MAY 2017 OpticalLabProducts.com
May OLP.indd 1
4/25/17 4:54 PM
Leybold Optics CCS610T+ Redesigned with a thermal evaporator and more powerful ion source This fourth generation coater has been redesigned - packing more capability into a smaller footprint - while retaining an affordable entry price.
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Innovations for a better world. Untitled-2 1
2/16/17 6:35 PM
Contents OPINIONS 02 Rollins on Marketing 03 In the Lab 04 One-to-One with Steve Schneider, VP, Aftermarket, Satisloh North America
FEATURES 08 Easy on the Environment? 10 Alloy Alternatives 12 Poised for Growth: MEI Opens New Factory RUNDOWN 14 Lab News 15 New for the Lab
The Key to Customer Service BY JIM GROOTEGOED I’m on a crusade to encourage the
Don’t try to win the war and lose
You should ask yourselves “Why
the battle.
do my customers continue to do
3. Be a great listener. We tend
business with me?” Where you
to listen to issues or problems
differentiate yourself is in how
with: “But let me...” response
you approach and provide
formulating in our heads. If
customer service. I suggest you
we’re thinking about a reply, we
find out why they do business
can’t understand the complaint.
with you by asking them. Here
Listening skills may be the single
are some pointers to consider:
most important aspect of
1. Embrace that you work for
2. Be willing to apologize.
promotion of customer service.
your customers: The customer is
There are so many consider-
the real boss. It is because of them
ations that are important to real
We developed a report to identify profitable customers as well as those abusing good business practices.
VP, EDITORIAL • John Sailer • JS@VisionCareProducts.com PROFESSIONAL EDITOR • Jim Grootegoed • JG@VisionCareProducts.com
that you have a business. Cus-
customer service. Why not
VICE PRESIDENT, DESIGN • Jane Kaplan • JK@VisionCareProducts.com
tomer service folks are human,
assemble your key people in a
ASSISTANT EDITOR • Cara Aidone Huzinec • CH@VisionCareProducts.com
and loyal, and occasionally make
room with a recorder and ask
ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR • Bruce Kenselaar • BK@VisionCareProducts.com
a decision in the company’s favor
them this: “Take yourselves away
(denying a return for whatever
from our business and think of
reason). Our most successful
yourselves as normal consumers.
branch manager had a rule: to
Tell us what you recall as really
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT • Shawn Mery • SM@VisionCareProducts.com
always decide in the customer’s
good customer service experienc-
DIRECTOR OF SALES • Janet Cunningham • JC@VisionCareProducts.com
favor at the time of a complaint.
es and really bad. Please use
VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING • Debby Corriveau • DC@VisionCareProducts.com
If you have a concern or ques-
stories you’ve heard as well.”
VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS • Sharon O’Hanlon • SO@VisionCareProducts.com
tion, take it to your supervisor for
PRODUCTION AND WEB MANAGER • Anthony Floreno • AF@VisionCareProducts.com CONTRIBUTING WRITER • Eric Rollins • EricRollins@Comcast.net
BUSINESS STAFF PRESIDENT/CEO • Frank Giammanco • FG@VisionCareProducts.com
guidance on how to handle it or
company needs to address. And,
for them to follow up. That said,
I’m guessing you’ll hear many
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK https://www.Facebook.com/OpticalLabProducts
it’s perfectly honorable to fire a
more negative responses than good
customer. When I worked at
ones. That alone is a lesson.
Walman, we developed a report
FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN https://www.LinkedIn.com/Company/Optical-Lab-Products Throughout this magazine, trademark names are used. Instead of placing a trademark or registration symbol at every occurrence, we are using the names editorially only with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
(your LMS system can help) to identify profitable customers as well as those abusing good business practices. Define your expectations.
May OLP.indd 1
These are the issues your
Jim Grootegoed is professional editor of OLP. March 2017 1
4/25/17 4:55 PM
Environmental Can Be Half Mental BY ERIC ROLLINS
e’re living in the days when most citizens are being more
the optical precision of the lenses. There are also a number of negatives with alloy. The most
environmentally friendly. We’re
obvious one is that the lead can es-
more conscious of the natural
cape into the environment. Spills
world that surrounds us, and we
of alloy, alloy adhering to blocks
want our children and grandchil-
which are then handled by lab em-
dren to inherit a world where the
ployees, and traces of lead making
air and water are clean and our
it into the water waste are just a
surroundings are not toxic.
few of the potential issues. The
On the other hand, we are also
problem with lead getting into our
living in the days where some-
environment is that it remains an
times people (and especially the
exposure risk for a long time.
government) want to take things
The most serious risk is to
too far. A clear example of this is
our employees who work with
a few years ago, the EPA looked
the substances in our labs every
There are now better ways to protect our employees than ever before with new products and systems that reduce exposure to contaminants. to ban lead in glass prescription
day. There are now better ways
lenses. While lead in the environ-
to protect our employees than
ment is a serious concern (all of
ever before with new products
us have heard of Flint, Michigan’s
and systems that reduce exposure
water problems), sometimes the
to contaminants. Take a look at
EPA goes a little overboard. In
this month’s issue to check out
the case of lenses, they would be
some of the options that not only
safe to place in your mouth and
protect your environment and
suck on all day long because the
employees…but might also save
lead is sealed in the glass.
you some money.
