Valley Christian Magazine issue #90

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Magazine Issue #90

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Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by Texas Christian Publications a 501c3 non-profit ministry located in the Rio Grande Valley.

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On The Cover: Jesus Adrian Romero Live in Concert presented by Got Faith Concerts July 27 at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, TX It is the purpose of Valley Christian Magazine to be a magazine that points people to Jesus Christ. How to trust Him. How to do life with Him. Supported by local businesses, ministries & faithful believers. Valley Christian is a free resource for us all.


Issue #90

Social Media Facebook: @valleychristianmagazine & @valleychristian Instagram: @valleychristianmag Twitter: @vcmagazine Copyright 2018


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Valley Christian Magazine 3827 N 10th Street Suite 301 McAllen, TX 78501 956-314-0161

index 6

Lysa Terkeurst


Lysa K. Finley-Morrow


Life of a Single Mom


Surrendering Our Whys Favorite Hymns of My Life Single, Saved & Searching by Mike Haman

10 Greg Laurie Memory Full

12 Luis Palau

Manteniendo una perspectiva adecuada

13 Steve Marr

Business Proverbs

14 Kids Talk About God

Valley Children win Dude Ranch trips to Colorado and Idaho

16 James MacDonald What To Do In A Crisis

18 Dave Ramsey - Dave Says

-Teach them while they’re young -Controling your cash


19 Time with Our Creator Loved By God

20 Jesus Adrian Romero

Special to Valley Christian Magazine

21 Valley Christian Magazine New Reads

-Changes that Heal by Henry Cloud - When God Says Go by Elizabeth Lain Thompson

22 Dr. Leslie Gonzales

God’s Prescription for Helping Others in a Time of Grief

23 Valley Christian Events! -Jesus Adrian Romero in Concert on July 27

24 Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez The Redemption Story

21 “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Have you ever found yourself asking God: Why would You allow this to happen? I certainly have. The last couple years of my life I’ve had to face one hardship after another. At many points I’ve wondered how I would make it through. It’s hard to feel confident in the goodness of God when circumstances don’t feel good at all. We’re often left thinking that if we could just figure out the why, then life would make more sense. Especially in the face of pain or suffering. This is where we find the disciples in the ninth chapter of the book of John — holding out the question of why. Jesus and His disciples had come across a man who’d been blind from birth. It was an encounter that left the disciples asking Jesus, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2b, NIV) The disciples were looking for someone to blame for this unfortunate situation. If they could only figure out the reason why, then this man’s hurt would be more tolerable, they reasoned. Being blind in Jesus’ time was often seen as a statement about the sin in your life. So, you probably didn’t have a whole lot of help from people. In their eyes, you were not only blind — people assumed you were a sinner God was punishing. Jesus turned this thinking on its head when He declared the words of our key verse to His disciples: “‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him’” (John 9:3). The reason this man was blind was so others could see the amazing power of God. Healing his physical blindness would lead others to spiritual sight. It would shine a light on the One who declared He had come to be the Light of the world. Sadly, not all who witnessed this man’s healing were open to


Issue #90

Surrendering Our Whys By Lysa Terkeurst Jesus’s truth. In fact, it stirred up a whole mess with the Pharisees — a group of men whose lives prove we don’t have to be physically blind to only see darkness. The Pharisees knew all about the prophesied Messiah. But when Jesus came on the scene, they couldn’t see He was the One. They knew all the right answers, but didn’t make the right choice. Oh, how this makes my heart pause. What do I want most? What do I need most? Answers … or Jesus?

begged God to give me answers. But I’m realizing instead of answers, He’s given me Himself. A way to come straight to Him, the One who already has it all figured out. The One who reminds me I don’t have to have His answers to have His comfort. Father God, I might not have all the answers to my struggles, but I’m seeing more hope than ever. Jesus is my Light. And because of Him even my darkest of nights aren’t so daunting and confusing. Thank You for reminding me that this day holds Your presence, Your blessings and Your comfort. Give me eyes to see You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

As much as I want answers for those things that break my heart, what I’m finding I want and need more is spiritual sight. I want to approach a situation that might look hopeless and see the spiritual potential. I want to read the Bible and see clearly what God wants to say. I want to know how to react to situations in a way that honors Christ. I’m guessing these are things you are wanting, too. So how do we get this kind of spiritual sight? We ask God for it. Continually. And sometimes that means surrendering our “whys” and choosing instead to ask, “Will You help me see You, Lord? Even in this?” He is the One who can illuminate the dark places for us. His presence alone has the power to bring us peace in the midst of our unanswered questions. Today, let’s be careful not to get stuck in our whys. Let’s not allow them to leave us blind to His presence, blind to His goodness, blind to His power, blind to the hope we have in Him. Let’s not be like the Pharisees — people who could physically see but were blind to the Savior standing right in front of them.

