OLP Sept 2017

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SEPTEMBER 2017 OpticalLabProducts.com







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WHAT’S NEW? Transitions® Signature® VII FT28 bifocal, FT35 bifocal and 7 x 28 trifocal lenses are now available in polycarbonate composite material, in both gray and brown. This means even more segmented multifocal lens wearers can enjoy the unsurpassed photochromic performance of Transitions Signature VII lenses!

GOOD TO KNOW: Transitions Signature VII polycarbonate composite technology now available in FT28 and FT35 bifocal and 7 x 28 trifocal lenses Unique photochromic Trivex layer uses Chromea7™ technology to provide unsurpassed Transitions Signature VII performance Choice of gray or brown

Photochromic Trivex® front surface This thin layer of specially adapted Trivex® has been optimized for superb photochromic performance.


Processes just like polycarbonate 1.59 Index: Same as polycarbonate Superb segment cosmetics Integral chemical bond will not separate Excellent impact resistance

Available exclusively from Younger Optics, call 800-366-5367 to order. Photochromic performance is influenced by temperature, UV exposure and lens material. Transitions, Signature and the swirl are registered trademarks and Chromea7 is a trademark of Transitions Optical, Inc., used under license by Transitions Optical Limited. Trivex is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

Trans Sig Poly Untitled-2 1 Comp Multifocal - OLP.indd 1

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Contents OPINIONS 02 Rollins on Marketing 03 In the Lab 04 One-to-One with Robert Shanbaum, President, Ocuco Inc.

FEATURES 06 Got Consumables? 10 Lab Lore: Hall of Famers Recall Industry Changes 12 Industry Pioneer: John Young 20 Independent ECPs Join to Form Lab

Leadership Do’s and Don’ts BY JIM GROOTEGOED When talking to labs I’ll often ask

want their manager to listen,

important asset and the answer,

understand and respond.

more often than not, is the employees. But how do managers

There are also a number of

measure their satisfaction? If at

surprising items employees don’t

all, it’s generally through perfor-

want or expect from their

mance reviews, which is why I


noticed a recent Gallup poll that concluded, “Only two in 10 employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in

• Friendship. It’s more important to be a leader, a mentor and leading by example.

a way that motivates them to do

• Conversation. Employees don’t

outstanding work.” This sent me

want to have non-work-related

to the internet to do some

conversations with their manager.

research on what employees

• Emotional support. Only 25%

really want from “the boss.” The

want emotional support from

following were consistent and are

their manager. They typically

PROFESSIONAL EDITOR • Jim Grootegoed • JG@VisionCareProducts.com

summarized from many articles

look for that among coworkers.

VICE PRESIDENT, DESIGN • Jane Kaplan • JK@VisionCareProducts.com

and surveys:

But that doesn’t mean not being

EDITORIAL STAFF VP, EDITORIAL • John Sailer • JS@VisionCareProducts.com

involved when something

ASSISTANT EDITOR • Cara Aidone Huzinec • CH@VisionCareProducts.com ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR • Bruce Kenselaar • BK@VisionCareProducts.com PRODUCTION AND WEB MANAGER • Anthony Floreno • AF@VisionCareProducts.com CONTRIBUTING WRITER • Eric Rollins • EricRollins@Comcast.net

BUSINESS STAFF PRESIDENT/CEO • Frank Giammanco • FG@VisionCareProducts.com EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT • Shawn Mery • SM@VisionCareProducts.com DIRECTOR OF SALES • Janet Cunningham • JC@VisionCareProducts.com

• Honesty and integrity. Lies and secrets are the biggest killers to credibility. • Fairness and consistency in responses. • Trust and respect. Employees

VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING • Debby Corriveau • DC@VisionCareProducts.com

want to trust and respect their

VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS • Sharon O’Hanlon • SO@VisionCareProducts.com

management and expect the same in return. • Inclusion. Employees want to

serious occurs. • Cheerfulness. They’d rather respect managers than like them. In one study only a quarter wanted a cheerful or happy manager. If you’re an owner/manager/ supervisor please evaluate your conduct. If you’re an employee,

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK https://www.Facebook.com/OpticalLabProducts

understand the real purpose of

leave this article open on the


their job, to be a part of the

manager’s desk.

manager’s team and be asked to

FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN https://www.LinkedIn.com/Company/Optical-Lab-Products Throughout this magazine, trademark names are used. Instead of placing a trademark or registration symbol at every occurrence, we are using the names editorially only with no intention of infringement of the trademark.

contribute ideas and solutions. • Appreciation. Being recognized for just being there contributing to the success of the business goes a long way.


