SECRETARY’S REPORT Short and sweet this month as we have the AGM reports as well. Well the Banks around the country are not making my life any easier when it comes to not being able to accept cheques from a number of our members from this point on. I really can’t understand how the Banks have been able to implement this new policy regarding the use of cheques in the future. This is nothing short of elderly abuse. As you all know we have a rather large number of our members in the over 70’s age bracket including me. In that group there are quite a few who have not, for what ever reason, wished to learn a whole new way of life, Phone Banking, Internet Banking , even the use of a cell phone. While most of us have accepted these changes I sympathise with those that just can’t be bothered with it all or don’t have younger family who can help them with simple tasks like paying a bill.
Think about this. You go into a Bank to pay your rates bill.
ROD THROWER Secretary ph 03 338 2320
After standing in the queue you are told we can’t draw money out of your account to pay said bill and you need to join another queue and draw out the cash and come back. So the bill is lets say $315.00 so you draw out $320 as you need $5 for a coffee next door. You go back and queue again to find when you get to the teller they can’t give you change so you have to go back queue again to change that $10. Doesn’t even bear thinking about. On that note we will soldier on and I will still worry when I receive cash in the mail.
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