VOICES January 2023

Page 16


VCS Director

Nikola Stankoski


Andrej Naumovski

Goran Adamovski

Goran Galabov


Angelina Berndt

Marie Kiel

Aleksandra Kanasiuk

Hugo Lhomedet

Tamina Schulze

Camelia Sghayare

Welcome to the January edition of VOICES!

As the first month of the year begins, it's natural to think about the past and the future. But instead of focusing on cliches like "new beginnings" and "fresh starts," let's take a moment to consider the present. What are you passionate about right now? What are you learning or exploring that excites you? What are your goals for the coming year, and how can you work towards achieving them? While it's important to be mindful of our personal growth, let's not forget the power we have to make a difference in the world around us. Whether that means volunteering at a local shelter (or VCS), speaking up for a cause you care about, or simply being a supportive friend, our actions can have a ripple effect on those around us.

To accompany you throughout the beginning of this year, VOICES will take you on a journey across coral bleaching and its impact, advices on traveling alone, broderie, artificial intelligence and many more!

As we embark on a new year, let's remember to stay hopeful, stay resilient, and stay connected to each other. Here's to a bright and meaningful 2023 for all of us!

Добредојдовте во јануарското издание на „Воисес“! Како што доаѓа првиот месец од годината, природно е да размислувате за минатото и иднината. Но, наместо да се фокусираме на клишеа како „нови почетоци“ и „нов јас“, ајде да одвоиме малку време да ја разгледаме сегашноста. За што сте силно заинтересирани во моментов? Што учите или што истражувате? Кои се вашите цели за следната година и како можете да работите кон нивно остварување? Иако е важно да внимаваме на нашиот личен прогрес, да не заборавиме на моќта што ја имаме да направиме разлика во светот околу нас. Без разлика дали тоа значи да волонтираме локално (на пример, во Волонтерски Центар Скопје), да зборуваме за кауза за која се грижите или едноставно да бидеме пријател што е секогаш подготвен за поддршка - нашите постапки може да имаат неверојатен ефект врз оние околу нас.

За да биде со вас во почетокот на годината, „Воисес“ ќе ве однесе на патување низ белењето на коралите и неговото влијание, совети за патување доколку сте сами, вештачка интелигенција и многу повеќе!

Како што тргнуваме во новата година, да се потсетиме да ја сочуваме надежта, да останеме издржливи и да останеме поврзани еден со друг. Да наздравиме за светла и значајна 2023 година за сите нас! Иго Ломде

External writers

Dorotea Grkovikj

Inês Carvalho

Ada Yalçın

Radoslava Miteva

Mateusz Niegowski


Selina Niemi

Angelina Berndt Marie Kiel

Tamina Schulze

Hugo Lhomedet

Camelia Sghayare

Contact Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000, Skopje +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk

Selina Niemi

Ewelina Chańska

Jolanta Ciopcińska

David Stoilkovski

Katariina Weijo


Martina Danilovska

Goran Adamovski

Goran Galabov

Dora Arifi

Katariina Weijo VOICES magazine is coordinated, designed and created by ESC and local volunteers with support of Erasmus+ program.

Cover: Selina Niemi
topic of the month 4 Coral Bleaching – The reefs are disappearing Tamina Schulze 24 Белење на коралите — Гребените исчезнуваат Tamina Schulze reportage 6 Christmas presents: nightmare of nature Katariina Weijo 8 Why fall in love when you can fall asleep Angelina Berndt 10 She is (not) lost Aleksandra Kanasiuk 12 #GivingTuesday Tamina Schulze culture 16 Embroidery: old tradition or new fashion? Camélia Sghayare 22 Qëndisja, mes traditës së vjetër dhe modës së re Camélia Sghayare erasmus+ 14 DigiTime - YE in Sweden Inês Carvalho Ada Yalçın Radoslava Miteva Mateusz Niegowski 20 Under the Gandian sun Dorotea Grkovikj interview 18 Design that inspire people Marie Kiel science 26 OpenAI Hugo Lhomedet content VOICES January - issue 1 16 26 8

events of heavy disease within an animal population, are facilitated by climate change.

A bleached coral is not lost immediately but is heavily endangered. If bleached corals manage to stay healthy, they can recover. Said recovery usually takes about a decade if the corals do not experience stress during that time. However, currently, we are experiencing mass bleaching events of historic extent. During a warm-water period in 2014-2017 more than 70% of reefs around the world were damaged. If the number of damaged reefs does not become less, reefs will not manage to recover before more corals are destroyed.

Humans depend on coral reefs for multiple reasons. Reefs present a habitat for many species, which contributes to the conservation of marine wildlife. Furthermore, they stabilize the seabed and protect coastlines from erosion and storms. Without reefs, some parts of Queensland’s coastline would be uninhabitable by now. Reefs protect the coast also by reducing the energy of waves and therefore serve as a natural flood defense. Lastly, coral reefs impact local economies heavily. Not only do they support tourism, but they provide support for local businesses and therefore protect jobs.

Now after reading my article, you might feel rather hopeless regarding the fate of our beloved corals. There are, however, things you can do to help our reefs.

How can you help protect coral reefs:

1. Conserve water

By using only as much water as you really need, you minimize wastewater that can pollute your local watersheds.

2. Consume seafood consciously

Even if you don’t want to go vegetarian or vegan, you can still help maritime life by doing your research and consuming sustainable seafood. Buy from local fishers!

3. Wear reef-friendly sunscreen

Many sunscreens contain oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are toxic to corals and other maritime wildlife. Once in the sea or ocean, these substances can travel fast and trigger diseases.

4. Volunteer and raise awareness

Draw attention to the topic in your daily life. Educate your friends and family, especially on what to do better.

And when visiting coastal areas:

5. Do not pollute areas

If you visit a coastal area, make sure that you leave no trash or other unnatural things near or in the water. This is especially important when you are fishing.

6. Be responsible when visiting reefs

If you ever have the chance to visit a coral reef, make sure to not touch the corals and be delicate around the reef. Avoid taking pieces of corals home as a souvenir!

Sources: S. Sully; D. E. Burkepile; M. K. Donovan: A global analysis of coral bleaching over the past two decades

Barbara E. Brown; John C. Ogden: Coral Bleaching calacademy.org oceanservice.noaa.gov

Tamina Schulze
тема на месецот

One of the most stressful parts of Christmas is always the same. What Christmas present should I buy? Even though presents are always lovely to receive and and even more lovely to give, there are still some environmental aspects that we should take into consideration.

Christmas presents

: nightmare of nature


Soft or tough gift package? Shirt or candle? Let’s think about whether it is really necessary to give a gift to your friend or family member first. Usually not, but by giving a present to your friend you can show how much you care about them. It doesn’t have to be something in the shop, it can be, for example, cleaning, cooking or shared coffee time at some cosy place. In addition, this can also be a slightly cheaper version of a present, but still just as valuable.

