VOICES December 2018

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Magazine for all young people in Macedonia

Christmas around the world


Emotional storm, back in 2018

Бура од емоции, назад во 2018

We are announcing the month of memories, the return to the year photos, sweet smiles, the challenges and successes of the past 11 pearls that seized the 2018th. The resurrection of memories together with all the emotions we feel have a special place and time when they happen. The holidays that we celebrate with our loved ones, with people who respect and like us, are a great opportunity to share the successes and challenges that we have faced throughout the year as well as the small adventures we have had in our lives. One thing is inevitable; we are in the process of determining new goals that will bring us one step closer to the top of the success mountain. Each story begins with expressing “Thanksgiving Essentials", we continue from childhood and express our view on "Shutka Through My Eyes" and "The Smile on a child’s face" opening new opportunities for young people through the active participation on "Annual EPTO Event". The adventures are the nest of the traveling souls “Traveling ‘solo’ on the Caribbean islands”. Openness to the world and understanding it through different languages brings us to "New language, new life" we see the world of journalism through "The Newspapers and the Media are Losing Their Significance". The best opportunity to discuss all of this is "Celebrating Christmas around the World" and about “Future, Utopia or Dystopia" as well as "Why do I need feet when I have wings to fly?". December mulled wine with a scent of carnation invites you by the fireplace with Voices in your hands!

Ви го најавуваме месецот на сеќавањата, враќањето кон спомените, мемоарите, слатките насмевки, предизвиците и успесите на изминатите 11 бисери кои ја закитија 2018 –та. Воскреснувањето на спомените заедно со сите емоции кои ги чуствуваме имаат посебно место и времe кога се случуваат. Празниците, на кои се среќаваме со нашите најмили, со луѓето кои ни значат и не почитуваат се одлична прилика да ги споделиме успесите и предизвиците со кои сме се соочиле во текот на годината, како и малите авантури кои сме ги имале во нашите животи. Едно нешто е неизбежно, соочувањето со самиот себе и определувањето на нови цели кои ќе не вивнат едно скалило поблиску до врвот на планината. Секоја приказна започнува со искажување на „ Суштината на благодарноста“, продолжуваме понатака од нашето детство и го искажуваме нашиот поглед кон „Децата од Дневниот центар за деца од Шутка“, и “Насмевката на децата” отворањето нови можности на младите преку активно учество на „ЕПТО“. Авантурите се гнездо на патувачките души „Сам“ на Карибите“. Отвореноста кон светот и разбирањето на светот преку различни јазици не носи кон “Нов јазик, нов свет, учење јазици онлајн” го гледаме светот на новинарството преку „Губењето на значението на весниците и медиумите“. Најубавата прилика да се разговара за сево ова е “Славењето на Божиќ низ светот” и дискутирање околу “Иднината -Утопија или не “ како и “Зошто ми се нозе кога имам крилја да летам”. Декемвриското греано вино со мирис на каранфил Ве повикува покрај каминот со Воисес во мислите!

STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankoski COORDINATORS: Andrej Naumovski Vafire Muharemi


VOLUNTEERS: Paulina Gołębiowska Ana Fernández Hernández Madis-Siim Kull Selina Niemi Triine Viisma

WRITERS: Igor Pop Trajkov Aleksandra Krstevska Marija Belceva Angela Popovska Klimentina Gjorgjioska

Translators: Aleksandra Krstevska

CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org

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Christmas around the world - Selina


Learning online - Marija

24 Christmas around the world MKD- Selina


Future - Ana


Kids of Shutka - Triine





Travelling solo - Aleksandra


Thanksgiving - Klimentina



10 Project YES- Angela




Ivor Fuka - Igor


Educanepal leader- Madis





22 Frida Kahlo - Paulina



Christmas traditions all around the world

When you think about Christmas, probably first into your mind pops up the imagination how you celebrate it in your country. Christmas is celebrated everywhere, and it is different in every culture. In Poland they have old interesting traditions, in South Africa the family together made donation to make the day even more special, and in Spain it feels like the partying never stops. Christmas is soon here, and it’s brining all of us together again.

Häid Jõule! - ESTONIA

Feliz Navidad! - PERU

Estonia is not a religious country, which means Christmas is more a family tradition. Simply put: families get together to eat good food. Christmas is celebrated in Estonia from 24th till 26th of December. Usually in the beginning of December Estonians start decorating their houses with lights and other kind of Christmassy decorations. Some days before Christmas Eve, which is on 24th, family brings inside a Christmas tree and decorates it all together. Every year there is a big Christmas tree on Town Hall Square, this is definitely the most famous Christmas tree in Estonia. It is surrounded by sweet Christmas market, where people can buy for example: mulled wine (glögg), gingerbreads, traditional Christmas food and handmade woolen clothes and socks. 24th December is the most important day, at least for children. On this day family spends the day together cooking food, making last decorations, going out. Depending on a family, some people play board games, sing Christmas carols or dance and just have fun together. In the evening people enjoy a delicious dinner and share presents together. Sometimes there is even a Santa Claus coming to visit, most of the times it is one of the family members playing the Santa Claus. Like said before, good food is a big part of Estonian Christmas. Usually, the table is full of meat, sauerkraut, pickled pumpkin, jellied meat, black bread, potatoes, of course and lingonberry jam together with blood sausages. For sweets the most famous food is gingerbreads that are also baked together with children and for healthier part tangerines. After dinner, families usually go out for a walk or enjoy together a good concert in a church. All kind of charities are also common during Christmas time. Triine Viisma

There is very little left for the most anticipated celebration of the year. Already the streets and squares are adorned with colored lights, little angels, garlands, pixies and the ever-present Papa Noel- as Santa Claus is called in Peru; there is joy, hope and emotions throughout the country. Christmas is the largest family party and requires some weeks of preparation. All the houses are decorated with snow and an artificial pine. It is quite a ceremony to place the colored balls and all the ornaments that our mothers keep in a box every year waiting for the end of November to dust off and re-arrange in the tree. There is always a “Nacimiento” (figures of the holy family and animals in Bethlehem), but it does not have the main figure, which is the Baby Jesus, until December 24 at 12 pm. At that time, the smallest member of the family is responsible for accommodating him in the manger. The women of the family prepare the Christmas dinner consisting of roasted turkey, rice and applesauce. We will also share hot chocolate and panettone (bread with nuts, a fusion of Italian panettone with Peruvian flavours). The whole family meets and at 12 pm when the 12 chimes sound, we can dine together. It is tradition to open the gifts after the toast with apple cider or sparkling wine that can also be with “pisco”. The most excited are always the children who take to the streets to show their new toys and to light up the sky with fireworks. Nobody sleeps until 3 or 4 in the morning. On December 25, a turkey sandwich is usually eaten and the chocolate is heated. Families often go to misa and then visit their relatives. There is no limited age of children's choirs singing traditional Christmas carols from door to door. Fiorella Balbuena


