The Hub Mar 2025 FINAL

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Annual Rally Photo by Chris Leith

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Sun 2st

Tues 4th

Thurs 6th

Sat 8th

Brooklands to Brighton Run

Grounds Maintenance

Noggin and Natter

Moped Run

Wed 12th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Sat– Sun 15/16th Jim Toohey Run

Sun 16th

Tues 18th

Wed 19th

Wed 26th

Sun 30th

Tues 1st

Thurs 3rd

OCBC / Twin River VCC Run

Grounds Maintenance

Commercial Noggin and Natter

North Canterbury Noggin

Rear Wheel Brake Rally


Grounds Maintenance

Noggin and Natter

Sun 6th P Group Rally

Wed 9th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 15th

Wed 16th

Fri– Sun 18-20th

Sun 20th

Wed 23th

Fri 25th

Grounds Maintenance

Commercial Noggin and Natter

National Easter Rally


North Canterbury Noggin

Malvern Anzac Day Run

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Tuesday and third Tuesday of the month

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm Refer Pages 48 and 49 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators


It seems like February has passed in a flash, I guess time flies whenyou’re having fun.

The month started with the Annual Commercial Rally ably organised by Micheal and held on a pleasant summer day, with the usual range of vehicles large and small enjoying some great weather for a pleasant drive to a lunch stop with some interesting sheds to take a look around. Unfortunately I was otherwise engaged for the February noggin, so thanks to Jens for stepping in to look after the announcements, I’ve heard he did a great job so we might have to see if he’s available every month. The branch Annual Rally finished off the month, with a pleasant day’s motoring and great weather on Saturday, along with an interesting stop in the afternoon before heading home. Sunday morning dawned a little bit damp but the field tests, live music and bbq lunch in the hall were still enjoyed by those in attendance, so many thanks to Katryna and Henry for putting things together along with the many others who helped out over the weekend. It is a little disappointing to get less than 40 entries out of our very large membership for the one competitive branch event open to all categories of vehicles, particularly when compared to the turnout for some of our other runs and more adventurous events, which raises the question of what events our members want to attend and if we should leave the many trophies gathering dust and just organise a picnic run for the day. Any constructive thoughts or feedback are welcome, after all the committee’s job is to keep the branch running and provide opportunities for our members to use their vehicles, so if we aren’t told we don’t know.

With the club Executive meeting coming up shortly, it’s probably the last chance to provide input to the new club constitution, so if you have any thoughts please let me know, after that it should be going to a vote of all members to enable it to be adopted in time for the deadline for reregistration of the club as an incorporated society. There’s plenty coming up in the near future, so will see you out and about.


No Report from Rod seems his email has gone a little funky this month while he was away on holiday.


Welcome to March!

With the Annual Rally hot on our tails we are now looking forward to the Easter Rally.

Contrary to popular belief, a misunderstanding, the closing date for The South Island Easter Rally is now the 27th March 2025. There will be updated information coming out. The team of organisers has been getting together rally routes, prizes, a gymkhana, prize giving dinner and of course a catch up sausage sizzle on the Saturday afternoon.

We are looking for any annadotes, funny stories and history of things that have happened over the last fifty years since the grounds were named Cutler Park.

Volunteers are also required to support the running of the weekend. If you have a spare couple of hours to lend a hand that would be fantastic!

Please contact Selywn Cox on

Remember there are many other vintage car enthusiasts joining the South Island Easter Rally, it would be a great opportunity for you to share in showing off our wonderful Canterbury roads and the Canterbury Vintage Car Club grounds there is know time like the present to get your entries in.

The Branch Annual Rally headed for the hills this year. We travelled up the back way through to the Pyramid Valley in North Canterbury. With spectacular views, one ford and a perfect day weather wise. The trip was modelled on an Irishman run, well

not the really rough stuff, so all members could experience some of the most beautiful countryside that Joe public does not get to see.