Sept OLP.indd 1

• Responsiveness. Employees

what they consider their most

Jim Grootegoed is professional editor of OLP. September 2017 1

8/23/17 12:02 PM


Push the Morale Flywheel BY ERIC ROLLINS

In sports, when teams go on a

management tends to be to “con-

winning streak they typically give

tinue whipping the employees

a lot of the credit to momentum

until morale improves,” and the

and team chemistry. As an exam-

downward spiral continues.

ple, the Chicago Cubs just had a

Morale can be hard to build,

bad first half of the 2017 season

and it can be destroyed in a day. I

after winning the 2016 World Se-

have seen a great lab be destroyed

ries. But they came out of the gate

by an HR person using unfortu-

after the All-Star Game and won

nate language when describing

six games in a row (as of this writ-

why they had to go to a lesser

ing) while on the road! The team

health insurance plan. Morale

and it’s manager all give credit to

went down the drain, and literally

the chemistry in the clubhouse.

the next day you could see the

Manager Joe Madden said, “I’m

difference in spoilage, job time

feeling the guys more mentally

and other quantifiable factors.

involved, and I love that.” Pitcher

Within two years the lab’s busi-

Mike Montgomery said, “The All-

ness was down 50%.

Morale can be hard to build, and it can be destroyed in a day. Star break was great for us. Since

On the other hand, when

we’ve been back, there is a great

you focus on keeping morale

vibe around here.”

in a good place, work tends

Obviously, the team also has

to improve. Jim Collins in the

talent and couldn’t win without

book Good to Great presents us

the players’ ability.

with the flywheel effect. A heavy

What about your lab? What is

flywheel takes a lot of energy to

the vibe like with your “play-

get going, but when it reaches

ers”? What is commonly called

a good speed it’s hard to slow

“momentum” or “chemistry” in

down. What have you done lately

professional sports is the equiva-

to push the morale flywheel?

lent of morale for our employees. When morale is low, quality and service times suffer. If our lab employees don’t think management cares about them, they usually don’t care much about what kind of work they put out. As quality suffers, the response of 2 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 2

Eric Rollins is a veteran of the optical retail, frame and lab industries. His firm, Rollins Consulting, LLC, consults with the three Os to improve profitability. Email him at EricRollins@Comcast.net. OpticalLabProducts.com

8/23/17 12:02 PM


It’s Just Good Business BY JOHN SAILER


his year’s Lab Innovator of

times reaping the rewards by

into the business to ensure its

Products (OLP) as this year’s Lab

the Year has led us to remi-

blazing trails and profiting from

success, sometimes to the

Innovator of the Year, in this

nisce about the many Lab

being the first to offer a revolu-

detriment of their own economic

issue on this page we share our

Innovators we’ve honored over

tionary product but at other

well being. But doing so, they

respect for the entire independent

the years and the fact that they all

times being the guinea pig for

ultimately benefit, realizing the

lab community, maintaining

share some basic characteristics.

new technologies that don’t

results of their efforts and

their success against challenging

deliver as promised.

succeeding when times are good.

competitive obstacles while

For one, they are frequently staunchly independent, multigen-

They treat their staff and

These members of the greater

staying human in the face of the

erational family-owned compa-

customers like family, providing

lab community, present and past

day-to-day challenges everyone

nies. Hard workers, for sure, in

the former with advice and

Lab Innovators and those yet to


the office before the staff, staying

assistance to address professional

be named, emulate not only the

after hours and working week-

as well as personal issues and

foundational tenets of good

ends more often than not.

socializing with both as long-last-

business but also the inherent

They take risks, investing in

ing friends. Their finances they

traits of simply being humane.

new and advanced technologies

know are the fuel that powers

long before anyone else, some-

their labs, pouring profits back


Sept OLP.indd 3

While we honor Plastic Plus in the next issue of Optical Lab

John Sailer is VP, editorial of First Vision Media Group. JS@VisionCareProducts.com.

September 2017 3

8/23/17 12:03 PM


OLP interviews Robert Shanbaum, President, Ocuco Inc.

What specifically does Ocuco offer optical labs? We want our lab

We are going to make sure

capabilities to handle such a

software division to

that our product continues to

project on their own. But we

be a one-stop shop

be modular and scalable so that

could do big ones!

from lab management systems

it can be used to manage a very

(LMS) to free-form lens designs

small lab as well as the largest

centralized point of contact for

to web ordering solutions.

labs on the planet.

all labs’ and suppliers’ issues and

Our full-featured Innovations

Ocuco is also making a

We frequently act as a

support, providing independent

LMS is very well established

significant investment in

equipment advice, lens testing,

globally across the entire range

e-commerce solutions. LabLink

technical support and staff

from small labs in retail stores

sends over one million orders


doing a few jobs per day to very large labs, both wholesale and

ROBERT SHANBAUM is President at Ocuco Inc.

annually. Its interface is highly

We’re here to advise, assist,

configurable, and it links

train, install and integrate

directly to both Innovations

everything into a working

and Labzilla, allowing prescrip-

solution. Lab in a Box is an

Innovations’ feature set to

tion data and remote trace files

independent, fully integrated

Systems, which has offered its

include everything offered by

to flow directly into the lab.