topic of the month

Wesołych Świąt! - POLAND Poland is large catholic country so Christmas play important role in our life. It’s not only religious thing but also great opportunity to meet with family and friends since we have 3 free days in that period. We start celebration on 24th December with Wigilia, in other words Christmas Eve Supper. That day many people fasting all day until first star will show up on the sky. It’s just the symbol now but anyway it’s a lot of fun for kids to stare at the window and search for stars. Before family start supper it’s time to share with everyone Christmas wafer. Everyone should break wafer with all the guests and saying wishes for the upcoming year. Sometimes we keep wafer and give to the animals at midnight because it’s kind of belief that they might talk by night. Well I keep giving the wafer to my two dogs, maybe one day they will tell me what they really think about me. After this official part, we can finally start eating. On this day we don’t eat meat but you can find other 12 dishes. They are meant to give you good luck for the next 12 months. That’s why everyone should try some of each dish. You will find similar food in every Polish family that day; starting from barszcz (beetroot soup), dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms, fishes (carp, herrings), salads, poppy seed roll or gingerbreads. On Christmas table we also keep free place for unexpected guest. We say that no one should be alone or hungry at this day so random guests are more than welcome. Under the table cloth we put straw in memory of Jesus who was born in stable shed. We sing carols which are different in each of region of Poland. Of course after everyone is satisfied with food it’s time to unpack gifts from Santa Claus. Christmas Eve is finished by going to church for Midnight Misa. When it comes to decoration of houses, in Polish home you can find few mistletoes (especially near door and entrance to the rooms). Be careful, if two people stand under mistletoes they need to kiss. In the end some modern “tradition”, in my many Polish families popular film to watch during Christmas is “Home alone”. One year it wasn’t going to be shown but after many complains it was put back on TV. Next days of Christmas we eat and drink and simply enjoying time with family. Paulina Gołębiowska

Geseënde Kersfees! - SOUTH


There’s something magical about the Christmas season, when you see the decorations everywhere and the lights it brings back memories of previous Christmas times. In South Africa we celebrate the Catholic Christmas on 25 December. We would put the tree up and decorate it, put presents underneath and on the day we sit together with family and open the presents in the morning when we all are awake. I remember one time in Cape Town, we had our family over and we started opening presents in the morning. I was so surprised at the gifts that were given, because it was all stuff we needed. Nothing fancy or too expensive. We all got something that we could make use of, and it shows the saying is true, “It’s the thought that counts”. Everybody really did some thinking and research as to what to give the next person, which was really special. To make the day even more special, we put some money together and put it in a Christmas card. Then we took a drive down the road to the traffic light, where there was a man who was crippled and waiting at the side of the road everyday asking for change. We gave him the gift and he was so happy. My stepdad wanted to take pictures and put it on Facebook but we thought rather not, because sometimes good deeds don’t have to be shown to everyone. For me Christmas is about bringing people together and unity. I hope this year will fulfill that once more. Chris Maiken



Hyvää Joulua! - FINLAND

Cреќен Божиќ! - MACEDONIA Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays in Macedonia. On Christmas, many, if not all families gather together and celebrate Christmas as a symbol of Christ’s birth. As the majority of the population in Macedonia is Orthodox Christian, so we celebrate Christmas on 7th of January. 7th of January resembles a day for love, peace and harmony in the family. Christmas celebration starts 40 days prior, with fasting. The people who fast, are not allowed to eat anything that contains animal substances, or food made with any kind of oil. A day before Christmas, on the 6th of January, children go out in the morning and do trick or treat to the surrounding houses. The children resemble the little angels that came to every door to announce the birth of Jesus Christ. The people from the houses usually give them walnuts, chestnuts, apples, oranges, and some coins. After that, they go home and compare who got the fullest bag. On the night of 6th of January, every neighborhood gathers and lights a bonfire. It is known that this tradition is pagan, but somehow it is still celebrated, after many centuries. On the night of 6th of January, every family gathers to have dinner that doesn’t contain any kind of oil, meat, or any other animal product. It marks the end of the fasting period, but there is the most important part of the dinner, the bread with the coin. You might wonder why, but it’s because the bread is split in a couple of pieces, and whoever got the piece with the coin will have luck for the rest of the year (at least that is how it is believed). The next day begins the real Christmas celebration, with fatty food, a lot of meat, and special Christmas specialties: Sarma, Zelnik, Pork and many products with oil and milk. But Christmas is not all about eating, and celebration, it is also a sign for love, peace, harmony, and prosperity for everyone. Damjan Georgievski


In Finland Christmas is not so religious event, it’s all about family and being together. Couple days before Christmas we put some warm Christmas lights to the house, decorate the Christmas tree and clean up the house in really proper way. At the beginning of the Christmas Eve morning 24.12 we wake up for the smell of salty rice porridge, served with cinnamon and sugar, and in side there is soft and tasty Christmas bread. In to the rice porridge we put one almond, and who ever get it will have a good luck. When the stomachs are full enough and warmed up by the warm porridge, we open up the TV and watch all together Christmas Peace Declaration. There is one traditional cartoon, old fashioned hand draw "Snowman" that comes every year and it's almost an obligation to watch it. If you know anything about Finland, you will understand that the Sauna belongs strongly to Christmas. We go to Sauna before or after the breakfast, scrub away all the dirt and relax in the heat. Christmas food, my favorite meal of the year, starts already the evening before when you will put your big Chistmas ham in the oven for 8 hours. It's ready in the morning, and the smell is something that you experience only once in a year. The ham is served cold, so you will have time to let it chill before dinner. Besides that, our Christmas table contains rosolli salade (salt cumber, beetroot and boiled carrot) served with pink wiped cream, potatos, casseroles made of potato, rutabaga and carrot, different cold fish: smoked whitefish and herring. Red wine or beer goes nicely with this dinner, and the best thing is that there is always so much food that you can enjoy it for days. After the dinner we relax with hot mulled wine (glögi) and gingerbreads. The main thing is to gather together as a family and spend all day together. I always wait for that because we don't gather like this very often. In the evening we enjoy each other companies, play some board game and just chill. Some gifts are shared, and after kids are in the age that there is no need for Santa Claus, the youngest member of the family usually shares the gifts. Some close relatives might come by to exchange the gifts and spend time together, and we share our Christmas chocolates with everybody. Next day is the first Christmas day, 25.12. that is official holiday and people continues spend time with family, taking walks out side, and play in the snow, if there is. The magic in the Christmas is all the good time in your family in a house you cleaned together, with food you prepared together. Selina Niemi

topic of the month

Feliz Navidad! - SPAIN Christmas in Spain is one of the most important dates of the year. Before day 24 families and businesses prepare what we call “the birth” which is a representation of the Portal of Bethlehem and the birth of baby Jesus. It begins on December 24 and does not end until January 6. Families gather in houses with lots of food and drinks. The party starts on the 24th in the afternoon. Instead of working we meet in bars with our friends, wich are open from 16:00. At dinner time the families usually meet at the grandmothers house and have a very large dinner. When the dinner finishes traditionally the families attended the misa “ElGallo” at 00:00. Today most families don’t go to church but stay at home eating nougat, sugared almonds, marzipan, polvorones and other traditional sweets. On the 25th around 12 o’clock in the morning we meet for wine and snacks. After that, 3 pm we go to the houses with the family to celebrate Christmas with more food and drink. We usually spend the afternoon with the family and at night we return to our homes. The next celebration is 31 in the afternoon. It’s the day of “San Silvestre” and all cities have a popular race. After the race we take some wines with friends and then we go home to dinner. At 00:00 the 12 chimes broadcast from the clock of “Sol” in Madrid that indicate the change of year sound in all the houses. With each bell we must take one grape (twelve in total). If you don’t take the 12 grapes with the 12 chimes you will have bad luck all year. When we finish we offer cider or champagne and you should put some gold inside the cup, usually a ring to have good luck during the year. December 31 is usually one of the biggest parties of the year. The nightclubs and bars are full all night and people celebrate the arrival of the year in style. On January 1 we get up late and go to the bar to have the aperitif. Around 3 pm we meet again with the family to enjoy a copious meal all together and spend the afternoon with the family. On January 5 the “Tree wise men” arrive in Spain. The wise men Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar are 3 kings who come from the Orient to give gifts to all the children who have behaved well. They make their magestuous appearance in the afternoon in the cavalcades that are celebrated in all the cities of Spain. After going to see the cavalcades, the families gather for dinner and after that the young people go out to the bars and discos. The night of 5 is called “Night of kings” and is one of the biggest parties in the cities. The children clean their shoes and leave them under the Christmas tree with milk and food for the camels that transport the “Three wise men” from far away. In the morning everyone will open the gifts. If the children have behaved badly the wise men instead of gifts bring them coal. On January 6 he eats with the whole family and Christmas is sadly dismissed. Ana Fernández Hernández