We’ve used lead in our manufacturing processes for decades with alloy blocking. Alloy has much to commend it; it gives our lenses very solid support during surfacing, so the lenses tend to be more resistant to flexing, which can cause waves and defects in 2 May 2017
May OLP.indd 2
Eric Rollins is a veteran of the optical retail, frame and lab industries. His firm, Rollins Consulting, LLC, consults with the three Os to improve profitability. Email him at EricRollins@Comcast.net. OpticalLabProducts.com
4/25/17 4:55 PM
Green Must Be Green BY JOHN SAILER
hile covering the
Satisloh’s ART-deblocker, part of
Italy, mentions the fact that the
footage to accommodate that
various processing
its technology that eliminates the
building is powered by solar
equipment.” More square footage
techniques optical
use of alloy when blocking,
panels on its roof. Assuredly, there
equals greater expense.
“Separating by water jet eliminates
will come a day when the
labs are implementing in order to be more environmentally conscious it became clear after
Still, Bowers summed up how going green should be a part of
When you start being green you’re actually saving cash.
every labs’ decisions when attempt-
owners and managers that unless
the shock of manual deblocking,
company will have realized the
bottom line when he concluded
there is a financial benefit to any
reducing spoilage and labor cost,”
return on investment of the cost of
that “when you start being green
particular eco-friendly practice
one article in this issue states.
those panels.
you’re actually saving cash.”
then it is unlikely to be instituted.
Coburn’s OnyxBond, when used
In order to go green (environ-
with the E2G Blocker, “reduces
costs more, some are reluctant to
mentally considerate) then
lens breakage,” thereby also saving
do so. Walman Optical’s Chris
specific practices must also be
Bowers said, “Alloy-free technolo-
speaking with a number of lab
green (financially beneficial). For example, when labs use
May OLP.indd 3
This month’s profile of MEI’s new headquarters in Bergamo,
ing to generate more green for their
Alternatively, when going green
gy takes up more space, so we would definitely need more square
John Sailer is VP, editorial of First Vision Media Group. JS@VisionCareProducts.com.
May 2017 3
4/25/17 4:55 PM
OLP interviews Steve Schneider, vice president, aftermarket, Satisloh North America.
How does Satisloh’s aftermarket consultants team work? They cover many
of their standard jobs tradi-
ity is to travel throughout their
different aspects.
tionally because they invested
region to visit primarily Satisloh
After machines have
in conventional equipment
customers, but we also have
been installed and production has
that continues to work. It’s
customers that have invested in
started, what comes next? If, for
definitely an educational point
multiple companies’ equipment
example, a customer is changing
to train the labs to fully
and that we consult with.
from traditional to digital
transition into digital surfac-
surfacing, the lab needs time to
ing. Plus, even with digital
and really see how things flow. A
adjust and learn a new process.
processing, labs can still
lab manager’s goal is usually
The goal of the Satisloh aftermar-
experience many of the same
moving the work quickly
issues: an off power lens, or an
through, and they don’t have the
aberration, or a coating pit.
chance to step back and look at
These are challenges that need
where potential bottlenecks are
process, everything is completed
to be addressed no matter if
or to look into where they’re
to the customer’s satisfaction and
you’re doing traditional or if
having a problem.
ket consultant is first and foremost to make sure that the equipment, the installation, the
STEVE SCHNEIDER is vice president, aftermarket, Satisloh North America.
they understand how it works
OLP: You mentioned going
and how to maintain it.
from traditional to digital. Is
Then we look at productivity.
that still happening a lot?
Is the machine providing what
you’re doing digital surfacing.
A key role is to observe the lab
Our aftermarket consultants will come in and determine
OLP: Does the aftermarket
where the lab is running
consultants team usually
effectively and efficiently but
the customer anticipated, from
STEVE: Oh sure, especially in the
get involved when the lab
then also look for areas of
the quality of the lens to the
North American market. When
has a problem and asks for
opportunity. The goal is to help
throughput of the machine?
you look at this industry on a
assistance, or do they work
improve quality or throughput
Obviously, no matter the process,
global basis, the U.S. market is by
proactively with the lab to
based on changes in the process
the goal is always to turn the raw
far the largest. Digital surfacing,
prevent problems from
or in the flow of the lab.
blanks into a pair of high quality
the new way of creating the lens,
ophthalmic lenses ready to be
has only been around for about
dispensed to a patient.
