2023 AGM Reports

Page 7

NOTE: A Membership Card check will be held at the door.

CANTERBURY BRANCH (INCORPORATED) NOTICE OF 67th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 18th June 2023 at 1.00pm in the Clubrooms, McLeans Island Road. AGENDA 1 Apologies 2 Nomination of two scrutineers 3 Confirmation of Minutes of the 66th Annual General Meeting 4 Matters arising therefrom 5 Correspondence 6 Annual Reports 7 Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet 8 Appointment of Independent Reviewer 9 Appointment of Solicitor 10 Election of Officers and Committee 11 Election of Delegate to VCC of NZ 12 Presentation of Trophies 13 Calendar of Events 14 Notices of Motion 15 Date of 2024 AGM 16 General Business

Chairman Neil Shaskey

Past Chairmen

J B R Loughnan

R Turnbull

H B Foster

J S P Palmer

E J S Walker

J S P Palmer

H B Foster

T D Clements

D P Manhart

L W Humm

R B Scot

A G Ainsworth

R G Hasell

K J Macefield

I D Taylor

J L Ritchie

R R Butler

J B Yates

A J Wills

D C A Muller

M J Glenday

A W McClintock

M E McKinlay

A T Craythorne

B N Stevens

L P Saunders

J J Bartlett

M E McKinlay

G Genet

L Craythorne

J Coomber

R R Butler

L Craythorne





































Chairman: Neil Shaskey

Secretary: Rod Thrower

Treasurer: Robyn Cox

Club Captain: Katrina Shaw

Imm. Past Chairman Leigh Craythorne


Senior Vice Chairman -

Junior Vice Chairman -

Asst. Club Captain: Henry Little

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey

Vintage Convenor Graham Evans

P Convenor John Enright

Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgeman


Motor Cycle: Paul Ainsworth

Maintenance/Clubrooms: Mike Foster

Swap Meet: Colin Hey

Spare Parts: Wayne Stocks

Noggin and Bar: Gill Stevenson / Amanda Franklin

Delegate to VCC of NZ: Rod Thrower

Solicitor: Clark Boyce

Independent Assurance Practitioner: Ainger Tomlin Audit Ltd.


The following nominations were received by the Secretary by the closing date.

Chairman: Neil Shaskey

Proposed: Graeme Shaskey

Seconded: Ted Hockley

Secretary: Rod Thrower

Proposed: Terry McQuinn

Seconded: Peter Gatehouse

Treasurer: Robyn Cox

Proposed: Shirley Wills

Seconded: Marlene Muller

Club Captain: Katryna Shaw

Proposed: Alan Wills

Seconded: Shirley Wills

Committee: Colin Hey

Proposed: Katryna Shaw

Seconded: Matthew Hey

Graham Evans

Proposed: Tim Eagle

Seconded: Alan Wills

Michael Hedgman

Proposed: Marlene Muller

Seconded: Tim Riley

John Enright

Proposed Bob Hayes

Seconded Debra Enright

Henry Little

Proposed Don Bennetts

Seconded Jim Paterson


It’s been an interesting first year after taking on the role of Chairman, with the notable difference being that it involves less of the doing, and more of the making sure someone else has it under control. There have been a few references back to the constitution to make sure everything is being done as it should be, fortunately our hard working Secretary Rod Thrower has stayed with us for another year so there was some continuity and experience to draw on when needed, as well as Leigh Craythorne as Immediate Past Chairman to keep us on our toes and on track.

We have also had some new faces on the committee this year, thanks to those who put themselves forward to become part of the running of the branch, your efforts along with the committee continuing from the previous year have been greatly appreciated. Everyone has been doing their best to not frighten you off, which seems from the nominations for committee for the coming year to have been successful. There are of course many more people involved in keeping everything going as it should be, such as looking after the maintenance of the grounds and buildings, keeping the parts shed ticking along and providing income for the branch, or helping out with organising and running branch events. There are of course numerous other necessary but often invisible tasks that need to be taken care of, so an extra pair of hands is always appreciated if you have a bit of time available to help out, not to mention that some new ideas are always welcome and it’s a great way to meet some new people.

It has been great to be able to have a full calendar of events after the disruption of the last few years, and particularly the return of the Swap Meet getting everyone out for a weekend of great weather and making a significant contribution to the branch finances. Of course the purpose of the branch is to provide what our members want, so along with the regular events any suggestions are very welcome, there’s always room on the calendar to give something new a try.

