VOICES July/August 2018

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English Shqip

juLy/AuGuST 2018

Magazine for all young people in Macedonia

YO!FEST201 20188 YO!FEST

Hitchhiking | LGBT | Theatre in Debaar malo


Време e за лето

Summer time

Светот станува се подинамичен, аеродромите се попосетувани, сонцето се повеќе не грее и јасно не повикува на одмор. Познатите летни дестинации ги отвараат своите крилја а пристаништата своите порти за нови авaнтури и споделување на своите благодети со жедните души за одмор и релаксација. Врвулици од авиони, автомобили, возбуда и очекувањa, летниот одмор да започне ја преплавуваат земјината топка. Дестинации, авантури и знаења ви пренесуваме од Унгарија, Чешка, Словенија, Романија и Хрватска и највозбудливиот момент на „Автостоп“. Традиици, различни култури кои го ткаат светското културно богатство, детството, животните настани кои ни го олеснуваат животот и не подучуваат на деталите дознаваме преку „Полската венчавка“ и „Митологијата на Естонија“. Новите културни места како “Скопје воодушевено од Сенки: Нов театар во Дебаар Мало“ ни отвораат нови прозори кон уметноста и сликарите кои се родени на наше тло, “Извонредната бугарска сликарка Вера Најденова родена во Скопје“. Различностите се нашето богаство, “ЛГБТ заедницата во Македонија“, „Од Шпанија до Македонија“ се само уште едни скапоцености во тоа богатство. Конечно, различните идеи на предводниците на општеството изразени на „YO Fest! 2018“ и „Младите посветени на мирот“ ве повикуваат да ги отворите вашите литературни гледишта ова лето! Вафире Мухареми

The world is becoming more dynamic, the airports are busier than ever, the sun is heating up and calling for a holidays. Famous summer destinations are opening their wings and gates for new adventures and share their boon with the thirsty souls for rest and relaxation. String of airplanes, cars, excitement and expectations for summer vacation to start are flooding the globe. Destinations, adventures, experiences and knowledge we are transferring from Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania and Croatia, and the most exciting moment of “Hitchhiking”. We learn about traditions, different cultures that weave the world’s cultural treasure, childhood, life events that make life easier for us and teach the details through the “Polish wedding” and “Mythology of Estonia”. New cultural places like “Skopje enchanted by Shadows: A new theatre in Debaar Malo” are opening new windows to art and painters who were born on our soil, “The outstanding Bulgarian painter Vera Najdenova was born in Skopje”. The diversity is our treasure, “LGBT community in Macedonia”, “From Spain to Macedonia” are just some of the gems in that treasure. Finally, the various ideas of the community leaders expressed on “YO Fest! 2018” and “Youth dedicated to peace” invite you to open your literary views this summer! Vafire Muharemi

STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankovski COORDINATORS: Ivana Angelovska Vafire Muharemi Lecturer: Slavica Nevcevska


VOLUNTEERS: Paulina Gołębiowska Chloe Dumeusois Antoine Lomba Aida Athmani Ann Aro Ana Fernández Hernández

WRITERS: Igor Pop Trajkov Angela Rajchevska Laura Babaitytė Jovana Naseva Enis Miftari Aleksandra Najcheska Maria Binovska Elena Maksimova

WRITERS: Maja Stevanosvka David Stoilkovski Eva Naumovska Emil Ibraimi Vasil Petrushev Aleksandar Atanasovski

CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org









YE Czech Republic - Maria and Elena


YO!Fest MKD - Angela


EVS of Ana - Ana


Yo!Fest ENG - Angela






Hitchhiking - Aida


Vera Najdenova - Igor




Opinion LGBT in Macedonia - Chloe



Polish wedding - Paulina


It’s time for peace ALB - Enis


YE Slovenia MKD -


YE Hungary - Maja and the rest


Estonian mythology - Ann


YE Struga - Laura



Theatre in Debaar Malo - Antoine

YE Croatia - Aleksandra




8.000 млади и бесконечно многу идеи Г

Младите ги споделија своите идеи со луѓе ширум цела Европа, меѓусебно учејќи и земајќи активно учество во градење на силна и разнолика Европа преку дебатите кои беа сконцентрирани на 5 теми: Young and old: Во тек со дигиталната револуција, Rich and poor: Фер поделба, Apart and together: Работејќи заедно за посилна Европа, Safe and dangerous: Преживувајќи во турбулентни времиња, and Local and global: Заштитувајќи ја нашата планета. Настанот беше придружен со два дена од YO!Fest на кои преку богатата музичка програма беше прославен младинскиот дух. Овој настан им овозможи на многу млади ширум Европа и Светот нивниот глас да биде чуен. Присутните имаа можност да се запознаат, да ги сплотат своите идеи и заедно да дискутираат за прашања од огромна важност за нивната иднина. Со ранец полн со нови пријатели од целиот свет, добро чувство и свежа инспирација, учесниците од EYE2018 и Yo!Fest се вратија дома, подготвени


одишниот политички, музички фестивал предводен од младите, Yo!Fest, своето десетто издание го одржа во Стразбур, Франција помеѓу 1-ви и 2-ри јуни. Третиот Европски младински настан, EYE2018, зближи околу 8.000 млади вклучени во над 400 активности, дебати, изведби и работилници. Над 50 националности од сите членки на ЕУ, влучувајќи учесници од Азија, Африка и други делови од Европа кои беа во Стразбур за Европскиот младински настан #EYE2018 имаа можност да дискутираат за прашања од голема важност и преку дискусијата да ги разменат своите интеркултурни искуства и примери. Илјадници млади луѓе имаа можност да ги кажат своите грижи и да ги споделат проблемите кои што им значат со донесувачите на одлуки. На отворањето на настанот, претседателот на Европскиот Парламент, Антонио Тајани, им се обрати на младите и одговори на сите нивни прашања поврзани со иднината на младите, ЕУ и на светот. Во неформалниот дел од настанот се одржаа работилници на најразлични теми во кои учесниците исто така имаа можност да учествуваат и да го споделат своето знаење. да излезат, да ги вклучат другите и да ја споделат пораката на заедништво и разноликост знаејќи дека нивните гласови ќе бидат клучниот фактор во формирањето на иднината на Европа.

topic of the month Yo!Fest низ призмата на учесниците Ејми, 19 - Ирска Запознав многу пријатели со кои разговарав на различни теми. Навистина пријатна атмосфера во два пријатни дена. Мелиса - Франција Ми се допаѓа овој настан бидејќи има толку многу луѓе кои што зборуваат различни јазици. Па, така, можеме да зборуваме на Англиски, Германски, Француски. Вистинска интеркултурна Европа! Андреа - Македонија Мислам дека е одличен настан, особено за луѓе кои што не се многу запознаени со младинска работа и со младински организации. Одличен настан за информирање за се што се случува околу Европа, за различните активности и иницијативи.

