February 2018
Magazine for all young people in Macedonia
Craig Show
Air pollution
NaumcHe Mojsovski
ГОРАН АДАМОВСКИ - УРЕДНИК НА „ВОИСЕС“ GORAN ADAMOVSKI - EDITOR OF “VOICES” MAGAZINE Ајде да спортуваме Колку поголеми очекувања, толку поголеми разочарувања. Се надевавме на полуфинале и на медал, на крајот дигнавме раце, па најголемиот дел од нас и не знаат како заврши Европското првенство во ракомет што минатиот месец се одржа во Хрватска. Така е тоа во животот и во спортот. Всушност, спортот и настапот на тимовите и репрезентациите што ги подржуваме не треба да служат за празнење на нашите фрустрации или за идентифицирање со нашите херои и идоли. Во ред, кој не сака два часа додека трае натпреварот да побегне од реалноста и да ужива во пиво и со пријателите. Но, спортот праќа една друга димензија, за која се помалку имаме време: а тоа е потребата од здраво живеење и создавање здрави навики. За децата има време, за нас повозрасните е доцна за професионално бавење со спортот, но никогаш не е доцна за редовно пешачење, трчање, вежбање или намалување со тешката храна, алкохолот и слатките. Оти, стресот ќе не изеде сите. Прочитајте што прославениот капитен на македонската репрезентација, Наумче Мојсоски има да каже на таа тема, прошетајте со нас во Косово, Португалија и Германија, запознајте ја историјата на Вевчанскиот карневал, прочитајте го интервјуто со Крег Шоу, што мислат странците за загаденоста на воздухот во Скопје... Живи и здрави!
Let’s play sports. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. We hoped for semifinals and the medal, in the end we fell down at the bottom, so most of us do not even know how the European Handball Championship finished in Croatia. That’s how it is in life and in sports. In fact, the sport and the performance of teams and representations we support should not serve to discharge our frustrations or to identify with our heroes and idols. But who does not want two hours while the contest runs, away from reality, enjoying beer with friends? But sport sends us to another dimension for which we have less time. There is a need for healthy living and healthy habits. For children there is time, for us the elderly it is too late for professional sport, but it is never too late for regular hiking, running, exercising or reducing heavy food, alcohol and sweets. So the stress will not eat everyone. Read what the famous captain of Macedonian national team, Naumce Mojsoski has to say on that topic, take a walk with us in Kosovo, Portugal and Germany, get to know the history of Vevcani Carnival, read the interview with Craig Shaw and check out what foreigners think about air pollution in Skopje ... Live healthy!
Горан Адамовски
Goran Adamovski
STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankovski COORDINATORS: Gjoko Vukanovski Ivana Angelovska Goran Adamovski
VOLUNTEERS: Aleksandra Grzyb Paulina Gołębiowska Chris Maiken Chloe Dumeusois Antoine Lomba Ann Aro
WRITERS: Igor Pop Trajkov Milan Gjapic Goran Galabov
TRANSLATORS: Aleksandra Krstevska Naser Ismaili
CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org
P.12 P.24
P.28 4
18 Journalism- Paulina
TOPIC OF THE MONTH 4 Interview : Naumche Mojsovski MKD- Ivana 32 Interview : Naumche Mojsovski EN- Ivana
20 Craig Show- Igor
REPORTAGE 8 Kosovo - Aleksandra
Culture 14 Vevcani carnival- Ogi 16 Zoo museum- Igor
22 Air pollution - Ann 24 Drugs - Antoine 26 Goals - Chris 28 Soup - Chloe
10 YE Portugal - Goran 12 YE Germany - Gjoko 13 YE Study Visit- Gjoko
sport 28
Judo- Milan
Успехот бара многу одрекувања „Недоволно широкиот ростер е причина за неуспехот на македонската ракометна репрезентација“, вели иконата на македонскиот ракомет во интервју за „Воисес“
почнеме со најсвежата тема: Ракометното европско првенство во Хрватска и настапот на македонската репрезентација. Имавме одличен старт, а завршивме 11, зошто повторно не успеавме да се вмешаме во битката за висок пласман? Наумче: Да, стартот беше одличен, но вториот дел во Варажник го одигравме многу поразлично и послабо од оној во Загреб. Според моето долгогодишно искуство, мислам дека клупата си го направи своето, немаме толку голем ростер на играчи кои можат да го издржат темпото, односно ритамот секој натпревар да се игра како да е финале. Тоа не е од сега, сме имале проблеми и порано кога едно седум-осум играчи играле постојано, другите седеле на клупа или влегувале по малку. Од друга страна, големите репрезентации го немаат тој проблем, имаат ростер од 16 играчи и сите играат, така што кога ќе се почувствува мал пад во играта, веднаш влегува ‘вториот тим’ и тоа не се чувствува.
Спомна дел од недостатоците со кои што се соочуваме, може ли да ни кажеш кои други проблеми би ги издвоил или, пак, си се соочил со нив додека ти беше на теренот? Наумче: Како што реков, недостаток број еден е тесниот ростер, потоа големиот број технички грешки што ги правиме, а кои не се недозволиви за натпревари на европски или светски првенства. На ова првенство, во групната фаза во Загреб не правевме многу грешки и тоа се виде на резултатот, но подоцна, кога стигна заморот, кога телото и мозокот не функционираат како што сакаш, доаѓа до тие технички грешки, а противнивите со поширок ростер тоа знаат да го искористат. Така што им ги даваме топките во раце на противниците, ни ја пресекуваат, ни паѓа од раце и од контранапади примаме голови.
Факт е дека Македонија е ракометна земја, со одлични ракометари, но што треба да поседува една репрезентација за да има успех? Наумче: Секако, најважна е дружбата надвор од терен, кога си близок и кога соработуваш со повеќето играчи, не мора со сите, живеете, заедно пиете кафе и што уште не, тоа секако се рефлектира и на самиот терен. Најголемите успеси ги имавме кога 90 отсто од тимот од репрезентацијата игравме во еден клуб, тоа беше Металург, а надворешни играчи имавме уште два-тројца: Кире, Борко и уште некој кои само се надополнуваа. Кај другите репрезентации тоа го немаше, доаѓаа од различни клубови, па кога се собираа не се познаваа доволно.
Веќе ги спомна дел од клубовите каде што си бил дел, да се потсетиме на твојата ракометна приказна, твоите почетоци, 20 години ракометна кариера и многу успеси. Може ли на кратко да ни раскажеш за тоа? Наумче: Почнав во родната Струга и сè до својата 18, скоро до 19-та година бев таму. После тоа заминав во Пелистер, кој во тоа врем беше најмоќниот клуб во Македонија. Таму го потпишав првиот професионален договор на четири години. Мислам дека останав шест години во Битола, после тоа се префрлив во Вардар. Во Вардар бев четири години, па заминав во Шпанија, каде останав две години. Повторно се вратив во Вардар, играв една година, па направив трансфер во Металург. Во Автокоманда останав околу шест години, и да не заборавам: по една година во Катар и во Романија.
Богата ракометна кариера, кои натпревари оставиле силен печат на твојата кариера и на тебе како личност? Наумче: Има многу такви натпревари, некои ги паметам по добро, други по лошо. Со Пелистер одиграв доста финалиња, со Вардар играв во Европа, бев и капитен, со Металург ги победивме Барселона и ПСЖ... Со репрезентацијата почнавме од претквалификации против Бугарија, а завршивме на светски првенства каде победувавме одлични репрезентации. Ако морам да издвојам, мечот против Русија на СП 2009 година, кој одлучуваше за пласман во втората фаза и кој го одигравме одлично и победивме. Негативно, пак, несреќниот пораз од Данска на ЕП во Србија што нè чинеше пласман во полуфиналето.
На теренот покрај противниците, ги имаме и судиите, кои често знаат да бидат потежок ривал и од спротивниот тим. Како се справуваше со нив? Наумче: Мораш на мирен начин да постапиш, оти нивната е последна. Мислам во ракометот, судиите сè уште имаат големо влијание, иако главни актери на теренот треба да бидат играчите, а не тие. Верувам дека во иднина ќе се сменат работите и на тоа поле, затоа што никој не доаѓа во сала за да ги гледа судиите, туку играчите.
