week 6
1 Joh n 4 : 7 - 2 1
星期日 約翰一書四章7至21節
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
sunday 1 john 4:7-21
This week it is time to share the love of God with those outside of your church family. Who are some of the people in your workplace, your neighbourhood, your school, etc. that need to know that they are loved and valued? Is there some word you can say, some deed you can do that will be an expression of God’s love to that person? Find someone this week upon whom you can bestow a random act of kindness. Add love to mutual affection (v. 7). There is a wonderful quality of love between brothers and sisters in Christ. That is mutual affection. There is an even deeper quality of love which knows no limits and has no conditions. It is agape—the very quality of the love of God (John 3:16). In fact, the most simple and profound definition of agape in all of Scripture is simply this: “God is agape” (1 John 4:8). Agape is the highest expression of love and the ultimate mark of the Christian lifestyle. By it we shall be recognized as the disciples or followers of Christ (John 13:35). Agape is also a part of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Peter believes in the priority of love. In his first letter he wrote, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). It is fitting that we come to the end of our Forty-Day Spiritual Journey on Easter Sunday and we look at the last quality to be added to our faith—LOVE. What greater example of love could we see than what Christ did for us on the cross! Now it’s our turn to express to the world Christ’s love as it is modeled in and through us. We are the current expressions of God’s love for the world. We are His hands and feet. Having spent forty days journeying with God, we now turn, and we move outward expressing to our family members, friends, co-workers and neighbours God’s salvation, hope and love.
week seven theme love
week 7
愛眾人的心 本周你須要與教會家庭以外的人分享上帝的愛。在你的工作崗位上、 鄰居中、學校裡有誰須要知道他們是被愛的、被珍惜的?你是否能說 一句話或做一件事來代表上帝對那人的愛?本周找一位你能這樣賜福 的人。 「愛弟兄(姊妹)的心加上愛眾人的心」(第七節)。在基督裡弟兄 姊妹之間的情誼是一種美好的愛。但是還有一種比這還要深刻的愛, 這 份 愛 是 無 窮 及 無 條 件 的 。 這 就 是 「 愛 加 倍 」 ——上 帝 愛 的 本 質 ( 約 翰福音三章16節)。事實上,在聖經中形容「愛加倍」最簡單而又最 深奧的一句就是「上帝就是愛」(約翰一書四章8節)。「愛加倍」 是愛的最高表現,是基督徒生活最崇高的特徵,眾人因此能認出我們 是基督的門徒(約翰福音十三章35節)。「愛加倍」也是聖靈果子的 一部分(加拉太書五章22節)。彼得相信這份愛的重要性。在他的 第一封信中說道:「最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的 罪。」(彼得前書四章8節) 我們四十天的屬靈歷程很恰當地於復活節完成,而我們所學習最後一 項的信仰品格就是愛。還有比基督在十字架上所完成的更能表現愛 嗎?現在就由我們來將基督在我們裡面以及通過我們的表現與全世界 分享。我們就是上帝對世人的愛的表現,我們是祂的腳和手。與上帝 經歷同行了四十天之後,我們要出去將上帝的救恩、盼望和愛傳送給 家人、朋友、同事和鄰居。
第七周的主題 愛眾人的心
Day 35
John 1 3 : 1 - 1 7
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 35 john 13:1-17
week 7
Day 36
Roma n s 5 : 1 - 1 1
第卅六天 羅馬書五章1至11節
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 36 romans 5:1-11
第卅七天 以弗所書三章14至21節
Day 37
E p hesians 3:14-21
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第卅七天 以弗所書三章14至21節
week 7
Day 38
Book o f P h i l em o n
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 38 book of philemon
第卅九天 約翰福音十一章1至57節
Day 39
John 11:1-57
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
第卅九天 約翰福音十一章1至57節
week 7
Day 40
1 Pet e r 1 : 1 3 - 2 5
第四十天 彼得前書一章13至25節
What God said to me today through His Word 今天上帝通過聖經對我說:
What is my response to God? 我對上帝的回應是:
What I saw God do yesterday 昨天上帝怎樣在我生活中動工:
My prayer for today 我今天的禱告:
day 40 1 peter 1:13-25
As you reflect on God’s love for you and realize that love is something that needs to be shared, not hoarded, how have you reflected and shared God’s love this week in your home, at work, in your school, to a neighbour, etc.? 默想上帝對你的愛並明白這份愛是必須與他人分享而不是自己 保存起來的。你本周怎樣在家中、在工作上、在學校裡、對你 的鄰居體現並分享這份愛?
week 7
forty-day resp o n s e
四十天後 的回應
Describe your forty-day spiritual adventure. What were the challenges, disappointments, and triumphs? What did you learn and in what areas of your life are you still waiting for God to do work? 形容一下你這四十天的經歷,有甚麼的挑戰、失落和勝利?你 學到了什麼功課?你的生命中還有哪一方面須要上帝的作為?
My prayer 我的禱告:
forty-day response