JANUARY 2017 OpticalLabProducts.com
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Rollins on Marketing
In the Lab
Resolve to Renew BY JIM GROOTEGOED
By and For Independents
your business? The following are
planning. So analyze job func-
general suggestions you might
tions and see what can be
Membership Has Its Privileges
want to consider:
off-loaded to others.
4 O ne-to-One with Joel Johnson, National Sales Manager, Ultra Optics
10 Stronghold in Sunwear, Foothold in Ophthalmics
ou may have made your
tasks yourself, but owners and
personal resolutions for
managers need to stay focused
2017, but what about for
on big picture, long-term
Define your business, culture
Train, train and train again.
and strengths. The number one
Create guidelines to train staff
factor to a lab’s success is to
on one project per month and
Lab News
determine your objectives and
hold training sessions each
New for the Lab
communicate those to both your
quarter on one skill set.
customers and employees. Identify your resources, both monetary and personnel. “Pie in
EDITORIAL STAFF VP, EDITORIAL • John Sailer • js@visioncareproducts.com PROFESSIONAL EDITOR • Jim Grootegoed • jg@visioncareproducts.com VICE PRESIDENT, DESIGN • Jane Kaplan • jk@visioncareproducts.com ASSISTANT EDITOR • Cara Huzinec • ch@visioncareproducts.com ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR • Bruce Kenselaar • bk@visioncareproducts.com PRODUCTION AND WEB MANAGER • Anthony Floreno • af@visioncareproducts.com CONTRIBUTING WRITER • Eric Rollins • ericrollins@comcast.net
The internet and social media are no longer the future; they are now. Devote some time to
The number one factor to a lab’s success is to determine your objectives and communicate those to both your customers and employees. the Sky” is an old phrase...for
developing your web page and
a reason.
internet ordering for your
Generate more success with fewer ideas. It’s critical to
customers. The most important point of
identify a priority of goals and
all is to commit to your resolu-
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT • Shawn Mery • sm@visioncareproducts.com
then dedicate maximum re-
tions. Hold yourself accountable
DIRECTOR OF SALES • Janet Cunningham • jc@visioncareproducts.com
sources toward executing them.
to your goals by evaluating your
PRESIDENT/CEO • Frank Giammanco • fg@visioncareproducts.com
VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING • Debby Corriveau • dc@visioncareproducts.com
Meet less and do more.
progress at least monthly, if not
VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS • Sharon O’Hanlon • so@visioncareproducts.com
Be more productive. “Busy”
weekly, and make sure you break
doesn’t always mean “efficient.”
up your goals into reasonable
You should analyze every task in
action items that you can make
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/OpticalLabProducts
your business, both in produc-
progress on every day.
where you can do more and do it
FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/company/optical-lab-products Throughout this magazine, trademark names are used. Instead of placing a trademark or registration symbol at every occurrence, we are using the names editorially only with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
tion and in the back office, to see better. Delegate some of your work. If you’re like most lab professionals, you probably think it would be easier to do certain
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Jim Grootegoed is professional editor of OLP. January 2017 1
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2017 Is Time to Grow Your Business BY ERIC ROLLINS
he beginning of a new
the plan. Have your customers
year is always a great time
call too.
to look at strategies to
The new year is also a good
grow your business. The easiest
time to take a close look at your
place to increase revenue is with
website. Is it well constructed?
existing customers using two
Does it have all of the informa-
basic techniques, get a larger
tion a customer, or a potential
percentage of their available
customer, would want to see?
work and/or help them grow
Important: have someone else
their business. Both can be
examine your website; don’t do
accomplished simultaneously.
it yourself. Make sure you give
Simply strengthen the rela-
potential customers a way to
tionship by spending targeted
contact you.
time with your accounts. Do lunch-and-learns on blue
In addition, how will you grow your staff this year? The
Start the new year right on a growth trajectory. light, in-office seminars about
most valuable asset any lab has is
computer eyewear or after-work
it’s people. Make sure that your
meetings to explain polarized
staff is better trained next year
technology, for example. Any
than they are now. Motivational
of these not only strengthen the
speaker Zig Ziglar has a well-
bonds of the relationship, they
known saying: “The only thing
also teach the accounts the value
worse than training your staff
of these products and why they
and having them leave, is not
should present them to more of
training your staff and having
their patients. In addition, the
them stay.”
