December 2016
Magazine for all young people in Macedonia
English - Makedonski - Shqip
Editorial W
hile the weather in Skopje is keep getting more winterly and everyone is preparing for the holidays season, volunteers of VCS are doing their best to report all the news in this month‘s VOICES magazine, like the „NGO Fair“ which we had on 6th of December, celebrating the International Day of Volunteerism 5th of December. And if you‘re not feeling the Christmas spirit yet - you will - after reading the articles of December‘s editon. It is happening all around the globe, the time and traditions may be different, but it is THAT time of the year. Here you will find what Macedonians and Italians have in common on Christmas and what is different. Since you‘ll gonna need the best Christmas present ideas, in this month edition you can find a story about sweet Christmas markets in other countries. There‘s gonna be music, wine, travels, interesting interviews and opinions, all that is needed to finish the year in your best mood. Now, shall we begin?
ако времето во Скопје станува се повеке студено и секој се подготвува за сезоната на празници, волонтерите од ВЦС се потрудија да ги објават сите новости за овој месец во магазинот ВОИСЕС, како за “НВО Саем”, кој го имавме на 6-ти Декември, по повод одбележување на Меѓународниот Ден на волонтерството – 5ти Декември. И доколку сеуште не сте во духот на Божиќната магија – ќе бидете – после читањето на нашето Декемвриско издание. Тоа се случува низ целиот свет, времето и традициите може да се разликуваат, но ТОА е ТОА време од годината. Тука ќе најдете она што Македонците и Италијанците го имаат заедничко за Божиќ и она што е различно. И како што ви се потребни идеи за подарок за Божиќ, во ова Божиќно издание можете да најдете каде се најубавите Божиќни пазари во другите земји. Ќе има музика, вино, патувања, интересни интервјуа и мислења, се што е потребно за да се заврши годината во најдобро расположение. Па, ќе почнеме?!
Christmas Markets Laurene Duvert
Christmas Sicily
Popova Kula Winery
Music without border
See you Macedonia Afra Fekri
Patrick Zimmermann
Macedonia VS Italy Igor Giammanco
Juliette Caron
Valeria Ferrante
Contact seminar in Croatia Маја Бибановска
Valeria Ferrante
NGO Fair
Ѓоко Вукановски
Igor Giammanco
Crystal caves
Igor Pop Trajkov
Freemasonery Dominik Daniel
Interview of Blago NACOSKI Igor Pop Trajkov
Animals rights Tugce Tezdiyar
Младински Лидерски Камп (ИМПЛ) Дамјан Георгиевски
VOICES TEAM: Ana Ilievska Ana-Marija Karadjovska Ana-Marija Velinovska Angela Rajchevska Angela Mihajlovska Anushka Dvemkovska Anita Kirkovska Arbina Ajdar Afra Fekri Blendi Rochi Bujar Islami Danche Azmanova Dominik Daniel Damjan Georgievski Dzvezda Mihajlova
Elena Petrevska Gjoko Vukanovski Goran Galabov Igor Giammanco Igor Pop Trajkov Ivana Angjelovska Ivana Dimitrievska Juliette Caron Kiril Dimitrovski Kristina Mitrovska Laura Babaityte Laurene Duvert Lazar Mikov Lile Jovanovska Lirie Memeti Маја Bibanovska Marina Tanevska
Martina Dimevska Milan Gjapik Milica Kaevska Patrick Zimmermann Simona Georgievska Sokol Makolli Tamara Canevska Tamara Jovanovska Tugce Tezdiya Valeria Ferrante Zuhri Kamberi
Production & Coordination: Nikola Stankovski Gjoko Vukanovski Ivana Angjelovska
Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/2-3, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk
hristmas come, and in Europe Christmas rhyme with family, gift and christmas Market ! In this article we will travel in this European tradition. Christmas Market is an west Europe tradition, when christmas come all cities wear her christmas closes, christmas trees, garland and market on the central square. This tradition start in Late Middle Ages in the German-speaking part of Europe and in many eastern regions of France and Switzerland. Christmas market permit to discover all traditions off the country, the events create a special atmosphere for prepared christmas like it should be. It’s in Europe where we can find the must of this market and we will discover some of them.
The traditional german market different honeys. It’s a peaceful spot to sit with a mug of glühwein. Cologne has not one but seven Christmas markets. The larger Christmas markets are held in downtown Cologne, but Cologne’s smaller Christmas markets also have plenty to offer. Head to the Old Town’s cobbled Alter Market and Cathedral markets for candles, tree decorations and handmade lacework. The fairy-tale St Nick’s Village on Rudolfplatz is good for wooden toys, and locals’ favourite Neumarkt’s Angel’s Market for Dresden Stollen cake. Advent is the time for Christmas markets, and Cologne is no exception. From 21 November to 23 December 2016, the magic of Christmas will be felt throughout the festively decorated city. The aroma of baked apples, cinnamon biscuits and mulled
wine will waft through the alleys, and many differently themed Christmas markets will invite people to stroll, shop and explore. Among the trees of the Stadtgarten is a more leftfield market selling Mongolian slippers, jewellery and dozens of
Cologne’s Christmas markets attract millions of visitors from all over the world every year. You too can savour the unique atmosphere of this metropolis on the Rhine at this special time of year. You’re sure to be enchanted!
Topic of the month
French capital of christmas You will find all french’s winter specialities and and don’t miss the bredele biscuits, a local speciality. These special biscuits come in all shapes and flavours, from hazelnut, orange and cinnamon to walnut, coconut and praline. Take them home. Hang them on your tree... Then eat them.
Strasbourg is the (must famous) best place for christmas market in France, close your eyes and discover the lovely smell of a Christmas tree, of a hot wine or the sound of Christmas carols. Browse the avenue of « chalet » bear giant red-andwhite hearts; stars, angels and snowflakes garland the cobbled streets.
The oldest Christmas market in Europe, the Christkindelsmärik was first held in Strasbourg in 1570. With its 300 stalls, spread out over 12 locations in the city centre, the authenticity, warmth and generosity of Strasbourg Capital of Christmas form an Alsatian tradition which has been successfully maintained ever since. The spiritual environment and traditions of Advent are well established in Strasbourg. You will find 4 outstanding Advent concerts, a Living Nativity and a wide range of authentic live music and cultural events. It’s the perfect opportunity to go on a cultural trip through time!
The must german christmas market of the Balkans Bulgaria’s capital city is one of the newer destinations for Christmas markets, but with a Bulgarian and German theme, it is rapidly becoming a must visit Balkan’s destination for anyone looking for some festive fun. Sofia’s Christmas Market, referred to as Kolidariya or Koledaria, is held in Borisova Gradina Park and runs from the end November until early January, taking in the Eastern Orthodox Christmas on January 7. You can discover on there avenue, delicious German sausages and Try a tipple of greyana rakiya will keep you going as you browse the traditional german and bulgarian handicrafts on offer. Rose Oil is one of Bulgaria’s most famous exports, the perfect traditional gift and just happens to be one of the hottest products at the moment, so stock up for a beauty boost. Winter in Europe is a wonderful time to visit the most beautiful Christmas markets. If you are looking for Christmas presents and dream of the lovely smell of a Christmas tree or the sound of Christmas carols... By Laurene Duvert
rishtlindja vjen, dhe në Evropë Krishtlindjet rimojnë me familjen, dhuratat dhe tregun e Krishtlindjes. Në këtë artikull në do të udhëtojmë në këtë traditë Evropiane. Tregu i Krishtlindjes është traditë e Evropës Perëndimore, kur Krishtlindjet vijnë të gjitha qytetet veshin rrobat e Krishtlindjes, drunjë të Krishtlindjes, kurora dhe tregje në sheshe qëndrore. Kjo traditë filloi në mesjetën e vonshme në pjesë të evropës gjermano folëse, dhe në shumë rajone lindore të Francës dhe Zvicrës. Tregu i Krishtlindjes lejon të zbulohen krejt traditat e vendit, evente që krijojnë atmosferë speciale për Krishtlindje të përgatitura sikur duhej të ishin. Është në Evropë ku ne mund të gjejmë këtë treg dhe ne do ti zbulojmë disa prej tyne.