In 2021 people in the United States spent approximately 900 dollars for all the Christmas costs and most of the expenses were spent on gifts. The default is that the average costs of presents will rise this year because of inflation. That means that people in the USA and many other countries will spend several hundreds just on gifts. The question is how much of this money goes to the right cause? Because it seems very likely that hundreds of dollars will be spent on trinkets alone. So, next time you want to surprise your loved ones, think carefully if there is something that the person really needs. The proverb “It’s the thought

that counts”, is more than valid. Your friend probably appreciates homemade pastries more than something that is bought from a store.

One good way to spread the Christmas spirit is to donate money to charity. For example in Macedonia there is an organization called Centre for Social Initiatives NADEZ. This organization supports human rights and helps Roma children to get into school by providing necessary school materials and other support. At this moment, NADEZ is raising money so they can educate up to 60 children per year. You can also find other places to donate to on a website called GlobalGiving which is a safe and easy way to find many opportunities for charity.

If you still want to buy a present, which is hopefully something that the person really needs, make sure that you are always trying to choose recyclable materials for its wrapping. Most of the wrapping paper is not just paper. Usually, the paper is mixed with plastic and paper and that may not be possible to recycle. In general, there is no right or wrong answer to what kind of wrapping paper can be recycled. It is being said that a good rule of thumb is that if you scrunch up the paper into a ball and it stays scrunched then it might be recyclable. But still you can't be sure. So that’s why you should always try to reuse wrapping material before recycling it.

One of the most stressful parts of Christmas is always the same. What

Christmas present should I buy? Even though presents are always lovely to receive and and even more lovely to give, there are still some environmental aspects that we should take into consideration.

According to the BBC, people in the UK throw away about 227 000 miles of wrapping paper every year. You can cover the whole Earth at least seven times with that paper. And that’s only in the UK. That’s why we should take into consideration whether there are any other options for how to wrap your packages. Japanese furoshiki gift wrapping is one of the most environmentally friendly of all and at the same time a very functional way of wrapping your gifts. Furoshiki are traditional clothes that wrap the gifts instead of paper. This works also with old fabrics or vintage scarves. When you wrap the present in a piece of cloth then the recipient of the gift can get two gifts in one time.

Little things that you take into consideration when you think of presents can already help nature. For some, Christmas without presents is not Christmas at all. But I still want to say for those who have to constantly explain their values, which include non-present Christmas, just keep going. You are not harming or offending anyone. You just want to make sure that we all have a safe and happy Christmas in the future as well.



BBC - Can you recycle the wrapping paper?

Nadez- Centre for social Initiatives | Donate News Gallub - American Planning to spend generously this holiday season

Chatelaine - How to wrap your gift in reusable fabric, Furoshiki style

Personally, I just see a lot of disposable plastic, fast fashion and environmental destruction.

Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?

Sleep is a vital aspect of our overall health and well-being. The average person spends onethird of their life sleeping and still many of us struggle with lack of sleep and poor sleeping hygiene. Unhealthy sleeping patterns can lead to a range of negative consequences such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. On the other hand, practicing good sleep hygiene can have numerous benefits such as improved physical and mental health, increased productivity, and a higher quality of life in general.

The most important part of optimizing your sleeping habits and getting the most out of lying unconscious in your bed is establishing a consistent sleep schedule, which makes sure you get the amount of sleep that feels best for you. It’s generally recommended to aim for about 7-9 of sleep per night for (young) adults, though the optimal amount of sleep can vary depending on a variety of factors such as age, gender, genetics, and individual needs. The longest recorded sleep in a single day was 18 hours by a woman in 1927, which is not recommendable, but shows that some people are able to sleep longer than others. It is also important to consider your sleep-wake cycle, also known as your chronotype. While some are naturally “morning people” and feel more alert and energized in the early hours of the day, others are “night owls” and more productive when it already becomes dark outside.

There are several ways to determine your chronotype. For once you can try to keep a sleep diary and keep track of when you fall asleep, feel tired, or take a nap. This can give you a general sense of your natural sleeping patterns. It is also helpful

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to observe your energy levels and your most productive times so that you can use them to your own advantage. Of course, you can also take some chronotype quizzes on the internet, though they are not very reliable, they can still help you to get a vague sense of your own sleep-wake cycle. As always, if you want to be sure just consult your healthcare provider.

Considering that most people cannot choose their sleeping cycle freely though, because they must go to school, university or work, the natural sleep-wake cycle is not always our best friend. But don’t worry there are more things you can do to improve your sleep quality. Another important point for example is creating a sleepfriendly environment. Studies have shown that it is easier to fall asleep when your room is cool, so between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius, and dark. Try to eliminate little lights from electronical devices and have a proper blind in front of your window. It’s also worth it to invest in a mattress and a pillow that suit your needs, don’t be scared to put some effort into testing a few until you find one you are comfortable with. Also, weighted blankets can make you feel safer and sleep better, especially if you have some mental health issues, they have been proven to help improve your sleeping quality.

Not only your environment while sleeping is important, but it is also essential to spend your time directly before going to bed wisely. Stay away from technical devices as much as possible, because the blue light screens can interfere with your natural sleep-wake cycle. In addition to that avoid caffeine and alcohol at least a few hours before going to bed. While caffeine is self-explanatory, many people underestimate how much alcohol can decrease your sleep quality, since it makes you fall asleep much quicker. Alcohol might make you tired and initially help you fall asleep faster, but it can disrupt your sleep later in the night, prohibit you from going into

the REM phase, and in the long run, is very damaging for you.

Before trying to fall asleep you should relax and destress. Engaging in relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and meditation can help you to calm down a bit. If this is not quite your cup of tea maybe reading a book, listening to audiobooks or podcasts, taking a warm bath or even crossword riddles are your thing. It doesn’t really matter what you do if it helps you to ground yourself, slow down and soothe your soul.

If all the above doesn’t work for you and you are still constantly feeling tired, please consult your doctor, because there could be an underlying cause like medical conditions, a poor diet, sleep disorders, a lack of physical activity, or something completely different.

In conclusion, good sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Establishing healthy sleep habits and maintaining good sleeping hygiene can help you get the rest you need to feel your best. Some simple tips for improving your sleep include setting a consistent bedtime routine, creating a relaxing sleep environment, and avoiding screens and caffeine before bed. Additionally, try to prioritize stress management and physical activity during the day, as these can also have a positive impact on your sleep. By taking these steps, you can improve the quality and quantity of your sleep and wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

Angelina Berndt


“Sleep and Mental Health” by the Mental Health Foundation UK; “Studien zeigen, wie ungesund zu wenig Schlaf wirklich ist” by Solvejg Hoffmann in GEOplus; “Weder Lerche noch Eule? Es gibt zwei weitere Schlaftypen!” by Julla Haase in WELT; “Chronotypes” by Danielle Pacheco; “What Is Sleep Hygiene?” by Sara Lindberg; “How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?” by Eric Suni

VOICES - 9 репортажа

She is (not) lost

Travelling alone can be tricky, especially when you are a girl. I am not the most experienced traveller. Moreover, I am scared of everything; ironically, always, SOMETHING happens during my travels. Mainly because sometimes I forget to use my brain correctly, or someone uses the full ability of their brain in the wrong way. And that ‘something’ will be today’s topic.