consultative approach will bring additional respect for the value
Start the new year right on a growth trajectory.
of the lab and it’s salespeople. Maybe it is time for your lab to become a vendor on some new managed care plans. Some are more difficult to join than others. Talk with your customers to find out what plans they carry that don’t use your lab, and call 2 January 2017
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Eric Rollins is a veteran of the optical retail, frame and lab industries. His firm, Rollins Consulting, LLC, consults with the three Os to improve profitability. You can email him at EricRollins@Comcast.net. OpticalLabProducts.com
12/21/16 12:26 PM
Vision Care Product Sales Are Up BY JOHN SAILER
ales in all the product
million) contact lenses (up 4.8%
categories of the U.S. vision
from $4,583.7 million to $4,802.3
care industry are up (except
million), plano sunglasses (up
followed by a 1.0% increase
2.6% from $4,064.5 million to
through optical chains, a 0.4%
refractive surgeries) for the year
lens sales (up 3.1%). For ophthalmic frames, this was
ending September 2016 when compared with the previous year ending September 2015, according
merchants and 0.7% through department stores for ophthalmic lenses. Based on these statistics, while overall sales of ophthalmic frames
The strongest growth was through independent practices.
and lenses are on the increase, the strongest growth was through the
to the latest statistics released by
$4,170.6 million) and over-the-
increase through mass merchants/
channel of independent practices
The Vision Council.
with three or fewer locations.
counter readers (up 2.7% from
wholesale clubs and a 1.0%
This includes Rx lenses (up
$837.0 million to $859.6 million).
decrease through department
2.7% from $12,509.9 million to
Independent practices (with
$12,848.9 million), frames (up
three or fewer locations) saw the
1.5% from $9,564.9 million to
largest increase in ophthalmic
for lenses through independent
$9,705.3 million), exams (up 1.9%
frame sales (up 2.1%) as well as
practices were an increase of 2.3%
from $5,845.3 million to $5,957.7
the largest increase in ophthalmic
for optical chains, 2.6% for mass
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stores for the same period. Following the 3.1% sales growth
John Sailer is editorial director of First Vision Media Group. js@visioncareproducts.com.
January 2017 3
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Optical Lab Products (OLP) interviews Joel Johnson, national sales manager, Ultra Optics.
What makes Ultra Optics unique? We only work with
the coater know if it’s to coat,
succeed. Most importantly we
UV-cured backside
not to coat, pass right through,
try to achieve their success
spincoating systems
wash the lens or wash and dry
through education. Our suite of
and lacquers, and this allows us
the lens. This takes away the
online videos offer an expansive
to have a broad view of the
sorting aspect before it goes
array of repair and training
industry as well as a sharp focus
into the machinery, eliminat-
opportunities that also are
just on backside hardcoating.
ing the need for another
designed to ensure the success of
That’s a challenge for other
our customers. Currently, we
companies that also have their
The 44R will coat 125 lenses
names on dipcoating and lens processing machinery. So backside spincoating is not always their top priority; that’s
JOEL JOHNSON is national sales manager at Ultra Optics in Minneapolis.
all we do, and we feel we do it
have 30 videos on our YouTube
an hour, so it’s the fastest
site. We have seven training
coater on the market. The
videos, 12 repair videos and even
machine runs on the block or
10 different tutorials that walk
off the block to fit into a variety
you through different steps of
of different lab scenarios. It can
the process.
JOHNSON: It allows our
run either left to right or right
In engineering, sales, tech,
customers to obtain a piece of
to left. A tray turner ensures
on the customer, with tablets,
customer service, our chemical
machinery with a very low cost
that the trays are going in the
laptops and even your phone
and machinery manufacturing,
and pay a price per lens once a
machine in the proper
you can be right at the machine,
our employee owners have a
month, including all consum-
pull up those videos and get that
vested interest in the outcome of
ables, service visits and any
Ultra Optics. That is truly
repair parts. They know exactly
44R the most advanced and
We’re trying to mastermind the
unique in the industry.
what their backside coating
versatile coater in the market.
overall success of the customer,
the best of all.
