Optical Lab Products Mar 2017

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MARCH 2017 OpticalLabProducts.com








March OLP Leaders.indd 1

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Contents OPINIONS 02 Rollins on Marketing 03 In the Lab 04 One-to-One with Bidisha Rudra, executive director, Essilor IDD Managed Care Labs

OPTICAL LAB LEADERS 08 Paul Faibish, Plastic Plus Limited 10 Bob Pommier, Expert Optics, Inc. 12 Paul Ponder, Maui Jim 14 John Sutherlin, Sutherlin Optical RUNDOWN 16 Lab News 18 New for the Lab


Reacting to ‘The Merger’ BY JIM GROOTEGOED


ews broke of the merger

nearly all free-form designs. Our

between Luxottica and

loyalty lies with our employees

Essilor that surely poses

and our customers first and

some interesting questions and will stir up some strong emo-

foremost.” “So, what to do? We don’t feel

tions within the optical industry.

it would be a wise decision for

This is a perfect opportunity to

anyone to instantly stop selling

provide ECPs with a statement

Varilux, Crizal or Essilor lenses

of commitment to them. The

purchased from Cherry Optical,

following is an example from

Inc. due to the merger news.

Cherry Optical, Inc.

These products still work nearly

“Cherry Optical, Inc. remains

flawlessly, and we are an inde-

a 100% independent and

pendent business like you. If you

family-owned laboratory.

want to make some type of

The best way to facilitate change and make an impact is to vote with your dollars.

VP, EDITORIAL • John Sailer • JS@VisionCareProducts.com PROFESSIONAL EDITOR • Jim Grootegoed • JG@VisionCareProducts.com

As a company that has com-

instantaneous change, perhaps

VICE PRESIDENT, DESIGN • Jane Kaplan • JK@VisionCareProducts.com

peted directly with Essilor

consider what laboratories you

ASSISTANT EDITOR • Cara Huzinec • CH@VisionCareProducts.com

Laboratories since day one, while

support. There are many

ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR • Bruce Kenselaar • BK@VisionCareProducts.com

also having Essilor lenses as a

high-quality independent

major supplier and technology

(non-Essilor owned) Varilux,

partner, we know the weird

Crizal and Essilor lens distribu-

relationships and emotions this

tor laboratories that can process

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT • Shawn Mery • SM@VisionCareProducts.com

merger now unquestionably

your VSP and EyeMed orders,

DIRECTOR OF SALES • Janet Cunningham • JC@VisionCareProducts.com

creates for independent private

and Cherry Optical, Inc. can take

VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING • Debby Corriveau • DC@VisionCareProducts.com

practice and optical owners.

care of the rest of your needs. Is

VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS • Sharon O’Hanlon • SO@VisionCareProducts.com

Along with the outstanding

this self-serving? Very much so!

technology-sharing resources

In our capitalist society, the best

PRODUCTION AND WEB MANAGER • Anthony Floreno • AF@VisionCareProducts.com CONTRIBUTING WRITER • Eric Rollins • EricRollins@Comcast.net

BUSINESS STAFF PRESIDENT/CEO • Frank Giammanco • FG@VisionCareProducts.com

Essilor has made available to us,

way to facilitate change and

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK https://www.Facebook.com/OpticalLabProducts

the Varilux and Crizal brands,

make an impact is to vote with


have delivered the performance

your dollars.”

and tools we’ve needed to

FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN https://www.LinkedIn.com/Company/Optical-Lab-Products Throughout this magazine, trademark names are used. Instead of placing a trademark or registration symbol at every occurrence, we are using the names editorially only with no intention of infringement of the trademark.

achieve our business goals. Keep in mind, we are also distributors for every major lens brand available and have on-site production capabilities for


March OLP Leaders.indd 1

Jim Grootegoed is professional editor of OLP. March 2017 1

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What Will Result from the EssiLux Merger? BY ERIC ROLLINS


ith the proposed

laboratory, what should you be

merger of Luxottica

doing now?

and Essilor stealing

First, focus on quality and

the headlines, many have com-

service. Make sure the work goes

mented on the potential effects

out as fast and as good as you can

on the eyecare industry. More

do it. Make sure your sales team

specifically, how might it affect

and customer service team are

the optical laboratory channel?

“sticky” with your customers. Try

The combination of these two

to strengthen relationships with

companies will reduce overhead

the doctors, opticians, reception-

and increase cash flow, making

ists and other staff members of all

the joint company even more

of your customers.

formidable. Consolidation will also con-

Second, grow your business with existing customers. Conduct

tinue in the retail environment.

training sessions to help them

Other entities are also buying opti-

sell additional pairs of computer

As these companies grow, independent eyecare professionals will diminish. cal locations en masse. To provide

glasses and polarized sunwear,

capital, many of these companies

two products that will help over

have private equity firms behind

70% of all patients.

them, which have a short window

Third, go after new customers.

in which to recoup their invest-

Stress your quality and service,

ment, typically within the range of

and the value-added efforts your

five years. Who will purchase these

lab makes to ensure the practices’

consolidators in that timeframe?

continued success. During these

Maybe a large international optical

times, it is more true than ever

company wanting to control the

that the lab can’t succeed unless

providers of optical products to

their clients do as well.

drive their own proprietary frames and lenses. As these companies grow, independent eyecare professionals (ECPs) will diminish. The independent ECPs are the lifeblood of most independent laboratories. If you are an independent 2 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 2

Eric Rollins is a veteran of the optical retail, frame and lab industries. His firm, Rollins Consulting, LLC, consults with the three Os to improve profitability. You can email him at EricRollins@Comcast.net. OpticalLabProducts.com