Finally, it will in the near future be necessary to update both The Branch and The Club constitutions due to the changed requirements associated with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, which has the potential to have a significant effect on the running of the club. This will affect all members of the club so the branch committee would appreciate your input to the ongoing discussion, so your thoughts can be represented at the meetings of The Club Executive and to make sure the future of The Club is one that works for you.


Well here we are another year and what a busy year it has been.

The Branch has progressed with many improvements over the year mainly due to hard work of your committee and a number of tireless people in the background toiling away.

I feel this past year's committee have been a great team to work with .

I would like to thank Neil , Robyn and Linda and Karen from National Office for the support they have provided over the year, with me making many phone calls and emails all times of the day and into the night.

Also the overall membership for supporting me and giving me the opportunity to attend two of our National Executive Meetings over the year. A big special thanks to all who chipped in, in whatever way to make the March Executive meeting held at Canterbury so successful. 2023/24 is going to be an extremely challenging year for the delegate.

The progress of the changes and requirements to both the National and Branch constitutions to become acceptable under the New Incorporated Society’s Act.

STATISTICS REPORT: From April 1st 2022 to March 31st 2023

New Members: 99

Resignations & Write-offs: 34 including joint (note 8 of these members joined 2022)

Reinstated: 3

Deceased: 7

Transfer out: 2

Transferred in: 4

NOTE: We have signed up 40 new members since Jan 2023

AWARDS Here are the figures for awards presented in 2022

(Total number presented in brackets.)

25 year - 4 (270)

35 year - 4 (156)

50 year - 7 (80)

60 year - 2 (9)

70 year - 0 (1) Special Award from National Committee.



It is very pleasing to be able to report that this year the Branch has made a healthy surplus of $50,464 prior to making a change in our depreciation policy. This Surplus is primarily due to finally being able to hold the Swap Meet which produced a surplus of $45,791.

In regards to other income, our next biggest revenue sources were record Parts Shed sales of $45,648 and members’ subscriptions of $40,121. Commission earned from VERO insurance of $10,349 continues to provide a steady and reliable income stream.

On the expenditure side, our biggest cost was insurance at $38,572. This is up on last year as we took out “Excess Reduction” insurance.

The Clubrooms and all on-site buildings were valued by a Property Valuer in July 2021 and a full revaluation will again be undertaken this year.

A review of our depreciation policy was carried out and three items that were not being depreciated were identified as needing to be depreciated.

1. The Swap Meet Container is now being depreciated over the next 13 years at a rate of 7.7% pa resulting in additional depreciation each year of $670.

2. The two lots of “New Trees” purchased in 2016 and 2018 have been fully depreciated/ written off this year resulting a one-time increase in depreciation of $21,039.

While the depreciation changes above reduce the surplus funds for the year from $50,464 to $28,754, they are a non-cash transaction and don’t affect the funds that the Branch has available.

The Statement of Financial Position, as at 31 March 2023, shows the Branch to be in a sound financial position with members funds of $547,584.



A year in the job and what have I learnt? Not to sweat the small stuff, work ahead of schedule - to make sure things are done in a timely manner and that I have a fantastic team of support around me!

Highlights for me this year were the Daffodil Day run ending up at Cutler Park. The amazing amount of cars and generosity of the people that entered was very humbling.

Having a fantastic turn out for our Swap Meet, which was extremely well run, the Children’s Christmas Picnic with delight on the children's faces when Father Christmas showed up and of course a drive of the Club Truck!

It is nice to see that we are starting to get some new members that we can train up to organise rallies and assist us on our journey to continue to have a successful branch.



VCC Swap Meet Oct 7-9th

Starting with the Noggin on Thursday night; kicked off what was to be a great return to our annual swap meet. Friday morning dawned fine with a chilly 4 degrees. The weather continued to stay fine throughout the weekend. Judging by the content at the sites there appeared to be more car parts on sale than normal. A big thanks to Colin Hey and his committee and all the volunteers that made this weekend so successful.

The Annual Vintage Rally this year was moved from November to December; as there was a date clash with Otago Branch; 50th Taieri Rally.