Lastly, we’re a full American company. Everything is done
All of these options make the
operation will cost per lens every month.
right here in Minneapolis. We
To make it as easy as we can
expertise at your fingertips.
reducing down time in producOLP: What types of custom-
tion, which helps to increase the
ers are particularly effec-
yield of the machinery.
build our machines, design our
OLP: What makes the 44R,
tive at using Ultra Optics
chemistries and provide all the
backside coater unique?
parts and service right out of
We continually re-evaluate the videos and try to come up with at least one video every quarter
our building here in Minne-
JOHNSON: It’s fully automated.
JOHNSON: The vast majority of
It has a conveyor and tray
our customers are very
movers, and the lenses are
successful, and if they’re not
Central time tech support, and
OLP: Can you describe
robotically fed to the machine.
happy, we have a very lenient
99.9% of all orders placed by
the Ultra Optics Ultra Care
The 44R communicates with the
return policy and will do
5pm Central time are shipped
lab management system to let
almost anything to help them
the same day.
4 January 2017
OLP_January2017.indd 4
year. We also have 7am-7pm
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OLP: You recently
wanted to hit, higher index
company branding and a new
JOHNSON: Coming out of
introduced the Ultra Optics
lenses. It has a higher volume of
logo back in the beginning of
college back in 1989, I had an
XBT. What makes this a
crazing opportunities, so we
2015. This project allowed us to
uncle who worked for Walman
breakthrough in coating
wanted to minimize that for our
bring it all together.
Optical, and he told me, “Hey, if
customers as well. OLP: You touched on the fact
that there’s a new company,
JOHNSON: UV-XBT adheres to
XBT is that it maintains a very
that Ultra Optics is an
Ultra Optics, that is looking for
all substrates. When we first
thin film thickness yet has
employee-owned company.
somebody to help work in the
designed UV-NV in 1996, the
surfacing coverage characteris-
How does that impact the
lab.” So I gave them a call. I was
two predominant coated lenses
tics that will, even with thinner
only looking at it as just in
were polycarbonate and 1.60,
film coating, help hide any light
and that’s not even the same
scratches and swirls you might
JOHNSON: Being a part of Ultra
and getting this job so that I
monomer used today for a 1.60
see in the lens.
Optics since 1989, I have seen
could look for my “real” job. I
The third advantage of the
you’re looking for a job, I know
between coming out of college
product. With the changes in lens technologies out there, it’s not that our coatings didn’t stick; they just didn’t have the
was employee number three, and
The trick is one coating for all substrates, and we’ve really been able to accomplish this.
adhesion we felt would give our
I’m still here. I started running cylinder machines and the backside coater. I was also filling orders
through the years that our
and doing the shipping in the
So XBT adheres better to all
we have been able to maintain a
employees have a higher level of
afternoon. So I was working in
substrates, better than any of the
high hardness level while
engagement than what I see
the lab in the morning, doing
other spincoats on the market.
keeping the dark tinting ability
elsewhere. The care given and
shipments in the afternoon, and
The trick is one coating for all
of the coating.
the service we provide is how we,
then I moved into the chemistry
as owners, reap the benefits of
lab, working with the chemist
customers the optimal solution.
Lastly, with UV-XBT Coating
substrates, and we’ve really been able to accomplish this. One of
OLP: What was the reason
hard work. Our quality is better,
making the coating. I moved
our customers said that they are
for changing the look of the
and our customer service and
into operations management,
looking for the Holy Grail and
technical service levels are
worked with our inventory and
outstanding. Our employees take
got into sales. Then we split off
they’re in testing of it currently. So we’ll see if we reach the Holy
JOHNSON: We decided to
that extra care in their jobs
the sales and operations
Grail spot, at least according to
embrace the Global Harmonized
because they understand the
departments years ago, and I’ve
one of our customers.
Labeling System requirements.
need to keep the focus on the
been managing our worldwide
Instead of it becoming some-
customer. The only way we are
sales team ever since.
it drastically reduces AR crazing
thing that we had to do, we
going to see our business grow is
on high index lenses. The XBT is
decided to go with a different
to put our best foot forward,
OLP: That’s the perfect
a more flexible coating. It
bottle type, an induction seal
work hard and do the best job
experience, working your
expands and contracts with the
instead of a seal tape that goes
we possibly can.
way up from the bottom.