2/16/17 7:08 PM


Companies Are People BY JOHN SAILER


hile the business world

That is why this issue of Optical

gies to turn their vision into the

to also honor people rather than

is composed of

Lab Products (OLP) is honoring

reality of operating the most

just companies. Here, in this issue

companies engaging

those Optical Lab Leaders

efficient and successful optical labs.

of OLP, we honor those people,

nominated and selected by industry

Inside these pages you’ll see who

the Optical Lab Leaders who make

in financial interactions with each other, and corporations are created as legal entities to enable

their companies successful. It’s the people who make these

This issue of OLP is honoring those Optical Lab Leaders nominated and selected by industry members.

companies what they are, and it’s

them, ultimately the business

members as those people who

honor of being named Optical Lab

world is made up of people.

deserve to be recognized for their

For years now (since Pech

contributions to the success of the

Optical in 2007), OLP has been

companies for which they work.

honoring the Lab Innovator of the

those transactions to be separate from the individuals involved with

Yes, companies have unique characteristics and reputations that those who interact with them

We asked our readers to

the industry selected.

Year, and while many deserving

can perceive, but that is all based

nominate the lab managers they felt

independent optical labs have

on the people who are managing

take the risks necessary to invest in

received the annual award over

and working for those companies.

the latest techniques and technolo-

the years, we decided it was time


March OLP Leaders.indd 3

these people who deserve the Leader.

John Sailer is VP, editorial of First Vision Media Group. js@visioncareproducts.com.

March 2017 3

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Optical Lab Products (OLP) interviews Bidisha Rudra, executive director, Essilor IDD Managed Care Labs

What’s the strategy behind Essilor’s Independent Distribution Division? becoming an IDD lab?

Essilor of America

OLP: Are there any new initiatives; what changes

manufactures and RUDRA: Any wholesale

distributes optical

are in store for IDD labs?

lenses in the U.S. We offer

laboratory that wants to sell

progressive, no-glare and

our products can become an

RUDRA: Being a very custom-

ophthalmic lenses; soft contact

IDD lab. They must have a

er-centric organization, we are

lenses; and optical supplies, coat-

sound financial standing as an

always trying to understand the

ings and sun protection glasses

organization. They have to

pulse of the customer and what

to eyecare practitioners in the

agree with the pricing that we

they need. With the changing


offer. They also should not

needs of consumers, we’re

have any retail outlet associated

working closely with our

with them.

customers with a strong B2B2C

Within Essilor of America, we operate an optical laboratory network, Essilor Labs of America

BIDISHA RUDRA is executive director at Essilor IDD Managed Care, Dallas, Texas.

(ELOA) with more than 128

model. Consumer needs are OLP: Does the number of

changing, and adjusting to the

optical laboratories across the

independently in the U.S. Of

labs change, or has it been

changes in their lifestyles. Hence,

nation, which serves eyecare

those, 105 are Varilux distribu-

pretty much the same labs

our customer (labs) needs are

practitioners in the U.S. In

tors that have a contractual

for years?

also changing. To be more

addition, ELOA offers education

agreement with us, which

and training programs and

enables them to sell our entire

RUDRA: The number has been

foothold in the marketplace, we

business management support

premium branded products,

quite constant for the last few

are trying to empower our


such as Varilux, Crizal, Definity

years. We lose a few indepen-

customers at IDD Labs with the

and Xperio UV.

dent labs because of acquisition

right products, right tools and

by either Essilor or by other

the right messaging. So we are

Besides our fully owned lab network, we have a separate

We have approximately 80

competitive and have a stronger

division called IDD, which is the

Crizal distributors who have a

manufacturers. But we also see

offering not only technologically

Independent Distribution

contractual agreement to sell our

new independent labs emerg-

advanced products, but we are

Division. This independent

premium Crizal branded

ing in the market. However,

also offering sales and technical

division was formed in 2004 and

products only. Our goal is to

the very viable, financially

support. We have a dedicated

led by Bob Colucci, president of

partner with the independent

solvent, strong independent

technical services team that

IDD. IDD is dedicated to

laboratories, leveraging their

labs are here to stay, and even

provides on-site technical

growing the market by providing

unique and individual strengths

though we may lose a couple or

support, extended technology

technologically advanced

with Essilor’s premium brands

so labs a year, we also gain a

installation support, as well as

products and services to

to grow the premium lens

few new ones. Hence, the

training to drive lab efficiency.

independent labs.


overall number of labs has

We have relationships with approximately 379 labs that run 4 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 4

OLP: What are the criteria for

We have also developed a new

remained constant for the last

app for the sales forces of our

several years.

IDD labs called “EyeSell.” It’s a OpticalLabProducts.com

2/16/17 7:08 PM


new tool used for applying game

Colorado Springs that we will be

opportunity to go as an expatri-

research and realized that they’re

mechanics to non-game contexts

back this year with another

ate to Singapore. I was there for

the number one ophthalmic lens

in order to boost engagement

consumer incentive program,

roughly two years on the

leader in the market, and I was

and successful end-results. When

the Power of Vision, which

corporate strategy team,

so impressed.

it comes to sales success, it

offers rebates to consumers. But

reporting into Essilor Interna-

Of course, now Essilor is no

depends on the reps’ behaviors.

this time we have also intro-

tional. I collaborated with our

longer an unknown entity for

Behaviors drive activity, and that

duced a 0% financing option for

Asian subsidiaries in developing

consumers due to our continued

is why we developed this app.

the purchase.

five-year growth plans. At the

investment in national cam-

end of the assignment, I came

paigns and advertising in the last few years.

