VOICES September 2018

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Magazine for all young people in Macedonia




Во прегратките на есента

Back to autumn

Лисјата се разделуваат од своите стебла и поддувнати од топлиот есенски ветер тие се среќаваат со земјата, поздравувајќи ја: „Ние сме тука да ја облемее твојата темна боја со нашата златна блесина“. Секој месец има свои специфичности и посебности, септември со себе ги носи своите почетоци на академската, учебната година, работните места и подготовка на зимниците. Септември, со себе носи и убава, нежна носталгија кон летните денови која не исполнува. Младите се потсетуваат на летните денови поминати на „ Летен камп ИнКоИн“ , некои направи ја кратко истражување за „Животот на кучињата“ и „Расизмот“. Љубопитноста не одржува во живот, затоа се обидуваме да дознаеме „Низ светот“ и какво е чуството „После 20 години повторно ѕвезда“. Се враќамe во јули и август и проверуваме како „Интернетот влијае на развојот на човештвото“. Одиме чекор поназад и проверуваме што се случувало со „Историјата на ромската заедница “во минатото и ги охрабруваме младите со „Мотивациски говорници“. Животот е како брод кој не носи на различни пристаништа, овој пат донесе 3 белгијки во Македонија, со нивните животни стории и искуства преку „Цел свет е сцена“, „Загадувањето на животната средина“ и „Музички фестивали“. Ништо не завршува тука, време е за шолја топол чај на врнежливите септемвриски денови и уживајте додека ги читате најљубопитните млади во Македонија и Европа. Вафире Мухареми

Leaves are falling from trees, at the same time helped by the warm autumn wind they are meeting the earth saying hello: I am here to cover your black color with my golden shine. Every month has its own characteristic and specific elements in different parts in the Earth. In Macedonia, this month means beginnings, for academic year, for work, for making winter food. Somehow this is the most nostalgic month. Youngster remember their summer days in the “Summer Camp InKoIn”, some of them spent their vacation to do a bit research work and to express their opinions about “A dog’s life” and “No to Racism. Forever! „Curiosity is keeping us on live, that’s why we are trying to learn “Across the world”, and how is the feeling “20 years later: a second star”. Let be back for a second in July and August, however this is the nostalgic month, we are looking in our research about “The internet’s influence”. We are going one step back to our historical development and we are looking back to “History of Roma community” and encouraging you with “Motivational speakers“. Life is like a boat ship, taking us every time to different port, this time 3 Belgian girls brought in Macedonia, sharing their experience in “All the world is a stage”, “Waste” and “Music festivals”. Nothing stops here it is time to grab your tea in this rainy September day, and enjoy reading adventures of curious youngsters in Macedonia and Europe. Vafire Muharemi

STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankovski COORDINATORS: Andrej Naumovski Vafire Muharemi Lecturer: Slavica Nevcevska


VOLUNTEERS: Paulina Gołębiowska Aida Athmani Ann Aro Ana Fernández Hernández Madis-Siim Kull Robin Faes Jorinde Joosen Yana Willems Farxiyo Liban Farah Selina Niemi

WRITERS: Vafire Muharemi Goran Galaboff Jovana Naseva Krume Bogevsky Irina Galevska Stefanija Stefanoska


CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org


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TOPIC OF THE MONTH Summercamp in Struga MKD - Vafire

34 Summercamp in Struga ALB - Vafire




Enviroment - Jorinde


Story of Angela and Filip - Ann




Stray Dogs in Macedonia - Paulina


Roma community - Ana


Internet influence - Robin


Racism MKD - Irina


Motivational speakers - Madis

30 Culture



YE Hungary -


Camp in Bosnia MKD - Krume


14 YE Germany MKD - Jovana 16




Vet Volunteers from Spain - Goran


Music festivals ALB - Farah


Theatre in Belgium - Yana

34 Sport 32

World Cup summary - Aida



Комуникацијата двигател на општествениот прогрес Човекот

Државите, не настанале сами по себе, напротив, тие се конструкција од територија, население и власт. Населението на секоја држава е хетерогено. Населението на Македонија како држава е составено од повеќе етникуми, односно култури. Целиот животен век на Македонија е одбележан со мултикултурен елемент кој, во суштина е најцврстиот темел на кој е поставена државата. Со цел темелите да се одржуваат и да се надоградува мултикултурниот живот во Македонија, потребно ни е активно одржување и негување на интеркултурната комуникација и интеракција. Волонтерски Центар Скопје, финансикси поддржан од Фондација Отворено Општество Македонија, верувајќи во вредностите и значајноста на интеркултурната комуникација и интеракција како двигател на општествениот прогрес реализираат 6 месечен проект „Без расправање”.


од самиот почеток на своето битисување имал потреба од изнаоѓање на начин за заедничко разбирање со своите сожители со цел полесно да ги задоволува своите егзистенцијалн и потреби . Потребата за полесно и навремно задоволување на неопходните потреби за живот го довеле човекот до степен на евалуациски развој во кој се артикулираат гласови, извици и фрази за полесно да разберат што сакаат да кажат. Така се појавува и јазикот, како средство преку коe се разбирале луѓето. Комуницирањето и кохабитирањето секако не се сведувало само на јазикот, луѓето користеле и мимики, знаци, гестикулации за полесно меѓусебно разбирање. Комуникацијата, како дел од човековото постоење, е двигател на општесвениот прогес до ден денешен. Коминикацијата се доразвива, односно се разгледува од повеќе аспекти, така еден аспект на комуникацијата е и интеркултурната комуникација.

topic of the month Прва активност во рамки на проектот беше Летниот камп ИнКоИн - Интеркултурна Комуникација и Интеракција одржан во Солферино, Струга. Целта на летниот камп беше на едно место да собере тинејџери од различни култури, со различно социјално, економско и културно потекло, од Гостивар, Струга и Скопје. Учесниците на кампот имаа можност да ги надоградат своите знаења за интеркултурната комуникација а најголемиот дел од нив тука за прв пат да се запознаат со концетот на интеркултурна комуникација и интеракција. Предизвиците, особено, излегувањето од комфорната зона ги направи учесниците посвесни за придобивките од интеркултурната комуникација и интеракција. Оосбено задовoлство е да работиш со младите, и во моментот на раскрстување на нивните животни одлуки да им се покажат можностите и алтернативите.

Младите стружани, гостиварчани и скопјани се дружеаа и споделува животни искуства и ситуации. Неформалните активности во текот на свежите вечери покрај езерото ги сплотија македонците, албанците, турците, ромите, власите и србите во дискусии, игрии и активности преку кои ги воочија заедничките предизвици во општеството кои, наметнувајќи други артифицијални предизвици од лидерите на заедниците се запоставуваат. Дел од активностите во кои беа вклучени ентузијастичните и жедни за нови знаења млади беа и: онлајн курсеви за комуникација, емпатија и издржливост, албатрос културата, мочуриште, боење на камења со културен мотив, правење колаж од различни материјали. Читајќи ги писмата кои младинците ги напишаа на почетокот на Летниот камп и крајните евалуации кои ги направи ја вие нема да забележите почеток и крај на еден развој, напротив се забележува резерва и страв што ќе се случи на летниот камп и како ќе кохабитираат 5 дена со личности „различни“ од нив кои ги запознаваат за прв пат.