We had lunch at the Hawarden domain, then headed to Mike and Jan Hodgen’s farm, Pyramid Farm, to see where the ongoing work is happening to ensure the preservation of Pyramid Valley and the excavation of Moa bones. Mike explained that a dedicated team of volunteers spent long hours sieving the excavated lake bed material for small bones and other organic remains. There was also the opportunity to hold the bones and learn about the different species.

A report and more pictures in the next hub.

This month also includes hosting the National Executive Meeting the weekend of the 8th March 2025. Neil and myself will be attending this to continue working on updating our constitution and structure of the Vintage Car Club New Zealand as a whole to make it less cumbersome and align with new government regulations. Please remember we have our members at heart with any decisions that are made.

Mike and Jan Hodgen showing the Maori drawings and in the background is the excavation site where the Moa bones were discovered.

Once again, have a great month!


From The Editors Desk

Hi All

Not much to report been spending a lot of time at the club the last month getting the ground ready for Easter Rally and Executive meeting this week.

Just a reminder if those who want to get stuff in to The Hub to have it in by the due date. This month I have had 10 more emails/Texts after the closing date with items people want to put in which means I have to re-edit the whole hub to fit this.

Enjoy this issue!

We have a new Hub email, if you haven't yet done so please save into your contacts. This address will allow you to contact me for Hub related Inquiries.


It’s been a very busy month for the Veteran section, and we’ve had our own cars out on many occasions in various locations around the South Island.

The first event was the annual Dunedin to Brighton Run, held on the weekend of 25th and 26th January. Four cars and their crews from our branch attended, and we all stayed at the same motel on the north end of town, arriving on Friday afternoon to check in and then have a meal out together that evening. Saturday morning and it was up early to get the cars out of the trailers and ready to go, and then head off to the start point at First Church just around the corner from the Octagon by 9.15am. With the weather looking a bit uncertain we remained optimistic and left the hoods stowed (two of us didn’t have a hood anyway) and got in our departure order in the car park there ready to move off to the Octagon at 10am for the public display. As always the mood was very happy, and it was great catching up with people again and even seeing a couple of new restorations this year making their debut appearance at the event.

As 10am rolled around we made our way around Moray Street and lined up in the centre of the Octagon ready for the official wave-off by Mayor Jules Radich at 11am. With a cruise ship in port and a large contingent of people in town for the filming of the ‘East of Eden’ movie in the centre of town the next day, there were plenty of people around to see the cars and then wave them off the line. This year we took the more familiar route up Serpentine Ave and over the hill to drop down into Kaikorai Valley – low gear most of the way up

but with that out of the way it’s easy going most of the way after that.

We were away about mid-way through the field of 26 cars, and had a very good run to Brighton being about the 8th car to arrive at the Brighton domain. Stopping there for a minute or so, we then carried on the extra 20km to the Taieri Mouth – a beautiful drive along the very scenic coast. During the drive back to Brighton there were a couple of light showers, but the rain spots evaporated as quickly as they fell, and by the time we got back to the domain the sun was out and it was starting to get quite warm. A quick trip through the field tests and we were free to enjoy our pre-ordered lunches and enjoy the line-up around the perimeter of the domain.

About 2.30 we headed back into town, back over the hill again and then time to relax at the motel before the prize giving dinner that night. This year we actually featured in the awards, with Jenny and I coming second in the field tests, John Wilson winning his class in his Model T Raceabout, and Allan Familton and Lesley Colsell gaining 3rd place overall in their class with the Stanley Steamer.

The weather for the Sunday outing to Careys Bay for coffee and lunch yet again wet, so we left the cars in the trailers in town and went anyway – always a very social occasion. Because we missed motoring that day, three of us decided to stop off in Waimate on the way home on the Monday. We unloaded the cars in town, bought picnic lunches in the bakery, and then motored out to Kelceys Bush to enjoy lunch in the sun out there – a great way to end the weekend away.