The journey - Што ако јас бев мигрант Играта “The journey” беше исто така дел од годинешниот Yo!Fest. Неодамна, Eurodesk Network ја награди оваа игра а турската асоцијација автор на истата, System & Generation, им овозможи на сите учесници на фестивалот да учествуваат во играта. „Идејата се појави уште во 2015 година, кога нашиот тим сфати дека мигрантската криза расте и дека ни требаат повеќе луѓе кои ќе информираат за истата. Напишавме проект за создавање на игра која ќе ја подигне свеста за миграциските непогодби во Европа“ - изјавува тимот на System & Generation. Кога ќе започнете да ја играте оваа игра вие сте мигрант. Се ставате себе си во чевлите на мигрантите и извршувате одредени задачи. Задачите произлегуваат од различните карти со испишани пречки кои се користат во играта, вие морате да го завршите она што е напишано на картата. Играта се одвива во Истанбул. Па, така, вашата задача е да одите низ различни соседства од градот и да извршувате одредени заачи. Понекогаш треба да платите пари, понекогаш се сретнувате со други луѓе. Добивате информации и ја избегнувате полицијата. Станува збор за една навистина стратегиска игра која што треба однапред да ја испланирате, со што навистина ве става во чевлите на мигрантите. „Кога ја играте оваа игра вие самите станувате мигрант. Значи бараме од обични, млади луѓе да се стават во чевлите на мигрантите и да ги разберат нивните тешкотии, секако, тие се сретнуваат и со некои поволности за време на нивното патување“ - изјавува тимот на System & Generation. Организацијата беше навистина задоволна од одзивот што го доби на фестивалот. „На Yo!Fest имавме доста голем одзив на нашата игра. Младите беа навистина заинтересирани за играта и се трудеа да ја разберат без да бараат од нас да им ја објасниме.

Ангела Рајчевска



Hitchhiker experience Hitchhiking: a taste of adventure, freedom and friendly time. Paweł Pastuszka is Polish traveller who discovers world in that way.

For a lot of people, hitchhiking sounds like

something negative, something that could be dangerous. Hitchhiking is a question of feeling. When the driver stops, there is this moment during what you have to decide if you should go or not. In few second, you have to judge the driver, in some criterias before accepting to go in or not. Indeed, hitchhiking is a lot about the questions and feelings you get while making a decision. Hitchhiking is a lot about the questions and feelings you get while making a decision. For hitchhiker it usually comes before stepping in the car and for the driver while deciding to stop or not. “When first car stopped and offered us a ride to Slovakia we had only few seconds to decide and then we started out first unplanned journey. We believed in everyone who had taken us for a travel companions.“ To travel as an hitchhiker is not to go without any plans but rather having to plan out everything for the trip. Planning out all the cities you want to stop by…But of course with hitchhiking nothing goes as planned and you must not get discouraged by that. Plans should be flexible so they can be changed according to the situations that come along with hitchhiking. Because of that hitchhiking can give a really taste of adventure and spontaneity. A human experiment Human experiment, that’s how we can define “hitchhiking”. If you are as lucky during your trip, hitchhiking can be amazing way to meet nice people. “Since my first journey had passed more than five years. Meanwhile I could travel with many different people from wide range of countries as well with mixed pair group of three, four, five and even more at the same time“. Hitchhiking can give you an opportunity to experience something that might never happen in your normal daily life. To be driven in a fish car, to cross a border by walk with your passport in hand, to share one seat with your big backpack, to have a empty bus station just for you to sleep through the night… Or just to be invited to eat, to be helped for getting bus tickets or to find a place to sleep… “As a solo traveler I know there’s always a extra space for a one traveler, no matter if you will have to sit at pick up back surrounded with restaurant equipment because your Moroccan driver is going to supply his business only space left is just there or being surrounded by flying watermelons among empty gas canister crossing the Caucasus Mountains.“ It makes you see the goods sides of humans. In a way, it makes you change your vision about people. Obviously not all people are nice. Sometimes you can be lucky and others times unlucky. Always keep in mind to be careful. “You need to be straight and demand if you feel uncomfortable as well do not enter to the car if people look suspicious, it’s better to wait a little bit more than to be in uncomfortable situation or even dangerous.”


REPORTAGE Who has the best chance to catch a ride? Hitchhiking its moment of doubts and your mood goes up and down. Desperately, you can wait for a car for a long time… Or a lot of cars can stop just to ask where are you going even if there is no space in their car. “When you are standing next to the road and waving for the drivers you are sending lots of different psychological signs. It does matter what are you wearing, colour of cloth (…), if you smile or being sad. The best is to look directly in eyes of driver and smile telling them that they will not regret to stop and give you a ride.” Sometimes you have to decide whether to continue the wait or to find another way to reach your goal by bus or train. To mix the transportation can be fun because you really learn about the culture of the country. One important part for this type of traveling is that you discover during your trip how well you and your partner match with each other. You learn so much about your partner and spend all your time with her/him, so you have to choose a good one. By pair is the most satisfying and funny way for me to travel.

Why to hitchhike? For many reasons you can decide to hitchhike, for saving money, meeting new people, sharing amazing moments with your partner, discovering places differently, to learn new languages… “Firstly this is great opportunity to leave out your comfort zone far behind.” “The magic happens at the time you shut the door from inside and start to enjoy the ride.” “Sometimes your driver invites your all group for a dinner at his home in countryside just few minutes of acquaintance. You becomEing a part of their life and can share different point of views about the life (...).” “When you are willing to be open and just go forward without strict plan you can decide if new situations are good for you and say yes for unknown. “ “If I wouldn’t try to hitchhike five years ago I know that my life would be completely different. It opens you to people and you can experience new. Paradoxically teaches you self-sufficient when you decide to wild camp on the way which is necessary sometimes when you stuck in the middle of the night at some village. Just pop up your tent and enjoy morning view because adventure is unexpected and willing to take it all you are going to have one of the best moments of your life. “ Thank you a lot to Pawel for sharing experiences of hitchhiking, hope it gives you the taste of adventure and travel. Athmani Aida



Extraordinary Bulgarian Painter that was Born in Skopje


hen I was studying in Sofia in the nineties my very close friend and colleague asked me whether I would like to visit the Bulgarian National Gallery (the object which is just behind the church of Alexandar Nevski). I was so excited also due to the fact that he told me that if I visit it in the exact hours and date, I will visit it for free; you all know how it is when we study, we have to spare every dime. I went there in those exact hours; I saw all the paintings and sculptures. Just when I was about to visit the last floor, I saw a small door which was opened. Female voice from inside said: “Hey you come here for a while?” I entered in that room which was like an adaptation of space beneath the sealing. It was a small, charming office. At the desk was sitting a beautiful lady with fresh hairstyle, dressed in an expensive brown costume, with incredibly, beautiful eyes. That was Vera Najdenova. She told me she wanted to see somebody from her birth place Skopje. I couldn’t believe- in front of me wwas that famous painter that I read of in the books of the art historians. After in about one year I also saw her exhibition which took place in the Slovenian Gallery which existed than at the second floor of the City Shopping Centre in Skopje. It was somehow unusual for this artist; the exhibition consisted not of oil on canvas paintings but drawings on paper with barbecue butts.