AR stack to minimize any
around the edge of the bottle.
crazing due to the extreme
We haven’t had a label change
OLP: Finally, can you
JOHNSON: Right, exactly. I’m
temperature variations that the
on our bottles for 20 years, so it
tell us a little bit about your
very lucky to have had a couple
lens goes through. So that was
was time to update. We also
background in this
of very good mentors who put
yet another benchmark that we
went through a whole new
me where I am today.
The other part about the XBT,
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January 2017 5
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By and For Independents The new GSRx lab in Scottsdale, AZ, enables independent optical practices to compete on a level playing field. BY JIM GROOTEGOED
labs were acquired by SOLA Optical (later Carl Zeiss Vision),
National Optronics machines are among those in operation at the GSRx lab in Scottsdale.
In a market increasingly domi-
Jochims began managing the lab
nated by corporate labs, starting a
network, eventually becoming
new independent lab might seem
vice president of lab operations.
upgrade to customized progres-
a questionable venture. But Dave
“I know what private practices
Another retail advantage GSRx
sive single vision or lifestyle
Jochims, CEO of GSRx, saw an
pay for eyewear, and I know
emulates is vertical integration.
lenses, as well as AR and blue
opportunity that had largely been
what large retailers pay,” he said.
Maintaining a large inventory of
light treatments.
overlooked, helping independent
“The system is inequitable.”
frames allows retailers to reduce
The GSRx lab also produces a
processing times and keep costs
range of proprietary lens designs
leverage some of the strategies
down, so GSRx stocks frames in
directly from its lab. The EPIK
used by large retailers to allow
its lab. “We have a frame line
lens series includes progressives
their marketing clout to tell
private practices to sell high-
with over 280 styles, which we
in three levels of customization,
consumers that they shouldn’t be
quality products at a lower price,
keep in inventory at our labs,”
customized single vision, and a
paying so much for eyewear, and
while still maintaining good
said Jochims. “Practices don’t
range of lifestyle and task-specif-
practices keep more patients in their optical. “Low-price retailers are using
Jochims saw an opportunity to
ic designs. Lens treatments
the message is being heard,” Jochims said. “About a third of independent practice patients are taking their prescriptions out of
We saw an opportunity to provide independents with today’s top technologies.
include INFINITY Non-Glare and INFINITY Clear Non-Glare, offering premium anti-reflective
the practice, and the numbers are
margins. “Retailers use very
have to send us frames, and we
performance, scratch resistance
growing. I know practice owners
efficient, high-volume labs. We
don’t have to wait for frames-to-
and cleaning. Blue light protec-
who have been successful for years
work with a surfacing lab that
come or reorder frames that are
tion is available with PrevaBlue
who are now worrying about their
gives this advantage to our
damaged in processing. It makes
Non-Glare AR and UV3G lenses
future. We saw an opportunity to
customers, regardless of their
life easier for our customers and,
infused with UV and blue light
provide independents with today’s
ordering volume.”
combined with our other
top technologies at a price point
GSRx licenses its lens designs
efficiencies, allows us to offer our
GSRx currently has experi-
that levels the playing field for
from a major global lens
accounts pricing that is far lower
enced team members in the
independent practices.”
company and manufactures
than they’re accustomed to
Southwest, upper Midwest and
them using free-form technol-
paying for equivalent product.”
Mid-Atlantic, and the company
ogy, which allows for extensive
Jochims has had an ideal
customization. Global manufac-
the tools they need to sell their
expansion. Jochims said, “In this
perspective to observe the
turing platforms are Schneider,
eyewear under the Proper Optics
business, service is everything,
evolution of the optical market,
Satisloh, MEI and Santinelli. The
brand. Frames are offered in
and we don’t want our sales to
including the rise of retail. In
Scottsdale facility operates
four price tiers: one for children
grow faster than our ability to
1992 he became CEO of
equipment from National
and three for adults. Frame
serve customers.”
Siouxland Ophthalmic in
Optronics, and the company
prices always include single
Sheldon, IA, which grew to three
recently ordered MEI equipment
vision lenses in either plastic or
Jim Grootegoed is professional
regional locations. When the
as well as Santinelli tracers.
polycarbonate. Patients may
editor of OLP.