TRUTH FOR TODAY: John 8:12, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” (NIV)

REFLECT AND RESPOND: Have you been stuck in a place of asking God, “Why this? Why me?”

What would it look like today to lay those questions down and simply ask Him to help you see Him in the midst of it all? Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has led thousands to make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her busy schedule, Lysa simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family. She resides near Charlotte, N.C., with her five priority blessings named Jackson, Mark, Hope, Ashley and Brooke. Used by Permission.

I know this isn’t easy. Trust me. I have situations where I’ve

© 2018 by Proverbs 31 Ministries. All rights reserved. © 2018 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Favorite Hymns of My Life by: Lisa K. Finley-Morrow

History and geography have always been favorite subjects to me, and the two disciplines converged in the providence of time to create one of the most beloved hymns heard round the world. On an internet search, I was reminded of both the historical and geographical contexts of the hymn known as “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.” Hymnbooks note in footnotes or a header that the hymn tune and the lyrics are often penned by two different individuals, and this is the case with this world-renowned work. It was listed on my search among many choices for hearing in the Hollywood film that was set in Wales, the country of the hymn’s origin. The movie was How Green Was My Valley starring Maureen O’Hara. Wales, a tiny country tucked away in southwest Great Britain, is a country my sister refers to as the country with a language with no vowels! Well, almost no vowels. And the vowels they do have they use to optimum capacity. One of the world’s greatest writers and poets, William Williams, comes from Wales. His preaching and poetry led Wales in a significant era of revival. Not unlike all of us, his life had challenges, but his commitment to Christ inspired thousands during a unique window of opportunity to reach the hearts of his countrymen to follow Christ. This hymn’s lyrics implores the singer with conviction of heart to be led through life by none other than Jehovah God. The opening phrase, so recognized by the world, is the consummate challenge of every believer who calls upon the name of the Lord. Wouldn’t we rather that God bless our fallen inclinations than to wait and watch and listen for His guidance through life and it’s everyday details? The Lord reminded me of that today! But back to the geography of this hymn. The world recognizes the country of Wales by its association with Charles, Prince of Wales and his belated wife, Diana, Princess of Wales. Wales in recent history is recognized for the industry of it’s hard-working and God-fearing, coal-mining families. It’s also recognized for producing the magnificent sound of large singing men’s choirs. The tiny sampling recorded in the movie mentioned is just such a singing men’s choir that ultimately has given rise to hundreds of Welsh men’s choirs including a 10,000 voice Welsh man’s concert accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic which can still be heard today.


Issue #90

Then, there is nothing like a full congregation singing this hymn! All willing voices of those present at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle and the wedding of Harry and Meghan sang those stirring lyrics under the title Guide me O Though Great Redeemer, just as had been sung at Prince William and Catherine’s wedding several years ago. Just as the geography converges in the river tributaries of the Welsh River Rhondda, history converged with Welsh poet William Williams’ talent of the 1700s and the magnificent musical talent of Welsh composer John Hughes in 1907 when he composed the accompanying tune Cwm Rhondda that has made this hymn so famous! It is certain that the strong commitment of all men to be followers of Christ day-by-day, to lead our country’s families in heart and soul and song to seek God’s guidance and deliverance for the unknown that will come our way is imperative. The Singing Men of Texas, a six chapter state choir group my husband is a member of will be performing in Carnegie Hall in October of 2018. Maybe your travels will take you to New York in the fall. If they do, I hope to see you there. Learn more about the group, tickets, and the trip at And may your Strong Deliverer, Christ alone, be your strength and shield in the coming days!

ABOUT LISA... Lisa and her musical husband, Jim, have served in music ministry across the state of Texas for nearly 40 years. They reside in McAllen, Texas and continue to share their love of hymns with a large number of his music students and with congregations when invited. They can be reached at

Single, Saved & Searching

Recently, Mike Haman, executive pastor of Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana taught a family series for his congregants. One of those messages was specifically for those who are single. It was too good not to share with all of you. His points were as follows:

1) Trust God and rest. You are not insignificant about singleness. God has things He wants you to accomplish in this season, just like in every other season. You can’t have enough “Jesus” for both of you. God didn’t send you to save this new mate, so be sure you are trusting God and hearing from the Holy Spirit. If you need anything more than Jesus to make you happy, Satan will leverage it against you.