Traveling ‘solo’ on the Caribbean islands O

ne of my best adventurous experiences was deciding to go solo on the islands where the salsa originated. I must confess that before my trip I didn’t have time to check any tips or experiences from the previous travelers around these islands. But actually at the end was feasible because you will receive most when you will expect least. Earlier, while I was trying to find my favorite country, where I would go for a second time, I didn’t think that this small island will have that power to book a special place in my heart. Party, pina colada, salsa, chavos, magnificent beach, welcoming people… can you guess? That’s Puerto Rican definition. This was my first destination from the latin trip. Puerto Rico (from Spanish translation - rich port) is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean. The island feels more like Latin America than the United States. It is surrounded with a thousand of friendly and welcoming people most of whom speak English (in addition to their native Spanish). What is interesting to know about this island is that Puerto Rico was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493 and it is the only place that has a tropical rainforest without bears and snakes. But what I didn’t read before I went there is that the best time to avoid the crowds is the low season between May and November, which, unfortunately, coincides with hurricane season (officially -from June 1 to November 30). Well I was there in the middle of September and all alone.


Without panic, if you are already there in that period of time, you’re your own boss, and the only person you need to worry about is yourself, and the possibility of a hurricane. Apart from that, if you try to make a connection with locals, you will meet amazing people living in San Juan. Remember 99% of the Puerto Rican population is Latino. If you wanted to see the other part of the culture do not worry! Even though, there are many tourists like you, looking for a company at least for a drink. There are parties all over San Juan, with both day/night programs. Furthermore, San Juan Harbor is the fourth busiest in the Western Hemisphere, and is ranked among the top 17 of the world’s ports in terms of container movement. But go outside of your comfort zone, and make a trip around the whole island. Traveling on your own on this island it’s one of the best decisions. That’s why if you have a chance to set the visa in your passport, don’t hesitate to visit this amazing place. Fully recommended! Aleksandra Krstevska


Thanksgiving Essentials Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, therefore this year it was celebrated on 22nd of the month and I had the opportunity to celebrate it here in Budapest. The history of Thanksgiving is rather debatable, so I will focus on the aspect of having a delicious dinner with my friends. Having a great company is indispensable if you want to have an enjoyable holiday dinner. Before going to the dinner, I just knew that for Thanksgiving a turkey is a must on the table, but I had no idea there are so many things that need to be prepared and eaten too. So, I went at my friend’s place earlier to help with the preparation so that I can share with you some tips on the food essentials of Thanksgiving. I will start with the cranberry sauce, because I still feel the taste of it in my mouth. It is a sauce made by cranberries of course and some smashed pistachio. It is very easy to prepare, while it gives a very particular flavor to the food you consume it with. The sweet potatoes are another very simple, yet very delicious dish that needs to be served. The best way to prepare them is to bake whole and afterwards peel them and cut them in pieces while adding some boiled and slightly baked beets. Of course, that there must be a salad on the table and the salad should contain something green, for example mache or rucola that can be combined with slices of pear, pomegranate and walnuts. Then, there is the green bean dish that is served slightly fried with some fried onion and it is very delicious. I think that was the first time in my life I enjoyed eating green bean. After, comes the stuffing which is an extremely important ingredient on the Thanksgiving table and consists of a mixture of small pieces of bread or a similar starch. You can either buy it or make it yourself. There are plenty of helpful recipes that guide you through the making procedure. If you are a potato lover, then you will like the next dish, the mashed potato that contains boiled (and peeled) potatoes mixed with milk, butter and you can even add garlic (it depends on your preferences). I already mentioned the turkey as the main dish and a must for the dinner, but in case you cannot find one, you can always replace it with chicken (at least that is how we did). Although, we were already full by the starters, we continued eating because everything on the table was extremely delicious and quite irresistible, so beside all the laughing and complaining that we can not eat anymore, the time for dessert came. And who can resist apple and pumpkin pie? We couldn’t! So, we had a small piece of both pies and let me tell you that if you consume them with a glass of white wine they will be a perfect ending of the Friendsgiving dinner, just don’t forget to add the smile as the most important and leading ingredient of the whole preparing, eating and having fun process.

Klimentina Gjorgjioska



Project YES-Youth European Strategy 2

It’s the friends we meet along the road that help us

appreciate the journey. Excited to meet each other from the very beginning we shared positive energy by drawing our portraits and remembering our names. The ice-breaking and bonding games helped us to get to know each other better. We did some energizers and officially open the Youth European Strategy 2 project. Looking forward to the upcoming festival, we expressed our hopes and fears and made the house rules. We all doubtlessly agreed that this project will be an amazing, life-changing experience. We start the project with an interactive seminar on effective multicultural teamwork and emotional intelligence. It was fun and proficient at the same time. Than we continued with presenting the countries we come from by talking about our nature beauties, traditions, folklore and history. It was only the first day but yet we found out so much things about each other. We had a wonderful evening in a typical Bulgarian tavern where we connected each other with traditional dances and music after tasting the traditional Bulgarian cuisine. Hence we had so much fun and everybody was happy and fulfilled. The after party took place in the Piano Bar, where we had drinks while listening the live music. Still under the impression of the first night, we got back to our program, while the time was passing with laughter and joy. We played another bonding game for remembering names and straighten our friendship because good times and crazy friends make the best memories.


Thereafter we talked about the basic principles of working in teams up to a point of using the time efficiently while combining our talents. Everybody shared videos of their successful appearances for one’s strength enhances other’s weakness at the final result of the project. We continued with the introduction of the three workshops we were about to take part in. We were presenting and discussing the goals and tasks, so that we could easily found ourselves in place where we will be able to express our talent and abilities the best. The creative workshop’s main goal was to send a meaningful message to the world by dance and musical performances. The main idea we wanted to show the world through our dance moves and music sounds at the Balkan Youth Festival was “Question, Act, Change”. What we meant to say, is to spread a positive and motivational message to the people. If we want something to become true, firstly we need to observe, analyze and question it. We need to see from each different angle the problem, we need to look through every perspective and see the depth of the actual thing. Consciously together we can change the world, just by one random act of kindness. Because in life it’s 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent of how we react to it. Maybe too many of us are not living our dream because we are living our fears? However, we can’t change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails to always reach our destination.


