The Hub June 2023

Page 11

2 THE HUB Newsletter of: THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND CANTERBURY BRANCH Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.
3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo Enjoying the late Autumn splendour. Malcolm and Anita McGibbon with their 1914 Renault (Photo by Colin/Jenny Hey) Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 Club Captain’s Report 9 Veteran Report 10 Vintage Report 11 Commercial Report 12 9-90s Report 13 VOG Report 14 Motorcycle Report 16/17 Swap Meet Report 18 Rural Run Report 26/27 New Members 32 The Mart 33/34 Officers and Reps 36/37 Copy for the July Hub closes on Wednesday 28th June Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter

Sat 3rd-Sun 4th The Irishman Rally

Sun 4th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 7th 9-90s

Sun 11th Restoration of the Year

Wed 14th

Motorcycle AGM

Sun 18th Branch AGM

Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Tues 20th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 21st Commercial Noggin

Wed 28th North Canterbury Noggin


Sun 2nd Grounds Maintenance Morning

Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter

Wed 12th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 16th OCBC

Tues 18th Grounds Maintenance morning

Wed 19th Commercial Noggin

Sun 23rd Winter Run

Wed 26th North Canterbury Noggin


Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter

Sun 6th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 9th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 15th Grounds maintenance

Wed 16th Commercial Noggin

Sun 20th OCBC and VCC National Day

Sat 26th ‘Round the Bays M/C Run

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 36 and 37 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators



Along with some rain to make the grass grow (fortunately not in the same volumes as some other parts of the country) there’s still been enough sun to get out and about with the cars and motorbike, and it’s been nice to catch up with people.

With things a bit quieter it might be time to get to some of the more in depth and time consuming jobs in the garage. I’m sure a couple of bikes that need carbs cleaned and balanced will keep me out of trouble for a bit.

Although things are quietening down a bit towards winter we still have the Irishman Rally to look forward to for those who have entered, and there are some winter events coming up, and the branch AGM is also this month. As for the last couple of years it is on the same Sunday as OCBC, so feel free to bring the car out in the morning along with something for lunch. If we get lucky with the weather there might the chance of a picnic in the sun, otherwise the hall will be open to sit inside in the warm if needed.

Now is the time to make your thoughts known on the running of the Branch, things have a tendency to continue as they are unless something is suggested otherwise, so any chance to evolve should be seen as an opportunity for improving what we are offering our members.

Happy motoring.

Winter Run Advance Notice

David and Pam Dacombe will be organising the Winter Run again this year. Pencil in Sunday 23rd July. There is an entry form in this Hub.


Branch AGM

( Sunday 18th June 2023 1pm after OCBC, in the clubrooms)

I am really looking forward to a much larger attendance at the branch AGM this year as a lot of you are interested in the direction that the Club may be heading in the future. Come along have your say. If the subject is raised please remember this is still in the very early stages and nothing will be finalized until Dec 2025. But as we all know when you are our general age that’s almost tomorrow.

The Delegates attended a workshop at the last March Executive Meeting here in Canterbury and the letter from Wellington Branch is included in our mail out of the Hub this month. This is their thoughts on the results put together by the National committee on that workshop.

The Canterbury Branch is interested in your thoughts on this before we have to attend the next club AGM in Nelson in August 2023. Rather than spend a huge amount of time at our AGM in discussion, we would like written submissions to our branch committee on the day, this would be the better choice. No decisions are going to be made on this subject at this early stage but it would be nice to know your thoughts going forward.

On a lighter note:

Club Identification Stickers: for attaching to the inside of your windscreen of your club car or everyday vehicles are available from the Bar at $3 each.

Number plate surrounds: We may also do another run of these if enough interest is shown. Let the Bar know or send the Secretary an email with your name ,and colour choice and we will see if this is worthwhile.


Black with white writing, or white with black writing.

Name Badges: are still available at a very reasonable cost. Members are encouraged to wear these to all events including Noggins. It does help our Bar staff in keeping up with our licencing laws.