Моментот на евалуација осветлува развиток, но не и завршен процес на подготвеност за целосно заедничко кохабитирање туку на подговеност за интеркултурна комуникација и интеракција. На моменти сеуште се забележуват соменжи и отворен простор за понатмошно согледување на одвивањата па да се продолжи со зголемена интеркултурна интеракција. На нашиот блог, и фб страницита ќе најдете тестемонијали со искуствата на овие младинци, сепак треба да бидете во нивни чевли за да ги почуствувате подемите, падовите, стравовите и наградите. Проектот „Без расправње“ секако не завшрува со оставени приказни на пола, со отворени сомнежи во главчињата на нашата иднина. Продолжуваме понатака, и им овозможуваме на нивните врсници, да почуствуваат дел од придобивките на летниот камп преку врснички работилници кои ќе се одржат во нивните училишта, отвараме ѕид на културата во нивните училишта, дозволуваме преку изложба на изработените материјали подлабоко да се запознаат со сличностите и разликите на културите кои жеваат во нивното непосредно соседство и ги споделуваат училиштните клупи. На крај, нивниот труд ќе биде овековечен во сликововница за културни разлики кои ќе ја споделуваат со своите потомци. Младите се како необработен дијамант, треба малку да го допрете со раце и ќе заблеска! Вафире Мухареми



waste When I arrived in Skopje, the first thing I noticed on the streets was that there is a lot of litter and the garbage continents were full of waste. In the apartment I also saw that there were no sorting bins. I did not like the idea how the waste policy was applied. I thought that it’s bad for long-term solution.

In 2002 a new policy was adopted on

European legislation. The purpose of the novelty for the National Waste is to ensure a sufficient environmental policy, decision-making framework, economic basis, public participation and strategy setting up the technical infrastructure for wearing from the waste management operation implement the waste management system in EU legislation and with the sixth EU legislation Environmental Action Program (2002-2012), accounting for its priority in waste management, i.e. thematic strategy for the sustainable use of a thematic strategy on waste prevention and recycling.

These are the European policies that we have based on:  solving waste problems at source according to the “holder’s responsibility of generated waste”  establishment of a separate collection and recovery  system of valuable constituents in selected waste and end-of-life products according to the “producer’s responsibility principle”;  utilization of valuable constituents of waste as a substitute for non-renewable natural resources and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;  gradual establishment of a rational network of waste management facilities for app. 8,7 million tons of municipal, industrial, agriculture, medical and other types of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, • segregation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste fractions at source and their separate treatment and final disposal; • improvement of MSW collection efficiency; • disposal of all collected municipal solid waste on landfills previously conditioned or compliant with EU standards; • priority start and execution of projects related to the management of high risk medical waste and animal by-product and industrial hazardous waste; • disposal of stabilized, non-reactive residues from waste treatment processes on landfills as the final goal; • closure/remediation of existing non-compliant municipal waste dumps and remediation of contaminated sites and other environmental burdens; • rational and environmentally safe use of land and protection of natural and cultural heritage.


REPORTAGE In the new European waste policy of 2018 it’s hoping to encourage a change to recycle 65% household waste and 75% of the packaging material in the cities of the European Union. The European Commission also wants that at least 10% of municipal waste will be deposited in landfills by 2030. Organic waste must also be compulsorily collected across the EU by the end of 2023. For example, the amount of food waste by 2030 should be halved. Reusable and recyclable by 2035, in practice this will help shift to a circular economy and make the EU less dependent on the import of raw materials by promoting a prudent, efficient and rational use of natural resources. If we approach this smartly then we can also create jobs. It is therefore not only good for the environment, but also for the economic growth and reduction of CO2. Landfill waste is almost non-existent in Northwest Europe where incineration plays an important role in addition to recycling. The dumping of municipal waste is still popular in eastern and southern parts of Europe. In 2005-2016 the landfilling of waste is considerably less common during this period in Estonia, Finland, Slovenia, Great Britain and Ireland. Now that I have been here for three weeks and have done some research, I see that there is a beginning. Sometimes I saw people who take the paper and/or pet bottles from the containers and take them with them, for recycling. There is indeed a waste policy, but it is not yet working properly and there is still a lot of work to be done, to make people more aware of it, and to do something about it. Jorinde Joosen



across the world Why do people go abroad? A question with many answers. While being in Macedonia one would meet a lot of people who have lived, worked or studied abroad. This is a Macedonian couple story who will go to Australia.

Angela (21) and Filip (20) are a young Macedonian

couple who are taking a journey to Sydney, Australia. Angela is originally from Skopje and finished a local high school for economy and continued on her studies in Faculty of Economics, which she will be in her third year. She has big love for nail art, makeup and fashion. It all started when she was around 15 years old and she got interested in nail decorations and after that makeup and fashion just came along. In the future she is hoping to open her own beauty salon. Filip is also from Skopje and finished the same high school as Angela, by now one would know where these two met. Filip puts a lot of his energy into a healthy lifestyle. He goes to gym every day, as it is his hobby and job. He is a personal trainer for fitness and health. He is also a swimming instructor in a local swimming club. In future he hopes to continue being a personal trainer and gain more knowledge on the subject. This is also the reason for going to Australia.

Few months ago Filip was looking for study opportunities in physical education and found nothing suitable in Macedonia. Because of that he started searching for options abroad. At one point he came across a school in Australia and felt that this would be a good option. He saw that not only was it the right studies for his interests, but also the quality of the school was very good. There was only one problem to study abroad your English levels need to be quite high and he did not feel that he would be able to understand everything, if he would apply. But as all good things do he had a plan to fix it. After He consulted with the school and the agency, the best option seemed to be applying to go study English first, to gain the confidence and level in the language that is required. And then after that look for an opportunity for physical education studies.



Looking back Filip said that the visa procedure was extremely smooth (shout out to Bridge blue agency) as everything work out quickly. Since he is going to study, he applied for study visa which is valid for 7 months. As Filip decided to apply for studying in Sydney, Angela decided to apply for 3 month tourist visa. It seemed like a nice idea since she has a lot of friends and family who already live there. Interestingly enough the cousins who live there recently visited her and invited her to come visit. Seemingly, the timing is rather perfect, so she made the decision to go fast. Because it would mean that she can support Filip in he’s adaptation period and also visit her family and friends abroad. Both of them agreed that being abroad for a longer time might be hard at first since they feel that every country is a bit different and at first there might be a bit of a culture shock. But they also agreed that Macedonia is very multicultural country and because of that they feel that they will adapt just fine. For example they studied in High School with Macedonians, Albanians, Turkish and Roma children. They even mentioned that sometimes they feel like tourists in Macedonia since there are areas in the country that are mainly inhabited by other ethnicities. As for the future Filip and Angela feel that right now they are really focusing on getting a good education. Hoping that in that way they will have a better opportunities in future to get a good job and fulfill their dreams. Because of that they have also got a lot of support from their parents, who in Filip case have encouraged him in his journey to go study abroad. Filip Dad thinks he is extremely lucky to have a chance to go study abroad. Back in a day it use to be way harder to get such an opportunity. In a way it is really important to have some type of support while deciding to go abroad weather it is for studies, work, travel etc. because often while traveling or living abroad at one point people find themselves out of place or in other words in a culture shock. Depending on a person it can last a week or a month, until then it’s rather nice to have someone to talk, who understands where You come from. But even though in life there might come some obstacles to tackle one should never stop exploring. As this is what makes life so interesting. Ann Aro



Youth Exchange C.U.T.E. C.U.T.E. - Cooperate, Understand, Tolerate and Empower. Just some of the things that we had the chance to learn on this youth exchange, which turned out to be a life changing experience.

This youth exchange took place

from 29.07-07.08 and had 4 countries participating: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. The Macedonian team consisted of 8 people: 6 participants in the age group 14-18 and 2 group leaders over 18. We started our trip on 28.07 and we got to spend this Saturday in Debrecen, the second biggest city in Hungary. We were walking around the city centre in the evening and had fun getting to know Debrecen but also each other.

The next day one of the organizators drive us to Hortobagy and after an hour of driving we were there. Since we were the first ones to arrive, we had a lot of time to explore the house and the huge yard it had. After a couple of hours the other teams started to come and so we began to meet the other participants. Each of our days started with morning energizers and team buildings, then during the day we had some workshops and fun activities and in the evening we had intercultural evenings, where each of the participating countries had the chance to present their country with traditional food, songs, dances, etc.

So the second day was the Hungarian day and the Hungarian team started the day with energizers that helped us break the ice and get to know each other better. Then in the evening we had traditional Hungarian goulash and we tried to pronounce some Hungarian tongue twisters, which were pretty hard.