Vera’s life Vera Najdenova’s parents were Bulgarian diplomats. She moved to Sofia when she was still a girl. She later enrolled in the art academy in Vienna, where she joined the very rare artistic movement of reductionism, whose member was among few others, Oskar Kokoschka. He was also her professor. After some period of time she returned to Sofia where she became accountant of the Bulgarian Artists Association. She later said that all of its members were leftists (including Sirak Samonikov) with an expectance of her and of one more member. After the WWII occurred she regularly participated at the exhibitions; once she even had a group exhibition in Berlin that was attended by the führer. Unfortunately after the liberation her photographs with Hitler were used against her and she was black listed. She was allowed to work only on icon reparation. Almost all of her paintings were stolen. In the sixties she was allowed to travel around Europe. When in Paris she wasimpressed by the choreography of Maurice Bёjart as the dancers were dancing in tricot in flesh color which seemed as they were naked.

She was also impressed by the movie “La Dolce Vita”. Luciano Berio - as she said, that very interesting Italian composer - became her good friend. However when she was walking on the streets of Paris somebody from a restaurant-kitchen threw bucket of dirty water on the street and spoiled her jacket. She wanted to go home immediately. Vera Najdenova was allowed to continue with painting after the fall of communism. We can see some of her paintings on the preserved photographs.

Igor Pop Trajkov



Младинска размена “I want to be a volunteer! ” С

е започна откако Волонтерски Центар Скопје ни испрати потврден мејл дека сме примени на проект во Словенија, Велење со наслов „I want to be a volunteer“ како се наближуваше датумот за тргнување кон Словенија така исчекувањето и нетрпеливоста за проектот се зголемуваа. Проектот се одржуваше во период од 4-13.06.2018 година. На проектот учествуваа 42 учесници од седум земји: Словенија, Македонија, Италија, Шпанија, Србија, Грузија, Азербеџан на возраст од 17-30 години.

Овој проект имаше цел дискутирање за потребите на опшеството за повеќе волонтери. Беше важно како да го пронајдеме својот потенцијал и мотивацијата за да бидеме волонтери, како волонтирањето може да ни помогне нам и на нашето општество со помош на неформални интерактивни методи. Во овој проект беше вклучена и дводневна волонтерска работа .Ние љубопитно се вклучивме а за време на извршувањето на работата сфативме и донесовме заклучок колку волонтирањето може навистина да ни помогне да се чувствуваме задоволни од себе си а и другите да се чуствуваат подобро.


Првиот ден од волонтирањето бевме во дом за стари лица, кои ги однесовме на прошетка низ градот а чуството што не обземаше додека ги гледавме нивните насмеани лица не се опишува. Воедно, работевме во училиште за деца со пречки во развојот. Го направивме нивниот свет пошарен и поубав кога изработивме неколку шаблони за најразлични детски игри и на тој начин придонесовме за нивната среќа.


Една група отиде на фарма чиј сопственик беше сам, со артритис и беспомошен. Членовите на групата беа задолжени околу средување на дворот и ѓубрето. И покрај тешката работа на крајот од денот на нашето и на неговото лице имаше огромна насмевка која покажува за големината и улогата на волонтерството. За време на целиот проект но особено овие два дена научивме многу работи. Научивме како само едно добро дело може да донесе насмевка на лицето на некој човек и колку всушност волонтирањето е значајно и благодарно. Можеби не сме платени за се што правиме на Еразмус плус проектитите но чуството кое го чуствуваме во срцето беше прекрасно. Преку забавни илустрации ги прикажавме дефинициите и што всушност значат „8 Key competences“, научивме како се пишува Youthpass и како би ни помогнал во иднина.

Освен тоа имавме задача да ги презентираме нашите идни волонтерски проекти во нашите земји. Секако работилниците, игрите и забавата беа главните активности за време на размената. Овој проект ни помогна да создадеме ново пријателство со другите учесници во проектот. Без разлика на култура, религија, традиција, јазикот на кој се изразуваме и далечината бевме и ќе бидеме тука еден за друг во секој момент. За овие два дена научивме да не ги вреднуваме луѓето според материјалното туку според големината на срцето.

Јована Насева





“ alue Our Values” is a youth exchange, organized by the non-governmental organization “Hang-Kép Egyesület” from Debrecen, which took place from 15.06.2018 to 24.06.2018 in Hortobagy, Hungary. “Volunteers Centre Skopje” participated in the youth exchange with its own team, made of 5 participants under the age of 18, and one team leader above the age of 18. Beside the Macedonian team, in this youth exchange participated teams from 4 different countries: Italy, Romania, Finland and Hungary. Every country’s team had 5 participants and one team leader. The venue of the youth exchange was the national park Hortobagy located in the big “puszta”. The “puszta” is undoubtedly one of the biggest pastures in Europe and also a national park. With its area of 82 000 ha, Hortobagy is a real proof of the harmonious life of the flora and the fauna, including 342 species of birds, and a big number of lakes and ponds. Just 35 kilometers away from Debrecen, Hortobagy is a place where the architecture and the nature awake memories from the past, and enlighten the soul of the visitor. At first, our team from Macedonia arrived in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, they were transferred by one of the organizers to the venue of the youth exchange in Hortobagy. Macedonian team was the first team that arrived. Next day each by each every country was arriving till the very night. From the very first day everyone had some excellent impressions from the village.


We started our second day with breakfast and morning energizes with activities about getting to know each other better, and finished it with awesome Hungarian dinner and some dances and songs. At the end of the night we went to place next to the “Nine Arch Bridge” to watch stars and Milky Way. 17.06.2018 as it was called it was Macedonian day. Macedonian team started the day with few energizes and the whole group went to take a look in the bird park. After the lunch the Macedonian team organized some water splashing. At the night there were Macedonian traditional dinner with the dishes called “musaka” and shopska salad which were prepared by the Macedonian team, little presentation about our country and VCS and tasting some Macedonian traditional products. Next day, we had some volunteering activities in the Bird Park in Hortobagy, where we helped out divided in few different teams.


