September VOICES

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Magazine for all young people of Skopje

Being Human?

What does that mean?


Едиториал Драги читатели и почитувани волонтери, Добредојдовте во месецот септември... За многу од вас, тоа значи крај на летните распусти и нов почеток на студентските и ученичките маки. Се надеваме дека уживавте во слободното време и дека сте се наполниле со свежа енергија, за почеток со секојдневните активности... За изданието во месецот Септември, во магазинот ВОИСЕС, ние подготвивме за вас многу интересна тематика... Да се биде Човек? Што тоа воопшто значи? Хммм... Можеби ако ги прочитате написите во магазинот, и вие ќе започнете да размислувате за хуманоста и нејзиното значење... Уживајте во содржината. Ѓоко Вукановски Poster: Raphaël Bonnet

Editorial Dear readers and respected volunteers, Welcome to the month of September… For many people, this means the end of the summer holidays and the start of student troubles again. We hope that you enjoyed the free time and that now you are full with energy, to start again with the regular every day activities… For the month of September, in the VOICES magazine, we prepared for you very interesting subject, for all of you… Being Human? What does that mean? Hmmm… Maybe if you read the articles in the magazine, you will also start to think about the humanity and its meaning… Enjoy the content. Gjoko Vukanovski Poster: Raphaël Bonnet




FREЕDOM IN TODAYS’ SOCIETY 10 With humanity towards the light! 14




VOICES TEAM: Ajrina Mann Aleksandra Bogoevska Elena Popovska David Trajkovski Dzaner Shengjuler Ilona Olehlova Katerina Stojanova Marina Mijakovska Martina Lozanoska Nacéra Dahes

Nade Zevairovska Pablo Smith Raphaël Bonnet Robin Sarels Sanja Paunovska Sarah Bastable Tamara Nikolovska Tanja Zlateva Vesna Kiradjieva

Production & Coordination: Nikola Stankoski Gjoko Vukanovski Contact: Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3-2/3, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095


by Aleksandra Bogoevska



ccording to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image. And in my opinion he was right. Our behavior shows who we are; thus people can be easily judged by their actions. So what affects human behavior? How each one of us is so unique? Everything has its own impact. Behavior is what a human does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes. As my mom has always been telling me: “Saying something and actually pursuing it are two very different things; the words are just a sweet melody, while the actions are things that speak the loudest”. Today, most scientists believe that the behavior is mostly affected by genes, the environment and the media. While we’re kids, we look up to our parents; we see our reflection on them and tend to be alike. As we grow older, we begin seeing things outside our own yard. We internalize different views, ideas, cultures, attitudes and mainly behav-


iors. As individuals we gradually start accepting the cultural attitudes and roles. Every time we go on a trip or excursion, we notice other people’s culture, their beliefs and attitudes. They’re always different from our own; they are sometimes admirable, sometimes strange, but never the same. Even from watching a movie we can easily notice the characteristic behaviors for certain places around the world. And with this quickly developing technology the media has a significant influence on how people perceive and accept news from around the world, how they contact with each other and how they spend their free time. But above all differences, people are equal; we all have equal rights regardless of our location or race. It’s the different cultures and habits that make us all special and eager to meet new people. By making friends and visiting places, not only we acknowledge someone’s way of life, but we also use it for our own improvement.

Александра Богоевска



поред Јохан Волфганг Гете однесувањето е огледало на кое секој ја покажува својата слика. Според мене тој е право. Нашето однесување покажува кои сме ние, затоа луѓето можат лесно да се проценат според нивните постапки. Што влијае врз однесувањето на луѓето? Како секој од нас е толку посебен? Се има свое влијание. Однесување е она што го прави човекот, не што мисли, чувствува или верува. Како што вели мајка ми: ”Зборување за нешто и правење на истото се сосема различни нешта; зборовите имаат убава мелодија, додека постапките зборуваат самите за себе.” Денес, повеќето научници веруваат дека врз однесувањето најмногу влијаат гените, околината и медиумите. Додека сме деца, се огледуваме на родителите; ја гледаме својата рефлекција и се стремиме да бидеме како нив. Како што растеме, почнуваме да гледаме надвор од нашиот дом. Среќаваме нови идеи, култури, ставови и однесувања.

Како поединци полека почнуваме да ги прифаќаме општествените ставови и улоги. Секогаш кога одиме на пат или екскурзија, ја забележуваме културата на другите луѓе, нивните верувања и ставови. Секогаш се различни од нашите; некогаш се восхитувачки, некогаш чудни, но никогаш исти. Дури и од филмовите можеме лесно да го забележиме однесувањето на луѓето насекаде во светот. И со оваа технологија која непрекинато се развива, медиумите се од големо влијание врз луѓето: влијаат врз тоа како ги примаат вестите, како контактираат помеѓу себе и како го минуваат своето слободно време . Меѓутоа и покрај сите разлики, луѓето се еднакви; сите ние имаме исти права независно од нашата локација и раса. Различните култури и навики не прават желни за запознавање нови луѓе и не прават посебни. Со запознавање луѓе и посетување различни места, не само што го спознаваме различниот начин на живот, туку и го користиме за да се подобриме.


by Dzaner Shengjuler

HUMANISM When the power of love, overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. “Jimi Hendrix”


n philosophy and social science, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of a “human nature”. The word “humanist” derives from the 15thcentury Italian term umanista describing a teacher or scholar of classical Greek and Latin Literature. “Humanism” describes the secular ideology that espouses reason, ethics and justice, while specifically rejecting supernatural and religious ideas as a basis of morality and decision-making. In 1856, still before the word was associated with secularism, German historian and philologist Georg Voigt used humanism describe Renaissance Humanism, the movement that flourished in the Italian Renaissance to revive classical learning. During the French Revolution and soon after in Germany (by the Left Hegelians), humanism began to refer to philosophies and morality centered on human kind, without attention to any notions of the divine. Religious humanism developed as more liberal religious organizations evolved in more humanistic directions. Religious humanism is a unique integration of humanist ethical philosophy with the rituals and belies of some religion, although religious humanism still centers on human needs interests


and abilities. Understanding different types of Humanism: Renaissance Humanism: is the spirit of learning that developed at the end of the middle ages with the revival of classical letters and a renewed confidence in the ability of human beings to determine for themselves truth and falsehood. Cultural Humanism: is the rational and empirical tradition that originated largely in ancient Greece and Rome, evolved throughout European history and now constitutes a basic part of the Western approach to science, political theory, ethics and law. Philosophical Humanism: is any outlook or way of life centered on human need and interest. Sub-categories of this type include Christian Humanism and Modern Humanism. Christian Humanism: is defined as “a philosophy advocating the self-fulfillment of man within the framework of Christian principles”. This more human-oriented faith is largely a product of the Renaissance and is a part of what made up Renaissance Humanism.