One of my characteristics, or rather a curse - on the first day of travel, I always forget every possible language I know, including my mother tongue — bye-lingualism at its finest. The funniest situation related to that happened to me a few years ago in Portugal. First – at the airport, I was hungry and wanted to buy a sandwich, but I forgot the word ‘sandwich’. I was at the edge of despair, so with a crying voice, I just managed to say: “just gib me that”, and the waitress did. Bless her heart; I was saved. But my life wouldn’t be memeable enough if this situation happened only once. The other day I wanted to ask in the coffee place if I could sit and get the menu. Instead of that, I spit: “um, do you have / mumbling in the background, something like:/ blblblblaaab”. Fortunately, the waiter also was a clown type of person, so he replied: “unfortunately, we don’t have a blblblblaaab”. And everybody was happy.

I wasn’t even planning to go there, but one of the capital cities seemed to be the excellent beginning of the long journey. I was about to make my dream come true. Balkan trip. Alone. It was supposed to be chill. Hmm, the capital – I thought it should be easy to manage. But hehe – no. I didn’t know the language, the locals didn’t know English, and I had no Internet connection. The best combination ever.

At the tram stop, I had no information about where I was and what kind of tram was departing from that place. Nothing. I was indeed lost. I decided to ask the youngest person within a mile radius about the direction towards the domestic bus station. Then, about a fifty-year-old guy started to speak broken English with me. He claimed he was going in the same direction as I was supposed to and kindly invited me to the tram going who-knows-where. You know that feeling when watching a horror movie, and you want to scream: “Don’t go there!” The same vibe had the girl I asked about direction. But blondes always die first. I had no choice but to trust him. That was stupid, but it worked. He not only helped me to get to the bus station. More, he put me on the correct bus and took care of me the whole way to my destination. Don’t get me wrong, we shouldn’t trust random people, but it’s uplifting that purehearted people still exist.

But God gives his silliest battles to his most tragic clowns. That will be part of my infamous story. Treat it as a cautionary tale, not as an example to follow. People say – kid, respect the mountains, and they’re right. I am always in a hurry. I came up with a brilliant idea – as I was in the stunning city at the foot of the mountain, I decided to go to the top. I had a tight

schedule. It didn’t matter to me that it was raining the whole day. Thank God the setting was similar to Vodno. It wasn’t a high mountain, but there was a cable car to the top. Unfortunately, my brain failed when I was buying the ticket. I bought only one way. A one-way ticket to the trauma. I got to the top, but the view was none because I was in the middle of a cloud. Despite that, I enjoyed it at the time. I chose the way down the mountain, and the name of the route was The Stairs of someone famous (I am joking, but for sure, the name of the trail included stairs). I chose that way because what bad could happen? A lot (smiling in Polish). First, remember, kids, never go to the mountains in high heels, flip-flops and sneakers. I had sneakers. I am not that stupid. But without my mountain shoes, it was hard enough. Why? Because the famous stairs started only after four kilometres through the forest. With a slope of, I don’t even know how many degrees. With the mud and slippery leaves, it was a pleasure, hehe. I was completely alone on the trail. Right, remember never to go alone. Going with someone increases the chance of rescue. And that the bears would eat that person first. Why did I mention bears? Because naaah, wrong shoes, rain and slope wouldn’t be enough complication. I was happily giddyupping as fast as a doe (not really), and then I heard a roar. Okay, I must have misheard. But when I heard it

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closer, I reminded myself of the information board about the mountains. Bears. So what did I do? I recalled all the tips and tricks I knew about wildlife and joyfully started singing a song to mark my presence. As I couldn’t remind any existing songs, I was, like a complete moron, singing one-two-three to an unknown melody for two kilometres straight. When I met the first human being, me - an antisocial creature, I wanted to hug them. Sometimes my stupidity is impressive. But see, at least now you can learn from my mistakes.

The last history, is also a warning sign. Are you aware that hostels can manipulate reviews and delete negative ones in some portals? Beware, and always look for the worst reviews on different portals. At least then, you know what you can expect. I went to “the best hostel awarded by travellers” in one Balkan city. I used to choose female dorms because I feel more comfortable that way. That night I was alone in the dorm, sleeping peacefully, till 1:33. Then the door to my room opened, and some guy entered. I recognized that he was working in that hostel. He asked if he could sleep in that dorm because he had the morning shift and needed to wake up in a few hours. As I had just woken up, a bit scared and too sleepy-stupid to react properly, I said yes. That escalated quickly. From the question, if he could sleep in the dorm, he asked if he could sleep with me. I flatly refused his wonderful offer. Thank God he wasn’t aggressive because I froze, and I wouldn’t have had a chance to protect myself. That night I didn’t sleep a wink anymore. When I escaped from this creepy place in the morning, I remembered

the WiFi password from that hostel, which was an irony, nomen est omen, “You never sleep alone”. But that was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. I decided I needed to know at least the basics of self-defence. And I recommend it to everyone. Travelling is a beautiful experience. It broadens our horizons, helps us to understand the world better and sometimes even find ourselves. I cannot stress that enough, but while enjoying time abroad or even in your own country, it is immensely important to use common sense, as I did most of the time. But as a warning, I decided to share the stories when I lowered my guard, and my natural hair colour had taken over my brain. Maybe something like that happened also to you? Share your thoughts with us!

VOICES - 11 репортажа
“Treat it as a cautionary tale, not as an example to follow.”
Credit photo: Dimitri Svetsikas (top left), LoboStudioHamburg (bottom right), Dall-E AI image generator


There are some things we all do in our daily lives. We breathe, we eat, we experience emotions –and we care about others. Helping others, our friends, our neighbours or even strangers is such a natural part of our lives. But when do we consciously try to give? GivingTuesday was invented for that exact reason- taking a day out of our lives to give something back, as small, or as big as one would like.

GivingTuesday is defining itself as a “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world”. The movement happens annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. First launched was the movement in 2012 by Henry Timms with the support of the United Nations Foundation and BLK SHP as co-founders.

Through the years, Giving Tuesday gained support from all over the world and is now represented in over 85 countries, each one participating in projects in its own way. The small campaign that was launched to motivate and encourage people to do good, was started as an event regarding Thanksgiving and the spirit of giving. However, GivingTuesday was supposed to be a contrast to the shopping and consumption culture

that comes with Black Friday. The campaign is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the act of giving in the way someone can. The “Giving” ranges from big donations to simply being more conscious about one’s actions, maybe helping out a stranger or a neighbor.