The following weekend I was racing at Skope in the Wolseley 1500 – a significant change of pace but a really enjoyable weekend with other VCC members – great camaraderie with just that little bit of competitiveness to get the adrenalin flowing. Just like veteran motoring – if you can finish the event by driving the car onto the trailer undamaged then it’s been a very good outing indeed!

Three days after Skope and we were off again, this time to the National Veteran Rally in Blenheim. The format was very relaxed, with an open day and field tests at Brayshaw Park on Waitangi Day, and then a run out to a Homestead on the coastal side of Spring Creek on the Saturday with a picnic lunch provided by the women from Marlborough Branch. Quite a different batch of cars and bikes from the Dunedin to Brighton (30 in total) meant there was the opportunity to catch up with quite a few different people, and the weather was perfect as well. A thoroughly enjoyable weekend, finished off with a great dinner provided for us at the Marlborough Branch clubrooms, and then an informal visit to the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre in our cars on the Saturday morning before packing up and heading for home. Many of us from the south stayed at the Cherylea Motel on SH6, and we were looked after extremely well – with parking for our cars and trailers on site we’d go back there again without hesitation.

A few days later we had our monthly coffee morning at Thirsty Acres in Kirwee. I gave the Wolseley 12/16 a rest and took the two-cylinder 10HP to that one to give it an outing – with the roads a bit damp from a shower during the night I even took a short-cut there on gravel roads! No dust, but bits of them were bloody rough! A few of our regulars

were away at the Model T rally in Gore but we still had a good catch-up over morning tea and lunch.

And then, two days later, we were off again, this time to Methven for the Veteran Car Club Mid-Summer Adventure. Another great weekend away, this time with a drive to the Coleridge Power Station on Saturday 15th February and then a trip to Staveley on the Sunday, both in fabulous weather. All up about 200 miles of veteran motoring in the month, and some of it quite testing on the cars. Very, very enjoyable though.

And before I finish –‘Hat’s off’ to a few of our members and their veteran cars who were involved in the filming for the ‘East of Eden’ movie in Oamaru in January. The filming schedule was 8am to about 2am the following morning over 2 days, so very demanding. They’ve come back with a few funny stories and ‘blooper’ moments, and although they wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to do it again, looking back it was a worthwhile experience. Can’t wait to see the movie when it comes out!

Coming Events

As I write, it’s only one week away from the Brooklands to Brighton Run, to be held on Sunday 2nd March. (Note, it is definitely Sunday 2nd March – not Saturday 1st). We’ve got 40 entries, but I’m expecting there will be a few late ones as people suddenly remember it’s on. A full report will be in next month’s Hub.

And for this month, an advance mention of three other events:

• Firstly, a VCC display we’re planning for the Annual Twin Rivers Motoring Extravaganza on Sunday 16th March. For those who want to, we will meet at OCBC at Cutler Park, and /or then you can motor to the A&P Showgrounds to arrive by 10am. There will be a large area set aside specifically for our club display. There is a separate notice about this elsewhere in the Hub.

• Secondly, the Rear Wheel Brake Rally on Sunday 30th March. This will be “The Old School Run”, starting in Sheffield Domain and visiting some old schools in the Malvern area with a couple of other interesting locations thrown in. Mark the date in your diary now, and have a look for all the details are on the next page later of this issue. All Veteran vehicles and rear-wheel-brake Vintage vehicles are eligible and encouraged to take part.

• Thirdly, soon after the Easter Rally, the annual Malvern Anzac Day Run is on again on Friday 25th April. Focused more on our Pre WW2 vehicles, this is another great event for our Veteran, Vintage and Post-Vintage sections, although later cars are more than welcome to attend as well. It’s a great way to mark Anzac Day – an easy and very scenic run around the alpine foothills visiting the Malvern district Anzac memorials on the way.