Advent është koha për tregje të krishtlindjes, dhe Cologne nuk përjashtohet. Prej 21 nëntor deri më 23 dhjetor 2016, magjia e krishtlindjes mund të ndjehet përgjatë qytetit të dekoruar në mënyrë festive. Aroma e mollave të pjekura, biskota me kanellë dhe verërat e vluara do të bartin nëpër rrugica, dhe shumë tregje te krishtlindjes me tema të ndryshme do të thirrin njerëzit për të vëzhguar, blerë dhe për të eksploruar, bizhuteri dhe shumë lloje të mjaltës. është një vend shumë i qetë për tu ulur me një gotë glühëein (verë e vluar). Cologne nuk ka një por shtatë tregje të kërshëndellave. Tregjet e mëdhaja të kërshëndellave mbahen në
qendër të Cologne, por edhe tregjet e vogla të Cologne kanë shumë për të ofruar. Shkoni për në Qytetin e Vjetër tek Alter Markt me kalldërma dhe tek tregjet e Katedrales për qirinjë, dekorime të drurit dhe qëndisjet e punuara me dorë. Fshati përrallor i St Nick’s në Rudolfplatz është i mirë për lodra druri, dhe favoriten e vendasve tregun e Neumarkt’s Angel’s për tortën Stollen të Dresdenit. Tregjet e Krishtlindjes të Cologne’s tërheqin miliona vizitorë nga e gjithë bota çdo vjet. Edhe ju mund të shijoni atmosferën unike të këtij metropolisi në Rhine në këtë kohë speciale të vitit. Dhe ju sigurisht që do të magjepseni !
Topic of the month
Strasbourg është (më i famshëm) vendi më i mirë për tregun e Krishtlindjes në Francë, mbyllni sytë e juaj dhe zbuloni aromën e dashur të pemës së krishtlindjes, e verës së nxehtë apo tingujt e këngëve të Krishtlindjes. Shkoni në rrugën “chalet” që mbajnë zemra gjigande të kuqe dhe të bardha; yje, engjuj dhe fjolla dëbore në rrugë me kalldërma. Ju do të gjeni të gjitha specialitetet franceze dimërore dhe mos i humbisni biskotat bredele, një specialitet lokal. Këto biskota speciale vijnë në krejt format dhe shijet, prej lajthisë, portokallit dhe arrë kanelle, kokos dhe pralina. Merrni në shtëpi ato. Varni në drurin e juaj… pastaj hani ato.
Tregu i Krishtlindjes më i vjetër në Evropë, Christkindelsmärik së pari u mbajt në Strasbourg më 1570. Më 300 stallat e saj, u shpërnda në mbi 12 lokacione në qendër të qytetit, autenciteti, ngrohtësia dhe bujaria e Strasbourg Kryeqytet i Krishtlindjes bëjnë një traditë Alsatiane që është ruajtur me sukses qysh atëherë.
Ambienti shpirtëror dhe traditat e Advent janë mirë të themeluara në Strasbourg. Ju do të gjeni 4 koncerte të jashtzakonshmë në Advent, Nativitet jetësor dhe një varg të gjerë të muzikës autentike kënduar gjallë dhe evente kulturore. është rast perfekt për të shkuar në udhëtim kulturor përgjatë kohës.
Tregu i krishtlindjes më i madh gjerman i ballkanit
Kryeqyteti I Bullgarisë është një nga destinacionet e reja për tregje të Krishtlindjes, por me temë Bullgare dhe Gjermane, me shpejtësi është duke u bërë destinacion që duhet vizituar secili që kërkon argëtim festiv. Tregu i Krishtlindjes së Sofje-s, referohet si Kolidarya apo Koledaria, dhe mbahet në Borisova Gradina Park dhe nis prej fundit të nëntorit deri herët në janar, duke hyrë në krishtlindjet ortodokse më 7 Janar.
Ju mund të zbuloni atjë avenytë, salcicet e shijshme gjermane dhe provoni pak raki greyana që do të ju mbaj në lëvizje derisa ju shihni punimet me dorë tradicionale gjermane dhe bullgare që ju ofrojnë. Vaji i Trëndafilit është eksporti më i famshëm bullgar, një dhuratë perfekte tradicionale dhe tani ndodh që është një nga produktet më në trend për momentin, andaj bëhuni me një rritje bukurie.
Dimri në Evropë ëshë kohë e mrekullueshme për ti vizituar tregjet e Krishtlindjes. Nëse ju kërkoni për dhurata të Krishtlindjes dhe ëndërroni për aromën e mrekullushme të pemës së Krishtlindjes apo për tinguj të këngëve të Krishtlindjes. Traduction by : Sokol Makolli
Семинар за правење контакти во Хрватска „НЕКОЛКУ + ПОВЕЌЕ = ВКЛУЧУВАЊЕ“
о моето едногодишно ЕВС (Европски Волонтерски Сервис) искуство во Франција каде работев на развивање и спроведување проекти за мобилност на млади, Волонтерски Центар Скопје ме запрашаа дали би сакала да учествувам на семинар за правење контакти (КМС) кој ќе поврзе искусни младински работници коишто ќе дискутираат на многу теми поврзани со младите луѓе со помалку можности ставајќи посебен акцент на луѓето со посебни потреби и нивното вклучување во општеството. Главна цел на овие семинари е да им овозможат на учесниците да се запознаат со нови партнери од други земји заинтересирани да организираат и имплементраат нови проекти во рамките на Еразмус+ програмата, и заедно со нив за време на семинарот да започнат со работа на конкретни проекти. За време на мојот ЕВС стекнав значајно искуство во работата со млади луѓе со помалку можности и младинска мобилност, па имајќи голем број идеи за нови проекти, веднаш ја прифатив дадената можност.
Подготвени за миг, со другиот учесник од Македонија, Горан Галабов, личност со огромно искуство во работата со луѓе со посебни потреби и во доменот на младинската работа, ние веќе бевме на пат за Каштела, мал град во близина на Сплит во Хрватска. Ова убаво градче на далмациското крајбрежје беше наш домаќин како и домаќин на учесници од осум други држави меѓу кои Хрватска, Естонија, Кипар, Франција, Полска, Романија, Шпанија и Турција во текот на една недела. Во одлични работни услови и пријатна атмосфера, како и опкружени со високо мотивирани луѓе, ние бевме подготвени за предизвикот кој стоеше пред нас. 8 - VOICES
Erasmus + Проектот беше многу добро организиран. Најнапред, започнавме со активности за подобро меѓусебно запознавање и тим билдинг, како и интеркултурни вечери со цел создавање кохезија во групата. Потоа, преминавме на играње улоги и посета на дневен центар за деца со посебни потреби, коишто ни овозможија да се ставиме во нивна кожа и подобро да ги разбереме нивните потреби. Исто така, имавме и конференција на истата тема со градоначалникот на Сплит. По особено пријатната културна посета на Сплит каде имавме можност да уживаме во
раскошната убавина на овој далмациски бисер, се вративме назад во нашата работна просторија со цел подетално да ја објасниме Еразмус+ програмата. Во следната етапа, меѓусебно се поделивме во неколку работни групи во зависност од нашите интереси и идеи за изработка на нови проекти и започнавме со работа на конкретни проекти. Мојата група работеше на развивање на проект за младинска размена во доменот на животната средина. Доколку се оди според планот, наскоро ќе има јавен повик за апликации за учество. И на тој начин, додека човек да трепне дојде крајот на овој семинар. За крај, би сакала да кажам дека сметам дека за оваа недела создадовме некои пријателства кои ќе траат доживотно, споделивме многу позитивни искуства и започнавме со работа на нови интересни проекти.