6 January 2017
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GSRx provides practices with
is taking a deliberate approach to
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MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES After 45 years supplying independent wholesale labs, Global Optics now serves more than 200 locations with inventory from more than 20 vendors and recently loosened its criteria to join. BY JIM GROOTEGOED
eed a short order
Global Optics, Inc. now
tomorrow? Or, for that
welcomes any independent
matter, a stock order?
optical laboratory in the U.S.
Global Optics, an optical
to become an Associate Mem-
warehouse/distribution business,
ber, offering access to one
specializing in and targeted to the
of the largest inventories of
optical industry, ships lenses
lenses as well as consolidated
from an inventory of more than
purchasing and world-class
one million lenses from more
logistics and supply-chain
than 20 participating vendors,
solutions. Global Optics
offering overnight shipments to
continues to offer an Equity
participating laboratories. accounts payable personnel who
literally ecstatic and over-
deliveries or minimum order
have only one packing list/
whelmed by the efficiency and
sizes because Global Optics
invoice to reconcile.
service levels afforded by Global
There is no need for unlimited
Optics. A common theme was
consolidates orders. You receive just one order in the morning to
that the cost savings associated
stock your shelves or fill your
I spoke with five independent
with these efficiencies was
trays that are waiting for lenses in
processing laboratories about
actually more than the slightly
order to start processing. Your
dealing with Global Optics and
increased cost of goods, effec-
biggest fans may be your
was struck that everyone was
tively resulting in free shipping!
Owner membership level through which an independent laboratory can become a shareholder and gain access to additional benefits. For more information, contact Global Optics’ Chris Williams at 800.289.5367 ext 107.
Global Optics’ facility is 34,000 sq. ft. and houses a computer-organized inventory of 150,000 line items. 8 January 2017
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Chris Bowers, vice president of Walman Optical in Minneapolis,
agreement and now supplies a
said, “I can’t tell you how much
competitive advantage to its
money we’re saving in opera-
member labs. Global Optics
tional efficiences, but it’s
hinted that it is seeking similar
arrangements with other offshore
Chris Brundies, owner (and anti-reflective mechanic) of Acculab in Sycamore, IL, Global Optics started in 1971
negotiated a distribution
suppliers of unique products to benefit members. When I asked if there were any
methodical “pick, pack and ship”
commented that he orders
negatives to doing business with
with eight shareholder laborato-
operation with the employees
everything from Global. “I just
Global Optics, Tom Schroeder,
ries and a “small inventory.” The
seldom competing for the same
order it and it shows up,” he said.
owner of Schroeder Optical in
organization adopted a rather
space. The total area is 34,000 sq.
He recently changed to Digital
Roanoke, VA, and a third
restrictive membership policy
ft., about 60% the size of the
Vision, Inc.’s lab management
generation optical guy, thought
that was only recently expanded
Green Bay Packers football field
system and noted that it and the
and said the only thing he could
to accept Associate memberships,
(Global Optics is located in
Global Optics ordering system
think of is that he didn’t join
open to any independent
Green Bay, WI), housing a
work “so well” that it allows his
wholesale laboratory with no
computer-organized inventory of
lab to carry a minimal balanced
membership fee. Now, the only
150,000 line items.
requirements are good credit and
Brundies added that when a
Debbie Schmitz of Lens Works in Plymouth, MN, said that the weather negatively affected
business references. Global
new product comes out and
shipments twice last year. She
Optics now services more than
Jason Sharpe, vice president of
generates enough interest among
continued summing up the
200 locations.
operations for Eye Kraft Optical
the members, they stock it. The
general feelings of those inter-
I toured Global Optics and
in St. Cloud, MN, stated that
new Tribrid material from PPG is
viewed: “It’s so easy to order and
expected it to look like a beehive
because of the large inventory and
a good example. Tribrid lenses
receive as everything arrives in
with workers scurrying around,
high fill-rates, they no longer have
are manufactured by Thai
one shipment. The stock people
but instead I found a very quiet,
to “carry a ton of inventory.”
Optical Group. Global Optics
love it as the fill rate is quite high, often supplying product the manufacturers are shorting. We can also go online to check availability. The accounts receivable people love it too.” Global Optics is governed by board members: chairman Bryan Schueler, VP/GM of Walman Optical; Keith Heckenkemper, president of RXO Tulsa; Joe Cherry, VP of Cherry Optical; and Barbara Vitchus, president and GM of Global Optics.
