VOICES January

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Portrait of Vevcani carnival Estonian food bank, large scale solidarity

Olympic games: it is not just sport!

“The event that changed my life�

V ices

editorial 1 Dear readers and respected volunteers,

Драги читатели и почитувани волонтери,

Welcome to the brand new year 2014!!! Also, welcome to the first edition of our VOICES magazine for this year…

Добредојдовте во сосема Новата 2014 година!!! Исто така, добредојдовте во првото издание на нашиот ВОИСЕС магазин во оваа година...

We hope that all of your new years and Christmas wishes are starting to cоme true and that the 365 days in front of us, will bring you a lot of joy and happiness. For this year, we wish to all of you to find your place and interests in the activities that VCS is organizing for you, no matter if that is the EVS, the writing and translation of articles, local volunteering with the children from the streets or the many short activities, youth exchanges, seminars, training courses and etc… For the start of the year, we prepared for you articles with very interesting and various subjects, so the start of the year can be more colorful and merrier!!! By GjokoVukanovski

Се надеваме дека сите ваши новогодишни и божиќни желби почнаа да ви се остваруваат и дека во 365-те дена кои стојат пред нас, ќе најдете само среќа и позитивни вибрации. Ние, во оваа година на сите вас ви посакуваме да си го најдете својот интерес и да го завземете своето место во активностите кои ВЦС ги организира, без разлика да тоа е ЕВС, пишување и преведување на статии, локално волонтирање со децата од улица или пак многу други пократки активности, како што се младинските размени, семинари, тренинг курсеви и слично... На почетокот на оваа година, ние подготвивме издание за вас кое е полно со различни и интересни текстови, за да почетокот на годината биде разнолик и полн со бои!!! Од Ѓоко Вукановски

VOICES TEAM: Aleksandar Atanasoski Bojan Blazevski Bujar Islami Elena Micevska Emir Slezovikj Emilija Nikova Gjoko Vukanovski Filip Nedelkovski Damjan Serafimovski Dragan Lazeski

Dzvezda Mihajlova Ilona Olehlova Ivana Angelovska Kristina Buzaroska Marica Jovanova Marija Korunoska Marija Pavleska Marija Belovinova Matthias Crainich Paulina Drzał

Paula Feicke Sanja Paunovska Simona Georgievska Sonia Barge Tara Petkovska Zuhri Kamberi

Production & Coordination: Nikola Stankoski Gjoko Vukanovski


Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/2-3, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk



15 23 3 7 9 11 15 17

The event that changed my life - Ana Ilievska Ancient or Slavic what is the ‘Macedonian identity’? - Paula Feicke Estonian food bank, large scale solidarity - Dragan Lazeski Olympic Games It is not just sport! - Ilona Olehlova PORTRAIT OF VEVCANI carnival - Paulina Drzał Movie Review: The Butler - Ilona Olehlova

19 HIV or AIDS? Or prevention? - Filip Nedelkovski 23 FEMININE HANDBALL - Matthias Crainich 24 The Macedonian Christmas of an evil guy: the bogeyman Matthias Crainich 25 YOUR CULTURAL AGENDA - Sonia Barge



The event that changed my life

5 December - that was the date, when I was accidentally involved in an event called ‘Human Library’. There, I met several people.

So, knock on every door because, on the other side you might find something that can change your life forever.


eing vegetarian is a life style, way of living life. I never thought that I could be a vegetarian before the event. mean, I really love animals, but that was a huge change. I also lived in misconceptions like: we are on the top of food chain or the meat gives as energy. But, I met Stole Velkovski, an activist for animal rights and. My opinion was instantly changed. He gave me enough arguments to question my beliefs. Thanks to him, and my instructor for transcendental yoga, I realized the truth. Not seeing and ignoring the truth doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Also I have seen a lot of videos and I made the biggest change of my life, becoming a vegetarian which led me to the path to become an activist for animal rights. I also met a young entrepreneur. I was motivated by her speech so I am working on a business plan that I want to place on the market. I hope to succeed one day.