See you at the AGM

Rod Thrower (Secretary)

Royal New Zealand Air Force 100 Year Celebrations

I have had more information about the 100 year anniversary of the New Zealand Air Force

It’s Saturday 17th June at the Air Force Museum.

They want to have five vehicles inside the venue. Two in the foyer and three in the main display area. They need the cars on Friday as they don’t have time to set them up on Saturday.

They would also like to have some cars parked on the grass directly outside the main entrance. All of the cars will be roped off for safety of your vehicle. The event begins at 9.00 am so we will need to be there at 8.00 am to set up. We should be able to remove the cars after 3.30pm

There will be a fly past at about 2.00pm with all of the current RNZAF aircraft. There will also be people wearing period dress. The organisers would encourage you to come in costume if you would like. If you are interested in attending please contact me at or on 027 439 6572


We are still looking for the stopwatches that have been taken from the Club Captain’s office. If you have one of them, please let me know.

If you weren’t at Noggin you may not have heard that we are looking at replacing and getting some more picnic tables to compliment our grounds - so no more splinters in the backside!

I am looking for someone to organise the Homestead Rally which is in November. Jens has got two possible venues that could be used, but I just need someone to organise the rally route etc to get there.

Please let me know if you are interested. We will give you as much help as you need.

Henry who was helping organise the Rural Run said that Heather, Tim and Matthew put a lot of effort into making an enjoyable day. I went on the run and it was a great day, especially the horseshoe and gumboot throwing competition. A lot of thought went into this day so thank you to Heather and the family.

I wish everyone safe travels on the Irishman Rally - I am sure it will be very cold but a lot of fun as usual!




The veteran season (if there is any such thing) has now pretty much ended, but there are still events coming up that we could consider planning to attend. The Restoration of the Year run in June and the Daffodil Day run in August immediately come to mind, and for the latter there is a route leaving from Rolleston that would be perfect for veterans. And on top of this don’t forget OCBC every month.

I’m hopeful that a couple of new restorations might emerge for judging at the Restoration of the Year run on 11th June. Our restoration experts are a humble lot (and they know who they are), but they may decide to come along this year and show us what can be achieved from a collection of parts even if just to inspire us to get motivated on our own projects?

At home I’ve been busy working on a couple of the later model Wolseley’s, but I did have to attend to an issue with the fan bearings on our 1912 Wolseley which made itself known on the Malvern Anzac Run. This has now been completed, together with some magneto adjustments, so I’m hoping to get a couple of more outings in before winter really sets in, even if it’s just a short run by ourselves for a coffee somewhere on a nice day.

Work is now progressing on the 2023/24 Branch Calendar of Events, so I’ll see if it’s possible to now set up a date for the proposed Brooklands to Brighton run. This won’t be just for veteran vehicles, but for any vehicle over 100 years of age so we can provide a milestone event which more and more vehicles will be eligible to take part in. Watch this space for more information.

In the meantime, I hope we’ll see a good turnout for the AGM (which is also OCBD day). No doubt too there will be the usual R and M going on after a good veteran motoring season.



My VCC activity this month has been focused on the May committee meeting, Noggin and a visit to the Parts Shed. The volunteers do a great job keeping and organising all the parts for us to peruse the numerous shelves, all labelled for ease of finding.

I have only been able to enjoy two weeks of May in Christchurch as Anne and I head to USA and France for a five week holiday.

As I write this on my morning of departure, the temperature has dropped and the rain is falling, so looking forward to the start of another summer.



Greetings all.

Not much to report from the Commercial section this month. VCC Canterbury committee member Graham Evans, has advised he has almost completed his Model A Tudor delivery - so I'm hoping that will be seen out and about and on the Commercial Rally next year. Certainly looks nice from the photos I've seen. Well done Graham.

The May noggin was held at the Bealey Quarter - 9 hardly souls turned out on a chilly evening. Not an overly busy night but parking appeared to be a bit of a problem. Thought it might be a good central location but never mind.

The June Noggin is on 21 June and is to be held at the Papanui RSA. The bar closes at 9pm so it won't be a late one. You can possibly join the Quiz evening if you have your thinking caps on!

