VETERAN REPORT Sitting down to write the Veteran section report for the AGM last week was a chance to reflect on how things have gone through the year. There were certainly a number of events for owners to attend, however those with what could be considered a good turnout of veteran vehicles were really only the annual veteran rally, and the Dutton Garage Malvern Run on Anzac Day. Both were really good events. This is such a shame because we have so many of them in our branch. Nevertheless, others would pop up from time to time at other branch events – the Annual Rally and the Two-wheel Brake rally in particular, but it strikes me that we need a few more events specifically catering for our section, or specific routes tailored for veterans on other branch events. The key ingredients being mostly flat running, not too many intersections, and most of all quiet roads. Definitely something to keep thinking about and working on for next season. Perhaps more home visits and noggin-type events too, and some more encouragement to the owners of veteran motorcycles, as we see so few of them on our outings. The veteran season (if there is any such thing) has now pretty much ended, but there are still events coming up there that we could consider planning to attend. The Restoration of the Year run in June and the Daffodil Day run in August immediately come to mind, and for the latter there is a route leaving from Rolleston that would be perfect for veterans. And on top of this don’t forget OCBC every month.