Colin Hey, Veteran Convenor. Phone 021 883 807


Unfortunately I was away for OCBC on 16th February, but I’m told it all went well with another very good turnout, and no doubt Brodie will have some photos he can slip into this edition somewhere.

To cap it off we had a new coffee vendor for this month (Carron), who is filling in while Sue-Anne and Deb are away for 3 months.Apparently the coffee was very good too!

Next month’s OCBC is on Sunday 16th March, which is also the day for the Twin Rivers Motoring Extravaganza.As mentioned above and elsewhere in the Hub, we are putting on a special display at Twin Rivers, so we’re planning on meeting at OCBC from 8.30am, having a coffee, and then departing for Twin Rivers by 9.30am so we can be there at 10am. Those who prefer not to go to Twin Rivers can of course stay on at OCBC for the rest of the morning.

Grounds Log


Pete's away last month he headed for a well deserved month long holiday in the north island.

Grounds are starting to look dry as we come in to the autumn, We have a tree pile down the back of the club with lots of pine cones on the ground. If you would like some grab a bag or 2 or even 3 your welcome to it. The quicker we can get these picked up we can fix this area up for The Easter rally next month.

As always Pete is looking for volunteers to help with the grounds we hope to get the grounds looking good for the up coming easter rally

Grounds Maintenance Co-ordinator

Pete Blacklock 021 181 3491

* Written by editor *

Twin Rivers Motoring Extravaganza

Sunday 16th March

Special VCC Display

This year our Branch has been invited to put on a special display for VCC eligible vehicles, so all members are invited to come and enjoy this event, and at the same time help promote the club. The event has a huge following, usually with around 500 vehicles attending, many of which are VCC eligible with owners unaware that they can join the VCC.

We will endeavour to display our vehicles in their various categories – Veteran, Vintage, PV, P60 and 80 etc, Commercial, and even Motorcycles. All vehicles will be eligible for prizes for the various sections which will be awarded by the show organisers.

The event is a fundraising event organised by Avonhead Rotary Club, and this year they are raising funds to support Hohepa Canterbury. You will need to arrive by 10am, and stay until the prize giving around 2.30pm. The entry fee is $20, all of which goes to the supported charity. You can enter here

We will need to know if you are coming so please enter no later than Friday 7th March.

Full information will be provided in the March Hub, or go to:

Hello everyone,

P Group

It's time for the P Group rally again! The P Group encompasses a wide range of vehicles, from 1934 to 1995, and is by far the largest group in the club. It also includes motorbikes, so it would be great to see some riders join us.

While this is a P Group rally, all cars are welcome. If you need to come in your modern car, please do. The point of a rally is to socialize with like-minded car owners – the more, the merrier!

This year, we will attend a school fair as the final destination of the rally.

Please consider entering the Concours. Many people are too humble about their cars, and there are a large number of very well-presented cars in the club. Please come along and show us your hard work!

I look forward to seeing you on April 6th. The rally will start at 9:00 am at Cutler Park. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Date 6th April 2025

Time 9.00am

Location Cutler Park

John Enright



Greetings all,

I hope many of you enjoyed the Annual Rally which has just been held this past weekend. Saturday was a beautiful day for the main rally, but unfortunately Sunday didn’t play ball with heavy drizzle for the morning rally and field tests. Never mind – the company and the lunch were brilliant! Thanks to those who organized the rally. I didn’t enter this one myself, but I was stationed at the end of the timed section recording your pass times!

January and Feb have been another busy time. The preparation for the trip to Art Deco was a bit full on. The Lagonda is running beautifully after the engine rebuild. It was a good opportunity to put some miles on it while driving some of the sunny Hawkes Bay roads. The Art Deco festival was a bit of a bucket list item and didn’t disappoint! We met some lovely people who own some beautiful cars. It was nice to have the company of Michael and Louise Pidgeon who took their Bugatti and Graham and Ann Evans were there in their Model A. One family drove their lovely 1924 Delage all the way from Dunedin. I cheated a bit as the Lagonda went up on the trailer – I think I’d still be on the road now if I didn’t! I wasn’t happy with the balance once it was loaded so we took a 30kg bag of cement on the trip with us – that rode on the front of the trailer to put a bit more weight over the draw bar. The Toyota Highlander hoovered through the fuel getting there and back so it won’t be an annual thing! As usual I was the only Lagonda there – one day I might meet another!