Dave Cooper has invited us to his workshop for the July Noggin. Details in the newsletter next month. If anyone has any suggestions for the August Commercial Noggin please let me know and I will make some enquiries.

I spotted this old 1948 Dodge truck in a yard recently - looks like it would have a few stories to tell - be great to see it mobile again one day.

Upcoming events are Irishman Rally 3-4th June, Restoration of the year Rally

11th June and the AGM on 18th June.

See you soon


10th APRIL 2023

So very lovely to see so many people turned up on a cold wet day but I think all that came really enjoyed what Fred had in store for us. After a nice run, we arrived at Crozier Farm on Dunsandel Road. Here a family had been farming for a few generations. They grow and pack veggies here mostly potatoes, carrots and onions. We had a great tour of the pack house seeing carrots arrive from the ground to be washed graded and packed, also the same for the potatoes .

Many thanks, Fred for a very interesting day.

The Mariners

Hi to you all,

The June trip to Geraldine…..there is an $10.00 entry fee per person for the Roger Mahan museum. (I heard a few girls are going shopping instead)…….

I believe quite a few people are staying in Geraldine overnight. Someone booked Colleen and myself in. We are looking forward to this trip,( been out of circulation too long).


The Barn,,

Potluck as usual :………..bring for two and eat for one (if possible) HOMEMADE FOOD. Meet at 11.30

Looking forward seeing you all


John Kuipers




May Run – The end of VOG’s “summer wine”

A jaunt around the Hornby area was the order of the day for our May run with a visit to Wigram

Airforce Museum to round it off. Dave Malcolm led the way this time but his day didn’t get off to a fine start with his trusty machine suffering a blowout in the rear tyre on the way to the start at Hornby Club’s carpark. But all was not lost as Dave set off back home which fortunately was near by and picked up a “real” motorbike – his lovely Triumph. Somewhat of an overkill as Dave barely got out of first gear all morning. Some tricky riding by the 14 riders on the day facing all the traffic along the roads. The most tense being a right hand turn at the lights from Shands / Amyes Rd’s corner, just getting ourselves over to the right hand turning lane was nail biting with “huge” trucks bearing down on us. Fortunately one kindly motorist travelling behind our convoy stopped to let us make safe passage to our destination onto Amyes Rd. It was then safe riding to Wigram via various quiet streets and laneways that Dave had sought out for us.

Originally the plan was to do a stroll through the Museum viewing all the aircraft on display but luck was on our side as when we arrived en force in the carpark one of the Museum volunteers Hans was there to greet us and started yarning to us about our “machines” and to cut a “Long Story” short he said he would check if we could have a guided tour through the restoration workshop. He came back to us and yes that was in order for the princely sum of $2 per person. How great was that. So 1½ hours later we walked out of the Museum blown away by the immense amount of old aircraft that were hidden away in this workshop all being painstakingly restored by the skilled voluntary engineers on site. We also viewed one hallway with aircraft that have not been on view to the public due to the lack of space but we were

Graham Barnett. Field Tests

told this is all soon to change. What a great asset this Museum is to Christchurch. The tour finished and it was back on the bikes to head back to Hornby Club for lunch, but our luck had run out as the forecasted rain had arrived and by the time we got back to our vehicles it was quite moist – oh well never mind we did have a jolly ole morning doing what we enjoy.

Grounds Maintenance Group

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings.

Its that man again! Philip Jeeves on an earlier restoration of his. 1924 Triumph Model P Royce VOG1


Winter is with us, not a lot going on…

Past Events

29th April – Fish & Chip Run. Attended by 15 riders; stopped by the Summerfield rest home to say “gidday” to Keith Schumacher. Proceeded on a run out to Governor’s Bay, Diamond Harbour, then back home via Tai Tapu.

10th May – Motorcycle Noggin. In the Barn, from 7.30 pm. The chat with David Reidie went off very well, some 40 – 45 people turned up to hear a very interesting life history. He is from Melbourne, has a motorcycle museum containing a considerable collection of motorcycles (particularly Harley Davidsons).

11th May – Old Codger’s Run. Absolutely hosing down with rain so the run was canned.

