Valley Christian Magazine August 2012

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July 2012

Clean your Junk Drawer!

Put a


Feeling Judged, Inspected, Measured (at church)?


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index Features 11 – At Home With Pastor Mark Coppins 26 – Student Evangelism Conference 28 – Friends, Fans & Followers 44 – Songs That Have Changed The Way We Worship 42 – What to Read 46 – New Releases 48 – Events


On The Cover

National Columnists 16 20 22 36 40 50

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44 – Songs That Have Changed The Way We Worship On the Cover Photo: Paul Baloche, Lincoln Brewster, Darlene Zschech, Israel Houghton (Contributed photo)


Greg Laurie James MacDonald Joe Beam Luis Palau Steve Marr Dave Ramsey

Valley Contributors 8 14 18 30 32 34 42

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Christian Torres Henry Miller Abram Gomez JerrellJobe Jacob Ramon Milton Gonzalez Miguel Paredes

22 Vol. 2 / Issue 5

Christian Torres

Eli Lara 956-451-0174

Henry Miller


Executive Editor

Twitter: @vcmagazine @henry_vcmag

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PHOTOGRAPHERS Jenny Maples Hollis Cliff Ranson Gabriela Romero XPOSURE™

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Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by

Valley Christian Magazine is a publication of Texas Christian Publications (a 501c3 organization). Texas Christian Publications reserves the right to edit, modify, revise, rewrite and reject editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequences arising from it. All correspondence to this publication becomes the property of Texas Christian Publications. Texas Christian Publications shall be KHOG KDUPOHVV LQGHPQLÀHG DJDLQVW any third-party claims. Texas Christian Publications accepts no claims made by photographers, agents or contributors. Writers’ and columnists’ opinions are not necessarily those of Texas Christian Publications or its publishers. Advertisements appearing in Texas Christian Publications present only the viewpoint of the advertisers. We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication. Valley Christian Magazine is printed in the United States. Reproduction without the expressed written permissi on prohibited. Copyright 2011.

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I will never forget the story my friend Brian told me when he was getting married and he and his wife were about to get their own place. I Thought of course, you’re getting married, starting the next phase of your life, getting your own place‌..Boy was I wrong. ´,¡P MXVW H[FLWHG WR Ă€QDOO\ KDYH P\ RZQ MXQN GUDZHU Âľ KH VDLG Admit it. You have a junk drawer. You know the one when a friend comes over and asks for something and reaches for that drawer in your kitchen and you’re like‌.WAIT! I’ll get it! I have the most random things in my junk drawer. (Old batteries, random tools, a hammer that converts to almost everything, OHIWRYHU SLHFHV IURP WKLQJV WKDW ,¡YH ´EXLOWÂľ HYHU QRWLFH KRZ \RX always seem to have leftover materials‌I digress‌another story, another time! -- broken toys and so many other worthless things I don’t have time to mention.) So when I’m told to put something away and I don’t know where to put it, I toss it in the drawer. Then my wife Stephanie is like....BABE!! :) (this is the point in the article where I stand up and say hello my name is Christian and I’m a junk drawer keeper...ummm, ok I really admit I have two! )

Admit It‌ You Have A Junk Drawer! by Christian Torres

7KH FUD]\ WKLQJ LV ZKHQ VRPHWKLQJ FRPHV XS WKDW¡V WKH Ă€UVW SODFH , JR WR Ă€QG LW It’s funny when it’s just trinkets and missing parts but I believe most of us keep some sort of massive junk drawer in our mind of things we’ve done wrong, times when we’ve messed up, people we’ve hurt, people who’ve hurt us, you name it. A junk drawer of just that‌life junk. We may be cruising along great when something comes up and RXU RYHUĂ RZLQJ MXQN GUDZHU VSLOOV RXW VRPH QHJDWLYH WKRXJKWV I can’t serve at church or with some type of ministry...look what I just pulled out. Oh wait, I can’t do that for God because of this (and you pull it out). No way God can use me...I’ve messed up so bad there’s no way I can even get involved‌look it’s right here. The sad thing is we know exactly where those things are and we FDQ ZKLS WKHP RXW LQ D Ă DVK There’s nothing in your junk drawer that God can’t forgive. There’s nothing that big that somebody has done to you that God hasn’t overcome. God is bigger than all your biggest problems or hurts. All your burdens. All your shame. All your troubles. He has overcome all of your junk. And together with God, you too can overcome. Turn to God and give it to Him. That junk drawer you been accumulating your whole life? All those negative thoughts...time to dump it out at Jesus’ feet and say “Help me sort this out and while we’re at it, let’s get rid of a IHZ WKLQJV LI QRW DOO WKHP Âľ In Isaiah 28:12, the Bible tells us “This is the time and place to rest, to JLYH UHVW WR WKH ZHDU\ 7KLV LV WKH SODFH WR OD\ GRZQ \RXU EXUGHQ Âľ We’re not to keep going back to our junk drawer and keep pulling out old things that we’ve been holding onto‌especially the things that pull us down and discourage us. God is not a discourager. Never think that He is the one telling you those things. In fact, it is quite the opposite. “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old hisWRU\ Âľ ,VDLDK 0HVVDJH When Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, he was letting them know that he didn’t have it all together (as all of us), that he knew what to do (as most of us) and that he’s going to keep going and QRW ÂśSXOO DQ\WKLQJ RXW RI KLV MXQN GUDZHUÂľ

CHRISTIAN TORRES Is a graduate of Baylor University. He and his wife, Stephanie, live in McAllen with their 3 daughters: Madeleine (12), Natalie (9), and Courtney (7). They are members of Palm Valley Church of Mission.

“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, DQG ,¡P QRW WXUQLQJ EDFN Âľ 3KLOLSLDQV 06* Remember that’s why they call it a junk drawer‌’s just junk!!

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Palm Valley Church (DVW *ULIĂ€Q 3DUNZD\ 0LVVLRQ

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Interview by Jane Hervey, Valley Christian Magazine

First Christian Church Pastor: Mark Coppins Pastor’s wife: Darla Coppins Services: Traditional: Sunday 9:45 AM Contemporary: Sunday 8:30 AM and 11 AM (only 11 AM during summer months) Youth Service: Sunday 5:30 PM Address: 421 South 13th Street Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone Number: (956) 423-1051 / 11 / /

photos provided by:

How did you become the pastor of First Christian Church in Harlingen? I’ve been pastoring here for 13 years. I’m originally from Virginia and then I moved to Oregon. We had a church in Oregon for almost 10 years, and then we moved back to Virginia for about 6 years to be closer to my family. It was very interesting how the Lord put a few people together that we knew and that’s how I found out about this particular church. That’s quite an adjustment! How has your family become involved in the community down here? My wife is involved with the church, like Sunday school, and she works with our children and the youth. We also do triathlons and marathons in local cycling tournaments around Harlingen. Our children are all away from home. Two are actually out of college, and one is in Los Angeles, California working on some projects.

How did you and your wife meet? We met back in Oregon. I was there for Bible College, and we were attending the same school. She played on the volleyball team and I was the manager for the basketball team. They did a Secret Pal set-up and I was her Secret Pal.

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What are some of the fundamentals for First Christian Church? We’re trying to be a church involved in ministry. We have several people from our church doing summer missions projects. Those have been the biggest things: trying to encourage and help people grow and spreading the Lord’s Word. You mentioned your church supports missionary work. What kind of missions has the church had experience with? We support missions throughout the world – we have missionaries in Germany, India, and in Latin America. At our church, we have two missionary families. We’ve found that having missionaries in our church has called others to do something. We now have people in Guatemala and somebody in China; one man also went to Iraq to work with orphans for a couple of weeks.

You recently went on a mission trip to Nicaragua. What did God lead you to do there? We went with a group of people from Harlingen. They host Crusades and we were able to preach to children in schools. Over the course of 3 days, we presented the gospel to over 20,000 people. That’s fantastic! What other kinds of missionary work is the church involved in? We put together a mission trip for our youth, as well. They’re going to Joplin, Missouri to help rebuild up there. We try to help locally also. We’ve recently helped out with Family Movie Night on Jackson Street in Harlingen. We hand out popcorn and drinks and help with games every third Saturday of June, July, and August.

were there playing basketball, and we continue to use it for our youth program and children’s programs. The youth have Sunday night worship over there at 5:30 pm.

First Christian Church offers contemporary and traditional services for its members. How do you cater to both generations of churchgoers? When we came 13 years ago, the church had a traditional service. The church wanted to grow again, so we worked on trying to bring in young families and we made some changes to the traditional service and made it more of a blended service with contemporary parts. We came to the point where we wanted to keep the traditional service traditional and keep the contemporary service contemporary. The Lord brought in one person and that person brought in someone else and we were able to put a praise band together for the contemporary service. For those who have been here most of their lives, they still have the traditional service. We moved the traditional service to 9:45 a.m., and the contemporary at 11 a.m. During the school year, we have an additional contemporary service at 8:30 a.m.

What separates the traditional service from the contemporary service? In the traditional service, we have a choir and a children’s hand bell choir. We play the organ and the keyboard for that, as well. We use the overhead projector screen for both services, and we view the words for the songs out of the hymnal there.

In what other ways is the church involved with the community?

What would you say is the main goal for First Christian Church?

On Sunday nights for the school year, we have something for all ages at the youth building. We have adult classes, groups for children, and services for the youth. The current youth building was RQH RI WKH ÀUVW FKXUFK J\PV LQ +DUOLQJHQ Young people from all over Harlingen

For us, we are trying to be a church that encourages one another and helps people grow. Whatever the Lord calls our members to do we encourage that.