Third day was the Macedonian day and the first thing we did were the energizers. Then we paid a visit to the bird park and had some photography workshops all around Hortobagy. When we came back to the house, we started cooking and preparing the dinner immediately because there were many stuff that needed to be done. It’s safe to say that our Macedonian evening was very successful, with everyone enjoying the food we made and also the snacks and sweets we brought with us.

On our fourth day here we were volunteering at the bird park and we had the Bulgarian evening. The next day we did a rally on bikes, which was really fun to do and also one of the best activities we did, and then we had the Romanian evening.


The following day we had a trip to Debrecen. We did a small city game where we could explore the city and also have a bit of free time. In the evening we were back in Hortobagy, ate pizza at the local pizza place and then watched the stars and the milky way, which was pretty awesome. It was a good day with an even better ending.

The next day, after breakfast, we had a lesson about herbs, then a carriage ride and pottery workshop, and we also had slambuc dinner. We were treasure hunting in a boat and we handcrafted some leather bracelets, which are a very nice souvenir and reminder of our stay in Hortobagy.

So Monday was our last day here and we didn’t really have any activities, we were hanging out, we left some notes for friends and we got our Youthpasses. Our team was the first one to leave, so after a lot of tears and future meeting arrangements we had someone drive us to the Budapest airport.

The 12 days that we spent in the small village Hortobágy helped us to open our perspectives, improve the way we see the world and make us better people. It also brought us new friends and contacts that we hope will stay for life. So, huge thank you to the Volunteers Centre Skopje for giving us this opportunity because it’s something we’ll never forget.

Stefanija Stefanoska




Меѓународните проекти денес се предмет на интерес на многу млади од цела Македонија. Проектите на

Ерасмус+ им овозможуваат на младите од целиот Европски континент да учествуваат во разни проекти каде доаѓаат во контакт со млади кои пораснале во различно општество. Како студент во Скопје, се трудам обврските околу факултетот да ги приоретизирам во однос на останатите активности. Сепак младинската работа претставува посебна можност за мене, поради што во неа инвестирам време и труд.

Неколку партнер-организации од Велика Британија, Словенија, Германија, Босна и Херцеговина, Косово и секако, Волонтерскиот центар од Скопје учествуваа во организација на младински камп со тема ,,Поттикнување на комуникациони способности“. Местото каде се одржа кампот е во Тузланскиот Кантон во БиХ близу градот Градачац. Имено, престојот на учесниците беше симболично, на место каде е во тек реставрација на училиште кое било демолирано во текот на Југословениските војни пред речиси три децении. Горд сум да кажам дека мултиетничката група од Република Македонија беше најбројна и вклучуваше 9 млади учесници на возраст од 17 до 23 години од неколку градови во Македонија. Во тек на краткиот еднонеделен престој во Градачац, успеавме на преостанатите учесници да им го претставиме диверзитетот на нашето општество и култура. Наидовме на бројни импресии од страна на останатите учесници.


ERASMUS+ Како дел од активностите, покрај редовните класични неформални сесии, би набројал и посета на музејот на военото детство во Сараево, каде се изложени бројни експонати кои се во сопственост на деца кои пораснале во тек на војната од 1992-1995 година во Босна и Херцеговина. Тоа искуство беше доста емотивно како за учесниците од Косово кои исто така одреден дел од животот го поминале во вооружани немири, па и за учесниците од БиХ кои изгубиле членови од семејството во тек на војната, а за останатите учесници, вклучувајќи не нас, единствено беше лекција дека немири од тој карактер не смеат да се повторат. Посетата на Тузла, исто беше доживување кое ќе се памети. Во неформални разговори често се споменуваа меѓунационалните немири на европскиот континент во текот на минатиот век, па до денес. На некој начин, јасно е дека Ерасмус+ проектите се можност за сите млади од Европа, да научат како да градат соживот и мир. Би препорачал на секој млад да биде дел од вакви искуства, а секој кој може на некој начин да го помога случувањето на вакви активности, да го прави тоа!

Местото каде се одржуваше кампот

Фотографија на учесник, зграда со шрапнели, последица од војна

Учесниците се обидуваат да играат фолк танци карактеристични за Балканот

видливи Патчето: детска играчка која била сопственост на дете кое пораснало во тек на војната во БиХ, денес експонат во музејот на Военото детство во Сараево. Круме Богевски



Македонија е во Европа! Ние сме Европа!

Во период од 24.07 - 04.08 Волонтерски Центар

Скопје заедно со неговите претставници: Шезо, Ева, Ангела, Филип, Марија, Јован придружувани од тим лидерот: Јована Насева беа дел од проект финансиран од Еразмус плус програмата за млади на Европска унија, а организиран од партнер организацијата: „JungendSozialwerk Nordhausen e.V“ од Германија каде учествуваа млади од 13 до 17 години од: Италија, Шпанија и Латвија. Проектот беше насловен „We are EUrope” и имаше за цел да спои млади луѓе со помали можности кои немаат лесна достапност до вакви меѓународни проекти. Пред почетокот на проектот во нашата организација „Волонтерски Центар Скопје“ имавме неколку подготвителни состаноци со цел за време на проектот и на нашиот престој во Германија да се покажеме во најдобро светло. На овие состаноци беше поминат секој ден посебно за тоа што и како ќе се одвива и како ние треба да бидеме спремни со цел да бидеме активни на работилниците што ќе се одржуваат. Истотака подетално беа поминати деновите на кои требаше ние да организираме работилница со цел тоа да биде интересно но истовремено и многу поучно. За време на престојот во Германија и на тие десет неверојатни дена младите научија многу нови работи за Европа и Европска Унија. Како ние, младите како индивидуи можеме да придонесеме


за посилна Европска Унија. Истотака за тоа колку е важно нашето учество во истата и нашиот придонес. Научија како работи Европската Унија и како ја одржуваат истата со сите разлики и сличности на државите во неа. Како и тоа дека за изградба на Европската Унија е потребно меѓусебно разбирање и заедничка поддршка и колку младите се потребни за таа да биде посилна и поцврстa. Младите воочија колку е тешко да се дебатира на теми како: ,,Миграција” и ,,Вето”, кои имаат свои преднсти и недостатоци бидејќи иако се теми за кои сите имаат некои предзнаења тешко е тие да се искажат во најдобро можно светло со цел да биде вистинска реална дебата. На оваа размена учесниците научија како Македонија која не е членка во Европска Унија е вклучена во сите дејствија и придонесува за прогрес на истата. За време на проектот се правеше Action bound, тоа е апликација во која има слики, видеа, квизови и информации во врска со секој ден од проектот и како се одвиваа работилниците и што тие научија од нив. На осмиот ден учесниците со заеднички сили организираа забава каде што сите учесници беа поделени на групи и секој имаше своја задача: една група беше задолжена за пијалок, друга за храна, за музика, имаше група која беа организатори на целиот настан, имаше и декоратори.


Истотака на забавата имаше двајца модератори: еден кој зборуваше на англиски јазик, а другиот на германски. На забавата како гости присуствуваа луѓе надвор од проектот кои што се запознаа со целата работа што се одвиваше за тие осум дена, се запознаа со песната „Stars„ која се пееше секој ден пред работилниците, беше објаснет Action bound. На таа забава се објасни и сложувалката од кутии на која го имаше знамето на Европската Унија која што учесниците сами го изработија. Им се објаснија и зборовите и речениците на други јазици кои тие за време на проектот ги научија. За време на неформалното образование учесниците се стекнуваа повеќе знаење за Европската унија и Европа, а во меѓувреме се запознаваа и се зближуваа со другите учесници од другите земји. Како поминуваа деновите така тие стануваа се поблиски и работеа сите во еден тим.