VCC Annual Vintage Rally. 3rd December 2022

Saturday dawned fine with the first cars arriving at the club grounds just after 9:00am. Colin and Katryna jammed and creamed the freshly baked scones that Colin had baked prior to his arrival. After a cuppa and scone the rally entrants departed the grounds in 1 minute intervals at the start of the time trial section. Drivers had preregistered with their anticipated average speed; and the timed section lasted from the start to the finish of the morning session.

The 27 vintage cars travelled to Leeston Park via Rolleston, Lincoln, Greenpark, Coes Ford and Southbridge, arriving at Leeston Park in time for Field Tests and lunch. Field tests comprised of 4 general knowledge questions, followed by vehicle tests.

A special mention to Gill and Katryna for their entry in the clubs International Truck, not only did we have a full ladies team entered, but the club’s truck had a good run, Well done.

It was pleasing to see that most cars parked in a large cycle under the trees and sat together to eat their lunch.


It’s been another good year for the veteran section, which commenced with the annual veteran rally on 25th September last year and unofficially concluded with the annual Malvern Anzac day run on 25th April.

The annual veteran rally attracted 15 participants, and this year was based around the View Hill and Oxford area, starting and finishing at the West Eyreton school, and incorporating a picnic lunch at Ribblesdale Garden just out of Oxford. Our in-between feature event was the Hororata Highland Games display in November which once again was popular with both our members and certainly with the huge crowd which attends that event. The same applied to our first-time visit to the Twin Rivers event at the A and P Showgrounds in March. There is no doubt that ‘brass’ cars and motorcycles in particular are still popular with the public. In between these events there was plenty to keep the veteran section occupied, with OCBC and picnic runs amongst others offering a good number of opportunities to get vehicles out. It is however is always a challenge to keep runs to a reasonable distance and as much as possible away from busy roads to make them both enjoyable and safe. Aside from our own branch activities, it’s always a pleasure to be able to work in with the Veteran Car Club to ensure events do not clash, or even combine where possible, such as using OCBC as the meeting venue for outings. It’s also good to see a number of our Branch members taking part in out-of-town events such as the Dunedin to Brighton Run, the Pioneer Motoring Group run in Clyde and the Veteran Club’s Mid-Summer run in Geraldine – each of them very social, relaxed and enjoyable.

There are at least two new veteran restorations that have reached the road this year in our branch, and I’m hoping they both will feature in the Restoration of the Year event in June. It was also great to see Paul Seaton’s Buick displayed at the National Executive meeting in April and the accompanying video and talk by Paul was particularly appreciated by all the delegates attending the meeting. We know though that there are literally over veteran 100 restored or roadworthy cars and bikes in our branch that haven’t been out for years, and I really do encourage the owners to either get them out and give them a bit of exercise or loan them or pass them down to a family member while they are still able to be used.

Our 2023/24 season begins this year with the Annual Veteran Rally on 25th September. I will continue to promote all the local events that are suitable for our section during the year, and hopefully even find one or two new things to add to the list. For those who find it difficult to get the cars out, remember there is always OCBC to come to for an easy run, and if all else fails, having you attend an event in a later or even a modern car is no problem – we want to see our members out just as much as their cars.

Looking forward a bit further, note that the next National Veteran Rally will held in Dunedin in January 2024, which will be combined with the 70 th Anniversary of the Dunedin to Brighton Rally. That will be a big one, and is something all veteran owners should mark in their calendar now – particularly those with vehicles that have attended a Dunedin to Brighton run in the past.



This was my first year on the VCC committee. It has been an interesting and rewarding experience and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I organised my first rally recently which went well with a great turnout. I am looking forward to running next year’s event and hopefully it will be as successful.

I would like to thank the many that have encouraged, offered advice and helped me over the year. So many of you have contributed to the club over the years so you know the commitment needed and the work involved with running an event. I would happily do it again and have found my involvement, and the friendships made to be a very rewarding experience. I am hoping to be back on the committee again for another year and am looking forward to it.


We have had another successful year with increased numbers for our three main rallies, Girder Rally, Annual Rally and the Jim Toohey where we meet up with the Blenheim boys on the Saturday to give us a total of 40 riders

The fish & chip and noggins continue to be popular with some interesting places and people to visit

This year we introduced the Old Codgers run which has been a good excuse for a mid week ride I would especially like to thank Royce for keeping the books balanced, Mike for the secretary duties & entry forms and Chris for keeping the members informed and the rest of the committee, which have all agreed to stay on Keep the shiny side up.



