星期日 詩篇卅九篇1至13節
Psalm 39:1-13
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
星期日 詩篇卅九篇1至13節
week 2
KNOWLEDGE This week you want to work on increasing your knowledge of God’s Word and of the Lord Himself. On Day 10, you will be asked to report your progress. Ideas: memorize Scripture, read a Christian book, listen to a sermon on the web or from a CD. Remember to try and work on this each day this week. Add knowledge to goodness (v. 5). Faith is not blind. It does not exist in a vacuum. If faith is to be active obedience to God, then we must have “knowledge” of God and of His will for us. The sort of knowledge Peter is talking about here is not just intellectual knowledge, but also knowledge based on experience, particularly experience with God. In other words, knowledge here is the wisdom and discernment which the Christian needs for a virtuous life and which is progressively acquired. It is practical rather than purely speculative wisdom (cf. Philippians 1:9). Also, knowledge and faith go hand in hand, for faith is strengthened through knowledge and the increase in knowledge is rooted in trust. This knowledge is in stark contrast to our former ignorance which led us to live according to our evil desires (1 Peter 1:14).
week two theme knowledge
本周你要試著增加對上帝和祂話語的知識,然後到第十天時,要匯報 你的進度。你可以背誦經文、閱讀一本關於屬靈成長的書、聆聽在網 上或在光碟中的信息。記住要爭取每天都做一點。 「德行加上知識」(第五節)。信心不是盲目的,也不存在於真空 中。如果信心是積極地順服上帝,那我們就應該對上帝和祂的旨意有 一定的「知識」。彼得所說的知識不是頭腦裡的,而是藉著親身經歷 去經歷上帝。這種知識是基督徒想過正直的生活所須要的智慧和辨 識,而且是逐漸得來的。這種知識是實踐的智慧,而不是純粹的猜測 (參考腓立比書一章9節)。而且知識必須與信心連在一起,因知識 堅固信心,而知識的增加則紮根於信心。這種知識與我們之前的無知 形成一個強烈的對比,因之前的無知使我們放縱私慾(彼得前書一章 14節)。
第二周的主題 知識
week 2
Day 5
Colossians 1:24-2:12 歌羅西書一章24節至二章12節 What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 5 colossians 1:24-2:12
第六天 傳道書五章
Day 6
Ecclesiastes 5
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第六天 傳道書五章
week 2
Day 7
Prove r b s 2 What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 7 proverbs 2
第七天 箴言二章
Day 8
Proverbs 3
箴言三章 What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第八天 箴言三章
week 2
Day 9
Prove r b s 1 6 What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 9 proverbs 16
第九天 箴言十六章
Day 10
Galatians 5:23
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第十天 加拉太書五章23節
week 2
weekly resp o n s e
What action did I take this week to increase my knowledge of the Lord or of His Word? 我本周做了些什麼來增加我對上帝或祂話語的知識?
weekly response