by Dzaner Shengjuler



he crucial difference between animals and humans is that, we have morals. It is important to know that, humanity in the 21st century is decreasing. People are being more and more selfish and ravenous. Hunger for wealth now is more than hunger for love, respect, help etc. We have lost those characteristics that makes us human, not just a normal one, but a better one. Furthermore, have not we seen huge amounts of wars for money, territory, oil. Why have these objects became more important? Why we kill, good and innocent people to get those? Because love of power increased to its peak point that we cannot control it. Our actions, thoughts, emotions and everything started revolving around it. Because of this, everyone lost everything. We say that we will become a better person starting from now, but do we? We waste too much time by wishing and thinking but never actually doing anything. We destroyed this only place, the earth, our home for what? For our selfishness and it was not worth it. If we only knew how to share, none of this would

happen. What I am trying to say is that, we are not angels, we are not perfect, we make mistakes, we do bad things, sometimes it may be even an enormous experience for us that can somehow change our lives and end up with something so good that you can feel it in everything. After all mistakes, all that counts is whether we chose to be a better person and love everyone equally no matter what. People deserve a second chance, but those second chances are so critical that you have to use it very wisely. We all have the same cause in this life, lets not waste time with hating and destroying lives. By kindness and love everything is achievable. Love is the absolute answer. A Turkish poet says: A lover asked his beloved, Do you love yourself more than you love me? The beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you, I have disappeared from myself and my attributes I am present only for you. I have forgotten all my learnings but from knowing you, I have become a scholar. I have lost all my strength, but from your power, I am able. If I love myself, I

love you, if I love you I love myself.


by Marina Mijakovska




he first association of the word makes me run the following meanings: taking sides, taking the part of space or movement participation in the process of its own commitment to it – to-be - human. Thus, human rights we can understand as an opportunity to realize the freedom to be human - subject. Human rights are a category of public order which should be prescribed, permit or abolished. In R. Macedonia is represented this division of human rights: personal, political, economic, social and cultural. The greatest ambiguity arises in the field of personal rights. The foundation of personal rights is premised on discrimination for any grounds: sex, race, class, sexuality and orientation, religion, profession etc. Dealing with this issue brings me to the conclusion that every person has the right to own personal right to be what it is, on the other hand, rights are governed by the political apparatus of control. Thus, we come to the fact that personality rights are not free and equal for all citizens in society. I think the biggest disadvantage of one of the most important personal rights is the right of sexual orientation. In this way I came to the following question: why in the struggle for personal rights we all are not equal? I found the answer in academic knowledge.

Therefore, I visited the summer university of the University EvroBalkan - Skopje on a topic: Queerness, society and the state: against the new alliance of politics. The findings are based upon the fact that the greatest inequality between citizens as a result of the denial of the right to sexual orientation. The exercise of this right is personally important to human identity and prosperity, because through human sexuality becomes a subject realized in society. Personal right of sexual orientation is regulated under the stereotyped model of sexual orientation, and thereby, it is exclusive for transgender model of sexual orientation, for etc. LGBT. This right is regulated by the apparatus of power and straight-line model of thinking, designed in order to create easy counted entities and unified models of people. If we say that all people are equal before the law, then such equality should enable the realization of a personal right to be different in equality. Realization of this right is the realization of anthropological need to be human. Abridgement of this right is most essential personal denial of opportunity to be a man. Respect for diversity and respect for otherness is our subjectivity. Thus, through the interactive relation between Self and the Other we become equal and different in the same time.

Марина Мијаковска



рвата асоцијација на зборот права ме води кон следниве значења: заземање страна, заземање на дел од просторот, учество или движење во процесот на сопствената определба на тоа да - се -биде – човек. Вака, човековите права можеме да ги сфатиме како можност за реализација на слободата да се биде човек - субјект. Човековите права се категорија на државен поредок којшто треба да ги пропише, дозволи или укине. Во Р. Македонија застапена е следнава поделба на човековите права на : лични, политички, економски, социјални и културни. Најголема нејаснотија настанува во полето на личните права. Основа на личните права е премисата

... јас и другиот стануваме еднакви, а сепак различни... за недискриминација на граѓаните по која било основа: пол, раса, класа, сексуалност и определба, вероисповест, професија исл. Соочувањето со оваа проблематика ме доведува до сознанието дека секој човек има право да поседува лично право да биде тоа што е, а од друга страна, правата се регулирани од политичкиот апарат на контрола. Вака, доаѓаме до фактот дека човековите лични права не се слободни и подеднакви за сите граѓани во општеството. Сметам дека најголемо ограничување на едно од најважните лични права е правото на

сексуална определба. На овој начин дојдов до следново прашање: зошто во борбата за лични права не сме еднакви сите? Одговорот го пронајдов во рамки на академизмот. Токму затоа, го посетив летниот универзитет на Универзитетот ЕВРОБАЛКАН- Скопје на тема: Квирнес, општеството и државата: наспроти новата алијанса на политиката. Сознанијата тргнуваат од фактот дека најголема нееднаквост помеѓу граѓаните настанува како резултат од ускратувањето на правото за сексуална определба. Остварувањето на ова лично право е важно за човековиот идентитет и просперитет, затоа што преку сексуалноста човекот станува реализиран субјект во општеството. Личното право за сексуална определба е регулирано во рамки на стереотипниот модел на сексуална определба, а при тоа, истиот е исклучувачки за трансродовиот модел на сексуална определба т.е ЛГБТ. Ова право е регулирано од апаратот на моќта и праволинискиот модел на разлислување, чија цел е да се содадат лесно изброиви субјекти и унифицирани модели на луѓе. Доколку велиме дека сите луѓе се еднакви пред законот, тогаш таквата еднаквост треба да овозможи реализирање на личното право да се биде различен во еднаквоста. Реализирањето на ова право е реализација на антрополошката потреба да се биде човек. Ускратувањето на ова најсуштествено лично право е ускратување на можноста да се биде човек. Почитувањето на различноста и другоста е почитување и нашата субјективност. На, тој начин преку интеркативната релација помеѓу јас и другиот стануваме еднакви, а сепак различни.


by Dzaner Shengjuler



reedom has been the biggest priority of human beings. Number of wars started because of this cause. In addition, today freedom might be one of the most effective influences on people. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are controlled by it. Slaves worked hard, so that they would one day be free. If they quitted at that time they would always be slaves and today we would live absolutely different lives. Furthermore, it means that they did everything so that they would taste the freedom. What about now, is freedom the same as it was back then? Government has the ultimate power, they control us, by using freedom. We know the meaning, but it is not the same freedom that people and government talks about. Our will to do everything even the forbidden ones, made us believe in certain kind of things so that we will accomplish our wills. There are different reasons why freedom is slowly but rapidly taken from us. In a society, where several people are living together, they need to set certain protocols for com-

mon understanding between themselves. This starts being a bit more complicated when the society is much bigger such as a country, the need of Law is commonly use to put forward this protocols. Normally you will see societies together with common interest, where people share at least the main and most important Aim in the society to live together. Freedom is taken from us because, there is no understanding in the society of what freedom is. Creation of rules, or laws that did not work because the ruts of the problem was never tackled or forgotten, are refined and patched, and re-patch, but never scrapped and start again(usually because society is afraid of big changes). Freedom is something that all people should have and it should not be taken away from anyone. But it is important to know that when you cross someone else’s freedom then your freedom is ruined. That is why we have to put some limits to our actions

in order to live in harmony.