free-form solution. We combine

Labzilla LMS primarily to

Labzilla and more. The result is

There is also an online job

every element required to

wholesale labs for many years

the product we call Innovations

tracking facility, which can

implement and support a

and which used Innovations for

ULS (the Ultimate Lab System),

significantly reduce the

small-scale free-form surfacing lab

“the hard stuff” (calculations,

our flagship lab management

numbers of phone calls. The

with the ability to scale as needed

machine interfaces, etc.) Labzilla

software product.

latest version, offering an

but without being chained to a

updated user experience, is

particular design vendor.

retail, doing many thousands of jobs per day. In 2014, Ocuco acquired CC

handled functionality not

CC Systems was also an

provided in Innovations,

innovator, offering the first

primarily, the production of

independent free-form lens

invoices and management of

design system in North America,

OLP: Other than software,

One-to-One with Robert

Accounts Receivable. But

from IOT, so we have a lot of

what else does Ocuco

Shanbaum, go to OpticalLab-

Labzilla was developed in

know-how in helping labs

provide labs?


COBOL, a very old language that

transition from traditional to

doesn’t play well with modern

free-form processing. That’s not

SHANBAUM: We have a large

graphical computer interfaces

limited to software know-how,

and experienced team of lab

like Windows. Innovations, on

either; most of our support

experts. This led us to create

the other hand, was and

technicians had lab experience

the “Freeform Lab in a Box”

continues to be developed using

before joining us, and they now

concept, a turnkey free-form

the most modern development

have significant experience in

lab. It’s usually a small lab,

tools available. So, we decided to

training customers to use their

because larger users tend to

concentrate on expanding

free-form machines.

have more substantial

4 September 2017

currently in testing. For a longer version of this

Stay up-to-date with the latest in lab news and new products— subscribe to LABmail at opticallabproducts.com

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4/24/17 2:33 PM

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LP6075 | VEW 2017






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GOT CONSUMABLES? They keep your operation running smoothly, but being here, there and everywhere throughout your lab, consumables can fade from focus . . . that is until you run out of them. BY ALEX EVANS

formulation produces a low


sheer interface between the lens ou can’t produce lenses


and the tool to optimize removal

without them. They keep


rates and surface finishes.

your equipment

Made with 99.9% pure anti-re-

STM630 effectively captures the

operating, ensure quality lenses

flective coating materials, DON

plastic particulate and relieves

and maintain your machinery.

COMPANY’s new AR consum-

surface tension to facilitate quick

And while they’re not as exciting

ables are manufactured to

yet soft settling.

exacting specifications for

as a new generating line or an

STM640, also a 100%

granular sizing to maintain a

AR coater, they do require your

synthetic grinding fluid, is

attention to make sure they do

consistent hardness and stability

formulated specifically for

their job efficiently, effectively

on the lens.

high-speed digital plastic lens

and economically. Here’s a

processing applications such as

rundown of what’s happening in

drilling, grooving and routing.

the world of consumables from a

The unique formulation, like

engineered polish formula for

number of suppliers:

STM630, produces a low sheer

removal and finish on all lens

interface between the lens and

materials. It was designed for use

the tool to optimize removal SPECIFICALLY FORMULATED

on all digital and traditional

rates while ensuring high-quality


polishing platforms. DigitALL

surface finishes.

provides clarity, less haze and


DigitALL is a precision

surfaces for improved anti-re-

STM630, a 100% synthetic

Salem Vision Group

grinding fluid, is formulated

800.234.1982 • SalemDist.com

specifically for conventional


flective coating results.

plastic lens processing applications such as drilling, edging and generating. The unique

DAC VISION CONTINUES TO FOCUS ON DEVELOPING DIGITAL SURFACING PRODUCTS FormaFlex S and DigitALL are DAC Vision’s new generation of digital polishing materials. The white first-step polish material in FormaFlex S produces a clear surface finish, while the black polishing material yields durabil-

6 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 6

ity while reducing torn or

DAC Vision 800.800.1550 •

damaged tool surfaces caused by

DACVision.com • DACVision.

sharp-edged lenses.

NA@DACVision.com. OpticalLabProducts.com

8/23/17 12:03 PM


Meet ART:


ART blockers and deblockers are a unique, green alternative to traditional alloy blocking. ART – winner of the German Federal Ecodesign Award 2014 – combines environmental consciousness with time and money saving technology that focuses on modern lens production needs. The winning technology: • Organic block material and adhesive remove hazardous substances from your lab and the environment • High-precision blocking for achieving the perfect optical power • Universal, reusable block-piece fits all standard clamping systems • UV-curable adhesive for precise blocking, protects lens front without tape, and eliminates cooling • Smooth water jet deblocking reduces spoilage • Machinable block-piece Seamlessly integrate ART into existing production lines.

www.satisloh.com | 800-866-5640

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8/23/17 12:25 PM


The line includes hydrophobic

Coburn’s newest contribution to

coatings that offer water and oil

the consumables ophthalmic

repellence for smudge-free and

market, the Single Point

easy-to-clean lenses. Practical

Generator Diamond can

Systems, Inc., (PSI) the exclusive

produce up to 5,000 cuts,

distributor for DON COMPA-

making for an extremely low

NY’s AR consumables in North

cost per lens. The cut from the

and South America, is able to

Gold Long Life diamond lasts

provide custom granular and pill

two to three times the life of

sizing to meet specific needs.

other natural or synthetic

DON AR products are compati-

diamonds. Coburn also offers its

ble with all vacuum coaters and,

customers re-lap services.

tent milling and turning. The advanced technologies in the chemistry of LH-405 keep its

in addition to AR coating materials, PSI offers high-quality

Coburn Technologies, Inc.

coolant systems operating at full

ion and electron beam gun

800.262.8761 •

productivity and unhindered by

filaments and monitoring


crystals for process control.


