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Part’s Report
from The Hub
Parts Coordinator’s Report
Hi all. A fairly quiet month for the spare parts this month. We have had three complete cars donated, a Wolseley 6/80 and two BMC 1800 Land Crabs.
We have also found places to store the big trailer full of BMC parts (not an easy task these days). Most of these parts are in good condition and will do another turn.
Thanks go to Colin Hey for arranging the collection of these parts.
Our construction team has put a new roof on the small shed in the compound and incorporated a roof light making this shed a real asset for us. Thanks to all concerned.
We have accumulated a large number of workshop manuals and vehicle instruction books. Ted Hockley has spent a lot of time sorting them out and storing them so they are easy to find. They are all for sale so if you need one just talk to Ted who will show you his easy find system. We always give the club library first choice but you might be surprised at some of the books for sale.
Regards to all, Wayne
OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 12.30pm – 5 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon
Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night
Recovery team Ross Butler, Mike Foster and Tony Meikle.
Photo by Wayne Stocks.
This recovery went like a well oiled military operation. The advance expeditionary force arrived from Rangiora and stripped all the spares off the vehicle, then I arrived and dragged it out of the barn into the paddock. Then the Major, (Ross) arrived with the trailer and his trusty driver Mike Foster and we loaded it onto the trailer. Then heavy recovery arrived in the guise of Tony Meikle and we manhandled the heavy engine onto his trailer and after 40 minutes we all left in convoy. A successful operation. Many thanks to John Smith for his donation and his considerable help in loading.