We had an amazing trip in Debrecen, second biggest town in Hungary. One of the biggest surprises and awesome experience in Hortobagy was our carriage ride in the “puszta” where we were exploring the beautiful nature, different animals, horsemen show and Hortobagy’s traditions. Herbs workshop in the Animal Park was also great. We learned a lot of new things about the nature and use of herbs. The day finished with pottery workshop and delicious Slambuc dinner. Before the end of the exchange we had some more fun activities like treasure hunting in the boat with secret missions and hand-craft workshop. Last day in Hortobagy was funny and nice but also a bit sad. We had to say goodbye to each other. There was a barbecue next to the fire and watching stars at night. After the finishing the youth exchange our team went to Budapest to spent two extra days. We were there only for less than 2 days but we visited almost every monument in Budapest and making some moments for lifetime. Thanks to Volunteer Center Skopje that give us the opportunity to experience this life adventure. Maja Stevanosvka David Stoilkovski Eva Naumovska Emil Ibraimi Vasil Petrushev Aleksandar Atanasovski



SOCIAL MEDIA LITERATE = SAFE + EMPOWER + ENGAGE Unusual summer we have here in Macedonia, but that didn‘t stop us from having an entertaining Youth

Exchange about social media. I had the pleasure to participate in this project that two of my friends were leading. Nowadays, when computers and internet are becoming increasingly accesible and important in our lives, it is crucial to know how to use social media in a safe way and not to create troubles for yourself. This project was exactly about that, preparing and teaching young people how to be literate in social media.

This project brought together 6 different countries: Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, Denmark and Finland. In the Youth Exchange that lasted for 7 days, we had both fun and learned new things from one another. Firstly we had the opportunity to see the town where the project in happening, as well as interact with local people while trying to make „Mission Impossible“ game – possible. 37 participants tried really hard with many „name games“ to learn and remember each others names. Socializing during the intercultural nights definitely helped with getting to know one another, and we had two of those, so let‘s say by the end of the project I knew most of the participants names.


We enjoyed ourselves while having a discussions and improv on „Magic castle“, each team talked about difficulties we meet on social media, like catfishing, a phenomenon called „Blue whale“, what troubles sexting or posting personal information on social medias can bring. Later on we tried and combined our skills in national groups to create social campaigns thinking how can we use social media for the good purposes and spreading valuable information to bigger circles.


On the fourth day we had really civilized and well managed debates about access to information on social and traditional media as well as piracy and intelectual property on the internet. What followed afterwards was a visit to nearby city Ohrid, with its famous lake and 365 churches. Andrej, our local facilitator of the Youth Exchange gave us a tour and told stories about Macedonia, which gave us a new perspective on it. That same evening we had a relaxing mid-project evaluation where everyone could express their opinion so far on the exchange, share our comments, energy levels, things that we learnt and the things we need to improve.

Later on facilitators gave us challenged us to create an draft of a new project that can be developped in the future, which ended up with some really amazing results: project for blind people, initiative to empower girls, project about animal rights and so on. Already waiting for applications for those projects..! Đžur last day was all for final evaluation and final touches to finish up the incredible experience we had. In the evening we joyfully received our Youthpasses, for some of us it was the first one ever!The best ending there could have been was a performances by our colleagues participants. We saw magic, we saw one man show, we saw theatre, ahh the memories.. Wish you all were there to see it. Laura BabaitytÄ—



Семинар “Make contact – connect” Во периодот од 10-ти до 16-ти јуни

во Пировац, Хрватска се одржа семинар за создавање контакти и поврзување “Make contact – connect”. Јас и Јасмина ја имавме честа да бидеме избрани како претставници на Волонтерски Центар Скопје и да бидеме дел од една одлична 5 – дневена дружба, исполнета со учење, споделување на заење и позитивна енергија. Освен Македонија, имаше уште 10 земији учеснички со по 2 претставници. Скромно кажано, поминавме прекрасно и нашите очекувања беа надминати. Сите учесници беа избрани со причина, секој беше како парче од сложувалка и имаше со што да придонесе. Организаторите и фасилитаторите беа мајстори во својата работа и ни овозможи ја супер работилници и активности, кои не беа само со едукативен карактер, туку и навистина се забавувавме. Покрај тоа, Пировац е магично место со прекрасна плажа и мирно, бистро море каде што уживавме секој ден во слободното време. Надвро од сесиите, имавме супер дружба и навистина се поврзавме со сите учесници. Дополнително, развивавме нови идеи за проекти, созададовме нови партнерства и стекнавме незаборавни искуства. На крај, би сакала да се заблагодарам на сите, пред се на ВЦС што не избра токму нас, на организаторите што вложија многу труд во реализација на нивната идеја и на сите учесници затоа што го направија овој семинар извонреден. Александра Најческа




Youth exchange “Career Kickstarter” in Czech Republic

7th to 18th of June, a youth exchange was held in Velke Pavlovice, Czech Republic with topic “Career Kickstarter”, which was attended by representatives from eight countries. Through various workshops and interactive classes, we were able to get to know the topic better. The main goal of the project was to encourage young people from participating countries to work, create and develop ideas that could one day be turned into real projects or businesses. Everyday working in groups helped us to better and overcome the challenges that were assigned to us by the organizers. But also helped us to get to know each other better and to talk about our experiences of knowledge, skills and interests outside from the framework of the project itself. As part of the program of the project, we had organized two intracultural evenings through which the project participants could present their countries and NGOs. The second intracultural evening was organized in a local winery, where before the evening we had a tour about the grapes and tasting local wines, so that later in the winery we attend the intracultural evening. In the last days we had a study visit to Brno city near the place where we were accommodated, where we were also divided into groups, we had several tasks and goals that we need to do during the day. One was interviewing young people about the knowledge of Erasmus plus program as well as their opinion on starting their own business. Do they see themselves more as employers or as employees and what does Brno lacks as a city in their opinion. For the very end, we would like to say that this project was an interesting experience for us, an opportunity to learn about the working topic of the project, the opportunity to meet new people and socialize with them, education and self-giving. Marija Binovska Elena Maksimova



FROM SPAIN TO SKOPJE The EVS adventure Salaries in Macedonia are very low compared to Spain. The Macedonian minimum salary is around 200€ and in Spain, by law, the salary must be more than 736€, which is why everything here seems very cheap. The food is different too. In my region pork is very typical in all its forms, especially the blood sausage which is a kind of sausage made with blood and rice.