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Live Life Right By Henry Miller

I was scanning through Facebook recently when a friend’s post made my heart jump. My friend had come to Christ.

And what a perfect time to say yes that’s how I was – isn’t amazing how good God truly is? Isn’t that the perfect time to give your testimony and tell your story? Nobody else has your story. Nobody else is you. You are unique, God made you that way – your story will be unique too.

Dozens of people congratulated Dan on his new life. They shared advice, told him of the great times and enormous trials he has yet to face – but he’s not facing them alone anymore.

In reality, you’ve already been sharing. Maybe you live a good life (like my friend Vidal Muùiz says: Live Life Right), maybe you show love to those around you – this is part of your story.


Then a neighbor piped in – and apologized. A Christian as well, Dan’s neighbor assumed all those years that Dan was already saved, that he knew Jesus as his personal savior. Dan was also the son of a preacher, so he was in church all the time. He knew the bible, knew the stories and all the facts about being a Christian. What’s that saying? Going to church all the time doesn’t make you a Christian any more than working in a garage makes you a car. Clearly, the neighbor had thought, Dan is already saved. This is what he apologized for. If you want to think about it in its most extreme light, if Dan doesn’t come to Christ, his neighbor really wasn’t a friend at all. “Dan, I’m ashamed that I never brought up spiritual things with you even in casual conversations ‌ not saying witnessing per se, but just discussing how good God is. I guess I just assumed \RX ZHUH D &KULVWLDQ EHFDXVH ZKHQ , JUHZ XS ´HYHU\RQHÂľ went to church. That’s a failing on my part. Knowing who holds tomorrow will make getting through these times on earth betWHU *RG EOHVV \RX EURWKHU Âľ How often have you missed out on a chance to witness to someone, to bring up spiritual things, even in casual conversation? These two men knew each other for years. Shouldn’t it be easier to bring up our faith in those situations? That’s what brought me to tears. Suddenly names and faces of people I’ve failed – either thinking they were Christians or just not letting them know how good God is – swarmed my mind. Satan tricks me into justifying it by telling me that my friends, those closest to me, have seen me when I was in the darkest parts of my life - they’ve watched me pull away from God. And now, Satan tells me, you’re gonna tell them how good God is? Think they’ll believe you?

´-XVW DV , KDYH ORYHG \RX \RX DOVR VKRXOG ORYH RQH DQRWKHU Âľ Jesus says in John 13: 34-35 (NASB) ´%\ WKLV HYHU\RQH ZLOO NQRZ WKDW \RX DUH P\ GLVFLSOHV Âľ -HVXV concludes, making his most important point yet, “if you have ORYH IRU RQH DQRWKHU Âľ Talking about the extraordinary story of the formation of the Christian Church, Reverend Dr. John Binns, of Great St. Mary’s in Cambridge said in a sermon for King’s College Chapel At a lecture on a social work training course recently the lecturer reminded the students that 80 percent communication is non-verbal. It’s not just words which show how we feel. There are our gestures, our expressions, our body language, and all the little signs which show what we really want to convey to people. “ And while 80 percent may-be non-verbal, that verbal part can – and usually is – the clincher. After all, we all know good people. We see good people doing good things. But is that enough? Christ calls us to love as He loved – and that means showing and telling - your story.

HENRY MILLER has been editing / writing for 26 years. He was syndicated in 150 newspapers and 60 radio stations. He is a graduate of Franciscan University and UTPA. He and his daughter, Camilla (7), attend First Baptist Church McAllen

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No Exemptions By GREG LAURIE


greg laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000-plus, one of the largest churches in America. For more, visit Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, P.O. Box 4000, Riverside, Calif., 92514. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Š 1996.

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Covered By A Covenant by Abram Gomez

None of us are perfect. Not one. As a matter of fact, most of us would confess to weaknesses DQG Ă DZV WKDW ZH RIWHQ ZLVK ZH GLG QRW KDYH %HFDXVH RI WKHVH Ă DZV ZH RIWHQ OLYH EHORZ RXU SRWHQWLDO :H KLGH LQ WKH shadows of obscurity, settling for just enough. We are afraid and nervous of the audition to play our desired role for fear that it may expose our lameness. We are often crippled by criticism and delayed by discouragement. The question may EH DVNHG ´+RZ GR , JHW WR P\ SRVLWLRQ IURP P\ FRQGLWLRQ"Âľ One of the most recognizable Old Testament characters in the Bible is David. It was this courageous leader who, behind KLV EUDYHU\ DQG IDLWK Ă€OOHG KHDUW VOHZ WKH JLDQW *ROLDWK 'DYLG is known for his many militant exploits and his strong desire for God’s presence. But it should also be noted that David was a man who kept his promises and remembered his covenants. :KHQ 'DYLG ZDV Ă€UVW QRWLFHG E\ WKH +RXVH RI 6DXO ,VUDHO¡V previous king, he developed a strong friendship with Jonathan, Saul’s son. It was with Jonathan that David made a covenant to always show kindness to his house forever. Eventually, Jonathan died in battle, yet he had a son named Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was crippled for life when as a baby his nurse GURSSHG KLP DV VKH Ă HG KLV KRXVH XSRQ KHDULQJ RI KLV GDG¡V death. He was brought up low, impoverished, impotent and ZDV LQ VHHPLQJO\ QR FRQGLWLRQ WR HYHU DUULYH WR D VLJQLĂ€FDQW position in life. Most people seem to be hurting and feel disadvantaged because somebody dropped them. Maybe it was a parent who ´GURSSHGÂľ TXDOLW\ WLPH ZLWK WKHLU FKLOG FKRRVLQJ LQVWHDG WR ZRUN PRUH KRXUV 2U SHUKDSV D KXVEDQG ZKR ´GURSSHGÂľ WKH marriage in favor of an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Maybe

you were dropped by someone you loved or something you had no control over, being just a victim of circumstances. You may feel wounded and crippled to do what you feel God is calling you to do. Even after being dropped, there is hope. David becomes king over all Israel and begins his administration over the land. He remembers his covenant to Jonathan and in chapter 9 of 2 Samuel, David asks the question “Is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show KLP NLQGQHVV IRU -RQDWKDQ¡V VDNH"Âľ $ VHUYDQW UHVSRQGV WR WKH King, and makes him aware of Mephibosheth, who is now livLQJ LQ D SODFH FDOOHG /R 'HEDU 7KLV LV VLJQLĂ€FDQW EHFDXVH /R 'HEDU PHDQV ´QR SDVWXUH Âľ 8SRQ KHDULQJ WKH QHZV 'DYLG calls for him to be brought to Jerusalem immediately to make right the covenant with Jonathan. Here are the results based on the covenant: 1. Mephibosheth changed location. Mephibosheth dwelt in the place of obscurity, hiding from a past that haunted him. The covenant brought him from being a nobody to a somebody. You and I, before Christ, dwelt in darkness because of our sins. But through Christ, we have been conveyed from the darkness and into His marvelous light! Like Mephibosheth, we can now live openly among the people and presence of *RG /HDYH WKH ORFDWLRQ RI ´MXVW HQRXJKÂľ DQG KHDG WRZDUG your new location of victory and strength! 2. Mephibosheth changed position. No longer is he sitting at the table of poverty hoping for a few crumbs and tasting mediocrity, but now he is seated among the king’s table. This WDEOH LV SUHSDUHG ZLWK WKH Ă€QHVW PHDOV DQG WDVW\ GHOLFDFLHV RI the land. As a result of the Covenant of the Cross, we have been seated with Christ in heavenly places. No longer do you need to feed off fears, guilt, and condemnation. Now we can feast of his goodness and favor.

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3. Mephibosheth changed perspective. By sitting at the table, he could no longer focus on his biggest insecurity – his lame legs. Within his sight now was the king and other people of honor. The table did not change his weakness, but it did cover his weakness. You may still feel weak at WLPHV DQG HYHQ XQÀW IRU WKH MRE EXW WKDQNV EH WR *RG ZKR has covered our lameness with His mercy and grace. Because of a simple covenant made years before he was ERUQ 0HSKLERVKHWK UHFHLYHG WKH EHQHÀWV RI WKDW SURPLVH made between his father and David. As a benefactor, he was a person covered by a covenant. In like manner, a covenant was initiated by our Heavenly Father in the giving of His only Son, Jesus. At the Cross, it was ÀQLVKHG 1RZ KXQGUHGV RI \HDUV ODWHU ZH DUH EHQHIDFWRUV of that Covenant of Grace to continually be covered. My personal twitter


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ABRAM GOMEZ is the Executive Pastor at Valley International Christian Center in San Benito, Texas. He serves under the Leadership of Bishop Jaime Loya, and is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Abram has helped to develop leadership in various ministries and programs at VICC. He and his wife, Rebecca, reside in Harlingen.


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tel. (956)447.5110 / 19 /www.valleychristianmagazine. com // fax. (956) 213.8176

By Dr. James MacDonald

Loving One Another ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.â€? And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is much more WKDQ DOO ZKROH EXUQW RIIHULQJV DQG VDFULĂ€FHV Âľ Mark 12:31-33

I did not feel loved in the church that I grew up in. Not at all. Oh, there might have been one or two exceptions. But most of the time, I felt inspected, I felt measured, I felt judged, I felt sometimes excluded, but I did not feel loved in the church when I was young. I could quote verses like, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that \RX DUH P\ GLVFLSOHV LI \RX KDYH ORYH IRU RQH DQRWKHUÂľ -RKQ 13:34-35), but I wasn’t seeing it or feeling it. Now before you conclude I’m piling on my childhood church, let me confess they didn’t get a lot of love from me either. It took me a lot of years — I mean, I learned to love God, I learned to love God’s Word, but I did not learn how to love people in the church that I grew up in. It doesn’t surprise me that there are many people that feel that way. Now, that is an awful tragedy. Jesus says this is like the big deal — loving one another. You’ve got to have this! It’s a rough world out there. Church has got to be a place where I come where I feel loved by people with authentic love. I want to declare this. Our church is going hard after loving one another. You are loved here—not perfectly, but permanently you are loved here. Not 100% faithfully, okay, because we’re all sinners, but you are loved fervently here.