In current times, social media has a huge impact on civic engagement. Internet activism is a way to get a large number of people to engage in international campaigns and movements. Hashtag activism contributes largely to the global engagement of GivingTuesday. With the hashtag #GivingTuesday over thousands of people spread global awareness. This is an example of how important engagement on social media is for the NGO sector in this decade.

reportage 12 - VOICES

On the 29th of November 2022, GivingTuesday has been celebrated for the first time in Macedonia. The center for social initiatives NADEZ was assigned the national leader of GivingTuesday and was therefore the host of this year’s campaign in Macedonia.

Tatjana Dimitrova, program manager at CSI NADEZ explained their ambitions regarding the campaign in Macedonia: “As National Leader of the Giving Tuesday movement in […] Macedonia, we are striving to create a national network that will be all about supporting all sidesthe people who want to give, the business sector, and the non-profits that rely on people power and the

business sector. This year’s event was just a beginning with smaller steps, and we hope that we have set a foundation for a tradition of giving that lasts and grows each year.”

After a long time of organization and promotion, the event was finally about to happen. On the 29th of November, many people gathered in the Park of the Francophonie. With introducing the project, celebrating, and gathering donations the event was a success and received positive feedback: about 15 organizations were directly represented at the event, furthermore support was given by various organizations from the NGO

and business sector.

Hosting GivingTuesday is not only a great chance for Macedonia to take part in more global movements, strengthen its relations with other countries and learn from other countries experiences. Furthermore, it also supports the local NGO sector and creates a wider audience for social projects. The center for social initiatives NADEZ also hopes to promote its values and spread awareness for the causes of its social engagement, hoping to encourage others in social and volunteer work.

Sources: Givingtuesday.ca Xue Tan;Yingda Lu; Yong Tan: The Impact of Subscription Reciprocity on Charitable Content Creation and Sharing: Evidence from Twitter on Giving Tuesday

“GivingTuesday is a day when every part of the community comes together to collaborate and provide the support needed, to ensure healthy and happy communities in Macedonia”
Tamina Schulze
репортажа VOICES - 13

in Sweden DIGITIME

14 - VOICES erasmus+

December 2022 in Varberg, Sweden. Participants coming from eight countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Türkiye, Portugal, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, and Sweden) had the chance to learn and share skills and knowledge about climate change and digital storytelling during the youth exchange “Digital Storytelling: DigiTime” on the dates 3-9.12.2022. Through different points of view and experience, youngsters confronted each other and discussed the diverse ecological situations in their countries, the different problems connected with the topic, and various ways to solve them.

Climate change is a very popular topic these days, and not without a reason. We live on the brink of a natural disaster. We cannot continue with the current system and our ways of living if we do not want to completely destroy the planet and the future of the next generations. The main cause of climate change is human activity. We have less and less time and we need changes –we need action. If we won’t do this and just continue the way we are living now – we have completely forfeited our future and that of other creatures that inhabit planet Earth. There will be more heat waves, floods, drastic cooling, famine, climate refugees, and a huge part of the inhabited surface covered in water. We need concerted action to reduce the severity of this disaster.

Thanks to this project, we learned how we can counteract this challenge. The good practices we have discovered and shared – buying used products, recycling, shorter showers, collecting the trash as well as cigarette butts, pushing for political change, reducing the number of animal products we consume, saving electricity, using public transport, and if possible choosing an electric car over traditional, supporting renewable energy sources, planning shopping and meals wisely, reducing unnecessary consumption, choosing green transport, and buying local food.

In order to raise awareness of climate change and a sustainable approach to our daily life we have been ambassadors of the movement against climate change through several activities. First of all, we have been informed about climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, and the effects of all these factors on us. In each of the sessions, we have been split into groups to work on the materials. We created posters related to the topic. Also, everyone shared their point of view on the problems our world faces now. After the Sustainable Development Goals session, we created our own sustainable cities considering the current situation of our own cities and presented them.

Connected to the main topic of the exchange and being the core name of our project (“DigiTime”), we also had the chance to enhance our digital skills and our art of storytelling by creating a video from scratch.

We started our journey of telling stories by understanding some of the styles used in this field. Then with groups, we faced the challenge of finding a story connection by using Dixit cards, and to sum up all our learning time we experienced first-hand what it’s like to be in the “Behind the Scenes”. From brainstorming the ideas at a round table to shooting our final videos, the journey was filled with cooperation, a delegation

of tasks, much laughter, and freezing times (or wouldn’t we be in the cold lands of Sweden). However, most of the chills felt arose from the outstanding yet realistic job all the participants did raising awareness of our global situation and our human negative impact through filmmaking.

This youth exchange brought together a vibrant group of people of different nationalities and backgrounds. Each participant had a unique perspective on the topics that we were discussing, which naturally broadened our horizons. One of the greatest aspects of the project was experiencing the people and their stories. We challenged our ability to distinguish fact from opinion and strengthened our critical thinking skills.

We also had the wonderful chance to explore the local area which is enchantingly beautiful - on the coast of the North Sea. Participating in an intercultural night enriched us culturally by allowing us to learn more about each other’s countries’ traditions. However, the best part of the experience was how quickly and deeply we bonded in only one week. It’s fascinating how you can arrive all alone in a foreign country and in just 7 days you can gain close friends from all over the world.

VOICES - 15 ерасмус+
Inês Carvalho Ada Yalçın Radoslava Miteva Mateusz Niegowski
“We have less and less time and we need changes –we need action.”


Between tradition and new fashion

Between tradition and new fashion

Fashion comes in cycles and to understand the latest trends you have to know about fashion history and evolution. Embroidery is an old art that is very present in modern fashion. It comes in different shapes and has held an important place in many cultures all over the world – particularly in Macedonia. Let’s discover the history of embroidery!

Embroidery was practised since antiquity. First, it was developed in Egypt on hessian as a technique to make carpets and tapestries. It was used rather for decorative purposes and interior design and not in fashion. This art was first developed in the Orient and Mediterranean region. Later, during the Middle Ages, was used mostly for clothes

– women’s clothes in particular. It was usually inspired by oriental motifs consisting of geometric shapes on the sleeves and collars.

For a long time, the embroidery was an essential part of the Balkan traditional costumes and a way of cultural identification. In Macedonia, the embroidery was especially used

in folkloristic costumes and more prominent in rural areas. It allowed differentiating the owners according to their native region and was also used as a way to represent your social background. There are over 70 different kinds of traditional costumes in Macedonia. They are traditionally made by women and reserved mostly for women’s clothes. It is a way for them to show off their sense of elegance, creativity, and finesse by wearing elaborate creations. Moreover, the embroidered clothes made it easier to tell the difference in heritage through colour and material. A characteristic of Macedonian embroidery is the red colour. From the darkest to the lightest shades, red is omnipresent in this country.