by Dragan Lazeski



umanism is a rational philosophy based on belief in the dignity of human beings, informed by science and motivated by human hope and human compassion. Humanists revere the natural world, knowing of no other place to set good examples, to work and to show love. They accept responsibility for what they do and what they become, believ-

ing that their immortality is found in the examples that they set and in the work they do. The humanists rejoice in the diversity around them. The most important things for everybody is to seek insight from all cultures and from many sources - scientific, secular, religious recognizing that there are many truths, examples and many ways to learn about how For sure we can say that life of Mother Theresa is such an example. With her way of living by helping the needed and giving lots of love to those who have need of it, she sent message to the entire world of such fulfilled and generous life.


Mother Teresa

other Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje*, Macedonia, on August 26-th, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After a few months’ training in Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her to extend the scope of her work. Finally, I would like to finish this article with her words as an important message to us all:


“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” Mother Teresa

“Луѓето многу често се неразумни и себични. Сепак простете им. Ако сте добри, луѓето можеби ќе ве обвинат дека имате скриени мотиви. Сепак бидете добри. Доколку сте искрени, другите би можеле да ве измамат. Сепак бидете искрени. Ако најдете среќа, другите можеби ќе ви завидуваат. Сепак бидете среќни. Доброто што ќе го направите денес, можеби ќе биде заборавено утре. Сепак, правете добро. Дадете му го на Светот најдоброто што го имате, можеби нема да биде доволно. Сепак, правете добро. На крајот ќе видите дека сè што сте правеле било помеѓу вас и Бога, а не помеѓу вас и нив.” - Мајка Тереза


Драган Лазески



уманизмот е рационална филозофија, која се заснова врз верувањето во благородноста на човечките суштества, поткрепена од науката и мотивирана од човековата надеж и сочувство. Хуманистите го почитуваат натуралистичкиот свет, знаејќи дека не постои некое друго место за поставување добар пример, благородна работа и подарување љубов. Тие ги прифаќаат обврските за тоа што го прават или за начинот на кои тие живеат, верувајќи дека нивната бесмртност се наоѓа во примерите што тие ги даваат и преку работата која тие ја вршат. Најважната работа за сите нас е да бараме проникливост во сите култури и преку сите расположливи извори - научни, секуларни, религиозни - така, препознавајќи дека има многу вистини, примери и многу начини за тоа како пополезно да се живее. Секако, сите ќе се сложиме дека плодотворниот живот на Мајка Тереза е еден одличен пример. Преку нејзиниот начин на живеење преку помагање на сите оние на кои им е потребна помош, и преку подарување голема љубов на сите оние на кои им е потребна, таа на целиот свет му праќа порака дека секој може и треба да живее исполнет и благороден живот. Мајка Тереза или Гонџа Бојаџиу е родена во Скопје, Р. Македонија на 26 Август 1910

година. Нејзиното семејство, инаку е од албанско потекло. На 12 години, таа многу силно го почувствувала Божјиот повик за мисионерска работа. Таа знаела дека треба да биде мисионерка и да ја шири Христовата љубов низ целиот свет. На 18 години го напуштила нејзиниот дом и родителите во Скопје и се приклучила на сестринството Лорето, ирска заедница на калуѓерки со многу мисии во Индија. По неколку месеци обука во Даблин, неа ја пратиле во Индија, каде, на 24 Мај 1934 година таа положила заклетва да биде калуѓерка. Од 1931 до 1948 година Мајка Тереза предавала во средното училиште Св. Марија, но страдањата и сиромаштијата кои таа ги забележала надвор од ѕидовите на католичкото училиште, оставиле длабок впечаток на неа што во 1948 година таа добила дозвола од властите на католичкото училиште да го напушти и да се посвети на работа со најсиромашните од сите во сиромашните квартови на Калкута. Иако, таа немала никакви фондови, но таа зависела од Божјото Провидение, и поткрепена од него таа стартувала училиште под отворено небо за сиромашните дечиња од Калкута. Набрзо, кон нејзината работа се приклучиле многу други волонтери и секако, и финансиска помош излегувала на повидок. На тој начин, таа успеала да ја изреализира и да ги прошири границите на нејзината мисија.


by David Trajkovski

With humanity towards the light! based on a true story... Humanity and benevolence!


very day we hear these words, how we should be human and good one to each other. We give ourselves advices and discuss this issue through different media. We boast ourselves with positive cases, which should make us be better. But probably we have bad tacticsstrong theoretical, but week in practice. The ethics and all the religions teach us how we should be human, and not being to being, wolf. And in the end, we get back to the one old famous “Sorry seems to be the hardest word�. Sometimes for us it’s so hard to say I am sorry, to help, even if we have chance for that. But this article is not about how bad we are, but on the contraire to point one beautiful example of a man, who had immense love towards all the people. He is popular and loved through the whole Balkan and his name is Toshe Proeski.



eemingly a singer with extremely amazing voice, young and beautiful, Toshe meant something a lot more for those who had chance to see and hear him, especially the Macedonians. He was an extraordinary person, full with love towards the people, which shared it shameless in every occasion. Unfortunately, he lost his life in a tragic car accident, and left among the angels. His funeral was with all the state honors, and whole the Balkan was crying, regardless of age, sex or social position. To give a closer look of his greatness, I want to tell a real story which accidently I heard in Skopje. I met a girl who was telling me about her friend and the event with Toshe. In the late night hours, one girl was getting back home, and on the pedestrian crossing, a car hit her. The girl felt down and the driver run away. Right after that,

on the same place Toshe happened to be there and he stopped. He took the girl with his own car and drove her to the hospital. After placing her in nursery, he called the girl’s mother, who arrived immediately. He stayed there the whole night on a wooden chair in the hospital hallway together with the girl’s mother, until the morning when the doctors said that they are taking the control after the girl’s health and after she felt better. Not knowing them before, the girl or her mom, he stays there and dedicates a whole sleepless night to be in their vicinity. A star like Toshe, who is very good known on the whole Balkan, was not ashamed nor it was difficult for him to stop and to act as a human in that certain situation. That should serve us as an example and maybe we should ask ourselves when is the last time when we did something good without expecting something in return.

About Tose Proeski ...