Автор: Маја Бибановска
clearly remember the moment I stepped out of the airport in Skopje, September 28th 2015, the fresh breeze at 10:00 pm made my lungs take in the air with urge, after hours stuck in the plane in Istanbul because of the heavy rain, it was a blessing breathing in the chilly air. The police in the airport stopped me to check if my visa was not fake (as usual), all the other passengers who were mostly Turkish or Macedonian took their baggage and left, to be honest I felt insulted and I sensed the power of racism, it was not their fault but anyway that was the reality.. . So there she was, a lonely girl with Iranian origin back to discover Skopje after many years, the city she was born in, on a rainy morning in March 1992, she was only 6 when she left Macedonia. My friend was waiting to pick me up at the airport and take me to their house, where I was supposed to stay. I was extremely tired yet highly excited at the same time for the new life that lay before me. I was warmly received at the bequest of my friend. It was heartwarming! The next morning, I woke up at 7 am and I started unpacking and sorting out my stuff very quickly.
Soon I registered in a Macedonian language class. I was happy to learn a new language; I knew the alphabet before and a few words before hand. Macedonian was nothing similar to the languages I was familiar with so I was keen to learn it, I had a very enthusiastic teacher and a few classmates, and I was the youngest in my class as usual! I was enjoying Skopje, the weather was nice so were the people, I didn’t feel like a stranger, I walked through the city, through main square and City park(Gradski park) , It gave me a feeling of my childhood, being back where I had spent time with my family. sometimes it made me cry when I was walked along the river Vardar reminiscing old blur memories.. Taste of yogurt with kiflicki with krem banana was like a hard punch to my face, awakening a strong feeling and taste of a forgotten childhood. In any case it's sweetness brought tears to my eyes.
Unfortunately things began to change, I was not progressing in Macedonian; I found it too difficult to learn in the beginning. It was very frustrating not understanding what other people are saying or what to ask for! I felt so dissociable. At the same time I realized I cannot stay longer in Macedonia with the visa I had and it was only the second month I was there. I hadn’t discovered enough yet and soon I had to leave. I was extremely disappointed and angry. I had been told that I would have to apply for another visa in Istanbul and be required to leave Macedonia to wait for a while. (I would like to mention that in the mean time, I met a young tireless woman in a workshop which I participated in early November, she was working in VCS. I got her business card and hoped to get back to her since I would have love to participate in their activities of providing for young people while exploring Macedonia). So there I was , at the airport (my favorite place), a place where adventures begin. But this time I was leaving with tears, Skopje was so beautiful in autumn. The thought of flying back to Istanbul, one of the best places I have ever been to get the visa made me feel a bit better; the city that never sleeps, full of cultural diversity, which I am crazy for.
Experience+ I thought I would probably get my visa and be back to Skopje in 4 days! BUT I was so wrong; I spent everyday looking at my phone waiting for a call to inform me the visa was ready for collection. I waited almost 4 weeks instead of 4 days! With each day passing, I was more disappointed. I wondered" what if I never get the visa again?"... I was not done in Skopje! And I was not mentally prepared to go back to my country; I had not completed my mission yet! Suddenly, on a beautiful day, a couple of days before the new year, I got informed that my visa is ready and I could pick it up from the Macedonian consulate in Istanbul. I flew there with a big smile. I tried so hard to make a conversation and express myself in Macedonian; it makes me laugh when I remember that. I was back again, with joy, I was more intent on learning the language this time around, and I felt I had been given another chance. I started learning it by myself, by trying to speak to people even though wrong, was the least of my worries.
It got into my head to call that young lady I had met from VCS, however it was still New Years holidays. I later called and fixed an appointment to meet up to see what opportunities were available. I tried to be clever that day by finding by means of a bus to the office, safe to say I got lost and I got there almost 2 hours late which left me quite embarrassed. Nevertheless, I was welcomed very fondly. l later found out that it was brutally easy to get there by foot!! I can hereby say that day was a turning point in my life; I got introduced to a daily care centre which provided activities and some basic facilities to the children who were not fortunate by well to do families or convenient living conditions. My friends and I tried our best to be helpful. It was for us to help them discover their potentials, teach them basics and guide them to be creative, each of them deserve a beautiful childhood like every other kid in the world. I hope I can visit them again and see them progress.
Little by little I made more friends, in time I was able to express myself more fluently in Macedonian, I was more integrated in the society and everything was going so well. In addition, I helped out at the border with the refugees flow in the Balkan route, speaking Farsi proved to be useful, I can say that was the strangest feeling I had ever experienced. Seeing the people running for their lives to survive was very painful, while we were sitting in our warm cozy houses drinking tea with our families. Some days my heart was squeezed by seeing and hearing tragic stories, sometimes during the interviews I wanted to stop the conversation, hold the person tight and cry together. They were real life stories and not imaginary Hollywood movies. Seeing people, including very young babies, new born, old, paralyzed, sick, pregnant and so on leaving everything behind, looking for a shelter was irritating enough but seeing the people from the country where I come from in that miserable situation was worse, people who were my neighbors, living in the same city for years, they were not running away from war but for a better life which they deserve. In every regard I was happy to be in the right place in the right time to be able to help in this crisis.
Months passed, I was efficiently busy that sometimes I could not talk to my family in Iran. Things in Macedonia were not strange to me, we have many cultural phenomenon in common so I adapted very quickly. Everything was so pleasant that I would not want to think of going back to Iran, things were better than perfect and much better than what I had planned but time was flying and my visa was about to expire, due to some reasons I could mot extend my visa to stay longer. If I could I would do it without wasting a single moment. The closer I got to the date I of my departure, time passed faster. But that was it, everything comes to an end one day. I must mention I was the happiest girl to have so many friends to say goodbye to. In the end I want to send my great appreciation to Volunteers Centre Skopje, which gave me this opportunity to be a part of their activities also to all the members and my dear friends who made my stay even more joyful. First I thought I would name my piece “goodbye Macedonia” but I am thinking it’s a “see you soon Macedonia”, so see you all soon again. ;) By Afra Fekri
Local events
Прекрасен начин да се заврши и сумира една успешна година:НВО Саем на Град Скопје 2016 година- “Преку Волонтерство до Активно Граѓанство” Почитувани волонтери, соработници и активни граѓани, Го имаме задоволството да ве информираме дека Волонтерски Центар Скопје, во соработка и со поддршка на Град Скопје, и оваа година, на 6-ти Декември, во просториите на МКЦ (младинскиот културен центар) по втор пат организираше НВО Саем, овојпат со наслов “Преку Волонтерство до Активно Граѓанство”. Одбраниот датум за одржувањето на
саемот беше во насока и на одбележување на 5-ти Декември, меѓународниот ден на волонтерството. На саемот своја презентација, во форма на штанд, имаа повеќе од педесет да здруженија/НВО-а/фондации кои се регистрирани на територија на Град Скопје, но исто така и организации/фондации кои не се регистрирани во Скопје, но дел од своите активности ги спроведуваат/спровеле за бенефит на граѓаните на Град Скопје. За подобро вмрежување на присутните здруженија/фондации, оваа година имплементиравме три тематски мини-форуми, на кои учество завземаа претставници на присутните НВО-а. 12 - VOICES
Дебатата и вмрежувањето помеѓу здруженијата се одвиваше на три главни теми: - Форум 1: Волонтерство, младински политики, вклучување на младите во процесите на донесување на одлуки, младинска работа и друго. - Форум 2: Работа со граѓани со помалку можности и ранливи категории, пречки во развојот или кои се соочени со одредени физички и психички потешкотии, социјална инклузија на различни маргинализирани групи, здравје и превенција од заболувања и друго. -Форум 3: Екологија, оддржлив развој, спорт и спортски активности, интернет технологија, образование, култура и друго. Им благодариме на сите здруженија/НВО-а/ фондации кои со своето присуство го збогатија настанот. Исто така, Голема благодарност и до волонтерите кои се приклучија кон организацијата на овој настан, без кои сето ова би било невозможно и нецелосно... Се гледаме и следната година во поголем број! Тимот на ВЦС
Од Ѓоко Вукановски
n the last few years the science about crystals became incredibly popular, especially amongst the young. Namely it is largely believed that certain crystals have certain powers, such as to relief you from a certain pain, disease, curse, to make the object of your desire available to you. Nevertheless these fixations are just superstitions since there are almost no scientific proves for their healing power. Yung people begin to carry the crystals in their jewels or simply for good luck (for e.g. when they want to pass the exam) in their pocket. A new science begins to develop which resulted in forming the clubs for the followers of this scientific tendency. The name of this science is cryptology.