I’ve always wanted to be involved in business but to success in Macedonia by yourself is very hard. However, money or time is not the most important resource Howadays – it is the information. The knowledge is your biggest weapon and if you know how - you will succeed. Beside that, I met other people who dedicated their life to change the world. People - fighters for rights of any kind: for homosexuals, for sick people... No discrimination is their logo. Than I decided to join in non - profit organizations and make this world a better place - even for a little, even for a while. I found my new life name - volunteer. In life, there are lots of doors to open. You can never know what is behind those doors. But, if you do not open it, you will never know. So, knock on every door because, on the other side you might find something that can change your life forever. Ana Ilievska

Настанот што ми го промени животот 5ти декември - тоа беше датумот, кога случајно бев вклучена во настан наречен „Жива Библиотека“. Таму запознав неколку луѓе.


Ана Илиевска

о заблуди како: ние сме на врвот на синџирот на исхрана или, месото ни дава енергија. Но, го запознав Столе Велковски, активист за права на животните и ги сменив моите мислења. Тој ми даде доволно аргументи за да се двоумам во своите верувања. Благодарение на него, и мојот инструктор по трансцедентална јога, ја сфатив вистината. Несогледувањето или игнорирањето на вистината не значи дека таа не постои. Исто така, видов многу видеа и ја направив најголемата промена во мојот живот, да станам вегетаријанец и да бидам на патот да станам активист за права на животните. Исто така запознав млада претприемачка. Бев мотивирана од нејзиниот говор, па сега работам на бизнис план кој сакам да го пласирам на пазарот. Отсекогаш сакав да бидам во бизнисот, но да успееш сам во Македонија е многу тешко. Но, парите и времето не се најважните ресурси денес - тоа се информациите. Знаењето е најголемо оружје и ако знаеш како - ќе успееш. Да се биде вегетаријанец е животен стил, начин да се живее животот. Пред настанот, никогаш не помислив дека би можела да бидам вегетаријанец. Навистина ги сакам животните, но тоа беше голема промена. Освен тоа, запознав и други луѓе кои го посветиле животот да го променат светот. Луѓе - борци за права од секаков вид: за хомосексуалци, за болни луѓе... Без дискриминација е нивниот слоган. Тогаш одлучив да се зачленам во непрофитни организации и да го направам светот подобро место - дури за малку, дури за кратко. Го пронајдов моето животно име - волонтер. Во животот, има многу врати да се отворат. Никогаш не знаеш што се крие зад нив. Но, ако не ги отвориш, никогаш нема ни да дознаеш. Затоа, тропни на секоја врата и зад неа, може да има нешто кое ќе ти го смени животот, засекогаш.

Затоа, тропни на секоја врата и зад неа, може да има нешто кое ќе ти го смени животот, засекогаш.

Ngjarja që ma ndryshoi jetën Ana Ilievska


Dhjetor – ishte data kur rastësisht isha e kyçur në ngarjen e quajtur “Biblioteka e Gjallë”. Aty njoftova disa njerëz. Të jesh vegjetarian është stil jete, me-

nyrë e të jetuarit të jetës. Para ngjarjes, asnjëherë s’kam menduar se mund të bëhem vegjetarian. Me të vërtetë i dua kafshët, mirëpo ajo ishte ndryshim i madh. Gjithashtu, jetoja në keqkuptime si: ne jemi në maje të zinxhirit të të ushqyerit ose mishi na jep energji. Por, e njoftova Stole Velkovskin, aktivist për të drejtat e kafshëve dhe i ndryshova mendimet e mia. Ai më dha argument të mjaftueshme për të dyshuar në besimet e mia. Falë atij, edhe instruktorit tim për joga transcendentale, e kuptova të vërtetën. Mosperceptimi ose injorimi i të vërtetës nuk do të thotë se ajo nuk ekziston. Gjithashtu, pashë shumë video dhe e bëra ndryshimin më të madh në jetë, të bëhem vegjetarian dhe të jem në rruge të bëhem aktivist për të drejtat e kafshëve. Gjithashtu njoftova një sipëmarrëse të re. Isha