Before PSI became a distribu-


tor, U.S. labs purchasing directly

Key to lens surface quality is Digi-Pro’s viscosity, which offers consistent flow rates, while its suspension provides consistent

from DON had to order large

results and makes it easy to

biological issues that can reduce productivity and cause ongoing issues if not addressed. LH-405 Plus coolant is bacteria-resistant and can keep users’ equipment growth-free

quantities far in advance from


South Korea with no technical


support. With PSI’s Florida


warehouse and an AR Specialist

Satisloh develops and supplies

on staff, DON products can now

consumables built specifically

Satisloh North America, Inc.

be bought in the quantities need-

for its own processes, and its

800.866.5640 • Satisloh.com

ed at an affordable price with

new Digi-Pro polish continues


quick turnaround times and

this tradition. Specifically

on-site technical support.

engineered for Satisloh’s

clean. Its frost-resistant chemistry prevents product damage that saves money.

and operating at the proper coolant flow rate.

Multi-FLEX and Duo-FLEX


Practical Systems, Inc. (PSI)

digital polishers using a unique


800.237.8154 • LookToPSI.com

particle shape and hardness, this



new polish design offers


increased stock removal and

With the MEI PCD and the

product life. Digi-Pro can be

Optek Contour Max Generator


used on all organic lens materials


and in any available digital


polishing system.

Satisloh’s new LH-405 Plus coolant is made specifically for use with high speed digital generators. Its chemistry features a unique patent-pending lubricity that minimizes surface friction on lens materials for both cleaner and more consis-

8 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 8


8/23/17 12:03 PM

INNOVATIONS L AB MANAGEMENT SOFT WARE Innovations offers a modern LMS with industry leading functionality. New features include operator tracking, a real time productivity dashboard, predictive job scheduling, and much more. All of these features are designed to enable both manual and automated labs to enhance control and visibility over production processes.


3rd Party Labs

Optical Stores

Inventory Control

Work Flow Monitor


Pricing & Invoicing

Reports & Analytics Job Tracking



Accounts Receivable


Operator Tracking

Production Scheduler

Master Lens Database

Lens Design System Machine Links

Scanner Interface

Collect more data than ever before and enable your lab to operate at maximum efficiency.

Visit our website at Ocuco.com/lab or call today to book an appointment at Vision Expo West, booth number MS 5072 Call +1 (647) 722-6532 Fax: 727-535-1010 Email: info@ocuco.com

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8/23/17 12:24 PM


environmentally friendly

tools allow the machine to

blocking material, the patent

switch between work processes

pending Eco Fuse Technology

quickly, saving production time.

glue combines optimal mechani-

The multi-edging tool shown

cal stability, adhesion, tempera-

can perform roughing, two

ture behavior and deblocking

types of edging and drill holes.

capabilities. Even high prisms can be processed. For generating, Schneider’s cutting tools are characterized by low waviness values, and milling tools meet the best runout and Dual PCD insert, Jeanie

balancing values, according to

Premium Products offers two

the company.

new diamond and carbide

Schneider’s polishing pads are

low and high-index lenses and lacquers for index matching,

tooling products. The MEI PCD

one component of the Advanced

evaporation materials for film

is available in New, Relap and

Polishing System, which also

coating using the Electron Beam

Reblade. The company’s end

includes Alumox II polishing

Coater Series EBC, hydrophobic/

mills are made with balanced

fluid and the latest development,

oleophobic coatings and various

carbide materials and are rigid

processes and materials for

with no vibration issues,

fashion coatings or Rx sunlens

according to the company. Dual


PCD inserts for Optek Contour

For on-block or block-free

Max Generators are precision

edging, Schneider offers

ground to within microns. The

blockpieces, adhesive strips,

tools as spare parts for other

long life PCD holds tight

shaping tools for V-beveling, flat

equipment manufacturer’s

tolerances to prevent constant

beveling, shelf beveling and

machines, and it recommends


T-grooving, and tools for rough

not using replacement tools

cutting, drilling, grooving,

(milling tools in particular)

polishing and safety beveling.

from other companies in its

Jeanie Premium Products, Inc. 952.426.3237

It is MEI’s policy to not sell



Schneider Optical Machines the S+ tool series. The newly


MEI S.r.l. 847.357.0323

developed abrasive polish pad




material together with the latest




generation polishing macro


technology enhances tool life by

Schneider offers all of the

more than 50%, according to the


required tools and consumables



for lens production, ranging

For coating, Schneider offers


from blocking, generating,

cleaning detergents for all kinds

In an effort to optimize

polishing, cleaning, coating and

of ultrasonic cleaners, tintable

efficiency, MEI always develops


and non-tintable dip/hardcoating

its machines and tools together.

solutions with different grades of

That’s what it’s done with a new

hardness including primers for

pair of multi-edging tools. The

For alloy-free blocking, Schneider’s hazardous-free, 10 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 10


8/23/17 12:03 PM

Leybold Optics CCS610T+ Redesigned with a thermal evaporator and more powerful ion source This fourth generation coater has been redesigned - packing more capability into a smaller footprint - while retaining an affordable entry price.