My wife and Daughter joined me on the trip – I think it was a bit of a draw card to have the chance for new dresses, hats, shoes gloves etc in Art Deco style. I had my clothes as well – why not eh! The HBVCC did a great job of arranging the rally and a morning tea before the parade. I’ve never seen so many people lining the

streets as we went through Napier town centre on the Saturday grand parade. It was amazing! My daughter celebrated her 21st birthday on the day before the rally. If I’m to give my age away – I too celebrated my 21st Birthday at a Vintage car event - the Pan Pacific Rally in Palmerston North in 1992 so it was the same day 33 years later as I drove through with the Lagonda.

I’m pleased to report the ride on lawn mower is now going so I’m not having to borrow the neighbours one any longer. Let hope it last a few more years.

The February Commercial noggin was a casual catchup at Neil Shasky’s house – I’m told there was a good turnout – 15 or so which is great. Thanks to Neil for inviting the group along.

The March Commercial Noggin is to be at Peter Munro’s property on Wednesday 19th March – usual time. (401 Old Tai Tapu Road. Turn into Holmes Road at 1st gate on the right.)

Coming events are:

PV Rally - 06 April 2025 – many of our commercials fit into this group – bring them along!

SI Easter Rally – 18-21 April

The Commercial rally held on 01 Feb was a great success. We were treated to a fine and sunny day. The route wound across to the back of Rolleston where we were welcomed to Allan Familton and Lesley’s lovely property. They have a magnificent collection of steam machinery and a VERY impressive shed! Among their collection is a Foden Steam truck, a Stanley Steamer, a lovely De Dion and other traction engines as well as a steamboat. I heard lots of praise from our members on their collection. Thanks to Allan and Lesley for hosting us – it was much appreciated.

The Rally winners were:

Timed Section – Don and Judy Bennetts in the 1912 Albion

Field tests – John Gregan in the 1929 Ford Model A Pickup

Overall winner – Brian Hurley in the 1958 Land Rover Series 1

Well done to our winners – I’ll get a certificate out to you at the next noggin. It was great to see a couple of younger drivers who were out for the day – well done!

With our Commercial theme I thought I would see what commercials really stick in people’s minds. We had a few quiz questions to answer on the day with some advertising slogans and brand names – interesting to see if they really worked – I think everyone knew the first one – Should have gone to……Specsavers!

See you out on the road,


Annual Rally

Well Katryna that's another annual rally done for another year. With a special thankyou to Katryna for her help, guidance, and never ending patience it was my 3rd.Hopefully everyone has had a great weekend and enjoyed the scenery plus didn't get to burnt on Saturday. Congratulations to all the winners especially one that will need a bigger trophy cabinet now. Katryna and I would like to thank all our helpers in the kitchen, BBQ, field test's, timekeeper, Tail-End Charlie plus the band, and to Colin for sorting out all the results to find the winners. Including the weather gods on Saturday but not so much for the Sunday though. Bring on the 4th. We will try to have a little less shingle next time, maybe.



A bright sunny morning bought 52 cars to Nga puna wai for the start of of the February run organised by my big brother Laurie. While we were gathering I was lucky enough to spot an old workmate from my days at Canterbury Engineering in the 60s & 70s, who had been drawn to take a look at the old cars while walking his dog, so thank you all for that. A mini reunion of ex Canterbury Engineering guys resulted as four or five men standing there had a connection with the firm.