така моето време, поминато на овој проект беше големо искуство. Запознав прекрасни луѓе со нивните различни култури, традиции и обичаи, што ми помогна да се доизградам како личност. Секако повторно би сакала да ги сретнам и да се дружам со луѓето кои ги запознав и многу би била среќна ако и понатака учествувам во други вакви или слични проекти“ - Марија А. - „Оваа размена за мене остави многу впечатоци и нова перспектива во која Македонија е интегрирана во Европа и Европска Унија. Нашиот тим ја претстави својата татковина беспрекорно и воедно беше голем дел од забавата на проектот. Лично јас запознав луѓе кои ме оставија со чувства и мисли како никои претходно а и добив шанса да видам поединци кои веќе ги познавав во ново поинакво светло“ – Шезо И. - „Неповторливо искуство кое што ми ја смени перцепцијата кон други култури, а и Европа како целина. Незаборавна лекција за светот околу мене и пред се авантура“ - Филип С. Последниот ден беше ден за разделба. Потпишувајќи се на белите маици за сеќавање на новите пријатели и делејќи си поклони со надеж дека ќе останат во контакт. Оставајќи сеќавања и пријателства кои никогаш нема да бидат заборавени и се е полесно кога знаеш дека некаде таму низ Европа имаш пријатели кои во секое време можеш да ги исконтактираш. И останува надежта дека повторно ќе се сретнеме сите заедно на некое ново место со нови предизвици, нови теми за дискусирање и дебатирање.

Еве што кажаа нашите учесниците за целиот проект и нивното искуство таму: - „Проектот се на се беше одличен и јас, лично си поминав супер. Се учеа многу нови работи кои што можат многу да ни користат во животот, преку игри и предавања. Дружбата пак беше инзвонредна, многу е убаво кога сите сме еднакви без разлика на своите мани и доблести. Повторно ќе учествувам на ваков проект во Романија и знам дека ќе си поминам одлично.“ - Јован Ц. -„Секој проект е ново искуство и не гради како личности, запознаваме нови луѓе, култури и создаваме спомени кои секогаш ќе останат во нас.“ - Ева Н. - „Животот и времето ни се најдобрите учители, животот не учи како да го користиме времето и

Јована Насева



THE FOUR ROSES FROM SPAIN Volunteers Centre Skopje is continuing with the good practice and cooperation in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) program of Erasmus+ with the Spanish association Mundus. After the first group in 2018 (3 months of stay), we hosted the second between 19th June till 20th July. Alba, Damaris, Laura and Mireia were the 4 girls from Barcelona that accepted the challenge to spend one month of practice in International environment, in Macedonian companies and broaden their experience in their professional dedication. While Mireia`s profession brought her in a Beauty salon for medical and aesthetic services, Alba, Damaris and Laura were into a nursing residence for elderly and dependent people to exchange practices and develop new skills. Alba: In the beginning of my experience at the residence I felt a little bit disoriented. But day by day I was feeling more comfortable and wanting to go and help them out even more, as I shared so much lovely moments with these people. I felt as I wanted to treat them as I would my own grandparents. At the end of this journey I ended up crying and hugging everybody. Damaris: This experience for me was full of ups and downs and if I have to think again I will not hesitate. I cannot guarantee that every path is covered with roses but I learnt and improved myself as a person thanks to it. Mireia: I will never forget my practice here in the best aesthetic studio, not only for the quality of their services but also in the treatment of the clients and their employees. Laura: This unique experience I define as a roller coaster with many turns but worth of experimenting. It makes you develop your best life skills by overcoming all the obstacles that you would maybe never have. You become an autonomous person generating an impulse to help and be thankful, treat the others as you want them to treat you. For most of the girls this was their first out-of-the-country experience, living and establishing daily routine in international environment, challenging intercultural difference and customs. But surely they made the best out of it and we are proud we had the opportunity to host them, upholding the principles of the Erasmus+ program and learning valuable life hacks to their promotion into mature persons. Damaris: Yes, an experience like this makes you totally independent, mature as a person, since you have to do things that you never usually do because you have your parents to do it. Keeping your living space clean, washing clothes, managing your finances, shopping and preparing your own meals were some of the everyday schedule you have to perform and make the best of it.


ERASMUS+ Alba: Well here I am, few days left before going back to home and I will never regret this journey, it was worth it in the all aspects: the experience made me grow up as a person and helped me to understand and value all that I have, whether physical or spiritual. Laura: Thank you for giving me time and space to talk about this unique experience, worth experimenting. It trains you to develop your best skills for life. There is nothing impossible in this life. After this you are a different person for better, with new virtues and skills. Mireia: If someone from Erasmus reads this… I encourage you to take a step and do it! It`s wonderful! Our VET interns also had the opportunity for cultural visits, exploring the city and nearby sights, interacting with the locals during their stay, comparing different customs, food, life style and working habits. And being away from home, out of your comfort zone makes you compare, what you like and dislike, whether you can absorb it, bring back home a piece of it and share it or simply discard and forget it. And in cases like this people are always more enthusiastic and beauty oriented, to see and explore the best of their time spent. Mireia: Macedonia is super different from what any of the photographs can show you online. Nothing compares with the beauty that your eye can show you. And there`s nothing I would have imagined compared to what I`m seeing these weeks.

Damaris: There are moments when you desire to absorb the world at once and visit all the corners of the place you are in, the different ways of living. The fact is that I recommend that you come to Macedonia. There are so many nice places to see like Ohrid Lake, Canyon Matka, Vodno and Skopje sights. I guarantee you will not regret.

Laura: Try to learn a word in Macedonian. It is difficult but very cool language. After all we are all human born with the gift of communicating between us. And the tourism is very interesting. Maybe there are places of different points of interest but I`ve never seen beauty like the Ohrid Lake and the Matka Canyon, you have to visit these. Alba: We stayed in an apartment just 5 minutes from the downtown, in a neighborhood where the party starts. We have visited many places in Skopje, some that I like more than others but definitely you have to visit the Canyon Matka, magnificent place. And there`s also the Old Bazar, a part that is a must to see and visit. And after a month spent in Macedonia we had to say Goodbye to these lovely girls that captured the hearts of many wherever they went, hoping that will carry with them back home nice memories and most of all the experience and the new skills developed. After all, we are all part of the big Erasmus family, wherever we live, wherever we go. Dedicated to: Alba, Damaris, Laura and Mireia by: Goran Galaboff “Hello, I`m Mireia and I have been offered the chance to know the world. Well, here I am.” “With Love from Alba” “Hi, I`m Damaris to whom it may concern…” “P. S. You are а surprise box, you discover yourself day by day”- Laura



A dog’s life

He’s white with brown elements on fur. On the head

he has a brown patch and it makes him look like a pirate. Together with my friends we named him Sparrow. He is always happy when he sees me and ready to follow me anywhere I go. He is adult but still likes to play like a puppy. Sparrow is one of the thousands of stray dogs living on the streets of Skopje. The view of groups of stray dogs is something natural on Balkans. Alright, even in Poland you can find wandering dogs but comparing what I have noticed in Macedonia, it was just individual cases. Unlike here, when you find a lost dog in Poland, you can just call the police or a local guard if you don’t have the time to bring the pet to the closest shelter by yourself. In Poland they are obliged to make an intervention. The same when we are eyewitnessing someone abusing animals, it’s social and moral duty to report this to police. Overpopulation of stray dogs in Macedonia is a fact. Influence of activists and organizations that work on animal protection is still too small to get attention of local authorities and make a real change in society. The situation of dogs in Macedonia has worsened over the past 2 years. Especially spring 2017 was hard for animals. When 4 year old boy died in hospital after being attacked by stray dogs near Kicevo, people started killing animals in several cities in the country. Hundreds of dogs were poisoned, shot with guns or strangled with traps. Poisoned food being placed everywhere on the streets or parks so even pets have been killed. Unfortunately, animals were dying slowly and in agony and it was very difficult to save poisoned dogs and cats.