Questions? leyboldoptics.cary@buhlergroup.com 919.657.7100

Innovations for a better world. Untitled-2 1

2/16/17 6:35 PM



able to make a better pair of

today are primarily machine

eyewear than the year before. An

tenders not skilled optical

optical laboratory resembled

craftsmen. Today, their mission

more of a machine shop 40 years

is to keep production moving.

ago, and today it’s full of CNC,

The consolidation in this



Inductees into The Vision Council’s Hall of Fame were asked how things have changed in the optical business since they started in the field and where they see it heading in the future, next year and beyond. Here is what some of them had to say:

industry is a gathering storm. Many large retail chains are moving in and displacing the

robotic and technologically superior equipment that can manufacture highly advanced lens designs with extreme precision.

ifty years ago, the optical

local opticians and optome-

industry was comprised of

trists. We are on a path similar


hundreds of small labs located

to that of the local pharmacy,

lab business 40-some years ago,

technology playing key roles. All

throughout the U.S. Many of

with most people seeing them

but one thing has remained

levels of the market are seeing

these labs had multiple branches

as interchangeable. The

consistently true: Each year we are

consolidation, including the

to service their customers because

personal service will be gone

we relied solely on U.S. mail.

and the entrepreneurial spirit

Overnight shipping did not exist

will be lost.

at that time. Consumers knew

As the industry continues its

their glasses would take a week or

consolidation, independent

more to be made. Each lab had

laboratories will continue to

skilled staff members who learned

disappear. ECPs will find more

the industry, starting as an

restrictions on how they can sell

apprentice and eventually

certain products. Maybe they’ll

becoming a journeyman. That was

be told that if they distribute a

20 years ago.

specific brand of frame, that the

Today, with our technology

entire job must be done by the

and product distribution, we

frame manufacturer, or else. The

have changed the way people

available choices will continue to

perceive this industry. We tell

disappear. The future is up to us

them eyeglasses are made in an

as an industry. If we want to stay

hour and that eyeglasses are

relevant, we need to rekindle our

two-for-$99.00 (with a free

independent spark and not let it

exam). Today, the lab manager

be doused by the coming storm.

sits behind a computer, relying

—William “Bill” Hefner, III,

upon technology to ensure the

President, CEO, Founder,

glasses are made correctly. The

FEA Industries

apprentice program is nonexis12 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 12

The industry continues to

changes since I started in the

evolve, with consolidation and

LAB DIVISION HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES This year’s Hall of Fame Inductees are: • John Art, Interstate Optical • Lorinda Fraboni, Walman Optical • James Goerges, Precision Tool Technologies, Inc. • William H. Heffner, III, FEA Industries, Inc. • Lawrence Lahr, Eye-Kraft Optical, Inc. •M ark Mattison-Shupnick, Sola, Jobson, MMS Consulting • Drake McLean, Dietz-McLean Optical • Joe Vitale, Essilor of America, Inc. The Lab Division has also named Marty Bassett, president & CEO of Walman Optical Co., as the 2017 recipient of the Directors’ Choice Award due to both his professional efforts and for



here have been many, many

giving back to the industry. He was inducted into the Lab Division Hall of Fame in 2012, and he will be recognized alongside this year’s Lab Division Hall of Fame honorees. OpticalLabProducts.com

8/23/17 12:04 PM

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8/23/17 12:26 PM


lenses. Life was so much simpler,

persuade, will win the digital lens

aligning themselves with

but there were no computers, so

market. Life is more complicated

partners that they feel will best

we used a glorified adding

and technology promises ever

help them in the future.

machine for lens calculations, and

more lens offerings. Unless

we had to hand-price each

there’s a new disrupter, such as

today is much more difficult

invoice. Our first systems in 1977

robotic eyes or gene therapy to

than when Interstate Optical

were developed in Fortran IV and

produce perfect vision, I see this

started back in 1977. The cost of

were used for rudimentary lens

trend continuing into next year

machinery required to produce

calculations and to automate

and beyond!

today’s lens designs and coatings

pricing the Rx’s. At that time, I

—Lorinda Fraboni,

combined with access to the

was the computer department.