10 to 12 years. The majority of
STEVE: We’re definitely
the laboratories have transitioned
proactive. For 2017, we’ve split
only focus on their equipment
into some type of digital, but
North America into four
investment but also on their
there’s still a lot of production
quadrants, northeastern,
entire process. And we educate
being done conventionally with a
southeastern, northwest and
them on the support programs
fining pad and a polish pad. It’s
southwest, and we have an
that we offer to maintain their
probably a 60/40 split, about 60%
individual aftermarket consul-
machines and ensure maximum
digital and 40% traditional.
tant located within each of
We want the customer to not
productivity. 4 May 2017
May OLP.indd 4
Many labs still run quite a bit
The team, including myself, has about 120 years of combined
those regions. Their responsibilOpticalLabProducts.com
4/25/17 4:55 PM
Untitled-2 1
4/21/17 2:12 PM
per surface. So, if they buy a
on, most likely we’re going to
start to see poly lenses coming
diamond tool for their genera-
speed up the machine. But
out hazy or with surface scratch-
customer is having a challenge, they
tor, how many cuts do they get
sometimes customers change
es, most likely it’s the polish.
either contact our team directly or
out of it before it has to be
things on their own and create a
That’s what led Satisloh to
through our main office.
replaced or re-sharpened, and
problem. In these cases we might
start working on the chemistry
what did they pay?
have to bring the machine back
of polish, not only the liquid
to its original settings.
portion but also the particulate,
experience in the industry. If there’s a situation where a
In today’s world, we can do a lot over the phone, at least to get
If they pay $500 and get 5,000
an understanding of the problem,
cuts, the cost per surface is 10
define the challenge, and see how
cents. But if they pay $1,000 and
OLP: What specific problems
shapes and unique hardnesses
long it has been happening.
get 15,000 cuts, the cost is now 7
have labs encountered that
that work much more effectively
the solids, and to develop unique
cents per surface. The cheapest
the aftermarket team
with substrates like polycarbon-
some recommendations that
tool is not always the most cost
ate, Trivex and other materials.
could get them going in the right
effective one. All costs, including
direction. If it’s a critical
broken lenses and additional labor
STEVE: Take polishing for
OLP: So what was the result?
scenario, we travel to the lab and
need to be taken into consider-
instance. Polishing seems to be
spend a few days to study in
ation to really understand the final
one of the forgotten areas. We
STEVE: Digi-Pro Digital Polish
depth what the challenge is and
cost per surface. We help our
put polish into a tank and the
was released at Vision Expo
where it came from.
customers to do just that.
digital machine continues to
West. We’ve been implementing
We try to give our customers
the new polish in labs for the last
We look for the root cause to
A lab manager’s goal is usually moving the work quickly through, and they don’t have the chance to step back and look at where potential bottlenecks are.
six months. Our customer base
OLP: You mentioned diag-
push lenses through. We don’t
This means less labor. And you
nosing over the phone. Do
see the problems until we get to
can finish more lenses per gallon
OLP: What specific challeng-
you use any other remote
final inspection.
which translates into a lower cost
es are you seeing?
diagnostic tools?
STEVE: One key challenge is with
STEVE: We can investigate
chemistry. Customers were
generating and proper diamond
various issues by logging into the
trying to push the number of
ables and the process are just as
tooling. Laboratories look at
machine. Today’s machines have
lenses they could get through
important as the piece of
every expense, and cost per
macros and different speeds and
one tank of polish higher before
equipment itself. If you have a
surface has become a major focal
feeds that can be adjusted. If we
completing a polish change. But
half million dollar piece of
point. Everybody is defining
suspect macros and settings to
when you run as much polycar-
equipment, but you don’t have
their process based on the cost
be the root cause of a problem,
bonate as we do in the U.S., this
the right diamond or coolant or
we can log into the machine to
depletes the capabilities of the
calibration, you’re still going to
review the macros. For a lot of
polish much quicker when
make bad lenses.
those machines we have backup
compared to running just
files that we can look at to
CR-39. The poly material,
OLP: What other consum-
compare current settings to the
because it’s sticky, encapsulates
ables does Satisloh provide?
way the machine was set up
the particulate within the polish
and it gets to a point where it
STEVE: Satisloh offers consum-
starts to scratch.
ables for every process, from
the problem and avoid putting a band-aid on issues just to get by. We want to go all the way back to the root cause, understand it and correct it to prevent the problem from happening again.