Наумче како студент и Наумче надвор од ракометниот терен, што сака да прави Наумче во слободното време, хоби некое кое би сакал да го споделиш со нас? Наумче: Веќе сум при крај на постдипломски сттудии на ФОН-отсек за спорт и спортски менаџмент. Што се однесува до слободното време, сега конечно го имам, бидејќи 20 години не знаев што е зимски и летен одмор. Времето го поминувам со со моите најмили, децата, сопругата... Воглавно сум во мојата Струга, сакам да се опуштам со риболов.
Наумче, што содржи твојот рецепт за успех? Дали тука има големо влијание тренингот, дисциплината или, пак, здравиот начин на исхрана? Наумче: Тоа оди едно со друго, тренингот пред се ќе го ставам на прво место зошто никој не се родил учен и не знае на почеток дали ќе се занимава со спорт или со некоја друга активност. Пред сѐ, и за мене е тренингот кој те мотивира и стимулира да стигнеш до некоја цел која ја посакуваш и потајно ти стои во главата. Следува исхраната, здравиот начин на живот, нема излегувања кога сакаш, нема кафиња кога сакаш, нема ручеци кога сакаш и што сакаш. Натпреварите го диктираат темпото. Мора да се одречеш од многу работи за да стигнеш до врвот.
Кое е твоето мото и што е тоа што те води кон остварување на твојата цел? Наумче: Јас сум заљубеник во спротот, почнав со пливање, па со фудбал, но на крајот се пронајдов во ракометот и си зацртав дека ќе успеам. Кога бев млад, идоли ми беа покојниот Боро Чурлески, Томче Петрески, Пепи Манасков и си замислуваш дека ќе станеш како нив. Кога ќе потпораснеш, ќе видиш дека дека треба да додадеш гас, да се качиш на повисоко ниво, твоето тело и мозок чувствуваат можност за напредок, го даваш максимумот на тренинзите и на натпреварите и тоа, секако, ќе дојде до израз. Самиот натпревар е како шлаг на тортата, оти бадијала е да тренираш и по десет часа дневно ако тоа што си го научил не знаеш да го спроведеш на теренот.
Што би им препорачал ти на младите ентузијасти кои тежнеат да ги остварат своите цели, визии, да достигнат да бидат идолите што си ги имаат? Наумче: Доаѓа лошо време, зборувам за пороците, многу деца завршуваат на улица, малку се занимаваат со спорт, а спортот е пред сè здравје, Тренираш еднаш или двапати дневно, но сè е поврзано со тренингот, во зависност од него ги темпираш оброците и обврските. На младите им порачувам да тренираат, оти талентот е недоволен сам по себе.
Кои се твоите планови во блиска иднина? Наумче: Од овој месец официјално го презедов ракометниот клуб Струга каде што ги направив првите чекори во ракометот. Целта ми е да се вратат талентираните деца на теренот, да произлезат квалитетни ракометари и, секако, да се брка пласманот во Супер лига.
Ивана Анѓеловска VOICES - 7
NEWBORN Tanks, war and danger zone – how Kosovo is nothing of that kind.
Kosovo, the forbidden land, surrounded by mystery
and prejudice that hang in the air. The land that according to what they say, once you cross the borders you may never go back. The land of a bad reputation; mafia, drugs, kidnapping, shootings, organ trafficking and other crimes. The land torn by conflict like a child of divorced parents, hanging in between Serbia and Albania. Being a kid of the 90s, Kosovo engraved its letters deeply in my mind.Not understanding much of Balkan politics at the age of 8 I glanced through the living room’s door at forbidden news, for adults only at that time.
Crossing border is nothing else than usual, UN and USA squats do not greet you, mafia doesn’t await to push you in the shady car and drive away with the squeal of tyres. A war was not Kosovo’s guest for a while, what you encounter in the cities is mostly modern society, being way ahead then others may think. We jump off in Prishtina, it’s a sunny day, nothing makes me think of the horror stories that people keep on repeating carelessly. The capital is under construction, it seems to constantly grow along with its population, blocks of flats sprouting one by one are the main landscape of Prishtina. Present image of the city, communist’s merit, is quite modern and not really attractive for tourists, as they made sure that no past will remain. Inhabited by the youngest European nation with average age estimated as 27,Prishtina is
The memory that is stuck in my head shows only tanks, Kosovo conflict and the fight for independence which in a child’s naive mind can only evoke compassion. Fed by the Second World War martyrology of my country, I kept fingers crossed for Kosovo, who wouldn’t like independence, right? After that, Kosovo disappeared from the news and partially from my mind too. As a child I didn’t know many things and didn’t have the slightest idea about many countries but I knew that Kosovo existed and only a decade later when I started my independent travelling it came back to me, the sudden urge to visit the country that won its independence on tanks that in my naivety remained the past of World War II.
a vibrant city. For those who look for capital’s sights and charms they should lower their expectations and accept Prishtina as it is. To enjoy and understand the city better you may pass by waving at friendly Bill Clinton’s statue; a reminder of USA engagement in the conflict, drop by caged National Library with its unique design and neighbouring abandoned church of Christ the Saviour whose construction was disturbed by events of 1999. To distance yourself from the history, have a stroll at Mother Teresa boulevard, enjoy macchiato,head towards the remains of bazzar with its mosques and take a deep breath in Germia Park. At the end of the day just before you embrace Prishtina’s nightlife take a moment by Newborn and Heroinat monument, it should give you a profile of the city’s big moments and struggles.
Surprisingly, given Kosovo is a Muslim country, it looks quite secular, women dress as in any European capital following the trends, Christmas lights illuminate Mother’s Teresa boulevard almost blinding passersby.As locals say they celebrate everything so there is a Christmas market, Christmas tree, Glühwein and German language all around, it seems almost as if it was a second official one. Leaving Prishtina in early morning the sky is painted in orange and pink, this background suits the statue of liberty saying goodbye to travellers. Next stop –Prizren, the route takes us through villages and towns, the landscape changes drastically once after a short nap I open my eyes. Valleys filled with milky fog pierced by tops of minarets, mountains sharply cut out of the sky, and snow hats covering summits, perfect postcard if only piles of trash wouldn’t lie along the way. Prizren is covered in fog too,we stroll through the half-awaken town. It somehow managed to escape communist modifications, with its narrow cobbled
streets, stone bridge, mosques and churchesPrizren represents the true soul of the region. Uphill location makes the landscape quite picturesque with the fortress overseeing it from above. There is old town with charming cafes and little shops, if you cross the bridge you can see old hammam, it seems Prizren managed to establish some balance between cultural mix without demolishing the past. Two days later, we leave Kosovo, noorgans missing, we are glad some stereotypes do not work. What did we find there? A bunch of false pr-ejudice, friendly people, vibrant nightlife, tasty beer and good memories. Next time someone asks me “what the hell are you doing there?”, I will respond: enjoying myself. All in all, I wish the same as 8 year old me; I hope Kosovo will remain like a blackbird, free. Aleksandra Grzyb
EU SOU CASCAIS! When you drive your life with passion and dedication
to any cause it seems like you achieved certain level of satisfaction and happiness that we all strive for. And still the life itself confronts you always with challenges that you accept or other way - discard. People around us, no matter if in daily life or in social media, trying to be inspirational or smart they always quote to get out of the comfort zone in order to do something for yourself as a spiritual and intellectual being. Looking back now at my life in the past years I can tell that I don`t even have a comfort zone. Through the prism of the Erasmus+ program my life has been focused on mobility to gain knowledge, experience, bring it back wrap it up in the local frames and again take it out there to show it to the people I met on that journey. Some call it global citizenship as well. Our Portuguese story started the day I accepted the call from my Volunteers Centre Skopje for a training course on youth empowerment, both global and local level, entitled Glocal youth for social transformation. Together onboard with me I had Ema, Despina and Kristijan as our national representatives. The venue,
Cascais near Lisbon was awarded as Youth Capital 2018 and the opening ceremony was planned to start during our stay there on the training. Our Portuguese partner Rota Jovem association also included youth workers from Finland, Slovenia, Italy, Denmark, Spain and UK to exchange their experience and point of view. So after many hours of constant exchange of minivan, planes and metro we finally sat in the train that runs from Lisbon all the way to Cascais besides the
ERASMUS+ ocean - the downtown train. Our stop was Sao Pedro, accommodation and base training facilities. What a lovely scene is when you get up in the morning and through your room window see and hear the ocean waves spreading continuously across the sandy beach. Youngsters in surfer suits on their boards trying the keep the balance and get as far as possible from the shore. Is that what life is all about? Catching the right wave, standing up on your feet and zigzagging, riding your way to the desired aim? Yes but the balance is also crucial. You may fall and get wet taken by the waves in direction you don`t want to go. Considering ourselves as Global educational agents we were getting deeper and deeper every day in the subject by discussing and debating global education and citizenship asking ourselves: Do I have what it takes? Of course we do. We exploited all the methods of non-formal education: group work, team building, debates, roll play in the comfort of our training room of the facility Seculo, we spent two days working in Congress Center in Estoril, then in the Youth Center of Cascais. The downtown train took us everywhere in no time. Right on time for the opening ceremony of CascaisEuropean Youth capital 2018 in Estoril Congress Center, this city surely earned the title and every single one of us was proud to say: Eu sou Cascais. Yes, we were all a part of that, we are Cascais.
