Adventure with God: Week 6 Mutual Affection

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星期日 約翰福音十三章31至35節


John 13:31-35

What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:

星期日 約翰福音十三章31至35節


week 6



愛弟兄(姊妹) MUTUAL 的心 AFFECTION This is the week to make someone smile. Write an encouraging note, give a small gift, offer to help someone, or volunteer your time to a service organization. Express your appreciation for someone in the church who has modeled Christ for you or has been a source of encouragement. Do not be stingy with your appreciation. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). And as you give to others expressions of appreciation, you will find the smiles returned to you that will brighten your week. Add mutual affection to godliness (v. 7). “Mutual affection” is a special kind of love. The Greek word is familiar to us from our study of 1 Peter. Peter uses this word to talk about the importance of having sincere love for one another (1 Peter 1:22; see also Romans 12:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:9; Hebrews 13:1).This is one of the amazing qualities of the Church. We are to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ—and are members one to another (1 Corinthians 12:27). We must live out our faith by having love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. 本周你要讓某人微笑。為他人寫些鼓勵的話、送上小禮物、向某人伸 出援手或在服務機構中作義工,記得要感激那些向你顯示基督或鼓勵 過你的人。不要吝嗇而不傳出你的感激,施比受更為有福(使徒行傳 廿章35節)。當你感謝別人時你會發覺很多人回贈你微笑,讓你一 周都充滿喜樂。 「虔敬加上愛弟兄(姊妹)的心」(第七節)。愛弟兄姊妹是一種特 殊的愛,它是彼得前書一個常用的希臘文字。彼得用這個字來形容我 們互相需要並且真誠的愛(彼得前書一章22節;參考羅馬書十二章 10節,帖撒羅尼迦前書四章9節及希伯來書十三章1節)。這份愛 是教會的一個奇妙品格,我們要在基督裡像弟兄姊妹般相愛,而且各 自作肢體(哥林多前書十二章27節)。我們在基督裡像弟兄姊妹般 相愛才能活出我們的信仰來。


week six theme mutual affection


Day 29

以弗所書四章14節至五章2節 E p h esians 4:14-5:2 What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:

第廿九天  以弗所書四章14節至五章2節


week 6

Day 30

Luke 1 0 : 2 5 - 37

第三十天  路加福音十章25至37節

What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:


day 30 luke 10:25-37

Day 31


1 John 3

約翰一書三章 What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:

第卅一天  約翰一書三章


week 6

Day 32

Galatians 5:16-6:10

第卅二天  加拉太書五章16節至六章10節

What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:


day 32 galatians 5:16-6:10



Day 33

John 11:1-57

What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:

第卅三天  約翰福音十一章1至57節


week 6

Day 34

1 Co r i n t h i a n s 1 3 : 4 - 8



What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:

What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:

What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:

My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:


day 34 1 corinthians 13:4-8




Who did you make smile this week? Just for the record, write below how you made someone’s day, and give glory to God for allowing you to be a part of the building of His kingdom and being a blessing to others. 你本周使誰微笑了?寫下來你怎樣使某人高興,然後將榮耀歸 給上帝,因祂允許你與祂一起去建立祂的國度而且成爲 他 人的 祝福。



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