This app has been developed to

In terms of educational

give the reps training to prepare

support, we have an online

back to Dallas and joined as the

them for sales activity and then

platform called “EyeTrain.com,”

marketing director for IDD,

reward them for conducting

which is an online portal. There

supporting Bob Colucci.

activity that drives business.

are courses on how to dispense

Many of our customers have

our products, understand the

RVP for managed care lab sales

very well-knit family. Once you

signed onto this program and

benefits of our products, how to

retired, I was offered the

join, you become a part of the

are already witnessing strong

develop an elevator speech to sell

opportunity to take over his

extended family; you end up

sales and profitable growth.

our products, how to maximize

position. I’m very happy and

knowing everybody here.

profitability, how to overcome

honored to be entrusted with

Last year, when Steve Mills,

Since I joined Essilor, I’ve never looked back. I find that the vision industry as a whole is a

OLP: When you were market-

OLP: What other benefits,

Essilor of America’s Independent Distribution Division (IDD) is dedicated to growing the market by providing technologically advanced products and services to independent labs.

ing director for the IDD

marketing, we provide several

the hurdle of the price barrier

this role and new responsibility.

and Eye Train are funded by the

programs. Essilor is proud to

that might be in a consumer’s

Our IDD business is divided into

marketing department. We

invest in the national consumer

mind and more. We provide this

two big parts—Wholesale Lab

provide the tools and the

advertising and marketing

training opportunity exclusively

Sales, which is headed by Shon

ammunition to our business

campaigns. To our IDD

to our IDD customers.

Bjornberg, and Managed Care

partners to launch products. Last

Lab Sales, which is now my

year, when we launched Eyezen,

such as marketing assistance, do you provide to IDD labs? RUDRA: Yes, in terms of

customers, we provide market-

group, what kind of marketing did you do? RUDRA: The Leaders Challenge

ing/analytical support with ECP

OLP: What has been your

responsibility. We have great

we worked with one of our

segmentation, customer service

personal background in the

partnerships with key managed

customers on a program called

initiatives, trend analysis and


vision care labs, and they are an

Customer Segmentation. We

integral part of our IDD sales.

helped them divide the market

accounts and gain new accounts.

RUDRA: I joined Essilor in 2006.

So, to be involved in this

into the Millennials and the

We regularly offer in-office

I’ve been with Essilor 11 years

business and add value to the

Baby Boomers so they would

merchandising, product

now and have worn different

organization is a big opportunity

know which segment to go after.

detailing and positioning

hats within the organization. I

for me.

Instead of trying to throw the

support, demonstration tools

joined Essilor to lead the market

I’m really privileged to be a

and kits, and a library of

research and data analytics team.

part of this family. Eleven years

more tailored, customized

literature and white papers on

I was in the financial sector

ago, I had received a cold call

approach toward the customer

our products and clinical

before joining the optical

from a recruiter from Essilor,

segments. So that’s something

evidence on their superiority.

industry. I managed the data

and I said, “Essilor, what’s

we did, providing a personalized

analytics team for about seven

Essilor? I have not heard about

years, and then I got an amazing

Essilor.” And then I did some

marketing plan based on (continued on page 20)

consultation to retain existing

We also announced at our national sales meeting in OpticalLabProducts.com

March OLP Leaders.indd 5

dart in the dark, we developed a

March 2017 5

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LP4453 | VEE 2017












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Optical Lab Leaders Here they are, the lab managers the industry has selected as OLP’s Optical Lab Leaders!

Innovator of the Year, the former often consists of retirees, while OLP’s

Optical Lab Products (OLP) asked members of the optical lab industry to

By celebrating the Optical Lab Leaders in this special issue, OLP seeks to

nominate who they view as an “Optical Lab Leader,” citing those lab

note the managers who are so integral to the current success and

managers who know what it takes to run a successful optical lab, who

continued growth of these independent labs yet don’t often receive the

take risks investing in the latest technologies, and who have the skills

recognition they deserve.

Innovator is invariably the owner of an optical lab.

and experience necessary to turn their vision into the reality of operating an efficient and successful optical lab.

In this special OLP section, meet the following four Optical Lab Leaders that our readers and members of the optical industry selected as the

the Lab Division’s Hall of Fame, and OLP itself presents its yearly Lab

are, OLP’s and the optical industry’s Optical Lab Leaders:


Plastic Plus Limited, Toronto, Canada

Bob Pommier, Director of Operations, Expert Optics, Shorewood, IL OpticalLabProducts.com

March OLP Leaders.indd 7


Paul Faibish, President,


Organizer, the Early Adopter, the Tech Titan and the Mentor. Here they


While The Vision Council annually honors those who are inducted into

Paul Ponder, Senior Director Rx Manufacturing, Maui Jim, Peoria, IL

John Sutherlin, VP, Lab Operations Sutherlin Optical, Kansas City, MO March 2017 7

2/16/17 7:09 PM


ders • Optical Lab Leaders • Optical Paul Faibish President

Plastic Plus Limited Toronto, Canada “Giving back is very important to us. We never say no. We do thousands of pairs of charity eyewear each year. Last year we did missions in Jamaica, Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, a couple of homeless shelters and a couple of clinics with inner city kids. In Toronto we work with the Pinball Clemons Foundation, and we work with Canadian Vision Care, a philanthropic group of Canadian optometrists.”