Wearable scanners are among the technologies employed to make Global Optics more efficient. OpticalLabProducts.com
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Jim Grootegoed is professional editor of OLP. January 2017 9
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Stronghold in Sunwear, Foothold in Ophthalmics Known for its investment in the latest processing technologies, Maui Jim’s optical lab in Peoria, IL, is poised for growth as the company ventures into processing proprietary ophthalmics. in Peoria, IL, he apologized for
renowned for its high-quality
company is in the process of
the small, unpainted squares in
sunwear and now venturing into
establishing another lab for the
aui Jim has a reputa-
the floor where machinery had
ophthalmics (see the One-to-
European market, starting with
tion for operating
recently been moved. Other than
One in the November/December
among the cleanest,
that, the pristine white floor
2016 issue of OLP’s companion
most efficient labs in the
throughout was evidence of the
publication VCPN).
country. Much of that is due to
fact that the facility is regularly
Paul Ponder, senior director of
maintained and painted.
With technology at the top of
In Peoria, the entire lab is controlled using a lab management system from VisionStar,
his list, Ponder is continuously
and FlexLink conveyors
Rx manufacturing, who joined
This attention to detail and
investing in new equipment.
transport jobs among a wide
the company in 2006. In fact,
demand for efficiency permeates
After OLP’s visit, he was headed
range of optical machines,
during OLP’s visit to the facility
the entire operation, world
back to Germany, where the
including Satisloh, Schneider,
Machines from a range of optical equipment manufacturers share space in the pristinely maintained and efficiently operated Maui Jim optical lab.
10 January 2017
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A FlexLink drawing shows where newly installed equipment will be connected via floor and overhead conveyors.
A control panel operates the recently installed Schneider equipment.
Satisloh equipment includes Duo-FLEX polishers, VFT-Orbit generators and a complete anti-reflective operation. OpticalLabProducts.com
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January 2017 11
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The Hawaiian theme is found throughout the Maui Jim facility, where Mary Nelson, manager of Rx operations, gave OLP a tour.
The MEI Bisphera-XDD edges two lenses simultaneously; Maui Jim operates a total of four Bispheras and two Monospheras.
The lab recently installed two Coburn Velocity coating machines.
Equipment from PSI is also in operation at the lab.
Coburn, MEI and PSI.
for both suns and ophthalmics.
printer,” Jay Black, vice presi-
subsidiaries of the parent
More than 70 employees working
dent of global brand marketing
ued evolution, represented most
across three shifts ensure that
told OLP. Customer service is
recently by its launch into
jobs are processed the same day
equally efficient, he added, with
hold in sunwear and its newly
ophthalmic eyewear, the lab
that they are received. An entirely
a goal of keeping all calls on hold
established foothold in ophthal-
follows suit, continuously
new B2B site was launched in
for under 20 seconds.
mics, the Maui Jim lab is likely
growing and changing. During
November, and orders received
OLP’s visit, an entire section was
through its portal are guaranteed
centers worldwide, including
among the most efficient users of
being torn out to make way for
an average turnaround time of
one built in South Africa two
the latest in optical manufactur-
the installation of new Coburn
five days or less.
years ago and another coming
ing technology.
With the company’s contin-
Velocity coaters and Schneider deblocking units. Lenses are surfaced with proprietary algorithms from IOT 12 January 2017
OLP_January2017.indd 12
A total of 17 distribution
With the company’s strong-
to maintain its reputation
“Orders from the B2B site go
online in Shanghai, bring Maui
through the portal directly to the
Jim products and its impeccable
John Sailer is vice president,
printer, and the clock starts as
customer service to the global
editorial, First Vision Media
soon as the order hits the
market. All are wholly owned
Group. OpticalLabProducts.com
12/21/16 12:28 PM
VFT-orbit 2
The new VFT-orbit 2 raises the bar that Satisloh’s high-volume flagship VFT-orbit set. It features even greater performance, quality and reliability. The new ultra-fast milling spindle and the proprietary milling tool interface improve throughput by up to 30%. VFT-orbit 2 is the fastest, most robust and easiest to service high-speed lens generator. Go supersonic!
www.satisloh.com | 800-866-5640
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8/29/16 9:07 AM
VISIBILITY MANAGEMENT NAMES HAUSER PARTNER Brian Hauser joined Clearwater, FL-based Visibility Management last month as a senior partner. Previously, Hauser was general manager and vice president of operations at Brian Hauser
Infiniti Labs, Inc. and general manager, North America, at Transition Optical.