The main factors in the equation of success are the tenacity and the unwavering persistence. What matters the most is the need to increase the dose of motivation, to improve and only with hard work, walk the path to the endless success. In other words perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. After the productive workshop we enjoyed the evening presentation of the diversity of national cuisines, traditional and contemporary music and dances by the guest group from Macedonia, Italia, Spain, Latvia, Romania, Turkey and Greece. The taste of the Macedonian wine and the delicious food made the evening even more wonderful. The time was passing so fast for we were having great time. The evaluation of the project showed good satisfaction. We debated on our previous problems and come up with solutions to improve our team work in the future in order to make the final results as good as possible. The results were significant and we all agreed that we should be focused on our goals and at the same time understand what actions and changes we need to make. Firstly we had a conducting training on the topic “Stimulating and Utilizing initiative, pragmatism and motivation”. After watching the motivational video, we all felt trying to hear the voice inside us what we really want to do in our lives what is our main goals how to make it become true. Adventures are best way to learn. Therefore we explored the city and the center of Sandanski and the small and beautiful town Melnik, situated in the heart of the southwestern Pirin Mountains. The town is an architectural reserve and 96 of its buildings are cultural monuments. Moreover, this tiny Bulgarian town offers a stunning location in the mountains and a storied history. But a journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles, they say. We were passing unforgettable

times with our friends taking artistic pictures. We visited Museum of wine of Melnik and tasted different types of wine. The three days of festival were unforgettable and amusing up to a point when everybody felt emotional at the end and yet so happy because of the successful performances. Last but not the least, in fact the most important workshop was presenting the Youth pass certificate. We discussed the 8 key competences: communication in the mother tongue competence, communication in foreign languages competence, mathematical competence and basic competence in science and technology, digital competence, learning to learn competence, social and civic competence, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competence, cultural awareness and expression competence, which we gain with this non-formal education and which are seldom mentioned but really essential to our everyday life. The definition of non-formal education contains interesting aspects of activities such as participation in all activities is voluntary, the main focus is set on young people as learners, activities and methods are always designed for a particular target group, learning in non formal setting is planned, structured and evaluated, and last but not the least experiencing, often called as “learning by doing”, is the main working method. The learning outcomes will have a strong impact on our personal and professional competences. Therefore, they should be recognised as such by your personal and professional environment according to the principle – “it’s not important where you learnt it, it’s important what you can learn!” Angela Popovska



New language, new life Did you know that learning a new language stimulates the areas in your brain responsible for neuron growth? Stronger neurons make your brain healthier. Not only that, but they decrease the chance of developing memory loss in the later stages of life.

Being exposed to a certain language when you’re

young is definitely the easiest way to pick it up. Courses are the next option that’s offered to you once you’re a bit older. Attending a class and having an actual teacher lead you while physically interacting with you and your classmates is a great way to do it. But unfortunately, this method can have some flaws or downsides to it. Firstly, you need to pay for it and not all of us are financially capable of doing so, or at maybe - not always on time. Taking courses also means a lot of travelling for some of us that live in the most remote locations of a city. Or maybe your language schools simply don’t offer courses for the language you’re interested in. Whatever the reason may be, you shouldn’t lose hope because there is actually a very easy solution for it: Free online courses.


Just like any how-to tutorials you’ve seen before, you can learn a new language on the internet for free. There are hundreds of websites that contain both written text and video/audio courses without requiring you to sign up. They all begin their first lesson with the basics. Introducing you with the language and how it works, explaining what makes it easy, as well as some of its history and languages that might be similar to it. In the first few lessons, you’ll most likely learn how to greet somebody, introduce yourself and say thank you. Almost every one of these websites have features such as tests and revision for each lesson or family of lessons you take. That way, you can always check how much you’ve learned so far. These tests will also highlight the things you may struggle the most with and can help you overcome them by explaining them to you again.


As you continue to dive further into the following lessons, you’ll be able to form sentences, count, ask and answer questions, name your favourite activities, describe objects and people and so on. All of these take some time to master, so don’t expect to be great on the first try, because nobody is. Take your time, practice makes perfect. In order to boost your learning and make the experience a lot more fun, you can include other smart methods alongside your standard lessons. Apps! You can download apps that can build your vocabulary through flashcards and pictures. These apps usually feature cool games that’ll assist you in remembering or recalling words. Another great thing is that quite a few of them don’t even need an internet connection to work, so you can basically practice anytime. Movies and TV shows! This is by far the most entertaining way to enrich your learning experience. It truly gives you everything you need in order to grasp the language.

Natives and their pronunciation, stress on words in certain sentences, grammar structures depending on the situation, vocabulary and even slang words. Once you begin watching, you’ll start catching things you’ve learned in the lessons so far, so watching a movie once in a while as you take your online course is much recommended. You might even discover a song that you like, a song that you’re going to know all the words to very soon. All in all, by combining all of these, your journey to becoming fluent in the language you want will be both easy and fun, and it’ll start and finish in the comfort of your home, for free. You can pause anytime, have it last for as long as you wish and do it at any hour of the day. All you need is a computer, a notebook and a pen. Don’t hesitate! Discover the wonders of a brand new culture. Start online learning right away and remember to stay persistent. Good luck! Marija Belceva




Many times we wonder what the future will be like. The new television series such as "The handmaid’s tale", "The 100" or "Black Mirror" make us think about how our society will evolve with all the changes that modern life and the development of technologies are bringing to our day. day.


dystopia is a pessimistic utopia. The world as we understand it today according to experts will probably be unrecognizable in 20 years. Television series are already coming with changes, but not everything is fiction. The so-called “Studies of the future” are already constituted as a whole field of study based on six pillars: planning, anticipation, timing, deepening, creation of alternatives and transformation. Through the study of the future we are not only making conjectures but predicting future problems can help us put immediate solutions. While many turn to studies of the future to reduce risks and avoid negative future, especially the worst cases, others actively seek to create desired futures, with positive visions of the future.


Steven Spielberg’s famous “Back to the Future” film, produced 30 years ago, has become a spoiler of reality. Flat screens and 3D cinema already existed in the McFly house. Wearables are here to stay and almost all major technology brands have some device in this line. Tablets are objects of daily life and if we see someone activating their phone through fingerprint recognition it does not surprise us. Taking into account the amount of successes that the past fiction hit, it is not strange to worry about the unwelcoming world posed by the fiction produced today. Extreme pollution and nuclear waste, societies that create castes of people depending on their number of followers on social networks or that turn the suffering of others into a television show are just some of the dystopias where society can end.

OPINION Marc Augé, a famous French anthropologist has created the concept of “no places”. These would be spaces in which mobility predominates, that is, transit places that are the same around the world and that, according to Augé’s studies, will become increasingly common. Already today we find great brands that have the same commercial spaces in all parts of the world as DM, Zara, Apple Store or Burger King. This is a consequence of globalization, a phenomenon that consists in the global union of society, culture and market. On globalization there are conflicting positions between the defenders and the haters. The Spanish economist Jose Luis Sampedro defines globalization as “Constellation of centres with strong economic power and lucrative ends, united by parallel interests, whose decisions dominate world markets, especially financial ones, using the most advanced technology and taking advantage of the absence or weakness of regulatory measures and public controls “. As we understand by this text, we would set aside individual differences and local cultures for the sake of an artificial unity. Advocates on the other hand, such as free trade advocates, claim that increasing both economic prosperity and opportunities, especially in developing countries, will increase civil liberties and lead to more efficient allocation of resources. There are also the so-called “globalers” which propose a “democratic globalization”. They believe that the first stage of globalization, oriented to economic issues, should be followed by a stage of creation of global political institutions that represent the visions or aspirations of the “citizen of the world”. Criticism of globalization emerged from the citizens of most of the countries of the world, from the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Nobel Prize for Economics Joseph E. Stiglitz proposes two alternative solutions to globalization: change the government of globalization and transfer the interventionism of rich countries to poor countries. On the other hand, there are many who think that globalization should be controlled, since the world would be dominated by multinational companies, therefore it is important to create a world government that is capable of creating a new and powerful UN, which encourages and promote dialogue or allow the alliance between civilizations. We do not know yet how this process will end but we are ready to change it. Recycling, participating in the political life of our countries and through responsible consumption is only the first step. Utopia or dystopia? You choose!