Listen to Walk in the Word locally weekdays at 5:30a.m. James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Used by permission of Walk in the Word, Elgin, Ill., 61023. by permission of Walk in the Word,Elgin, Ill., 61023.

We want Jesus’ words to come true and be true among us! I believe with all of my heart, we have to embrace this as job-number-one, horizontally speaking. People need to see and they need to experience GLUHFWO\ WKH ZD\ ZH ORYH RQH DQRWKHU 7KDW¡V WKH Ă€UVW VWHS LQ WKH VHFRQG part of the great commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself. :KHQ -HVXV ZDV OLNH ´,¡P OHDYLQJ KHUH YLD WKH FURVV LQ WHQ PRUH PLQXWHV Âľ +H DGGHG ´+HUH¡V ZKDW , UHDOO\ ZDQW \RX WR GR /RYH RQH DQRWKHU Âľ

How am I practicing loving others with believers outside my immediate family? Where can I do better? / 20 / /

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The only time I believe in giving up on a marriage is when one of them dies, or if after their divorce one of them marries someone else, or if one of them continues involvement in an activity that makes the marriage impossible. Otherwise, I believe there is a chance to reconcile. 7KH Ă€UVW WZR ² GHDWK RU RQH RI WKHP PDUU\LQJ VRPHRQH HOVH ² DUH REYLRXV $OORZ PH WR EULHĂ \ H[SODLQ WKH WKLUG :KHQ VRPHone asks me if they should make the effort to save their marriage when their spouse has done some bad thing I always ask, “Is your spouse a good person doing a bad thing, or a bad SHUVRQ GRLQJ D EDG WKLQJ"Âľ The intention of the question is whether beneath the current bad behavior there exists a good heart or if the person is so LQWHQW RQ KLV RU KHU VHOĂ€VK EHKDYLRU WKHUH LV QR FKDQFH WR UHVFXH them. Judging a person by what he or she is doing now can sometimes lead to the wrong conclusion. That said, there are actions that make it impossible for a marriage to continue. Here are a few examples: If one continues in an affair, even after confrontation, it is impossible for the other spouse to continue to live in that marULDJH 7KRXJK , XVH WKH ZRUG ´LPSRVVLEOH Âľ , NQRZ RI VRPH ZKR have. I don’t recommend it.) If a person is abusing his or her spouse or children, remaining in that marriage is unwise. Abuse may be physical, sexual, emo-

When Is A



Over by Joe Beam

tional, or a combination thereof. I have seen marriages reconcile after the abuser got proper help, but even then strict boundaries were put in place to ensure that no more abuse could occur. If the abuser does not seek or accept the help he or she needs so that their bad behavior is corrected, living with them is not a viable option. The example list could go on. Sometimes the unhealthy, bad behavior of a spouse makes it treacherous for spouse or children to remain in the same home. If a person refuses to stop the devastating behavior, that person eventually becomes unbearable to live with. However, allow me to point out that there should be patience in concluding that a person will not stop the action destroying the marriage. Often a planned intervention works and can help to rescue a straying spouse. Before giving up on a person, have the grace and mercy to try all that can be done to rescue them. That’s why I always encourage a spouse about to end a marriage to seek wise counsel to determine if the spouse is truly hopelessly involved in his or her actions. Hurt and angry spouses sometimes make judgments about their spouses that may be incorrect. If a person can be rescued, they should be. If a marriage has any chance of reconciliation, that chance should be explored to the deepest level.

Joe Beam is an internationally-known inspirational speaker and best-selling author. He founded LovePath International, and serves as its chairman. He has spoken to millions of people worldwide in personal appearances as well as appearances on television and radio, including ABC’s Good Morning America, Focus on the Family. After earning his bachelor’s degree (Magna Cum Laude) from Southern Christian University, Joe did graduate studies in Clinical Psychology at the University of Evansville. He is currently involved in research to complete his Ph.D in Biomedical VFLHQFH DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6\GQH\ FRQVLVWHQWO\ UDWHG RQH RI WKH WRS ÀIW\ XQLYHUVLWLHV LQ WKH ZRUOG 7KH HPSKDVLV RI KLV UHVHDUFK LV LQ VH[RORJ\

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By Dr. Theresa Valladares

And They Lived Happily I read fairy tales as a child. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White all involved a Prince Charming/Knight in Shining Armor who rescued a princess/damsel in distress. They fall in love, get married and, of course, live happily ever after. Movies depict similar situations where boy and girl meet, fall in love, overcome some trial that threatens their love, marry and present a happily ever after picture. We hear love statements like “you comSOHWH PHÂľ -HUU\ 0DJXLUH RU ´,¡G PLVV \RX HYHQ LI , QHYHU PHW \RXÂľ WKH :HGding Date).

Marriage is the closest relationship we can have that is similar to our personal relationship with God. It is the union of WZR LPSHUIHFW SHRSOH ZKR DUH VHOÀVK prior to marriage. Most believe that their beloved will make them happy and FRPSOHWH WKHP RU ÀOO D YRLG Ephesians 5:33 To sum up each one of you is to love his wife as himself and the wife is to respect her husband.

As women we are called to submit to our husbands as to the Lord. Society tells us we have rights; that submissiveness is Movies and fairy tales can lead us to weakness. How many would still say “I believe that the obstacle is getting to GRÂľ LI ZH KDG WR YRZ WKDW ZH ZRXOG VXEthe altar and married life will always be mit and respect our husbands regardless URPDQWLF DQG Ă€OOHG ZLWK HQGOHVV GD\V RI if they deserve it? happiness. Statistics show half of marriages end in We recite wedding vows professing we divorce. The same holds true in Christian will love the other person in good times marriages. Most enter marriage looking and bad, sickness and health, until death for the fairy tale. Disappointment comes parts us. from unrealistic expectations of their spouse and leads to disillusionment and We recite 1 Corinthians 13 - Love is pa- doubts of true love. You then hear some tient, kind, enduring, forgiving, keeps no VD\ ´,¡P QRW LQ ORYH ZLWK WKHP DQ\PRUH Âľ record of wrongs, doesn’t envy or boast, It starts couples on the road to divorce isn’t rude or prideful, always protects, By the world’s standards love is a feeling trusts, hopes, perseveres and never fails. DQG LW LV Ă HHWLQJ ,W HDVLO\ FKDQJHV DQG LV dependent on how we are being treatIt’s hard to imagine the person you are HG :H DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR Ă€QG KDSSLQHVV marrying will ever fail you. elsewhere if our spouse doesn’t make us happy. We’re told we deserve it. &RXOG \RX VWLOO VD\ ´, GRÂľ LI WKHUH ZDV D possibility that your spouse would stop My family has had a generational curse loving you despite your demonstration of of divorce that started with grandparunconditional love? HQWV Ă€OWHUHG GRZQ WR SDUHQWV VLEOLQJV uncles and cousins. I am the last one Would you marry knowing there are who has stayed married on my maternal guaranteed tough times ahead? That side of family. you will have to demonstrate unconditional love and forgiveness daily? Does My husband and I celebrated our 20th DQ\RQH SRQGHU WKH ´ZKDW LIVÂľ RI PDU- anniversary July 31. Marriage has been riage and the reality of what is ahead? the hardest part of life (and my husband agrees). We love each other yet 1 Corinthians 7:28 sometimes we don’t like each other very For those who marry will face many trou- much. It is by the grace of God we are bles in this life‌. still together. Have you ever heard that scripture quoted during a wedding ceremony?

As hard as this may be to believe - it was for me- I am no princess and am far from being perfect. When I was disappoint/ 24 / /

ed or hurt I would pray that God would change my husband, mold him into that perfect prince. God had other plans‌.he wanted ME to change. The more I would pray the more I realized that I had not always been the easiest person to live with or love. I had failed to demonstrate unconditional love to my husband. I had placed so many unrealistic demands on my spouse that I had set him up to fail. When I wasn’t getting my happily ever after life I would contemplate divorce - the generational curse. God has shown me through scripture that only He can meet all of my needs. No spouse, career, friend, child or possession can ever make me feel “comSOHWH Âľ 0\ ORYH FDQ QR ORQJHU EH EDVHG on feelings. I have to choose to love my husband in the same way God loves me. I needed to learn to rely on Him and trust that all my needs will be met. God has to be the center of my marriage in order for me to be able to love and respect my husband. Phillippians 4:19 My God will supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. My husband didn’t need to earn my love and respect just like I didn’t deserve the love of Jesus Christ. I had no right to hold back in demonstrating the Fruit of the Spirit. It was a turning point for me because I had to humble myself and ask for forgiveness from God and from my husband. He wasn’t the problem. God GLGQ¡W QHHG WR Ă€[ P\ KXVEDQG , KDG WR let go of the fairy tale. I was the one who needed to change. He continues to do a work in me. The only Prince Charming in our lives who will never disappoint, change, hurt or stop loving us is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can meet my physical, emotional and spiritual needs. It is through Him that I can love unconditionally, forgive daily,

*There is none good but God. *RG LV GHÀQLWHO\ JRRG *God is always good. *God wants to share his good. *God cannot allow unending non-God “good”. *All choose God’s good, or, non-God “good”. *Both choices have unending results. (“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless, and so is your faith.” 1 Cor. 15:14, NIV) ´,W LV ÀQLVKHG µ -Q 1,9

(...“How beautiful are the feet of those who share the good news”...) (See: <>.)