In the West of Macedonia, this traditional red was also combined with blue, yellow, and green colours, depending on the region. In the East, traditional costumes were held darker, and black and red dominated embroidery.

The other particularity in Macedonian embroidery is the relief of shapes that highlights these beautiful patterns. Usually, embroidery is accompanied by a lot of traditional jewellery which makes traditional costumes even more distinguished.


Today, in Macedonia, the traditional costume is barely used anymore. However, in some national traditional holidays, the Macedonian traditional costume is still used. During weddings also in some parts of Macedonia, the groom can wear some traditional costumes with embroideries.

Materials to make embroidery : sewing thread, embroidery needles, an embroidery canvas and embroidery hoop.

You may think that embroidery is unfashionable or old-fashioned but this year it’s having a comeback! Fashion is always repeating itself and a lot of old trends come back into fashion. Today, we wear clothes that our grandparents wore, for example, flared trousers or velour clothes. Embroidery is also one of the textile arts which became fashionable again. Even if traditional costumes are used less, nowadays embroidery is used to customize clothes, to create decorative elements or to offer an original present!

Especially since the lockdown, a lot of people began to do arts and crafts. It’s easy to find books about how to make

embroideries, which explain how to create different patterns easily. Furthermore, embroideries don’t require a lot of material. To make embroideries you only need sewing thread, embroidery needles, an embroidery canvas, and an embroidery hoop. There are a lot of iconic modern embroidery pieces you can recreate, or you can choose your own motifs like drawings, lettering, or flowers. In addition to that, making embroideries can be very therapeutic. Embroidering can be very calming as well. It gives you something to concentrate on while turning off everything else and just living in the moment. Embroideries are even used in fashion industry and by a lot of famous creators. This year during the fashion week, the haute couture house Dior made a parade with a focus on embroidery. They designed a clothing collection with embroidery as the main topic. They also worked with women who specialized in embroidery to decorate the parade with huge,

embroidered tapestries. They wanted to feature the old handcraft under the spotlight and acknowledge it by that.

Finally, embroidery is a part of the cultural history of Macedonia and an emblem of traditional costumes. Today, embroidery additionally is one of the most fashionable textile arts. So, if you are bored of your basic clothes, if you search for an activity to do in your free time or just want to relax, embroidery is the thing that you need!

Camélia Sghayare

Sources: Magazine Numéro, article “ Maria Grazia Chiuri met la broderie à l’honneur dans la collection

Dior haute couture printemps-été 2022” Macedonia-timeless.com, article “vêtements traditionnels macédoniens” lunion.fr, article “La broderie revient en force !”

Photos: Auguste Léon, Сhildren in traditional costumes from Macedonia, 1913

Unsplash: alla_home_vintage, magdalinej, chaseycasey

VOICES - 17 култура

Designs that inspire people

With the rise of digitalization, the opportunities incline to access information and education from all parts of the world. This opens new horizons of learning skills online and created famously new waves of entrepreneurship. The concept is generally, that you autonomously educate yourself, learn and perfect a skill to finally sell your services to a targeted group. This doesn’t only offer opportunities to people who can’t or don’t want to learn in a formal educational way but is also making entrepreneurship a household name. It encourages innovation but it also fuels the economy by providing job opportunities and careers for people of different ages as well as from varying social and economic backgrounds.


An example for this is Filip Antovski, who is an 18-year-old self-taught graphic designer from Skopje visiting middle school “Vasil Antevski – Dren” in fourth year. Last year, in December 2022 he won the first prize in the designing competition “High schoolers for clean Skopje “ – project created by Volunteers Center Skopje in collaboration with City of Skopje. He designed a concept for one of the buses driving through the city, creating a poster which at the same time moves and reminds people to be more eco-conscious in their day-to-day life but also brightens up the city with innovative art of an upcoming designer.

From primary school on Filip has been talented at drawing but found his first inspirations for graphic design in YouTube videos that later have taught him his skills. He explains that, “I got into graphic design two years ago when everything was locked up because of the virus. I had no experience with graphic design before, so I used the internet to explore and learn about it.”. Youtubers like Intuitive Design, Abi Connick or Brandon Shepherd inspire and motivate as they provide an approach for selflearners to the work field. Intuitive Design, for example, reflects in his videos on previous and upcoming trends or provides tutorials on how to design scifi monkeys in Photoshop. Filip uses them and their videos as example’s and as designing practice to enhances his skills and to “reach that level of art”.

Тhe skills of the high school student may already be impressive but he plans to head further. In near future, he considers applying for scholarships for graphic design studies in Slovenia and connecting informal with formal education. At the same time, he will continue promoting himself to reach bigger companies, he plans to work for when he finishes his education. Projects like “High schoolers for clean Skopje” offer a great opportunity and platform to broadcast his skills to a larger audience. With his contribution to the project, it is important to him to spread a good message, “I want people to also consider the message behind the design”.

For him a graphic designer is defined by certain attributes, “the person must be creative and open-minded in order to be any type of designer” and this is what makes him stand out. He tells us: “My view on graphic designing is what makes my interest a profession and allows me to create impressive designs that impact people”.

At the moment, the 18-year-old is designing T-Shirts for his friend’s brand flantega and is working on their upcoming collection. Additionally, he runs an Instagram Business account offering logo design and more. For each request he receives he follows a procedure to offer the best possible

design to his costumers, “The first thing is the communication with the customer or research about the objective I’m designing for.” Secondly, he’s planning the concept, more specifically which colours and fonts he wants to use and more details. “After that it’s good to deal with the ideas that I get and select the one that performs best”. He then starts to design, before he finalises the design by reworking and improving it.

Soon you will be able to purchase his designs and clothing but until then you can support the young, upcoming artist on Instagram! You can find both accounts as @logodesign.mk and flantega, go check them out.

Marie Kiel

Under the Gandian sun

“I need something new!” - I found myself saying this once again as I scrolled through the endless open calls. I was in a rush to apply for a new project before school began - to fulfill a goal I set in seventh grade after seeing my sister come home from yet another project. I admired her determination. Volunteering is an ambitious job that requires a lot of drive, courage, and dedication. And after two months, there I was, at 2:15 - p.m., wandering around Valencia carrying 20+ kg of baggage. Maybe I had my parents to blame for my drive to be such a hardworking volunteer. They exposed me to the importance of experience at an early age, sparking my passion for adventure and knowledge.

Since we arrived in Valencia two days earlier, I knew this project would be unique. Unlike other projects, my group dismissed fourstar hotels and instead chose to stay at a random dormitory in Picassent. I was fortunate enough to find myself in Velencia center square sleeping outside a McDonald’s on a Halloween night. And while trying to get to Picassent, we found ourselves going the same route again and again, front, and back, instead of getting on the right metro, because why not? These experiences, which made this project so different, ingrained a sense of adventure in me. I have spent the last three years researching and learning about people’s passions and what gives them a sense of purpose. In Gandia, I had the chance to talk with the participants who were musicians about music, art, and passion as I sat and stared in awe. I have not seen anyone’s eyes light up as theirs while talking about these topics.