27th May – Fish & Chip Run. Change of meeting place; meet at Cutler Park, Motorcycle Corner, 10.00 am. A run out to Rangiora or Cust areas for something interesting to look at….

28th May – Grass Khana, being run on behalf of the Branch. See the separate advert in last month’s Hub; this is being run by Joseph McClintock and the motorcycle section on behalf of the Branch. These last two events are after the cut-off date for the Hub notes, so will be reported on next month.

Future Events

8th June – Old Codger’s Run. Keep a look out for an email with details of a meeting place.

11th June – Restoration of the Year. Time to present your latest restoration project for judging in this prestige event. Your bike needs to have completed 1 run prior to this to be fully eligible.

14th June – Motorcycle Section AGM and Noggin. Time to get re -elected, or to elbow your way onto the committee. As a further inducement after the proceedings have been completed it is not unknown for some bribery supper to be put on by the section. Come along with YOUR ideas on the running of the section, YOUR input is vital to the ongoing success.


Balloon goes up at 7.30pm.

24 June – Fish & Chip Run. Nothing organised yet, but meet at the PMH as usual, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure. Destination? Your choice on the day. Keep an eye out for the email advice of any changes.

12th July – Motorcycle Noggin. This will be a dinner meeting at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. Meet there at 6.00 pm for a 7.00 dinner. Need to advise numbers etc., so PLEASE indicate your interest to Mike Glenday by the 28th June to or 021 192 0581.

13th July – Old Codger’s Run. Keep a look out for an email with details of a meeting place.

22nd July – Fish & Chip Run. It has been decided to CANCEL this run, in favour of the Mid-Winter Run next week. For those who do not want an overnight run the suggestion is to join the MWR to travel south, but peel off at any time to return to Ch Ch. One suggestion is the MWR will probably stop in Ashburton; you could return to Ch Ch from there.

29th – 30th July – Mid Winter Run. There has been some demand to resurrecting the Mid-Winter Run, so it has been decided to have an overnight run to Geraldine. John Benn is organising, and there will be visits to a couple of collections etc. just to make the trip a bit more interesting. Plenty of accommodation in Geraldine; a few years ago we stayed at the Heritage Hotel, which is highly recommended. Plan is to visit Geraldine Auto Restorations Saturday, and a couple of transport museums as well. No shingle, more info in the July Hub. (See Page 29)

9th August – Motorcycle Noggin.

10th August – Old Codger’s Run.

26th August – Round the Bays Run. This will also double as the Fish & Chip Run for the month.

That’s it for a while, stay warm over the winter which runs for the next 3 months...

Cheers, CML.


Only five Noggins to go (counting the June one)!

The committee has gone through the election process, and remains much the same. I’m pleased to announce we have a new committee member, Jim Hawes, join us this year, and welcome him aboard.

Planning is advancing well and in the last month our food vendors have been contacted, bookings made for the services and items we have to hire in for the weekend, and invitations to one-make clubs for display vehicles have also been prepared for emailing out.

Bookings for sites are coming in steadily, and as of two weeks ago we only had 90 sites left available for the weekend. If you intend to book a site, please take care of it soon – Neil Shaskey is the person to contact.

There will be two special displays this year. On the old tennis court Tony Gooding will be arranging a display of club-eligible Japanese cars, and Tony would be pleased to hear from anyone who can offer their car for this area. Please contact him on 021 359 208 or by email at if you can help.

In the Barn, the Motorcycle Section will be organising a very special display of four-cylinder motorcycles – Paul Ainsworth is coordinating that one, and you can contact him on 027 432 1391 if you have such a machine and haven’t heard from him already. A request now for everyone who may have some of the coreflute signs at home from last year or earlier. Could you please return these asap to either this month’s Noggin or to the Parts Shed so we can replace stickers with this year’s dates on them. If you’re happy to put them up again and just want a new sticker for it, please contact me or see me at Noggin and I’ll give you one for each sign you still have.

We also need a couple of new prominent locations to put the large signs we have up, so if you know of anywhere that is in a safe but busy location please let me know.


