in you.

As we walked in s ilence I und er s tood the loudnes s . And then came the peace.

Yo ur hung er for the moment v ivid and concentr ated t akes me to the places I never wis hed to s ee.

She reached her hand out t o touch the imag ined. Becaus e the real do esn’t need s har p contour s .

Wind touches the leaves . T he f eeling of peacefulnes s today never comes .

I ho l d the es s ence of you but it f eels heavy in my hands . Fo rever w ander ing in s earch of the p ar adis e we have los t.

We are lines that connect into life. Because a line is never jus t a line. L ine is a m anifes tation of breath. And breath is the beg inning and the end.

L ight lik e the wing s of a butter fly almos t tr ans parent si l e n t l y dancing lik e a sheer cur tain on the wind so is t he feeling of pres ence.

If there was a black hole w o uld yo u fall in with me, I as k. So we co uld see if exper ience is immor tal.

Photographs and texts: Silvia Pogoda Graphic design: Nina Gregier, Silvia Pogoda Photo editing and sequencing: Silvia Pogoda, Monika Szewczyk-Wittek, Nina Gregier Color-proofing: Tomek Kubaczyk Text edit: Marek Kazmierski, Karolina Lasocki Special thanks to Joanna Kinowska, Marta Szymańska, Filip Ćwik Printed on: Olin Rough High White 150 g/m3 Printing: Chromapress Print run: 600 copies + 30 copies of the special edition First edition Warsaw 2021 Publisher: Wszyscy Jesteśmy Fotografami / We Are All Photographers (Fundacja Powiększenie) www.wszyscyjestesmyfotografami.pl ISBN 978-83-954109-2-5 © Silvia Pogoda for the photographs and texts © Fundacja Powiększenie fot this edition

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