HISTORY: Paul Faibish is the second generation owner/operator of

“Paul Faibish and Plastic Plus are well deserving of this recognition as a Lab Leader for their commitment to serving customers with the newest technology and products. When others sit on the sidelines watching, Paul has always been one of the first to step up in testing and buying new technology for his lab, and he never hesitates to challenge our team to make sure that the technology meets the needs of his customers. He was our first customer to install freeform surfacing equipment in Canada and the first to fully automate his surfacing department. Congratulations to Paul and his entire lab team.” —Larry Clarke, president/CEO, Satisloh

Plastic Plus, a company that was started in 1974 as the first independent lab to process plastic lenses. “I grew up in an optical family, and I always worked in the family business. My father had a very large

think I’m their oldest client. Right now we have exclusivity for Seiko,

optometric practice, and he was one of the original investors in Plastic

Rodenstock and our house brand Vandelay (named for the Seinfeld

Plus,” explained Faibish, who took over running the business in 1980

episode where Jerry supports George’s false claim for insurance

when he didn’t get into law school, “Thank God,” he said. His

purposes that he works for Vandelay Industries).

25-year-old son Jason represents the third generation working at Plastic Plus. “We’ve been able to maintain a very viable family business

TEACHABLE MISTAKE: “Eight years ago we doubled the size of

and pass it on to the next generation. We came very close to selling to

our building. It was a two-year renovation from hell. We were

one of the big guys once, and at the 11th hour we walked away from

operating and renovating at the same time, I thought it would provide

the table. That’s probably the best thing we ever did.”

capacity for the rest of our lives. I never anticipated such great demand for our products, that the ECPs up here wanted to work with an

THE LAB: Today, Plastic Plus produces an average of 1,000 jobs per

independent lab, so we outgrew the building. Now, we’re in the

day working two shifts three days a week and one-and-a-half shifts for

process of planning to move into a new 30,000-square-foot building

the rest of the week. “The advantage of automation is that we only

next door in the fourth quarter of this year.” The existing facility is

need a handful of people on the second shift because we build it all up

14,500 square feet.

on the first shift,” said Faibish. “That’s where we become profitable on that incremental business on the second shift.” All of the lab’s surfac-

ADVICE: “The same number of pairs of glasses will be sold in 2017 as

ing and anti-reflective equipment is Satisloh, inspection machines are

2016, but the distribution channels are changing; 25 years ago, 90% of

from A&R, and edging is by MEI.

consumers went to a traditional ECP. Today, in Canada, it’s approximately 45%. In Canada, the mass merchandisers are expanding, the

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: “We were the first independent lab in

chains are expanding and online sales are expanding. Unless indepen-

North America to process digital, doing it since January of 2006, when

dent labs like myself can tap into these distribution channels we will

a lot of people said it wouldn’t work. There was a patent issue in the

face extinction.”

U.S. that delayed it in the states. We always had a great relationship with Seiko, so the combination of working with Seiko and Loh in those

BEST INVESTMENTS: “Our best investment is in several areas, our

days (it wasn’t Satisloh yet), we were the first people to do digital; we

staff, state-of-the-art equipment and our new building. We have close

were the guinea pigs. We were also the first independent lab in the

to 70 employees; half of them have been with me for over 15 years, and

world to integrate the software with our LMS. We use CC Systems. I

many of them have been with me for 25 years or more.”

8 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 8


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WHAT’S NEW? Transitions® Signature™ VII Flat Top 28 polycarbonate composite lenses are now available in gray and brown from Younger Optics. This means even more bifocal wearers can now enjoy the unsurpassed photochromic performance of Transitions® Signature™ VII.


WHY COMPOSITE? Transitions Optical uses a proprietary process to make polycarbonate lenses photochromic. While this process works for a variety of lens geometries, it is not compatible with segmented, or flat-top lenses such as bifocals and trifocals. This led to Younger Optics and Transitions Optical developing a polycarbonate composite lens that incorporates a thin photochromic front surface bifocal layer made of Trivex® — resulting in a lens delivering unsurpassed Transitions Signature VII performance in a product that is surfaced, polished, edged and dispensed just like

Photochromic Trivex® front surface This thin layer of specially adapted Trivex® has been optimized for superb photochromic performance.

a clear polycarbonate lens.

Now available in gray and brown Processes just like polycarbonate 1.59 Index: Same as polycarbonate Superb segment cosmetics


Integral chemical bond will not separate Excellent impact resistance Unique photochromic Trivex layer uses Chromea7™ technology to provide unsurpassed Transitions Signature VII performance Available only from Younger Optics

To order, call Younger Optics at 800-366-5367. Photochromic performance is influenced by temperature, UV exposure and lens material. Transitions and the swirl are registered trademarks and Transitions Signature and Chromea7 are trademarks of Transitions Optical, Inc., used under license by Transitions Optical Limited. Trivex is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

TransSig Poly FT28 Brown Ad - OLP.indd 1

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1/9/2017 6:17:45 PM

2/16/17 6:41 PM


cal Lab Leaders • Optical Lab Leade Bob Pommier Director of Operations Expert Optics, Inc. Shorewood, IL “The optical business has provided me with opportunities that I may have never had if it wasn’t for this industry. I have met my best friends in life and had the opportunity to travel to places that allowed me to

“I couldn’t be happier for Bob. This honor is well deserved, and his recognition as a leader in this industry is long overdue. I know Bob and the entire team at Expert Optics will continue to be strong partners and valuable contributors to the optical industry for years to come.” —Ian Gregg, vice president, sales operations

meet these people and learn about the business. I truly enjoy the

and product management, Satisloh

career path decision that I made 37 years ago.”