Specifically this fashionable believe begun firstly by the cave-visitors. Regarding this perhaps almost nobody knows that the second largest crystal cave in the world is in Macedonia, near Debar (the second after the crystal cave in Mexico). It is not completely researched but it is estimated that its depth is between 90 and 200 meters. Its crustal landscapes are stunning, and its acoustics amazing. Inside there is enough space for a symphonic concert together with few hundreds audience. The interior of this cave was used as a location for SF productions though I couldn’t exactly found for which ones since they had a discretion agreement. Inside could be seen crystals that are long from 3 till 7 meters. The explorers said that inside of it could be installed small train as in the others caves of this sort. In other words this place could become a tourist attraction. But let us not forget that the crystal structure is a part of the knowledge about mineralogy, in which every mineral can be structured in a particular structural system for e.g. the mineral of calcite can contain rhomboidal and polyhedral crystals; or the mineral or the pseudohexagonal crystals of lascar can be destructed in very thin folium like crystals.
by Igor Pop Trajkov
lagojNacoski is an international operatic star that is born in Skopje. He is one of the most engaged lyric tenors in the world. He appeared in some of the best opera-houses in the world.
-At our home we were always “living” the music, actually the opera. This was so not only regarding my mother, soloist in the MOB (Macedonian Opera and Ballet), but also regarding the parents of my mother, my grandmother and grandfather that were members of the Choir of the MOB ever since the time of its establishing in 1947. Even my parents met each other thanks to the music. My father was not a professional musician, but during the time of his studies was singing in an amateur choir in Skopje; which was essential for their encounter. I remember
-All Arts do make the world a better place, this is undeniable. Arts by their essence are synonyms for beauty. I don’t intend to sound immodestly, but wethe singers, when we manage to reach the hearts of the audiences; even just during those 2, 3 or 4 hours, as the length of the opera performance is, if we manage to “transfer” the audience in another world, actually to keep her away from the everyday problems, we contributed at least a little in making a better life for the people, to enlighten them and with it, of course indirectly, to make our world a
when my mother was bringing me with her on her workplace when I was a small boy, on her rehearsals and performances. But when that moment occurredwhen I was about to begin to learn singing seriously, my folks tried to persuade me not to go that way, since they knew how things really are and knew that this profession requires big dedication and a lucky hand- if one wants to make it. However, from my point of view, there was a certain determination and persistence since I was just 13; or as they say- I knew what I wanted and I did not accept their advises.
better place. I am always saying that if they give to us- the artists from all the art-branches - to lead the society, this would be an improvement. Even not to let us lead the society but just to let us be heard. Many successful leaders from the past were excellent artists as well. For example Winston Churchill was an excellent painter. For example few days ago I received a message on Facebook, in which they wrote to me that a girl recouped the smile on her face when they played her a video of my performance. The joy I felt from this was undeniably immense.
-With Milena I had the opportunity to work with in La Scala in the previous season, in a production of “Tosca”, actually co-production between La Scala, Metropolitan Opera New York and the Bavarian State Opera from Munich. Yes, she is a big professional with a beautiful taste for the creation of the costumes and an individual that is firm in hers decisions and hardly ever changes her attitude. For example concerning the character I interpreted I personally insisted not to shave my beard, and for this I was supported by the stage director too, but Milena didn’t want to hear about something like this; so at the end I had to obey to her wish.
-Until second of January I will be in China, in Tianjin and Harbin with the operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Turandot”. The opera in Harbin is opened in less than one year time ago and is an imposing and avant-garde building that fascinates. This year this building won few international prices for architecture. After that I’m going to repeat “The Magic Flute” I just did in Livorno, in Pisa and in Lucca. In February there is going to be a Concert with me at the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, performing the Schubert’s “Winterreise” with Dino Imeri on piano.
-It depends, in some countries I would say yes. Especially the north-western European states have a very successful politics in attracting the young. Regarding the volunteering I do not quite understand what you mean. The opera is an expensive art and the one that organizes it should be successful enough in finding finances so that the performance would be staged on the level it is supposed to
be. I do not agree that an opera could be performed as it is expected to be with little money. Looking from the other side though, this money is not lost, as people usually think. I am going to mention a study made from the consulting agency in France, for the Operahouse in Lyon. The opera-house from Lyon receives 29 million euros state money pro year. This consulting agency reached
this conclusion: those 29 million euros have financial impact for Lyon and its neighboring places with 80 million euros; which means that for every invested euro from the state they create almost extra 3 euros. And at the end of the day, this opera creates some culture as well, without that the existence of the civilized society is unimaginable. By Igor Pop Trajkov
Christmas lunch in Sicily A day full of food and happiness
erry Christmas! Or... “Buon Natale!” in italian. Sicily, an Italian region,has a very traditional Christmas day, which includes a very very long lunch and a family reunion for more or less of twelve hours on the 25th of December. Our day begin with “Let’s go, wake up, we have to go to the grandma’s house!”. Yes, because Christmas Day in Sicily means a day with all the relatives: grandma and granpa for first, and uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters, parents, and sometimes family friends. For the lunch we are at least twenty-five people, in a long red table with a lot of food for everybody. Well, if you compare with our normal lunch time (13.00 – 13.30 am), Christmas lunch is in advance: if you want to be polite, you have to arrive for at least 12.00 am, to help and support the women who cook everything for everyone. Men are always the firsts who catch some food from the kitchen before the lunch begins. From 12.00 to 13.30 there is the social moment, when everything is alright and children are happy and they play among them.
hen the Christmas lunch starts: we have food for every taste! The starters are various and colorful: olives and black bread for first, several kind of cheese, ready-sliced meat, salted codfish in batter, artichoke in batter and also broccoli in batter, potato’s omelette and red wine. Are you hungry? Ok, let’s go on with the main dishes: a delicious pasta with tomato sauce, veal meat with tomato sauce, sausages, ossobuco (italian veal dish), polpettone, boiled carrots and peas. It is not the end! We have fruits and sweets. Let’s sit and let’s go on with food! Every kind of fruits (bananas, oranges, apples
and so on); and such sweets: cannoli (Cannoli consist of tube-shaped shells of fried pastry dough, filled with a sweet, creamy filling usually containing ricotta ), babbà (A rum baba is a small yeast cake saturated in syrup made with hard liquor, usually rum, and sometimes filled with whipped cream or pastry cream), spicy homemade biscuits and, last but not least, “cosi duci” (“sweet things” in Sicilian dialect), different forms of butter biscuits filled with prickly pear jam and covered bypieces of colored sugar. After lunch we stay all together and play cards or tombola for all
the Christmas afternoon, laughing, talking about everything, playing with children and crunching peanuts. 20:00 dinner time! You will eat again and again, all the leftovers from the lunch. One of the philosophy of life of sicilian traditional people is “We don’t throw away food, because food is sacred”. So you have to be sure that all the leftovers from the lunch will not be thrown away. Christmas Day is a lovely day anyway. You can share an entire day with the people you love, and eat together is a symbol of conviviality and cohesion. Maybe this is the real sense of Christmas: to demonstrate in front of the society that you are a united family and you love each others so much to gaining weight together. Merry Christmas!
by Valeria Ferrante
lready two months since I start my EVS (European Volunteers Service) in Skopje, Macedonia… and I still didn’t discover more than the capital and its canyon Matka. I came from the south of France, a region well known for its production of wine and vineyards, especially Bandol wines. I’m very interested by this heritage and worked for several summers in the wine industry.
One of my macedonian coworker told me about Macedonian Wineries, on the south east of the country, she said they produce wines but also offers to sleep and eat there, and try the different wines during your stay! I was so curious about this concept I decided to give it a try. Popova Kula in Demir Kapija is one of the well known winery of the country, and just an 1:30h car ride from Skopje. I took the opportunity of a few days touring Macedonia to visit this well known winery, and I was surely not disappointed!