This is something that drove us to developing the new polish
If the customer is running a substrate that we can go faster 6 May 2017
May OLP.indd 6
In the world of digital, if you
has been asking for a longer life polish. Instead of changing their tank out every four weeks, they want to change out every six.
per surface. Digi-Pro accomplishes this for our customers. With Satisloh, the consum-
blocking to finishing to AR. OpticalLabProducts.com
4/25/17 4:55 PM
WHAT’S NEW? Transitions® Signature® VII FT28 bifocal, FT35 bifocal and 7 x 28 trifocal lenses are now available in polycarbonate composite material, in both gray and brown. This means even more segmented multifocal lens wearers can enjoy the unsurpassed photochromic performance of Transitions Signature VII lenses!
GOOD TO KNOW: Transitions Signature VII polycarbonate composite technology now available in FT28 and FT35 bifocal and 7 x 28 trifocal lenses Unique photochromic Trivex layer uses Chromea7™ technology to provide unsurpassed Transitions Signature VII performance Choice of gray or brown
Photochromic Trivex® front surface This thin layer of specially adapted Trivex® has been optimized for superb photochromic performance.
Processes just like polycarbonate 1.59 Index: Same as polycarbonate Superb segment cosmetics Integral chemical bond will not separate Excellent impact resistance
Available exclusively from Younger Optics, call 800-366-5367 to order. Photochromic performance is influenced by temperature, UV exposure and lens material. Transitions, Signature and the swirl are registered trademarks and Chromea7 is a trademark of Transitions Optical, Inc., used under license by Transitions Optical Limited. Trivex is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.
Trans Sig Poly Untitled-2 1 Comp Multifocal - OLP.indd 1
4/10/2017 4/21/17 10:20:36 2:12 AMPM
Easy on the Environment? Being an eco-friendly lab may be less daunting than it seems. BLOCKING AND DEBLOCKING
mid-2000s and in the last
Cherry said the cleaning process
couple of years has taken steps
espite the potential for
prior to anti-reflective coating
to remove low temperature
manager at Walman Optical,
increased environmental
requires a large amount of
alloy that contains cadmium
said most of Walman’s plants
regulations, some in the
water, and while he said water
and lead. In its Fayetteville, AR,
are sized for the equipment
lab industry say adopting more
consumption isn’t a big concern
lab, Walmart removed all alloy
currently used.
sustainable practices isn’t only
in Wisconsin, it is in other parts
and converted to Satisloh’s
about removing alloy and
of the country like California
ART (Alloy-Replacement
up more space so we would
recycling swarf. It’s the little
and the Southwest. Cherry
Technology) blocking system, a
definitely need more square
things that can add up to big
Optical, Inc. uses Cad-Con 1000
process that required an entire
footage to accommodate that
from Practical Systems, Inc. for
equipment change that took 16
equipment,” he said.
alloy reclamation as well as
months to complete.
different requirements and
Schneider Optical Machine’s
At its Crawfords-
regulations, and I think a lot of
DBA Modulo and TSA Modulo
ville, IN, lab,
“Each area of the country has
cost and waste,” he said. Chris Bowers, operations
“Alloy-free technology takes
Cherry Optical, Inc. separates swarf during the production process.
Walmart converted
“It’s the right thing to do and we can’t wait until environmental legislation. When you start being green you’re actually saving cash.” —Chris Bowers, Walman Optical
from low temperature to high temperature alloy that melts at 138°⁰F and doesn’t contain any lead or cadmium.
what we’re seeing in our
automated deblocking and
industry is coming from
detaping systems, which Cherry
commitment to our
California,” said Adam Cherry,
said keeps the deblocking
customers,” he said.
president of Green Bay,
enclosed so “it’s much cleaner,
“They want to buy
WI-based Cherry Optical, Inc.
and the handling of it is a lot
from businesses that
“There’s not a ton we can do,
easier.” Cherry Optical, Inc.
care about the way
but being conscious of what we
also recently purchased the LRS
items are made and
do with water and utilizing
- Lead Removal System from
shipped and sold.”
filters to get rid of contaminants
Universal Photonics.
[is one thing].”
Cherry said that because alloy
May OLP.indd 8
Yet there’s no non-alloy equip-
can be used over and over
ment at FEA
again, “there’s an environmen-
Industries, said Bill
tal advantage to that.”
Heffner, director of
Scott Pickering, senior
8 May 2017
“Sustainability is a
IT, marketing and
director of optical manufactur-
sales, because “we
ing at Walmart Optical, said
would be swapping
Walmart first began investigat-
alloy for plastic, so
ing more environmentally
at that point you
friendly practices in the
end up with more OpticalLabProducts.com
4/25/17 4:56 PM
SUSTAINABLE LENS OPTIONS Two biofriendly choices available for labs are Mitsui Chemical’s DoGreen monomer and OKIA Optical’s Bio Lens. All of Mitsui’s 1.74 monomer is made with DoGreen, a USDA-certified, plant-based material that reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 14%, according to the company. “Any lens caster selling lenses from our monomer are DoGreen, some just do not promote this. This would mean that essentially half of all 1.74 lenses sold in the world are DoGreen,” according to the company. OKIA’s 100% biodegradable sample Bio Lens, introduced at MIDO, can be broken down into carbon dioxide and water within 120 days.