This happy coincidence set the mood for the rest of the day as our sound system worked well and the cars all set off out through Halswell, did a circuit of the newer parts of Prebbelton then off to the west to arrive at the beautiful property of Mike Hanning where we enjoyed sitting in the shade of the beautiful trees dotted around Mike and Helena’s manicured and spacious lawn, admiring the grounds, chatting, having our picnic lunches, listening with anticipation to the drawing of the raffle, exploring Mike’s shed and discussing the possibilities of the items dotted around the shed. So from us all, thanks very much to Laurie for stepping up to organise a run and Mike and Helena for their southern hospitality. We all had a wonderful day.

Next month. Wednesday 12-04-25.

John W, Fred & Les are all chipping in to organise another great day out. It might be a slightly longer run this time, more to be revealed closer to the time.

Starting at Rolleston community centre. We will need to get on the road 9.55 with a full tank and empty bladder. Already looking forward to it.

See you then.



You have run out – there is no summer left! March heralds the start of Autumn, still some nice sunny days so get out there and enjoy!

Past Events.

25th January 2025 – Fish & Chip Run. Not sure if this was a goer, most of the riders that would normally attend this were in Palmerston North for the National Motorcycle rally…

12th February 2025 – Motorcycle Noggin. About a dozen fronted up for a chat – warm enough without having to light the fire, which made a change…

19th February 2025 – Old Codger’s Run. Met for coffee at Coffee Culture, Rolleston at 10.30 am. After the usual catch-up a run through to Lincoln, Motukarara, Gebbes Pass, to the Governor’s Bay Pub for lunch. The 28 or so bikes at Rolleston swelled to about 35 by the time we arrived at Governors Bay. Great day, overcast hot 28 degree day, ideal for riding! After lunch a number of the riders peeled off for a run back to Halswell to view a collection of bikes ex a deceased estate at an auction house. A great day out!

Future Events.

1st March 2025 - February’s Fish & Chip Run. - A run to Kowai Bush is being organised. There is a jet boat museum there – Jet Boat World, 651 Rubicon Road, Springfield , well worth a look at. Entry to the museum is $15 a head. In addition there may be an opportunity to go for a jet boat ride, this would be $55 a head and is dependent on numbers (15 – 18 people at least…) and also is weather and river conditions dependent as well. Are you interested in going? Email Stuart Skurr at to let him know – ASAP.

8th March 2025 – Moped Run and Clip-on Run Combined. This combined event will cater for both Clip-on bikes and small Mopeds. The organiser of last year’s event, John Benn, has made available (via Mike Glenday) a run which begins at the Famous Grouse, Lincoln, starting 10.45am. The run is approx. 30 km’s, so is suitable for both classes of competitor.

12th March 2025 – Noggin Night. Meet between 7.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. at the 4 Shore Bar, 41B Nayland Street, Sumner, ready for instructions to be provided at 7.35 p.m. to navigate to the address which houses an interesting collection of cars and motor cycles. A not to be missed night which is likely to also resemble a homestead run!’ This is straight from Jens’ instruction to me as to what to say, so you’d better

believe this will be a good one!

14th - 16th March – Jim Toohey Run. The run for 2025 will again be a three day ride starting Friday morning. We will be riding to Punakaiki on the Friday staying overnight in serviced cabin type accommodation. On the Saturday the ride will be through to Blenheim staying at motels overnight. The run on Sunday will be home to Christchurch via the Kaikoura coast. Friday’s start will be at Motorcycle Corner, VCC grounds - meet 8.30am for 9.00am start. Royce & Jan Baker are back up but try to carry your own bag please. No sleeping bag required. Entry form will be out in February. Jens would like an early indication of who intends on going, please give him a quick call/txt as this will assist in accommodation. Jens - 0274 334179, or E-mails are much preferred… One of the issues with Punakaiki is the accommodation has to be paid forin advance so last minute cancellations etc. won't cut the mustard. An increasing trend is couples going and needing their own accommodation, and one or two single riders requiring their own separate accommodation as well. If you fall in either of these categories please ADVISE accordingly.