The roster board will be up at the AGM and Noggins from June until Swap Meet – please remember that the committee cannot run this event by itself – we need every branch member to do what they can by helping us out for some task or another over the weekend. As has often mentioned in the past, the Swap Meet is our one big annual fundraising opportunity for the Club and ensures we don’t have to partake in any other fundraisers during the year, so the more people who offer to help, the easier it is on everyone.

Changes To The Club Constitution Needed For The Incorporated Societies Act 1922

The Wellington Branch convened a small sub-committee to closely consider the requirements of the new Inc. Soc. Act with regard to governance of Incorporated Societies and the need for the Vintage Car Club to change its constitution. The link below will take you to a copy of a submission compiled by this sub-committee and sent to the members of the Management Committee.

View the submission HERE

Use the link sent with the Hub mailout email

Ask the Secretary for a copy.




Assistant Club Captain Henry Little with his new restoration. A credit to his expertise. Treasurer Robyn Cox (Dodge 8 owner) can’t believe the size of the engine!

John Winchester shows Graeme Cook his beautiful newly restored 1939 Ford Coupe Delux


June Old Cars Bikes and Coffee is of course combined with the AGM on Sunday 18th June, so do come out in your club car if you can, and bring some lunch with you. Any time from 9.00am we’ll be there.

Starting from June we are going to relocate the OCBC gathering to the western side of the main hall to take advantage of the garden and seating area there and to provide more ready access into the clubrooms if the weather isn’t good. That being the case, just find your way around to that side of the hall if you cannot see any cars when you arrive. The clubrooms will be open so everyone can be warmed up and ready to go for the AGM at 1.00pm.


(for continuous membership of the VCC)

Applications are now closed for this year’s presentations. The applications that have been received for these awards will be brought to the Branch Committee to their June meeting for their approval.

(These applications must be approved by the Branch Committee before being forwarded to National Office for ratification by the Management Committee (at least 3 months before presentation.)


Daffodil Day – 20th August

Advance Notice – National Daffodil Day Rally on Sunday 20th August.

Please note this date on your calendar and in your diary now, and if you are involved in any One-Make clubs please ensure your club committee is aware of this date as well. Just like last year, it will be an open event suitable for any veteran, vintage, classic (old or new) or collectible vehicle or motorcycle. This year the event will once again start by meeting in 4 locations at 10.00am:

Rangiora at the Southbrook Park in South Belt New Brighton Club in Marine Parade

Cashmere Club in Colombo Street

Rolleston Park’n’Ride car park opposite the Selwyn District Council offices in Norman Kirk Drive

All runs will have short and long routes with slight variations on last year’s routes, each converging at Cutler Park by 12.00 noon, where all cars will be on public display for the afternoon. A donation (suggested as at least $10 per car) will be collected on arrival at Cutler Park. All proceeds will be passed on directly to the Canterbury/West Coast branch of the Cancer Society.

Prizes for Best American, British, European, Japanese, Australian, motorcycle, Best Dressed, and Cancer Society personality’s choice.

If you would like to help with the organisation – especially at any of the start venues, please contact

Colin Hey on 021 883 807 or email:


The Clip-ons ready to go.

The Branch extends its sympathy to the family of JEROME MEHRTENS




RAE TROPHY - for Vintage



C.J.S. and M. HEY TROPHY - for P60V

RAY SWORD TROPHY Donated by Graeme Sword and Family for Commercials

ERIC WALKER TROPHY - for Motor Cycles

The awards are for any vehicle restored or re-restored in the 2022 - 2023 season. The trophies are for Canterbury Branch Members only.

Vehicles must have completed at least two Club events. Judging will take place on the drive outside the Main Hall (if wet in the Hall) at Cutler Park,

Sunday 11th June 2022. 10.30am

Any enquiries to Katryna Shaw Ph: 021 0277 2375


The correct criteria for judging of the Restoration of the Year, as agreed by the then Committee and the Donors of the trophies, are as follows:

1. A vehicle must have participated in at least two official VCC events.

2. Judging to be done by a panel of at least three judges.

3. Judging to be based on:

(a) The amount of work carried out by the entrants themselves, showing their ability in different aspects of the trades, e.g. mechanical, electrical, panelling etc.