Our monthly Old Cars Bikes and Coffee mornings have maintained their popularity during the year, and it’s great to now have them as a permanent monthly fixture on the branch events calendar. Typically we are getting between 50 and 70 vehicles, with numbers being somewhat dependent on the weather. The encouraging thing is that all types of vehicles are coming along, from old to modern, commercials, cars and motorcycles. We are also seeing more and more Japanese vehicles from the 1970’s and 1980’s, many with younger owners. For those who actively try and encourage new members to join the club, OCBC is proving the ideal forum to introduce prospective members – they can come on the day and be introduced to like-minded members and see our facilities first-hand.

From June onwards we are going to relocate the gathering to the western side of the main hall to take advantage of the seating area there and to provide more ready access into the clubrooms if the weather isn’t good. It will be interesting to see how well this works.

Before finishing - just a reminder too that it’s always held on the third Sunday of the month, regardless of the date.


This year there have been 27 new Vic’s issued. 47 Authenticity Statements and 21 Renewals. There has been an increase in the number of non members getting authenticity statements. These need to be done through the VCC and non members pay a fee to the Club for this service. Several of these people have joined the Club.

Could applicants please make sure that their forms are filled in correctly and that the photos are the correct size, being 130mm x 90mm to avoid there being a delay in getting these processed. Also needed are photos of the engine and chassis/frame number. Any more information as in copies of previous ownership or manufacturers brochures etc. is a help.

There is still a problem with members sending completed forms for VICs, renewals and Authenticity statements to Head Office. These need to be sent to the Branch to be signed off. Sending them to the Head Office always delays the processing. Please make sure the completed forms are sent to either the Branch secretary or directly to me.

I would like to thank the members who have assisted me during the past year.

Don Bennetts.



Things seem to be settling into a new Normal this year. Much less disruptions and event cancellations from the past few years. While we can assume most events will be on as planned you can never fully expect to have a full attendance for others or even yourself until the day with isolations etc.

It has been great being back on the Committee after a break of many years. My last stint was in the late 1980's and at the time I was the youngest member to have been on the committee. The cars that were brand new on the road in those days are now club eligible - who would have thought that would happen? I'm still motoring the same car now as I was then (with a couple of additions) - which was at the time just over 30 years old itself!

Thanks to those members who have hosted the monthly Commercial Noggins in their garages and workshops. It's nice to see your hangout space, either when banished from the house or working on your special projects - or just fettling with toys.

I have tried to make the noggins as interesting as possible this year - visiting various businesses with an automotive or commercial theme. Thanks to those venues who have hosted us. It is certainly interesting to see what they do! I would like some suggestions and ideas please from the members for some future noggins.

With regard to the annual Commercial Rally in March - as per the previous year it is slightly disappointing to have a low turnout in numbers. There is a cost involved in running these rallies. Hiring a venue, setting up plaques and planning the rally route. Fortunately my employer sponsored a fair amount of this by providing the rally packs, pens, maps printing etc and the fuel for me to plan the route. However other costs rely on entry fees to cover them and when entries are low it can actually cost the club money. The commercial section is a tricky one to plan a rally for I found out, with such a huge range of vehicle capabilities for speed and distance. The more modern ones are comfortable and can travel further while the older ones are less comfortable and slower. Noting the name of our club I will always cater to those older vehicles so we can get them on the road and have their custodians enjoy the day rather than plan a long route that will, and does put people off!

However, of the 18 entries this year (3 being club vehicles) it was a pleasant and manageable day. We finished up at the Cust domain and had shelter to keep out of the rain. Thanks to those that entered and congratulations to those who were winners on the day. Also thanks to my team of helpers, who checked the rally, helped with the field tests and made scones!

Of note - the plaque this year featured the club fire engine which I hadn't realised at the time was it's first commercial rally since being resurrected after it caught fire on its previous commercial rally. Great to see it back on the road and with such an enthusiastic crew!

It is nice to see so many friendly and familiar faces at our club events and to meet new ones also. I am standing for committee again this year so look forward to seeing you out and about.