Dragan: “He was the best Macedonian sing-

Olivera : “When he was still alive I didn’t

really listen to his music. I know he had a incredible voice and sang love songs. But as I found out about the death, they flew me to tears, I do not know why! Then I started to listen to his lyrics precisely. For me it was something wreaths than just a singer. I know that many generations will miss him.”

er with a beautiful voice! The most popular throughout the Balkans. He won many well-deserved awards. Really great pity that we lost him because of his kindness always spread to people. Immodestly always shared his love for the people at concerts.”


by Pablo Smith



n this live everyone writes their destiny, you choose to where you want to arrive and what you are ready to sacrifice to get it. The most of the people when they form one family, buy one house, one or two cars and one stable job they limit to enjoy the rest of their days. But is other people who aspire more, with different and harder goals. With this I don’t say it’s easy to get all these things and less knowing who works the world at day. The question is where you put your limits? In the history are a lot of awesome people since people who improve their brains; Einstein very good mathematic when in the school the teachers they thought he was stupid, Da Vinci one guy very intelligent and one guy who can write with one hand at the same time he draw with the other one, Beethoven one wizard of the classical music... For other side is people who give the best of their bodies capacities: Mariusz Pudzianowski the strongest man in the world, Ussain Boll the faster, Gary Turner the more elastic... All these guys haven’t got a special gift, they have constancy and ambition. This proves that everyone can be the fate writer believe in themselfs. Me Pablo Smith after nine months without study and work, I came to Skopje to make one voluntary project in which I want to recover me study and work habit, and learn to have a different view of the life. It’s very hard, anyone said it’s going to be easy but it’s more difficult if you don’t believe in you. Do it! Write your future and try your best.




by Sarah Bastable

INGREDIENTS ON THE WAY Marie, Andreij, Philip, Katarina, Sergio, Alexandre, Fatima, Camille, Mehmet, Jane, Elvis. Names, Lifes. Friends, Foreigners.

While packing her last cloths, she looked by the window. The garden with its little gate, the big cherry tree.

« Dear diary, I leave my town today. What is the real life? Would it to be to stay here where I have my family, my friends, my places, my activities, my favorite coffees ? Or is it to leave and discover new places, new people? On one hand I confess that I lived pretty well until now without them. But, on the other hand, maybe, I missed a taste, a feeling, a door, a way, an idea? ». She waved the hand from the train to say goodbye to the loved persons. « I arrived when the night was falling Knocked to the door Received a welcoming smile I answered I saw a family laughing A hot meal They invited me I stayed »

She settled down in her new place. With the weeks running, the foreigners of before, became as beautiful as known faces. Emma, Emine, Jeremy, Semi, Jonathan, Aline, Enis, Maya and the others. Foreigners, Friends. Indeed, she could have lived without them. But, she realizes now, the richness they brought to her life: her basket was containing much more ingredients that a few months ago and she thought to the delicious soup she will be able to make now.


Friends are cereals, crunchy, funny, daily, energizing. Family is the coffee which keeps you awake and warms you. Unknowns walking by you are exotic fruits, curious, disturbing, intriguing. Isn’t it worth to stop and discover them? All of us have this curiosity inside, which push us toward the other. To each one his recipe ; being part of an association, playing sport in a club, attending to art workshops in an organization, chatting with the neighbors in the bus...

But to all these recipes there is a hidden common ingredient: Peace.


By NacĂŠra Dahes

WHAT ARE THE CONSENQUENCES OF A POLLUTED ENVIRONMENT? Our actual development generates unacceptable environmental consequences.



he environment is constituted by all the factors which interact with humans and none human beings, which occupy a common territory. We know that human’s health is connected to the capacity of the ecosystems to fill their first functions of regulation of the processes of life and reproduction of the sorts on earth. The degradation of the environment affects the ecological chain in its totality as well as the quality of life of the human.

The relation between the human health and the environment takes a considerable importance when the disasters and the announced pandemics do not stop multiplying. The global warming pulls a relocation of the vectors of transmission, so spreading the potential sources of bacterial or viral contagion. The natural disasters of the last decades caused important migrations of human populations which find themselves without roof and without possibility of feeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers that until 24 % of the current diseases in the world can be attributed to the degradation of the environment. The urban pollution increases considerably the prevalence of the respiratory disorders and the cardiovascular diseases. The acuteness of the environmental threats in the health is made obvious, moreover, in the progress of the diseases of the inhabitants of the rich countries: the cancer and the respiratory and cardiovascular diseases doubled between 1980s and 1995. Studies led on the deformation of the anatomical parts of the populations of amphibians in the wet circles of the Vermont press the hypothesis of the impact of the chemical, toxic products on the development of the sorts Epidemiological studies must begun to demonstrate the effect of the toxic products on the development of foetus and on the general health of the human beings. Thus, the health of the human populations depends on the integrity of the ecosystems which shelter the human beings. "The health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and consists not only of an absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO, on 1946). All the dramatic signals explained before, should alert the scientific community, the political class and the human communities in order to protect our environment. Living in a healthy environment is a fundamental right for each human.


Nga Nacéra Dahes

Cilat janë pasojat nga një mjedis jetësore të ndotur Zhvillimi ynë aktual krijon pasoja të papranueshme mjedisore.

Poster: Sarah Bastable



jedisi jetësore përbëhet nga të gjithë faktorë që ndërveprojnë me njerëz të cilët përfshijnë një territor të përbashkët.Ne dimë se shëndetin e njeriut është e lidhur me kapacitetin e ekosistemeve me një filtër dhe funksioni i tij i parë është rregulimi të proceseve të jetës dhe riprodhimi.Lidhja ndërmjet shëndetit të njeriut dhe mjedisit është nga rëndësi e madhe kur fatkeqesitë dhe pandemitë njoftojnë se nuk do të ndalohet shumëzimi.Ngrohja globale pullsa, zhvendosjen e vektorëve të transmetimit shkaktojnë përhapjen e burimeve potenciale të ngjitjeve bakteriale apo virusore.Fatkeqësitë natyrore në dekadat e fundit shkaktojnë migrime të rëndësishme të popullatave njerëzore të cilat gjenden pa çati dhe pa ushqim. Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë (OBSH) konsideron se deri në 24% nga sëmundjet e tashme në botë mund të kenë veçori në degradimin e mjedisit. Mendjemprehtësia e kërcënimeve mjedisore në shëndetin është e qartë për shkak të sëmundjeve që i kanë pasur banorët në vendet e pasura:kanseri dhe sëmundjet respiratore dhe kardiovaskulare janë dyfishur ndërmjet viteve 1980 dhe 1995.Studimet tregojnë shformim të pjesëve anatomike të popullatave në pjesët e lagët të Vermontit.Studimet epidemiologjike duhet ta demostrojnë efektin e produkteve toksike në zhvillimin e foetit dhe në shëndetin e përgjitshëm të qenieve njerëzore.Kështu që shëndetin e popullatave njerëzore varet nga integriteti e ekosistemeve të cilat strenojnë qenie njerëzore.”Shëndeti është një gjendje e plotë fizike,mendore dhe mirëqenie sociale dhe përbëhet jo vetëm nga mungesa e sëmundje apo dobësi (1946).Të gjitha sinjalet që kanë qenë të shpjeguar më parë , duhet ta njoftojnë komunën shkencore, klasën politike dhe bashkësitë njerëzore në një mënyrë në të cilin do të mbrojnë mjedisin tonë. Të jetosh në një mjedis të shëndetshëm është një drejt fundamental për çdo njeri.