Hauser received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Richmond and a doctorate from the University of Florida. A MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR DIGICON
coalition of veteran eyecare industry professionals, Visibility
Play ball with professional pitchers at DigiCON 2017 hosted
Management specializes in assisting eyecare practices and
by Schneider Optical Machines, Inc. on May 10-12 in Frisco,
existing and startup companies with their organizational and
TX. Billed as “the biggest DigiCON ever,” this year’s theme is
business strategies.
“Eye on the Ball” and will focus on the latest technology innovations with Schneider introducing a “special new system that allows you to get more out of your existing equipment.” Along with networking opportunities and new technology displays, DigiCON’s “Digital Surfacing Troubleshooting” seminar will be back with updated information. Day two will focus on a systems approach highlighting Modulo. Keep an eye out for invitations and registration information.
HOYA ACQUIRES 3M SAFETY RX Last month, HOYA Vision Care announced a definitive agreement to acquire the safety prescription eyewear business of 3M, providing the com-
Barney Dougher
pany with a line of frames, prescription
lenses and premium coating options.
The Vision Council initiated a campaign to educate labs on
The acquisition will enable HOYA to
cyber security. Its new “quick-tips” poster can be placed in
provide business and industrial custom-
any work environment to quickly and easily remind em-
ers with safety prescription eyewear protection. Expected to
ployees to make cyber-security a priority by taking necessary
be completed in the first quarter of 2017, “This acquisition
steps to protect from phishing emails, ransomware and
offers entry into an as yet untapped market for HOYA, allow-
viruses. Members will receive periodic updates with effective
ing us to further expand our presence in the North American
ways to stay cyber-safe. The Vision Council will also produce
optical market,” said Barney Dougher (pictured), president of
a series of articles on cyber topics important to labs that can
HOYA Vision Care, Americas.
be accessed from thevisioncouncil.org/labs.
14 January 2017
OLP_January2017.indd 14
12/21/16 12:29 PM
Port Orchard, WA; Henry Ford OptimEyes, a chain of 19 offices
Fifteen individuals or companies in five categories have been
in the Detroit metro area; and National Vision, Inc., a retailer with
named finalists for the 2016 Transitions Innovations Awards,
more than 900 locations in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
which recognize innovative efforts to support the Transitions brand throughout the year.
Finalists for the Best in Training Award are: Jennifer Lenhart, director of training and development, OnSight Optical; Walman
Finalists will be honored and winners will be announced at the 21st annual Transitions Academy, Jan. 29-Feb. 1, in Orlando, FL. Finalists for the 2016 Transitions Brand Ambassador, which
Optical, an ophthalmic company with more than 40 branches; and New Look Eyewear, an optical retail chain with 78 locations in Canada.
celebrates those who best showcase a dedication to being an influ-
Best in Marketing finalists are: Value Optical, a chain with
ential advocate of the brand, are: James Vann, OD, of VisionArts
11 locations in Trinidad & Tobago; Heather Padgett, national
Eyecare Center in Fulton, MS; Jennifer Lyerly, OD, of Eyedolatry
product marketing manager, HOYA Vision Care; and Wilson Eye
in Raleigh, NC; and Sheena Taff, optician, of Roberts & Brown
Center, an independent practice in Valdosta, GA.
Opticians in Vancouver, Canada.
The Best in Patient Experience is awarded to those who develop
Awarded to an individual or company that demonstrated a
a “forward-thinking approach to consistently dispense Transitions
commitment to Transitions Optical and photochromic growth,
lens products.� Finalists are: Professional Vision Care of Colum-
the Best in Growth Achievement finalists are: Pacific Eye Care of
bus, OH; Costco Optical, Canada; and VisionWorks.