When we were making instruments, I chose to make drums. I struggled to hold the drumsticks properly, but Gennaro and Roberto (volunteers from Italy) were there to help! And I was so impressed at their skill to catch a rhythm. After the first grueling thirty minutes of me trying to figure out the rhythm, the path opened, and I could see myself improving. This is the way it always goes. First, the struggle, and then the reward. Lying on the wooden rocking chair while the sun was chasing off the clouds. Hearing the soft and smooth tones of the Spanish guitar, I never knew life could be this beautiful. I was overwhelmed by emotions while seeing the group effortlessly create a melody. For those six days, I fell in love with life. And now, since I have been buried in schoolwork, I am taking a break from scrolling through open calls, but then again, I am taking a break from unexpected connections, adventurous trips, and

friendships, and I am taking a break from sharing cultures and knowledge with other volunteers from around the world. I decided to let go of the blame for all the wrong map routes and metros. Instead, I would give my seventh grade-self a big “thank you.”

20 - VOICES erasmus+

Под гандиското сонце

најдов себеси да си го кажам ова уште еднаш додека разгледував низ бескрајните отворени повици за волонтирање. Се брзав да аплицирам за нов проект пред да започнам со училиште - да ја исполнам мојата цел која си ја поставив во седмо одделение откако ја видов дека сестра ми како се враќа дома од уште еден проект. Се восхитував на нејзината посветеност. Волонтирањето е амбициозна работа која бара многу напор, храброст и посветеност. И по два месеци, ете сум, во 14:15 - талкав низ Валенсија носејќи 20+ кг багаж. Можеби родители се виновни што сакам да бидам толку вреден волонтер. Ме изложија на важноста на искуството уште на рана возраст, поттикнувајќи ја мојата страст за авантура и знаење.



пристигнавме во Валенсија

два дена порано, од тогаш знаев дека овој проект ќе биде посебен. За разлика од другите проекти, мојата група ги отфрли хотелите со четири ѕвезди и наместо тоа избра да престојува во дом по случаен избор во Пикасент. Никигаш не би помислила дека ќе се најдам на централниот плоштад на Веленсија како спијам пред Мекдоналдс на Ноќта на вештерките. И додека се обидувавме да стигнеме до Пикасент, свативме дека одиме по истата рута повторно и повторно, напред и назад, наместо да се качиме на правилното метро, мислам зошто да не? Овие искуства, кои го направија овој проект толку интересен, ми вкоренија чувство на авантура. Последните три години ги поминав истражувајќи и учејќи за пасијата на луѓето и што им дава чуство на исполнетост. Во Гандија, имав таква шанса да разговарам со учесниците кои беа музичари за музиката, уметноста и пасијата додека седев и гледав со возхит. Не сум видела никому така да му светат очите како нивните додека зборуваат за овие теми. Кога правевме инструменти избрав да правам тапани. Се борев правилно да ги држам стаповите, но Џенаро и Роберто

вештина да фаќаат ритам. По првите исцрпувачки триесет минути додека се обидував да го сфатам ритамот, патот се отвори и можев да видам како се подобрувам. Ова е начинот на кој секогаш оди. Прво, борбата, а потоа наградата. Лежејќи на дрвената лулка додека сонцето ги бркаше облаците. Слушајќи ги меките и мазни тонови на шпанската гитара, никогаш не знаев дека животот може да биде толку убав. Бев обземена од емоции додека ја гледав групата како без напор создава мелодија. Тие шест дена јас се заљубив во животот. И сега, бидејќи сум закопана во училишни задачи, паузирам од листањето низ отворените повици, но за жал, паузирам и од неочекувани конекции, авантуристични случки и пријателства, споделување на култури и знаење со други волонтери од целиот свет. Решив да се откажам од вината за сите погрешни маршрути и метроа. Наместо тоа, би и дала големо „благодарам“ на седмо одделенката.


VOICES - 21 ерасмус+
(волонтери од Италија) беа тука да ми помогнат! И јас бев толку импресионирана од нивната
„Ми треба нешто ново!

Kоралните гребени се подводни екосистеми кои постојат 485 милиони години. Наречени се “дождовни шуми на морето” и овозможуваат дом за околу 25% од сите морски видови, и сето тоа додека окупираат помалку од 0.1% од целото океанско пространство. Постоејќи долго време, дистрибуцијата на морали и корални гребени варирала од време на време. Сепак, од 1950тите вкупната количина на гребени се намалила за 50%. Причините за оваа загрижувачка загуба се промените на условите во водата, зголемено рибарење, користење на земјиштето и други најчесто антрополошки причини. Коралите се животни, совршено адаптирани на нивното живеалиште. Тие зависат од нивното живеалиште и другите организми во него за да преживеат. Најчесто, коралите живеат во симбиоза со алгите, zooxanthellae, во нивното ткиво. Алгите формираат заедничка врска со коралот што значи дека двата организми зависат еден од друг за преживување. Во нивната симбиоза zooxanthellae изведува фотосинтеза од каде се произведуваат одредени продукти, како шеќери, липиди (масти) и кислород. Zooxanthellae ги обезбедува овие корали со хранливи материи, кои коралните полипи ги користат за да го спроведат клеточното дишење и да растат. Во замена за хранливите материи, алгите добиваат јаглерод диоксид и безбедна средина за живеење. Сепак, во последно време, еден феномен наречен “Белеење на

коралите” се појавува сѐ почесто. Сензитивните корали силно реагираат на било каков “стрес” од животната средина. Кога го доживуваат стресот тие ги отстрануваат zooxanthellae алгите

Резултат е тоа дека коралите ја губат нивната боја и изгледаат бели. Потоа, коралите го губат нивниот обезбедувач на хранливи материи и се поизложени на болести. Ако останат во таа состојба предолго, коралот ќе прегладне или ќе се разболи. Додека стресот од животната средина е причина за белеењето на коралите, причините за тој стрес варираат. Постојат многу природни причини кои влијаат на алгите. Промените во соларната радијација може да предизвика повеќе белеење во летните месеци, и намалувањето на свежата вода кое се појавува во океаните по големите дождови исто така може да го предизвика тој стрес. Мора да се даде до знаење дека повеќето причини на белеењето на коралите се антрополошки.