2) Hold to God’s standard. If he doesn’t honor God as a single man, he’ll break your heart as a married man. It’s better to remain single and lonely, than to be lonely in a marriage. Don’t step outside of God’s promise. Learn to say, “I don’t” before you say, “I do.” Use God’s word as a standard for any future mate.

3) Observe his character. If he’s always up and down emotionally, and you don’t know what to expect, it will likely never change. You need Steady Eddie not Sexy Steve. If there are things that aren’t consistent in his character, this is a concern. Your future husband isn’t random, it’s Kingdom. Take the time to observe his behavior with his parents and family, co-workers, strangers, and friends. Does he honor authority? Does he attend worship service regularly? Is he engaged in service in the community? Does he hold down a job? Does he exhibit the qualities you may want your future children to one day have?

4) Keep walking and worshipping, while God is working. Wait well. Waiting can be the hardest part. Don’t be distracted from serving and loving the King during a ‘waiting’ season in your life. God orchestrates, we manipulate. We can’t make it happen, and God won’t bless it, if we attempt to try.

about mike

Mike Haman is the executive pastor of Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Originally from Missouri, Pastor Haman has been serving in ministry for more than 20 years. His most passionate calling is to be father to his three children and husband to his wife, Rachel. He is currently an instructor in Single Mom University powered by The Life of a Single Mom. The Life of a Single Mom Ministries is a global nonprofit committed to seeing no single mom walk alone. Having served more than 50,000 single mothers and 1,500 churches, the goal of the organization is establish support groups for single mothers in cities around the world, while also empowering single moms to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and parentally. For more information, visitwww. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. Copyright 2018

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Memory Full! by Greg Laurie

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.


—Philippians 4:8

There have been times when I’ve filled up the memory on my computer. I’ll try to open a document, and a message suddenly pops up, informing me there isn’t enough memory. Wouldn’t it be great if the next time the devil comes along with an evil thought, a little message would pop up in our minds that said “Memory Full”? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if our minds were full of the Word of God? We need to think very carefully about what we expose ourselves to, about what kind of information we put into our minds. Imagine if we just thought carefully about what we said before we said it. We’re so quick to complain. We’re so quick to say random things. The acronym THINK is a good filter to apply to what we say, before we say it. Is it truthful? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Imagine how different things would be if we ran everything through this grid before we actually said it. I think we all could use a good brainwashing. Usually that’s a negative term. But I think we need our brains cleansed from all the junk we fill them with and instead wash them with the Word of God. Think about what you say. Present your mind to God. Present your thoughts to Him. Present your words to Him. Present your hands to Him. Present your feet to Him. The Bible says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:15 NKJV). When we go out and share the gospel, we’re using our feet, our hands, our minds, and our mouths for the purpose for which God has created them. Let’s start there.


Issue #90

Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. for more, visit used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514 Copyright © 2018 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Manteniendo una perspectiva adecuada -Luis Palau

