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Commercial Report
Thanks to everyone who dropped round for the November Commercial noggin, good to have a catch up with you all.
The Christmas Commercial Noggin is being hosted by Mark Drury this year, on 15th December at 7 Birkenhead St, Avonhead. As usual for Christmas starting a bit earlier from 5.30pm. Partners are welcome to come along for the evening. Please bring something to cook on the BBQ and something to share.
Bruce McCormick has volunteered to host the January Commercial Noggin. There won’t be a Hub between now and then so mark it on your calendar, 19th January 2022 at 31 Cullahill St.
Entry form for the 2022 Annual Commercial Rally on 5th February 2022 is also in this issue of The Hub. Starting with coffee from 9am at Cutler park, and heading to a picnic spot for lunch followed by an afternoon run to afternoon tea and prizegiving. Commercial vehicles of any shape or size welcome to come along.
Neil Shaskey Commercial Convenor