e motivuar nga fjalimi i saj, kështu që punoj në biznes plan të cilin dua ta vendos në treg. Gjithmonë doja të jem në biznes, por të arrish në Maqedoni është shumë vështirë. Por, paratë dhe koha janë resurset më kryesore sot – ato janë informacionet. Dituria është arma më e madhe dhe nëse din si – do arrish. Përveç kësaj, njoftova dhe njerëz të tjerë të cilët kishin kushtuar jetën për ta ndryshuar botën. Njerëz – luftëtar për të drejta të çfarëdo lloji: homoseksual, për njerëz të sëmurë… Pa diskriminim është slogan i tyre. Atëherë vendosa të anëtarësohem në organizata jo profitabile që ta bëj botën vend më të mirë – qoftë për pak, qoftë për shkurt. E gjeta emrin tim të jetës – vullnetarë. Në jetë, ka shumë derë të hapen. Asjëherë nuk e din qka fshihet pas tyre. Por, nëse nuk i hap, asnjëherë nuk do ta mësosh. Prandaj, trokit në secilën derë, dhe pas saj mund të ketë diqka që do ta ndryshojë jetën, përgjithmonë.


By Paula Feicke

Ancient or Slavic what is the ‘Macedonian identity’?


ast month I joined the ‘Annual Conference of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities- Skopje’ (ISSHS) that was dealing with the topic ‘national identity as central political concern: the case of southeastern Europe and its competing myths of origin’. One discussion was around a case study of the ‘Skopje 2014 project’ by the institute (ISSHS) with the aim to find out and compare the state and the citizen narratives about the Macedonian identity. The project ‘Skopje 2014’ started in 2010 and was promoted by the Ministry of Culture, the (former) Municipality of Center Skopje and paid by funds of the government of Macedonia. The cultural and historical project has the aim to strengthen the Macedonian identity.

amount of people named the Slavic historical periods as the most defining ones, such as the beginning of the 20th century or Yugoslavian times. Almost three-quarters chose Goce Delchev, a fighter against ottoman rule in the begin of 20th century, as the most important historical figure. So obviously the cultural identity is rooted in a- mostly orally transmitted- Slavic history and tradition. By now less than 10% of the citizens see the Antiquity as defining for their national identity and so about three-quarters of the inhabitants disapprove the monuments of Skopje 2014. It seems like the project is bringing the Macedonians into confusion about their identity instead of strengthening it.

But does the project- existing out of buildings, statues and monuments linked to the ancient Macedonian times in a neoclassicist and baroque style- really presents the ordinary Macedonians opinion on what is their identity?

Until now, ancient times are not included in the daily routine of the ordinary people, means there are no traditional songs or told stories linked to this period. For sure that is why there is such little approval for the project ‘Skopje 2014’.

Carried out in April 2013 1400 citizens got interviewed. Next to other questions the people had to name the most defining and valuable marks of the Macedonian culture: in the outcome there is to see, that almost a third named the Folklore (like traditional food, music and dance), the language as well as the orthodox values. The same

On the other hand ancient times are now more implemented in schools than before, so that the new generation maybe will be more accepting and adopting the ancient times as part of their national identity. So to see it is just a question of time when ‘Skopje 2014’ will represent the Macedonians narrative- or the other way round.



Estonian food bank, large scale solidarity


he Food Bank in Tallinn is the first one in Estonia and it follows examples in other European countries. It is established on 11 March 2010 by the Estonian-Netherlands Charity Foundation Sunflower and Swedbank. They provide financial support for initial expenses and investments to establish the Food Bank organization in Estonia. The Food Bank in Tallinn operates as an independent organization, with a small staff and a group of volunteers. It is supervised by an Expert Committee. On the 11th of March 2010, the Food Bank packed its first 100 food packages, which was possible with the help of several food producers and supermarkets. The next day, this food was distributed to people living below the subsistence level in the poorest part of Tallinn, the North-Tallinn district. This was done through three charity organisations

cooperating with the Food Bank: Päästearmee, MTU Söbra Kasi and Eesti Suurperede Abistamise Selts. Since then the Food Bank in Tallinn has distributed food packages each week. How many people receive a package is depending on the quantity of food donated by food producers and food distributors, such as supermarkets. Food packages are now also distributed in other districts of Tallinn. At the beginning of 2013 alltogether 250 families get food packages every week. Other 250 get the food through other NGOs like soup kitchens and other social institutions. The food is transported, selected, packed and distributed by volunteers.