IS Development and

insurance market and strong

Then we progressed to COBOL

Operations Manager

brands makes operating a small

and BASIC, adding stock

volume lab no longer practical.

invoicing and light reporting.

an optician/tech/teacher (almost

Finally, in 1987, we realized

50 years ago), I fit, edged, drilled

Starting a new optical lab

Looking into the future, I’m

for Walman


retail sector, as the players are


honored to be a nominee to the Hall of

Fame of the Vision Council’s Lab Division. When I started as

we’d hit our Peter Principle with

and dispensed only glass lenses

things we can’t even imagine

our math and machine interface

into a pretty limited number of

today. The manufacturing

skills and started leasing lab

frame styles and materials.

process and delivery of eyewear

software from DVI. We developed

Lenses were corrected curve

will see huge changes as supply

our own data warehouse to

only, visible multifocals came in

chain efficiencies change the

compile all of the branch sales

model. Brands will continue to

information, create corporate

become more meaningful and

reports and push data to Finance

important as consumers look for

for customer statements. Over

guidance with future technolo-

those 10 years we morphed into a

gy-enabled eyewear.

staff of 14. Life was more

—John Art, President, Interstate Optical


10 or more varieties (ever hear of ribbon segs, RedeRite, Ultex?) and I actually cut out glass lenses

very humbling and

with a glass cutter before

exciting to be recognized

beveling them by hand or on

by your peers, customers and

ceramic wheels. As part of SOLA

complicated, but we could

industry veterans to be inducted

Optical, I participated in creating

provide so much more to help the

into the Optical Hall of Fame, and

options to help ECPs provide a

business make good decisions.

especially to be inducted with

variety of thinner, lighter, highly

such a great group of people. It’s

impact resistant, photochromic

a lens took time. A mold had to

quite an honor, and I extend a

and polarized AR lens designs

be created, and this was expen-

sincere thank you to all. Since

digitally prepared (surfaced and

sive, so the process to create a

1983, this industry has been

edged) to deliver the best vision

lens was slower. Today, with

exciting from my perspective; it

everywhere on the lens. That’s

digital lenses, a simple tweak of

has always been under change,

nothing like when I started.

the software and voila, you have a

which I suspect will continue in

In optical yesteryears, to design



sure we’ll see eyewear doing

Next year, 2018 will showcase

new lens. Marketing creates

dramatic fashion for the next five

new frame material combina-

programs and promises;

years. My hopes are the changes

tions that allow new designs and

hen I started working at

technology delivers. Today, we

are good for the customer,

styles. While digital will continue

Walman in 1974, there

have 20-plus materials and

measured by quality, service and

to make complex lenses easier

were three lens materials: crown

hundreds of lens styles. I believe

cost. If so, the changes are good!

and frames more exciting, it will

glass, high-index glass and CR-39.

the company with the most

Lens styles were few: single vision,

effective advertising to the

straight top bifocals and trifocals,

consumer, or the third party

round segs, Ultex and cataract

vendor with the most power to


14 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 14

—James Goerges, Owner, Precision Tool Technologies, Inc.

drive a closer relationship, directly with the consumer. Digital will also make the optician more skilled in fitting OpticalLabProducts.com

8/23/17 12:04 PM



Bring your vision to New York—the city where things change in the blink of an eye—for the event of the year, where eyecare meets eyewear, and education, fashion and innovation mingle.




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8/23/17 12:28 PM



lenses. I see this accelerating because of computing power, better vision science and a direct relationship with the end consumer. Manufacturers will

He vividly remembers using a paintbrush to paint the emery

change seems to get faster and

onto the tools because nothing

more complicated every year.

was self-feeding or automated.

—Jason Sharpe,

Cylinder machines and automatic

lenses into the frames that hold

Lawrence has been in the

breakthroughs at the time. The

them. However, I also see a

business for over 60 years, first at

differences in products available

need for the doctor and optician

Lantz optical for a couple of years

from then to now in materials,

to get much more lens and

and then the rest of the time at

designs and treatments are just

frame savvy to ensure these

Eye-Kraft. When he came into

amazing. He remembers having

many opportunities don’t go

the business, everything was done

to cut a millimeter at a time on

unexplained or misunderstood.

by hand with generators, finers

the glass generator to get the

Change is guaranteed, and I’m

and polishers. All of the optical

thickness down to keep the glass

proud to have been an optician

calculations were done with

from breaking, and now he can

that participated in so many

pencil and paper, too. There were

watch the digital generator cut


no progressive lenses, and

two lenses in a little over a

—Mark Mattison-Shupnick,

everything was glass. They made


Director, Education, 20/20

their own surface tools by hand back then as well.

Vice President of Operations, Eye-Kraft Optical, on behalf of

edgers were technological

deliver more sophisticated

continuing change. And that

Lawrence Lahr, President of Operations, Eye-Kraft Optical

The main thing Lawrence sees in the future of this industry is

We have zero defects down to a science. Now we have it down to a table-top size. The new A&R ProMapper puts innovative, precision inspection technology within reach of all Rx labs. Using the newest A&R state-of-the-art technology, the table-top ProMapper provides a total inspection of lenses for optical and geometrical properties including power, prism, addition, thickness without contact, shape, polarization axis, and mapping inspection with Error Map and Go/No Go. The ProMapper is operator independent, uses automatic positioning and decision making technology, and is super easy to use and calibrate. Contact A&R for details on innovative table-top solutions available for any lab, whatever its size. Visit us at Booth LP4097 during Vision Expo West.