HISTORY: “I began my optical career In 1980 when I was looking for

Lens Mapper, A&R Focovision lens inspection system; Finish:

work and my brother told me some local glass place was hiring. I

Santinelli Ice blockers, Satisloh ES3 and ES4 edgers, Santinelli ME 1000

didn’t know if they made mason jars or something else, but I applied.

and ME 1200, Satisloh/National Optronics ES Curve edger, Schneider

Shortly thereafter I was hired by Don Ruden, the founder of the

HSE high speed edging system; AR: CCM wash line, ZEISS H8 and H3

company. I began surfacing lenses and maintaining machines. That

wash lines, Essemtec fast cure oven, Buhler Boxer coating machines,

quickly turned into supervising before I became responsible for all of

Satis 380 coating machine.

production. I ultimately was elevated to my current position as the director of operations at Expert Optics where we produce about 900

ACCOMPLISHMENT: “I feel my greatest accomplishment has been

pairs of custom eyeglasses per day. My job is to maintain all aspects of

managing a team of about 70 hardworking individuals at a lab that has

the lab from production to personnel, special projects and the DVI

always been one of the best in the business. We have always been on

computer system.”

the leading edge with technology that has also led to our success, as well as forming great relationships with our vendors and colleagues in

THE LAB: “Expert Optics is an independent wholesale laboratory in

the business.”

Shorewood, IL. We employ 85 hardworking people. We are a full service lab that produces 98% of everything we sell in-house, including

TEACHABLE MISTAKE: “Just learning from my mistakes makes

free-form lenses, AR coating and specialty edge types.” Equipment in

me a better person and a leader.”

operation at Expert Optics includes―Clerical: DVI lab management software, Santinelli frame tracers, Lektriever automated shelving

ADVICE: “Life is too short. Live every day to the fullest and surround

systems for lens inventory; Digital Surfacing: Satisloh PRA and

yourself with good people.”

autoblocker, VFT Orbit generators and laser engravers, Duoflex polishers, Ultra Optics 44R on-the-block backside coating, A&R Dual

10 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 10

BEST INVESTMENTS: “Automation and DVI.”


2/16/17 7:10 PM

Leybold Optics CCS610T+ Redesigned with a thermal evaporator and more powerful ion source This fourth generation coater has been redesigned - packing more capability into a smaller footprint - while retaining an affordable entry price.

Questions? leyboldoptics.cary@buhlergroup.com 919.657.7100

Innovations for a better world. Untitled-2 1

2/16/17 6:35 PM


Leaders • Optical Lab Leaders • Opt Paul Ponder Senior Director Rx Manufacturing

Maui Jim Peoria, IL

“Put yourself with the right organization, surround yourself with the right people, work together as a team, and you can accomplish anything.”

“We are thrilled to have nominated Paul Ponder, the senior director of the Rx lab at Maui Jim, as a top optical lab leader Tech Titan. Maui Jim’s state-of-the-art laboratory in Peoria, IL, is a true testament to Paul’s ability for creating smart, dynamic, technically savvy and eco-friendly manufacturing environments from start-up on through significant years of growth.

HISTORY: Paul Ponder got his start in the optical field while still in

Congratulations to Paul, this is a well-deserved honor!” —Jodi Nickerson, director, sales and marketing,

high school, working for Comar Optical, which turned into Cole

Optical Lab Software Solutions, Inc.

National and for whom he worked for 36 years. His first job was putting bevels on glass lenses. Eventually, he built labs for Cole in Davenport, IA, Salt Lake City and Memphis, with his last assignment

deblocker and tape strippers, MEI Bispheras, and we have the latest

consisting of building the Pearle Vision lab in Dallas. After leaving

coating technologies with the DLX 1200 box coaters from Satisloh.”

Cole in 2003, taking some time off and working for Kaiser Permanente in the Bay Area, he was recruited by Maui Jim, where he started

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: “The Maui Jim lab gave me full autonomy

working in 2006.

to build a lab with what I felt it needed, and they have supported me for ten years here. I look at other labs that I built around the country,

THE LAB: Although the Maui Jim lab was small (6,000 sq. ft.) and

and I never had the opportunities to do what I’ve done here at Maui

had only just begun finishing Rx jobs when Ponder joined the

Jim. Michael Dalton, the president, and Walter Hester, the owner,

company in April of 2006, the company “had a vision to grow the lab

support me 100%. I can’t remember a time when they’ve said, ‘no.’”

and the Rx business,” said Ponder, so they broke ground in June of 2006 on the 25,000-sq.-ft. facility they now occupy. Today, the mission

TEACHABLE MISTAKE: “Try not to work in a silo. In the past

is to create a fully automated lab “so when it comes in off the printer at

when I put a lab together I may not have included the right people.

the front of the lab they put the order ticket and lenses in a tray, then it

That’s the first thing that will come back to bite you, and you end up

gets put on a conveyor system, and the lenses don’t get touched until it

making mistakes that way.”

gets all the way around to the edgers,” said Ponder, who is in the process of building a similar lab in Germany. “It will be almost a

ADVICE: “Work with your team. Here at Maui Jim, I try to involve

duplicate of this facility, and it will have the newest available technolo-

my team on every decision. Try to get as much buy-in as possible on

gies,” he said. “We have a variety of equipment, a PSI taper, Schneider

any changes in the lab or new processes, procedures or a new piece of

autoblockers, Satisloh generators and polishers, a new Schneider


BEST INVESTMENTS: “When it comes to investing in equipment one thing I am very meticulous about is talking to other labs to see what they are using, or if I know they have a piece of equipment I’m interested in I take the time to go look at it in a production environment and get feedback from the people I know in the industry. When you go to the optical shows, you’ll get the salesperson’s version, and you won’t see the piece of equipment in production. Even after I get a piece of equipment I still keep in contact with those individuals to see if they are having some of the same issues that I am having and how they’ve resolved them. Of course, I reciprocate and have people in here from other labs.” 12 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 12