(b) Having regard for the condition of the vehicle before restoration started.

(c) Final appearance and standard of work.

(d) Regard to originality.

Would entrants please bring photographs etc for the judges to view.

Trophy winners will be announced at the Branch AGM 18th June 2023


Rural Run 2023

This year’s Rural Run started at the club rooms, and we decided to lean into farm theme. We had hot drinks and wonderful scones made by Collin Hey, which went down very well; a nice Mother’s Day treat. We had 22 cars at the start, with 3 generations of some families and, of course, many mums. We even had some new members on their first run.

To start it all off, we had a couple of fun events with no cars or driving involved. Ivan Hibberd (92yrs) kicked it off for us with the horseshoe throwing, where he impressed us all by hitting the target first throw. In honour of Mother’s Day, many of the mothers were nominated to give this ago. Next, we went onto the gumboot throw. The best of 2 throws was counted. Many drivers and their navigators shared this, and it got quite competitive!

We set off heading North this year, going around the edge of Rangiora where we picked up another 5 cars, crossed the Ashley River, and then turned into the Inland Scenic Route. We then turned to head up to Upper Sefton, where there was a checkpoint waiting.

First question was recognising the different makes of tractors, and the second was naming the cuts of beef. There were obviously no butchers on the run, as that proved to be the tricky one. One young granddaughter offered ‘mince’ as her answer. That covered most of it, really.

Sending everyone on their way again, we popped out on SH1 for a short time to cross the Waipara River to then head through the Weka Pass. We then turned at the pub to head down the Scargill Valley.

We finished the run at Foxdown Station now with 30 cars, where Andy Fox (VCC member) was waiting for us. He was able to tell us about the farm that has been in the family for 150yrs. He opened his 2 sheds of cars and his farm museum to us. We were able to donate $100 for the fundraising of the Glenmark Church,


which Andy’s family is supporting this year. After a tie breaker, this year’s winner was John Worsfold, in his 1974 Volkswagen. Runners up were Bruce Tweedy in his 1939 V8 Ford, and Gary Smith in his 1994 Land Rover.

A nice day, good roads, great scenery, a bit of fun, and great people to have lunch with.

Thanks to all that attended.

Top: Foxdown Garage.

Finalists: John Worsfold, Gary Smith and Bruce Tweedy.


Matthew Harris with John Worsfold as he “admires” the Monster Trophy.

Start and finish at Cutler Park

Morning tea 10am for 10.30 start.

$5.00 per vehicle

Organised by David and Pam Dacombe

On Line Entry Form HERE Or manually below

Winter Run Entry Form

Entrant’s Name: ……………………………………………..

Vehicle: ……………………………………………………….

Number attending:…………………………………………..

Phone: ………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………….

$5.00 entry to be paid on the day

Send written entry form to: D and P Dacombe 2 Green Street Rangiora 7400

Sunday 23rd July


29-30 JULY 2023

The Mid-Winter Motorcycle Run is back!

All welcome.

This year we’re heading to Geraldine for an overnight stay. There is plenty of accommodation in Geraldine (Hotels, Motels, Motorcamp), so get in early. A few years ago, we stayed at the Heritage Hotel, which is highly recommended. We are visiting Geraldine Auto-Restorations on the Saturday, and a transport museum (possible two), over the weekend. No shingle roads. More details in next month’s Hub.

John Benn (Organiser): 022 078 2002
30 Name Badges Available by ordering at the bar or by contacting the Secretary. Restoration of the Year Rally and Judging Sunday 11th June Please Note: The Rally Has Been Cancelled There will be morning tea and judging at 10.30am at the clubrooms Those wishing to present their restoration for judging please complete the form HERE or provide details to George Kear. or 027 221 4332 WANTED assistant bar manager for our clubroom’s bar Please contact Andrea Dallow for further information
Country Run
Note: The Back Country Run had been cancelled this year as the venue is not available

P Rally Winners

Foreground, Lyn and Val Scott’s Chevrolet (best performance)

Centre: Don and Judy Bennetts Morris (concours d’elegance)

Background (obscured but on last month’s cover)

Peter and Jane Griffen’s Mazda.