As the magic of this journey was counting down its final hours so we said each other what we had to say, promises, snapshots, hugs and future plans for gathering and collaboration until late in the night. The morning downtown train spread global educational agents all over the continent to spread the seeds of knowledge, competences and friendship. We were aware that a change happened to all of us back there in Portugal. And even a small change in the hearts of a group of people can cause a multiplying effect, wherever they go. As to me, I got used to that change. I`ll be still wandering around, here and there, continuing the lifelong journey. No, I don`t have a comfort zone. It just the strange feeling I had in Portugal. For the first time I felt like I`ve finally come back home after many years spent somewhere else. Goran Galabov
Of course, we all had our moments together with the group during our cultural visit of Lisbon, Cascais surrounding sights and Estoril. We spent time on informal gatherings, exchanging impressions and networking, enjoying January sun on the beach and the sunset in Lisbon, so beautiful, so impressive. We walked along the streets, climbed the hills and then all the way down to Lisbon, this experience was like resuming life itself.
In the period between 21st and 27th of January, VCS
was hosting the second mobility (study visit) for youth workers, within the Capacity building project (KA segment of the Erasmus Plus Programme) titled “TrainVol”. The study visit in Skopje is second out of four planned mobility, on which the selected youth workers will have the opportunity to learn more about the reality of volunteers and volunteering, in the countries partners of this longterm project: Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cyprus. The first mobility took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the second two mobility activities (study visits) will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus and Athens, Greece, during the month of February. During the study visit in Skopje, among other activities implemented, the eight youth workers from the involved countries visited various institutions and organizations, very active and important in the field of volunteering and youth work in the Republic of Macedonia, including: National Agency for Sport and Youth, National association for youth work, Association for promotion of volunteering KONEKT, Regional office of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA, National Agency for European education programs and mobility and the National Youth Council of Macedonia. The project is funded by the European Commission and it will last till August 2018. More information about the progress of implementation of each stage of the project you can find on the following link: https://trainvol.eu/.
Gjoko Vukanovski
Germany, representatives from VCS attended the seminar within the project “Brain Drain, Brain Gain + Circular migration”, implemented by the strategic partner from Germany, MEMOS. This seminar was the third mobility activity within the project with the same name and the activity connected together 14 youth workers/leaders, from Macedonia, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main theme of the overall project was to initiate discussion about subjects of migration, immigration, emigration and brain drain and brain gain, subjects that are very much important in the SEE region. The project is granted from the German National Agency, authorized for the implementation of the Erasmus Plus Programme, supported by the European Commission. The seminar had the aim to sum up the gained information through the implementation of the previous two activities, study visit in Macedonia and training course in Bosnia, and to submit position paper regarding the tackled issues. During the five day stay in Nurnberg, the participants, among other, had the opportunity to listen to guest speakers coming from the German agency for employment, the German Chamber of commerce and industry, the department of youth of the City of Nurnberg, teachers associated with the Erasmus Plus Programme and other stakeholders, and as well, to visit youth centers located in Nurnberg and the surrounding. On the last day of the seminar we had the pleasure to attend a conference in the City Hall of the city of Nurnberg, welcomed by the Councilor for youth and family and the local youth council. On the last conference, we had the opportunity to discuss about the further deepening of the cooperation between the two twin cities, Skopje and Nurnberg. Volunteers Centre Skopje is glad that took active participation in this project and we hope that we will continue our cooperation with the strategic partners from Germany, and as well, that the cooperation between the sister cities, Skopje and Nurnberg, will be more fruitful in the next period. Gjoko Vukanovski
Вевчански карневал Пишани извори сведочат дека карневалот е стар најмалку 1.460 години, но постојат археолошки наоди кои упатуваат на податоци дека карневалот постои барем 2.200 години
Како и секое место во Македонија, па така и
Вевчани е богато со историски податоци и легенди што до денешен ден се раскажуваат од постарите жители на ова село. Траги од населбата постојат од третиот век пред Христа. Неговата прва локација не била денешно Вевчани, туку тоа се наоѓало нешто подолу од подножјето на планината Јабланица, на местото што денеска се вика Селиште. Можно е и да дошло до спојување на античкомакедонска населба што се наоѓала во областа Вајтос непосредно над Вевчани со Селиште. Источно од Вевчани се наоѓа месноста Рамов Гроб, која што го добила своето име поради тоа што извесен Албанец, Рамо од Велешта недозволено земал од вевчанската вода и ја пуштал во своето село, поради што бил убиен од селаните. Се памети и свештеникот Поп Наум, познат и под прекарот „Мал Оџа“, кој се спротиставувал на некојси богат жител по име Гроздан-паша од селото Горна Белица, кој сакал да ги присвои вевчанските пасишта на Јабланица, заради што попот отишол да бара правда дури до Цариград.
Во време на национално-ослободителната и револуцонерната борба против отоманското ропство, од Вевчани биле двајца војводи на струшката чета на ВМОРО: Јаким Алулов и Ставре Гогов, кој од летото, 1904 година, по убиството на Јаким Алулов, станал војвода на струшката чета на ВМОРО. Во април 1907 година, Ставре престојувал во куќата на вујко си Трпе Шекутков во родното село Вевчани, за што Турците дознале и со редовна војска и башибозук од соседните села Октиси, Лабуништа и Подгорци ја опколиле куќата. Ставре Гогов заедно со домаќините јуначки издржал над 20 часа во нерамноправната битка, додека неговата свршеница Кота Христова успеала да ја помине опсадата и да им донесе бомби и патрони. Откако снемал куршуми, Ставре Гогов се самоубива за да не му падне в раце на непријателот. Со него загинуваат и Трпе Шекутков и брат му Кузман Шекутков. Снаата Андрица и трите внуци на Кузман Шекутков биле ранети, а од нападот на аскерот и башибозукот загинале 27 души. Турците ќе ја запалат куќата. По смртта на Ставре Гогов, неговата свршеница Кота Христова го убива предавникот и се
CULTURE вклучува во една од четите на ВМОРО.