By Robin Sarels




he pension running in France is based on what politicians and economists like to call solidarity; the active people who are working are contributing (through taxes) for the pension of retired persons. This system also allows to the unemployed persons to get the RSA (RSA stands for minimum wage for insertion) which permits them to live with approximately 400 euros a month. But actually, instead of reinforcing the cohesion and the feeling of solidarity in the society, it’s creating conflicts between the citizens. Indeed, some will claim that it is not fair to pay taxes for “lazy people who don’t want to get a job” while others have the feeling to break the system living on taxpayer expense…Anyway, in the first case the complainants probably don’t know (or don’t want to know) that those expenses made by the State for unemployed persons represent a very little part of the global expenses of the government. For example, in order to safe the bank during the crisis in 2007, the French government spent billions to banks like Society Generale (permitting by the way to the PDG of this bank to leave with millions whereas this bank speculated with billions and was one of the main actor of the crisis, maybe the French equivalent of goldman sachs…) However, I think it is enough for this aspect of economy and let’s focus more on the relation between the people with a true story that happened to one of mine very close relative. The story starts by a warm summer evening in Lille. We are the 2nd of august 2010, and Thibaud, his girlfriend Diana and two more

friends, Bruno and Sebastian are finally ready to go. They planned their trip last month and after many discussions everyone agree for Ardeche. It’s a very wild natural region of south of France, one and a half our from Lyon. Program will be kayak, canyoning, hiking and relaxing moments next to the river… It’s now time for them to go to pick up two more friends, Nicolas and his girlfriend Laure. Thibaud and Nico are good friends for more than 10 years. It’s 7 p.m. and the six friends are taking the road. They prefer to drive at night because the traffic is less busy. After 9 hours, they finally see the sign which indicates the camping where they will stay two weeks. But 5 minutes before arriving Thibaud is feeling a very strong pain in the chess and need to stop by the doctor. This one, after checking Thibaud, calls hospital to send an ambulance because it could be some problems with the lungs. Indeed, Thibaud made a pneumothorax and need to be operated. He will spend the two following weeks in a hospital bed with a tube in the chess to breath. The very sad part of the story is now coming. Nico, Thibaud’s best friend, is the only one who has car. But whereas Diana is very worried about Thibaud and would like to support him in this difficult moment, Nico refuses to drive her in the hospital claiming he is working all year and that he doesn’t need to waste his holidays in hospital. During the two following weeks, Nico will close his eyes on his friend’s situation and enjoy every second of his holiday. So when you think you are very well surrounded by friends because you reach the thousand of friends on facebook, ask yourself how many real friends you really have. And since I discovered that on facebook you have many different kind of status from “alone” to ” it’s complicated”, why not to propose the same kind of status about your friends : “friend you can rely on” until “friend who don’t give a shit about you”…

A njerëzimi ka evoluar? Çfarë ndrysoi?



udo në botë njerezit flasin se interneti ka sjellë një revolucion në mënyrën se si njerëzit ndërveprojnë ndërmjet njeri-tjetrit. Interneti në të vërtetë është një revolucion edhe në qoftë se kur komunikimi me njerëzit në të gjithë botën u përhap me telefon ose mail. Ky revolucion përmbahet në intensifimin e shkëmbimit ndërmjet njerëzve. Pa marrë parasysh censurët ose kufizimet, këto shkëmbime i injorojnë kufitë, dhe në këtë mënyrë mundësitë për të komunikuar, për të bashkëvepruar me njerëzit që vijnë nga tërë bota bëjnë reale dhe të arritshme. Por pse interneti, përveç fakti që ai e ndihmon, jetën triviale nëpërmjet komunikimit, aktivitetet tregtare ndarjet kulturore (dhe tjetër) është aq e rëndësishme në jetën tonë? Për ta shpjeguar atë ne duhet të kuptojmë një nga gjërat më e rëndësishme që e lejon ekzistencën e çdo shoqerie. Në të vërtetë shoqatat e njerëzve mund të punojnë në sajë të aftësi për të komunikuar. Por komunikimi i papërpunuar, i kufizuar si një shkëmbim i pastër ndërmjet të dy persona në një vend konkret, pa të gjitha tehnologjive dhe të mesengjereve,ka një largësi të vogël. Duke udhëtuar, duke shkuar në qytetet e mëdha, duke përdorur mail ose ndonjë mjet tjetër për komunikim, mund të jetë e dobishme për t’u përfunduar nxitjen për një mendje të hapur por kjo nuk arritet lehtë dhe shpejt. Përparimet e cilat janë bërë në tehnologjitë e komunikimit pak nga pak i zgjerojnë mundësitë dhe diversitetin e këmbimit.Për shkak se më shumë njerëz janë i lidhur me World Wide Web nëpërmjet telefonave dhe smartfoneve në të cilat është e mundur të jesh vazhdimisht në kontakt me rrjetat sociale,dhe në atë mënyrë çdo ditë jemi më i lidhur, duke krijuar një shoqëri globale. Njerëzimi është më shumë nga vënie në të gjitha njohuritë që ajo e ka në këto faqe që janë të arritshme për secili nëpërmjet Wikipedia ose Google. Deri në njëfarë mase nga një pikë radikale, njerëzit janë e përgjigjshme për personaliteti i vetë, për atë që e kanë,që e posedojnë, dhe më në fund, që ato janë në një nivel virtual. Një dimension tjetër është në rrugë për t’u ndërtuar, duke shtuar një realitet të ri.

By Raphael Bonnet

Translated by Katerina Stojanova


HUMANITY 2.0 Does humanity had evolved? What changed? Everywhere in the world, peoples are saying that internet had brought a revolution in the way people interact between each other.


nternet is truly a revolution even if the communication with people was already spread worldwide with the phone or the mail. This revolution consists in the intensification and instantaneity of the exchange between people. No matter censorship or restriction, these exchanges are ignoring borders, and so, the opportunities to communicate, to interact with humans coming from all over the world are becoming real and accessible. But why internet, despite the fact that it is helping the trivial life through communication, commercial activities, cultural sharing (and else), is so important in our lives? To explain that we need to understand one of the most important thing which allows the existence of any society. Indeed, association of humans can only work thanks to the ability to communicate. How to work together if we cannot share things through languages? But the raw communication, limited as a pure exchange between two humans in a concrete place, without all the technologies and messengers, has a short range. Traveling, going in big cities, using mail or other, could be useful to complete the challenge of getting an


open-mind, but it is not easy and far to be quick. The progresses which were made in the technologies of communication extended bit by bit the possibilities and the diversity of exchange. Since more and more people are getting connected to the World Wide Web through phones and smartphones on which it is possible to be constantly in touch which the social networks, we are more and more linked together, creating a global society. Humanity is moreover putting all the knowledge she has on these servers which are accessible to everyone via Wikipedia or Google. To some extent, from a radical point of view, humans are disembodying themselves, their personalities, what they have, possess, and in the end, what they are, on a virtual level. Another dimension is on the way to be build, adding a new reality.