Ever After... respect and submit to my husband. I need to die to self and rights because that is what God expects. This revelation has strengthened my marriage DQG KDV VLJQLÀFDQWO\ UHGXFHG the hurts and disappointments WKDW , ZRXOG VHOI LQÁLFW There are three in this marriage similar to the trinity - God the Father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In my Marriage it is God, Rick and Terry….and

they lived Happily Ever After! Ecclesiastes 4:12 A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

To my husband RickI am grateful that you have the strength and patience to love and forgive me even when I don’t deserve it. I would still say “I do!”

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Chuck Olson Tours & Cruises 956-664-2916 / 800-568-9890 3827 N 10th St. Ste. 203 McAllen, TX 78501 We reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary or arrangements due to circumstances beyond our control. Passport must be valid for 6 months following our return

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The purpose of SEC is to see Texas students give their life for the sake of sharing Jesus Christ. Through SEC, the gospel will be communicated and lost students will have the chance to respond. Students will be challenged to share their faith and to go home and be UNASHAMED fo the gospel.

SEC CONFERENCE August 3-4, 2012

McAllen Convention Center FRIDAY 4:30 – Conference Check In Registration at lobby of McAllen Convention Center 5:30 – Doors open 6:00 – Conference begins 9:00 – Concert 10:00 – Conference concludes *Concert with Royal Tailor

Mike grew up in the small town of Elgin, Oklahoma. His father was a full-blood Cherokee and his mother was Comanche and Kiowa. Though he comes from a proud Native heritage, his family was ravaged by alcohol and drug addiction. Through all of the turmoil, there was hope. God put people in Mike’s life that would love him unconditionally and model the love of Jesus Christ for him. It became clear to Mike that God had been with him through the storms of his life and that each and every circumstance was instrumental in shaping God’s plan for his life.

Mike combines deep and practical teaching of Scripture with relevant humor, stories, and principles for life change. God has gifted Mike with a sensitivity to the needs of his audience combined with the wisdom to speak exactly what they need to hear from God’s Word. Mike has a lovely wife Jennifer, 3-year-old daughter Hannah and 2-year old-son Mikah. He is a regular chapel speaker for the University of Oklahoma football team, and he has opportunities to preach camps, revivals, discipleship weekends and conferences all across the country.

With a fresh and unique teaching style, Wes Hamilton has been challenging students to take the next step in their relationship with Christ for over ten years. When he’s not hanging out with students, he takes the role as Teaching Pastor at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, Texas. He is a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University and Southwestern Seminary. Wes and his wife, Lesley, reside in Rockwall with their two children, Jake and Elle. He recently ran in the Dallas White Rock Marathon and enjoys reading, eating and the Texas Rangers.

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SATURDAY 10:00 – breakout #1 11:00 – breakout #2 12:00 – Lunch break (lunch is not provided) 1:00 – Doors open 1:30 – Conference begins 4:00 – Break 5:00 – Doors open for concert 5:15 – Concert with Newsboys


Take a generous helping of soul...splatter it with bouncing rhythms, blistering guitars, engaging vocals, stellar musicianship and catchy pop melodies that make you want to move--all textured with the truth of God’s grace--and you have Royal Tailor. Rarely has music collided with ministry in a more explosive mash up than on Royal Tailor’s Essential Records debut Black & White. Fusing pop, rock, R&B, hip hop and worship into a distinctive musical blend, Tauren, Blake, Jarrod and D.J. deliver the Gospel in a highenergy style that makes audiences want to dance, pray, shout and sing along.

With the 2010 release of Born Again, LWV Ă€UVW ZHHN RXW ZDV WKH ODUJHVW VWUHHW week of their careers. They sold an astounding 45,311 units and hit No. 4 on Billboard‘s overall chart, charting above new releases from such artists as Justin Bieber, Sting and M.I.A.

7KLV URFN GULYHQ ZRUVKLS DOEXP ÀQGV front man Michael Tait and his band mates who’ve played together for two decades – Jeff Frankenstein (keys), Duncan Phillips (drums), and Jody Davis (guitar) –with some of today’s most widely church-embraced modern worship anthems as well as several original and never-before-released worship songs written by some of today’s biggest worship songwriters.

Newsboys released their most recent CD last November with the highly anticipated project, God’s Not Dead.

,W¡V WLWOH VRQJ ´*RG¡V 1RW 'HDG Âľ topped CHR’s charts for seven weeks in a row.

This Grammy-nominated and Dove Award-winning band has sold close WR PLOOLRQ XQLWV KDV JDUQHUHG ÀYH Gold albums and 28 No. 1 radio hits.

´:H OLNH WR JHW GRZQ Âľ 7DXUHQ VD\V ZLWK a smile. “That’s how we roll. If you ever spend any time with the four of us, you will be dancing. If it’s the Electric Slide, the dougie, free-styling or whatever, at some point we’re going to turn up the music, and we’re going to have a JRRG WLPH 7KDW¡V MXVW ZKR ZH DUH Âľ With a sound that evokes Bruno Mars, Maroon 5 and a hint of Michael Jackson, Royal Tailor captures audiences with an infectious musicality, but this young band is about so much more than innovative music.


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Put a Button By Jerrell Jobe “Years ago my parents and I were stuck in a room with a mom and her 8-year-old son as we each waited for a family member to show up on family day at college. For one hour, this woman did not stop talking. She made Don King look like an introvert. And it’s not because we weren’t sending her signals because we were. Nobody would make eye contact with her. We were afraid that might encourage her. Nobody was nodding at her. Our bodies were facing the other direction. She could not stop talking. It was if she had taken some powerful verbal laxative. Her words were out of control. Finally, after an hour of this, her daughter came upstairs and into the room. The woman stood up and said, ‘Gotta go,’ but kept on talking the whole way out the door. ‘I’ve got so many things to do,’ she told us who didn’t FDUH DW DOO Âś,¡YH JRW HUUDQGV WR UXQ ,¡YH JRW GLQQHUV WR Ă€[ I’ve got to pick up your dad. And oh, yes, I’ve got to get VRPH EXWWRQV Âľ Then her 8-year-old son spoke, the only words he’d said the whole hour. He looked at his mother and said, ´0RWKHU \RX QHHG D EXWWRQ IRU \RXU PRXWK ¡¾ When you stop and think about it, that’s not a bad idea. After all, have you ever known someone who talks too much and listens too little? What if you could simply pull out a button and give it to them, “Here’s a button for \RXU PRXWKÂŤÂľ 7KH\ FRXOG PDNH JUHDW RIĂ€FH JLIWV IRU Christmas. Have you ever had a situation, where when it was over, you looked back and thought to yourself, “Why did I say WKDWÂŤ" :K\ FDQ¡W , MXVW NHHS P\ PRXWK VKXWÂŤ"Âľ We’ve all had days, where we were the ones who needed a button. In the New Testament book of James, we are given the following instruction: My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:19) -DPHV¡ DGGUHVV LV WR ´HYHU\RQH Âľ WKHUH DUH QR H[FHSWLRQV :H DUH DOO WR ´WDNH QRWH Âľ 2QH TXLFN DQG WZR slows. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. It seems simple enough. But, let’s face it. Listening isn’t always easy. In fact, listening is counter-intuitive to our typical human disposition. We are prone to spend enormous amounts of time focused inward on ourselves. Add a few challenging situations to our lives and this only gets worse. We can be en/ 30 / /

n it . . . gaged in a conversation, complete with the nodding of the head and grunting of the voice, yet mentally we’re in another zip code. It’s impossible to listen to what another person is saying when all you can hear is yourself. Listening is an act of humility and a physical demonstration of love, but it doesn’t happening automatically. Listening is a skill that James admonishes each of us to master. Listening with Your Eyes‌ Listening isn’t only an auditory mechanism; it’s visual as well. Skilled listeners actually look at the people they’re talking to. When you talk to a skilled listener, you talk to somebody who just focuses on you. Unskilled listeners don’t even look at you. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and while they were WDONLQJ \RX ÀQG \RXUVHOI QRGGLQJ LQ DFknowledgement, yet your eyes are scanning the room, looking around, noticing someone else that you would like to talk to? When we do that, there’s a good chance we’re not listening.

open, but we never seeing anybody. Listening often begins with seeing. Ask God to give you eyes to see what He sees. James says, to “be quick to listen and VORZ WR VSHDN Âľ Stop Interrupting‌ It’s been said that most people don’t listen, they just reload. In others, while someone is talking, we are prone to spend that time thinking about what we are going to say next, rather than really listening to what is being said. In business meetings, we are prone to mentally grab on to the one thing said that we don’t like or we disagree with. While they continue talking we are silently building our case for a rebuttal. They take their next breath and we let it rip. We aren’t listening, we’re reloading. At that moment, we aren’t seeking to see things from their perspective; we’ve already made a judgment and are awaiting or turn to deliver the verdict.

Listening with your eyes, however, is not merely looking at the person or even making eye contact. Listening with your eyes causes you to actually take notice of the other person. Jesus was a master at this. He always seemed to see things in and about people that everyone else in the crowd, even close friends and family had completely overlooked.

This is common practice. We engage everyday conversations as skilled orators able to prove our point. However, ´WR DQVZHU EHIRUH OLVWHQLQJ Âľ WKH ZLVGRP ZULWHU SHQQHG ´WKDW LV IROO\ DQG VKDPHÂľ (Pro. 18:13). Politicians call it winning a debate. In business, it’s called being persuasive. Proverbs calls it foolish. And, you could say James calls it the sin of interrupting.