Ana Fernandez Hernandez



Shutka Through My Eyes I have been working in a Day Care Centre located in Shutka for a month now and I have learned a lot. I am working with children from 4 to 18 years old and the Day Care Centre is doing their best to give opportunities for the children so they could have a better life.

Before coming here, I did not know much about

Roma community, street children nor Macedonia. I had heard something about Romas and gypsies but mostly negative things. They are often referred to as poor people, who do not have their own country and are always begging on the streets. I remember being told to watch out because their hygiene is not the best and they are also good at pickpocketing. Considering all of that, the children, at least, might actually have a lot more than we do. They know how to be happy with what they have, the clothes and looks are not that important, it is more about personalities, while still enjoying luxury, nobility and everything that shines, whenever there is a possibility. Romas have also managed to maintain their culture and traditions even without a certain location. All they need is themselves. Wherever they go they bring their grace and beliefs with them. A brave nation with a deep desire to live.


Working with Roma children is like sailing the sea. One can never know what to expect from the day, meanwhile still being able to be flexible and survive in a way, to make everyone happy by the end of the day. The children are full of energy and their love for life is bigger than what I have seen before. They really know how to play with life and enjoy every second of it. The kids are like fish in the sea, always knowing how to sneak away from troubles, at the same time making me wonder how have they survived so long, since their games and other free time activites, like climbing the highest walls, for example, can be really dangerous. I guess, they are like cats - always falling on their feet. While not having all the modern amenities, children come up with all kind of different activities. The whole world is their playground.


In my eyes, it is impossible not to love them, starting with their amazing eyes. Besides the physical beauty, they have souls made out of music. Whenever there is a moment where one can sing or play some rhythms with whatever they have in their hands in the given moment, they are always ready to compose some new songs. They have that big and powerful energy coming from inside and they are never too shy to express it. Another thing I have noticed is that they are born survivors. Always ready to fight for themselves and for their rights, meanwhile still sharing their food with their friends, maybe not even knowing when will be their next meal. Once, having won their hearts, they can be the most loyal people. They always have your back and are ready to help you, but when betraying them, I would say nobody would like Romas as their enemies.

For me, they are like any other children - full of energy, always ready to play and whenever I look at them, they have big smiles on their faces, while enjoying their lives. What is different, are the questions they ask. Sometimes when they are tired of studying, they start asking me questions. After the basic ‘’what is your name’’ and ‘’how old are you’’ questions, they start asking about family and home. ‘’Do you have a mother?’’ ‘’But what about father?’’ ‘’Do you have a home?’’ are the most common and these kind of questions are heartbreaking. Working with street children can be challenging, but for me it also means a day full of love and happiness. Sometimes they fight and have arguments but in their sweet moments they always share the best hugs and every working day ends and starts also with a big hug-sharing. Triine Viisma



The Newspapers and the Media are Losing Their Significance Massively supported by its readers last year Lupiga.com launched its crowd founding campaign. Ivor Fuka is editor in chief of this popular Croatian web portal. He is writing also about the locally marginalized themes such as arts, environment, human rights, media, culture… He has also been working in “Novi List”, “Poslovni Dnevnik”, “Večernji List”etc.

Do you think that the future of journalism in

this region is in crowd funding? What would you recommend regarding this issue to the young? Our magazine Voices is dominantly about the ones till 36 years of age… I don’t think crowd funding can be any solution. Crowd funding can be temporary measure when some things fail - and then those things can be corrected with this. So you can do crowd funding once, twice… the 5th time there will be no interest for it. So maybe some stimulating future is that there should be some system of subscription. But that is again a thing that discriminates. So you are blocking the reader to read things that he should, since not everybody can buy. So there should be a percentage, but we are not a developed society for this. There should be somebody that philanthropically by his own free will is paying for subscription and at the same time all the rest have the access to read what was published. In Croatia the state owned media are very developed. Actually they are some of the best in this region perhaps even in Europe. As you know HTV is one of the oldest televisions in Europe; the third oldest in Europe. So you are living in an environment that is very rare in this region- that the state media is of high quality. Does this, kind of, break your infestations? This question simply contains one ascertainment that simply isn’t right. HTV can be the oldest TV in the world but today has no quality.

Photograph by Igor Pop Trajkov


interview We could just dream to have television like HTV… But what we have now and is called HRT, should be nobodies dream. That is one big disaster. Second- there was one newspaper from the state owned media, in which I was by some chance working. That was a Croatian newspaper that was stopped when the socialdemocrats came on power in 2012. So it remains that HRT where predominantly are certainly working some really honest and capable journalists, that can bring to the light of the day some big stories. But simply they are not allowed to work what they can. Which was that newspaper? Vjesnik. Unfortunately many journalists in this region have PTS (post-traumatic-stress) because with them everybody acts extremely badly. They stay without any job, salaries, then they have to divorce… That destroys their private lives. Do you recommend, in a regional sense, that there should be some centers for help and counseling of the journalists? It is difficult something like this to be confirmed with us.

Because the very strong Croatian Journalists Association is the only association for our profession in Croatia. Which after so long period of time has that luck to own real estate in the center of the city, so it may live from renting the space. In more particular way- it can finance itself from those spaces it owns. There for e.g. exists legal assistance for the journalists. There you may phone if somebody sues you. Then they will find you an advocate that will defend you pro-bono. So be it… But if you meant about the psychological counseling that unfortunately does not exist. Every day there are less and less media. They are closing them. People are staying without jobs. They are simply forced in working something else which up till that very time they never did. What would you say about the International Journalist Association? It seems that up till 2005/6 there was a big collaboration between the journalists- with the big ones like CNN. Then all of a sudden the solidarity and all the rest had stopped. Do you think that some corruptive finances in a global sense had entered the media? That’s why the global solidarity has stopped togetherness with everything else… I think that then, due to that international support, it was much easier for us. I have to admit that I know nothing of the International Federation of the Journalists. But I can guess, concerning the fact that journalism is a profession that is dying in all countries equally. The negative trends are happening in the reach Germany or Switzerland as well. There too the structure of the media is changing. So both- the newspapers and the media are losing their significance. So perhaps this is how this federation lostt its meaning. But I really know nothing of this. I never had a chance to work something with them. What are your plans? What opens up your optimism regarding this profession? Optimism is stimulated each time we write a good text. Each time we produce a good interview, or research that gives us some kind of energy. Since we all volunteered 12 years, hence working in some other redactions for the salary. And even now we have practically one employed person. We will continue to work without any resources or finances. Even if we don’t have any crowd funding campaigns anymore we will continue to write. Nobody can take away from us the right to write and publish.