Peoria, IL, lab in 2007, it
people want to
designed a waste evacuation
recycle,” he
system with a closed loop that
said, adding,
pumps swarf to a separate room.
“It’s hard to be
Paul Ponder, senior Rx director
of manufacturing, said liquids
tally conscious
enter a remote pump that goes
in the lab.”
up to and across the ceiling. Solids are rejected and fluids go
into a micro-separator that
filters microscopic contaminants
At both Cherry
so fluids can be reused. Solid
Optical, Inc.
waste enters a briquetter where
and Walmart,
it’s compressed and shipped to
different recyclers.
lighting to
Ponder also said Maui Jim
LED bulbs has
recycles all lens and frame waste
saved money
generated from its repairs and
and increased energy efficiency.
cals, Inc. and utilizes dry edging
returns departments.
Pickering said Walmart also
systems to cut down on edging
added motion sensors in areas
filings going through sewer
are recycled,” he said. “We
where associates work, ensuring
wanted to be responsible, and we
lights aren’t always on.
“All products in the building
OKIA Optical’s Bio Lens is a 100% biodegradable sample lens.
built this lab as a showcase.
“It [being environmentally
to be a good corporate citizen,”
There are 500 people in this
conscious] doesn’t always need
Bowers said. “It’s the right thing
building with many different
to be about getting rid of
to do and we can’t wait until
departments, and it generates a
alloy,” Cherry said. “Replacing
environmental legislation. When
lot of cardboard and paper
lighting and making sure
you start being green you’re
heating and cooling systems
actually saving cash.”
Pickering declined to be specific, but he did say that
are modern and efficient are other ways.”
Walmart is currently testing
Last year California added
swarf recycling initiatives. “The
efficiency lighting is always
bisphenol A (BpA),―a compo-
communities that we operate in
installed whenever a lab is
nent of polycarbonate swarf,―to
are proud of the things we do,”
renovated and when equipment
its list of carcinogenic materials
he said. “We’re a great provider
needs new motors, they are
in Proposition 65, requiring
of jobs, and we need to be a good
replaced with high-efficiency
warning labels on goods that
neighbor and take care of our
ones that emit less heat and use
contain it and putting pressure
less energy. Walman also uses
on labs to efficiently and safely recycle the toxic shavings. When Maui Jim built its
“I don’t need to be legislated
But the problem with swarf,
At Walman, Bowers said high
Cara Aidone Huzinec is assistant editor of Optical Lab Products.
the DoGreen lens, a plant-based,
said Heffner, is “no one wants it.
biodegradable, high-index 1.74
We don’t have pure material that
lens material by Mitsui Chemi-
WHERE TO FIND IT: Mitsui Chemicals America 914.253.0777 • MistuiOptical.com • R.Rogers@MitsuiChem.com. • OKIA Optical Co., Ltd. +852 2371 3889 • Okia. com • HD@Okia.com Practical Systems, Inc. 800.237.8154 • LooktoPSI.com • Info@LooktoPSI.com • Satisloh North America, Inc. 800.866.5640 • Satisloh.com • Info.USA@Satisloh.com • Schneider Optical Machines 972.247.4000 • Schneider-om.com • Info-USA@Schneider-om.com • Universal Photonics 800.645.7173 • UniversalPhotonics.com OpticalLabProducts.com
May OLP.indd 9
May 2017 9
4/25/17 4:56 PM
ALLOY ALTERNATIVES Dispensing with the use of alloy when blocking lenses or eliminating blocking altogether is one step toward a more environmentally friendly optical lab. BY JAIMEE PALKOVICZ
Replacement Technology) uses a
is measured and bonded to the
adhesive and lens using a water
universal, reusable organic
plastic block-piece with an
jet and then dries both sides of
hen people think of
block-piece and UV-curable
optimized dosage of adhesive
the lens, leaving it ready for
optical labs and the
adhesive, rather than alloy and
using Satisloh’s patented spatial
inspection. After separation and
optical industry in
tape. Using this combination of
blocking technique. This
cleaning, block-pieces are sorted
general, they probably don’t
organic materials eliminates
technique is what enables ART
by curvature and diameter for
associate the business with
hazardous substances such as
to block prism using a non-alloy
efficient reuse. Separating by
being environmentally friendly.
heavy metals, preventing their
blocking system.
water jet eliminates the shock of
But, with advances in technolo-
discharge into the water cycle
gy, many companies now have
and helping to protect the
with a matching, automated
equipment that requires no
deblocking system, the ART-de-
blocking or promotes low alloy
The ART-Blocker is paired
manual deblocking, reducing spoilage and labor cost.
blocker, enabling a lab to fully
cally unloads the lens blanks and
automate its surfacing operation.