Вевчани е сместено во подножјето на источните падини на планината Јабланица на надморска височина од 800 метри. Поточно, селото е сместено на границата односно допирот помеѓу планинската падина на Јабланица на запад и рамнината на котлинското дно на исток . Атарот на Вевчани се наоѓа северозападно од Охридското Езеро на западната страна на Струшкото Поле на источната страна на Јабланица . Се протега во насока исток - запад, од подножјето, преку ридестиот терен, сè до сртот на планината Јабланица. Се граничи со општина Струга, а во потесен дел ја допира државната гранична линија со Албанија. Вевчани е ридско село чии што куќи се издигнуваат на надморска височина од 820 до 980 метри. Од централното место односно градот Струга е оддалечено 13,5 километри, а од патот Струга- Дебар околу четири километри. До Вевчани води асфалтиран пат, кој од Струга минува низ селата Враништа и Велешта. Вевчани е големо село налик на гратче-паланка и тоа доста добро урбанизирано, уредено и регулирано. По средината на населбата минува главната улица во правецисток-запад на која се сконцентрирани повеќето продавници, хотели, ресторани, трговски и занаетчиски дуќани, домот на културата и отворената сцена на амфитеатерот и Здравствениот дом. Вевчани претставува седиште на истоимената општина и тоа единствен случај во Република Македонија, само една населба да претставува засебна општина. Соседни села на
Вевчани се: Подгорци на север, Октиси на југ, Велешта на исток и Горна Белица на југозапад. Вевчански карневал — еден од најпознатите настани во Вевчани е Вевчанскиот карневал. Пишани извори сведочат дека карневалот е стар најмалку 1.460 години, но постојат археолошки наоди кои упатуваат на податоци дека карневалот постои барем 2200 години. Денес карневалот е интересно и необично преплетување на пагански со христијански обичаи. Традиционално, учесниците се обидуваат да избегнат воведување на современи карневалски елементи, но сепак во последните години во организација на Општината и Министерството за култура, се воведува ред во овој, инаку, хаотичен вонвременски настан, кој годинава започна на 12 јануари и траеше во следните три дена. За петочната забава беа задолжени Кирил Џајковски, Фолтин, Плуто’с Доубтс. Музиката и маските беа насекаде низ Вевчани. Саботата, некаде на пладне и официјално беше отворен овој безвременски карневал. Беше проследен со народна музика, многу ора и маски. Целото место како да живееше само во духот на карневалот. Саботата вечерта доаѓаат мажи маскирани во женски алишта и тропаат по врати на локалните жители (нешто слично како коледарите ). Откако ќе завршат со овој адет, потоа се упатуваат кон блиските извори. И таму остануваат цела вечер. Неделата претпладенто се симнуваат надолу и се упатуваат кон центарот (сред село) за да го завршат тридневниот карневал со палење на маските. Секоја маска која е таму е рачна изработка на локалците. Огнен Анчевски
e “Muzeu Natyrorë i Historisë së Maqedonisë” është vepra e arkitektit Trajko Dimitrov; në kuadër të kësaj ndërtese është edhe ndërtimi i kopshtit zoologjik. Ai gjithashtu ka projektuar “Shtëpinë e Kulturës - KocoRacin, Shkup”, qendrën e biznesit “Paloma Bianca”, “Salla e Basketbollit - Rabotnichki”, të cilën ai e bëri së bashku me Zhivko Gelevskin ... Ai punoi në “Projektin e Maqedonisë”, të cilin e quan arkitekturë më prestigjioze në rajon. Ndërtesa e tij është shtëpi e një prej muzeve më të pasura të Historisë Natyrore në botë, e cila është kaq e madhe për faktin se Maqedonia është rajoni më i plotë me specie endemike në Evropë, rreth 400.
Gjatë Luftës së Parë Botërore në kuadër të Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të Ushtrisë Gjermane u formua njësia speciale e kërkimit “MazedonisheLandeskundlicheKommission”, i udhëhequr nga studiuesi i njohur Prof. Dr. Franz Dorflein i cili ishte profesor i zoologjisë në Universitetin e Wroclaw. Rezultatet e hulumtimeve të tij u botuan në veprën e tij “Mazedonien” në vitin 1921. Interesi për këtë florë dhe faunë unike, të paraqitur në punën e tij, si dhe për gërmimet parahistorike çuan drejt krijimit të muzeut në këtë periudhë.
Ajo që është shumë e veçantë për këtë muze është fakti që dioramët dhe të gjitha objektet e prezantuara paraqiten në një mënyrë dinamike, e cila rrit interesin e shikuesit. Ju mund të shihni këtu disa nga format e jetës që jetojnë vetëm këtu, të tilla si lloji i rrallë i gaforres, që duket si një dinosaur i minimizuar. Kam lexuar disa teori se që nga Nënë Natyra ende konsiderohet të jetë kimisti më i mirë, ishte e mundur që një ilaç të prodhohej nga substancat që janë në këto kafshë dhe bimë unike. Të gjitha objektet janë lehtësuar ndërkohë që kjo ndërtesë ishte ndërtuar posaçërisht për këtë përdorim. Gjithashtu ka përcaktuar auditoret për ligjërata dhe salla për prezantime. Prezantimet e dinosaurëve dhe fluturave janë mahnitëse me përpikërinë dhe ngjyrat e
tyre, ndërsa mineralet dhe prezantimet parahistorike i bëjnë përshtypje format e pabesueshme dhe atmosferën e pazakontë. Kur vizitoni këtë muze ju keni një përshtypje se ju jeni përsëri duke hyrë në botën e imagjinatës tuaj të fëmijërisë. Ndërsa fëmijët, aq sa unë mund të vëreja, tentojnë të vëzhgojnë gjithçka me qetësi maksimale, pavarësisht se sa të ndryshkur ishin para se të hyjnë brenda. Tani ky muze ka mbi 270 000 lloje ofghea, flora dhe fauna. Gjithashtu këtu mund të shihni disa minerale që u zbuluan fillimisht në Alçar pranë Kavadar-Reulit, Doralsharitëve dhe Jankovicitës, ndërsa mineralet të gjetura në Alinci afër Prilepit mund të gjenden vetëm këtu. Ky muze kishte gjithashtu një mrekulli të fantastike, e cila u vodh para pak vitesh! Igor Pop Trajkov
Rebecca Hall as news reporter Christine Chubbuck in Anotnio Campos movie “Christine”
Nowadays no one is surprised when they hear in the news live stream killing or the other tragic events.
People want blood and television gives it to them. Human nature is constructed in a way that we are fascinated about this “dark side” of humanity. It became a norm that media deliver materials full of violence. We used to believe that footage would tell us something more profound about the story than we can imagine. In terminology it can be named as “show culture”. Being journalist requires accepting this fact but sometimes it turns over that journalists are in the middle of tragic show. Christine Chubbuck, USA Once there was a young journalist in USA who showed on air something that changed perception of TV journalism. It was Christine Chubbuck, American journalist who on 15th July 1974 shot herself live on air. Chubbuck, 29 years old television presenter worked in Channel TV for couple of years. She was ambitious woman mainly working on social topics. Before the tragic event she asked her boss to prepare TV material on suicides among young people. During research she talked with local sheriff about the most effective way to commit suicide. After that she bought the gun. On 15th July as usually she was presenting news. Shortly before program she changed the running order of the news and everyone agreed on that. Then she said words that still might give a chill. “In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living colour,” she said, “you are going to see another first: an attempted suicide.”, after this words she pulled the trigger. At the beginning everyone thought that’s joke, the viewers started to call the TV station. Chubbuck planned this event in a very detailed manner, she wrote even news story that her co-workers found on the desk with the description of what they are supposed to say. Other things that also pushed her to this tragic action was a long lasting depression with which she was fighting for many years. Her co-workers had no idea about this problem. A few days before her death, Chubbuck told her boss that she might kill herself on air but he took it as a joke. Her suicide was watched by thousands of people who were in shocked and thought it wasw fake. The tape record was never published on a request of family but internet is still full of fake footages. The story was forgotten till two movies premiered on the Sundance Film Festival: “Christine” and “Katy plays Christine”.
Supreet Kaur during reading news
USA It was typical working day, 26th August 2015. Journalist Alison Parker (24 years old) together with cameraman Adam Ward (27 years old) went in the morning to make an interview with executive director of complex on the lakeshore. When they were already live on air, in the less expected moment, some stranger started shooting to them. Attacker killed both journalists and wounded the local official. All this happened in front of eyes of TV staff and thousands of viewers. The killer – Vester Lee Flanagan II was identified as fired television reporter and former colleague of Parker and Ward. Shortly after the attack he used social media as tool to show his “work” and ensured that information about this tragic event disseminated. He wrote about the shooting on Twitter, uploaded video on Facebook and sent his manifesto to ABC News, explaining motives of his act (discrimination, racism and sexual harassment at work). On the same day, Flanagan committed suicide. Afterwards, a debate started in American media if they should show video from this tragic event or not. In general it seems that showing air killings is a situation without any proper solution.
India In this case there’s no live shooting on air but another personal, sad story of Indian journalist - Supreet Kaur, TV news presenter for India’s IBC24. She was reading breaking news about car accident where 3 people died. On the phone another reporter was giving details about victims, types of cars and whole crash. Journalist realized that her husband was one of the victims (the same model of car, amount of people travelling, the road that he was supposed to travel). Kaur keeped calm and continued reading other headlines for over 10 minutes. After TV lights went out she started to cry and drove to the place of accident. Journalist showed high-level of professionalism and deserves a huge respect.