Луѓето влијаат на океаните и морскиот живот на многу начини, директно и индиректно. Директната човечкопредизвикана причина на белеењето е седиментацијата, отстранувањето на супстанци како морското дно поради чистење на земјиштето или крајбрежни градби. Друга причина се контаминираните води, предизвикани од хемикалии. Особено протекувањата од нафтените сонди, машините кои ги користиме да произведуваме масло стануваат сѐ почести. Луѓето директно ги загрозуваат коралите со тоа што

кои живеат во нивното ткиво.
придонесуваат на
Дали сте слушнале за “дождовните шуми на морето”? Едни од најразновидните и највредни екосистеми, важни за преживувањето на илјадници животни и растенија – и тешко загрозени. Иако коралните гребени се клучни за човечкиот живот и одржливоста на животмата средина, сепак тие се соочуваат со криза. Криза за која за жал многу малку луѓе знаат. Белење на коралите — Гребените исчезнуваат topic of the month

промени. Климатските промени негативно влијаат на температурата на водата или нивото на морето. Дури епизотиите, тешките болести на животинската популација се фасцилитирани од климатските промени.

Избелениот корал не е веднаш изгубен но е високо загрозен. Ако избелените

корали успеат да останат здрави, тогаш можат за опстанат. Опстанокот обично трае една декада ако не се случи некаков стрес во тој период. Сепак, моментално доживуваме масивни настани на белеење од историски размери. Во периодот на топлите води од 20142017 повеќе од 70% од гребените низ светот беа оштетени. Ако бројот на оштетени гребени не се намали, тие нема да можат да опстанат пред повеќе корали да бидат уништени. Луѓето зависат од коралните гребени од повеќе причини. Гребените се живеалиште за многу видови, кои придонесуваат на конзервацијата на морскиот живот. Потоа, тие го стабилизираат морското дно и го заштитуваат крајбрежјето од ерозија и бури. Без гребените некои делови на крајбрежјето на Квинсленд би било ненаселено до сега. Гребените исто така го заштитуваат брегов со редуцирање на енергијата на брановите и затоа служат како

природна одбрана од поплави. На крајот, коралните гребени влијаат на локалните економии. Не само што го поддржуваат туризмот, но и овозможуваат поддршка за локалните бизниси и исто така ги заштитуваат работите. Сега по читањето на мојата статија, може да се чувствувате по безнадежно за судбината на нашите сакани корали. Ова се сепак работи кои помагаат на коралите. Како можете да им помогните на коралните гребени: 1. Штедење на вода Со користење на вода онолку колку што ви е потребно,

и другиот морски живот. Еднаш во морето или во океанот, овие супстанци може брзо да патуваат и да предизвикаат болести.

4. Волонтирајте и подигнете свест olunteer and raise awareness Да се привлече внимание на темата во секојдневниот живот. Едуцирајте ги вашите пријатели и фамилијата, особено за тоа што да се направи подобро.

И кога ќе ги посетувате крајбрежните подрачја:

5. Не ги загадувајте подрачјата Ако ги посетувате крајбрежните подрачја не оставајте ѓубре или други неприродни работи блиску или во водата. Ова е особено важно кога рибарите.

6. Бидете одговорни кога ги посетувате гребените Ако некогаш посетувате корален гребен, не ги допирајте коралите и бидете деликатни околу гребенот. Избегнувајте да земете парчиња од коралите дома како сувенири.

Sources: S. Sully; D. E. Burkepile; M. K. Donovan: A global analysis of coral bleaching over the past two decades, Barbara E. Brown; John C. Ogden: Coral Bleaching, calacademy.org, oceanservice.noaa.gov

го намалувате трошењето на вода која може да ги загади вашите локални сливови. 2. Свесно конзумирање на морска храна Дури и да не сакате да станете вегетаријанец или веган, вие сѐ уште може да го помогнете морскиот живот со правење истражување и конзумирање на одржлива морска храна. Купувајте од локални рибари! 3. Носете крема за сончање која е добра за гребените. Многу креми за сончање содржат oxybenzone и octinoxate, кои се
токсични за коралите
Тамина Шулце Преведувач: Мартина Даниловска
Коралите поддржуваат повеќе од 25% од морскиот тема на месецот

Qëndisja mes traditës së vjetër dhe modës së re

mes traditës së vjetër dhe modës së re

Moda vjen me cikle dhe për të kuptuar tendencat më të fundit duhet të dini për historinë dhe evolucionin e modës. Qëndisja është një art i vjetër që është shumë i pranishëm në modën moderne. Ajo vjen në forma të ndryshme dhe ka zënë një vend të rëndësishëm në shumë kultura në mbarë botën – veçanërisht në Maqedoni. Le të zbulojmë historinë e qëndisjes!

Qëndisja praktikohej që në lashtësi. Së pari, ajo u zhvillua në Egjipt në hesian si një teknikë për të bërë qilima dhe sixhade. Përdorej më tepër për qëllime dekorative dhe dizajn të brendshëm dhe jo në modë. Ky art u zhvillua për herë të parë në rajonin e Orientit dhe Mesdheut. Më vonë, gjatë mesjetës, u përdor më së shumti për veshje, veçanërisht për

veshjet e grave. Zakonisht frymëzohej nga motive orientale të përbërë nga forma gjeometrike në mëngët dhe jakat.

Për një kohë të gjatë, qëndisja ishte një pjesë thelbësore e veshjeve tradicionale ballkanike dhe një mënyrë identifikimi kulturor. Në Maqedoni, qëndisja përdorej

veçanërisht në kostumet folklorike dhe më shumë në zonat rurale. Ai lejoi dallimin e pronarëve sipas rajonit të tyre të lindjes dhe u përdor gjithashtu si një mënyrë për të përfaqësuar prejardhjen shoqërore.

Në Maqedoni ka mbi 70 lloje të ndryshme të kostumeve tradicionale. Ato janë bërë tradicionalisht nga gratë dhe kanë qenë të rezervuara kryesisht për veshjet e grave. Është një mënyrë që ata të tregojnë ndjenjën e tyre të elegancës, kreativitetit dhe finesës duke veshur krijime të përpunuara. Për më tepër, rrobat e qëndisura e bënë më të lehtë dallimin në trashëgimi përmes ngjyrës dhe materialit. Karakteristikë e qëndisjes maqedonase është ngjyra e kuqe. Nga nuancat më të errëta deri tek ato më të lehta, e kuqja është e gjithanshme në këtë vend.

Në perëndim të Maqedonisë, kjo e kuqe tradicionale kombinohej edhe me ngjyrat blu, të verdhë dhe jeshile, në varësi të rajonit. Në Lindje, kostumet tradicionale mbaheshin më të errëta dhe mbizotëronin qëndismat e zeza dhe të kuqe.

E veçanta tjetër në qëndisjet maqedonase është relievi i formave që nxjerr në pah këto modele të bukura. Zakonisht qëndisja shoqërohet me shumë bizhuteri tradicionale të


cilat i bëjnë edhe më të dallueshme kostumet tradicionale.