Later on, a dozens of organizations and citizens went out on the streets to protest against this terrible action. Activists and volunteers were patrolling the cities to catch perpetrators and collect as much poison as possible in order to prevent further deaths. They were not able to clean all the cities. My very first question that I ask while talking with locals about animals is: “hey, what about the dog shelters?”. Many people answered, that it’s better for the dogs in Macedonia to be free than in the type of “shelters” that are in here. Usually dogs are caught by unqualified catchers who often treat them inhumane. As I spoke with Julia Matthews from organization Saving Macedonian Strays, the conditions in shelters in Macedonia are horrible. Activists from SMS also try to rescue animals from places like that.


Despite all difficulties that Macedonia struggle with this issue, there are groups of people who care about the animals. One of them is Animal Voice and already mentioned before SMS – Saving Macedonian Strays. Everything started from one dog. In September 2014, Maggie, young women from Macedonia rescued very sick dog Pepa and during 3 months she tried to bring her back to health. Thanks to the dog, she met many people who were supporting Pepa in her fight. Also, plenty of people from abroad wanted to contribute to treatment of Pepa. Julia was one of them and she shared on Facebook page the story of Pepa with Dogs Today Magazine and the post went viral. During one night their website got over 8,000 ‘likes’ overnight. Unfortunately Pepa died and Maggie was broken hearted. Then she realized that losing her dog can’t be pointless. Maggie dedicated her time and life to help the stray dogs in Macedonia. Because of that she launched the charity and gathered together more animal lovers who were ready to help stray dogs by giving them shelter, taking to vets and finding new homes. Julie started spreading information in UK and doing some fundraising campaigns for other dogs. In past years they rescued more than 400 hundred animals (dogs, cats, donkey, lambs and chickens). Later on, their supporters from United Kingdom wanted to be more involved and they decided to registry their charity in November 2016. They also have a German organisation called Hilfe Fur Straßentiere in Mazendonien e.V who supports both NGOs in their work. Their team is a core group of 15 people. Team in Macedonia is five fully active members and three semi-active, other four members live in Germany and three in England. Charity is running shelter in Veles. “The conditions at our shelter are very basic but we do the best with what we have. We have been promised land from the municipality in the past but this haven’t happened so far. We are stuck renting land in an unsuitable location with no connection to utilities or drainage. It is a real problem and we are desperately trying to raise the funds to buy our own land and develop a purpose-built shelter with onsite veterinary centre. We are currently caring for over 200 dogs and receive no help from the municipality. Our Vets bills are on average 171,000 MK and

our monthly food bill is 137,000 MK. Most of our support comes from the UK, France and Australia”. – says Julie from Saving Macedonian Strays. We also talked about potential solutions that could enhance the situation of stray dogs and cats: “ A national roll out of a humane spay/neuter campaign organized and run by the NGOs to finally reduce the stray population and stop future suffering.- says Julie - We are currently awaiting the signing of a memorandum by the municipality in Veles that they will no longer support the use of poisoning as a solution to reducing the overpopulation. Once we have this we can apply to Dogs Trust International for funding for a spay/neuter campaign for Veles - a project to neuter all the street dogs and also offer free or heavily subsidized neutering of people’s pet. We would also like to cooperate with vets from other countries to work alongside Macedonian vets encouraging better veterinary practice and skills sharing”. SMS does their best to find new families for animals. Rehoming dogs in Macedonia is quite difficult (especially with disabled animals) so most of dogs/cats are going abroad, mainly UK but also France, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands. Organization helps in whole procedure of rehoming, like filling application form, home check of candidates and arrangements to transport the dog/cat to new home.

A lot of things need to be done to brighten life of dogs and cats in Macedonia. However, any kind of help is needed now in Veles. Especially SMS is seeking for new volunteers who would be able to take care of dogs and make shelter improvements. Except that, supplies for animals such as food, bedding, medications, cleaning products or building supplies are always welcome. All the time, you can donate some money to support activities of charity. People like Maggie, Julie and other volunteers are the ones who actually make a change in the world. To all others who still have doubts about this issue I would like to recall the quote of Mahatma Gandhi: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” To find out more I recommend to check on your own SMS website and read the stories of animals, see the photos and amazing work that these people are doing. https://www.facebook.com/savingmacedonianstrays/ . Paulina Gołębiowska



story of roma community The history of the Roma community is full of

inequality, marginality and injustices but the Second World War is without the doubt one of the most dramatic pages, especially in Romania. But, why this cruelty with the Roma people? They are in fact the largest ethnic minority in the European Union. This ethniccomes from the Indian subcontinent, dating back to the Middle Kingdoms of India. With common cultural traits, but with huge differences among its subgroups it’s hard to pinpoint the start of Roma people. There isn’t a written history of the Roma so knowing their history is rather complicated, but we can study it through their language because they have been incorporating words from the regions through which they passed.

During the Second World War the racist ideologies peaked. The Eugenics is a social philosophy that defends the improvement of human heritage traits by various forms of manipulated intervention and selective methods for humans. It would help to increase stronger, healthier and smarter people from certain ethnic or social groups, which directly or indirectly promotes the no procreation of those who do not possess these qualities. Coming to consider its application as an advantage in the saving of economic resources for countries. Following the Eugenics theories the Roma Community was an inferior race with an IQ lower than the rest of the population so his extermination was better than letting his genes spread among the Romanian population. Sabin Manuila states in The racial problem of Romania (1940) “The mixing of the Romanian blood with the Romany blood is the most dysgenic influence that affects our race”.


OPINION The Roma evacuation started the 12th of September 1942, in eight days 30176 sedentary Romas were placed in Transnistria (It is a territory located mainly between the Dniester River and the eastern border of the Republic of Moldova with Ukraine). In the spring 1943 other 18260 Roma arrived. The food distribution was not sufficient so many people died from starvation. Food rations consisted most often in maize flour and potatoes. Some died of cold (they were naked or poorly dressed), of Typhus and the Germans liquidate the ones that were transferred across the Dniester. All the deported persons, aged 12-60 years were subjected to forced labour. Those who did not comply with this decision were to be interned in retaliation camps.

In 1945 the Romanian war committee declared that 38000 Roma were victims of the Holocaust dead in Transnistria. More than half of them were children. Today, if you ask any person about the history of the Roma people, they will not know how to say a word, including the Roma population itself. No one knows their history as a slave of the people so in the minds of the Roma community there is no slavery as a historical phenomenon in their minds. Today's society still considers the lower Roma population, many people continue to suffer discrimination and hate crimes because they are Roma: one in three are victims of harassment in the European Union. As a result of this down spiral, the European Roma population sometimes survives under conditions comparable to those of the most impoverished countries in the world: households without running water or electricity, unemployment and hunger, which in turn reinforces prejudices. Change the situation is everyone's job. I am sure that it’s within the interest of everyone to turn the things around and achieve a significant change so that in the 21st Century, injustices like this will not continue happening.

Article: Ana FernĂĄndez HernĂĄndez Transnistria pictures: Juan Garcia Cuadrado



The internet’s influence To date, the internet is one of the most advanced things the human species have built. It allows us to connect with anyone we want, watch videos wherever we want, look up information about what we want and do so much more. It is truly amazing if you think about it. It is only 100 years ago that the world was nearing the end of the first world war, skip to today and nearly everyone has a device in their pocket, at home or somewhere you can use it to check something you’re unsure of. It holds all the information ever discovered by mankind all thanks to the internet. In this article I will talk about how it influences us daily, how we can’t live without it and how it will keep changing our lives.

The beginning of the net

To start off, we need to go back in time.

August 1962. It was in this time that the first ever recorded description of social interaction through networking took place. It was only a few memos written by J.C.R. Licklinder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT for short. In these memos he described his “Galactic Network” concept. He envisioned a globally connected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site. This sounds a lot like the internet we know today. A few of his colleagues started developing this idea and formed with a few flaws and errors the internet what it is today.When web 2.0 came out in the first decade of the 21st century, the internet revolutionized and became more of a port for social connectivity and other crowd based communication tools. The internet wasn’t just a place for information anymore; it was also for communication globally with whoever you want at any time and place.