¿Sabía usted que una sola taza de té contiene tanta humedad como para cubrir su vecindario con una niebla de varios metros de espesor? Es sorprendente cómo tan poca agua--pero extendida de manera tan fina--puede impedir nuestra visión de modo casi absoluto. Por lo general nos contrariamos cuando la niebla estorba nuestro viaje, pero olvidamos que más arriba el sol aún está brillando en todo su esplendor. ¿Por qué nos molestamos? Porque no mantenemos una perspectiva correcta. Un estadista británico cristiano cierta vez comentó: “Los objetos de la vida son vistos por el ojo humano desproporcionadamente, como a través de una lente de aumento, en razón de su proximidad.” Los problemas y las preocupaciones a menudo actúan como la niebla y oscurecen la situación presente. Evitan que veamos las cosas en perspectiva. Los psicólogos aseguran que el 45% de nuestras preocupaciones tiene que ver con el pasado, el 45% con el futuro. (El 30% está relacionado con nuestra salud). Sólo una de cada diez preocupaciones se convertirá en realidad--y por lo general no podemos hacer nada para evitar que suceda. No es de extrañar, entonces, que Jesucristo nos diga: “No os afanéis por el día de mañana, porque el día de mañana traerá su afán” (Mateo 6:34). La Biblia también nos ordena: “Por nada estéis afanosos” (Filipenses 4:6). La preocupación aparece cada vez que perdemos la perspectiva correcta. A veces tratamos los problemas y las pruebas como si fueran parte de un aviso publicitario. Actuamos como si tuviéramos que resolver todo en 30 segundos, y como no podemos lograrlo, nos desesperamos. Probamos cada posible solución que viene a nuestra mente, y cuando ninguna funciona, nos volvemos a Dios de mala gana, como en un “último recurso”. Sin embargo, en el cielo no hay emergencias. Dios es consciente de nuestros problemas (Exodo 3:7; 1 Pedro 5:7). El no nos creó a fin de que seamos autosuficientes para suplir esas necesidades. Nos creó para que dependamos de El. El escritor A.W. Tozer dice: “El hombre que tiene la fe correcta en Dios, recibe alivio de 10.000 problemas temporales porque inmediatamente se da cuenta de que estos problemas están relacionados con asuntos que, en el peor de los casos, no podrán preocuparle por mucho tiempo.” ¿Está usted enfrentando una situación difícil, amigo? ¿Está su camino cubierto de una espesa niebla? Dios no ha permitido que esa situación llegue a su vida para que usted se sienta desalentado o vencido. Cada prueba que pasamos es una oportunidad para que Dios demuestre lo que en verdad El es para nosotros-un Padre amoroso y fiel. El rey Ezequías experimentó de manera innegable el cuidado de Dios. Medite usted en Isaías 37 y haga una lista de los pasos que tomó el rey Ezequías cuando se confrontó a un serio problema. Luego compare su lista con la que a continuación le doy. 1. Ezequías reconoció que tenía un problema (37:1). 2.Quiso saber lo que la Palabra de Dios decía sobre ese problema (37:2-7). 3.No permitió que nada distorsionara su perspectiva (37:8-13). 4. Oró a Dios: primero lo adoró, luego presentó su pedido, y por último pidió que todo resultara para gloria del Señor (37:14-20). Siga usted estos mismos pasos cuando enfrente una dificultad o una prueba. Recuerde que en esos momentos llegamos a conocer a Dios mucho más íntimamente. Luis Palau


Issue #90

Luis Palau ya entró en la historia moderna como uno de los contados hombres que le hablaron a más personas en el mundo. Su mensaje fue, y es escuchado por más de 800 millones de personas en 112 países a través de la radio y la televisión, y tiene el privilegio de haberle hablado a más de 22 millones de personas cara a cara en 80 países del mundo, organizando, junto a un selecto grupos de colaboradores internacionales y con el apoyo de invitaciones locales, congresos, seminarios, charlas informales, conferencias y recitales-conferencia llamados “Festivales”. Copyright 2018 Used by Permission.

Do you feel good, or vindicated when a co-workers plan has failed? Written by Steve Marr Often, our colleagues, or boss will propose and implement a plan we disagree with. Then we give minimal support, or outright refuse to support the plan. If the results are poor, we may want to become a judge, and ridicule the effort, enjoying the moment of being right. Unfortunately, the business suffered a set back. Become a team player, support the decisions, and if a plan fails, share in the disappointment for a better business.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Valley Children Win Dude Ranch Vacations in Colorado and Idaho

McAllen--Eighteen Valley children and their families gathered Saturday night at the Art Village on Main Event Center in McAllen, all hoping to win a week-long vacation at Cherokee Park Ranch in Livermore, Colorado or Western Pleasure Guest Ranch in Sandpoint, Idaho. This was the third year in a row that the RGV Children’s Arts Festival has awarded two dude ranch family vacations. Marissa Cano, South Texas Regional Director for BCFS Health and Human Services, came prepared to open the envelopes and announce the winners. As she opened the envelope to announce the winner for the kindergarten through thirdgrade division, one could almost hear the hearts of the young finalists thumping with anticipation. “The 2018 RGV Children’s Arts Festival winner of a week at Cherokee Park Ranch in Livermore, Colorado is Leah Leal, 8. Eight-year-old Leah is the daughter of Ricardo and Diana Leal of Brownsville. She attends St. Luke’s Catholic School. The Leal family will ride horses on 300 acres in the Colorado Rockies for a week this summer at elevations of 7200 feet. Leal’s winning art and writing can be seen at The Leal family will be stepping into history during their week at Cherokee Park Ranch. During the late 1880s, it was a colorful stagecoach stop between Ft. Collins, Colorado and Laramie, Wyoming. Guests often talked about Indian confrontations and the rates were only eight dollars per week! For the announcement of the second winner in the fourth through sixth grade division, arts festival co-founder Carey Kinsolving once again turned to Marissa Cano. “The 2018 RGV Children’s Arts Festival winner of a week at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch in Sandpoint, Idaho is Sophia Villarreal.”