2/16/17 7:10 PM


VFT-orbit 2


The new VFT-orbit 2 raises the bar that Satisloh’s high-volume flagship VFT-orbit set. It features even greater performance, quality and reliability. The new ultra-fast milling spindle and the proprietary milling tool interface improve throughput by up to 30%. VFT-orbit 2 is the fastest, most robust and easiest to service high-speed lens generator. Go supersonic!

www.satisloh.com | 800-866-5640

Untitled-3 1

2/17/17 12:07 PM


cal Lab Leaders • Optical Lab Leade John Sutherlin VP, Lab Operations Sutherlin Optical Kansas City, MO “One thing that has contributed as much to where I am today as anything is taking every opportunity I could to visit other labs, become friends with other lab managers and use the technical resources that are out there, whether from lens manufacturers or equipment manufacturers.”

“John is always looking for innovative technology and processes that improve the products and services his lab offers. He’s a true partner to the technology providers he works with, bringing many ideas to the table that have helped make manufacturing equipment better. Besides being an innovator, John is also an all-rounder who can do anything in the entire lab, from customer service to logistics to producing actual Rx jobs.” —Jim Grootegoed, OLP

HISTORY: Being the third generation to run Sutherlin Optical along with brothers Steve and Mike (both now retired from the lab), John

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: “Overseeing the technology side of the

Sutherlin grew up in the lab. From helping fold boxes on Saturdays as a

company’s growth has been really exciting. When I started with the

child to summer jobs during high school, he learned every aspect of

company digital didn’t’ exist, we didn’t have an AR coating lab and

running a lab. This included truing laps on an old Coburn lap cutter,

most of the jobs we produced were glass lenses.”

working in the contact lens lab they opened in the early ‘80s to returning to the optical lab as manager. After graduating from Tyler Texas Junior

TEACHABLE MISTAKE: I’ve always been one to investigate technol-

College Opticianry School in 1983, Sutherlin got his Management in

ogy thoroughly before making an investment. Every lab is different, and

Information Systems degree from UMKC. Following various manage-

it is important to ensure the equipment companies and their sales

ment roles at Sutherlin Optical, including VP since 1999, Sutherlin was

representative’s numbers align with your lab’s job mix. By exercising due

involved in beta testing of numerous lab equipment projects and served

diligence, we avoided mistakes.

on numerous technical task forces. He’s been a panelist on numerous Optical Laboratory Association/The Vision Council presentations and a

ADVICE: “Always take the high road,” (from brother Steve) “Individ-

board member and past president of MOLA. He was inducted into the

ual sticks are easily broken, but when bundled together they are very

Laboratory Division Hall of Fame in 2011.

strong” (from Dad and Aesop).

THE LAB: Sutherlin Optical was founded in 1939 by John’s grandfa-

BEST INVESTMENTS: “Technology! Over the years we invested an

ther Edward H. Sutherlin and two partners (each investing $300) in the

incredible amount of money into the lab, enough that our father joked he

midst of The Great Depression. John’s father Ed Sutherlin became

was very concerned that we would be able to continue paying him the

president in 1969 and remained until his retirement in 1991. He and his

amount we still owed from purchasing the lab from him. (We think he

brothers Steve and Mike took over in 1991. Sutherlin Optical became an

was joking!) Our first big investments were the Gerber SG-8 generator and

Essilor Partner Lab in 2007, when Essilor purchased a majority interest.

patternless edging. The next quantum leap came after a couple of trips to

“Always a leader in technology, the lab has developed a regional and

Europe courtesy of two trips sponsored by Loh (now Satisloh) where I

national presence,” Sutherlin said. “It has always been focused on giving

visited laboratories and equipment manufacturers in Germany and

back to the profession.” Sutherlin Optical has received numerous

Switzerland. I met a lot of great people and witnessed processes and

honors from its ECP partnerships, has had two OLA presidents, four

equipment that inspired me to completely overhaul our lab again. It was

MOLA presidents (including the first one), two Lightbenders presidents

crucial that both of those investments paid off as they paved the way for

and three Hall of Fame members. Today the lab operates digital and

our most important investment, building an AR lab and creating our own

conventional surfacing equipment. In operation are Satisloh digital

house brands, which took us to a new level of partnership with our

surfacing equipment, Essilor DLP polishers, in-house AR to produce

customers. More recently, digital surfacing has helped to keep us at the

Crizal and house-branded coatings, and a wide range of edging

forefront of technology. Also, one of the best investments we ever made

equipment, including two five-axis ES Curve edgers and a robotic ES-3.

was putting in DVI.”

14 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 14


2/16/17 7:10 PM



VisionExpoEast.com BROUGHT TO YOU BY:

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2/16/17 6:38 PM


Innovation Awards 2016 TRANSITIONS INNOVATION AWARDS WINNERS ANNOUNCED At its 2017 Transitions Academy held Jan. 29 to Feb. 1 in Orlando, Transitions Optical announced the recipients of the 2016 Transitions Innovation Awards. Congratulations to Value Optical (Best in Marketing); New Look Eyewear (Best in Training); Professional VisionCare (Best in Patient Experience); and Pacific Eye Care of Port Orchard (Best in Kim Schuy, executive director of the Essilor Vision Foundation, presents Bob Colucci, Essilor IDD president, with the Essilor Vision Foundation President’s Award.