29” x 24” x 30”

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16 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 16


8/23/17 12:04 PM



SOLUTIONS FOR EVERY NEED. Superior coatings for all substrates and essential products for every lab.

• UV-XBT scratch-resistant coating offers unmatched adhesion to all lens substrates • AST-1 scratch-resistant coating is the hardest coating in the optical industry • ClearView is specially formulated to offer the best lens preparation before backside coating • ConsisTint will eliminate white spots and blotchiness for your tinting department


The 44R is the fastest and most reliable automated coater, offering the best coating yields in the market. • Capable of running lenses Off or On the Block to best fit your lab’s coating needs • 125 lens-per-hour throughput • Best process technologies for the lowest breakage rates

Ask Ultra Optics about our other chemistry offerings. SAVE THOUSANDS!

Visit booth LP4079 and we will show you how.

Untitled-2 1

8/23/17 12:27 PM



Industry Pioneer: John Young

John Young was also a genuinely nice person but very protective of his science. Ron McGhay, then president of Silor, relates this instance: “While many in the optical industry knew John, few may have known of his tenacity, creativity and humor. John was director of quality in the early ‘90s and reported to Guy Vareilles, the founder of Silor Optical (Silor and Essel Optical merged in 1972 to create Essilor).

His influence in optical spanned nearly fifty years.

John Young

“John was involved in the evaluation and development of many of today’s well-known optical products, including Transitions


soon following...many with

lenses first introduced in the early 1990s. As with many new


exaggerated claims about their

products, early stage Transitions had a number of shortcomings,

hat can you say

performance such as, “tests show

including a color change to a purplish shade, temperature sensi-

about a person who

that [our lens] is more scratch-re-

tivity (slow and reduced darkening as temperatures increased)

represented our

sistant than glass.”

and failure to darken behind a windshield when worn in a car. It

One of the problems was that

was John’s job to document the characteristics of the lens to es-

development with both ANSI

there was no standardized test for

tablish a baseline for future improvements as new generations of

and ISO, held patents for optical

SR, and players were, I’ll use this

the product were developed. Guy was strongly resistant to John’s

designs and testing protocols,

term carefully, “choosing” the

findings that Transitions would not darken when worn in a car.

lectured for years to advance our

test that showed their product in

collective knowledge, authored

the best light.

industry since 1969 in standards

“Guy’s office was on the second floor of Silor’s headquarters building overlooking a side parking lot. When Guy left town on

American Optical’s entry was

a business trip, John went to a local salvage yard, purchased

headed R&D and quality control

Permalite. I’ll let Dick Whitney

a junked car with an intact windshield and had it towed to a

for both AO and Essilor,

(currently manager, global

space in the parking lot directly under Guy’s office window. John

founded COLTS Laboratories

standards, Carl Zeiss Vision)

next placed multiple pairs of the first generation Transitions

(celebrating its 20th anniversary

describe: “I remember working

lenses on the dashboard of the car.

this year) and has more awards

with John as he submitted

over 100 published articles,

“When Guy returned from his business trip, John went to his

product to me for evaluation—

office and asked him to look at the car below and pointed out

cyclic humidity testing and

that the lenses on the dashboard were Transitions and to notice

famous accomplishment for the

John’s industry famous ‘Young

they were clear.

lab industry was the development

Tumble Test’ for abrasion assess-

of the aptly named “Young/AO

ment. In the case of the latter, I

fit of rage told John to get out of his office and out of the build-

(Scratch Resistance-SR) Tumble

was involved in conducting

ing, that he was fired! A short time later Guy contacted John,

Test.” A little background: When

abrasion testing at the time of

apologized, indicated he had proven his point and could have his

scratch-resistant (SR) plastic

the development of AO’s

job back.”

lenses first burst on our market,

Permalite coating in 1980, and

we all galloped to get on the

one of the significant promo-

bandwagon as this was the answer

tional aspects of this coating was

to the one major complaint about

a demonstration of how lenses

CR-39 lenses. They scratch.

compared after one year of

than we have room to list. Arguably John Young’s most

Armorlite was the first

actual wear. The Permalite test

company to release a scratch-re-

lens showed a demonstrable

sistant lens, with other companies

improvement from uncoated

18 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 18

“Guy did not see the humor in John’s demonstration and in a


8/23/17 12:04 PM


CR-39 when worn in the same

place in the history of coating

plastic lenses was that the

and developed testing methods to

frame, opposite eyes.

development for improved

coatings often decreased impact

provide a manufacturer-level

abrasion resistance product.”