Igor Pop Trajkov



The Smile on a child’s face

This article is the continuation of my previous text called: “The hidden story behind the images” that was in the October Voices. I shared there my experience in participation with the project photo and story that benefited NGO Educanepal. In this interview I will give a voice to Educatenepal leader and soul: Jose Diaz. Since they don’t seem to have good coverage in English speaking media. Tell us a bit about yourself. I was born in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain. I lived there until I finished my secondary education. When I was 18 I went to London where I studied English for three years and then did a degree in Applied languages. When I finished at university I went back home in Spain where I worked as English teacher for seven years.

How did you even come to the idea of creating the NGO Educanepal? From an early age I enjoyed travelling in Asia during my holidays and felt I really wanted to spend longer time there and see options to help people. So in 2000 I decided to join VSO for a two year volunteer post in Nepal. Those two years changed my life completely. Living close to nature with farmers and experiencing their efforts to survive made me feel very close to real life. I also had chance to meet many children who had to work since early age in restaurants and textile factories in order to help their parents. Even more heartbreaking was to speak to girls who had been sold to brothels in India to be sexually exploited. So when I came back from Nepal in 2002 I decided to found Educanepal, and since then all my efforts have been dedicated to preventing child labor and trafficking in Nepal.


interview What motivates you as a person to do to this work every day? Easy answer. Just to see children smiles makes it worth it. They are happy with very little, and they are so innocent and naĂŻve. So much beauty in that, I just wish the whole world smiled like they do. I wished the whole world could live so humbly and feel care and love for each other. Then there would be no need for NGO, not even governments. That is my dream, and I try to do what I can every day in Nepal. I feel happy trying to create a more loving world.

Tell us some success stories that you guys have had? We work in areas that had a high rate child trafficking and by helping children go school and help their parents generate income, we have managed to reduce trafficking up to 80 - 100 %. Apart from that we have two children homes that have given a new life to over 60 girls who had no family or had been sexually abused. On a daily basis, every day we have success stories: new children coming to school, teenager girls learning tailoring and opening their own business, providing grants to girls who cannot pay secondary education. Basically, empowering people to try and stand by themselves.

What is the most difficult thing about your work? Being away from home and own culture is not easy. Trying to motivate local staff has been the hardest. Dealing with people who want to take advantage of our help is also very challenging. But it has been 18 years’ experience till now. I have managed to create a great group of local staff who feel proud of what we do and we feel more comfortable dealing with challenges.

What are the biggest threats in the Nepali culture to children? Some people want to make money anyhow, even by selling children or using them as cheap labor. So selfishness and people indifference to this is for me the biggest threat. Also ignorance and poverty are big challenges to them.

How can our magazine readers help your NGO? You can visit our webpage www.educanepal.org and make donations to the account number listed there. Speaking honestly reading this interview makes my heart warm. Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to meet some of the guys in real life. But I am glad that exist people like them. I admire how motivated they are to chains the world through compassion and lend the hand to those who need it. I feel proud that I had chance to be part of this endeavor with my talents.

Madis Siim Kul



Why do I need feet when I have wings to fly? She said once when the pain in her body caused by tragic accident in teenage time was unbearable. Even with constant ache that accompanying to her all life she never stopped live and love to the fullest. Symbol of emancipation, free bird and what is the most important extraordinary artist – Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón, the icon of Mexico.

Life of Frida Kahlo is already basis of many movies and

books. Her diary also provided more information about special and in the same time tragic existence she had. Frida was born 6th July 1907 on the suburbs of Mexico city and died 47 years later. She used to say that there have been two great accidents in her life. One was the train that hit the bus in which she was sitting and butchered almost all her body (broken spine, ribs, pelvis, 11 breaks of right leg, feet and many sprains). In result Kahlo spent 3 months in hospital and during this time she started painting first selfportraits. Usually Frida painted herself (55 out of 143 pictures) as she explained that often spends time alone so the person that she knows the best is her. Frida wasn’t typical beauty, tiny, black haired and with bushy eyebrows. She liked to wear long dresses, corsets, platform shoes and homemade jewelry. In her style we might notice elements of costumes from region Tehuantepec (Oaxaca). For sure she was colorful figure on streets of Mexico. Unlike other women’s from her generation she rejected traditional society role that reduce women to being just wife and mother. Kahlo had the courage and energy to follow her passion and it led her to Diego Rivera. He was the second great accident in her life and she often joked that it was far the worst. Tall, fat, married artist always surrounded by young ladies. The mother of Frida who didn’t support the couple said that it’s relationship like between “elephant and pigeon”.


culture Rumor has it that Frida saw her future husband when she was girl and promised herself that one day she will marry this man and give him children. She came to Rivera few years later bringing painted self-portrait. Diego was impressed by her talent and advise to keep own, unique style and continue painting of course. Before the wedding father of Frida warned Diego about health problems of daughter and “devil” that is inside her. Romance and later marriage with 20 years older men made her life even more intensive. Their relationship was rough. Plenty of arguments, betrayals, endless break ups and returns. Nevertheless they shared the same political opinions; they support and love each other fully. Unfortunately at some point it wasn’t enough for Diego who needed another impulses and asked about divorce. The time after break up was very difficult for Kahlo. Depression, alcoholism, overuse of pain killers due to endless operations. What’s more, she really wanted to have a baby, and she had a miscarriage 3 times. As a remedy she focused totally on work. From this tough period descended her best paintings. Two Fridas, 1939, www.fridakahlo.org

Frida put on the canvas her own experience, all the pain and emotions. “I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.” – she used to say. In her paintings Frida mixed realism with fantasy. Except self portraits she liked to painting still life (“I paint flowers so they will not die”). Her style is often described as naïve folk art. Kahlo often positioned her own body in paintings, showing it in distinct states and disguises: as a child, as wounded, broken, depresses or clothed in various outfits such as Tehuana traditional costume, a man’s suit or a European dress. Her body became a metaphor to question societal roles of women. She was not afraid to picture female body in unconventional manner such as childbirth or miscarriages. During her life she had many international exhibitions which most of them were successful. But still mostly she was recognized through the prism of her complicated relation with Rivera. Frida and Diego managed to live separately only for one year. Frida missed her husband and Rivera realized that only she was able to give him inspiration to work. They married again in 1940 year but this time Frida attached conditions like living in separate houses and manage financially on her own. Kahlo lived in her family house Casa Azul in Mexico City; she painted the walls on blue and decorated the house with colorful gadgets. Nowadays there is museum of Frida Kahlo, visited by millions of tourist every year. With time her health got worse, had amputation of leg and she started move on wheelchair. She painted even while laying on bed but the pain drove her beyond endurance. In her diary she wrote lastly “I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return”. It seems like she expected the death, one month before she gave to Diego the ring as symbol of her love. She died 13th July in 1954 year. On the last painting she wrote in addition “Viva la vida” which sounds like a message that we all should remember, to love life with all heart.

Paulina Gołębiowska



Божиќни традиции низ целиот свет

Кога размислувате за Божиќ, најверојатно прво во вашиот ум се појавува имагинацијата како го прославувате во вашата земја. Божиќ се слави насекаде и е различен во секоја култура. Во Полска имаат стари интересни традиции, во Јужна Африка семејствата заеднички донираат за да го направат овој ден уште попосебен, а во Шпанија се чувствува како забавата никогаш да не запира. Божиќ се наближува и сите нас не зближува.