Many Estonian companies have committed themselves to donating food to the Food Bank whenever they have food available. Our expectation is that all food suppliers will support the activities of the Food Bank. The most important fact is that Companies and private people can donate food in the bank. The Bank ensures to never sell the received food and to avoid any action that could damage the reputation of the food supplier. They also promise to give the food exclusively to charity and social organizations, which in turn will only make it available to deprived people, and to transport and store the food in good conditions.

Dragan Lazeski

The Estonian Food Bank has a clear mission: to create solidarity between human beings and responsibility for the weakest. We invite you to have a look at the information on the website: http://www.toidupank.ee/?lang=en. Your assistance is indispensable to achieve our mission and make life of deprived people in Tallinn easier. So, people, let’s be human and share some of our food, with those who are in need of it. Less is more! Happiness is more giving, not more receiving!


Olympic Games It is not just

sport! By Ilona Olehlova


s small girl I loved to watch Olympics games. Ice skating, ice hokey or ski jumps - no matter the time difference but I watched them all. I also remembered the moment when we were allowed to watch the legendary icehokey match at my secondary school in 1998. We (Czech Republic) became the Olympic winners … and with this victory came also story from my grandfather describing how much important was to beat the Russia (that time the USSR) and enjoy the feeling of victory in time of the occupation. Honestly, I did not pay a lot attention to this story I was totally overwhelmed by the fact that I got a poster signed by my favorite player but things has changed. And new question appeared. As chapter 5 of Olympic charter says: “No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in the Olympic areas”, but history is full of example when politics and Olympics connected and during the games took place protests connected with Cold War, racially segregation or where strong discussion about the question of human rights so actual in case of Beijing or now Sochi appeared.

So should we watch it or switch the TV on February 7 when the most expensive games in history will be opened? I would like to watch because I still keep passion for all winter sports and I would like to enjoy the sport dramas of winning and losing in last seconds or for few points. And I would like to enjoy the euphoria of celebrating of victory of my team or sport hero even if I stopped putting posters of sport starts on my walls long time back but… on other side I also believe maybe naively but still believe that human rights are essential part of our lives and that everyone is entitle to have them as well as that they should not be sold as any other products even if we see examples all around the world that they can be easily sold for good price. Back to the question about watching or not watching I decided that I will keep my TV on and I will be for any political gestures supporting human rights that will be done from the side of these who spend years preparing for event that can become their life one… because at the end is about them – about the men and women who spent years of training and dreaming about the Olympic Games. And what about you?


ако мало девојче, јас обожавав да ги гледам Олимписките игри. Уметничко лизгање, хокеј или ски скокови- без разлика во кое време ќе ги даваа, јас ги следев сите. Јас многу добро се сеќавам на моментот кога бев во средно училиште и кога ни дозволија да го следиме легендарниот меч на хокеарската екипа на Чешка, кои станаа олимписки шампиони...и со оваа победа исто така дојде и приказната од мојот дедо за тоа колку е важно да се оствари победа над Русија (во тоа време СССР) и да се ужива во победата над нив во време на окупација. Искрено, јас не посветив многу внимание на оваа приказна и бев тотално воодушевена затоа што добив постер потпишан од мојот омилен хокеар, но работите се сменија и ново прашање се појави... Во петтото поглавје на Олимписките правила е напишано: “Не е дозволена било каква демонстрација на политичка, религиозна или расна пропаганда за време на Олимписките игри”, но историјата е полна со примери во кои се правени политички демонстрации за време на игрите, како на пример за време на Студената Војна, а исто така, често се истакнуваат и проблемите со расната сегрегација како и проблемот со почитувањето на основните човекови права, кои беа топ тема за време на ЛОИ во Пекинг, Кина и сега, пред отварањето на ЗОИ во Сочи, Русија.

Олим иг

Не само

мписки гри е се спорт!