The Gospels are full of stories about people who were merely marginal scenery, yet Jesus saw them, took notice of them and engaged them. They were blind men, beggars, lepers, prostitutes, and disabled children, just to name a few. These were the forgotten of society.

To be quick to listen and slow to speak means we must begin to practice not interrupting. When the other person is speaking, don’t speak. Are you prone to interrupt others? If you’re not sure, ask three people close to you.

No one paid attention to these folks. They had no voice in the world. No one was listening to their cries, yet Jesus, time and time again, heard, stopped, looked and listened to them. Jesus was never too hurried to pay attention to the one before Him in the present moment. How do you do at this?

Another Form of Interrupting‌ If what I say is a total change of subject to what was just being said, then this is a good indicator that while the other person was speaking, I wasn’t listening. In other words, while they were talking, I was thinking (i.e. talking to myself) about what I was going to say as soon as there was a pause and I could cut in.

When was the last time you really looked at somebody? I mean looked at them in such a way to notice what makes their eyes light up. To recognize what causes their face to beam with joy or makes their shoulders sag in defeat? If we are not careful, it is possible for us to go through our whole days with our eyes

In any conversation, so much of what people say can trigger things we want to say, making it too tempting not to interrupt. We may want to argue or agree with something they said, or even how similar we are by launching into what we believe is a relevant point or story. We / 31 / /

may even feel some self-imposed pressure to say something important. But, regardless, interrupting implies not listening well, because to interrupt means we have been thinking about something we wanted to say instead of really listening. It also means we aren’t letting the RWKHU SHUVRQ ÀQLVK YRLFLQJ KHU KLV RZQ thoughts. Did I mention that most people don’t listen they just reload? James’ instruction is brilliant. In fact, I’ve made and interesting observation along these lines in my own life. When I am quick to listen and slow to speak, I tend to become angry slower. However, when I am slow to listen and quick to speak, I tend to become angry quicker. Quick to Listen + Slow to Speak = Slow to become Angry Slow to Listen + Quick to Speak = Quick to become Angry Ask God to help you to embody the teaching of James in your everyday interactions, be it with friends, family, coworkers or even strangers. Especially, ask God to help you in those situations where you simply aren’t getting your way. God, help me to button my mouth‌ Perhaps as an action step, carry around a button with you in your pocket. In fact, you may need several. One in your pants pocket, one in your wallet, one on your car dashboard, one at your workspace, one by your night stand, etc. Place a button in all the places where you tend not to listen well, or have a tendency to say things you later regret. Grab that button. Hold it in your hand as a physical reminder of the wisdom of James. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

JERRELL JOBE is a teaching pastor at Palm Valley Church in Mission. He is married to Charissa and has three children : Micah (9), Naylah (7),and Avi (5).

By: Jacob Ramon “Guard my life, and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, IRU , WDNH UHIXJH LQ \RX Âľ 3VDOPV

WR ZDONLQJ WKH ÀQH OLQH EHWZHHQ SOHDVLQJ *RG RU SOHDVLQJ everything beneath Him, and that includes yourself. And the right path normally is not a comfortable one.

Think about that for a moment. At this point, maybe you’re feeling a little swell of pride, or maybe you’re crossing your arms, furrowing your brow and saying, “Ashamed? Of course QRW Âľ

A few years ago, I attended a youth service where we were challenged to do an outward proclamation of faith without ever speaking a word. For the next week, I silently carried my Bible around school. Questions were asked. Looks behind backs were exchanged. Being a vertex in a circle of judgment rendered me utterly incapable of looking anyone in the eye without feeling crestfallen a few moments later, thinking to myself, Wow, I must have looked like such a Bible thumper.

,W¡V GHĂ€QLWHO\ D VWURQJ ZRUG EULQJLQJ RXW D VHULHV RI ORRVHO\ connected scenes whenever it comes to mind: a dog bowing its head when it’s done something wrong, a sulking little ER\ LQ D ´WLPH RXWÂľ FRUQHU D IHHEOH DSRORJ\ D GHJUDGHG sigh. Shame stirs within our deepest levels of emotion--this marauder of respect, this harbinger of guilt.

0\ VROXWLRQ VHOĂ€VK DV LW PD\ KDYH EHHQ VHHPHG UHDVRQDEOH enough: Make excuses, pretend it doesn’t matter, keep your KHDG GRZQ DQG Ă€W LQ EXW ZKDWHYHU \RX GR GRQ¡W GLVWLQJXLVK yourself because it’s safer. This way, you won’t be subjected to ridicule. I didn’t realize until many months later the true purpose of that challenge.

Yet to be unashamed of something is to be willing to be exposed and, for the sake of faith, vulnerable. Apply that to a relationship with Christ, and suddenly you discover that public transparency is something much more elusive than you WKRXJKW 7KH FRQÀGHQFH ZH IHHO ZKHQ ZH UHDFK WR WKH KHDYHQV VRPHWLPHV IDOWHUV UHFRLOLQJ XV EDFN WR (DUWK ZKLOH ZH ÀQG ourselves looking around nervously to see who just saw us do that.

To be unashamed of something doesn’t necessarily mean Ă DXQWLQJ LW DURXQG IRU WKH VDNH RI VKRZ 7KDW ZRXOG UHQGHU PH QRWKLQJ PRUH WKDQ WKH ´QRLV\ JRQJ RU FODQJLQJ F\PEDOÂľ talked about in that 1 Corinthians 13. Openness about our divine relationship is more compact than we think, more of a quiet display than a loud spectacle.

Are you a true Christian? Or for a better question, are you a genuine Christian -- one who is unashamed to be so?

As a teenager, insecurity about things, especially identity, rages in the blood and clouds the mind with the murkiest fears of acceptance in society.

To me, it’s about letting down our guard and being honest to anyone who may care to listen. And that means taking tender steps outside of our comfort zones into dark corners. We VFUDPEOH IRU OLJKW LQ D IUHQ]\ XQWLO ZH ÀQDOO\ UHDOL]H ZH DUH WKH light. We are the threshold of a burning faith, an unmitigated power strong enough to change the world around us.

Who’s watching? What would people think if they knew this about me?

United in faith, we can move mountains. We’ve parted oceans.

However complex we may perceive it, I think it boils down

Now tell me, is that anything to be ashamed about?


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Blessing within $IĂ LFWLRQ By Milton Gonzalez

The great Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians saying “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer ZLWK KLP VKDULQJ LQ KLV GHDWK Âľ 'LG KH VD\ ´VXIIHUÂľ DQG ´VKDUH LQ KLV GHDWKÂľ" 5HJDUGOHVV RI ZKR \RX DUH \RX \RXU OHYHO RI LQĂ XHQFH no matter what your background is sooner or later you ZLOO KDYH WR IDFH DIĂ LFWLRQ -HVXV VDLG ´LQ WKLV OLIH \RX 6+$// KDYH DIĂ LFWLRQ EXW UHMRLFH , KDYH RYHUFRPH WKH ZRUOG¾ UHMRLFH" James wrote “dear brothers and sisters when trouble comes your way consider it an opportunity for great MR\Âľ JUHDW MR\" &DQ VXIIHULQJ JHQHUDWH D EOHVVLQJ DQG FDQ DIĂ LFWLRQ make me more like Christ? 7KH IDLWK Ă€OOHG EHOLHYHU NQRZV WKDW DIĂ LFWLRQ FDQ HLWKHU make you bitter or better, tear you down or build you up. The tenacious Christian trusts in the Word of God and is able to envision blessings while walking through the valley of the shadow of death knowing that He is our Jehovah Jireh and will without a doubt supply for every one of our needs. / 34 / /

:KHQ D ZDWHU KRVH LV DIĂ LFWHG SUHVVHG Ă€UPO\ EHWZHHQ RQHV Ă€QJHUV LW SURMHFWV D PRUH HIIHFWLYH DQG SRWHQW VWUHDP RI ZDWHU 7KH DGYHUVLWLHV RI OLIH DIĂ LFW XV DQG SUHVV us and yet have the ability to making us stronger and more effective men and women of God. God will use those things that the enemy intended for evil and destruction in your life and catapult you to greater things in Him. He knows that pulling the bow back will shoot the arrow even farther. One of my favorite verses reminds about this very truth‌ “and we know that ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord, who have been called DFFRUGLQJ WR +LV SXUSRVHÂľ 5RP 7KURXJK WKH DIĂ LFWLRQV DQG WULDOV \RX DUH HQGXULQJ *RG will show you things that others cannot and may not ever understand. People that God has used in a mighty way were at times born in a place of rejection, they ZHUH PROGHG DQG VKDSHG E\ DIĂ LFWLRQ IRU UHMHFWLRQ DQG DIĂ LFWLRQ FUHDWHV D KXQJHU DQG DQ LQRUGLQDWH WKLUVW to know God in a more personal way. God has ordered your steps from the very beginning. Nothing about you is unknown to him. He will not allow more than you can bear and He sustains you along the journey. He has carefully orchestrated your steps allowing you to have this, denying you to have that to create the perfect atmosphere for you to have the craving, the need, the desire, the drive, the spiritual hunger and the thirst you have. And you must forgive your brothers and sisters who don’t share your perspectives because they don’t want what you want, because they haven’t tred in your shoes. They can’t even walk with you until they understand your story‌ they’ll be judgemental of you until they understand where you are coming from, they can’t understand why you do what you do, need what you need, say what you say until they understand that you were molded in WKH IXUQDFH RI DIĂ LFWLRQ We are like gold in the hands of a goldsmith. Heat is applied and the gold melts, revealing all impurities as they slowly rise to the top. As they are removed, the gold reaches a higher degree of purity. When does the goldsmith know that the precious metal is free from all blemLVKHV" ,W LV UHDG\ ZKHQ KLV IDFH LV UHĂ HFWHG LQ LW $V ZH JR WKURXJK WKH Ă€UH RI DGYHUVLW\ DOO LPSXULWHV ULVH WR WKH WRS DQG ZH DUH VORZO\ SXULĂ€HG :KHQ DUH ZH UHDG\" :KHQ &KULVW¡V IDFH LV UHĂ HFWHG RQ RXU OLYHV Don’t be foolish enough to think that breakthrough will FRPH ZLWKRXW \RX KDYLQJ WR SXW XS D Ă€JKW 'RQ¡W H[pect God to move all the devils out of your way so that you can have a clear passage. He didn’t move them out of Jesus’ way. Our Savior had to endure, persevere and overcome. If He had to experience all this being the One Begotten Son of God you might as well stop crying, roll up your sleeves, clothe yourself in the armor RI *RG DQG Ă€JKW WKH JRRG Ă€JKW RI IDLWK You cannot get to the Promise Land if you are not willing to go through the wilderness and you cannot wear a crown if you are not willing to carry the cross. $IĂ LFWLRQ UHYHDOV WKH WUXH FKDUDFWHU RI WKH EHOLHYHU LQ Christ $IĂ LFWLRQ FDXVHV XV WR KXQJHU DQG WKLUVW DIWHU +LP $IĂ LFWLRQ LQFUHDVHV ZKHQ WKH EOHVVLQJ LV VRRQ WR FRPH $IĂ LFWLRQ SXULĂ€HV DQG SROLVKHV RXU OLYHV FDXVLQJ XV WR UHĂ HFW WKH FKDUDFWHU RI -HVXV &KULVW RXU /RUG DQG 6DYLRU Consider it pure joy... Shalom,