Christine Chubbuck
Being journalist is not an easy thing. We heard many of stories when they have to cover horrible news. What’s more, social media now became a tool where everything can be shown. If it is not shown in TV, surely you would find this in the internet. Television became a place where you can expect live stream from plenty of tragic events. Already there are many examples like attack on WTC or tsunami in Japan. It may contain some warnings before but anyway more people will continue watching. Controversial footages always have many views, people talk about it and want to watch it over and over again (views from You Tube videos from popular, tragic events can prove that). When the viewers get used to violence in TV News and Internet it’s the worst that can happen. All I want is to remind that journalism can be a part of something good and share positive behaviors among societies. Already in 70s. the young journalist mentioned in the article paid attention to searching only for sensational news at the cost of social, important topics. Imagine, it might be a good thing to find this balance when you switch on TV after long day. Paulina Gołębiowska
The main focuses of the work of Craig Shaw are the Turkish investigations for theblacksea.eu and European Investigative Collaborations. His investigative stories are published in leading European media. His high profile investigations include the “Offshore Secrets”, “Malta Files”, Football Leaks”… His proficiencies are: political and corporate corruption, human rights and organized crime. - First of all a practical question- did you have any doubts when you decided you wanted to become a journalist, you know, that it will be hard to find a job, that perhaps, you will have some kind of trouble, regarding your family, your wife? As one day you would like to have your own family…. Well no. When I studied journalism I did film journalism, I wanted to write about film. Then I realized that it was a difficult area to get involved with. And I changed it into investigative journalism. I had no concerns, I mean I was young. I am married now, I wasn’t married then. I don’t have children so… No I had no obstacle that I could see. There were concerns about the industry and whether you can get a job. But… No I was happy with the choice. Maybe not so much now, but yes. - Do you have any raw models regarding this connection between movies and journalism because in many instances movies were influencing journalism and vice versa? For e.g. my raw model is James Agee, the guy that for e.g. write the screenplay for “The Night of The Hunter” or for “The African Queen “of John Huston for which he won an Oscar. No, I don’t think so, but I am a fan of those like the British eighties fields. Eighties TV in UK was pretty good. It was kind of reaction towards Thatcherism. So there was a lot of political conspiracy staff. That is really interesting to see how you can craft stories that maybe didn’t exist so much. So there is not one person but like anybody else I like complicated and interesting stories.
INTERVIEW - Why do you think that this particular generation which was so excellent, was destroyed- the one from the eighties. And I do think it was excellent. Once I interviewed Terry Jones and he told me that this happened because they weren’t doing as they were told, in other words they weren’t doing everything by the law. For e.g. there was a lot of violation of privacy regarding this. For e.g. the author of “Spitting Image” ended up in jail, 12 years, because in his show he spoke publicly about the fart of the husband of Barbra Streisand- quote: “At some time around midnight somebodies ass flew grunted.” I think they let you for this… I think there is a bunch of reasons why people ended up there. There were more people, journalists who reacted more to sixties kind of revolutionary investigative journalism than the ones that touched the issue of Watergate. I think that was the bigger influence. But I guess it was the time, in the seventies and the eighties that this changed- when data was becoming more digital but at the same time more popular. In UK there was the introduction of new laws- Firstly regarding the intelligent services. I think it was just a changing time. We had a right wing government and over reach of the security state. And that was just a reaction. I think it was brief. So it got brief a-day when all these stories came out. This kind changed in the nineties again. But in general- yes it is so as you said. - Do you think that there is a good journalism by a default? The professional one, must be somehow subsidized by the state. I am afraid this is the case even in the most liberal economies. Perhaps with an exception of USA, but this is affordable for them because they have an enormous market. So tell us something about this referringto the civilization in Europe? I don’t think states should directly fund journalism. I think you can have mechanisms where states can give money to organizations, decide where money goes… That can be OK. But I don’t think that any state should be directly involved in giving money because it ruins our credibility. I know that US does this with some organizations which is the reputational problem for the people who take it. So obviously it is not really in one’s interest or for the state to fund journalism particularly not against itself. But of course it happens that they fund foreign outlets. But I think it can work, just needs to be thought about a bit more.
- What will you advice to your young colleagues, to the ones that are beginners, how can they break through?I am working here with the European Voluntary Agency, they work for nothing. Voluntarism is very important for the journalism. How would you describe this phenomenon? And in general what is your advice for the young generations? How can they become a success story? I think that two things are important. First- you have to learn data bases, in a sense where can you access the information. So I came out of the University not knowing you could get court records, company records. I think it is really important you learn where to access this information in your home country first. Second- you have to read good journalism, written well. You have to practice writing. I think that if you can tell a story in an interesting way that can take you far. You have to read good writing. You know you should read “The New Yorker”, the “London Review of Books”, “The New York Review of Books”, try to read long form journalism and see how they tell a story. Cause they can teach you some bad habits at the university. - How can they break through voluntarism? First to volunteer, than to begin to know everybody around, to have experience and then to… Well you have to make connections; to go places and meet people. You have to get to know people who can help you and you should put a limit on how much volunteer work you can do. I mean you always have to think what is in it for you? What do you get out of it? Because you don’t want to volunteer forever! You just have to really work hard. Like when I started I worked 7 days a week. I still do that some times. You know- 10, 12 hours a day.Because I wanted to be good in what I did. And you have to do that with you. Igor Pop Trajkov
AIR POLLUTION IN MACEDONIA When I started my European Voluntary Service in
Macedonia I had high hopes for what I would see and experience. I thought I will be in a country that’s rather different from Estonia. I was particularly excited about exploring Macedonian culture and nature. In my first week in Skopje I went hiking from Vodno to Matka. I fell in love with the scenery that I saw in the six hour hike. After that the heating period started and one morning I went out and the city was covered in smog. I thought to myself is that one time phenomenon or is this how it’s going to be the whole time I’m here. As the weather got colder the smog got even more intense. Everytime I would go out I would later smell smoke in my hair and clothes. I started to look into the issue more and discovered the various factors that play part in the air pollution. Because I saw air pollution as rather big issue in Macedonia I decided to ask other foreigners how do they feel about the air pollution in Macedonia. I questioned 3 people from different countries and ages. Short introduction: Elisa: I am 23 years old and I come from France. I stayed in Macedonia for 4 days. Paulina: I come from Poland and I am 24 years old. I have been in Skopje almost 2 months and I will stay here until December 2018. Peter: 17 years old coming from Germany. I have been living in Kavadarci 4 1/2 months. Have you been exposed to air pollution before you came to Macedonia? Elisa: I've always lived in big cities so I probably have been exposed to air pollution, but never as intensively as in Macedonia. Paulina: Yes, I've been but not on the same level. In Poland I lived in the city with quite low level of smog. Of course, during winter the level of smog increase but for me personally it's not that oppressively. Also the high level of smog is more common in rural parts of city that i usually don’t go. Peter: No
Have you noticed air pollution in Macedonia? When did you first notice it? Elisa: I had been warned about it, but I noticed it as soon as I stepped out of the airport. I felt it everytime I stepped outside during those 4 days. It feels like the air is thick, heavy and you are unable to take deep breaths. I noticed that while I was in Macedonia I started coughing without being sick. My cousin and two other volunteers who have lived there for a few months now are sick and blame the pollution. I can only imagine the serious health problems it causes for people who grow up there. Paulina: Unfortunately I noticed air pollution here. In general Macedonia is not a clean country. Trash on the streets, in the tourists places etc. I noticed this during my first weeks, when i couldn’t see stars. The sky was often in grey colours. Talks with macedonian people just ensured me that it's a big problem now and Macedonia is on the top in general smog statistics. Many people got a dry cough here. During my talk with my mum, she asked me even if I’m sick because I sound different. It was at the beginning, my body still not adjusted to environment. I cant wait till spring , i hope the air will be just a bit cleaner. Peter: Yes I have. I've noticed it in the streets of Kavadarci, when the "fog" turned out to be polluted air. The day after that Skopje was the highest polluted city in the world (13.12.17). Really shocked me. What do you think is the cause of air pollution in Macedonia (Skopje)? Paulina: I think it's mainly burning trash with not proper places, big factorie, using low quality of carbon and too much cars in the city. Peter: In Skopje there are many reasons that come together. On the one hand side, the natural air circulation was completely disregarded during the building process of Skopje 2014. By building all kinds of new buildings, chopping down trees in the inner city and not refunding the now dismissed environmental needs, the city suffered heavy nature-structural problems. One of the biggest being the air pollution. On the other hand, the use of vehicles is extraordinary high in Skopje. The people use their cars for the smallest ways instead of walking or taking the bike. Public transport is provided, but not used enough to conquer this issue. The privatization of the main "company" for central heating is another issue. It caused high heating prices and forced many people to switch to wood burning to keep their place warm. Good for the investor. Bad for the environment.