Häid Jõule! - Естонија

Естонија не е религиозна земја, што значи дека Божиќ е повеќе семејна традиција. Едноставно кажано: семејствата се собираат за да јадат добра храна. Божиќ се слави во Естонија од 24-ти до 26ти декември. Обично на почетокот на декември Естонците почнуваат да ги декорираат своите куќи со сијалички и други видови на новогодишни украси. Неколку дена пред Бадник, кој е на 24-ти декември, семејството носи елка и го украсува сето тоа заедно. Секоја година има голема елка на плоштадот на градското собрание, ова е дефинитивно најпознатата елка во Естонија. Тој е опкружен со сладок Божикен пазар, каде што луѓето можат да купат вино (glögg), традиционална божиќна храна и рачно изработена волнена облека, чорапи итн. 24 декември е најважниот ден, барем за децата. На овој ден семејството го поминува денот заедно за готвење храна, правејќи ги последните украси. Во зависност од семејството, некои луѓе играат борби, пеат Божиќни песни или танц и само се забавуваат заедно. Вечерта луѓето уживаат во вкусна вечера и заедно споделуваат подароци. Понекогаш има дури и Дедо Мраз што доаѓа да ги посети, повеќето пати тоа е еден од членовите на семејството што го претставува Дедо Мраз. Како што реков претходно, добрата храна е голем дел од естонскиот Божиќ. Обично, масата е полна со месо, кисела зелка, кисела тиква, желе, месо, црн леб, компири, се разбира и џем. По вечерата, семејствата обично одат на прошетка или уживаат заедно на добар концерт во црква. Сите видови на добротворни организации се исто така чести за Божик. Триине Виисма


Feliz Navidad! - PERU

Останува многу малку за најочекуваната прослава на годината. Веќе улиците и плоштадите се украсени со сијалички, мали ангели, венци, пикси и сеприсутниот Папа Ноел - како Дедо Мраз се вика во Перу. Постои радост, надеж и емоции низ целата земја. Божиќ е најголемата семејна традиција и потребни се неколку недели претходна подготовка. Сите куќи се украсени со снег и со вештачки бор. Тоа е церемонија за поставување на обоени топчиња и сите украси што нашите мајки ги чуваат во кутија секоја година чекајќи го крајот на ноември. Секогаш постои “Нацимиенто” (фигури на светото семејство и животни во Витлеем), но таа не ја има главната фигура, што е Бебе Исус, до 24 декември во 12 часот. Во тоа време, најмалиот член на семејството е одговорен за сместување на јаслите. Жените од семејството ја подготвуваат Божиќната вечера која се состои од печена мисирка, ориз и јаболка. Исто така ќе делиме топло чоколадо и панеттон (леб со ореви, фузија на италијански панетет со перуански вкусови). Целото семејство се состанува и во 12 часот. Традицијата е да се отворат подароците по тост со јаболков сок или пенливо вино, исто така може да биде со “pisco”. Најмногу возбудени се секогаш децата кои излегуваат на улиците да ги покажат своите нови играчки и да го осветлуваат небото со огномети. Никој не спие до 3 или 4 наутро. На 25 декември, обично се јаде сендвич од мисирка, а чоколадата се загрева. Семејствата често одат на миса и потоа ги посетуваат своите роднини. Не постои недостаток на детски хорови кои пеат традиционални Божиќни песни за овој празник. Фиорелла Балбуена

topic of the month

Wesołych Świąt! - Полска

Полска е голема католичка земја, па Божиќ игра важна улога во нашиот живот. Тоа не е само религиозна средба, туку и одлична можност да се сретнеме со семејството и пријателите, бидејќи во тој период имаме 3 слободни дена. Започнуваме со прослава на 24 декември со Вигилија, со други зборови, Бадник. Тој ден многу луѓе постат цел ден до првата ѕвезда кога ќе се појави на небото. Тоа е само симбол сега, но сепак тоа е многу забавно за децата да гледаат на прозорецот и да бараат ѕвезди. Секој треба да скрши нафора со сите гости и да каже желби за претстојната година. Понекогаш ја чуваме и им даваме на животните на полноќ, бидејќи тоа е вид на верување дека можат да зборуваат ноќе. Па, продолжувам да ја давам нафората на моите две кучиња, можеби еден ден ќе ми кажат што навистина мислат за мене. По овој официјален дел, конечно можеме да почнеме да јадеме. На овој ден не јадеме месо, но може да се најдат други 12 јадења. Тие треба да ви дадат среќа во следните 12 месеци. Затоа сите треба да пробаат дел од секое јадење. Ќе најдете слична храна во секое полско семејство тој ден; почнувајќи од barszcz (супа од цвекло), кнедли со зелка и печурки, риби (крап,), салати и слично. На божиќната трпеза ние исто така чуваме место за неочекуван гостин. Велиме дека никој не треба да биде сам или гладен на овој ден, па случајните гости се повеќе од добредојдени. Под масата ставаме слама во спомен на Исус. Ние пееме песни кои се различни во секој регион на Полска. Се разбира, откако сите се наситуваат со храна, време е да се отпакуваат подароците од Дедо Мраз. Бадник е завршен со одење во црква на Полноќна миса. Кога станува збор за декорација на куќи, во полскиот дом можете да најдете неколку кукли (особено во близина на врата и влез во просториите). На крајот, некои модерни “традиции”, во многу полски семејства, се гледање на популарниот филм за време на Божиќ “Сам дома”. Една година тој немаше да биде прикажан, но по многу жалби беше вратен на ТВ. Следните денови на Божиќ јадеме и пиеме и едноставно уживаме во времето со семејството. Паулина Голебиовска

Geseënde Kersfees! - Јужна


Има нешто волшебно за Божиќната сезона, кога ќе ги видите декорациите насекаде и светлата ги враќаат сеќавањата на претходните временски периоди на Божиќ. Во Јужна Африка го славиме Католичкиот Божиќ, на 25 декември. Ќе ја ставиме елката и ќе ја украсиме, ќе ги ставиме подароците под неа и на денот кога ќе седнеме заедно со семејството ќе ги отвориме подароците наутро, кога сите ќе се разбудиме. Се сеќавам едно време во Кејп Таун, заедно со нашето семејство почнавме да отвораме подароци наутро, бев многу изненаден од даровите што ни беа дадени, бидејќи сите работи ни беа потребни. Ништо фенси или премногу скапо. Сите ние имаме нешто што би можеле да го искористиме, и тоа покажува дека изреката е вистинита, “Тоа е мислата што се брои”. Сите навистина направија истражување за тоа што да му подари на следното лице, што беше навистина посебно. И за да го направиме денот уште посебен, вложивме пари заедно и ги ставивме на Божиќната карта, потоа тргнавме по патот и блиску до семафорот, имаше еден човек кој беше повреден и чекаше на страна на патот секојдневно барајќи промени, па му дадовме подарок. Тој беше толку среќен. Мојот очув сакаше да фотографира и да го стави на Фејсбук, но решивме не, бидејќи понекогаш добрите дела не мора да бидат прикажани на сите. За мене Божиќ е за приближување на луѓето заедно и единство, и се надевам дека оваа година тоа ќе се исполни уште еднаш. Крис Маикен