MILTON GONZALEZ is the Principal of Covenant Christian Academy in McAllen. He is married to Elena and has a son, David.

/ 35 / /

You Can Be a Winner! I love sports. One of the mementos I’ve saved from my childhood is a faded, slightly out of focus black and white phoWR RI PH RQ P\ Ă€UVW VRFFHU WHDP $V D boy, I dreamed of winning the championship game with a spectacular last-second goal, and of becoming an instant hero to my teammates and everyone else watching. In sports-crazy America, so many of our heroes are athletes. We identify with successful athletes because we, too, want to be winners. I will never be a gold-medal athlete, except in my imagination. When I watch an Olympic contest or professional game on TV, like everyone else I sometimes get mad and vent my feelings after a particularly lousy play. My wife says, “Why are you shouting? You certainly FRXOGQ¡W GR DV ZHOO Âľ %XW LQ P\ PLQG , FDQ play with the best of them. I’m a winner. Doesn’t everybody want to be a winner? The only other options are mediocrity or failure. In sports, however, not everybody can be a winner. Only one person or team in each competition will go home with the gold medal from the Olympics. Many others will feel like national failures, constantly reminded by sports writers and fans how they let down their country. ,¡P UHPLQGHG RI Ă€JXUH VNDWHU 7RQ\D +DUGing and runner Ben Johnson whose win at all costs behavior brought them national dishonor rather than the praise they desired. That’s not the way the game of life is judged, though. God’s Word, the Bible, says everyone can be a winner! The Bible was written to show us how. In several of his letters in the New Testament, part of the Bible, the great apostle Paul writes about running in a race, about competing for the prize. Life is compared to a game, and God made the rules. Rule No. 1: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

by luis palau Rule No. 2: Love your neighbor as yourself. Unfortunately, everyone has broken these fundamental rules repeatedly, and not just unintentionally. We all have an independent, rebellious streak, which the Bible calls sin, and sin has serious consequences. The Bible says, “The wages of VLQ LV GHDWKÂľ 5RPDQV ERWK SK\VLFDO and eternal. Sin separates us from God. In RWKHU ZRUGV VLQ GLVTXDOLĂ€HV XV IURP *RG¡V team.

The game of life has only two teams: God’s and Satan’s Whose team are you on? That’s the most important question you’ll ever be asked. I am on God’s team. But it’s not because I’m talented or even good. I’m not. Years ago, right before becoming a teenager, I realized I was still on Satan’s team and headed for trouble if I didn’t switch. A man at summer camp, Frank Chandler, sat me down and said, “You know, Luis, if you die tonight and you’re still on that WHDP \RX¡UH JRLQJ WR KHOO Âľ 7KDW QLJKW , made my decision. I said, “Yes, Lord Jesus, , ZDQW WR EH RQ <RXU WHDP Âľ Since that day, I’ve spoken to millions of people in Olympic stadiums, basketball arenas, and other venues around the world, asking them to make a choice, to decide which team they want to belong to. If you’re not on God’s team, you may look like a winner, but we know from the Bible that Satan ultimately loses the game of life, big time. You can switch to God’s team only on His terms. Like I said, we’ve all broken His rules DQG ZH DUH DOO GLVTXDOLĂ€HG 0DQ\ SHRSOH ZRXOG OLNH WR WKLQN ´2. ZKDW¡V WKH Ă€QH" I’ll pay what I owe and get back in the JDPH RQ *RG¡V VLGH Âľ %XW \RX DQG , FDQ¡W SD\ WKH Ă€QH 1RW ZLWK

money, not by going to church, not by being religious. Remember, “The wages of VLQ LV GHDWK Âľ -HVXV &KULVW SDLG WKDW Ă€QH IRU us when He died on a Roman cross many years ago. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, never broke His own rules-He never committed a sin. So why did He die? In God’s eternal plan, Jesus agreed to pay for the sins of the whole world. Every hurtful word, every HYLO WKRXJKW HYHU\ VHOĂ€VK DFWLRQ ZDV DOO laid on Jesus Christ. Because He paid the price for our sins, out of His great love for us, we can be forgiven. God accepted His Son’s death as payment for our sins. Now He offers everyone the opportunity to play on His team. The Bible says, “Everyone who calls on the QDPH RI WKH /RUG ZLOO EH VDYHGÂľ 5RPDQV 10:13). What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord? To believe that Jesus died for your sins and acknowledge that you need Him as your Savior. Jesus will forgive you. He will cleanse your heart of everything that offends God and give you supernatural power to be a winner, playing the game of life on a whole new dimension. ,I WKH IROORZLQJ SUD\HU UHĂ HFWV \RXU KHDUW attitude, please pray with me: “God, I want to be on Your team. I truly want to be a winner in the game of life. And when the game is over, I want to go to heaven to be with You. I confess that I’ve broken Your rules. I’ve often ignored Your commands, and I don’t deserve to be on Your side. So Lord Jesus, please forgive me. I could never pay You back for all the sins I’ve committed, but You’ve paid for them on the cross. Come into my life, wash away all the guilt, and make me Your child. I’ll obey You and play by Your rules, Lord. Thank You for coming into my life. Amen.â€?

Luis Palau’s ministry has shared the Gospel with more than 1 billion people through evangelistic events and media. He has spoken in personto 25 million people in 72 countries with more than 1 million registered decisions for Jesus Christ. He has authored close to 50 books and has counseled with business and political leaders and heads of state around the world. / 36 / /

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/ 37 / /

Ask the Expert Listen to good advice if you want to live well... Proverbs 15:31 Valley Christian Magazine is bringing expertise right to you in our new “Ask the Expert� section. Send your questions to

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VALLEY CHRISTIAN HERITAGE SCH This report reflects the achievement of your graduates on the ACT over time and an indication of the extent to which they are prepared for college-level work. The ACT consists of curriculum-based tests of educational development in English, mathematics, reading, and science designed to measure the skills needed for success in first year college coursework.

Figure 1. Percent of ACT-Tested Students Ready for College-Level Coursework Are Your Students Ready for College? While students will pursue a variety of paths after high school, all students should be prepared for college and work. Through collaborative research with postsecondary institutions nationwide, ACT has established the following as college readiness benchmark scores for designated courses: “ 5^W\YcX 3_]`_cYdY_^* !( _^ 13D 5^W\YcX DUcd “ 1\WURbQ* "" _^ 13D =QdXU]QdYSc DUcd “ C_SYQ\ CSYU^SU* "! _^ 13D BUQTY^W DUcd “ 2Y_\_Wi* "$ _^ 13D CSYU^SU DUcd Your School

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By Steve Marr

:H DOO Ă€QG RXUVHOYHV RXW RI RXU FRPIRUW ]RQHV $ EXVLQHVV FRQtact invites you to play golf at a country club or you are invited to a lunch meeting with a major business player or you are thrust into a discussion way over your head. Perhaps we don’t have the skill or knowledge for the situation; but we are required to participate anyway. How do we handle the situation? First, we avoid embarrassment when we are honest in the way we represent ourselves. As King Solomon wrote, “Put away from you a deceitful mouth and put devious speech far from \RX Âľ 3URYHUEV 1$6% If we act like we understand Shakespeare to impress someone and are invited to a Shakespeare discussion group, we may be in trouble. An excellent customer wanted me to join a golf outing. The customer insisted that I play even after I explained that I had played only a few times. My 150 score supported that statement. 6HFRQG ZH QHHG WR SURMHFW FRQĂ€GHQFH 3DXO ZURWH ´, FDQ GR DOO WKLQJV WKURXJK +LP ZKR VWUHQJWKHQV PH Âľ 3KLOLSSLDQV NASB) &RQĂ€GHQFH LV QRW DUURJDQFH FRQĂ€GHQFH LV WKH NQRZOHGJH that we can rely on the Lord to help us. Arrogance is a belief that our own ability will get us through any circumstance. I was coaching a leader who was nervous about making a ministry presentation to several major CEOs. I explained that he had the power of Christ to help him. While many of the CEOs may have been bright and powerful, many did not have a relationship with the Lord. When we feel out of place and think that others are staring at us, they are probably more focused on whatever is important to them. Third, dress the part. Every event and circumstance calls for a dress code. Always ask what the appropriate dress is. Use the Internet to search for information as needed. If invited to D :KLWH +RXVH HYHQW \RX FDQ FDOO WKH 3URWRFRO 2IĂ€FH DQG UHceive instructions on everything including what to wear, where