Do you know what type of effect air pollution can have on body? Elisa: Without any research, I know it shortens your lifespan. It causes cancer. From what I observed it can also cause lung diseases and various skin problems, and much more I am sure. Paulina: Unfortunately it can have an effect on the whole respiratory system and also compound immune system and we can be sick more often and longer. Do you feel that air pollution in Skopje has had an effect on your health? If yes give an example. Elisa: The coughing I experienced was nothing deadly, but it shows how fast air pollution can get to you. Paulina: At the beginning i was coughing quite a lot. Now it's better but I know that with every breath i give to my body harmful substances. Peter: Yes. Whenever I was in Skopje during the last month, it almost felt like an acure to go inside of a building. Outside, the air was hardly endurable. How important is clean air for you? Elisa: It's not a topic I used to think about, but since visiting Macedonia it has become very important. I'm concerned for the people living there but also for the future of the planet. Paulina: My whealth is important to me and I realized that things that Im doing now can effect in the future. Simply, it's just too nice to breathe fresh air and admire clear s
What do you think could help to clear the air in Macedonia? Elisa: It seems that the new generation is fully aware of the situation and wants to change it. Maybe creating workshops that bring young people together to inform them on what can be done against pollution, brainstorm solutions together, try to convince them that they have the power to change things. Inform them on what subjects they can study, how to start a green association at University, how to build your own Green Energy initiative. It's a slow process but at our scale I don't know what else could be done. Maybe by talking to local people/journalists and asking their opinion on how to change this. Paulina: Firstly, its awareness among the people that smog is a serious problem and every citizen can help to solve this problem. Its common responsibility because people burn the trash and use appropriate ways of heating. Would be good to start talks about smog with children and young people. Except that of course, they need concrete actions from government not only words. Peter: Use public transportation or a bicycle. Raise awareness about the damage of wood burning heating systems. Being conscientious about the future and the problems we will cause. All in all it’s fair to say that the air pollution in Macedonia is very visible to everybody. And not only does it affect the locals but also the foreigners who travel or stay here for certain period. I do think people have been starting to take action against air pollution so there is hope that the air will get cleaner in the future. Meanwhile it’s better to be cautious when the air is more polluted.
Ann Aro
AN OPEN LETTER TO DRUGS An epistolary short between society and narcotics
Dear Drugs, It has been a while since our last exchanges. It is rather obvious that for the past decades our relationship was quite tumultuous, to say the least. I could argue for hours and hours about the intricacies, causes and effects of my current behavior towards you. Some plead that we need to, perhaps, reflect on our stance. Others maintain that our current settlement, despite its drawbacks, is perfect the way it is; that we are all better off now and I didn’t even need you in the first place. Anyhow, it is undeniable that there are some second thoughts. You might have already noticed it. Nevertheless, that’s not what this letter is about. I don’t want to pick on you an umpteenth time. Yet, there is a problem between you and me, that is indisputable. However, to solve a problem, one needs to grasp its nature, its underpinnings. Why do we crave each other so much? How are we so tied together?
Well, the first natural answer is you are quite engaging. Hell, I am not even the only one to long for you. Research has shown that animals yearn for you too. I even gave it a name: zoopharmacognosy. Dolphins sniff pufferfish’s toxins, flies imbibe alcohol and the pen-tailed tree shrew survives off drinking fermented nectar from bertam palm. It is only natural then that I would crave you as much as Mother Nature does. At least, that it was Dr. Robert Dudley believes, in what has been coined the “drunken monkey hypothesis”. According to Dr. Dudley, human attraction to ethanol dates to a time when I didn’t even exist. Specifically, considering pen-tailed shrews’ survival behavior, humans’ attraction to ethanol, the active substance of alcohol, might derive from their primate ancestors’ dependence thereof. The latter would have been developed through homo sapiens’ consumption of ripe and fermented fruits, which, at its most cholerically dense, would reach its sweetest stage. Should this hypothesis hold true, first alcohol consumption would be traced back to about 10 million years ago, according to Robert Evan’s “Brief History of Vice”. Its significance would be astounding. Humans would be almost genetically drawn to you. Thus, I would be a mere facilitator of your consumption, and not an active player.
However, the point of this reckoning-letter requires a certain amount of intellectual honesty. Consequently, I must recognize my active role in our intertwinement. Yes, let’s not bury our hands in the sand. Since the very beginning, we have been entwined. It appears that for as long as I have existed, I have cultivated you. Everywhere I popped up, you tagged along.The first recollection I have dates back 5,000 years B.C., when the Sumerians pictured the first ideogram in your image, in the form of opium. I still have records from 3,500 B.C. depicting ancient Egyptian breweries. Swiss Lake Dwellers consumed poppy seeds a thousand years later. Amerindian tribes on the island of Hispaniola inhaled tobacco through their nose, to allow the nicotine to directly reach the mucus membrane of the brain. The Hindu Vedas praised you as lifting “the soul from heaven to the earth”. The Babylonian Talmud hailed wine as “the head of all medicine”, noting that “where wine is lacking, drugs are necessary”. Everywhere I am, at any point in time, I have saluted you and your benefits. From the very beginning, I saw potential in your effect, and I used this potential. I genuinely claimed some of your attributes had healing abilities, such as opium in 7th century China. When faith didn’t relieve the miserable, I advocated you to alleviate their pain : “Give strong drink to those who [are] perishing” the Proverbs bolstered. If I needed soldiers, I would offer you to embolden soldiers in battle, such as druids intoxicating Gallic warriors with chouchen before the field of battle. If I wanted my people to experience a taste of spirituality, I would proffer entheogenic plants before them, such as the Aztecs did in fitting their rites. You were, also, a tempting instrument of control, as proved the eagerness of the British empire to re-introduce opium in a drug-avert, inward-looking, Chinese polity; the former willing to go through two wars to have its way.
In our history, I have also grown to dislike your influences. As early as 2,000 B.C. did an Egyptian priest profess: “I, thy superior, forbid thee to go to the taverns. Thou art degraded like beasts”. 17th-century Czarist Russia effectively sanctioned death for any proven user of tobacco. The old Chinese Empire forbade the older-still habit of opium consumption by 1792. Three years earlier, at the far side of the world, the first American Temperance society was found in Connecticut. The Temperance lobby would, eventually, succeed in establishing the infamous Prohibition in the United States. The effects of which can still be found nowadays. Nevertheless, despite all my periodical efforts, I could not get rid of you. I have given you all the names one could think of. Throughout history, I have variably ,and simultaneously, hailed you, hunted you, distributed you and thrusted you on people. You have inspired the beautiful, provoked the worst, healed the ill and deteriorated the unwell. Yet, you have done none of that by yourself. I am the trigger of your bearings. I am responsible for your influence. What you achieve, or destroy, emanates from how I choose to stand with you. You are sensitive topic, a difficult conversation, albeit a necessary one. This is letter is not, in fact, addressed to you.It is to myself. Regards, Society.
Antoine Lomba
Finishing is Winning
To succeed requires certain steps one must take, and the time is now to start making a change. At the end of the day, one must do whatever it takes.
So it is definitely a good start to the new year and it feels like great things are happening. This is just an optimistic view of a pre-determined reality. There’s a certain saying I heard recently, and that is “Live as if failure is impossible”.
I have made a conscious effort for 2018 and that is to plan my work and work my plan. After a disappointing 2017 of only accomplishing one thing on my goal list, I have had to cut certain things from my life that have been slowing down my progress. It feels like it’s going off to a good start, but I cannot foresee the future and I don’t know what tomorrow holds, all I have control of is what I am doing right now. At this moment. The first thing I did was draft my goals for this year, before the new year started. If you’ve heard of the law of attraction, they speak about manifesting what you desire and what you need to do in order to actualize your dreams and/or goals. The first step in getting what it is you desire is to ask. Ask the universe. Be specific about what it is you want. Instead of just saying “I want to be rich”, say “ I want to have [insert amount] in my possession by [insert date]”. Next step is to believe what you’ve asked for is on it’s way.
Basically, just have faith. The third step is to receive – what this means is to move towards your desire physically. Take the action that gets you closer to your goal. When opportunities arise, act on them. It doesn’t all happen by sitting around all day watching television.