Sot në Maqedoni veshja tradicionale pothuajse nuk përdoret më. Megjithatë, në disa festa tradicionale kombëtare, ende përdoret kostumi tradicional maqedonas. Gjatë dasmave edhe në disa pjesë të Maqedonisë, dhëndri mund të veshë disa kostume tradicionale me qëndisje.

Ju mund të mendoni se qëndisjet nuk janë të modës ose të modës së vjetër, por këtë vit po rikthehen! Moda po përsëritet gjithmonë dhe shumë tendenca të vjetra kthehen në modë. Sot, ne veshim rroba që mbanin gjyshërit tanë, për shembull, pantallona të gjëra ose rroba prej veluri. Qëndisja është gjithashtu një nga artet e tekstilit që u bë sërish në modë. Edhe nëse kostumet tradicionale përdoren më pak, në ditët e sotme qëndisja përdoret për të personalizuar rrobat, për të krijuar elemente dekorative ose për të ofruar një dhuratë origjinale!

Qëndisja material: ije qepëse, gjilpëra qëndisjeje, një kanavacë qëndisjeje dhe rrathë qëndisjeje.

Sidomos që nga izolimi prej pandemisë, shumë njerëz filluan të bënin arte dhe zanate. Është e lehtë të gjesh libra se si të bësh qëndisje, të cilat shpjegojnë se si të krijosh lehtësisht modele të ndryshme. Për më tepër, qëndisjet nuk kërkojnë shumë material. Për të bërë qëndisje ju nevojiten vetëm fije qepëse, gjilpëra qëndisjeje, një kanavacë qëndisjeje dhe rrathë qëndisjeje. Ka shumë qëndisje ikonike moderne që mund t’i rikrijoni, ose mund të zgjidhni motivet tuaja si vizatime, germa ose lule. Përveç kësaj, bërja e qëndisjeve mund të jetë shumë terapeutike. Qëndisja mund të jetë gjithashtu shumë qetësuese. Ju jep diçka për t’u përqendruar, ndërsa fikni gjithçka tjetër dhe thjesht jetoni në momentin.

Qëndisjet përdoren edhe në industrinë e modës dhe nga shumë krijues të famshëm. Këtë vit gjatë javës së modës, shtëpia e modës së lartë Dior bëri një paradë me fokus qëndisjen. Ata projektuan një koleksion veshjesh ku si temë kryesore

ishte qëndisja. Ata gjithashtu punuan me gra të specializuara në qëndisje për të dekoruar paradën me sixhade të mëdha dhe të qëndisura. Ata donin të shfaqnin artin e vjetër nën qendër të vëmendjes dhe të identifikoheshin me të. Së fundi, qëndisja është një pjesë e historisë kulturore të Maqedonisë dhe një emblemë e kostumeve tradicionale. Sot, qëndisja është gjithashtu një nga artet tekstile më në modë. Pra, nëse jeni të mërzitur nga rrobat tuaja bazike, nëse kërkoni një aktivitet për të bërë në kohën tuaj të lirë ose thjesht dëshironi të relaksoheni, qëndisja është gjëja që ju nevojitet!

Camélia Sghayare Përkthyes: Dora Arifi

Sources: Magazine Numéro, article “ Maria Grazia Chiuri met la broderie à l’honneur dans la collection Dior haute couture printemps-été 2022” Macedonia-timeless.com, article “vêtements traditionnels macédoniens” lunion.fr, article “La broderie revient en force !”

Photos: Auguste Léon, Сhildren in traditional costumes from Macedonia, 1913 Unsplash : alla_home_vintage, magdalinej, chaseycasey

VOICES - 25 култура


It took 3 years and 5 months for Netflix to reach 1 million subscribers, 2 years for Twitter, 10 months for Facebook and around 2.5 months for Instagram. Do you know how long it took for ChatGPT? 5 days. It’s a chatbot that uses GPT-3, a language processing model developed by OpenAI. GPT-3 stands for “Generative Pretrained Transformer 3” and is one of the most advanced language processing systems in the world. It is trained on a massive amount of data and can generate human-like text in response to input in a wide range of formats. However, with this exponential progress, some concerns and fears are starting to rise amongst the people: how will we learn? How will we design? How will we program? How will we do all of this if an AI can do it for us? Let’s take a closer look at what could be our future with this new tool. First, let’s inspect how the AI looks.

After opening your account on OpenAI and clicking on ChatGPT, you find yourself in an empty dialog box, with a warning that says: “May occasionally generate incorrect information; May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content; Limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021”. The bot isn’t connected to the internet and only replies through its (huge) database, good thing to know. After that, you can ask approximately everything, and if it cannot reply to you, it’ll tell you that it cannot browse the internet and that its database doesn’t contain the information you’re looking for. What’s the difference with Google then? ChatGPT is very specific in its answers and gives you detailed instructions on what you need to know. For example I asked the AI how to make an easy pizza dough and in 10 seconds it gave me detailed instructions starting with the ingredients I needed then the different steps of making the dough

until the baking. Nothing extraordinary at first sight, but try to imagine now if we ask how to program an application from scratch; or even to send an email to your boss, your professor… The more you think about it, the more fields of work are threatened by this tool. It will be harder and harder for professors to check if an essay is written by an AI or not, same for journalism: how can you verify if it’s an AI-generated text or not? Same for movie scriptors, you can simply ask the robot to generate a script based on a couple of keywords and it will be ready in a matter of seconds! Am I even writing this article by myself or is it a robot doing it for me?

It also has good sides. For example, let’s take education: with the help of AI, educators will be able to create tailored learning experiences for each student based on their individual needs and abilities. This will allow young people to learn at their own pace and in their own

OpenAI’s new bot ChatGPT was launched the 30th of November 2022.
OpenAI is a research institute that focuses on developing Artificial Intelligence: it is known for its work on advanced language processing and other areas of AI research.

way, which can be especially beneficial for students who may struggle in a traditional classroom setting. Another potential impact of OpenAI on education is that it will make it easier for students to access a wide range of educational materials and resources.

With the help of AI, students will be able to find relevant and accurate information on any subject, and they will be able to access this information from anywhere in the world. This will greatly expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

society. One of the main concerns is that the widespread adoption of AI in education could lead to a loss of jobs for teachers and other educators.

Am I even writing this article?

As AI algorithms become more advanced, they may be able to perform many of the tasks currently carried out by human educators, potentially leading to job loss and economic disruption.

Another potential negative effect of OpenAI on society is that it could exacerbate existing inequalities in access to education.

Despite the many potential benefits of OpenAI for education, there are also some potential drawbacks and negative effects that it could have on

If AI algorithms are not designed and implemented in a fair and equitable manner, they could end up perpetuating existing disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes. This could have serious consequences for


We encourage young people to take an active part in today’s society through journalism and designing by giving them a platform to express themselves. VOICES is produced in Skopje, Macedonia, and published online every month and four times per year as a printed edition.


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