Culture Demir Kapija is perfectly situated for the wine production, a great climate (more than 200 days of sun a year !), and a great soil made for grape growing. We arrive there under a beautiful sunset lighting the vinyards, such a perfect decor to enjoy our relaxing weekend. Colorful mountains of Veliko Brdo, some snow remaining from the previous days, and the 20 hectares of grapevines of the Popova Kula winery.
The restaurant propose matching food and wines menu and give you permanent advices on how to accord the wine to your meal. We choose a menu according around different white wines. The entry was a ceasar salad, served with a Temjanika a wine specially from Bosnia Herzegovina. The main course pastas with leak sauce and a glass of Chardonnay Barrique and for desert, a delicious raspberry cheesecake with a glass of Muscat.
During the day, the winery organise free wine tour to discover the cave. We decide to participate when we arrived. One of the guide (speaking french!) made us visit the famous Popov tower, the caves and told us a few anecdotes about the winery and its philosophy.
The restaurant is nice and calm and between every meal the sommelier came to explain us the wine choosed, (really nice for wine beginners like us !)
We learn there than the famous tower, « the » Popova Kula (understand : Priest’s Tower) which appears on the logo and on the winery entrance, was build on the few years ago, on the same spot of ancient one, that served as important checkpoint on the ancient Roman road. It has since been destroyed and the owners of Popova Kula winery decided to erect a new 17m high tower and keep the tower name for the winery. After a quick break in our lovely hotel room - every room owns the name and the color of a wine variety - we went to have diner in the Popova Kula restaurant, situated right inside the winery.
In the morning we had a look at the wine shop where you can buy very unique Popova Kula wines like the ones from Stanushina, a unique Macedonian grape variety. But also balkans wines like Prokupec, Zilavka, Temjanika or Vranec. They believe that supporting local economy is essential. I can say I found great gifts there for my christmas presents in France ! We didn’t have time to explore all the Popova Kula activities but know that they also propose rock climbing, bike renting and tours, macedonian cooking classes or walks around the Doshnica River… This really short stay at the Popova Kula winery was really rewarding and relaxing. I had the opportunity to learn much more about the cultural richness of Macedonia and about the wines wich made it famous, I will surely come again ! by Juliette Caron
Music without borders “Khorakhané - by dint to be wind” by Fabrizio De André
he music is a fundamental instrument and a vehicle to shareideas, opinions and images. Where words divide people, music joins people from all over the world and permits to share every kind of feeling. Today I want to tell you about an italian songwriter, Fabrizio De Andrè (1940-1999), who principally wrote songs for minorities, poor people and for every “invisible” person for the society. He was not just a songwriter, but also a storywriter and a poet. His songs have always a political and social background, he knew how to write about love and about war, about social protests and about rights. He was also a musician, and he liked to express himself through an intercultural mix of both Mediterranean and Oriental music, enhancing the music relations and the culture relations between different part of the world.
ne of my favourite songs from Fabrizio De André is Khorakhané – by dint to be wind. The song is part of the album Anime Salve, the last album from the author, released in 1996. Khorakhané is a word from the Romani language, it means literally “Reader of Coran”, but this is also the name of a group of muslim Roma people from Kosovo which came in Italy between 1991 and 1993 to escape from the war. The song aims to raise the awareness of people towards Roma people. In its first part, the song talks about the poor social and economic conditions in which Roma people live and their philosophy of life: giving the children the names of people currently in power, hiding their jewels in the bread, the great oral traditional culture of Roma people (Knowing how to read the book of the world /with iridescent words and no writing). The next verses are for Roma people who were killed by the Nazi regime during the World War II (The children were falling from the calendar/ Yugoslavia, Polonia, Hungary/ the soldiers were taking everyone/ and they were throwing everyone away).
In the end, he spend some words about the Roma practice of asking for handout, and he sings: “And if this means stealing /this line of bread between misery and fortune /in the mirror of this encampment / to my eyes clear like a farewell /he can call it thatonly one who knows about taking into his mouth /the point of view of God.” In the presentation of this song, during a live concert, Fabrizio De André says some important word, that I want to translate for you while I recommend you to listen this wonderful song: “The marginalization comes by behaviors which are acquired from very old cultures. The Roma people go around the world since more than two thousand years […]. These Roma people, this free community, is affected by dromomania, the permanent desire to move themselves. I think they never damaged someone, […]; it is true, they steal – anyway they can’tstop the primary instinct which exist in every human being DNA […], but I never heard that they steal through the bank. […] They go around without any weapon; so I think that if we have to give the Nobel Price for the Peace to a people, the Roma people could be the more recommended.” By Valeria Ferrante
uzika është një instrument themelor dhe një automjet për shperndarje idesh, mendime dhe imazhe. Ku fjalët ne muzikë bashkojne njerëz nga e gjithë bota dhe të lejojne për të ndarë çdo lloj ndjenje. Sot unë dua të ju tregojë për një kompozitor italian, Fabrizio De André (1940-1999), i cili kryesisht ka shkruar këngë për pakicat, njerëzit e varfër dhe për çdo person i "padukshem" për shoqërinë. Ai nuk ishte vetëm një kompozitor, por edhe nje shkrimtar historie poashtu edhe një poet. Këngët e tij kanë gjithmonë një sfond politik dhe shoqëror, ai e dinte se si të shkruaj për dashurinë dhe për luftën, në lidhje me protestat sociale dhe mbi të drejtat. Ai ishte gjithashtu një muzikant, dhe ati i pëlqente të shprehet përmes një përzierje ndërkulturore te te dyave, mesdheut dhe muzikës orientale, përmirësimin e marrëdhënieve ne muzikë dhe marrëdhëniet kulturore midis pjesëve të ndryshme të botës. Një nga këngët e mia të preferuar nga Fabrizio De André është Khorakhané - Me anë të erës. Kënga është pjesë e albumit Anime Salve, albumi i fundit nga autori, lëshuar në vitin 1996. Khorakhané është një fjalë nga gjuha rome, që do të thotë fjalë për fjalë "Lexues Coran", por ky është edhe emri i një grupi musliman. Romët nga Kosova që erdhen në Itali mes 1991 dhe 1993 erdhen për të shpëtuar nga lufta.
ënga ka për qëllim për të rritur ndërgjegjësimin e njerëzve ndaj romëve. Në pjesën e parë, kënga flet për gjendje të rëndë sociale dhe ekonomike në të cilën romët jetojnë me filozofinë e tyre të jetës: duke i dhënë fëmijëve emrat e njerëzve aktualisht në pushtet, duke i fshehur bizhuteritë e tyre në bukë të madhe (Duke ditur se si të lexojne librin e botës / me fjalë të ylbertë dhe jo me shkrim). Vargjet e ardhshme janë për romët të cilët u vranë nga regjimi nazist gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore / Jugosllavia, Polonia, Hungaria / ushtarët ishin duke marrë të gjithë / dhe ata i kishin hedhur të gjithë ). Në fund, ai thote disa fjalë në lidhje me praktikën e romëve të kërkuar ne prospekt, dhe ai këndon: "Dhe në qoftë se kjo do të thotë vjedhje / këtë linjë te bukës në mes të mjerimit dhe pasurise / në pasqyrën e kësaj fushe / në sytë e mi të qartë si një lamtumire / mund të telefononi vetem ate që e di në lidhje me marrjen në gojën e tij / pikëpamja e Perëndisë. " Në prezantimin e kësaj kënge, gjatë një koncerti , Fabrizio De André thotë disa fjalë te rëndësishme, që unë dua për të përkthyer për ju, ndërsa poashtu ju rekomandoj që ta dëgjoni këtë këngë të mrekullueshme: "Margjinalizimi vjen me sjellje të cilat janë fituar nga kultura shumë të vjetra. Romët shkojnë nëpër botë që prej më shumë se dy mijë vjet [...]. Këta njerëz romë, ky komunitetit i lirë, është prekur nga dromomania, dëshira e përhershme për të lëvizur veten. Unë mendoj se ata kurrë nuk e kane dëmtuar dikë, [...]; është e vërtetë, ata vjedhin - gjithsesi ata nuk e ndalin dot instinktin primar i cili ekziston në çdo AND te qenieve njerëzore [...], por kurrë nuk kam dëgjuar se ata vjedhin nëpërmjet bankës. [...] Ata shkojnë rreth pa armë; kështu që unë mendoj se në qoftë se ne kemi për të dhënë Çmimin Nobel për Paqe për një popull, romët duhet te jene ato qe ju rekomandoj.
translated by : Blendi Rochi VOICES - 23
The story of Sedat: halfway between Italy and Macedonia
982 was not a common year for Italy: the national football team won the third World Cup, the first since 1938. All Italians, old and young, keep in mind this date. Simultaneously, in the summer of 1982 another story began: the Italian adventure of a Macedonian man who left home to seek his fortune. His name is Sedat and through this interview we will know a little of his life halfway between Italy and Macedonia.