ESSILOR RECOGNIZES LABORATORY AWARDS RECIPIENTS Essilor’s Independent Distribution Division (IDD) honored recipients of its 2016 Annual Laboratory Awards at the company’s national sales meeting in January at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs, CO. This year’s Laboratory Awards, which recognize independent distributors that achieved top performance in both sales and unit growth within specific Essilor product categories, went to: X-Tra Lite Optical (Essilor Transitions Award of Excellence); Walman Optical (Essilor Xperio UV Award of Excellence); OnSight Optical (Crizal Award of Excellence and Essilor IDD Lab of the Year); Cherry Optical, Inc. (Varilux Award of Excellence and X-Cel Outstand-

Growth Achievement). Sheena Taff of Roberts & Brown Opticians in Vancouver, Canada, was named the 2016 Transitions Brand Ambassador. At this year’s Transitions Academy, themed “What is ‘My Light’?,” the company introduced its all-new consumer marketing campaign for 2017, “Live the Good Light.” Attendees had the opportunity to hear from experts and educators on marketing and industry trends as well as to attend various workshops conducted by industry peers such as “Harmful Blue Light and Optical Solutions,” “Mastering the Selling Process and Overcoming Objections” and “Finding the Style in Lenses” led by designers Coco & Breezy. This year’s keynote presentation addressed understanding and marketing to various generations and age groups, specifically Millennials, and how ECPs can leverage generational differences for effective marketing.

ing Achievement Award), and VSPOne Optical Technology Centers (Essilor IDD Managed Care Lab of the Year). VSP, Global Optics and X-Tra Lite Optical received the Essilor IDD Very Important Partner Award, and IDD president


Bob Colucci received the Essilor Vision Foundation Presi-


dent’s Award.

Ronkonkoma, NY-based Dynamic Labs has tapped Dan Vogel as

“Our independent laboratory partners continue to deliver superb products and services to our customers and their

its new director of trade show

patients,” Colucci said in congratulating the winners. “We

operations. Vogel has worked at

greatly appreciate their continued commitment to innova-

the company since 2004, most

tion, superior service and delivering the best vision solu-

recently as sales and marketing

tions and experience possible.”

16 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 16

Dan Vogel



2/16/17 7:10 PM



Barney Dougher


The Vision Council partnered with

HOYA Vision Care has acquired

Aligned Growth Partners, LLC and

Birmingham, AL-based Pinna-

Transportation Impact to institute

cle Optical, LLC, which is now

a shipping management service for Lab Division member

combined with HOYA’s existing

companies. Using a user-friendly transportation manage-

Birmingham operation. “Our

ment system, labs that spend $2,500 or more on either UPS

strategic initiative is to help in-

and/or FedEx small parcel shipping can reduce those costs

dependent practices differentiate

through small parcel and freight negotiation as well as post

their brands and overcome commoditization, and to do that

parcel audit, potentially saving companies an average of 22%.

we are continuing to enhance our physical presence in key

According to The Vision Council, there is no cost to the lab

markets,” said Barney Dougher, president of HOYA Vision

until it begins to save money on shipping because the process

Care, North America.

is entirely self-funded.







March OLP Leaders.indd 17

NORTH CAROLINA 800.234.1982

CANADA 844.858.7444


March 2017 17

2/16/17 7:10 PM






This UV-curable backside coating is


compatible with all standard spin coaters.

Making its debut

Lens Pro is scratch resistant and provides

next month at

superior AR adhesion and tintability in a

Vision Expo East,

safe solvent-free formula that comes in a

this tabletop edger

4-ounce bottle. Also available is a conver-

from National

sion kit that includes one 5 micron filter,

Optronics has high

gloves, safety goggles, two empty 4-ounce

speed linear axis

bottles, four feet of tubing and a one gallon

drives and a new

size Ziploc bag. For more information,

mechanical de-

contact Dynamic Labs at 888.339.6264 or

sign for improved


motion stability, cutting accuracy and tolerance. The QM-X3 is able to process shapes such as partially shelved lenses and is available with optional variable drilling. The edger features a dual diamond blade design and high torque spindle drive capable of more than 30,000 rpm. With an optional vacuum, the QM-X3 is available with a disposable bag to collect lens debris from the chamber for environmentally safe disposal. A remote diagnostics function allows for current software updates and gives technicians access to resolve technical issues. For more information, contact National Optronics at 800.866.5640 or NationalOptronics.com.


anti-reflective systems


in their labs, Fil-Tech,

Brain Power, Inc.’s (BPI’s) spectrometer

Inc.’s SQM220 thick-

covers wavelengths from 350nm to 710nm with a resolution

ness monitor controller is designed to measure the film

of better than 10nm and provides information on visible

thickness of the material being deposited on lenses. Capable

transmittance (Tv) and UVA transmittance as well as L*

of monitoring up to six channels at one time, the SQM220

brightness and a* and b* color coordinates. Transmission

averages the information from the channels being monitored.

spectrum results can be used to compare tinted lenses and

Fil-Tech’s SQM220 thickness monitor controller also features

to indicate what tints should be added to match another

a built-in library of materials to maintain a record of the dif-

lens color. For more information, contact Brain Power, Inc. at

ferent chemicals used for different coatings. For more infor-

800.225.5274 or CallBPI.com.

mation, contact Fil-Tech, Inc. at 800.743.1743 or FilTech.com.

