1 minute read
Secretary’s Report
Interesting, wet, wet, and wet. It’s at times like this I’m glad I live on a raised section. We have a problem with the Chalet at Cutler Park leaking again so will be out of action in the meantime, we will be asking our very able maintenance team from the parts shed to brave the weather and do the necessary repairs. The new online membership is working well and certainly makes my job a little easier, but I still manage to get emails wrong occasionally. You cannot check these enough. We signed off eleven new members and one transfer from North Otago last month, welcome to you all. A special thanks to the four members who have volunteered to join our team this year, three on the Branch Committee and one on the swap meet team. Great to think people actually read my report last month. The committee will introduce these folks in the near future. I’m off on my annual pilgrimage to the Club’s AGM in Auckland next month so if you have anything you wish me to raise on behalf of the Branch, please let me know in writing before the 7th August.
Regards Rod