Marissa Cano, regional director of BCFS Health and Human Services, announced both winners of the RGV Children’s Arts Festival on Saturday, April 28 at the Art Village on Main Event Center in McAllen. Winners are Leah Leal, 8, (left) and Sophia Villarreal, 10. Leal won a week’s vacation for her family at Cherokee Park Ranch in Livermore, Colorado which USA Today readers ranked as the No. 1 dude ranch in the country.. Villarreal will ride in northern Idaho for a week at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch in Sandpoint, Idaho which USA Today readers ranked as the No. 2 dude ranch in the country.

Roley and Janice Schoonover will host Villarreal along with her father and mother. Their roots on the ranch run deep. Janice Schoonover’s grandfather, Riley Wood, bought the northern Idaho ranch in 1940. It must be a happy place for horses because a new foal was born Monday and four more foals are expected to arrive in May. Sophia Villarreal, 10, is the daughter of Robert and Angela Villarreal of Harlingen. She is a student at St. Alban’s Episcopal Day School. Artist Yoli Cantu of McAllen Stained Glass donated four scholarships to each winner for a class in designing and making fused glass art. In addition to winning dude ranch vacations for their families, Leal and Villarreal won checks for $600 each to help pay for travel to Idaho and Colorado. All 18 finalists received a card that allows them to get a free Dairy Queen blizzard for every week of the year. Finalists also received passes for four people to enjoy a Dolphin Watch or Eco Tour cruise courtesy of Breakaway Cruises at South Padre Island. Gold spur sponsors of the arts festival include Burns Motors, BCFS Health & Human Services, La Copa Inn of South Padre Island, Boggus Ford, pediatrician Dr. Martin Garza, El Pato, Dairy Queen, Lone Star National Bank and Melba’s Dance School. Children ages 5-12 who live or attend school in the Rio Grande Valley are eligible. Vacation prizes for next year’s festival are now being sought. For more info, visit


Issue #90

Eighteen Valley children attended the RGV Children’s Arts Festival Awards held at the Art Village on Main Event Center in McAllen on Saturday, April 28. Kneeling and sitting from left to right are Elijah Gray, Leah Leal (winner, K-3 division), Sophia Villarreal (winner, 4-6 division) and Uzziel Alanis. Those standing are Makaila Mason, Jamie Gonzalez, Daphne Santos, Aliana Martinez, Laura Guillen, Amber Gonzalez, Adrian Vasquez, Sofia Tejeda, Daniella Cisneros, Marisa Cano (festival sponsor), Jaclyn Farris, Angelina Duque, Nicolas Lugo, Brody Hathorn and Christian Coronado.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


What to Do in a Crisis by james macdonald Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, “A great multitude is coming against you from Edom, from beyond the sea; and, behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar (that is, Engedi). Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the LORD. -2 Chronicles 20:2–3a, ESV King Jehoshaphat was in crisis. Not the kind of vague, ambiguous crisis that may or may not yet develop into a problem. This was the kind of crisis, like some we all face eventually, where you can tell in an instant, “Everything is about to change.” You can hardly see the future because of it. You can hardly see tomorrow for it. An enemy who significantly outnumbered the king’s forces was approaching from right over the hill, and “Jehoshaphat was afraid,” like any of us would be.

2) Pray. Jehoshaphat’s prayer, which runs for seven verses (6–12), gives many characteristics of what prayer in crisis needs to be. The words of his prayer right-sized the power of God, anchoring his faith in the invincible might of the Lord. He remembered God’s provision in the past. He recited God’s promises made in His Word. He reviewed his own powerlessness in trying to rescue himself. And he riveted his eyes and the eyes of the people on God. “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (verse 12). That’s breakthrough prayer in a crisis.

But when you are afraid, what you do next is everything. It’s one of the most important things about you. And when Jehoshaphat