Best Regards



It was great to be able to run Swap Meet in 2022 after a 3 year COVID-inflicted gap, and even better that it was so successful – the best weather and the best financial outcome we have had for many years. We all owe a vote of thanks to the hard-working Swap Meet Committee and to the many volunteers and helpers that attended to the multitude of tasks both before and after the event to ensure its success. As you will see in the financial report, a significant sum has been transferred into the Branch account which will provide the club with funding to ensure we can maintain and improve our facilities for the year. On the whole the event ran extremely smoothly, but as always there are minor tweaks and changes that we will make for 2023 to try and make it just that little bit better. Planning has already begun and October will be here before we know it! There are still around 90 selling sites available, but these are being sold quickly now and we are expecting them to be fully subscribed.

The curfew on trading until 7.00am on the Friday morning has been working well and will continue, and there will once again be restrictions on gaining access to the grounds to set up sites up until Thursday 5 th October so the work crew has a chance to prepare the grounds for the event.

I would also like to pass on the swap meet committee’s gratitude to the grounds maintenance team for the appearance and condition of the grounds. They now provide a perfect venue from which to run the Swap Meet, and of course all of our other events that have been and will be based at Cutler Park.



Once again I have to report that your Spare Parts Shed is in excellent health.

We have a working bee every Wednesday afternoon and every third and fourth Sunday morning of the month which is regularly attended by about twenty volunteers. These volunteers are now all aging like the rest of the VCC which is a bit of a worry but the younger members still have a living to make so I guess we'll just carry on and do our best.

One of the things that is very pleasing is that the parts storage is now getting well sorted out and the spare parts are now much easier to locate. I think this is reflected in the amount of parts sold and the resulting money put into the running of our club. Also I would like to draw your attention to the many compliments we get from visitors from other branches and from overseas visitors both verbally and in letters to the secretary. We would be one of the biggest repositories of old car parts in New Zealand if not in Australasia as well.

Since the Covid outbreak we have been getting a plentiful supply of spare parts as members downsize their homes and other reasons and I would like to thank all these people who have contributed so much to the running of our club. Thank you each and everyone. The new trailer and club ute have certainly made things much easier.

Our construction gang deserve a big thank you for all the hard work they do as they provide the foundation that we build on and for all the extra work they do around the club grounds. They have just finished refurbishing "The Chateau" to a high standard. A big thank you to you guys.

In conclusion, the Parts Shed is in better shape this year than we were last year and we are looking forward to another year serving our members and keeping their cars on the road and you never ever know when you might need us. Later this year we are losing a valuable member of our team. Chris (Kit) Parker will be leaving to live in Aussie to be with his family. His knowledge, skills and teambuilding will be sorely missed. Good luck with the move Chris from all of us.




This year was the usual of mowing lawns etc. around the grounds made a bit more difficult by the retirement of Eric Mattsen and Tony Ward. Thanks a lot for your hard work over the years.

There were a lot of jobs that we would have like to do but couldn't for the lack of volunteer help. We have up graded the water supply for the club rooms and the grounds from gravity fed to pressure pumps this means doing away with the concrete tanks on the stands.

As of the AGM I myself will be handing over the maintenance convener job to someone else?? Hopefully someone will put his/her hand up to carry on with new ideas


Over the last year the stock of books has increased, as older members donate their collections, which is most appreciated. Extra shelving has been installed to accommodate the new additions, including various car and motorcycle sales brochures.

Since Owen Genet stood down as librarian last year Ted Hockley has come on board to help collate and record the books on to file cards.

Unfortunately after over 40 years Kay now also has to retire as librarian, so there is now a need for someone to help Ted keeping the library running, so please volunteer if you are able to assist with some time.


The Hub is now sent to 1,022 email addresses.

There are several reasons as to why your Hub link may not magically appear and is not delivered, and I endeavour as much as is possible to keep these to a minimum. I discovered a very large number of members had “unsubscribed,” many possibly by inadvertently clicking the link at the bottom of the email. I have “resubscribed” these so if that doesn’t suit you just “unsubscribe” again.

Be aware that even if you don’t get the email notification with link to the newsletter, (Monday morning preceding the Noggin and Natter), your Hub will be published on the Branch website that morning. Just dial in “vcc canterbury“ or something similar to find it. An icon on your desktop is a handy shortcut.

I have tried to include as many photos of our events as possible but as we can’t attend everything, any photos received would be appreciated.