It is important not to become attached to one particular outcome. What this means is that your goal will not manifest in one particular way. This can make one be blinded by other possibilities because they think that it can only happen in one way. Change is required for things to manifest. Surrender to the flow of how the universe will guide you to your desire. One thing that I’ve started implementing is recently is the use of a vision board . This is a collage of images of which I stick on the wall that I look at everyday as a reminder to visualize what it is I desire. To keep the faith alive and a constant reminder what it is I intend to do and achieve. Another important lesson I’ve learned so far is to fail, and to fail big! It is important to fail and to fail often so that you can get up again and never be defeated. Nothing that is worth going for is easy, if it was easy, then it wouldn’t be worth fighting for. We as humans always want the quick fix, or the easy way out. We use every possible resource to make things easier for us, we
don’t like to take the hard way, but this is something we have to do in order to get the great results. If we are afraid to fail, it means we are afraid to try, and if we don’t try, we stay stuck in our current reality. Change is absolutely essential for a shift in our reality to occur. If something does not challenge you, it does not change you, and you cannot grow. In conclusion, nothing should stop you from achieving what it is you want in this life. The only thing stopping you is you. No dream is too big to achieve, just be sure that it is what you really want, and if you do what it takes, you will succeed. Also, do more research on the Law of Attraction and manifestation. What I do sometimes if I feel demotivated, I check on Youtubefor videos that will motivate and inspire me to carry on. I’ll leave you with a quote from Napolean Hill – “Success requires no explanation, failure permits no alibis”. Chris Maiken
TRAVEL THROUGH THE SOUP Yes, I know… writing an article about soup can seem strange. Even more from me because I’m not interested in cooking and not good at it. Not at all. Everything happens… But for a reason. Last summer, I was one month in Cyprus for EVS project, living with 12 people from 6 different countries. One day, we were thinking about what to cook when the Romanian girl suggested to make a soup. « A soup? In the middle of summer in Cyprus where it’s more than 30 degrees? ». That was my reaction.
Then, now you know why I decided writing about soup. After this missunderstanding with Diana, the Roma nian volunteer, I wanted to know more about the « culture of soup » in different co untries, so I asked my friends from abroad : « Do you eat soup the whole year ? What kind of soup ? As a starter ? During lunch or dinner ?... ». They surely found my questio ns weird, but they answered !
Then, now you know why I decided writing about soup . After this missunderstanding wi th Diana, the Romanian volunteer, I wa nted to know more about the « cultur e of soup » in different so I asked my friends fro countries, m abroad : « Do you ea t soup the whole year ? kind of soup ? As a starte What r ? During lunch or dinne r ?... ». They surely foun questions weird, but th d my ey answered !
Diana from Romania explained me that they eat hot soup during the whole year as a starter. That’s why she wanted to make soup this summer ! Most of the time it’s vegetables soups and they eat it putting “găluște” (semolina dumplings) inside. Actually this is kind of the same in Estonia. Ann told me told me that she eats soup the whole year because it’s rather cold there and also easy to make. But not necessarily as a starter : depends how filling it is. There are many different soups but the most popular ones are mushrooms for the autumn, Pea soup, Seljanka and Borš. And with that, don’t forget bread and sour cream ! Then I asked Nika to know about the culture of soup in Slovenia. Nothing really different there : you can eat soup the whole year too… but mostly in winter. About the tastes : beef meat, vegetables and mushrooms. Then, Paulina told me about the quite strong culture of eating soup in Poland. “We eat soups whole year
and they are usually the same type like chicken, broth, tomato, cucumber, vegetables, tripe, fish, mushroom , cabbage. Usually we eat soups with bread but not always. During the winter soups are usually more fatty and with more components. You can make soup almost from everything. Usually dinner consists of two meals : soup and some meat dish. Sometimes even only soup as main dish. During the most important celebration like Christmas and Easter we start dinner by eating soup. On Christmas it is borscht made from beetroot and during Easter is sour rye soup.” Polish people are that crazy about soup that every region in Poland has specifics ones and in Warsaw there are even festival of world soups! One of the most controversial traditional soup is czernina – made mainly from blood of duck or chicken. Many people say that soups are Polish national and culture heritage.
So, actually all my friends said me that they eat soup the whole year… Should I understand that this makes french people weird ? Because In my head, soup is associated with cold weather and winter… That’s why I reacted like a told you with Diana ! In France the first soup of the year mark the beginning of winter. We eat soup with vegetables, it’s rare to eat meat soup. Most of the time we put cheese, cream or crouton in it ! (Cause French dish without cheese or bread is not a real French dish) Then, let’s travel in the south : in Spain people eat different soups according to the weather and the location ! For example in summer is very typical the cold soup like Gazpacho or Salmorejo. It’s usually made from vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, onion, etc. During the winter people come back to the traditional hot soup with vegetables, meat or fish… But the type of soup depends on the location ! Even more in the south let’s go in Algeria with Aïda who told me about the main soup called Chorba. There is differents type of Chorba but the most popular is Chorba frik (made with cracked wheat). During the month of Ramadan, they eat soup every evening even in summer ! That’s amazing to see how we can discover the culture of different countries through insignificant things like soup ! Now let’s travel to test all these traditional soups...
How to make your own Algerian chorba frik
Preparation time : 15 min Cooking time : 35 min For 8 people, you need : 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 1 peeled tomato 1 celery stalk 1 small diced potato 1 glass of chickpea soaked the day before 1 tablespoon of tomato paste 400 gr lamb meat cut into small pieces salt and pepper 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon of ginger 1/2 spoon of paprika 1 bunch of chopped coriander 1 glass of frik water (cracked wheat) Oil 1.5 liters of hot water Preparation : In your pot, brown your meat with a little oil. Once the meat is well browned, put in the chopped onion, celery, garlic, potato, peeled tomato and the concentrated tomato spoon. Add the spices: cinnamon, paprika, ginger, salt, pepper then chickpeas soaked the day before and rinsed and finally a few branches of coriander finely chopped. Cook on low heat. Add 1.5 liters of boiling water. Close the pot and let it cook. When the chickpeas are cooked, rinse the cracked wheat and pour it into the pot. Let it swell, stirring occasionally. Just before serving, sprinkle with chopped coriander.