3) Stand. They didn’t run. They didn’t hide. They didn’t quit. They didn’t cower. They stood. “Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly” (verse 5). “All Judah stood before the LORD, with their little ones, their hen you re in a spot where all you can wives, and their children” (verse 13). When you’re in a spot where do is fast and pray your way out of it be all you can do is fast and pray ready to take your stand when the praying your way out of it, be ready to take your stand when the praying is finished is finished. “No! This marriage is not over!” “No! I’m not losing my was afraid, the Bible says he “set his face to kids to the world!” As long as you have breath, seek the LORD.” you’re not backing down. You’re standing. No retreat. What does that mean exactly? How does a person “set his face to seek the LORD”? 4) Believe. They “stood up to praise the LORD” for the rest of the day (verse 19). And the next Four answers are found in 2 Chronicles 20: morning, “Jehoshaphat stood and said, ‘Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! 1) Fast. Jehoshaphat “proclaimed a fast Believe in the LORD your God, and you will throughout all Judah” (verse 3). Fasting is the be established’” (verse 20). As one of their denial of the body’s demands for a season prophets had said while they fasted, prayed, to heighten the demands of the spirit. We and worshiped, “Do not be afraid and do not are people of many hungers, the longing for be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle God being only one. Desires, however, are a is not yours but God’s” (verse 15). Believe, and finite commodity. They can’t all be satisfied watch Him deliver you. at once. But by deliberately turning down the satisfaction on some of them, you can turn up Four things to do in a crisis, before you do your passion for God. When you need to get anything else: fast, pray, stand, and believe. to God in a hurry, when you need an answer That’s how you set your face to seek the Lord. that is obviously from Him, start with fasting.





Issue #90

j o u r na l

Consider writing these four words in the front of your Bible. Have them ready in a crisis. Who do you know who needs this kind of counsel right now? Will you go stand with them?

P r ay

Lord God, not even the biggest, most overwhelming problems of my life are ever a match for Your power. When I am in the midst of crisis, whenever I feel afraid, You are always there. Help me run nowhere else. And when others around me find themselves in similar situations, use me as one of Your children to lead them down this same path of fasting, praying, standing, and believing. I trust that You are working, and I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus, amen.

James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Our Journey devotionals are brought to you by Change Partners of Walk in the Word. Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

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“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Teach them while they’re young Dear Dave, My wife and I want to begin teaching our son how make a budget and live on one. He’s 16, and he has a part-time job and a hand-me-down car. Is this a realistic idea? Mike Dear Mike, Your son is at a great point in life to learn how to make money behave. Even in his situation, when he’s still living at home, there are plenty of things he can include in a budget. There’s gas for his car, along with maintenance and insurance. He’ll need to save a little money — maybe even for college — and I’m sure he’ll want some spending cash, too. Sit down, and teach him how to make a written budget by figuring out the upcoming month’s income and expenses ahead of time. Also, make sure he knows how to properly balance and reconcile his bank account.

It’s still your responsibility to provide him with the basic necessities at this point. But I love your willingness to teach your son how to handle money intelligently. The sooner he learns some basic money management principles, the sooner he’ll be able to handle his finances responsibly in the real world!

Dave Says


Controlling your cash Dear Dave, I work long hours, and I make pretty good money. The problem is the money from my paychecks always seems to disappear before the end of the month. I know part of the problem is grabbing quick meals between extra shifts, and eating out a lot after work, because I’m usually too tired to cook when I get home. How can someone who has very little free time start gaining control of their finances? Sheila Dear Sheila, No matter how little free time you think you have, or how tired you are, you must make time do a written budget every month. This is essential. Making a budget for the month ahead isn’t a lot of hard work, and it really doesn’t take long. When you give every dollar a name before the month begins, you’re taking control of your money instead of allowing a lack of it to control you. Start with the income you know is predictable. If that isn’t possible, look back over the last few months and find the minimum amount you brought home during a month over that period of time. This will be the basis for your budget. Once you’ve established a baseline income, you can write down and prioritize bills and other expenses. Just remember, restaurants are not a priority!

* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at


When you make a prioritized spending plan, and start telling your money what to do ahead of time, you’ll have the ability to do what’s important with what you’ve earned! —Dave

Issue #90

Loved by God Author: Elton Streyle, Contributor: Noah, Photography and Editing: Ali

Loving and faithful Father, I thank you that every day I can rest on Your promise that You are never changing, always faithful, and loving. Despite my failures and shortcomings, Your love never wavers, falters or comes up short. Your assurance that You will never leave or forsake me brings great peace and joy in my life. “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself” 2 Timothy 2:13. Lead me to comprehend and take seriously what it cost You for me to be able to have a wonderful love relationship with You. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8. Direct me not to use Your grace and mercy as a means to simply do as I wish or as an excuse to sin. Rather, show me how to use it as a platform from which to extend Your hand to others. Teach me to trust in the same promise You gave Israel in Isaiah 43:2-3 when I go through difficult times. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…” May my experiences and actions be an example for others to see how You demonstrate Your love and faithfulness. I bring these thoughts in Jesus’ Name, Amen. Time with our Creator is a Grandfather and Grandchildren team working together to help you with your prayer journey.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Trataré de explicar la declaración anterior de una manera bíblica y sencilla para que me entiendan hasta los más “zantos”* que se enojaron al leerla. Vayamos al principio. Cuando Dios creó a Adán lo puso en el Edén, un huerto maravilloso. Aparte de eso le dio trabajo, o sea algo qué hacer, un propósito para vivir, pero lo más importante de todo es que tenía la amistad y la comunión con Dios. A pesar de todo esto Dios dice acerca de Adán: “No es bueno que el hombre esté SOLO”.