When you arrived in Italy and why did you choose this country? I left Yugoslavia because there was no work there, we were five brothers and we needed money. I went to Italy because from there I wanted to move in the United States, this is why when I arrived in Rome I registered under a false name, as a Bulgarian born on 05.05.1955, because at that time the citizens of Yugoslavia were not accepted in the US. Unfortunately, a fellow citizen of mine recognized me -I never knew why- and reported my situation to the authorities. So I stayed in Italy for 33 years, until 2015. But that’s okay, I really like Italy!
Did you easily settle in? Did you find similarities between Italy and your country? At the beginning it was hard because I did not know anyone and I was without residency permit. Then, fortunately I met lots of good people. I have many Italian friends who have always helped me. I think that Macedonian and Italian people are similar, they are friendly and willing people. Furthermore in Rome there is a neighbourhood inhabited by 50 percent of Macedonians. There it was like being at home.
Culture What about food? I love Italian food. I miss him so much! In Italy there is a culture of food that here in Macedonia is missing. I especially like “lasagna” and “risotto”. But let me say one thing: I always preferred the Macedonian breakfast, which is more nutritious. I like “cornetti”, but because I ate them every morning now I am diabetic!
In conclusion, do you think there are differences between the emigration at your time and nowadays? What can you suggest to a young Macedonian who wants to move to another country? Today, as in the past, to emigrate is hard. It takes bravery, determination and a bit of luck. First of all, it is essential to know the language of that country, so you can understand it. Second: integrate yourself in that society, do not create slums. But at the same time keep in touch with friends and family, because one day you will come back. Grow together the roots and the roads. Don’t do what I did: now I’m a stranger in my country.
by Igor Giammanco
Tregimi i Sedat-it: në gjysmë të rrugës mes Italisë dhe Maqedonisë
982 nuk ishte vit i zakonshëm për Italinë; ekipi i kombëtares në futboll fitoi Kupën Botërore të tretën, e para qysh prej 1938. Të gjithë Italianët, të vjetër dhe të rinjë e mbajnë mend këtë datë. Njëkohësisht, në verën e 1982 një tjetër tregim filloi: aventura Italiane e njeriut Maqedon që braktisi shtëpinë e tij në kërkim të së ardhmës së tij. Emri i tij është Sedat dhe gjatë kësaj interviste ne do të dijmë pak nga jeta e tij në gjysmë të rrugës mes Italisë dhe Maqedonisë.
Kur arritët ju në Itali dhe pse zgjodhët këtë shtet? Unë lash Jugosllavinë sepse atje nuk kishte punë, në ishim pesë vëllezër dhe kishim nevojë për para. Unë shkova në Itali sepse doja që nga atje të shkoj në Shtetet e Bashkuara, kjo është kur unë arrita në Romë unë u regjistrova me emër falso, sikur shtetas Bullgar i lindur më 05.05.1955, sepse në atë kohë shtetasit e Jugosllavisë nuk pranoheshin në Shtetet e Bashkuara. Fatkeqësisht, një bashkëvendas imi më njohu- Unë kur se kam kuptuar pse – dhe raportoi situaten time tek autoritetet. Kështu që unë qëndrova në Itali për 33 vite, deri më 2015. Por është në rregull, unë vërtet e pëlqej Italinë!
A u vendosët ju? A gjetët ngjajshmëri mes Italisë dhe shtetit tënd? Në fillim ishtë vështirë sepse unë nuk e njihja askënd dhe isha pa leje qëndrimi. Pastaj, fatmirësisht unë takova shumë njerëz të mirë. Unë kam shumë shokë Italian që gjithmonë më kanë ndihmuar. Unë mendoj se njerëzit Maqedon dhe Italian janë të ngjajshëm, janë njerëz të shoqërueshëm dhe me vullnet. Për më shumë në Romë është një lagje e banuar më 50 përqind Maqedon. Aty ishte sikur të ishe në shtëpi.
Culture Po për ushqimin? Unë e pëlqej ushqimin Italian. Më mungon aq shumë! Në itali është kultura e ushqimit që mungon këtu në Maqedoni. Unë veçanërisht e pëlqej “lazanja” dhe “rizoto”. Por më lejo të them një gjë: unë gjithmonë preferoja mëngjesin Maqedon, që është më ushqyes. Unë e pëlqeja “kornetti”, por sepse unë i haja çdo mëngjes tani unë jam me diabet!
Në përfundim, a mendoni ju se ka dallime mes emigracionit në kohën tënde dhe ditëve të sotme? Çfarë mund të ju sugjeroni Maqedonëve të rinjë që dëshirojnë të shkojnë në një shtet tjetër? Sot, sikur në të kaluarën, për të emigruar është vështirë. Duhet kurajo, vendoshmëri dhe pak fat. Së pari, është me rëndësi që të dihet gjuha e atij shteti, që ju mund ta kuptoni. E Dyta: integrone veten tuaj në atë shoqëri, mos krijoni varfëri. Por në të njëjtën kohë mbani kontakt me shokët dhe familjen, sepse një ditë ju do të ktheheni. Rritni së bashku rrënjët dhe rrugët. Mos bëni siç bëra unë: Unë tani jam i huaj në shtetin tim.
by Igor Giammanco Translated by: Sokol Makoli
ustralia is a very big continent in total about 7,692,024 km2. The capital is Canberra even though Sydney is the biggest city. Because Australia is so big you have many different climate zones. The weather in Australia’s tropics has two different seasons, the dry and the wet. The dry season is from May to October in the Australian winter months. However, winter in the tropics is not as cold as in the southern states. Average temperatures during the day are in the low 20s, but the nights can be rather cold. Australia’s temperate regions are in the south and south eastern parts of the continent. They include Tasmania and the coastal areas of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia Therefore Australia offers different landscapes, wildlife and attractions. In the following article I introduce you into my top 5 must see/do’s in Australia. Fraser Island: The island is considered to be the largest sand islands in the world at 1,840 km2. The island has rainforests, eucalyptus woodland, mangrove forests, wallum and peat swamps, sand dunes and coastal heaths.The freshwater lakes on Fraser Island are some of the cleanest lakes in the world.[6] A popular tourist area is Lake MCKenzie which is located inland from the small town of Eurong. Dingoes were once common on the island, but are now decreasing. The Fraser Island dingoes are reputedly some of the last remaining pure dingoes in Eastern Australia and to prevent cross-breeding, dogs are not allowed on the island.
Karijini National Park: The park is located in the Hamersley Ranges of the Pilbara region in the northwestern section of the Australian state of Western Australia. The park is most recommended for its many gorges containing slot canyons, waterfalls and water holes with visitors sometimes swimming in the cold pools of water. Temperatures on summer days frequently exceed 40 degrees Celsius, while winter nights can bring frost.