The evolution of the net With the internet being a place for communication, it didn’t take us too long to adapt to it. Over the last 20 years, the way we communicate, socialize and meet people has become something so different, that people could simply not live without it anymore. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube started showing up left and right at the highest rate that people just couldn’t catch up anymore with the amount of changes taking place.

Influences of the internet Nowadays whenever you ask someone for their Facebook account, you expect a normal answer. Whenever someone says they don’t have a Facebook, people look at them as if they were aliens. A few examples can be made about how much the internet has changed our lives. Nearly 50% of the population of the world has access to the net. 81% of people in the developed world have access and only but still 40% in the developing world. In Belgium, the country I originate from, 87% has access, whereas in Macedonia, the people who have access are at a mere 72%. The country with the highest % rate of users is Iceland with a stunning 98.5% and the lowest is Eritrea, a country in Africa, with a slim 1.18%. Facebook, the most popular internet site after Google, has 1.32 billion active users on a daily base. 79% of internet users have a Facebook account, whereas the next social media site, Instagram, only have a mere 32%. These statistics show us that nearly half of the population on the world has accessible internet, and that the people with access are all logged in on a social network site. The forever changing net It’s hard for anyone to be able to control or foresee the future; however, by rising statistics and calculations, we can predict the growth of the net and how the net will keep growing. In the next years or decades, the internet will keep growing. The usage of the internet will rise up of over 75% by 2050, and in 100 years, nearly the entire planet will use internet on a daily base. The developing countries, more often called third world countries, will catch up with the developing world sooner or later and the implementation of the internet will be a vital section of the progression of these countries. In conclusion, the net is and will keep changing our lives forever, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, you should make that up for yourself. Article by Robin Faes



Не за расизмот. Засекогаш!


асизмот може да го објасниме како гледна точка на поединец или група која смета дека расата е примарна детерминанта од човечки особини и капацитети и дека расните разлики продуцираат својствена супериорност на одредена раса. На планетава Земја има луѓе со различна боја на кожата, луѓе од различни држави со различна националност, луѓе кои се христијани, муслимани, будисти, евреи, но во душата сите овие луѓе имаат иста замисла – да бидат среќни, сакани, да имаат свој дом и семејство. Значи без разлика на нашиот изглед, вероисповед или националност, сите се стремиме кон иста цел. Во историјата многу пати се случувало и да се започне војна само поради тоа што луѓето не се прифаќале меѓу себе како нација, раса или по вероисповед. Но, како што имало конфликти во светот, имало и многубројни добронамерни луѓе кои сакале се тоа да се спречи и да има мир во светот. Еден од нив е добро познатиот афроамерикански баптистички свештеник Мартин Лутер Кинг.


Допрел до многу срца кога самостојно се изјаснил со својот легендарен говор на маршот до Вашингтон за работа и слобода во 1963 кажувајќи: ,,Јас имам сон дека еден ден малите црни момчиња и девојчиња, баш таму во Алабама ќе можат да се држат за рака со малите бели момчиња и девојчиња како браќа и сестри.’’ и ,,Јас имам сон дека моите четири деца еден ден ќе живеат во нација кадешто нема да им се суди според бојата на кожата туку според содржината на нивниот карактер’’. Тој на своите 35 години на 14 Октомври 1964 година ја добил Нобеловата награда за мир со што ја освоил титулата за најмлад добитник на таа награда. Но за жал, на 4 април 1968 година на денот кога Кинг се подготвувал да предводи марш во знак на поддршка на синдикатот на санитетските работници од Мемфис, му бил извршен атентат од страна на Џејмс Ерл Реј.


Верувале или не, доколку во светот нема повеќе дискриминација помеѓу луѓето многу проблеми едноставно ќе исчезнат бидејќи нема да се мразат помеѓу себе и можат да се соединат за да воспостават мир во светот. Секој човек си има свое мислење, оформено на овој или на оној начин. Процесот на промена на мислењето, како и оние верувања кои човекот ги има не се случува преку ноќ, ниту пак може да се случи со едноставно посочување дека не треба да се има такво мислење. Тој процес си следува единствено под влијание на свеста на граѓанинот Ако има желба човек да се промени ќе го направи тоа. Гледам иднина каде луѓето ќе се сакаат меѓу себе и ќе се ценат за тоа што навистина се, бидејќи секој човек во себе крие богатство и вреди да биде сакан.

Ирина Галевска



Introduction to motivational speakers that have touched my heart There is a new phenomenon emerging in

our society is called motivational speaking. The popularity has grown as more and more people are dealing with “soul wounds” and hardships of life. I have seen growing numbers of youth struggling far more with those issues, than people in my generation. Motivational speaking main idea is to share people’s personal experiences on how they achieved some goals or how they have overcome challenges in life. I believe that many of you have seen or at least heard of TEDX conference. It’s an event with many featured speakers, who express their thoughts, concerns and life experiences to the public. In reality I do not wish to speak about TEDX. I actually would like to introduce motivational speakers that touched my life, with their messages.

For the first person I would like to introduce a IrishCanadian motivational speaker named Molly Jane Lucy Burke, usually she goes with just Molly Burke. I discovered her year or two ago when I still suffered from my depression.

She spreads message of kindness. Her moto is: “to educate, motivate inspire at least one person.”

Her motivational talks are usually about blindness and breaking the stigma about it. She also touches on other mental illnesses like anxiety, depression and she is advocate against bullying in the school system. She was bullied in school when she lost her sight in 8th grade and lost all her school friends. After which she suffered a severe depression and struggled with suicidal thoughts.

She was diagnosed rare eye disease of Retinitis Pigmentosa, (RP) when she was 4 years old. Despite her situation, she still was doing her hobbies such as singing, doing makeup and suspension yoga, as well as down hill skiing and horseback riding. Of course, for some of her hobbies like downhill skiing and horseback riding she needs a sighted guide. Later in life, when her beloved first guide dog Gypsy died. Molly suffered anxiety disorder, because she blamed herself for the death of her dog. She had to take medication and go to therapy to overcome it. She had put a lot of effort into being a very good dog owner, educating herself with books, so when Gypsy died she thought she had done something wrong. While in reality Gypsy had health problems, which turned out to be an aggressive form of cancer. Molly took her in to wet care, but unfortunately that was the last time they were together. It was nobody’s fault that Gypsy died so suddenly after being a dedicated service dog for 7 years. Molly managed to come over it and Gypsy will always remain in her heart.


OPINION Now she is companied by a fateful and silent new guide dog named Gallop, who she loved dearly. I have never been to any of her speaking events because, I live in Estonia and she lives and works in North America and Canada. But her motivational content on her YouTube channel helped me a lot. Watching her content helped me realize that if a blind girl can find a way to rule her world then it might be possible for me too.

Video to be embedded to the article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILSOCxsy4bc web: https://www.mollyburkeofficial.com/ As a second personality, I would like to introduce Derek Clark AKA Rapping Dad. He was neglected by his parents, his father tried to kill him several times. He was a child who was abandoned in foster care, when he was just 5-year-old. From there He was sent to series of foster homes. Until one day there was only one foster home left, that was willing to give him a chance to stay. Even though the family was not looking to foster a new child, they took him in with an open mind. Being a foster family is a difficult job as the children often have internal problems and need a lot of time for adaptation. Also often the children want to go back to their violent homes, when they turn 18 years old. Reason behind that is that the government stops paying the foster family for the child’s up keep. Never the less they took Derek in and become his family. Regardless of that Derek had rebellious childhood. He was dealing with lots of anger problems; he constantly got himself into fights. Until one day while going home from high school with his friends. He saw a group of guys battling it out via rap music. He wanted to do this rap so bad. He had so much poison in his soul. He said to his friend that he wants to do a rap battle with someone. So, he got his first chance and he failed really bad. Never the less, rap become his new passion. He practiced and battled for a year with no success. Until he discovered that he had a talent for tongue twisting. He began to win rap battles from this moment on. It’s fair to say that rap music saved his life. He had chance to express all the hurt and anger that was in his soul, in the most constructive way. He graduated the school, he was the only one how manage to do that in his family. His mom dropped out in 9th grade, his dad never attended, and siblings were murdered in their teen years.