Given the growing trend of
plastic block-piece from the job
Integrated into the lab’s
regulatory agency concern over
tray using an advanced optical
manufacturing flow, it automati-
the use of alloy, Coburn
imaging system. Next, the
cally loads generated and
Technologies looked to develop
block-piece selection is verified;
polished lenses and returns
something new. The result was
Satisloh’s environmentally
each has its own unique data
deblocked lenses to the job tray.
OnyxBond, a surface blocking
friendly alternative to traditional
matrix code stamped on the side.
The deblocking system
alloy blocking, ART (Alloy
Lastly, the front curve of the lens
separates the block-piece,
usage as a result of environmental awareness.
The ART-Blocker automati-
material proprietary to the company that works in con-
Satisloh’s ART (Alloy Replacement Technology) uses a reusable organic block-piece and UV-curable adhesive.
10 May 2017
May OLP.indd 10
4/25/17 4:56 PM
junction with the E2G Blocker.
blocking applications. This
prism work, all while
OnyxBond is environmentally
surface blocker dispenses the
eliminating the
friendly and far stronger than
patented Free-Bond blocking
constraints and
other thermal plastic products
material, a proprietary blocking
limitations of
Coburn has worked with,
compound designed to be
previous non-alloy
according to the company.
environmentally friendly. As
OnyxBond provides an ex-
with OnyxBond, Free-Bond
Combined with its
tremely rigid surface, while the
eliminates the concerns
smooth DTS modulo
E2G offers accurate lens
associated with alloy blocking.
deblocking system, Schneider’s CCB Modulo now offers labs a total system solution to go non-alloy without limitations. ECO-EDGING The EZfit Edger was developed by MEI Systems using milling technology. Environmentally friendly benefits of the EZfit Edger include the elimination of the use of water during the cutting
The E2G Blocker uses OnyxBond, an environmentally friendly surfacing blocking material proprietary to Coburn.
MEI’s EZfit Edger uses no water while cutting.
processes, a very small amount of
prevent damage to the machin-
water required for polishing, and
ery. The small amount of waste
its waste does not need to be
that is produced is collected in a
treated or disposed of separately,
vacuum bag.
making this edger an ecologically
Thanks to the environmental-
friendly choice. (In addition,
ly aware, the optical industry
alignment, which reduces lens
Using its automatic one-touch
MEI’s new headquarters in
continues to make strides in
breakage. Plus, like alloy,
blocking feature, operators can
Bergamo, Italy, is solar powered,
becoming increasingly eco-con-
OnyxBond is compatible with
block and chill the lens in one
eliminating the need to burn
scious. As the world becomes
anti-reflective coating processes.
simple step, consolidating the
fossil fuel when designing and
more concerned with the
E2G and OnyxBond offer a fast
surface blocking process while
manufacturing new optical
environment, there is steady
and inexpensive reclaim and
increasing throughput.
equipment. See page 12.)
movement toward eco-friendly
cleanup process, according to
CCB Modulo from Schneider
The 7Ex Edger from National
machinery. These companies
the company, and after use, the
Optical Machines offers a
Optronics is environmentally
that offer no-alloy or low-alloy
OnyxBond material is placed
complete solution to the
friendly because it employs
blocking are taking steps to
back into the blocker where it is
increasing need for economical
dry-cut edging, eliminating the
reduce theirs and their custom-
melted and reused.
and environmentally friendly
need for messy chemicals and
er’s carbon footprint.
automated blocking technology.
allowing for the easy disposal of
LX surface blocking system with
With its powerful Eco-Fuse
waste. In addition, because it does
Jaimee Palkovicz is marketing
standard layout and blocking
Technology (EFT), it handles
not expose the equipment to
coordinator of i-see Optical Lab in
features along with advanced
any lens type, including high
harmful chemicals it helps
Blackwood, NJ.
Coburn also offers the Eclipse
May OLP.indd 11
May 2017 11
4/25/17 4:56 PM
Poised for Growth: MEI Opens New Factory Known for edgers that can mill even the most complex shapes, this machinery manufacturer in Bergamo, Italy, recently built a new factory with the potential for further doubling its size. BY JOHN SAILER
facilities and larger manufactur-
ness” of the building, which is
smaller operations. The first
ing areas, aiming at better service
fully powered by solar panels on
block-free version of the EZfit
In business for 20 years and in
and faster delivery time,” the
the roof.
edger shipped in December.
optical for the last ten, MEI S.r.l.
company’s founder and
moved into newly built facilities
president, Stefano Sonzogni, told
factory that is most impressive.