Whitsunday Islands: The island is accessible by boat from the mainland tourist ports of Airlie Beach and Shute Harbour, as well as Hamilton Islands. It has a beautiful scenery and the sand consists of 98% pure silicia which gives it a bright white color. The beach was awarded Queensland’s Cleanest Beach in Keep Australia Beautiful’s 2008 Clean Beach Challenge State Awards
Ningaloo Reef : The Ningaloo Coast is a World Heritage Site located in the north west coastal region of Western Australia. Although most famed for its whale sharks which feed there during March to June, the reef is also rich in coral and other marine life. During the winter months, the reef is part of the migratory routes for dolphins, dugongs, manta rays and humpback whales. Besides to the Great Barrier Reef the Ningaloo Reef is not so crowded with Tourists. That’s why I personally prefer the Ningaloo Reef.
Great Ocean Road : The Great Ocean Road starts at Torquay and travels 244 kilometres westward to finish at Allansford near Warrnambool, the largest city along the road.Winding through varying terrain along the coast and providing access to several prominent landmarks, including the Twelve Apostles limestone stack formations and you have the possibilities to see Koalas as well.
I hope this article gave you a short impression of Australia and if you have the opportunity to go there take it and explore this beautiful country on your own. You’ll have the best time in your life!
by Patrick Zimmermann VOICES - 29
встралија е голем континент со површина од 7.692.024 километри квадратни. Главен град е Канбера, и покрај тоа што Сиднеј е најголемиот и на сите нас попознат град. Времето во Австралија има две сезони, сува и влажна. Сувата сезона започнува во Мај и трае до Октомври, во австралиските зимски месеци. Како и да е, зимите во тропските предели не се толку ладни колку зимите во северните држави. Просечната дневна температура изнесува 20 степени, но ноќите знаат да бидат многу поладни. Умерените региони во Австралија се наоѓаат на јужните и југо-источните делови од континентот. Тие ги опфаќаат Тасманија и крајбрежните подрачја на Нов Јужен Велс, Викторија и Јужна Австралија. Австралија нуди различни пејсажи, богата флора и фауна и многу атракции. Во продолжение ви ги претставувам моите топ 5 дестинации кои морате да ги посетите во Австралија.
Островот Фрејзер: Овој остров се смета за најголемиот песочен остров во светот со површина од 1840 километри квадратни. Островот има дождовни шуми, еукалиптус, шуми, мангрови шуми, мочуришта, песочни дини и крајбрежни тревници. Езерата кои се наоѓаат на овој остров се сметаат за едни од најчистите езера во светот. Популарен туристички предел е Езерото Мек Кензи, кое е лоцирано на копното на малиот град Еуронг. За овој остров карактеристични се кучињата Динго. Овие кучиња се едни од последните чисти раси на Динго во Источна Австралија и за да се спречи мешање на расата не се дозволени други кучиња на овој остров.
Karijini National Park: Паркот е лоциран во Hamersley во регионот Пилбара во северо-западниот дел од Западна Австралија. Најпрепознатлив е по клисурите, кањоните и водопадите и посетителите имаат можност да пливаат во ладните базени. Температурата на лето достигнува до 40 степени целзиусови, додека пак, зимските ноќи се доста ладни.
Whitsunday Islands: Островот е достапен со брод од пристаништето на Airlie Beach и Shute Harbour, како и Hamilton Islands. Глетката е неверојатна а песокот се состои од 98% чист силициум што му дава светла бела боја. Плажата беше наградена за најчиста плажа во Квинсленд, Австралија во 2008 година.
Ningaloo Reef : Брегот Нингалу е дел од светското наследство кое се наоѓа во северо-западно крајбрежниот регион на Западна Австралија. Познае е по китовите и ајкулите кои се хранат таму во текот на март па се до јуни. Гребенот е исто така богат со корали и други морски животни. Во текот на зимските месеци, гребенот е дел од миграциските рути за делфини, китови и други морски животни. Освен Големиот корален гребен, Нингалу не е толку преполн со туристи. Тоа е причината зошто јас го преферирам овој гребен.
Great Ocean Road : Големиот океански пат започнува во Torquay и патува 244 километри западно да заврши во Allansford во близина на Warrnambool, најголемиот град долж патот. Патувањето преку овој пат овозможува пристап до неколку познати знаменитости, вклучувајќи го и варовникот на Дванаесетте апостоли. Исто така, на овој пат можете да сретнете и коали.
Се надевам дека текстот ви остави убав впечаток за Австралија. Доколку имате можност да одите таму и да ја истражите оваа прекрасна земја ви ветувам дека ќе си поминете најубаво! by Patrick Zimmermann преведе: Ангела Рајчевска
A Macedonian boy became a top-player in Sicily: Ilija Nestorovski
acedonia and Sicily have never been so close like this year. The reasons of this proximity are not connected to political decisions, twinning among cities or cultural exchanges, they exclusively have a protagonist: Ilija Nestorovski. In fact, this young Macedonian football player, born in Prilep in 1990, is one of the revelations of the Italian Serie A. Grew up in the youth sector of Pobeda, the club of his hometown, he was aggregated in the first team in 2006, when he was 16 years old. After 4 years and 39 goals he moved to the Czech Republic, where he spent two years but he did not leave his mark. After some experience on loan (even in Metalurg Skopje), in 2013 he moved to Inter Zapresic, a Croatian team where he got the best results of his career: he was top scorer for three consecutive seasons, scoring 69 goals in 90 matches.
After this exploit, he arrived in Palermo in the summer of 2016. At the beginning Sicilian supporters was skeptical. In recent years, they have been accustomed to young Argentinean prodigies such as Cavani, Pastore and Dybala. Who is Nestorovski? Macedonians know how to play football? Except Goran Pandev, the Macedonian football players have had no success in the Italian Serie A. One of them, Darko Pančev, is still remembered as “the lizard”.
ut Nestorovski completely floored all supporters and journalists. After a short settling-in period, he started to score regularly. Despite the bad season of the team, he has already scored 7 goals in 14 matches, plus two goals with the national team, one of which against Italy.
Suddenly “Nestowhat?” became “Nestogol!”. Now, supporters of Palermo love him, journalists praise him and the big teams court him.
Një natë në Popova Kula For sure the love story between Nestorovski and Palermo will not last for a long time, probably at the end of this season Ilija will move to Naples and in the future he will play for a big European team, but he will be forever in the hearts of the supporters of Palermo and at the same time he will remember forever the city where he became a top-player. In each of his goals there will be a bit of Palermo. That’s sure: after Ilija Nestorovski, Sicily and Macedonia will be forever closer each other.
Igor Giammanco VOICES - 33
Freemasonry The most influential secret society of human history “Freemasons worship the devil!“ , “Freemasonry is a foreign terrorist organization!“ , “Freemasonry is an organization, which pursuit of global dominance!“ , “Freemasons know, when the apocalypse will happen!“ and so on. Rumors over rumors. Like every secret society the secretiveness makes room for speculation. But which of them are just imagination and which of them are true. So let us throw a glance behind the scenes of this secret society. What we know about Freemasonry developed in the 16thcentury. In the beginning the Freemasonry was an organization originated in medieval times, in which a mason could notify each other without losing knowledge by talking to somebody who is not a mason. But this mason were not only “mason“, they also were architects with a certain “Know-How“ and as a consequence of that they had a huge importance in the society. For example the Kölner Dom, Notre Dame and the St.Pauls Cathedral were built by freemason.
This explains also the symbols of the freemason, namely the compass, the mechanic’s level and the set square. These were and are the basic tools for architects and so these symbols decorate the temples of the freemason.