He’s motivational talks are about never giving up, never limiting our life. As long as your heart is beating you have purpose, you just need to find it. Every child is worthy of love and family. Derek’s quotes “To not let your inner, me to be your enemy.” “It’s not important what has happened to me, it’s important what is happening inside me” Web: https://www.iwillnevergiveup.com/

I feel strong connection with Derek because there are some similarities between his life and mine. He was saved by Rap music. I have similar relationship with my passion for photography. It is possible to change your life path. I am a person that had a tough childhood that was the reason for my depression. I have got over it with the help of these speakers and many other things. I might write something more about depression and mental health in the future. The important part is to seek help if you are struggling. Seeking for help is never sign of weakness, but sign of strength. Madis-Siim Kull



Festivalet më të mëdha evropiane Një festival muzikor është një ngjarje zakonisht e përsëritur ku disa artistë performojnë live për publikun.

Natyrisht, Hippies ishin ata që

organizuan festivalet e para, më të njohurit që ishin Woodstock. Hippies përbëhej kryesisht nga studentët që kishin pikëpamje idealiste mbi jetën. Lëvizja e San Franciskos ka qarkulluar rreth termave të tilla si: përsëri në natyrë, dashuri, droga, shfaqje të lehta, radio nëntokësore etj., dhe kjo manifestohet si pop festival. Si më parë Ishte një traditë e festivaleve muzikore në SHBA, por pastaj ishte vetëm për muzikën dhe më pak për format e tjera të artit.

Në vitin 1967, festivalet e para në shkallë të gjerë u organizuan në Holandë. Më 4 maj 1967 një nëntë orë Beatmarathon u zhvillua në Houtkamphal në Doetinchem, organizuar nga Beatclub Shabby dhe Everplay. Në gusht të atij viti ‘Hai në Rai’. Pas kësaj, Utrecht ndoqi me “Fluturimi në Parajsë të Ulëta” të organizuar nga një artist Utrecht Bunk Bessels. Kjo ngjarje 18-orëshe nuk pati akte të famshme (në ato kohë artistët shpesh dështuan), por teatri eksperimental, valle, temjan, poetë, filma, piktura të trupit. Këto festivale ishin të gjitha ende ‘të mbyllura’, por në vitin 1968 u organizua manifestimi i parë i hapur në Lochem në Gelderland: “Pelegrinazhi”, versioni i parë i Festivalit të Lochem që pushoi së ekzistuari në vitin 1986.


Në vitin 1970, për herë të parë u organizua një festival multi-ditor në natyrë. Festivali ishte një sukses i madh, sipas dëshmitarëve okularë kishte më shumë se 100,000 njerëz dhe ishte shumë mirë i organizuar. Ishte një festë e madhe që nuk shkoi pa u vënë re nga të tjerët dhe së shpejti Holanda kishte një festival udhëheqës rreth botës si rozëpeshë. Ky shembull është marrë nga vende të tjera.


Festat më të mira dhe më të mëdha muzikore në Evropë janë gjithashtu disa nga më të suksesshmit në botë. Tomorrowland merr rolin udhëheqës, me prapa tyre gjigandët si Creamfields, Ultra Europe, Sziget, Primavera Sound dhe Rock am Ring. Këtu janë 20 festivale evropiane në mënyrë të rastësishme për listën tuaj të kovë. Çdo vit, në Belgjikë vijnë miliona njerëz të pasur që gëzojnë atmosferën energjike në festivalet më të mëdha dhe më të mira në botë. Tomorrowland, Rock Werchter dhe Pukkelpop janë disa prej festivaleve me çmime, të cilat e kanë bërë Belgjikën një nga destinacionet më të mira muzikore.

Farxiyo Liban Farah



All the world’s a stage You have different types of theaters but I am going to tell you about improvisation theater that I do in Belgium because I do this myself and it is my hobby and passion. In this kind of theater you do not need any costumes, no make-up, no special lighting and no stage. You can play it in every room, on every street corner or in village square.


little information about the history of improvisation theater: Forum theater started in 1972, it was invented in South America by Augusto Boal (Theater-maker) and Paulo Freire (educationalist). The people in their country (Brazil) were very poor and illiterate. While a few wealthy families had all the power and were in charge of everything. They wanted to do something about that using art. Their idea has been successful and there is now a democracy in Brazil.

Forum theater became popular in many other countries, for example in my home country Belgium. Our group in Belgium was founded in 2008, ten years ago. At first there were just 6 youngsters, together with Har, the director. With the team we made three scenes. The premiere was in the Permeke Library. We were very successful at the time. The Province of Antwerp immediately hired us for five years to give performances to students between 13 en 18 years old. About child abuse, domestic violence and sexual abuse. We could rehearse for free in a secondary school: the SISA. That is how it started and it has never stopped.



Course of a performance: A performance takes about five quarters of an hour to an hour and a half. A ‘Joker’ accompanies the performance and is a mediator between actors and audience. First we warm up the audience with play and we explain what we do. Then we play improvising twice a short scene (4 to 6 minutes), based on personal experience. These are personal experiences or experiences from the immediate environment. None of us play himself and everyone is free to come up with their own experiences or not. After each scene we ask the audience ‘What have you seen?’, ‘Is it realistic?’, ‘Is it recognizable?’ and ‘How can the protagonist better take care of her / his own safety?’. Then we resume the scene and the public can replace characters, which gives the scene a different outcome. This can happen several times per scene. The actors react improvising to it from their character. In this way we explore the possibilities for liberation and together we practice for reality. Each treatment of a scene takes about half an hour. The last half hour we do a follow-up meeting where the actors and audience can ask questions from each other. It is also possible that we improvise on a issue presented by the public. But that must be a real existing dilemma of the person who brings it up.

The nice thing about improvisation is that everyone can play with it. Because there are no texts to learn and there your own experiences, thoughts and feelings you do not need any acting experience. Everyone who has experienced something or is still in it, even if you have not made something yourself but you know someone you can play along. We play to get the rights of young people and young adults stronger. I am talking about my forum theater that represents the rights and voices of young people.

Yana Willems

In Antwerp, Belgium, We have also won a few prizes: (The Bronze padagger in 2016)- https://atv.be/nieuws/forum-wint-bronzen-pagadder-28480 (The lydia Chaggol prize in 2018) -http://m.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20171124_03206617 Historie van forum theater Wie heeft het uitgevonden en van waar is het ontstaan



20 YEARS LATER: A SECOND STAR At the begging of the world cup, picks were doing well. Which team will win this 21 first soccer competition. The title holder, Germany? Brazil with Neymar? Or the unpredictable Spain? And what about France with its young team, Argentine with Messi or Portugal, last winner of European Cup? Or Belgium lead by Hazard, also the discreet Croatia which reached the finale. Even with forecaster, nothing can be predictable in soccer world cup, and this year showed it to us. Who have thought that France and Croatia would end up in the Finale together? Maybe French and Croatian people! But what was the surprise after the elimination of the favorites teams like Germany, Argentina, Belgium and Brazil. 12 of July, 1998 an unforgettable date for French team


date which marked the history of French football. The French football team won its first world cup. Even more striking is that the competition was held in France. What better way to celebrate the victory of your team than to play at home and have your people support. Didier Deschamps, player and captain of this team 1998 marked the history of his imprint. He won the world cup as a player. And 20 years later, he won as a coach. At 49 years old, He is the third player of the soccer history to win as player and trainer. The young generation heard a lot of stories from our grandparents and parents about the victory of French soccer team in 1998. To listen memories about that and to see it happen in person is completely different. During this World Cup the memory of the victory in 1998 was very present. We could feel the joy they had when France won, especially against Brazil, 3-0. Also, now we will be able to tell the story about the incredible victory of French football team in 2018 to our next generations. Enough speaking about the French victory. Let’s have some words for Croatia which surprised most of the world during this competition. But 20 years later it was the same teams in the final and France claim the victory once again. One of the best games of the competition with good technical players as Ivan Rakitic or Luka Modric, who was elected as the best player of the world cup... The first team of World Cup history which reached the final after played three matches with extra-time. Even after that, they played high level of soccer, a magnificent defeat. And for sure, this generation of players marked the history with their first qualification for a finale of world cup. Croatia could be proud with since the team managed to win the hearts of the people during this world cup.