ÂŤWe are more and more linked together, creating a global society.Âť By Raphael Bonnet

HOW SHOULD WE DIVIDE HUMANITY? «The only true difference between you and your neighbor is not related to some kind of gene heritage, but cultural one.»


mong the people who will read this title, it is possible to guess that some will wonder “In the first place why should we divide the humanity in parts?” That is a good question, but lets be realistic, humanity is more divided than ever. The point here is not to explain that we should divide humanity, but seeing that humanity is actually divided. From this ascertainment the purpose of this article is to question the separation between groups of human on the criterion of race, and to get closer to the other distinctions which are proposed. It is necessary to understand what a race is from both the scientific and ideologist. It is a distinction made between humans (on our case). The groups of humans are built according to their origins, physical constitution, blood and genes. Usually, these distinctions are used by some ideologist to assert that a hierarchy exists, that some groups of humans are superiors to another. This kind of distinction created the fallacy that, for example, black peoples are inferior to white people or the contrary. It is obvious that the thing which contributes the most to racism is the idea which certifies that humans can be divided in different races, a concep-

tion which relies on a mere scientific attestation, to exist. But it seems that some scientific stand up against this perception of humanity to propose a different vision. For the ethnologist Levi-Strauss the distinction of race is not pertinent, the only thing which can separate humans in different groups is culture. No culture is a priori superior to another one. Even if ones try to assert that, it is highly moral and subjective, so highly controversial, when the distinction between races is less contestable since it is relying on an unclear scientific theory. For Levi-Strauss in any case there is no racism but only ethnocentrism which consists in affirming that a culture is superior to another one. Anyway, races are today a scientific concept, the racist which are using these theories, are actually practicing ethnocentrism. Never let people fool you, the only true difference between you and your neighbor is not related to some kind of gene heritage, but cultural one. You are not superior neither inferior, neither equal you are just different. To paraphrase the title of a very famous book of Huntington, the only clash which exists between groups of humans is a clash of Civilization, in few words, a clash of cultures, not races.

By Raphael Bonnet




ga njerëzit që do të lexojnë këtë titull mund të supozojmë se disa prej tyre do t’u pyesin vetën:”Si më pare pse njerëzimi duhet ta ndajmë ne pjesë?” Kjo është një pyetje e mirë , dhe para se të shkojmë më tej me këtë temë është e rëndësishme ta shqarojmë atë.Këtu qëllimi kryesor nuk është të shpjegohet se ne duhet ta ndajmë njerezimi,por të shohet se njerëzimi në të vërtetë është i ndarë. Nga ky konstatimi qëllimi i këtij artikulli është të sjellet në pyetjet ndarjën e njerëzve në grupe sipas kriterit e racave, dhe të jenë më afër deri në dallimet e tjera, në të cilat janë nenshtruar.Ёshtë e nevojshme të kuptohet se çfarë është një racë nga aspekti i një shkencëtar dhe një ideolog. Kjo është një dallim ndërmjet njerëzve (në rastin tonë).Grupet e njerëzve janë përbërë sipas origjinës së tyre, forca fizike, gjaku dhe gjenet.Zakonisht, këto dallime janë përdorur nga ana e disa ideologët të cilët pohojnë se ekziston një hierarki, sipas të cila disa grupe të njerëzve janë më autoritetshëm nga grupet e tjerë. Ky lloj dallimi ka krijuar një mashtrim, për shembull zezakët janë me inferioreë nga njerëzit e bardhë ose e kundërt.Ёshtë e qartë se gjëja e cila kontribon për

racizmin është idejën e cila vërteton se njerëzit mund të jenë të ndarë në raca të ndryshme, një koncept i cili mbështetet mbi një vërtetim shkencor, që ekziston.Por duket se disa shkencetarë qëndrojnë kundër këtij perceptimi i njerëzimit me qëllim për të propozojnë një vizion të ndryshëm.Për etnologu Levi-Strausi dallimi në racën s’ka rëndësi, e vetmja gjë që mund t’i ndajë njerëzit në grupe të ndryshme është kultura.Për LeviStrausi në asnjë racë nuk ekziston racizëm,por vetëm ka etnocentrizëm i cili përbëhet në pohimin se një kulturë është superiore në lidhje me një kulturë tjetër.Gjithsesi, sot racat janë një koncept shkencor,racistet të cilët e përdorën kjo teori në të vërtetë ata praktikojnë etnocentrizmi.Asnjëherë nuk lejoni njerëzit të bëjnë budalla prej jush, i vetmi ndryshim ndërmjet jush dhe fqinji tënd nuk është i lidhur me një lloj të trashegimisë gjenetike, por me një kulturore. Ju nuk jeni superior ose inferior, ju jeni vetëm të ndryshme.Ta parafrazoj titullin e një libër shumë të famshëm të Huntingtonit, Përplasja e vetme që ekziston ndërmjet grupeve të njerëzve është një përplasje të civilizimeve,me pak fjalë një përplasje kulturore, jo përplasje e racave.

Translated by Katerina Stojanova By Raphael Bonnet


Youth in Action by Nade Zevairovska


Hungarian architecture, the beautiful buildings like the City Hall, the churches, the Blue Fountain, genuine and hospitable people also. I especially loved the day that we spent in Palic(8 km from Subotica). We visited the Zoo there that has more than 60 animal species, from domestic to exotic, the nature surrounding us there was so beautiful, everything delighted me there and totally exceeded my expectations. After the Zoo as we were walking in the park near the Palic Lake we decided to go for a ride on the lake with something on power (I don’t have a clue what is the name of it). As we were far from the coаst plus the sunset the views were totally breathtaking and I felt as I was in heaven. Palic has definitely something special and unique, something that enriched my spirit and body just by standing in the middle of the path, watching around me and breathing the air and I had a smile on the whole way back to Subotica. Palic totally blew me away.

Palic totally blew me away.