Дали треба да гледаме или да го исклучиме својот телевизор, за време на отварањето на најскапите олимписки игри во историјата на одржувањето? Јас би сакала да гледам затоа што сеуште ме држи пасијата за зимските спортови и би сакала да уживам во спортската драма на победување, но и губење во последните секунди на натпреварите. Исто така, би сакала да уживам во спортската еуфорија на славење на победа на мојот тим или спортски херој, иако веќе одамна го имам спуштено постерот на омилениот хокеар од мојот ѕид, но...Гледано од друга страна, можеби малку наивно, но јас сеуште верувам дека основните човекови права се есенцијален дел од нашето живеење и тие не треба да имаат цена како обични продукти, иако гледаме примери низ светот дека и со нив се тргува со добра цена. Се враќаме назад кон прашањето дали да се гледа или да не се гледа отварањето на ЗОИ, јас одлучив да го уклучам својот телевизор со своја поддршка кон сите страни кои со политички гестикулации го поттикнуваа почитувањето на човековите права во последните две години...Затоа што на крајот, се е всушност заради нив – спортистите кои поминале долги години на тренинг и сонување за настап на Олимписките игри. А, што ќе направите вие?

Илона Олехлова

CuLTURE 15 Pho


PORT RAIT OF VE carn VCAN ival I Pauli

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hat is the first thing that comes into your mind when you hear „carnival”? I can describe you my picture and I can even venture to say that according to a little street interview I made together with Sonia, EVS volunteer from France it is not only mine association! So: Sun, fun, big city, something positive, masks, fun, fun, fun! In general, most people when they think about carnival they see Rio de Janeiro party. Well…they can be a “bit” surprised when they come to celebrate Vevcani carnival as I’ve been this year. Except the masks, everything is different here, and definition of fun is very subjective. The most I enjoyed observing puzzled (mostly) foreign participant’s faces. Probably, they have been prepared

for “Rio” or “Halloween” party. Ops, fail! What is so special in that particular celebration? First of all, a bit of historical introduction for better understanding. It is believed that the custom of Vevcani Carnival is over 1, 400 old and it is based on pagan beliefs and rituals and paradoxically is dedicated to Saint Basil the Great. Possibly it is one of the oldest cultural events in Macedonia, which traditionally celebrates the arrival of the New Year according to the old calendar and is held on 13 and 14 of January. In 1993 The Carnival of Vevcani and Vevcani itself became a member of the World Federation of Carnival Cities. Participants of the carnival are called “Vasilicari”, they wear vivid, scary masks and costumes and use variety of equipment. Actually, there

by S




are three traditional masks: musicians, bride and groom and August/Augustine the Stupid, the rest is just creativity of participants. The point is to express yourself using a lot of imagination, usually in a sarcastic and humoristic way, referring to current political and social issues in the country and the world. This year we had European Union costume, National Lottery one, pensioner group, money washhouse, Arabic businessman and of course plenty of disgusting modern monsterslook like masks. Why those scary then? One local said that they are here to chase bad ghosts from the city, but after all I have found another story which may explain that case. According to “Balkan Inside” the stem is from an ancient love sto-

ry between the prettiest girl in the village and the most handsome boy. Lovers were engaged but while working abroad the guy fell and his face was disfigured. When he was to return to the village he asked his friends to wear masks and hide their faces, so that his fiancée could get used to his hideous face more painlessly. As a result, the Carnival was born. Time when village of Vevcani turns into the real theatre, where streets are a scene and each inhabitant and visitor is an actor. This event express traditional Macedonian culture and is a mix of pagan customs translated into modern language. Highly recommended to everyone! Maybe only vegetarians and animals’ lovers should think twice before they decide to go...


Movie Review: The Butler By Ilona Olehlova


f you are not familiar with American history, especially with the chapter speaking about the fight against racial segregation, the movie ‘The Butler’ is exactly for you. By watching the life journey of Cecil who became the butler in White House and spent there 41 years by serving to all American presidents starting from Eisenhower the story of fight for rights became more clear. Cecil life as butler behind the walls where you are not allowed to say anything takes you on journey through the 20.century and its events. But it would not be so simple as the other part of the story takes you to Cecil home and put you in the middle of his family and its family dramas reflecting the events that changed the face of America and all the world.