From my house in Spain to Skopje it’s

2866.2km. I’m Ana, a Spanish volunteer and I’ll be in Macedonia for the next 9 months. Ever since I started looking for an international volunteer project I knew I wanted to come to Macedonia. I had already been here previously in a youth exchange and I fell in love with the city, the people and the way of life, how people are always on the streets spending time with friends. I’ve only been here for 3 days but I have not been disappointed. The natives have welcomed me with open arms and showed me the city. Macedonia is very different from Spain. What attracted my attention the most is the diversity within Macedonia. Different religions such as: Orthodox, Muslims, Catholics, and others altogether with different ethnicities such as: Turks, Albanians, Roma and Macedonians cohabit peacefully. In my country, the Catholic Church is the only one existing and due to the great influence of Islamic immigrants, some mosques have begun to appear, usually in marginal neighbourhoods.



I am volunteering in an urban camp with children and the relationship that children have with teachers is very different from what we have in my country. Never in Spain have I seen a child hugging a teacher or supervisor because we have very clear distances with the figures of power, but here the children hug and kiss the supervisors. From what I have seen so far I think that this way of educating works better than what we have in my country because children pay attention to teachers and they appreciate them and not because they have to respond to imposed orders. I also had the opportunity to go to an event for the day of the refugees in the city park and I liked it a lot. The people in Skopje are very aware of the refugee community and, despite the rain all afternoon; the assistants were in the rain supporting this group. The affectionate and generous people here is one of the things that I like most. I hope to continue discovering new things that I like as much as I have seen this week.

I am volunteering in an urban camp with children and the relation-

ship that children have with teachers is very different from what we have in my country. Never in Spain have I seen a child hugging a teacher or supervisor because we have very clear distances with the figures of power, but here the children hug and kiss the supervisors. From what I have seen so far I think that this way of educating works better than what we have in my country because children pay attention to teachers and they appreciate them and not because they have to respond to imposed orders. I also had the opportunity to go to an event for the day of the refugees in the city park and I liked it a lot. The people in Skopje are very aware of the refugee community and, despite the rain all afternoon; the assistants were in the rain supporting this group. The affectionate and generous people here are the things that I like the most.

Ana Fernรกndez Hernรกndez



LGBT community in Macedonia "Some people say that sexual orientation and gender identity are difficult issues. I understand because, like many people of my generation, I have not grown up with the habit of talking about these issues. But I have learned to talk about it because lives are at stake, and it is our duty, under the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to protect the rights of all, everywhere. " UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the Human Rights Council, March 7, 2012

Many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)

people of all ages and in all regions of the world are exposed to violations of their human rights because of deeply rooted homophobic and transphobic attitudes, often combined with a lack of protection against discrimination about their sexual orientation and gender identity. These people are discriminated in the labor market, in schools and in hospitals, and in some cases abused and disowned by their own families. They are targeted by physical assaults - beaten, sexually assaulted, tortured and killed. Fortunately in many countries a lot of associations, organizations and coalitions are fighting to defend the rights of this minority. In the case of Macedonia, discrimination remains and persists. The Coalition Margin in Skopje is committed to protecting and respecting the basic human rights of marginalized communities, in achieving equal access to health, social and legal services and inclusion in all the processes of social life by providing an environment that is supportive for all people and in which respect for equality, freedom and diversity, and through the active participation of members of marginalized communities in the struggle for the realization of their own rights and freedom.


In 2011 the Coalition organization. At the working. To find out thoughts, I contacted activist.

was registered as a separate moment there are 7 people more about their actions and Slavco Dimitrov, one of those


He explains that Macedonia is a very religious, conservative and traditional country, what goes with homophobia. The LGBT community is discriminated by the population, the media, in their daily life. They are even victims of violent physical or verbal attacks on the streets, threats, in addition to having to endure the judgment. In Macedonia, even some educational material like books at school contains homophobic remarks. That is a real problem because from young ages children are educated to homophobic thoughts. For Slavco, the worse case is the transgender one. Nothing exists to protect them, they are victims of discrimination, strong violence, humiliating in all situation like finding a job, renting an appartment, in the daily life. Since they are children, they experience all forms of violence… And to make this even more difficult, it’s not possible to make a surgery to change sex in Macedonia. In the past 20 years, no politic introduced any changes or tried to support LGBT community by educating and changing the public opinion. The coalition focus on the promotions, to educate people and the protection of the LGBT community. They are working with different institutions: the social centers, the medical field with psychologist and psychiatric, policies legislation, high shcool and higher education. They help LGBT people to be reprensented in court, protected by the human rights. The aim is to rise the public awareness and their consideration for the minority. The coalition is also active in the art and cultural field with the Skopje Pride Festival. The goal of the series of events in the frames of the festival is to create spaces for presentation and promotion of non-normative forms of worldmaking, that is to say relations, affects, identity positions, bodily styles… It started 6 years ago and now it’s becoming bigger and bigger. This year it happened from the 7 to 10 June with 400 people only in the opening! This festival includes important artists and queer arts. This is a way to gather people together in the art. To finish, Slavco says that even if we can not expect a bright future, for sure there is some positive changes, but everything is going slowly...

Chloé Dumeusois



TIME FOR WEDDING! Open your eyes and look around, you will see people in fancy clothes, hear the music on the background and everyone around you dancing in weird poses. Someone offers you a vodka, service brings another portion of food, you are already tired but you know that you will not go to sleep until early morning hours. Take it easy, you are just at a Polish wedding.

Summer season is perfect time to get married. You can especially expect a lot of invitations in June, August,

September or October because in Polish these months contain the letter “R”. People believe that having wedding during one of these months bring a lot of luck. If you are person over 16, expect invitation with a partner. Even if you are actually single, it’s better to take a friend along with you. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by couples, people might feel pity for you (unless there are more single people) and grandmas will keep asking if they live on to dance at your wedding. Speaking about invitations, read them carefully, you might be only invited for ceremony in church and if yes, forget about having party with all the guests. Typical Polish wedding lasts for 2 days, sometimes 3 depending on a region and degree of kinship with newlyweds. The second day called “poprawiny” which can be translated as afters and 3nd day is “klin” which has no good English word. For each day, number of guests invited is getting lower. In some parts of Poland the party starts day before the wedding when guests come to bride’s house to break the glass. You have to bring old plates, jars which bride can destroy. The point is to break as much glass as possible to have more luck in the future. Most of the wedding ceremonies are held in churches as Poland is very catholic country. Before going to the church, couple needs to get blessing from the both parents. Usually they just kneel before parents who make the sign of cross and say some kind words. It’s very touching moment for families. Ceremony in the church doesn’t last for very long but after that it’s time to say good wishes to the newlyweds and give them presents which nowadays means just money.