On the 6 of August started a Training Course called Stand Up For Your Rights (SUFYR) that lasted until 12 of August and had more than 25 participants from Macedonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy and of course Serbia in Subotica(city in Vojvodina in northern Serbia), a journey, an adventure, an experience that I’ll never forget although before going I was questioning myself if this for me, would I like the city, the people, what I know about human rights but luckily a friend from Subotica convinced me that I should go, that I would love the city and that I shouldn’t know everything about the topic of the human rights because there is no point in going if you know everything he said to me and I’m so glad and happy that I listened to him because I would have missed so many things. When we arrived we were really tired (everybody will be after 12 hours travelling by bus and train) and although was really hot we went on a short city tour because we were eager to see what has Subotica to offer and it was a lot. I was amazed by the unique



We ended the day in our favorite club there, as almost all the nights before and after, where we were bounding on a more personal level by talking, joking, laughing, drinking, dancing and having a lot of fun. We were lucky enough to catch up a local festival of traditional music (with troubadours) with stands of traditional food, drinks, souvenirs etc. One night we were playing different kinds of games on X-box and the way that I was playing was hilarious. I was moving my whole body, kicking with my legs, almost flying with my arms even I was laughing at myself but I was totally enjoying those moments. The intercultural night was also great and the Macedonian group (we were such an amazing and crazy group) represented our country really well. We brought ajvar, jam, smoki, Gazoza, beers Skopsko, wines T’ga za Jug and of course we weren’t be true Macedonians if we didn’t brought Rakija. Trough the days I really liked the games that we were playing, the role plays, the presentations from the local people that were con-

nected to the topic of HR and working on that field, especially the local action that we organized that was held in the center of the city where we were doing Flash Mob, all of us had one letter on the back and the message was RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS (I will never forget the faces of the people that were the ‘victims’), then we were giving free hugs and giving them papers with HR written on them and we were very satisfied with the outcome and we definitely made an impact on the local people. Those 6 days passed so fast, now I feel like I just blinked and it was over and time only passes so fast when you were really enjoying your time without even having time to think what was happening in Skopje and I only regret that we didn’t have more days because there were so many things that we could have done, seen, to learn even more about HR, about ourselves, about the other participants. It was definitely an amazing experience and I’m so glad and happy that I was part of it. See you again Palic and Subotica.

Youth in Action In June 2012 Volunteers Centre Skopje host- the opportunity and made several interviews ed partnership building activity PBA: Bet- with other participants. And about one of ter Cooperation - Better Europe that them Maciek, who participated in the PBA provided its participants an opportunity to as a representative of the Polish NGO “Youth established new partnerships as developed Integration Activity” from Lublin and is curideas for future projects. During the project rently working in an art village in Poland Ale organised with support of Youth in Action Wiocha ( is folProgrmme Ajrina Mann from Macedonia used lowing article.


33 jobs in less than 20-sth years

There’s a song in Poland which goes something like: “33 jobs in less than 20sth years”. Well, this must be our guy’s motto, because he’s 26 and he suspects he’s had about 21 jobs (in fact he stopped counting at 19). His CV includes volunteering for all sorts of organizations, being involved in the preparation of a summer film academy, repairing mountain shelters with a couple of friends and some peculiar and rather memorable like counting rooftops (that is the surface of asbestos roofs in some cities in Poland) or winning a screaming competition! How does he do it? Well, once you get to know him, it won’t come as a surprise. This friendly, outgoing, theatrical and fun guy has friends all over Poland; he usually receives a phone call for a job and soon he’s on the road, doing his thing, living life for the mo-

ment, fully, unexpectedly, always. Maciek, as his friend know him, grew up in a small historical town of Zamość in Poland under the protection of UNESCO. His ‘hippie’ parents, as he described them, passed down on him the love of nature. He is an enthusiastic trekker, loves mountains and what he’s

...happiness is nothing more than a state of mind...

most proud of is climbing the Tatra Mountains in Poland (highest in the country). One day he’d like to be an owner of a hotel in a mountain. His perfect day would be one that would start with a cup of coffee in the morning, looking at the beautiful scenery and going about his business for the rest of the day. He says nature is perfect, and the mountain can strip a man, so if you want to know what people are like, go trekking with them. It was a brief break between our sessions that got me interested in this guy and the


way he talked incessantly about his numerous experiences, not leaving a moment silence in-between his stories. He was restless all the time which sort of reminded me of a child, because indeed there is still this curiosity and lust for life in him, but at times during our second, and more substantial conversation which lasted three hours, when his look would wander off, it felt as if despite of his sanguine nature there is still a part of him that only his mountains know about. When you first meet Maciek, you’ll notice his abrupt body language which says ‘all over the place’ and his talking. As is usually the case with people like him, he’s the life of the party. You might not remember other things when he’s around, even if they incite more interest, but you’ll definitely remember him. He describes himself as an adventurer, enthusiast who follows his intuition and maybe a bit crazy. He’s a hedonist, focused on the present, a romantic deep inside who says love is an idea, it is happiness without a reason and happiness is nothing more than a state of mind. He knows his Poland well and he’s traveled a bit abroad. Macedonia isn’t the first Balkan


country he’s visited: he volunteered in Bosnia, in Srebrenica, for an organization providing locals with furniture and helped build a school in the mountains. For the Balkans, he says: esthetically bad urban areas, but the people are good. And everywhere he’s gone, he’s met people who shared their stories, their bottle of water, people he’s still friends with, people who call him from a different city to tell him they miss him at their party. You’d never believe unless you spend three hours with Maciek, but the guy’s a philosopher! His opinions on matters that have puzzled humanity are quite interesting to listen to. While he talked about dimension and our awareness of it, he used a simple example regarding 2D and 3D. If a square (2D) tries to get to know you (3D), it would take a lot of time for it to know that you are a whole being and that everything it came across is part of a whole system. While he explained, I kept on imaging him as a square (2D) trying to get to know life (3D), one surface at a time, with his 20 something jobs, with his trekking, his noise and crazy ideas, his spontaneity as

if it’s all just a way to figure it out.

by Dragan Lazeski

Yout h i n A ctio n


Cyprus and Portugal. With this variety of cultures we had wonderful opportunity to share and to present our Youth work and many cultural habits and customs and to learn about others Youth work and cultures. As a part of the Training Course the participants made Associations fair where everybody had a chance to present their Organization, the results of their realized projects and their current work. On this fair we saw different works, project and many useful tools for engaging Youth to become active and to take part in different fields of working. The second task for the participants was making an Intercultural evening in order to present to the others their traditions, traditional food, drinks, music and dances. I must say that we had great party during this evening. I’ sure that other participants will agree with me that we will never forget the authentic things from every country such as: Darko’s grand mother salad recipe from Serbia, Katya’s balcony planted tomatoes from Slovenia, Bulgarian sweets with children on its package, Macedonian Skopsko and Rakija, Cyprian locumades, Portuguese traditional drink and wonderful music, Mario and Giorgio’s pasta from Italy, German’s positive energy and in the end as cherry on the top the Bosnian Chevapi and different kinds of pie. After the getting to know part, comes working part. The participants were separated in three groups and started to work in three different workshops: Comics, Video and Music workshop. Working in the workshops was very easy because the participants already know each other so the results were rich and amazing. I took part in the Music workshop as vocal of ethno songs and I think that we did so much for less time. We only had 4 days to prepare some repertoire of songs and the repertoire of “Workshopers”; the name of our band consisted 8 songs with various thematic. The songs were from different kind: Macedonian ethno theme (Makedonsko devojche and Raspukala Shar Planina), Portuguese - African song (Cabo Verde To’ Mar-