There is doubt, that the secrecy of the freemasons attracted also non freemasons. The people, who were allowed to join them were lords, rich and influential persons, honorary members; summing up important persons. And as a consequence of that the freemasonry became a major group and its influence in politics was really large, because freemasonry was now a gathering of opinion leaders, mostly from the political environment, but also literary, artistic, scientific and monetary persons looked for contact. As a consequence of this development the freemasons established the United Grand Lodge of England in London in 1717. How large its influence in politics was, shows following events. For example the French revolution (1789) would not have happened without the influence of the freemasons, because the manipulators and masterminds of it, for example Lafayerre, Mirabeu, Marat but also Voltaire und Montesquieu, were freemasons. Especially large is the influence of the Freemasonry in the history of the United States of America. George Washington and other founding fathers were freemasons – subsequent more presidents of the USA, like James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and Gerald Ford are believed to be Freemasons. 34 - VOICES
Opinion Also the both presidents Bush were and are freemasons. Of course this list is not complete. How large their influence until now is, is not clear, because the freemasons are very reticent and not every freemason professes as a freemason. But it is fact, that the USA with round 5 million members is reckoned to be the metropolis of freemasonry, followed by England with round 1 million members. There is no doubt, that under this number there must be some political personality. However the possibility of absolute silence is also used in the criminal scene. An example for that is the Freemason lodge Propaganda due, shortly P2. This lodge was involved in umpteen criminal and terroristic activities like assassinations, attempted coups and so on. Amongst the members were some renounced persons like the Ex-prime minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi and the “banker of god“ Roberto Calvi. But the complot was uncovered due to a house search of Licio Celli, the “master of the chair“. On the 10. of June 1982 Roberto Calvi left hastily Italy, after the collapse of his bank. 1987 his bank collapsed, and the Vatican lost round three billion US-Dollars. Roberto Calvi borrowed money from the Italian Mafia and as a consequence of this collapse he could not pay his debt. So he fled to London. June 18th he was found dead, hanged under the Blackfriars Bridge.
In his jacket the police found signs, which should point at the Freemasons. Initially his death was categorized as a suicide. First 1992 when his body was exhumed and examined the police recognized that it was murder. The signs were so clear, they all pointed to the Freemasons. Probably, the Cosa Nostra killed him because of that he could not pay his debt. The trial started on the 6. of October 2005. The murder was blamed on Don Pippo Calò and four more persons. But the trial failed on 6th of June 2007 and all five persons were acquitted. After this incident the freemasonry had the worst image, which you can imagine. Because it showed, that at least some parts of the freemasonry play a clear ragtag in the society. So what is freemasonry? Is this secret society dangerous or not. There is no doubt, that it is difficult to judge about a society, which understands to hide information. So let us look at the facts and then obtain an opinion with these facts. So, it is clear that freemasons have claimed occasional laudable political aims like freedom and equality. They developed science and culture further and they are also charitable. For example the discoverers Robert Scott and Ronald Amundsen were freemasons, but also the astronaut Gordon Cooper and the pilot Charles Lindbergh. Also Mozart, Goethe and Puccini were avowed freemasons. A lot of freemasons got the Nobel Peace Prize. But are these facts so important to make a complete judgment about freemasonry. Firstly it is important to know that there is no fixed freemasonry, because some lodge also fight each other and do not trace a homogeneous politic, summary every lodge is different. If they represent tolerance, appreciation, freedom, equality before the law and giving the right, to live your own opinion, is there no point to say something against that. But if they use media of violence, intrigues, murders, pretenses and of a bloody revolution, like the freemason lodge P2, it is criminal society. Like everything in life, try to look carefully, get information from different sources and make up your mind. Secrecy can be dangerous even tough good intentions can be behind them. BUT…Who controls these people and their influences in our society? How can we protect us from them, if they make decisions that are harmful for us? These are a few questions that I would like to leave you to think about.
By Dominik Daniel VOICES - 35
ANIMAL RIGHTS AND LIBERATION Animal rights is the idea that some, or all, nonhuman animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests— such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. Advocates oppose the assignment of moral value and fundamental protections on the basis of species membership alone—an idea known since 1970 as speciesism, when the term was coined by Richard D. Ryder— arguing that it is a prejudice as irrational as any other. They maintain that animals should no longer be viewed as property or used as food, clothing, research subjects, entertainment, or beasts of burden.
Abolitionism is the advocacy of animal rights that oppose all animal usage by humans and maintains that all sentient beings, humans or nonhumans, share a basic right: the right not to be treated as the property of others. The word relates to the historical term abolitionism—a social movement to end slavery or human ownership of other humans. Proponents believe that focusing on animal welfare reform not only fails to challenge animal suffering, but may prolong it by making the exercise of property rights over animals appear acceptable. The abolitionists’ objective is to secure a moral and legal paradigm shift, whereby animals are no longer regarded as things to be owned and used. Abolitionists want empty cages, not bigger ones. This is contrasted with animal protectionism, the position that change can be achieved by incremental improvements in animal welfare. Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. “A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.”
For thousands of years, Humanity has placed its heel on the throat of our fellow Earthlings. We kidnap a baby elephant from her mother, break the child’s spirit with horrendous beatings, and parade her for our entertainment in a humiliating circus of slavery. We throw a fox pup into a filthy cage, where he spins around wildly in confinement-induced madness, and then electrocute and skin him to steal his beautiful skin. We pour burning chemicals into the eyes of a sweet bunny, as she shakes in terror and pain, to determine the “safety” of another cosmetic. We force a loving mother dog into a festering puppy mill, where she is made to pump out baby after baby, like a machine, for use in the slave trade we call “the pet industry.” And we brutalize a sad-eyed pig, by shackling and hoisting him into the air, as he cries out in terror and pain, before we slice his throat and turn his broken body into “meat.” As a culture, we must open our eyes to the violence that is happening behind closed doors everywhere. We must open our eyes to the common feelings that all animals feel, the common fears that we all fear. After YOU have opened your eyes, help us make a better world by opening the eyes of those around you to our mission to create a better and different sort of world: A peaceful and beautiful world where the animals are liberated. Animal liberation is a simple idea: That every sentient being – black or white, gay or straight, dog or cat, human or rat – deserves the same safety, happiness, and freedom that we ask for ourselves. The movement is growing rapidly, as people of conscience tear off their moral blindfolds and see the raging violence against non-human animals for what it is: an atrocity. Open your eyes, and join us at the frontier of social justice, for the greatest liberation movement in history.
by Tugce Tezdiyar
за стекнување вештини и откривање повеќе за нештата за кои сме способни”
Младински Лидерски Камп (ИМЛП)
деално место за самозапознавање и стекнување вештини од неформалното образование, себеразвивање, демократија, животна средина, општествена одговорност, и како едно од најважните области, лидерство, е Младинскиот Лидерски Камп. Локацијата е во една од најпрекрасните места, длабоко во шумите на Македонија, Крушево. Моето име е Дамјан Георгиевски, и сум втора година во средното училиште на град Скопје- “Браќа Миладиновци”, преку оваа статија би сакал да го споделам моето искуство преку кое го имам стекнато преку Младинскиот лидерски Камп. Добра можност каде се стекнав со одлично искуство, нови знаења и пријателства. Воедно, веќе втора година како поминувм незаборавни денови заедно со околу 70 ученицисредношколци, на возраст од 14-18 години од територијата на Македонија. Во организација на Мировен Корпус на Америка, ИМКА Битола и со делумна поддршка од Амбасадата на САД, учевствуваат 30-тина волонтери. Нивна задача е да ги подучуваат камперите на дисциплини кои што се вредни за развитокот како млада личност. Доброволно учествував за да ги развијам вештини и способности на самоуверена и стабилна личност, не само со секојдневните активности, туку и со меѓусебната дружба без разлика на годините, верската и етничката припадност. Ова лето за мене беше едно од наједукативните и најавантуристичките лета до сега. Запознавањето на американската култура и начин на живеење е она што ги одбележало поминатите денови. Покрај горе наведените теми што се обработуваа имав можност да учествувам во различни изборни активности како бејзбол, самоодбрана, јога, медитација, како и поезија, за пронаоѓање на внатрешен мир. Ми се отворија многу можности за во иднина, покажувајќи ми ја позитивната страна на луѓето. На некој начин ме измени и претвори во посамоуверна личност. Дефинитивно место за стекнување вештини и откривање повеќе за нештата за кои сме способни. Како за момците така и девојките имаат можност да се стекнат со истите вештини како и мене, и да се најдат во улога на лидери преку лидерскиот камп за девојки кој е познат под името “ GLOW” Целта на овие кампови и оваа едукативна програма е здружување, учење на младите на животните вредности и “Oхрабрување на младите” – “Empowering youth”!! Од Дамјан Георгиевски
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