Both lines of the story are connecting and disconnecting and are bringing insight into ordinary and at the same time not ordinary life of one man who did not tell his wife Gloria (Oprah) how many shoes Jacky Kennedy has and finds the way to his son fighting for civil rights after many years of separation and not seeing each other. The story full of presidents and White House also show the connection between the decisions behind the White House walls and ordinary people who are living their lives how best they can.

The Butler (2013) Director: Lee Daniels Starring: Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey.

Осврт на филм: Батлерот (The Butler) Илона Олехлова


ко не сте запознаени со Американската историја, особено за делот во кој се говори за борбата против расната сегрегација, филмот со наслов “Батлерот” (The Butler) е токму за вас. Преку приказот на животот на Сесил, кој станал батлер во Белата Куќа и останал таму цели 41 година да им служи на различни американски претседатели, почнувајќи од Ајзенхауер па наваму, сликата за расната сегрегација ни станува појасна. Живот на Сесил како батлер, во опкружување во кое не смеете да кажете ништо, ве води на патување низ 20-от век и низ познати настани. Но, се би било поедноставно доколку еден дел од приказната не ве одведе во домот на Сесил и ве стави во центарот на неговото семејство, вклучувајќи ги домашните драми и настани кои ја потресоа и го сменија изгледот на САД и остатокот од светот. Двете линии на приказната кои цело време се конектираат и дисконектираат, ни даваат приказ на секојдневниот, но и на несекојдневниот живот на еден човек, кој никогаш не и кажа на својата сопруга Глорија (која ја глуми Опра) колку пара на чевли има Џеки Кенеди и човек кој после долго време дознава дека неговиот син е долги години вклучен во движења за човекови права и против расна сегрегација. Приказната е полна со американски претседатели и стории од Белата Куќа и исто така ни дава приказ и конекцијата помеѓу големите одлуки кои се случуваат позади затворени врати и обичните луѓе, кои се обидуваат да ги живеат нивните животи на најдобар можен начин.

Батлерот (The Butler) 2013 Ли Даниелс (Lee Daniels) Улоги: Форест Витакер (Forest Whitaker), Опра Винфри (Oprah Winfrey).



HIV or AIDS? Or prevention? By Filip Nedelkovski

ХИВ или СИДА? Или превенција? Филип Неделковски


IV is a virus spread through body fluids that affects specific cells of the immune system. HIV can destroy so many of these cells that the body can’t fight off infections and disease. When this happens, HIV infection leads to AIDS AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the final stage of HIV infection. People at this stage of HIV disease have badly damaged immune systems, which put them at risk for opportunistic infections. The most common way of transmission of the HIV virus is through having unprotected sex (including Anal, Vaginal and Oral) with HIV positive person. How to protect against HIV? Since you can’t tell if one person is HIV positive, in order to protect against HIV, you should ALWAYS use a condom for every single act of sexual intercourse with a person that you are not sure about their HIV status.The condom should be used from the beginning till the end of the sexual intercourse! Storage, usage and useful information about the condoms 1.Storage – Always keep the condom in a dark room with moderate temperature. Keep the condom away from sharp objects.


ИВ е име на вирус кој го предизвикува синдромот на стекнат недостаток на имунитет (СИДА). Вирусот ХИВ со текот на времето го уништува одбранбениот имунитетен систем кај човечкиот организам, и го оневозможува да се бори со многубројните опортунистички инфекции. СИДА претставува последен стадиум на развојот на ХИВ инфекцијата. Во овој стадиум човечкиот организам е со крајно оштетен одбранбен имунитетен систем и е подложен на многубројни опортунистички инфекции кои понатаму можат да предизвикаат смрт. Најчест начин на пренесување на ХИВ инфекцијата е преку акт на незаштитен сексуален однос (вклучувајќи анален, вагинален и орален) со ХИВ позитивно лице. Како да се заштитиме ? Поради тоа што не постои начин да препознаеме дали едно лице е ХИВ позитивно, за да се заштитиме од ХИВ, потребно е СЕКОГАШ да користиме кондом за секој посебен акт на сексуален однос со лице за кое не го знаеме неговиот ХИВ статус. Кондомот треба да се користи од почетокот, па се до крајот на сексуалниот однос! Чување, користење и корисни информации за кондомите 1.Чување–Кондомот секогаш чувајте го во темна просторија со ниска температура, заштитен од остри предмети.