Chloe Dumeusois
е боречка вештина, која потекнува од далечниот исток и истото настанало од бројните школи на џиу-џицу кои во Јапонија се пренесени од Кина. Настанокот на џудото се поврзан со името на Џигоро Кано (1860-1938), кој во 1882 година, со формирањето на Кодокан институтот, го официјализира настанокот на џудо вештината. Уште во првите години кодокан-џудото ги регистрира своите предности, особено во 1886., кога на еден организиран натпревар, припадниците на кодокан извојувале повеќе победи над припадниците на џиуџицу, а интересно е да се напомене дека победите ги освојувале на доста лесен начин без поголеми грубости и телесни повреди. Затоа можеме да кажеме дека џудото е боречка вештина каде што целта е да се извлече или исфрли противникот, контролирајќи ја физичката и менталната енергија без задавање на удари. Зборот „Џудо” е составен од два дела (џу-до) каде што првиот дел значи „нежен” или „благ”, додека вториот дел значи „пат” или „начин”. Од настанокот, па до денес, џудото е во благ, но постојан подем и за кратко време достигнува светска популарност, најпрво како дел од обуката на полицијата и војската, а нешто подоцна и како спорт и рекреација. Во 1928 година со посетата на Џигоро
Кано на Европа се дефинираат правилата на џудото како спортска дисциплина, а во 1934 година е одржан првиот европски шампионат за џудо. Во 1964 година џудото за првпат се појавува на олимписките игри во Токио, а подоцна и натпреварите за жени односно во 1992 година. Правилата во џудо се следните: Натпреварите се одржуваат на ограничен простор на мека подлога односно душеци, со цел да се избегнат повреди при паѓање. Облеката е составена од широки панталони, кимоно и појас во боја со кој се означува категоријата и искуството на натпреварувачите. Црниот појас е вообичаено највисокиот, но со долгогодишна активност може да се стекнат и седум повисоки. Највисоките можни се 9. и 10. ниво, кои се означуваат со црвен појас. Традиционално при почетокот на натпреварот, натрпеварувачите застануваат лице во лице на оддалеченост од четири метра и се поклонуваат. Кај натпреварувачите се вреднува техниката, а при секоја директна победничка техника се доделува еден поен кој се нарекува ипон. Ипон се доделува за подигање на противникот над висината на рамениците, силно фрлање, успешно гушење, зафат на држење како и за исфрлување на противникот надвор од обележаниот простор. Исто така, се доделуваат и казнени поени за пасивност
SPORT или задавање удари во лицето или телото на противникот. Доколку се доделат вкупно три казнени поени противникот се прогласува за победник. Времетраењето на натпреварот најчесто е ограничено на три минути, но можни се и промени во зависност од категоријата и возраста на натпреварувачите. Победник е оној натпреварувач кој по истекот на времето има освоено највеќе ипони, а најмалку казнени поени. Во Македонија, џудото се појавува во 1962 година и за кратко време младината пројавува голем интерес за овој боречки спорт и од Скопје се пренесува во Битола, Велес и Прилеп, а потоа и во другите градови. Првото официјално првенство во Македонија во поединечна и екипна конкуренција се одржа во 1967 година. Истата година, македонската
репрезентација настапи и на екипното првенство на поранешна Југославија. Во наредниот период македонските џудисти постигнаа значајни резултати во силната конкуренција на поранешна Југославија, а особено се истакнаа Звонко Јаневски и Мустафа Фетаху. Во тој период повеќе македоски џудисти се стекнаа со мајсторски појаси, а најуспешен клуб во тој период беше „Вардар” од Скопје. По осамостојувањето на Република Македонија, Џудо федерацијата на Македонија е примена во полноправно членство на Европската Џудо Унија и Меѓународната Џудо Федерација. Во последните неколку години македонската редовно учествува на Балканските и Европските првенства, постигнувајќи значајни резултати. Милан Ѓапиќ
SUCCESS REQUIRES SACRIFICE Interview with Naumche Mojsosvski Let’s start with the hottest topic: Handball European Championship in Croatia and the performance of the Macedonian national team. We had a great start and we finished 11th, why did we not manage to make it to the finals? Naumche: Yes, we had a good beginning, in the second round which took place in Varazhdin, we played weaker in comparison to the first round. According to my experience, we had problems with roster. We don’t have a team of players who can endure that entire tempo with which every game is played as if it was final. We have had these problems before when a couple of players were on the court all the time and the others sat on the bench or entered the game just from time to time. Strong representations don’t have this problem. They have a roster of 16 players and all of them are actively engaged so when there is a small glitch in their game with the first roster the second one comes in without anyone realizing.
You have already told us about the weaknesses, can you tell us what were the other problems would you would address if you were there? Naumche: As I said, the small roster is a disadvantage. Also we cannot allow ourselves to make a number of technical mistakes on European or World Championships. During this championship, we didn’t make many mistakes in the group phase in Zagreb and the results were visible, but later when the fatigue came, when body and brain do not function as you would like to, those technical errors come to light and opponents with a wider roster know how to use it. So a ball passed with hands, a dropped ball, a cut, those are the easiest contra points, during these important matches such technical errors are not allowed.
It is a fact that Macedonia is a handball country with excellent players, but what should a national team have to be successful? Naumche: Of course the most important part is the friendship outside the court, being close and cooperating with most of the players. When you hang out together, go for a beer or two, go out for a coffee etc., that also reflects on the court. The biggest success we had occurred when 90% of the representation played in one team: Metalurg, and we had 2 to 3 players from outside, Kire, Borko, and some others. Most importantly we hanged out, played handball every second day and so on. That’s what keeps the positive vibe among the players in the team. Bigger representations don’t have the opportunity to hang out together a lot as they all come from different teams and cities.
You have already mentioned some of the clubs that you were a part of, let’s go back to your beginnings, 20 years of handball career, and so much success. Can you tell us briefly about all of that? Naumche: I started in my birthplace: Struga, I was there until I was 18/19, then I left for Pelister. That was the strongest club in Macedonia at that time and that’s where I signed my first contract. When I finished my 4-year contract, I stayed 6 years in Bitola and after that I transferred to Vardar. I was in Vardar for 4 years, and then I moved to Spain. I lived there for 2 years, and then I came back to Vardar again. I transferred to Metalurg and stayed there for 6 years, I also spent one year in Qatar and one year in Romania. That’s quite a handball career. Which games left a big mark on your career and on you as a person? Naumche: There is a huge number of games that were positive and negative for me. With Pelister, we played in many finals and I played those finals perfectly so starting from there, all the way to Vardar and European championships. It’s a long path. I was a team captain of Vardar for many years, then there were many club leagues with Metalurg, we beat Barcelona and PSG. There were many representations on our way while we were going for prequalification games with teams from Bulgaria, and we ended up at World Championships and of course we beat the big representations on the games then. I would also like to mention a game from the first world championship in 2009. We played with Russian team, we played well and we were very happy because that was one of the most important games as we were 5th on the chart and we actually finished in the second phase of the qualifications. Success cannot be forgotten but failures too. I remember the game we played with Danish representation in Serbia at European championship, it cost us half-final.
On the court, besides the players from the opposite team, we also have judges who sometimes can be bigger enemies than the players from the opposite team. How did you cope with them? Naumche: One has to be calm when dealing with judges; you cannot use violence against them. You have to know some tricks on how to play with them but never use violence because after all they have the final word. In the handball, judges have a pretty high importance. But I think that is going to change in the future as no one is there to watch them but to cheer for their team. Sometimes judge’s decisions have an impact on the flow of the game, and are not always as you want them to be. Of course they are people too and make mistakes as everyone else, you have to forgive them. But not always.
Naumche as a student, Naumche outside the handball court, what does Naumche want to do in his free time, any hobby that you would like to share with us? Naumche: As a student I am almost at the end of my post graduate studies at FON University, department of sport and sport management. As for free time, I have it much more now and that was one of the things I have missed. When I played, I didn’t know what does it mean to have a free time, because we were always training, now when I have more free time I try to spend it with my family. I really like going on vacation during the summer with them but I usually spend my spare time in Struga, I love to relax while fishing.
Naumche, what is your recipe for success? What has the biggest impact: training, discipline or healthy lifestyle? Naumche: All of the mentioned go together. I would place the training first because no one is born trained and no one knows if they’re going to have interest in sports or some other activity. For me the training is the thing that motivates you the most and stimulates to reach goals that you have for a long time secretly stuck in your head. Hand in hand with the training comes healthy food. When you live healthy lifestyle you cannot go out whenever you want, eat or drink whatever you want. A limit is set to all of that. Apart from that exhausting trainings, preparations etc. You have to give up on many things if you want to reach the top.
What is the thing that guides you, your moto which leads you to achieve your goals? Naumche: I’m in love with sport, I started swimming, then football but eventually I got into handball and I figured that I will succeed. When I was young, my idols were late Boro Churleski, Tomce Petreski, Pepi Manaskov and I imagined that I will become like them. To get there I needed to add gas and get on the higher level, once your body and brain feel the opportunity for progress you give the maximum of training and your skills and that will certainly make it. The contest itself is like a cheery on the cake, because it’s a bad idea to train ten hours a day if you don’t perform.
What would you recommend for young enthusiasts who are striving to reach their goals to become like their idols? Naumche: Bad times are coming, I’m talking about vices, many children end up on the street, they are not engaged in sports and it is all about health. You train once or twice a day, everything is related to the workout and depending on the training you manage the rest: meals and responsibilities. I tell young people to train because talent is not enough for itself.
What are your plans in the near future? Naumche: Officially starting from this month I took over the handball club Struga where I made my first steps. My goal is to support talented children on the handball court and to help them to become top handball players and of course to place Struga in the SuperCup.
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Москва денес во Скопје Москва денес беше името на изложбата што на 30 јануари се одржа во Музејот на Град Скопје. Изложбата го отсликуваше современиот урбанистички изглед на руската престолнина. Пред посетителите беа претставени реновирани знаменитости по кои руската престолнина е позната низ светот, уникатни архитектурни и инфраструктурни проекти изградени во последните неколку години, како и можностите за развој на туризмот, спортот, образованието и културата што ги нуди еден од најголемите градови во светот. Изложбата се одржа во рамки на одбележувањето 24 години од воспоставувањето дипломатски односи меѓу Руската Федерација и Република Македонија. Организатори беа Град Скопје и Амбасадата на Руската Федерација во Република Македонија.
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