SPORT Celebration to Champs-Élysées For each important event, Champs-Élysées become the place to overrun. Just after the victory, Champs-Élysées becamean avenue of party and celebration. Thousands of people full the avenue; it’s was a great moment of popular jubilation. he Marseillaise sound through in the four corners of the country. Everybody sang and danced in streets. Horns, firecrackers, fireworks all stuff to express the joy of victory. The next day, it was the time to welcome the players, who passed by bus along the Champs-Élysées, acclaimed by the raging crowd. Ephemeral moment during which people forget everything, and make dream so many kids.

Some statistics In 1998 was the first world cup final played by French soccer team, the second in 2006 and 2018. French soccer team is first to score 4 goals in final since Brazil in 1970. Killian Mbappé wasn’t born when France won in 1998, 2 decades later he had an important role in the victory of France in Russia. He is the youngest scorer in a world cup final since Pelé (1958). Young but already elected as the best young player of the world cup. At the beginning of the competion it was quite hard to believe that France could win, because their games weren’t the best. But, match after match the confidence in our team grew up. And they managed to give a great performance in the end. 2018 is a year that we will never forget. Especially when you support France from Macedonia next to Polish, Belgium people or in company to a Macedonian fervent fan of French team since 1998. Let’s meet us in 2022 to enjoy again this incredible parenthesis allows by sport. Or even in 2019 for Rugby world cup.

Athmani Aida Credits photos :Louis Gouneau



Komunikimi - forca lëvizëse e përparimit shoqëror Njeriu që nga fillimi i ekzistencës së tij ka pas

Shtetet janë përbërë nga territorit, popullatës dhe pushtetit. Popullsia e çdo shteti është heterogjene. Popullata e Maqedonisë si një shtet përbëhet nga disa etnitete, domethënë nga kultura. Gjatë gjithë jeta e Maqedonisë është shënuar me një element multikulturor, i cili në thelb është baza më e fortë mbi të cilën është vendosur shteti. Për të ruajtur dhe përmirësuar jetën multikulturore në Maqedoni, ne kemi nevojë për mirëmbajtje aktive dhe nxitjen e komunikimit ndërkulturor dhe ndërveprimit. Qendra vullnetare e Shkupit finansiarisht përkrahur nga Fondacioni Shoqëri e hapur - Maqedoni (FSHHM) duke besuar në vlerat dhe rëndësinë e komunikimit ndërkulturor dhe ndërveprimit si një lëvizës i progresit shoqëror realizojnë projekt 6-mujor “Pa diskutim.”


nevojë për të gjetur një mënyrë të mirëkuptimit të ndërsjellë me bashkëatdhetarët e tij në mënyrë që të plotësonte më lehtë nevojat e tij ekzistenciale. Nevoja për plotësimin e nevojave më lehtë dhe në kohë për jetë, e kanë çuar njeriun deri në pikën e zhvillimit të vlerësimit të cilat artikulojnë zëra, britma dhe frazat për të kuptuar më lehtë atë që kemi dëshir ta themi. Kështu, gjuha shfaqet si një mjet me të cilin njerëzit kuptohen. Komunikimi dhe bashkëjetesa sigurisht nuk ishin të kufizuara vetëm në gjuhën, njerëzit kanë përdorur dhe mimet, shenjat, gjestet për një kuptueshmëri më të mirë reciproke. Komunikimi, si pjesë e ekzistencës njerëzore, është forca lëvizëse e përparimit shoqëror deri ditë të sotshme. Komunikimi është zhvilluar më tej, domëthënë konsiderohet nga disa aspekte, kështu që një aspekt i komunikimit është komunikimi ndërkulturor.

topic of the month Aktiviteti i parë në kuadër të projektit ishte Kampi Veror InKoIn - Komunikimi Ndërkulturor dhe Ndërveprimi i mbajtur në Solferin, Strugë. Qëllimi i kampit veror ishte të sjellë së bashku të rinj nga kultura të ndryshme, me prejardhje të ndryshme sociale, ekonomike, dhe kulturore, nga Gostivari,Strugë dhe Shkupi. Pjesëmarrësit në kamp patën mundësi për të përmirësuar njohuritë e tyre në komunikimin ndërkulturor dhe shumica e tyre këtu për herë të pare u njoftuan me konceptin në lidhje me komunikimin ndërkulturor dhe ndërveprimit. Sfidat, në veçanti, duke dalë nga zona e rehatisë i bënë pjesëmarrësit më të vetëdijshëm për përfitimet e komunikimit ndërkulturor dhe ndërveprimit.

Është detyrë e veçantë të punoni me të rinjtë dhe në momentin e thyerjes së vendimeve për jetën të I tregoni mundësitë dhe alternativat. Të rinjtë nga Strugë, Gostivar dhe Shkupi po shoqërojnë dhe ndajnë përvojat nga situatat e jetës.Aktivitetet joformale gjatë mbrëmjeve të freskëta pranë liqeni i ka bashkuar maqedonasit, shqiptarët, turqit, romët, vllehët dhe serbët në diskutime, lojëra dhe aktivitete që kanë identifikuar sfidat e përbashkëta në shoqëri, duke imponuar sfida të tjera artificijale e udhëheqësve të komunitetit. Një pjesë e aktiviteteve në të cilin ishin të kycur te rinjtë entuzijastik dhe të etur për njohuri të reja ishin dhe: kurse online në komunikim, empati dhe qëndrueshmëri, kultura Albatross, moçal, bërje një kolazh nga materialeve të ndryshme. Duke i lexuar letrat që të rinjtë i kanë shkruar në fillim të kampit veror dhe vlerësimet përfundimtare që janë bërë nuk do ju lëshojnë të shohni fillimin dhe fundin e një zhvillimi. Në fillim ju mund të shihni rezervë mjaft të dukshme dhe kanë frikë se çfarë do të ndodhë në kamp veror dhe si kohabitojnë 5 ditë personalitete “të ndryshme” nga ata që i takojnë për herë të parë.

Momenti i vlerësimit ndriçon zhvillimin, por jo procesin e kompletuar të pajtueshmërisë për bashkëjetesë të plotë, por ka stimuj për komunikim ndërkulturor dhe ndërveprim. Ndonjëherë, zbulohen ende dyshime dhe hapësira të hapura për perceptimin e mëtejshëm të shfaqjeve, kështu që vazhdon ndërveprimi ndërkulturor. Në blogun tonë, dhe faqen tonë në Fb ju do të gjeni përvojat e këtyre të rinjve por ende duhet të jeni në këpucët e tyre qe ti ndjeni , sukseset, renjet , frikat dhe çmimet. Projekti “Pa diskutime” me siguri nuk përfundon me tregime të mprehta në gjus, me dyshime të hapura në trurin e së ardhmërisë sonë. Duke vazhduar më tej, do të lejojmë moshetarët e tyre të ndjehen pjesë e të mirat e kampit veror përmes punëtorive me moshatarët që do të mbahen në shkollat e tyre, duke hapur murin e kulturës në shkollat e tyre, duke lejuar një ekspozitë me materiale të prodhuara ,për të mësuar në lidhje me ngjashmëritë dhe dallimet e kulturave që jetojnë në lagjen e tyre dhe ndajnë tavolinat e shkollave. Në fund, puna e tyre do të përjetësohet në epikat e dallimeve kulturore që ata do të ndajnë me pasardhësit e tyre. Të rinjtë janë si diamante të papërpunuara, ju duhet ti prekni me duar dhe ata do të shkëlqejne! Vafire Muharemi


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