Hyvää Joulua! - Финска

Cреќен Божиќ! - Македонија

Божиќ е еден од најпознатите празници во Македонија. На Божиќ, многу, ако не и сите семејства се собираат заедно и го слават Божиќ како симбол на Христовото раѓање. Бидејќи мнозинството од населението во Македонија е православна христијанска религија, на 7-ми јануари го славиме Божиќ. 7 јануари наликува на ден за љубов, мир и хармонија во семејството. Божиќната прослава започнува 40 дена пред, со постот. На луѓето кои постат, не им е дозволено да јадат нешто што содржи животински материи, или храна направена со било каков вид на масло. Еден ден пред Божиќ, на 6 јануари, децата излегуваат наутро и пеат коледарски песни кон околните куќи. Децата личат на малите ангели кои доаѓаат до секоја врата за да го објават раѓањето на Исус Христос. Луѓето од куќите обично им даваат ореви, костени, јаболка, портокали и неколку монети. Потоа, тие одат дома и споредуваат кој ја добил целосната торба. Во ноќта на 6 јануари, секоја населба собира и осветлува огнови. Познато е дека оваа традиција е паганска, но некако се прославува, по многу векови. Во ноќта на 6 јануари, секое семејство собирa на вечера која не содржи никакви масла, месо или било кој друг животински производ, што го означува крајот на постот, но најважен дел од вечерата е лебче со паричка. Можеби се прашувате зошто, но тоа е затоа што лебот е поделен на неколку парчиња, и кој и да го добил парчето со монета ќе има среќа до крајот на годината (барем така се верува). Следниот ден почнува вистинската Божиќна прослава, со масна храна, многу месо и специјални Божиќни специјалитети: сарма, зелник, свинско, риба и многу производи со масло и млеко. Но, Божиќ не е за јадење и славење, туку е и знак за љубов, мир, хармонија и просперитет за секого. Дамјан Георгиевски


Во Финска Божиќ не е толку религиозен настан, сето тоа е за семејството и за заедништво. Неколку дена пред Божиќ, ставаме топла божиќна светилка во куќата, ја красиме елката и ја чистиме куќата на вистински начин. На почетокот на Бадник утрото 24.12 се будиме за мирисот на солени оризови каши, служени со цимет и шеќер, а на страна има мек и вкусен Божиќен леб. Во ориз каша ставаме еден бадем, и кој некогаш го добие, ќе има среќа. Кога сите стомаци се доволно полни и загреани со топла каша, го уклучуваме телевизорот и ја гледаме заедно Божиќната мировна декларација како семејство. Постои еден традиционален цртан филм, “Снешко” што доаѓа секоја година и тоа е речиси обврска да се гледа. Ако знаете нешто за Финска, ќе разберете дека сауната силно му припаѓа на Божиќ. Одиме во Сауна пред или по појадокот, да ја исчистиме целата нечистотија и да се релаксираме во топлината. Божиќната храна, мојот омилен ден на исхрана во годината, почнува вечерта пред кога ќе го ставите свинското во рерната за 8 часа. Подготвен е наутро, а мирисот е нешто што го доживувате само еднаш во годината. Свинско се служи студено, така што ќе имате време да го оставите да се лади пред вечерата. Покрај тоа, нашата божиќна трпеза содржи розолисадада (сол камења, цвекло и варено морков) се служи со розово збришан крем, компири, тепсии од кафе, морков, различни ладни риби: сина и харинга. Црвеното вино или пивото оди убаво со оваа вечера, и најдобро е тоа што секогаш има толку многу храна што ќе можете да ја уживате со денови. По вечерата се релаксираме со топло вино (glögi) и джинджиеми. Главната цел е да се соберат заедно како семејство и да го поминат целиот ден заедно. Секогаш го чекам тоа затоа што не ми се допаѓа многу често. Во вечерните часови уживаме во друштвата, играме некоја игра на одборот. Некои подароци се делат, и откако децата се на возраст дека нема потреба од Дедо Мраз, најмладиот член на семејството обично ги дели подароците. Некои блиски роднини би можеле да дојдат да ги разменат подароците и да поминат време заедно, и ги споделуваме нашите божиќни чоколади со секого. Следниот ден е првиот Божиќ ден, 25.12. тоа е официјален празник, а луѓето продолжуваат да поминуваат време со семејството, да одат на прошетки од другата страна и да играат во снегот, ако го има. Магијата во Божиќ е доброто време во вашето семејство во куќа што ќе ја чистите заедно, со храната што ја подготвувате заедно. Селина Ниеми

Feliz Navidad! - Шпанија

topic of the month

Божик во Шпанија е еден од најважните датуми во годината. Пред денот, 24-ти септември семејства и бизнисите го подготвуваат она што го нарекуваме “раѓање”, што е претставување на раѓањето на бебето Исус. Започнува на 24 декември и не завршува до 6 јануари. Семејствата се собираат во куќи со многу храна и пијалок. Забавата започнува на 24-ти попладне. Луѓето не работат и се среќаваме во барови со нашите пријатели. Дискотеките се отворени од 16:00 часот, а Шпанците го слават Божиќ со своите пријатели. На вечерата семејствата обично се среќаваат во куќата на баба и имаат многу голема вечера. Кога вечерата завршува традиционално, семејствата присуствуваат на масата “ElGallo” во 00:00. Денес повеќето семејства не одат во црква, но остануваат дома и јадат н бадеми, марципан, поливонови и други традиционални слатки. На 25ти околу 12 часот наутро се сретнуваме за вино и закуски до 03:00 часот. Одиме во куќите со семејството за да го славиме Божик со повеќе храна и пијалок. Ние обично го поминуваме попладнето со семејството и ноќе се враќаме во нашите домови. Следната прослава е 31 попладне. Тоа е денот на “Сан Силвестер” и сите градови имаат популарна трка. По трката земаме некои вина со пријатели, а потоа одиме дома на вечера. Во 00:00, 12 чамци се емитуваа од часовникот на “Сол” во Мадрид, кои укажуваат на промена на звукот во сите куќи. Со секое ѕвоно мора да земеме едно грозје (вкупно дванаесет). Ако не ги земете 12-ет грозја со 12-те коњчиња, ќе имате лоша среќа цела година. Кога ќе завршиме ние нудиме јаболковина или шампањ и треба да ставиш злато во чашата, обично прстен за среќа во текот на годината. 31 декември обично е една од најголемите прослави во годината. Ноќните клубови и баровите се полни цела ноќ и луѓето го слават доаѓањето на годината во стил. Околу 3:00 часот повторно се сретнуваме со семејството за да уживаме во изобилен оброк и да го поминуваме попладнето со семејството. На 5 јануари “Шумските мудреци” пристигнуваат во Шпанија. Мудреците Мелхиор, Гаспар и Балтазар се 3 кралеви кои доаѓаат од Ориентот и носат подароци на сите деца кои добро се однесуваат. Тие го прават својот магичен изглед попладне во кавалкадите кои се слават во сите градови во Шпанија. Откако ќе ги видат кавалкадите, семејствата се собираат на вечера, а по вечерата младите одат во дискотеките. Ноќта од 5 се вика “Ноќ на кралевите” и е една од најголемите прослави во градовите. Децата ги чистат чевлите и ги оставаат под елката со млеко и храна за камилите што ги пренесуваат “Тројцата мудреци” од толку далеку. Утрото секој ќе ги отвори подароците. Ако децата се однесуваат лошо, мудреците наместо дарови донесуваат јаглен. На 6 јануари се јаде со целото семејство и Божиќ е за жал завршен. Ана Фернандез Хернандез


Знаете ли што одбележува 5-ти декември ? Волонтерството! По повод одбележувањето на денот на волонтерството Волонтерски Центар Скопје организира НВО саем “Заедно до подобро општество” токму на 5-ти декември! На саемот ќе бидат присутни организации од сите профили, за сечиј вкус по нешто! Повеќе детали, впечатоци и доживувања во јануарското издание на Воисес.

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