Thank you to Leigh for the monthly proofreading and all the contributors over the past year and special thanks to those who are able to get their copy in early; it makes it so much easier.

And lastly, I would very much like somebody who could assist in helping with or finishing the Hub in the case of me being unable to. eg holidays, sickness, falling off the perch etc. Hopefully you won’t be needed but it would be nice to have some back-up. Please give me a call.



Hi to you all

At the 9-90s we had a very good year with good outings, a great team to work with, and good attendances,

As this is my last year as coordinator, I thank every one for their help in making the 9-90s a success. I am looking forward to participating hopefully for many a year to come.



Again this last year I have tried to keep the website current and up to date with our events before and after they occur.

The statistics for our website for the past year are as follows:

The site has been visited 25,248 times.

12,019 via mobile.

11,884 via desktop.

2,238 by tablet

Individual page views number 45,289

Our most remote viewers are in Russia and northern Canada.

The surprise for me is the largest access being by mobile phone, a sign of the times and reminder of the changing nature of our club.

Any photos of Branch activities are welcome and I would like to thank those who have sent them over the past year.



Calendar of Events 2023 to 2024 (Draft)

JULY 2023

Sunday 16th OCBC

Sunday 23rd Midwinter Run

29/30th Midwinter Motorcycle Run


Sunday 20th Daffodil Day

Sunday 20th OCBC

Saturday 26th Motorcycle Around the Bays


Saturday 2nd Women’ and Young Driver’s Rally

Saturday 9th Awards Dinner

Sunday 17th OCBC

Saturday 24th Veteran Annual Rally

Saturday 24th Motorcycle Trial Day


6-8th Swap Meet

14/15th Motorcycle Girder Fork Rally

Sunday 15th OCBC


Saturday 4th Vintage Annual Rally

Sunday 12th Homestead Run

17-19th Show Weekend Tour

Sunday 19th OCBC

Saturday 25th Motorcycle Annual Rally


Saturday 9th Christmas Social

Sunday 17th Childrens Christmas Picnic

Sunday 17th OCBC

Tuesday 26th Boxing Day Run



Tuesday 2nd Motorcycle New Years Run

Sunday 7th Picnic Run

Sunday 21st OCBC

Sunday 28th Veteran Picnic Run


Saturday 10th Boot Sale

Saturday 17th Motorcycle Clip on Run

Sunday 18th OCBC

24-25th Branch Annual Rally

MARCH 2024

Saturday 2nd Brooklands to Brighton 100 year old cars

Saturday 9th Motorcycle Moped Run

Sunday 10th Rear Wheel Brake Rally

16,17,18th Motorcycle Jim Toohey

Sunday 17th OCBC

Saturday 23rd Annual Commercial Rally

APRIL 2024

Sunday 7th P Group Rally

Saturday 13th Scooter and small Motorcycle Rally

Sunday 21st Autumn Run

Sunday 21st OCBC

Thursday 25th ANZAC (Malvern) Run

MAY 2024

Sunday 12th Rural Run

Sunday 19th Grasskhana

Sunday 19th OCBC

19 2024

JUNE 2024

1-3 Irishman Rally

Sunday 9th Restoration of the Year

Wednesday 12th Branch Motorcycle AGM

Sunday 16th Branch AGM

Sunday 16th OCBC

JULY 2024

Sunday 21st OCBC

Sunday 21st Midwinter Run

27-28th Motorcycle Midwinter Run

2024 continued


Sunday 18th VCCNZ National Day

Sunday 18th OCBC

Saturday 24th Round the Bays Motorcycle Run


Saturday 7th Women’s and Young Driver’s Rally - This could be a Sunday?

Saturday 14th Awards Dinner

Sunday 15th OCBC

Sunday 22nd Motorcycle Trial Day

Sunday 28th Veteran Annual Rally


11-13th Swap Meet

19-20th Motorcycle Girder Fork Rally


Saturday 2nd Vintage Annual Rally

Sunday 10th Homestead Run

15-17th Show Weekend Tour

Sunday 17th OCBC

Saturday 23rd Motorcycle Annual Rally


Saturday 7th Christmas Social

Sunday 15th Childrens Christmas Picnic

Sunday 15th OCBC

Thursday 26th Boxing Day Run


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