resistance. We labs had been

testing resource for individual

riding on the coattails of the

labs based upon a statistically

“John developed the tumble test that tried to match these patterns

Essilor had the “n-10 blows”

and used a variety of abrasive

test and required a trained

manufacturers’ impact testing,

valid protocol acceptable to the

materials (sand, corn, abrasive

operator. At Ultra Optics, we used

but in 1987 the FDA issued a

FDA to meet this standard and

pads, shoemakers’ wooden nails, etc.) to match this as-worn random scratch pattern. When sample lenses were put into the tumble barrel and run for 20

available from his laboratory. He

No one test equates to real life, but the Young Tumble Test was the first attempt to quantify and replicate scratch-resistant testing.

was also granted a patent for a “Method for Testing Ophthalmic Lenses” in 2005. To me, that was one of his greatest contributions

minutes, his test showed remark-

000 wet/dry sandpaper and a

ruling that the last “manufactur-

able similarities to the abrasion

“trained” finger. As Dick alluded,

er” was responsible for testing.

On July 2, 2017, the optical

patterns seen on the lenses worn

no one test equates to real life, but

This included surfacing, edging

industry lost a true champion–

in the user study. Since that time,

the Young Tumble Test was the

or applying an SR or AR coating.

one with unrivaled expertise,

this test has been widely utilized in

first attempt to quantify and

This meant that labs had to

the industry, and while we have

replicate SR testing. All were

start impact testing, but plastic

subsequently learned that no one

important parts of the evolution

lenses are often left unusable

single test will always equate to

of the fine products we have today.

when impact tested in the same

Jim Grootegoed is professional

way as glass. John recognized this

editor of Optical Lab Products.

real life wear, it has an important

One negative to SR coatings on

to our industry.

courage, tenacity, creativity and humor. He will be missed.

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Sept OLP.indd 19

September 2017 19

8/23/17 12:05 PM


Independent ECPs Join to Form Lab A serendipitous series of events led to the creation of Elevate Digital Optics. BY CARA AIDONE HUZINEC

EGMA’s owner Poya Eghterafi

“It was a fortunate mix of needs

decided investing in those

because they had a fully function-

Owned and operated by indepen-

markets would be more prudent

al lab in 30 days.”

dent optometrists, Dallas-based

than investing here. It was Alan

Elevate Digital Optics (EDO)

with the quality,” he said. EDO also produces sun prescription lenses and offers a

EDO has 23 employees and

variety of coatings (from both

Yuster (EGMA’s vice president of

produces 125 jobs per day—all

Schneider and some co-devel-

opened its doors last year to

operations at the time and now

surfaced, hardcoated, AR-coated

oped with Rodenstock), such as

produce custom digital lenses

EDO president) who suggested

and edged. EDO’s lens portfolio

scratch-resistant, mirrored, super

after essentially rescuing the lab

Eghterafi sell the building and

includes Rodenstock, Shaw,

hydrophobic and UV protective

from moving overseas.

equipment rather than ship it all

Shamir, HOYA and Seiko, along

over 400nm.

back to Dubai.

with Eyeonx, its house brand of

When EGMA, LLC decided to abandon plans to expand into the

Yuster found buyers—a mix

EDO uses Schneider’s Modulo

digital lenses composed of four

line with plans to purchase and

U.S. market to produce Roden-

of members of Texas-based First

lines (100, 300, 500 and 700

install a blockless edger from MEI

stock and in-house lenses, it left

Eye Care buying group and

series) that range from tradition-

by the end of this year. Its lab

behind new equipment by

independent optometrists—and

al/non-compensated to fully

management system is by Ocuco

Schneider Optical Machines and

EDO was born.

compensated and individualized;


a newly constructed

“Literally in four weeks, I had a

single vision and bifocal/trifocal

“We are an independent laboratory, not a corporate lab,

22,000-square foot building.

handshake, which in a few weeks

Placed under stress due to

turned into a letter of intent and

EDO chief executive officer

and therefore by just the nature

expansion in both the Middle

a few weeks after that led to the

Blake Hughes, an optometrist at

of independent labs we feel that

East and African marketplace,

purchase of the facility,” he said.

First Eye Care in the Dallas/Fort

we’re more close to our accounts

to progressives.

Worth area, said

and wish to serve them in a more

Eyeonx has enabled

personal and direct manner,”

his practice to provide

Yuster said. “Because we are

patients with great

ECP-driven, we will react very

quality lenses at more

quickly to the demands of not

reasonable prices.

only our shareholders but also to

“When we were tasked with the

the accounts that have the same background.”

understanding of changing our habit from great quality branded product to house branded product, it didn’t EDO surfaces lenses using Schneider’s CCB Modulo line.

take us long before we were extremely

WHERE TO FIND IT: Elevate Digital Optics, Inc. 844.346.2552 • MyEDOLab.com 20 September 2017

Sept OLP.indd 20

pleased and happy OpticalLabProducts.com

8/23/17 2:31 PM

Come to visit us at Las Vegas September 14-16, 2017 Booth LP5087 - LP10107

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8/23/17 12:23 PM

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11.08.2017 8/23/17 18:17:46 12:26 PM

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