Veteran Corps of Artillery State of New York Constituting the Military Society of the War of 1812
BOOK ORDER FORM Please reserve the following order for the first printing of the “History of the Veteran Corps of Artillery constituting the Military Society of the War of 1812” by Captain Kelly Loyd Stewart and Brigadier General John Lawrence Beglan, Jr. The book is approximately 650 pages long and profusely illustrated with photographs, drawings and paintings. Each clothbound, hardcover book will be in field artillery red with gold embossed Corps and Society emblems. The books will contain a history of the Corps and Society from 1790/1826 to present with biographies of everyone who was ever of each organization from its beginning through November, 2012. The standard copy will be $95.00 (postage included). This edition can be enhanced by adding a special dedication for an additional $30.00 (tax deductible) contribution to the Society. Important Note: This is a limited printing order and the full purchase price must accompany this order. Your name, rank and address must be clearly stated on this form below because the books will be mailed directly from the publisher. Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ___ copies of standard edition @ $95 each _____ total ___ copies of special edition @ $125 each _____ total
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Special Dedication: The insert page at the front of the book will say, “This copy of the History of the Veteran Corps of Artillery constituting the Military Society of the War of 1812 is dedicated to ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________” (Please compete the sentence your preferred wording.)
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Street, #8B, New York, NY 10128.