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Swap meet Report
from The Hub
Swap Meet
Planning for Swap Meet in October is progressing well. Sites are still selling well, so don’t delay if you do not yet have one booked. Best point of contact is to use the site email address: swapmeetsites@gmail.com which Neil keeps an eye on. As I mentioned last month, because we had a list of volunteer names for the various rosters for the different tasks ready to go for the 2020 event, we decided to use these as the basis for this year. It’s by no means completely full, so you can still change your allocated time, or you can take your name off if you really need to. The roster will be at the July noggin so you can check it, and then after the noggin everyone on the roster will be contacted to confirm their availability. I cannot stress strongly enough that this is our one and only major fundraising event for the year, and we need the support of every able-bodied member to help run it. The more volunteers we have for the various tasks, the easier it is for everyone, so please offer us a couple of hours of your time at some stage over the weekend. A special thanks to recent new member John Forster who has put his hand up to look after the ‘Cars For Sale’ area after last month’s appeal for help. Right now we still have one immediate need - some new locations for our big signs on prominent routes around the city. If you have a property where we could put a sign up around the beginning of September for six weeks, or if you know someone who does, please get in touch with me so we can make the necessary arrangements. Another reminder too that the informal camping areas are also going to be marked out and numbered this year. We’re aware that many of our campers have their favourite spot, so this will ensure you will be able to book it each year without the need for turning up extra-early to get your spot. Colin Hey

Photos From The Branch AGM

Top Left: Retiring Treasurer Kevin Sarjeant is thanked by Chairman Ross Top Right: Joseph McClintock is presented with the McLachlan Age /Mileage trophy for veteran vehicles. Middle left. Mike Foster accepts the Fowler Special Events Trophy on behalf of the grounds maintenance team, from new Club Captain Katryna Shaw. Middle right: Ross presents Heather Harris with the Beecroft Trophy for PWV Restoration of the Year.

Unsung heroine's of the kitchen
For many years Liz Parris and Amanda Franklin have been serving tea, coffee, savouries and toasted sandwiches at our monthly Noggins, and this is appreciated by many. Amanda along with Gill Stevenson is also our Bar Manager.

June 2021 Hub Noggin Display

All my displays have a theme, this one I tried to get Sunbeam, Talbot & Darracq cars.
No luck with the Darracq, but the 2 Sunbeams and 2 Talbots made a magnificent display, many people commented to me on how much they enjoyed it. Thank you to the following members who helped make it a great display.
Craig Keenan 1935 Talbot BG 3.5ltr. Phil Jelfs 1921 Sunbeam 14/40. (both Banks Peninsula Members.) Bob Hayes 1906 Talbot Model 4DB & Michael Lavender 1931 Sunbeam 23.8.
After 8 years of looking after the displays, the June display was my last. I would like thank everyone who took part & displayed their vehicle, motor cycle, toys, pedal car or hobby etc over this period. In some cases, individual members have displayed numerous different vehicles, both motor cycles and cars. Also, a big thank you to the motor cycle section, whose members, whenever approached, were always happy to display their motor cycles, scooters and mopeds etc.
Thank you to everyone who trailered their cars, motor cycles etc, to a display, getting WOFs, storing their vehicles in the hall overnight and having to make 2 trips or just driving them to the display on a chilly winter’s night. Without this effort, the June display and previous displays would not be possible. I know the members appreciate your efforts.
It has been a lot of fun & I have enjoyed experience, meeting many wonderful VCC members. I wish my successor all the best. Don Muller.