18 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 18


2/16/17 7:11 PM








In an effort to reduce


waste and the use of


new materials, Super

Made of Poly-

Optical International

Lam gloss

has partnered with

material that is

Shark Glass Recycling

stronger than polyester

North America, a leader in recycling post-consumer wind-

or Kimdura, these computer

shields. Super Optical is now mixing Shark Glass’s powder

string style tags have adhesive-free adjustable loops ideal

recyclable filler into its lens block technology at its Cincin-

for tagging frames. Text and bar code images will not rub

nati manufacturing facility to produce lens blocks that are

off from cleaning. TT364 Poly-Lam tags come in a package

composed of up to 50% proprietary material and 50% Shark

of 4,000 tags per roll and are available in eight colors. For

Glass. For more information, contact Super Optical, Inc. at

more information, contact Arch Crown, Inc. at 800.526.8353 or

800.543.7376 or SuperOptical.com.




Janet Benjamin


“ In producing Freeform, the Dual Lensmapper from A&R Optical shows the entire surface. Standard lens measuring devices only read the power in the distance circle and the near circle, which was inadequate. With the Dual Lensmapper, we can accurately compare what the LMS says the design should look like versus what we actually produced. We now see any fluctuations in quality in real time and address them immediately, saving time and consumables. It’s the most important piece of equipment we have in our Freeform line. ”

President, Laramy-K Optical DUAL LENSMAPPER >

A&R Optical Machinery, Inc.

262-641-8780 arom @ ar.be www.ar.be


March OLP Leaders.indd 19

March 2017 19

2/17/17 10:31 AM


BINOCULAR VISION IMPROVED Progressive lenses are optimized by following the natural convergence of the eyes when they look at a nearby object, but this affects the levels of unwanted astigmatism, making the nasal astigmatism highNEW LENSES FOR DRIVING

er than the temporal. This astigma-

US Optical has introduced Drive HD free-form progressive

tism imbalance causes the user to perceive different blurriness

lenses to address the specific optical needs when driving, such

in each eye in lateral gazes so the optimum binocular vision is

as reading the dashboard and viewing the external and inter-

reduced. Focused on the user, Horizons Optical engineers have

nal mirrors, while maintaining the need for strong distance

developed a new optimization design tool. By applying further

vision. The design places the car mirrors in astigmatism-free

improvements in the optimization of the lens, this development

zones, according to the company, to allow the wearer to

allows a much higher control over the location and value of the

drive without unnecessary head movements. The addition

unwanted astigmatism of the progressive lenses. Binocular Bal-

of Crizal AR (Prevencia), Digital AR or ZEISS DuraVision

ance technology balances the level of astigmatism and improves

reduces night glare. For more information, contact US Optical

binocular vision. For more information, contact Horizons Optical

at 800.445.2773 or USOptical.com.

at contact@horizonsoptical.com.

EXTENDED LIFE EDGER TOOLS FROM PSI Practical Systems, Inc. (PSI), exclusive distributor for Diateq Labs, has introduced combination roughing and drilling tools for MEI edgers, now made with stronger materials that significantly extend the life of the tools, according to the company. The metal alloy also reduces vibration, extending the life of the tool up to three times as well as improving the lens edge finish. They can be re-sharpened three to five times. The newly redesigned roughing tools are made with a high performance, diamond-coated carbide that keeps the edges of the tool sharper. The sharper edges reduce the cutting force, preventing the tool from breaking. Drill bits have also been redesigned to handle increased side loads. This alleviates clogging from polycarbonate swarf, so the bit doesn’t break. For more information, contact Practical Systems, Inc. (PSI) at 800.237.8154 or LookToPSI.com.

20 March 2017

March OLP Leaders.indd 20


we not only provide them with

(continued from page 5)

products; we also provide

analytical insights and specific

services in how to sell those

needs of the lab’s business. We

products and offer continuous

also provided customized

technological support to our

promotions to help the lab stand

labs. Very few other manufac-

out from the competition and

turers are providing their

maximize profitability.

customers with this kind of support. If an independent lab

OLP: What else would you

becomes our partner, they are

like OLP’s readers to know

assured of seamless end-to-end

about Essilor and the IDD

support for our products and


services to better support their customers, who then provide

RUDRA: We are very fortunate

best-in-class products and

to have a strong and sustainable

services to the patients with

relationship with the IDD lab

eyecare needs. With our

partners. It’s always a win-win

advertising campaigns and

situation for both of us. We’re

exclusive in-office promotions,

enriched with good partner-

we help drive patients into

ships, and our labs help us sell

practices, ensuring patient

our premium products and

loyalty and empowering

services. As I mentioned earlier,

long-term growth. OpticalLabProducts.com

2/16/17 7:11 PM

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2/16/17 6:38 PM

Little Space. Big Business.

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The nano way of lens manufacturing The Nano Line – Extremely low investment costs combined with minimal space requirements are the reasons the Nano Line is the perfect choice to produce high quality freeform lenses virtually anywhere. Due to minimum environmental requirements, onboard lens design software and smallest footprint, customers can immediately start their own lens production. SCHNEIDER’s Nano Line covers the full range of generating and polishing solutions as well as very effective hard coating machines and fast and powerful anti-reflective coating systems. From surfacing to coating the Nano Line is the perfect high quality and fast response solution for startups and partner labs that want to produce freeform lenses anywhere.

SCHNEIDER GmbH & Co. KG Biegenstrasse 8–12 35112 Fronhausen, Germany Phone: +49 (64 26) 96 96-0 www.schneider-om.com

Untitled-2 1

SCHNEIDER Optical Machines Inc. 6644 All Stars Avenue, Suite 100 Frisco, TX 75033, USA Phone: +1 (972) 247-4000 info-us@schneider-om.com

2/16/17 6:43 PM

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