How to use a condom?/ 2.Користење

Always use NEW condom. Check if the condom is electronically tested CE). Секогаш користете НОВ кондом. Проверете дали кондомот е електронски тестиран (CE)

Open the condom very carefully. You can use the ripped edges. Внимателно отворете го кондомот користејќи ги испрекинатите ќошеви

Always put the condom on already erected penis. Кондомот ставете го на веќе ерективен пенис. Be sure that there is no airin the reservoir. Осигурајте се дека нема воздух во резервоарот.

The condom should coverthe entire body of the penis.Pay attention of smallair bubbles. Кондомот треба да го покрие целиот пенис. Обврнете внимание на мали балончиња со воздух.

Put the condom in toilet paper and throw it away in garbage. Don’t throw thecondom in the toilet Кондомот ставете го во тоалетна хартија и фрлете го во корпа заотпадоци. Кондомот не го фрлајте во ВЦ школка

Take off the condom verycarefully. Keep the semeninside the condom. Внимателно извадете го кондомот зачувувајќи ја спермата внатре.

3.Useful information about the condoms Only electronically tested condoms with the sign “CE” on their package can protect you from contracting HIV. Using two condoms can cause “friction” of the condoms. You can find condoms free of charge in the youth centers “Sakam da znam” located on street Vodnjanska and in the ambulance in the suburb Sutka. As well, you can find free condoms in the Infective clinic in the State hospital in Skopje. Although these condoms are free of charge, they are all electronicallytested (CE) and efficient in protection against HIV.

3.Корисни информации за кондомите Само електронски тестирани кондоми со назнака “CE”можат да Ве заштитат од ХИВ. Избегнувајте користење на два кондома одеднаш. Ваквиот акт доведува до “пукање” на кондомот. Бесплатни кондоми може да се најдат во младинските центри “Сакам да знам”, лоцирани на улица Водњанска иво амбулантата во населба Шутка, како и на Инфективната клиника во Државната болница во Скопје. Иако овие кондоми се бесплатни, тие се електронски тестирани(CE)и се ефикасни при заштита од ХИВ.



FEMININE HANDBALL Objective champion's league for the girls of Indira Kastratovich


n 2012/2013 the feminine handball club ŽRK Vardar Skopje win for their first time the championship title of Macedonia against the city rivals Metalurg and then qualified for the “second group matches” of champion league. The girls of Vardar are now blooming, tanks to their coach Indira Kastratović and the arrival of the new sponsor and sporting director the Russian billionaire: Sergej Samsonenko. The coach Indira Kastratović was one of the best right backs in the world, in the 1997 World Women's Handball Championship she helped the Macedonian representation team to reach 7th place by scoring 71 goals the most at that years championship. She won the champions league with Kometal Gjorče Petrov Skopje in 2002 scoring 10 goals in the final game. She is married to Zoran Kastratović the coach of Vadar’s man handball team. Samsonenko invest a lot and made an impressive shopping all around Europe. Eight new players joined the team; including Andrea Lekic and Jovanka Radicevic who win last year the champion’s league with Györ. Among those new recruits it’s a French trio Allison Pineau , Siraba Dembele and the goalkeeper Amandine Leynaud. They kindly accepted my interview than I like to share with Voices. The girls had a really good carrier in France, playing for the best club, they moved to Skopje for the project of Samsonenko in order to win the champion’s League. Here they have a comfort of life way much higher of what they expected. Siraba was really scared of leaving her family but thanks to internet she can keep in touch with them. Even if the girls are missing the French food they enjoy and are surprise of the wonder than the Macedonian gastronomy is offering her. Unfortunately they can’t really enjoy the night life in Skopje because they have a really tight schedule. Allison and Amandine just come back from a bad experience in Romania, lost in a small village the club had economical problems and they feel really disappointed about them result in the champion league. Skopje is a big city where there is everything they need and the club is way much better than they expected. Now they are working hard and giving their best to win the title. Skopje is the first city to have three team participating in the EHF Champions League (Vardar men and women and Metalurg men), we are this season writing the history, it will be so cool is the girls win the title this year so we will be cheering them with all our soul.