Please advise ASAP your decision to take part in this iconic run.

19th March 2025 – Old Codger’s Run. Stu Halligan & Chris Leith to advise, and send out emails. 29th March 2025 – Fish & Chip Run. This will be a run to Waikari, to take in a very interesting museum of sheep shearing. We visited this place last year. There was demonstration shearing of sheep using blades as well as machine shearing. More details in the March Hub, but in the meantime Brian Hayman is organising – 027 201 7837 or if you have questions etc.

That’s it for this month, CML


(The VOG’s)

February 2025 Run

Another month another great outing. My little “tart” performed magnificently after some specialised treatment in the “Backhouse Surgery” she never missed a beat this time and took some holding back with all the surging “power” she now produces. A real pleasure to ride.

The ride this time started from the Valley Inn at Heathcote and followed cycle/walk way tracks in the Heathcote and Linwood areas with very little on road cruising – a very tranquil and stress free ride was had by all with no breakdowns of our finely tuned and highly race spec’d machines.

A visit was organized as part of the ride today where we went to the Aeronauts hangar at Ferrymead to view progress on the ongoing rebuild of the WW 2 Mosquito. What a huge job this is and there doesn’t seem to be much progress since we last did this visit around 4 years ago but when you look into what has been done there’s lots of fiddly itsy bitsy parts that are stored away ready for installing when the time comes including the fuselage that is basically completed and nearly ready for painting in the colours of the day . The guide Dennis was very passionate about this project and knew every aspect about these aircraft and the role that they played during the war years and later. A great team of dedicated workers are involved in this rebuild all specialising in various trades. All the wooden framework for the wings is being undertaken by Dag Guest a “bespoke” furniture maker who in his earlier years was involved in the airforce in the Uk and knows the Mosquito inside out Also there is an ex Telecom worker who is looking after the wiring doing all the original style braiding of the looms in the period cloth of the time. To me it looked like a spaghetti junction so I’m impressed we have these skilled people on the Ferrymead Team giving their time to all these projects of a bygone era. They have even managed to find 2 Merlin engines that would

have powered these aircraft along, they won’t be up and running but will eventually be hanging correctly on the wings once the aircraft is set up for a static display….. in time to come.

The weather managed to hold out for us after a threatening start with some rain in some suburbs but none “rained on our parade” during a really enjoyable ride organised this time by Allan Stack another Heathcote Valley resident where Allan tells me the climate if definitely better in his “neck of the woods” a real microclimate he tells me, Bob Kinnaird whole heartedly agreed with him - of course he would he and Rose live there also.

Over and out.

Royce VOG 1

VCC Children’s Christmas Picnic 2024

The Children’s Christmas Picnic was held on Sunday 15st December with a good attendance of children parents and grandparents. The weather stayed dry although not the sunny day as requested. We had pleasant lunch with candy floss and ice cream. The clubs Fire Engine and International Truck were driven by Tony and Mark taking families to and from Steam Theme where 4 different steam rides were on offer.

Children’s races followed after which Father Christmas arrived via Colin’s veteran.

Then into the hall where Santa’s Grotto was filled with children and parents while presents were handed to the children.

VCC Annual Vintage Rally 2024

The Annual Vintage Rally was held on Sunday 1st December with 33 cars in attendance. Good weather and a pleasant lunch stop along with field tests at Lakeside Domain. The cars departed McLeans Island turning left along McLeans Island Road onto Chattertons Road along Dawsons Road through to Lincoln Township passing through Greenpark, Coes Ford and Sedgmere before arriving at our destination Lakeside Domain. We found shelter from the sun around a tree boundary of Lake Ellesmere with field tests held following lunch. We were blessed with a lovely warm day which lasted until around 2pm when many of the cars were returning home from the rally.