Comics, Video and Music workshop


his summer from 17-th till 27-th of August I had opportunity to participate in one training course held in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina called “Art for Intercultural dialogue and Youth inclusion” and it was organized by “Zdravo da ste - Hi neighbour” Youth Center from Banja Luka. This training course was about to create an international opportunity for 27 youth workers and leaders, peer educators, young artists, volunteers from Programme and SEE countries to use artistic expressions as a tool to promote intercultural dialogue and inclusion among young people coming from less privileged conditions or from contexts of social exclusion, in order to empower social, cultural and economical development of them. The participants were from different countries: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Germany, Italy,


Working hard and together

tins); Romanian gipsy song (Gjingji Rjingji Bubamaro); Gjurdjevdan (Serbian); Chunga’s Revenge, Jungle Boogie, Park etc. The most amazing thing was that for short time we manage to prepare so many songs. Working hard and together, even we were from different countries and we met for the first time in Banja Luka, the same aims and goals that we have gave as this result. In the end we had chance to present our results to the local community in Banja Luka by exhibition and small concert which they were part of other project called “Creative August” which was happening also in Banja Luka during the whole month. Our results from all three workshops were placed in the end for closing this project and of course, ev-

up coming challenges.

Драган Лазески




erything was amazing. The local people enjoyed in the exhibition where were exposed the drawings from Comics workshop and the videos from Video workshop. Last was Music workshop performance where we show our results and we were very happy that we make the local people to enjoy with our music. They were jumping, dancing and singing together with us. For me this TC in Banja Luka was an incredible experience that I will never forget it and that gave a lot of new friends who also I will never forget and keep in touch with them. I wish to all participants and the organizers of the TC all the best and good luck in the

ва лето од 17-ти до 27-ми Август јас имав можност да учествувам на еден тренинг курс кој се одржуваше во Бања Лука, Босна и Херцеговина со наслов “Уметност за Интеркултурен дијалог и Младинска вклученост” и кој беше организиран од Младинскиот Центар “Здраво да сте” од Бања Лука. Овој тренинг курс беше со цел за креирање интернационална можност за 27 младински

работници и лидери, врснички едукатори, млади артисти и волонтери од земји членки на Програмата и земји од Југоисточна Европа да употребат артистички изрази како алатка за промовирање Интеркултурен дијалог и вклученост помеѓу младите кои доаѓаат од помалку привилегирани услови или средини на социјална нееднаквост, со цел да го зајакнат социјалниот, културниот и економскиот развој врз нив.

Учесниците беа од најразлични држави: Македонија, Бугарија, Србија, Босна и Херцеговина, Словенија, Германија, Италија, Кипар и Португалија. Со ова мноштво од различни култури ние имавме можност да споделиме и да ја презентираме нашата младинска работа како и многу наши обичаи и традиција и исто така имавме можност да научиме за работата на другите и нивната култура. Како дел од тренинг курсот, учесниците имаа задача на направат саем на организации каде што секој имаше шанса да ја презентира неговата Организација, резултатите од реализираните проекти и нивната моментална работа. На овој саем ние видовме многу различно работење, различни проекти и многу корисни методи за вклучување на младите во активност и нивно делување во различни полиња за работа. Втората задача на учесниците беше креирање на Интеркултурна вечер како можност за презентација пред другите својата традиција, традиционална храна, пиење, музика или танц. Морам да кажам дека за време на оваа вечер ние многу добро се забавувавме. Сигурен сум дека и другите учесници ќе се сложат со мене дека ниеден од нас никогаш нема да ги заборавиме автентичните работи од секоја земја како на пр.: Рецептот на Дарко од неговата баба за салтата што ја приготви од Србија, доматите на Катја одгледувани на нејзиниот балкон во Словенија, Бугарските слатки со дечиња на нивното пакување, Македонското Скопско и Ракија, Кипарските локумади, Португалското традиционално пиење и убавата музика, Пастата на Марио и Џорџо од Италија, Германската позитивна енергија, и на крајот, како јаготка на шлагот, Босанските ќебапи и најразлични пити. По делот на запознавање, доаѓа делот за работа. Учесниците беа разделени на три групи и започнаа со работа во три работилници: Стрипови, Видео и Музичка работилница. Работата во работилниците беше многу олеснета бидејќи учесниците веќе се знае едни со други, па така и резултатите од нив беа богати и извонредни.

Јас земав учество во музичката работилница како вокал за етно песни и мислам дека ние многу направивме за толку кратко време. Сите имавме по само 4 дена да подготвиме некаков репертоар на песни и нашиот репертоар односно репертоарот на “Workshopers”; името на нашиот бенд имаше 8 песни со најразлична тематика. Песните беа од најразличен тип: Македонски етно теми (Македонско девојче и распукала Шар Планина), Португалско - Африканска песна (Кабо Верде То’ Мартинс), Романска ромска песна (Џинџи ринџи Бубамаро), Чунгас ривенџ, Џангл Буги, Парк итн. Најинтересното беше што за толку кратко време ние успеавме да подготвиме толку многу песни. Работејќи напорно заедно, иако бевме од различни држави и за првпат се сретнавме во Бања Лука, заедничките голови и цели што ги имавме го дадоа овој резултат. На крајот, сите имавме шанса да ги презентираме нашите резултати на локалното население преку мала изложба и мал концерт кои всушност беа дел од еден друг проект со наслов “Креативен Август” кој исто така се случуваше во Бања Лука за време на целиот месец. Нашите резултати од сите три работилници беа замислени за крајот, за затворањето на претходниот настан и секако, беше незаборавно. Локалното население уживаше во изложбата каде беа изложени цртежите од работилницата за стрипови и видеата на видео работилницата. Последната беше музичката работилница со нејзиниот мал перформанс каде што ние го презентиравме сработеното и ние бевме многу среќни бидејќи локалното население уживаше во нашиот настап. Тие скокаа, играа и пееја заедно со нас. За мене овој тренинг курс во Бања Лука претставуваше неверојатно искуство коешто јас никогаш нема да го заборавам и кое ми даде многу нови пријатели кои исто така нема да ги заборавам и ќе одржувам контакти со нив. Им посакувам на сите учесници и на организаторите на овој тренинг курс се најдобро и многу среќа во предизвиците што доаѓаат.



Gamestorming 28.9.-7.10.2012


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