CALIFORNIA 800.445.6339
NORTH CAROLINA 800.234.1982
CANADA 844.858.7444
OLP_January2017.indd 15
January 2017 15
12/21/16 12:30 PM
OCUCO RELEASES NEW INNOVATIONS FEATURES The latest version of the Innovations Ultimate Lab System (ULS) from Ocuco includes many enhancements and new features including: Job Staging, a multi-function order management module that allows batching to user definable container types. For example, bins, baskets and boxes can be
linked to stations such as shipping, coating or waiting com-
Different in color and material, Pro Edge 3 finish blocking
ponents. A 3D Lens Viewer is now fully integrated and can
pads from Dynamic Labs, Inc. significantly reduces twisting
display a 360° rotatable image of the edged lenses along with
in high-torque edging situations. The green foam substrate
thickness calculations around the circumference. Migration
unique to Dynamic Labs has just enough give to elimi-
from Visual Lab Pro is now easier with data import routines
nate concerns of lens slippage, according to the company,
and a redesigned data entry screen.
which determined that during testing Pro Edge 3 excelled
A “mass farm out” feature has been added to allow for out-
on high plus, high minus and often difficult bifocal lenses.
sourcing in cases where production issues require a tempo-
The company also reports that premium coatings are not a
rary overflow solution. An enhanced conveyor interface now
problem as the pads work well on all coated and uncoated
includes material handling decision points that can route
lenses yet easily and cleanly de-block. “High volume labs and
individual jobs to specific machines.
single-doctor practices will both enjoy the benefits from this
A number of new routines are available, including the abil-
blocking pad,” said Joe Alber, director of sales and product
ity to export to QuickBooks and MS Dynamics AX financials
development. “For years we have all seen amazing advances
and to import Delta PMS and Omics and Optifacts LMS files.
in lens technology; Pro Edge 3 is an advance in blocking pad
Integration with external systems has been simplified with
technology.” For more information, contact Dynamic Labs,
the introduction of a number of new web services. Remote
Inc. at 888.339.6264 or Info@DynamicLabs.net.
job checking can now display tracking numbers and links to the URL of the shipping agent. For more information, contact Ocuco at 800.708.1610, Sales@Ocuco.com or Ocuco.US.
OPTISOURCE CAD-CON 1000 Treat 5 gallons of alloy reclaim tank wastewater by adding 1 cup of Cad-Con 1000, which acts like a magnet to attract and chemically bind with dissolved particu-
late cadmium and lead. Once metals are
Featuring the new Datamax-O’Neil E-Class Mark III-A
bound, they are unable to become soluble
Advanced Printer, this thermal transfer starter package from
again, remaining trapped in the sediment in a chemically stable
Arch Crown, Inc. offers professional label design DataTag-
state that leaves water clear and free of cadmium and lead. Cad-
ger software for thermal transfer printing for businesses that
Con 1000 can also be used to treat other alloy-contaminated
don’t have bar code printing capability. The package includes
wastes such as block washer waters, swarf sludge, coolant,
all supplies needed to print tags, and technical support is free.
polishes and emery. For more information, contact OptiSource
For more information, contact Arch Crown, Inc. at 800-526-
International at 800.678.4768 or 1-800-OptiSource.com.
8353 or ArchCrown.com or orders@ArchCrown.com.
16 January 2017
OLP_January2017.indd 16
12/21/16 12:30 PM
VisionExpoEast.com BROUGHT TO YOU BY:
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12/20/16 4:37 PM
Automated cleaning, intelligently combined
Modulo: Cleaning
LCU m dulo Automated intelligent lens cleaning SCHNEIDERs LCU Modulo represents a fully automated and integrated lens cleaning system with brushes. The machine is a powerful and efficient inline system to remove contaminations in order to prepare all different kinds of lenses for subsequent coating processes. To enable a fully automated lens production the LCU Modulo can be extended with the loading robot HRA. After two cleaning stages and the drying an optional unloading robot PRA takes the lenses out of the running belt and puts them back in the coating job tray.
SCHNEIDER GmbH & Co. KG Biegenstrasse 8–12 35112 Fronhausen, Germany Phone: +49 (64 26) 96 96-0 www.schneider-om.com
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SCHNEIDER Optical Machines Inc. 6644 All Stars Avenue, Suite 100 Frisco, TX 75034 Phone: +1 (972) 247-4000 info-USA@schneider-om.com
12/21/16 10:50 AM