Š 2012 Steve Marr’s Business Proverbs - All Rights Reserved

When You Are Out of Your Comfort Zone

to go and what to expect. A little digging will help insure that \RXU GUHVV Ă€WV WKH RFFDVLRQ Some folks think that people should accept others no matter how they show up. However, appropriate dress does matter. When Joseph was promoted, “Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand, and clothed him in JDUPHQWV RI Ă€QH OLQHQ DQG SXW WKH JROG QHFNODFH DURXQG KLV QHFN Âľ *HQHVLV 1$6% 3KDUDRK GUHVVHG -RVHSK IRU KLV new role. Fourth, play catch up. We all have situations when we lack NQRZOHGJH :KHQ , ZDV ´IRUFHGÂľ WR SOD\ JROI , WRRN WZR OHVVRQV that helped me from playing like a complete fool. Read articles, books or search the Internet to gain basic information. Ask a lot of questions. Most people like to share what they know. Be polite and don’t overdo your inquiries. King Solomon wrote, “The wise of heart will receive commands, but a babbling fool ZLOO EH UXLQHG Âľ 3URYHUEV 1$6% 8VH ZKDWHYHU WLPH \RX have to bone up. If you don’t know which of three spoons to use at a dinner, wait for others to start and follow their example. Fifth, take notes as you go. Bring your laptop, iPad or folder to meetings. Keep information you glean from research and study it for later recall. Check out people’s social media sites and corporate sites. When the Lord gave instructions to Moses to build the Tabernacle, Moses wrote everything down. His memory, like ours, was not perfect. Finally, King Solomon observed, “Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considHUHG SUXGHQW Âľ 3URYHUEV 1$6% :KHQ SUHVVHG LQWR VLWXations that you feel are over your head, ask questions to gain information. Long ago the Lord spoke to Isaiah and said, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am makLQJ D ZD\ LQ WKH GHVHUW DQG VWUHDPV LQ WKH ZDVWHODQG Âľ ,VDLDK 43:19, NASB) Often, when we are pushed out of our comfort zone into business or ministry; the Lord is in the process of growing us. Seize the moment rather than run from it.

Steve Marr has learned from 40 years of business experience that God's way works. As an author, speaker, radio host, and business consultant, Marr helps companies and organizations apply the ancient wisdom of the Bible to avoid the common mistakes and headaches of growing a business. Steve Marr, President / Business Proverbs / / PH: 520.529.8470Find peace of mind, hope and satisfaction in doing Business God’s way.



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Soul Detox By Craig Groeschel Poison! You may be thinking one of two things, Bret Michaels and the 80’s glam rock band, or you may be picturing the skull with two bones crossed behind it. I am referring to the latter. Detox, short for detoxiÀFDWLRQ UHIHUV WR WKH removal of toxic, which means poisonous, substances. By the title Soul Detox, author Craig Groeschel is suggesting that we may be infected with a soul poison. Not a nice or popular thought. Groeschel discusses toxic behaviors, toxic emo WLRQV DQG WR[LF LQà XHQFHV WKDW PD\ EH SRLVRQLQJ RXU OLYHOLKRRG as Christians.

The section about toxic emotions was very personal. Groeschel attacks the toxins of bitterness, envy, and anger. Guilty as charged. As I write I am thinking of the current situation someone I love is in, and the bitterness which has a root need to be dealt with. Once bitterness takes root it rots the soul and the stench can be picked up a mile away. Why I struggle with envy is not clear, because God is good. I have an amazing wife, wonderful kids, and a few good jobs and volunteer gigs. Yet, I want what the other people have. I don’t get it. *URHVFKHO DGGV WR[LF LQà XHQFHV WKDW ZH PD\ QRW FRQVLGHU VR bad: materialism and cultural norms. We have more than we need, yet we still want more. We want it so much that we are willing to go into debt to have the good life. When was the last time you bought a car you did not really need? Do you go into debt to go on vacation? We tend to think WKH DPRXQW RI PRQH\ ZH KDYH DQG WKH WKLQJV LW FDQ EX\ GHÀQHV us. Groeschel will get you to examine yourself and see where toxLQV PD\ EH LQÀOWUDWLQJ \RXU OLIH

As a Christian, I like to think I’m mature enough to handle the latAmong the toxic behaviors Groeschel discusses is Lethal Lan- HVW YLROHQW Ă LFN RU FRPHG\ %XW RFFDVLRQDOO\ , VWDUW WR WKLQN YLROHQW guage. thoughts or vulgar language easily or more regularly than I like. Could it be the cultural toxins I’m taking in? He got me there. :H DUH XQDEOH WR KDYH D FRPSOHWH ´VRXO GHWR[Âľ WKLV VLGH RI UHVXUWhere there is a gift of encouragement, there is the ability to rection, but we can be more discerning of the poisonous behavdiscourage with poisonous language that brings people down. LRUV HPRWLRQV DQG LQĂ XHQFHV 2XU VLQIXOQHVV LV QDWXUDO DQG WDNHV I suffer the sarcasm syndrome. I try to convince myself that the very little effort to show its ugly face, but as Christians we have $SRVWOH 3DXO¡V XVH RI VDUFDVP DW WLPHV MXVWLĂ€HV PLQH :URQJ 3HR- WKH UHVXUUHFWLRQ SRZHU RI &KULVW WR KHOS XV EH GHWR[LĂ€HG ple who know me are agreeing that I have it in a bad way. It is toxic and I need to deal with it. Thanks Groeschel. Oh, there it is again, showing its ugly head.

The Soul Detox review by

Miguel Paredes Is a teacher at Edinburg North and earned his Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to Brenda and has four children, Diego (10), Karla and Andrea (7) and Charis (3).

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Who Is This Man? The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus by John Ortberg 2Q WKH HYH RI KLV FUXFLĂ€[LRQ LW VHHPHG OLNH -HVXV¡ LQĂ XHQFH RQ WKH ZRUOG KDG HQGHG 2Q WKH contrary, it had just begun. Jesus’ impact on our world is highly unlikely, widely inescapable, largely unknown, and decidedly double-edged. It is unlikely in light of the severe limitations of his earthly life; it is inescapable because of the range of impact; it is unknown because history doesn’t connect dots; and it is doubled-edged because his followers have wreaked so much havoc, often in his name. +H LV KLVWRU\¡V PRVW IDPLOLDU Ă€JXUH \HW KH LV WKH PDQ QR RQH NQRZV +LV LPSDFW RQ WKH ZRUOG is immense and non-accidental. From the Dark Ages to Post-Modernity he is the Man who won’t go away. In Who Is This Man?, Ortberg reveals how Jesus has impacted civilization and individual human hearts. / 42 / /

Game Plan for Life CHALK TALKS by Joe Gibbs A companion to Game Plan for Life NIV Bible, Game Plan for Life Chalk Talks offers 40 readings written by three-time Super Bowl Champion Coach and three-time NASCAR Champion Team Owner Joe Gibbs that will inspire and encourage VSRUWV IDQV DQG ´UHJXODU -RHV Âľ Most men want to know what it takes to be a success in life. Not just with wealth and awards, but to be truly great as a husband, father, son, and neighbor. Coach Gibbs knows both success and failure, but he has learned that no matter how much you plan for your life, it’s God’s plan that will bring you happiness

Unglued Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions

The Truth About

Forgiveness By John MacArthur

by Lysa TerKeurst Why is it that those we love the most receive the brunt of our worst moods? In Unglued, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst offers words of hope and healing for women struggling to make wise choices in the midst of their raw emotions. We may exhibit patience and kindness when talking with the grocery clerk, a co-worker, even WKH GLIĂ€FXOW SHUVRQ DW WKH UHWXUQV FRXQWHU EXW DW home, sometimes the smallest, most trivial things set women off, sparking an angry word, a cruel FRPPHQW EHKLQG VRPHRQH¡V EDFN RU D Ă RRG RI tears. TerKeurst equips women with spiritual strategies to help them manage their reactions. It’s one thing to tell a woman to control her feelings but a whole new kind of help to show her step by step how to let this situation work for her rather than against her.

“The greatest measuring rod of love in the life of a Christian may be forgiveness, because God showed His love WR XV LQ WHUPV RI IRUJLYHQHVV Âľ -RKQ MacArthur Does anyone really want to forgive? Or admit that we need forgiveness? Whether we’re giving or receiving, forgiveness is hard. It seems unfair. It feels unnatural. And as best-selling author and pastor John MacArthur demonstrates, forgiveness apart from Christ is unnatural. It is only as we understand our need, Christ’s power and example, and what it reallly means to love that we can embrace two of the most liberating acts of love: forgiving and being forgiven.