Siempre ha existido el tipo de cristiano individualista, aquel que dice que no necesita a nadie mas que a Dios. En 1a. de Corintios 12, Pablo escribió que los creyentes somos parte de un cuerpo: El cuerpo de Cristo, y cuando alguien dice que no necesita a nadie, actúa precisamente de la manera que el apóstol Pablo trata de corregir, “El ojo no puede decirle a la mano: «No te necesito.» Ni puede la cabeza decirles a los pies: «No los necesito.” 1a. Corintios 12:21. Déjenme ir más allá y decir que la gente más peligrosa es la que actúa muy espiritual

El primero en reconocer que el hombre está SOLO, aunque tenga a DIOS, fue DIOS. Dios no comparte tu indignación por la declaración del principio.

Dios nos creó para las relaciones y la comunidad.

Eclesiastés 4:10b ¿Por qué iba a decir la Biblia “¡Ay del solo!” si Dios le puede quitar la soledad? ¿Dónde está Dios en este caso? La realidad es que Dios llena un vacío, pero nos queda otro, otro que solo las relaciones con los demás puede llenar.


El pasaje de Efesios 4 donde se habla acerca de llegar al conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, al hombre perfecto, a la medida de la estatura de la plenitud de Cristo, lo interpretamos de una manera personal: “Yo debo llegar a la estatura y la medida de Cristo”, pero el pasaje no está hablando de individuos, está hablando de una comunidad.

Si tú eres tan espiritual y solo necesitas a Dios, no te cases, o divórciate si estás casado. Si tú solo necesitas a Dios, no busques amigos; o renuncia a los que tienes. Si tú solo necesitas a Dios, no asistas a ningún tipo de iglesia o comunidad.

Es cierto que hay pasajes que dicen que si estás solo, Dios estará contigo, pero no son pasajes que hablan de una soledad intencional donde rechazas a los demás por creer que solo necesitas a Dios.

“¡Ay del que está solo! Cuando caiga no habrá otro que lo levante”

Si tengo a Dios, pero no tengo una comunidad o un grupo de amigos con los cuales pueda orar, continúo estando solo.

De nuevo aquí se aplica la declaración inicial, si yo tengo a Dios, pero no tengo una comunidad con la cual crecer, continúo estando solo.

El decir: “Yo no necesito a nadie, solo a Dios” suena muy espiritual, pero es anti-bíblico.

De hecho la Biblia declara “¡ayes!” en contra de los que están solos.

Hay muchos pasajes en la Biblia que interpretamos de una manera individual, pero son pasajes que deben interpretarse de una manera colectiva. Empezando con el Padre nuestro, nuestro modelo de oración. Este no empieza diciendo “Padre mío”, sino “Padre nuestro” insinuando así nuestra vida comunitaria.

Por mi parte, aunque tengo a Dios: Estoy solo sin mi esposa. diciendo que solo necesitan a Dios. En la iglesia de Corinto había divisiones: Unos decían que eran de Pablo, otros decían que eran de Apolos, otros decían que eran de Cefas (Pedro) y habían los que decían que eran de Cristo. Estos, aunque suenen muy espirituales, eran los peores en la división, eran los que no veían la necesidad de relacionarse con alguien, aprender de alguien más o seguir a alguien más.

Issue #90

Estoy solo sin mis hijos. Estoy solo sin mis amigos. Estoy solo sin mi comunidad. ¡Buen Día! *Escribí la palabra “santo”gramaticalmente incorrecta con toda la intención. El que entiende, entiende. Copyright 2018 Used By permission

Changes that Heal

Four Practical Steps To A Happier, Healthier You By Henry Cloud Zondervan Publishing Many of us struggle with anxiety, loneliness, and feelings of inadequacy. We know that God created us in his image, but how can we be loving when we feel burned out? How can we be free when we struggle with addiction? Will we ever enjoy the complete healing God promises? Changes That Heal by renowned psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud offers a down-to-earth plan to help us recover from the wounds of the past and grow more and more into the image of God. Combining his professional expertise and personal experience, Dr. Cloud guides us through four basic ways to become joy-filled, mature followers of Christ: Connect more deeply with others Separate from others in healthy ways Understand the good and the bad in ourselves and others Grow into greater emotional and spiritual maturity

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

With fascinating case studies and helpful techniques we can start using immediately, Changes That Heal reminds us that God promises to complete his good work in us.