the world in Hong Kong, Sao
at the end of last year. At about
OLP during a recent tour of the
There, about 120 employees
Paulo and Chicago (and another
86,000 square feet, the building
new building.
run the company, designing
U.S. branch opening in Ontario,
and constructing optical
California), the company’s global
is three times larger than its
One’s first impression upon
But it’s what’s inside the
With satellite offices throughout
previous space and includes
entering the building is of a
equipment for distribution
expansion continues. “We are
enough contiguous land to
living wall covered in moss that
throughout the world. And
looking for distributors and agents
accommodate further doubling
serves as a backdrop to the
while the company made a
all over the world,” Fabio Verzeri,
in size when necessary.
reception desk and a one-story-
name for itself with industri-
senior director global operations,
tall television screen that was
al-sized automated edgers
told OLP during the visit.
headquarters is to allow the
showing a time lapse video of the
capable of cutting lenses to fit
expansion of the overall MEI
building’s construction during
even the highest base curve
company’s offices throughout
organization, including larger
OLP’s visit. The green of the
frames, most recently MEI
the world are not just for sales
service, training and R&D
lobby’s wall reflects the “green-
introduced the EZfit edger for
and distribution but for training
“The main focus of the new
He explained that the
MEI opened a new 86,000-square-foot headquarters in Bergamo, Italy, for “the expansion of the overall organization,” according to founder and president Stefano Sonzogni.
A two-story living wall greets visitors and reflects the “greenness” of the solar-powered factory.
12 May 2017
May OLP.indd 12
4/25/17 4:57 PM
Stefano Sonzogni, president and founder of MEI, said expansion is the focus of the new headquarters.
and spare parts as well. For example, installation of the EZfit edger along with training takes about one week in the lab.
methods. Optical wholesale labs
While most satellite offices can
agreed and started investing in
handle the training for their
the first edgers MEI introduced
respective markets, some
to the market.
machines require specialized
While the EZfit edger has now
training for which lab managers
opened the retail optical market
may need to travel to the new
to the company, Sonzogni hints
building in Bergamo.
that MEI will also be introducing
Involved in the production of
other technologies for wholesale
automated machinery for a
optical labs as well. If they are
variety of industries during the
met with the same success, the
ten years prior to the company’s
company might need that
entry into the optical market,
additional space for expansion
Sonzogni explained that he
sooner rather than later.
decided to build his first edger when he realized that using a
John Sailer is vice president,
drill to edge lenses would be far
editorial of First Vision Media
more effective than traditional
Group, publisher of OLP.
MEI recently entered the retail optical market with the introduction of EZfit edgers last year.
Bisphera industrial-sized edgers are manufactured in MEI’s new factory for worldwide distribution. OpticalLabProducts.com
May OLP new.indd 13
May 2017 13
4/26/17 10:17 AM
The 2017 Transitions Lenses Prod-
Equipment from National
uct Availability Guide outlines the
Optronics is now also distrib-
company’s photochromic technolo-
uted by DAC Vision, in addition
gy by design, material and lens caster
to Satisloh North America. According to
partner. The Product Availability Guide includes information
DAC Vision president David Meisenheimer, dis-
on the Transitions family of brands, including Transitions
tributing National Optronics equipment “expands and com-
Signature VII lenses, Transitions XTRActive lenses, Tran-
plements our existing product portfolio with a known and
sitions Vantage lenses and Transitions Drivewear lenses.
trusted tabletop equipment brand.” Technical service for all
The guide features information on usage, color options,
customers will continue to be provided by National Optron-
behind-the-windshield activation, polarization, protection
ics and by field technicians as well. All National Optronics
and more. It also gives an overview of Transitions Adaptive
equipment is built in the U.S. “Both Satisloh and DAC have
Sunwear products, including sport sunglasses for running and
large, loyal customer bases,” said Pete Lothes, president and
cycling, Transitions adaptive goggles for skiing and Transi-
CEO, Satisloh North America. “This new arrangement pro-
tions adaptive shields for motorcycle riding. The guide can be
vides labs and ECPs throughout the U.S. with easier access to
downloaded online by visiting TransitionsPRO.com.
National Optronics products.”
THE BEST PRODUCTS FOR DIGITAL LENSES • STM640 Digital Coolant • Aspire Lens Polish • Sentry Lens Tape
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14 May 2017
May OLP.indd 14
4/25/17 4:57 PM
FIL-TECH COPPER SENSOR HEADS Fil-Tech’s sensor head hardware in copper offers superior cooling compared to stainless steel. Sensor heads are removable from water lines and can be supplied with internal oscillators for 5MHz and 6MHz measurement. For more information, contact Fil-Tech at 800.743.1743 or FilTech.com.