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Maurice Ashby

1939 Nash La Fayette Sedan, 1955 Oldsmobile 98 Sedan, 1977 Austin Mini Sedan

Jason Washbourne

1923 STAR Tourer , 1984 HOLDEN VK Commodore

1923 WOLF M/C

Steve Van Klink

1929 Ford A Roadster

Paul Manson

1948 Rover P3 75 SE, 1958 Rover P4 , 1964 Rover P5

Herb Lane

Vehicle: 1926 Chrysler 52

Glen Daly

1930 Ford Model A

Gavin Bishop

1928 Essex Coach (Pictured)

George McGregor

1934 Ford 40 Sedan

George Norquay

Sandra Norquay

1979 Triumph 2500 .

TRANSFER: R Coleman From West Coast



Quality Hard Cover books ; Vanden Plas Coachbuilders by Brian Smith ,The definitive treatise on bodies for Bentley, Rolls Royce, Alvis ,Talbot, Delage, Mercedes, Lagonda etc. Every body built listed by number with hundreds of photos. .A beautiful book in pristine condition purchased from Fazazz for $80 sell $45.

Ford Model A Service Bulletins complete $10

Morris Minor, The Worlds Supreme Small Car by Paul Skilleter. From the Series E to the Minor 1000 including many photos of rare commercial derivatives $30 .

Alan Wills

021 087 00692

James Flying Cadet motorcycle, 1955. 150 cc, Villiers 2 stroke engine. Currently in pieces, but all bits are there. Ex Deceased Estate; needs an enthusiast to restore and reassemble. Any offers?

Please contact Tony Constable on 021 351 155 for details and photos etc.

Give Away. . .Light trailer. No electrics, no Rego, no WOF. Good chassis. Long drawbar. Ideal for off-road farm use/ lifestyle block/ etc. Could probably be made road legal for a modest cost. Located Loburn/Ashley area. Contact Bill 03 312 8900. or

1985 Nissan Sunny

110,000kms, Two Senior Citizen owners. White, always garaged. Owner not driving now. Contact Ivan 03 323 8769



Wheel Spinners for Rudge

Whitworth Wire wheels

I am looking for some knock on spinners for wire wheels as pictured.

These are the type with flat wings and slightly bigger than usual, with the thread measuring about 67mm internal.

They often have makes engraved, typically SS, Vauxhall, MG, Sunbeam or Rudge-Whitworth- Any make will do.

Kevin 03 318 1454

Wanted new or second hand tyres

Sizes 31" x 4 1/2" / 32" x 4 1/2" / 33' x 5"

Contact John 027 448 1430

For 1922 Overland

21 inch split rims and any other parts

Mike 027 259 3335

Wanted 1927 Harley Davidson Model J parts. Anything considered. Contact Geoff Sutton

West Coast branch member - 027 958 9736



See Notice board posters for more information.

Rosco Sporting Trials

The West Coast Branch is holding its 2023 Rosco Sporting Trials on 18th June 2023 and we look forward to welcoming regular participants as well as first timers. The event will take place in Reefton at Rosco’s on the 18th June. Time table as follows:

8.30am for vehicle inspection and briefing

9.30 am Competition begins

12.30 lunch

1.15pm afternoon competitions begin

3.00pm approx competition finishes followed by prize giving at Rosco’s workshop Further information which includes overview, eligibility, classes, rules and regulations, venue & directions, and indemnity forms will be issued on request or on receipt of entry form.

Organiser – Nick Harrison email 027 541 9296


2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen)

03 332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838 Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

03 352 5217

Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill)

03 323 7183 Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

03 421 2426

027 446 6964

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008

021 161 5866

Hub Editor And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 RATES QUOTED FOR Vintage Car Club of NZ A full list of the rates was published in the February 2023 Hub. This is available on the Branch website under “Newsletter” ”Previous Issues”

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


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