By Matthias Crainich


24 The Macedonian Christmas of an evil guy:

the bogeyman

I am an evil guy, I am the Bogeyman and Santa Claus is my bigger enemy. My task on earth is to punish the bad kids not to reward them; I have to confess than the only think than I like is work. Winter is my favorite season, not because of the snow man, not because I like skiing or to drink a hot chocolate with my family gathered around the fire reading fairy tale. I like winter because the birds are not singing, because there is no flower and because the cold wind make people sick. But there is always one event spoiling my winter: Christmas, and here the Macedonian the traditions made my pain even bigger than usually. First of all here people celebrate Christmas for five day instead of one! The evening before Christmas people gather in the neighborhood’s park around bonfires to socialize, talk, drink and eat together. At the end of the night, a bread with a coin cooked in it is passed around and everyone breaks off a piece. Whoever finds the coin in their piece of bread, will have a good fortune for the whole year and will be next year’s host of the bonfires. Because it’s not possible to organize a buffet and fire just with the money of the coin the whole neighborhood raises the money together, which promotes the spirit of unity, a value that you know I hate... After a couple of hot Rakia people start to sing traditional songs to warm up them soul, they do it till late in the evening and then early in the morning the kids go from door to door singing Kolede songs - much like the Halloween trick-or-treating in the USA, except instead of sweets, the Kolede-goers receive fruits, nuts and coins. So just few time after the drunk guys stop making noise the kids come with them coral to start again. I called the police but they didn’t come to put those kids in Jail, they are really incompetent. The tradition say than if you don’t open your door to the kids it’s like if you don’t open the door to happiness than the kids are inviting to your home, so I locked the door I went back to sleep, I don’t want this kind of feeling in my place! January 6th is Christmas Eve for many people; this is the last day of the 40-day Nativity Fasting period. The dinner served on this night is 'posna' which means no dairy, meat or animal products, not even a dead animal to cheer me up! A typical dinner would include assorted nuts, fresh and dried fruits, baked cod or trout with garlic, bread, kidney-beans soup, potato salad with onions and herbs, Ajvar, Sarma and pickled vegetables a real scandal ! How is it possible to enjoy meal without cholesterol and upset stomach? And then they seems don’t giving interest to the value of the present but more about solidarity and conviviality. Hey guys !!! It time to put back the foot on earth we are in 2014 and now just the money make the value of a men not his rich soul or his cleaver mind ! After this Christmas celebration they commemorate the baptize of Jesus during the Daniel Doncevski day by throw a cross in Vardar river, the one who catch it will enjoy happiness all year long this time a woman got it and finally something good happened : a men stole it to her ! Hopefully the police will not catch him and he will steal it again next year. This was the only good think witch happen in my horrible month of January full of Happy and friendly moments!

By Matthias Crainich

Photos: Sonia Barge.

YOUR CULTURAL AGENDA Bored to spend all your evenings in front of your computer? That was before you read our cultural agenda for February... Music, conference, sport, there is something to suit all tastes!




The popular pop-folk singer Zeljko Samardzic comes in Skopje accompanied by his band to sing the hits that marked his career. The concert will take place Saturday, February 15th at 8pm, in the Metropolis arena. The tickets prices are from 400 to 700 den.

You must find an original idea to spend a romantic evening with your Valentine? Whatever, a “love for psy” night is organized Friday, February 14th since 10pm, in the Club Tao (Ex Kenzo Tange) in Skopje. On the program: Yudhisthira, Kala, Paramatma, and the DJ Younion. You can go in for 200 den.

Sonia Barge

And let’s finish with a bit of handball. Free matches of the Champion League will take place in the Boris Trajkovski Sports Center. First the Rakometen klub Vardar PRO will meet the Belorussian players of HC DinamoMinsk, on Sunday, February 9th, at 6pm. Then, exactly one week after at the same time, they will face Wacker Thun, from Switzerland. Finally the RK Metalurg Skopje will compete against the FC Barcelone handball players.



Photo: Sonia Barge.

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