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The Way Worship Has Changed How has worship changed in your time? Have you changed the way you ZRUVKLS" )RU FHQWXULHV PXVLF KDV LQ VRPH ZD\V GHÀQHG KRZ ZH ZRUVKLS DQG starting this month, Valley Christian Magazine will look at some of the stories behind the songs that have changed the way many people worship. Integrity Music is celebrating 25 years of music and ministry with an anniversary double-CD and bonus DVD, 25 Songs That Changed The Way We Worship, released in June. The collection features the original songs by the leaders who have helped shape the sound of worship over the last 25 years. These songs have been sung by millions of worshippers around the world. While all of the songs have spent time in the CCLI Top 500, indicating the songs most often used in North American churches, some of them have been in the top 10 for as many as 10 years, while 13 have spent multiple years in the top 100! With Integrity’s songs being sung in over 164 countries and translated into Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French and numerous regional dialects, the true global impact and the number of lives touched by this music is immeasurable.

“Open The Eyes Of My Heartâ€? Artist: Paul Baloche Writer: Paul Baloche While leading worship one morning, the phrase ´2SHQ WKH H\HV RI P\ KHDUWÂľ SRSSHG LQWR 3DXO Baloche’s mind. “I’d heard a pastor pray that a couple of years before and I had written it LQ P\ MRXUQDO Âľ UHFDOOV 3DXO ´/DWHU , ORRNHG LQWR Ephesians 1:18 and spent some time there, SUD\LQJ WKDW Âľ So as Paul was leading, he sang out, “Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. Open our eyes, Lord. We ZDQW WR VHH <RX¡ Âľ +H ZDVQ¡W VXUH RI KRZ WKH rest of the song came, other than that he was thinking about Isaiah, “Lord, to see You high and OLIWHG XS Âľ 7KDQNIXOO\ 3DXO¡V VRXQG WHFKQLFLDQ was recording the service and captured the moment. “It just felt like the sincere prayer of our KHDUWV DW WKDW PRPHQW Âľ 3DXO UHPHPEHUV

“Shout to the Lord� Artist: Darlene Zschech Writer: Darlene Zschech “Love The Lord� Artist: Lincoln Brewster Writer: Lincoln Brewster

Some of the most moving songs of praise are often birthed from times of despair. Such was the case with ´6KRXW WR WKH /RUG Âľ :KLOH JRLQJ WKURXJK D GLIĂ€FXOW WLPH DQG GHVSHUate for the peace of God, Darlene Zschech sat down at her old piano, the same one she’d had since she ZDV Ă€YH \HDUV ROG 6KH WXUQHG WR Psalm 96, and without setting out to do so, she penned one of the Church’s most well-known praise songs in about 20 minutes.

At the suggestion of a friend, Lincoln Brewster decided to write some songs inspired by the corresponding scriptures from Pastor Rick Warren’s “40 Days of PurSRVHÂľ VHUPRQV /LQFROQ EHJDQ ZLWK WKH topic of worship and drew directly from Luke 10:27, “Love the Lord your God with DOO \RXU KHDUW DQG ZLWK DOO \RXU VRXOÂŤÂľ 7KRXJK DW Ă€UVW KH ZDVQ¡W VXUH RI WKH strength of the song, he played it for his church and discovered that people connected immediately. So he began playing the song whenever he was on tour or visiting other churches and the reaction was the same. “It’s simple, it’s memoraEOHÂŤ LW¡V WUXWK Âľ VDLG /LQFROQ

Though she had been writing songs since she her teens, Darlene never considered herself a songwriter. And it was with trepidation that she shared the song with her church. But the response was immediate and the song quickly traveled around the globe, giving believers new words to express their hearts to God. / 44 / /

1. Matt Redman 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) CD: 10,000 Reasons

2. Toby Mac Me Without You CD: Eye On It

3. For King and Countr “Friend of Godâ€? Artist: Lakewood Church Writers: Israel Houghton and Michael Gungor $QG WKH VFULSWXUH ZDV IXOĂ€OOHG ZKLFK VDLWK $EUDKDP EHOLHYHG God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. – James 2:23 &RZULWHU ,VUDHO +RXJKWRQ KDV VDLG WKDW ´)ULHQG RI *RGÂľ LV D song that has deeply impacted him. Recalling the writing proFHVV ZLWK 0LFKDHO *XQJRU ,VUDHO VD\V WKH\ ZHUH ´EORZQ DZD\Âľ as the lyrics hit them.

1. Open The Eyes Of My Heart - Paul Baloche 2. Give Thanks - Don Moen 3. Above All - Lenny LeBlanc 4. I Exalt Thee - Pete Sanchez, Jr. %H 0DJQLĂ€HG 5DQG\ 5RWKZHOO 6. Shout To The Lord - Darlene Zschech 7. God Will Make A Way - Don Moen 8. There Is None Like You - Lenny Le Blanc 9. I Worship You Almighty God - Leann Albrecht 10. Awesome In The Place - Kent Henry 11. Ancient Of Days - Ron Kenoly 12. Days Of Elijah - Robin Mark



´,W¡V RQH WKLQJ IRU XV WR FDOO *RG RXU ÂśIULHQG ¡¾ VD\V ,VUDHO ´%XW when you are singing, ‘He calls me friend,’ and you begin to UHDOO\ XQGHUVWDQG KRZ +H VHHV \RXÂŤ WKDW¡V SRZHUIXO Âľ

1. Hosanna - Paul Baloche 2. Friend Of God - Lakewood Church 3. Love The Lord - Lincoln Brewster 4. Your Name - Paul Baloche 5. Lord Have Mercy - Eoghan Heaslip 6. Healer - Kari Jobe 7. Today Is The Day - Lincoln Brewster 8. I Am Free - New Life Worship 9. Trading My Sorrows - Darrell Evans 10. You Are Good - Lakewood Church 11. Revelation Song - Gateway Worship 12. My Savior Lives - New Life Worship 13. How He Loves – John Mark McMillan / 45 / /

Proof Of Your Love CD: Crave ll

4. Casting Crowns Jesus Friend Of Sinners CD: Come To The Well

5. Newsboys God’s Not Dead (Like A Lion) CD: God’s Not Dead

6. MercyMe The Hurt & The Healer CD: The Hurt & The Healer

8. Sidewalk Prophets Live Like That CD: Live Like That

8. Francesca Battistelli Angel By Your Side CD: Hundred More Years

9. Chris August Center Of It CD: The Upside Of Down

New Release spotlight Ian Yates Good News Yates, who leads worship at Liverpool’s Bootle Elim Church, has plenty of appeal on his sophomore CD, thanks to envelope-pushing musical arrangements and poignant praises of God’s love and mercy. While evoking fellow British favorites like Matt Redman or Delirious, Yates switches between electronically-spiked stadium shakers and surging, ethereal ballads, both highlighting his inviting vocals. Overall, the project serves as a means of motivation and restoration while tastefully expanding the boundaries of typical modern worship.

Jesus Culture Emerging Voices A fresh worship experience from four up-and-coming voices whose heart’s desire is that you’ll encounter God and his love! Ten songs feature Derek Johnson, Mary Kat Ehrenzlier, Nate Ward, DQG -XVWLQ -DUYLV RQ ´%H 0\ /RYH Âľ ´+HUH :H $UH Âľ ´, %HORQJ WR <RX Âľ ´, :RQ¡W 6HWWOH Âľ ´0LJKW\ )RUWUHVV Âľ ´<RX $UH 0\ *RG Âľ DQG PRUH

Bellarive The Heartbeat

Heather Clark Overcome Jesus Culture Music member Heather Clark steps into the spotlight with her solo debut, Overcome. Heather’s passion for praise is evident on the album’s eleven songs, striking the perfect balance between energetic, uptempo praise and intimate worship ballads. Includes “Shadow RI <RXU :LQJV Âľ ´8QGLYLGHG )RFXV Âľ ´$OO <RXU *RRGQHVV Âľ DQG PRUH

In the summer of 2009, the Lord gifted D XQLĂ€HG YLVLRQ WR WKH hearts of six friends from Orlando Florida. That vision quickly developed into the atmospheric worship band now known as Bellarive. Their heart is to craft artistic worship music for the creation to sing straight to the Father above. Bellarive believes that God is calling them to lead these songs not just inside the four walls of a church, but to whoever will lend an ear. Melissa Mage states, “We pray that we would be the conduit between the Creator and His creation DQG WKDW +LV JORU\ ZRXOG DOZD\V EH WKH IRFDO SRLQW Âľ

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Coming Events:


Hillsong Live Cornerstone Tour San Antonio -September 21 Austin – September 20 Praise on the Hill Sanctus Real Harlingen October 13


8/4/2012 enter nvention C McAllen Co

Tenth Avenue North November 1 – San Antonio


SpiritFest Corpus Christi November 10 MercyMe

Abandon sti Corpus Chri 8 September .com ts e k c ti www.i

An Acoustic Evening o f Stories & Songs Todd Agnew & Jason Gray South Padre Island November 12

ip Summit

ersh Global Lead

0 August 9-1 Church Palm Valley : e Host Sit 03 956-585-32

amp JeremyncC e Center

re Phar r Confe – 8:00 pm 28 r e b Septem


Ke PromisTe X

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This is ab out manh Dear Dav ood e, My so

By Dave Ramsey

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kids? lt u d a r o f Whole life

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Raul “Rudyâ€? Rodriguez attorney at law Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance took place during roughly during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorable VHUYLFH PHPEHUV WR ÂżQLVK KLJK VFKRRO DQG DWWHQG FROOHJH $V WKHLU VNLOOV ZHUH LPSURYHG VR ZDV WKH ÂżQDQFLDO well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.â€? The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will FRQWLQXH KLV ZRUN XQWLO LW LV ÂżQDOO\ ÂżQLVKHG RQ WKH GD\ when Christ Jesus returns.â€? As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.â€? I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! $W P\ RIÂżFH , DOVR ZDQW WR EH SDUW RI \RXU restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy� Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free:TX 877.480.1421 / Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455 511 W. University / Edinburg, 78539 e-mail: 511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 / e-mail: / 52 / /

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