of the Annual Vintage

Time Trial Challenge Cup

1st Graeme Shaskey

Rally 2024

1920Essex Pikes Special Field Tests – Lowden Cup

1st Michael Rogers

1928Chevrolet National Peoples Choice Trophy

1st Phil Jeeves

1922Fiat 510S Overall Winner – Rae Trophy

1st Graeme Shaskey

1920Essex Pikes Special



Ford Tractor 1975 automatic 4500 Model

This machine is in a tidy condition, well maintained in the hands of the VCC

We have replaced this tractor with a John Deere series 3 year

Mazda MX5 2000 cc 6 speed tiptronic automatic 2006 NC model ,not a club eligible vehicle but a fabulous touring Roadster .travelled only one hundred thousand kms

Imported by us in 2017 from Singapore and we have done 28000 km of great motoring since. fitted with rear mounted spare wheel (as this model had only a foam tyre inflator system)

Gray with Black interior , $12,000

4 wooden glass topped display boxes as used at the Swap meet ,one still has numerous tools and items in it .$50 each . 2 small plastic display boxes with clear tops ,both for sale with items intact including badges ,patches ,veteran Triumph M/C tank transfers ,misc. trinkets

$20 each

2 Shooting sticks $15 each

One ton Elephant brand chain hoist $40 Sykes Pickavant door skin edge tool ,for lifting folded edges $10 Also by the same maker spot weld drill with two cutters $5

Alan Wills 021 08700692

1929 Ariel 250cc Model LF OHV twin port needs full restoration I believe the motor is restored + box of parts


Gavin Craythorne 0278390935

1992 Ford Capri XR2 Convertible Coupe. 4 seatsGood tidy condition. Only 130,000 kms. Has factory hardtop. Current rego and WOF. $7,000.

Contact Dave Inwood on 03327-4156 or Cell Ph: 0273077634.

All new, colour is Grey Friars

30 sheets Rib Roofing 0.40@3.479mm

Barges , Quad gutters, Ridging, caps &stop ends

Rivets, screws , washers

Will fit building 6.6mm x 11.4mm.

1x PA Door 900mmx1925mm hinges attached.

1x 2180 high x 4.800wide sectional door (panels only)

1x 2210 High x 2700 wide

Sectional door (panels only)

All the above in Grey Friars

New unused condition still in factory wrap

Ph 027 4440148

1963 Standard Vanguard Six. Three owners, sold new Timaru. Very Sound, complete, useable. Four-speed floor change. Full mechanical recommissioning history available following many years dry stored. Five new radials. Rego and WOF. $12,000. Ph Bill 03 312 8900.

FREE : Four 15 inch tyres. Two are 6.00 x 15, and two 6.50 x 15. Three with excellent tread depth, but all four up to WOF standard. Phone Bill, 03 3128900 or

Rally Holders are now available through Henry Little.


Saturday 22nd March 2025

Rally Entry Fee $35.00 per vehicle

Saturday Dinner and Prizegiving $45.00 per person

Entries close Saturday 15th March 2025

Entry on notice board in club rooms

Please scan/email your entry form to or post to : West Coast VCC, Shantytown, 316 Rutherglen Road, Greymouth

Golden Times Vintage Car Rally

2025 Saturday 26th April 2025 Arrowtown

Entry Fee including plaque $40.00

Fees payable to our bank account

Central Otago Vintage Car Club 06 0921 0035742 01

Reference your name to payment please

All Correspondence

To John Martin P 021 109 1309 E

M 11 Bell Ave Cromwell 9310

Entries close 16th April 2025

2024-2025 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Jens Christensen (Karen) 027 433 4179

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks 03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James 03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333

Grounds Maintenance

Peter Blacklock (Chrisy)

021 181 3491

Barn Bookings/Camping

Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

027 224 1465


Ted and Jill Hockley

027 403 4511

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams thehub@vcccanterbury.or

027 848 7775 (Text)

Building Maintenance

Pete Merrifield

021 423 118


2024-2025 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411

Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130

This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

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