Movie “ Wyjscie awaryjne”, 1982, Poland

If you were lucky enough to be invited also for the party, immediately after hugging with the newlyweds, you should go to wedding house. It’s tasteful if all the guests wait for newlyweds there. When the couple arrives, they are welcome traditionally with bread and salt. It’s symbolic, bread is offered as a wish for couple to never feel hunger, while salt reminds of life difficulties. Usually they have also their first toast. The couple is given with two glasses, one with vodka and one with water. They don’t know which is which. According to tradition, the person who got the glass with vodka will be the dominant partner in relationship. After that couple needs to throw away their glasses, if it breaks, it’s sign of good luck. Hope that you come hungry for Polish wedding because the amount of food served never ends on Polish weddings. Try to eat as much as you can because probably you will drink a lot of vodka. To not end up under the table, you need to keep balance between eating and drinking. Usually 4 or 5 hot entrees are served during the wedding, except that you can taste plenty of pastries, salads, fatty snacks, fruits and sweets. Menu is based on preferences of the couple but traditional Polish dishes are going to be served as well. Borstch (made by beetroot), broth (chicken soup), pierogi (dumplings), stewed cabbage, you should try every single one of them. There is no wedding in Poland without vodka and some homemade alcohol. Don’t worry, it’s enough alcohol for everyone, it would be shameful for Polish family if they would run out of vodka. Usually there is not a lot of toasts (only at the beginning) but when you hear someone chanting “gorzko, gorzko” which means “bitter, bitter” it’s time to get up, raise your glass and demand a kiss from bride and groom. It’s all about to make the atmosphere more sweeter.

After fulfilling a bit stomach it’s time for dancing and games. Be ready to listen a lot of Polish songs, sometimes kitschy ones but after few shots of vodka, you will feel the rhythm. When midnight approaches guests should be ready to take part in the traditional moments – the removal of bridal veil. It’s called “oczepiny” and it symbolized transition from maiden youth to marriage. Traditionally during the ceremony, bride had to let to cut her hair. After that the wedding veils was removed and bride received special wedding cap in order to highlight new marital status. Nowadays, mostly no one really continues this tradition, instead bride throws away her wedding veil and groom tie or bow tie. During wedding it’s usually one person (from band or DJ) who is leading all the games. It’s also time for collecting more money, for example while dancing with bride or groom, you need to first put money on the box holding by one of the witness. Some of the games can be really silly and often sex-related. And whole night like that, eating, drinking, dancing and simply enjoying time with family and friends till early morning hours. So, if you ever have a chance to go on Polish wedding, don’t hesitate. This is the party that you are going to remember for long time. Paulina Gołębiowska



Të rinjtë të përkushtuar për paqe

Sot, lufta për ekzistencë është e pakët në dallim me luftën për pozicion. Shpeshherë mënyra sesi ne pozicionohemi

tregon qartë edhe luftën për ekzistencë. Vende të shumta të Lindjes së Mesme janë prej vitesh në luftë, aq më tepër ndodhitë dhe pasojat nga Lindja e Mesme barten edhe tek ne. Lindin dilema të mëdha, sfida të mëdha të cilat kërkojnë përgjigjet dhe zgjidhjet ideale të cilat do të qartësonin pozicionin dhe do të përfitonin paqe. Poashtu paqeja ndërtohet, madje nga të rinjtë.



Forca shtytëse e një populli pa dyshim që janë të rinjtë, por, më vendimtare janë mekanizmat që përdorin sistemet shtetërore për të stimuluar dhe ngritur të rinjtë. Kjo nuk do të thotë se të rinjtë mbeten duar lidhur atëherë kur sistemet shtetërore dështojnë. Por, ata janë regjisorët e vërtetë të cilët mbjellin njërin nga tiparet tek të rinjtë dashurinë apo urrejtjen. Të rinjtë gjithmonë duhet përkushtuar në ndërtimin e paqes brenda komunitetit, kjo fillon nga familja. Sot, familje të shumta angazhohen në edukimin e fëmijëve të tyre për të qenë realisht ambasdorë në promovimin e tolerancës ndëretnike, fetare dhe paqes në botë. Gjë për të cilën edhe vendi ynë ka nevojën më të madhe. Pavarësisht, fuqia e të rinjëve ka arritur të sjellë në rrëzimin e diktatorëve më të mëdhenj në botë, që dua të them që forca për të bërë dhe për të zhbërë është jashtzakonisht e madhe, por, ne kemi nevojë për bërë paqen kusht të parë në komuntetin tonë. Tanimë, lind pyetja se si ne do të ishim të përkushtuar për paqe ? Është thjeshtë, mendoni rolin e bletës, gjithmonë merr më të mirën nga lulet dhe na jep neve më të mirën. Ky duhet të jetë roli i përditshëm i të gjithë neve. Pa dyshim që dikush nga ju do të thoshte që si do ta arrijmë paqen pa luftën ndaj paragjykimeve, stereotipeve dhe diskriminimit? Fillimisht, të gjithë ata që duan paqen duhet kuptojnë që ajo ndërtohet duke mos i dhënë hapsirë fjalës luftë në vokalubarin tonë. Të rinjtë mund ta bëjnë ndërtimin e paqes, duke tejkaluar paragjykimet, stereotipet dhe diskrimimin. Gjithë ky tejkalim do kohë, madje ne duhet të përpiqemi që më tepër të diskutojmë për mënyrat e promovimit të paqes sesa për pasojat nga lufta. Roli i shumë nga ne për të arritur qëllimin final është se ne duhet ta bëjmë rolin e ndërmjetsuesit në çdo moment, qoftë nga shtëpia, në kafe apo në institucione. Ndaj atyre që nuk preferojnë dialogun dhe gjithmonë me shkëputjen e komunikimit fillon e gjithë përplasja deri tek lufta, ata kërkojnë një qasje ndryshe dhe një studim i thellë duke filluar të mendojmë për gjërat që ata më së shumti duan e më vonë të shtrijmë ndikimin tonë mbi gjërat që ata duan. Këtë e kemi bërë njëherë në jetë të gjithë ne, por, pa dyshim që të gjallë na mban vazhdimësia e gjërave që bëjmë.

Përkushtimi i të rinjëve për paqen është misioni i sinqert i cili do kohë. Domosdoshmërisht që ne të angazhohemi në mbajtjen e sigurisë dhe paqes. Këtë do ta arrijmë së bashku, duke stimuluar të rinjtë si promotorë kryesorë për paqe dhe tolerancë, madje edhe duke marrë përgjegjësi për organizime shoqërore që kanë për qëllim promovimin e paqes dhe bashkimin e kulturave të ndryshme. Bashkimi është forcë dhe vetëmohimi tipari kryesor për paqe.