TWO NEW FROM COBURN Designed for processing all indexes of lenses (1.498 to 1.74), the Cobalt NX offers auto calibration for faster and more efficient processing and interrupted cut available on both the x-and v-axis, eliminating the need for a granulator. The Cobalt NX also includes on-board engraving and a cold mist/ dry cut. Duality, Coburn’s new fully automated, all-in-one lens detaper and cleaner, removes surface saver tape without the need for manual labor. A mechanical brush action provides two-sided lens cleaning with a high pressure wash in detergent. For more information, contact Coburn Technologies at 800.262.8761 or CoburnTechnologies.com. LUXEXCEL 3D PRINTED LENSES Belgian company Luxexcel offers the technology and equipment necessary for labs to 3D print specialty lenses such as monofocals, bifocals and trifocals with cylinders and prisms. Lenses are compatible with all existing coatings, tinting and edging, have passed the ISO 8980-1:2004 Focal Power test and are FDA drop ball compliant. For more information, contact Luxexcell at + or Luxexcel.com.
Stay up-to-date with the latest in lab news and new products— subscribe to LABmail at OpticalLabProducts.com
May 2017 15 LabMail_square.indd 1
May OLP new.indd 15
4/25/17 11:44 AM
4/26/17 10:17 AM
DAC VISION GREEN PRO SW This liner-free lens tape is made to DAC Vision’s specifications for digital and traditional processing. Its green film allows for great contrast in all blocking systems TRANSITIONS SIGNATURE VII NOW INCLUDES
and works on most manual, automatic and
robotic tapers. Green Pro SW offers heat shielded thermal
Available from Younger Optics, Transitions VII Signature
protection and conformability on all lens materials and cur-
polycarbonate lenses now include FT35 bifocal and 7 x 28
vatures along with easy deblocking properties for alloy and
trifocal lenses in both brown and gray. This composite lens
wax blocking. For more information, contact DAC Vision at
incorporates a thin photochromic front surface bifocal or
800.800.1550 or DACVision.com.
trifocal layer composed of Trivex lens material. For more information, contact Younger Optics at 800.366.5367 or YoungerOptics.com.
Eliminate blocking pad
slippage on super hydrophobic
CCB Modulo by Schneider Optical Machines is a total
lenses with Lens Pro Traction
solution for environmentally friendly automated blocking.
Control from Dynamic Labs. Apply one to two sprays to
The CCB Modulo utilizes Eco-Fuse Technology (EFT) and
coated lenses, allow to dry for 30 to 60 seconds, and lenses are
can handle all lens types, including high-prism lenses. When
ready to block and edge. The product can easily be removed
combined with the DTS Modulo smooth deblocking system,
by spraying with Eliminator and wiping with a lens cloth.
the CCB Modulo allows labs “to go ‘non-alloy’ without
Lens Pro is available in two sizes: 25 ml and 100 ml. For more
limitations,” according to the company. For more informa-
information, contact Dynamic Labs at 888.339.6264 or
tion, contact Schneider Optical Machines at 877.702.5655 or
16 May 2017
May OLP.indd 16
4/25/17 4:58 PM
Announcing a year-long series of continuing education dinner meetings brought to you by First Vision Media Group, Inc. in conjunction with Quantum Optical
FIRST VISION FACE-TO-FACE 12 Total Meetings Scheduled for 2017 CE Credits for both Opticians and Optometrists
Attendance is Free (Limited Seating) and Includes Dinner Supported by Many of the Industry’s Leading Suppliers
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• Mapping Out a Blue Light Game Plan (4 total meetings nationwide) All educational content developed and presented by Michael Della Pesca, ABOM, of Quantum Optical and a select group of leading lecturers
Attendance is free...Seating is limited For dates, cities and registration information go to: www.FaceToFaceCE.com
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FTF_House_Ad_Apr17.indd 1
3/13/17 11:10 AM
Little Space. Big Business.
HSC nano XP
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The nano way of lens manufacturing The Nano Line – Extremely low investment costs combined with minimal space requirements are the reasons the Nano Line is the perfect choice to produce high quality freeform lenses virtually anywhere. Due to minimum environmental requirements, onboard lens design software and smallest footprint, customers can immediately start their own lens production. SCHNEIDER’s Nano Line covers the full range of generating and polishing solutions as well as very effective hard coating machines and fast and powerful anti-reflective coating systems. From surfacing to coating the Nano Line is the perfect high quality and fast response solution for startups and partner labs that want to produce freeform lenses anywhere.
SCHNEIDER GmbH & Co. KG Biegenstrasse 8–12 35112 Fronhausen, Germany Phone: +49 (64 26) 96 96-0 www.schneider-om.com
Untitled-2 1
SCHNEIDER Optical Machines Inc. 6644 All Stars Avenue, Suite 100 Frisco, TX 75033, USA Phone: +1 (972) 247-4000 info-us@schneider-om.com
2/16/17 6:43 PM