week 4
Psalm 2 3 : 1 - 6
星期日 詩篇廿三篇1至6節
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
sunday psalm 23:1-6
This week your challenge is to seek God in one or several ways that is in addition to what you might normally do. Hints: Listen to a worship CD, meditate over a passage of Scripture, review what you have seen God do in your life during this journey, memorize a Psalm or verse or passage of Scripture, etc. Think about some area of your life where “perseverance” is needed. Is it a relationship? A task? Keeping on with some spiritual discipline? Add perseverance to self-control (v. 6). Both James and Peter write a great deal about the virtue of “perseverance”. This word means “enduring, continuance or patience” and comes from the root word which can mean “to bear trials, to have fortitude, to abide or to endure.” In our common speech, we would say perseverance means “hanging in there.” Too many people drop out of the race just before it is to be won. Those who persevere by “hanging in there” are those who win the prize. We can persevere through trials and even triumph by drawing near to God, and seeking God’s presence, strength, and grace in times of difficulty. 本周的挑戰是試著用不同的方式來尋求上帝,例如:聆聽讚美詩、默 想一段經文、回想上帝在這段時間裡在你生命中作了些什麼、背誦一 段詩篇或其它經文等等。想一想你生活的哪一方面最須要忍耐?是與 某人的關係,或是某件工作,或是堅持某樣的屬靈操練? 「節制加上忍耐」(第六節)。雅各與彼得二人寫了很多關於忍耐的 教導,這字的意思是「持續,繼續,耐心」,而字根的意思是「能承 受試煉,堅忍不棄,能忍受或持續」。簡言之,忍耐就是要堅持下 去。許多人在快要勝利之前放棄了賽跑,而堅持下去的那些人才會贏 得最後的獎牌。 只要我們親近上帝,即使在困境中也尋求祂的面、祂 的力量、祂的恩典,就能堅持度過及戰勝百般的試煉。
第四周的主題 忍耐
week 4
Day 17
Hebre w s 1 2 : 1 - 1 2
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 17 hebrews 12:1-12
Day 18
Romans 8:1-39
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第十八天 羅馬書八章1至39節
week 4
Day 19
Ephe s i a n s 6 : 1 0 - 2 0
第十九天 以弗所書六章10至20節
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 19 ephesians 6:10-20
Day 20
P hilippians 4:4-9
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第二十天 腓立比書四章4至9節
week 4
Day 21
Reve l a t i o n 1 9
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 21 revelation 19
Day 22
1 T imothy 6:3-6
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第廿二天 提摩太前書六章3至6節
week 4
weekly resp o n s e
Describe how you spend extra time with God this week and what you felt and thought about during this time. 描述一下你本周內怎樣多花時間與上帝相約並在那些時間內的 感受及感想。
weekly response