Autor: Enis Miftari Foto: Vigan Demiri



MAARJAMAA Land where everyone has their own fairy...


hen talking about countries and nationalities often the question about religion and beliefs comes up. Foreigners perception of Estonian people often seems to be that it’s a atheistic nation. Which is not far from truth since Estonia is one of the most atheistic country in the world. What people often don’t know is how much spirituality plays a part in Estonians life. For example in New Year’s Eve Estonians have TV shows where astrologists and psychics predict what the future holds. From 2010-2017 there used to be a radio show called “Hallo, Kosmos” that mainly focused on topics like outer space, supernatural, esoteric, folklore, spiritualism, pseudo-science and conspiracy theories. Yes it sound ridiculous for many but that’s how it is. This type of thinking is nothing new in Estonia. Reading about the countries mythology there are a lot of stories about fairies, spirits, witches etc. To understand where the love for nature starts you need to look in the history and beliefs that have been carried on from generation to generation. One of the easiest ways usually is to look at the mythology of the country. But what is mythology? Rational person would say it’s a result of foolishness and imagination. Official definition would be a collection of myths, especially ones belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition.

There isn’t much information about Estonian mythology since people didn’t store the insights of it until the 19th century. Most of the info that has been gathered comes from historical chronicles and travelers’ stories. Because the oldest known endonym of the Estonians is Maarahvas, which roughly translates into “Earth people” it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the country has strong roots in more spiritual beliefs. Before the Christianity took over, Estonians were more drawn to animistic religions like Taaraism. Taaraism is kind of “faith of the earth” or “maausk” as Estonians call it. The main god is Tharapita. There’s a debate that Tharapita origins come from Scandinavian god Thor. Tharapita or Taara has many names in maausk and can be often called by nature elements like “Mother Earth” (maaema). Mother Earth is said to have the most loving and caring characteristics. It’s shown in the fact that Earth satisfies all our needs food, shelter, beauty, excitement etc. Because of that there are things one should not do to Earth. For example people shouldn’t harm the ground with knives or other sharp things. By doing that you are harming Mother Earths heart. There are many similar sayings mainly just to protect the nature. With things not to do there are also rituals that you should do. One of the most well-known traditions is midsummer celebration or St John's Day where people carry out rituals. People use to go three times around the campfire and offered different food or things to the fire. This was done for various reasons, but mostly to ensure good livestock and harvest from year to year. Today people mostly just jump over the campfire or sit around it. But the celebration is still very important in Estonian culture. Maausk says that there is a spiritual dimension in all and it can manifest itself in many different forms. For example it can be a god, spirit our a fairy and there is no clear difference between them. Gods are described to have a perceptible form and other notable characteristics. In Maausk people have the freedom to perceive gods and other spiritual creatures as natural forces or fairies. They can turn to them in a prayer or simple conversation to speak, but could also just feel the presence.



It’s rather interesting how the faith in nature has survived throughout the long periods of different foreign rulers and religions. While the modern religions like Christianity has had hard time staying relevant in Estonia. 2010 eurobarometer poll revealed that only 18% of people in Estonia believed in God. Whereas 50% said to believe in some sort of spiritual force and 29% rejected both. It’s often said that Estonians are a nation that is not looking for an approval from higher power but searching for their own peace of mind. Going to bookstores in Estonia one would find a big selection of esoteric and spiritual books and there are specific shops just for crystals. Every nation has their own mythology and in some weird way it really shows what people value or believe in. Also myths can show you the relations that nations have had with other countries throughout centuries. For example there are a lot of Scandinavian and Baltic influences in Estonian mythology. For that reason it is interesting to look into it. Also many of those beliefs have still stayed with people so knowing nations background can help you to understand them better. Ann Aro



SKOPJE ENCHANTED BY SHADOWS A new theatre in Debaar Malo

Summer is a true season of awakening. Different kinds

of music festival sprout all summer-round (for more on this read Paulina’s article in VOICES June edition), new artsy initiatives take place, from vintage clothing, artistic and cultural exchanges to exhibitions’ crawl. This summer, the alternative scene in Skopje is gaining a resurgence of fresh blood that undoubtedly revitalises the creative stream of the city. Naturally, many of these projects and endeavours take place in Debar Maalo, Skopje’s other centre of artistic, cultural and nightlife, along with the more postcard-famous Čaršija. Among the ranks of the newest inivatives in Debar Maalo, at 47 Miroslav Krleza street, one can find a curious and innocently appealing small frontage. Comfily embedded in a typical yellow façade of the neighborhood, its front window quietly affirms itself with simple, yet bright colors. Modest, yet protective, red eaves shield the front window. Bright green doors contrast with the theatrical red of the entrance’s contours. The frontage discreetly distinguishes itself from the rest of the neighborhood, alluding to the innocent mischief of puppet characters and the guilelessness of shadows. In a playful, green child-friendly font, the sign reads :Senki i Oblatsi (or “Shadows and Clouds” in English). The venue is a creative theatre dedicated mainly to shadow and puppet theatre. A few minutes away from Gradski park and the St-Kliment Ohridski church, the theatre just recently, on the 1stof June, celebrated its opening. Until then, Macedonia had never seen the establishment of a permanent address dedicated to Shadow theatre. Shadows and Clouds is so far, the only theatre of its kind in the whole of Macedonia.


As such, the opening was a resounding success. It kicked off at four in the afternoon with a short introductory speech about the artistic identity of the theatre and the aims and ambitions of its founders. The speech was quickly followed by a performance of hand shadows directed at children and enacted by the same artists that worked day and night for months to make this opening happen. After a stimulating jam session, children started playing on the stage, the artists briefly showing them the rudiments of puppet theatre, the techniques of shadows and how to blend the two together to create this world of enchantment that shadows is capable to produce through its charming magic. Until one in the morning over two hundred people “came and went”, from friends of the organisers, to curious passers-by, triggered by such a peculiar event, in such a intriguing new venue. “People didn’t expect something like this to open” says Ivona Gorgiovska, member of the founding team, “they thought it was exciting and not ordinary” adds Blagorodna Koceva, her partner in crime and friend. Because Shadows and Clouds is not merely a venue for shadow and puppet theatre. Indeed, before becoming a physical place for people to meet and enjoy shadows and puppets, Shadows and Clouds was first and foremost a troupe of passionate artist, who, for lack of living off their art, live for their passion. Krume Stefanovski, the jammer of the band, Katerina Stekovska, a sort of runner of operations, Blagorodna, a committed pupper master, Ivona, the youngest but not least passionate and Aleksandra Stojanovska, have all been brothers in arms, friends in adventures and comrades in this artistic journey for years now. All have jobs on the sides to pay the bills and put food on the table, yet all spend all their time, energy and focus, into their art and for their ambition. As a matter of fact, Shadows and Clouds have been around for a while now. They have been incredibly active, being both involved in their local communities and engaged for the international cause of shadows. Ever heard of Cohot Na Oblačeto, or Little Cloud Dream, the international kids shadow theatre festival happening every year in Skopje around November for six years in a row ? That’s them. “Stories From the Hallway”, which you can go and check out on youtube right now ? That’s them too.