When God Says Go

by Elizabeth laing Thompson Shiloh Run Press Go. One small word. . .so much power.

When God says, “Go,” we face one of life’s greatest decisions. When God says, “Go,” we must face our fears. . .our excuses. . .and our selves. When God says, “Go,” it’s time to answer His call wherever it leads. When God says, “Go,” what will you do? Author Elizabeth Laing Thompson invites you to walk alongside people of the Bible who were called by God to fulfill His purposes. . .people like Moses, Esther, Abigail, Jeremiah, Mary, and others. These Bible heroes responded much like we do--with a jumbled-up inner storm of excitement and fear, insecurity and hope. Their stories and struggles will provide a roadmap for your own story, helping you face your very own doubts, regrets, and worries. When God calls, it’s time to go. Maybe somewhere new, someplace you’ve never been. Maybe it’s time to go forward after being stuck with one foot in the past. Maybe it’s time to go deeper—in Bible study or relationships. Time to go higher—in prayer or dreams. Time to go and give—to use talents and opportunities God has given you. Or maybe it’s time to go and grow, right where you are. . .to dig into the Word, dive into your heart, and become the woman God is calling you to be. Ready or not, God is calling us all to go somewhere new in our walk with Him. So what are we waiting for? Let’s answer His call. Let’s get started! “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


God’s Prescription for Helping Others in Times of Grief By Rev. Dr. Leslie Gonzales

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what to say to a person who has experienced

a horrible tragedy? A stinging disappointment? A grievous loss? As believers, we often look to Scripture to find the perfect words of encouragement and strength to offer our loved ones during their times of trial. We look to God’s Word to find promises of comfort that will bring peace to their emotionally charged situations. We look for Biblical wisdom that will bring words of hope to those moments that seem utterly hopeless. And we’re correct in looking to the Bible for guidance in these things because it indeed offers instruction into dealing with others’ pain. But the instruction it offers is not always what we expect. When we look to Scripture to equip us in helping others during these times, the example that most clearly and practically demonstrates what we are to do is found in the Book of Job. There we see that the best approach to bringing comfort is not found in words, but in silence. It is not found in wisdom, but in compassion. It is not found in an attempt to take away suffering, but in an intentional act of supporting others in their suffering. Job 2:11-13 (NLT) says, “11 When three of Job’s friends heard of the tragedy he had suffered, they got together and traveled from their homes to comfort and console him. 12... Wailing loudly, they tore their robes and threw dust into the air over their heads to show their grief. 13 Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights.

No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words.” In this passage, Job’s friends modeled for us the perfect example of how to help others during their times of struggle: we are to go to them, we are to mourn with them, and we are to be silent! When one reads the rest of this story, in fact, it becomes apparent that all their efforts to help ultimately became unraveled when they stopped being silent and started opening their mouths! Though well-intentioned, attempting to offer words of comfort during someone’s time of grief is not the best means of offering support to them. As verse 13 indicates, there are certain times when people are simply not prepared to receive words. And the truth of the matter is that six months down the road, words that are spoken will not be remembered anyway. Unless, that is, they are misspoken or ill-timed words that add to one’s pain. Then they will be remembered forever. So why take that chance? The best gift we can offer to those who are hurting is not our words, but our presence. Though words will not always be remembered, our presence will be. When we practice this “ministry of presence” we incarnate Christ through our actions and make His love known to others at a time when they need it most. This is God’s prescription for helping others in their times of grief.

The Reverend Dr. Leslie Gonzales is lead chaplain of Kairos Chaplaincy Services, LLC, an entity he founded out of a desire to merge his streams of experience from both the ministry and business worlds in order to care for the spiritual, emotional, and relational needs of people in the marketplace. As a minister, his greatest desire is to see to the care and building up of the individual’s soul; as a businessman, his vision is to see to the care and building up of the corporate climate in which the individual is placed. Dr. Gonzales is an ordained minister and certified life coach. He has been married 14 years and has three sons. His passion is to serve God and to glorify Him through his work in the church and in the marketplace. He and his wife are actively involved in ministry at Logos Community Church Harlingen. Further information regarding his services can be found at:


Issue #90



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“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31


Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez attorney at law

Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance roughly took place during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorable service members to finish high school and attend college. As their skills were improved, so was the financial well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.” I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! At my office, I also want to be part of your restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 e-mail:

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