culture Shadows and Clouds have proven, by their drive and energy, that it possible to make a change through your art. From 2013 to 2015, they worked in partnership with MTV Adria on a campaign to raise awareness for sexual education among young people, first by introducing them to its basic tenets, then by working with educators and finally by working together solely among youngsters, all of that, through shadows. They had addicted drug-user work and perform a play called “Stigma”, whose aim you might guess by the name… Through Little Cloud Dream, they have met and exchanged with artists from all around the globe, strengthening a solid network. They have travelled the whole, going as far as China or Brazil, to present their production, their play, their world. They learned from their peers. China, as the birthplace of shadow, offers very traditional performances. Brazilian puppeteers, use industrial wastelands as open areas to blend different styles, using both body and puppet, while the Dutch have mastered the art of lightning, particularly developing a signature ambiance through 19th century lamps.

For four years, as passionate friends, they had been meeting at their respective places to work from home. Eventually, they rented a workplace that had enough space for a small audience, although “there was not much difference between working from home or from the workspace”. The collective needed a more ambitious space, somewhere that would entirely be dedicated to their art, a true sanctuary of shadows. Their experience, working with international shadow artists and puppet-masters, have driven them to create a haven of experimentation. A creative studio where they can meet “people who are more educated in a way, with whom we can collaborate for creative exchange”. Like the Cabaret Voltaire offered a haven for Dadaism, Shadows and Clouds wanted their own headquarters, their own home, as they put it, to buzz ideas and creativity in a respected hotspot for shadows, lights, music and puppets. Their new home is the head start for new artistic explorations. They will be kicking off slowly, but surely, with a small program for the summer, which you can find on their Facebook page.

However, the collective is aiming high. From September, workshops will be offered to children and youngsters, with a focus on shadows and puppets for kids and more exploration towards physical theatre for youth, to liberate their expression through their own bodies. They are buzzing: “All have ideas to provoke active participation and inspire curiosity”. In six years of activity, Shadows and Clouds have already achieved a lot of interest and realised a significant outreach to with local kids, through their festival. “Our door is open for people on the same page as ours” Blagorodna tells me. Ivona later told me how they all met kind of accidentally, to which the former interrupted : “Nothing is accidental…this is exhausting, but it is our passion, every artist has this urge, this enthusiasm… we are 5 different people, but with this friendship, you can dream”. Shadows and Clouds are bringing dreams into life, and by pushing their doors, you might give life to your dreams together. Театар на Сенки “Сенки и Облаци” Ul. Miroslav Krleza 67 1000 Skopje Website: www.shadowsandclouds.net Facebook : www.facebook.com/senkiioblaci Tel: +389 75 426 943

Antoine Lomba



8000 youngsters and countless ideas The annual political, musical, youth-led festival of the

European Youth Forum, Yo!Fest, for it’s 10th edition took place in Strasbourg, France between 1st and 2nd of June. The third European Youth Event, EYE2018, gathered 8.000 young people engaged in different activities, debates, performances and workshops at Parliament’s premises in Strasbourg. Over 50 nationalities from each and every member state in the EU, including participants from Asia, Africa and other parts of Europe had the chance to reach the European Parliament to take part in the European Youth Event 2018. Thousands of young people had the opportunities to express their concerns and raise their voices on the issues that matter to them. This unique event, provided the youths with the space to directly engage with decision-makers. At the opening of the event, the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, gave his speech and answered the key questions that the youths were wondering about. Questions were mainly about the future of youth, of EU and of the world.

The non-formal part of the event took place outside the Parliament building where the participants were doing workshops and other activities in which they had the chance to take part and share their knowledge and experiences. Young people from different countries, shared their ideas with people from all over Europe learning from each other cultures and participating actively while working for a stronger and diverse Europe through the debates that were centered on five themes: Young and Old; Rich and Poor; Apart and Together; Safe and Dangerous and Local and Global. The event was accompanied with two amazing days of YOFest where in addition to the engaging debates and in-depth conversations, the festival included plenty of open-air concerts. This event showed that the voice of youth around the world has to be heard. Here, participants had the chance to meet, to exchange and join their ideas and to discuss for questions that are really important for their future. With a backpack full of new friends from all over the world, good vibes and fresh inspiration, the participants of EYE2018 and Yo!Fest got back home.


They are ready to go out there, include others and spread the message of unity and diversity knowing that their voices will be a key factor in shaping Europe’s future.

topic of the month Yo!Fest through the eyes of the participants: Amy, 19 - Ireland I got to meet many new friends; I got to talk about different issues. А really lovely atmosphere in two amazing days. Melisa - France I like this event because there are lot of people speaking different languages and we can speak in English, German, French, it’s a real intercultural Europe. Andrea - Macedonia I think that this is an excellent event, especially for people that are not familiar with youth work and youth organizations. Excellent event for informing about everything that is happening around Europe and for the different activities and initiatives.

The Journey - If I was a migrant The Eurodesk Network awarded board game “The journey” (IMAGINE: Migrant Journey) was also part of the Yo!Fest 2018. Many young people tried to understand and managed to play this game thanks to the System & Generation Association from Turkey. “The idea came in 2015 when our team decided that the refugee crisis is now arising and we need more people to provide them information about this crisis. We wrote project for creating a board game that will raise awareness about the migration issues in Europe” - System & Generation team. When you start playing the game you are a refugee. You put yourself into the refugees shoes and you have certain task. This task comes from the obstacle cards that are used in this game. You must finish what is written in the obstacle card. The game takes place in Istanbul. So, your task is to go in different neighborhoods in Istanbul and do certain things. Sometimes you have to pay money, another time you meet with other people. You receive information and also you avoid police, which is very important. The game is very strategic and you need to think and plan ahead your journey. In this case you really feel like a migrant. “When you play the game you can feel as an immigrant. So, we want the people to put themselves into a migrant shoes so they can understand the struggle.” - System & Generation team. They are really satisfied from the feedback they got on Yo!Fest: “Yo!Fest was very succsessful. The young people were very interested in the game and they really tried to figure it out on their own”. Angela Rajchevska


VCS Team at D Festival 06-08.07.2018

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