Voices January 2018

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English МАКЕДОНСКИ Shqip


Love without borders

REPORTAGE Lublin CULTURE Athens Theater INTERVIEW Dario Jurican OPINION Architecture


Oh, that love

Се појавува неочекувано. Воглавно ни изгледа погрешно и го уништува секој идеал до кој што се држиме кога е во прашање љубовта и каква би требало да биде. Доаѓа со толкава леснотија што не веруваме дека тоа воопшто е можно. Врската што ја воспоставуваме не можеме да ја објасниме со зборови и едноставно нѐ обзема. Пронајдовме совршена личност, работите едноставно кликнаа и легнаа на свое место. Не размислуваме за очекувањата, не сме под притисок да глумиме и да се обидуваме да бидеме нешто што не сме. Прифатени сме во својата најискрена форма. Тоа е тоа чувство. Се вика љубов. Психолозите тврдат дека е засновано врз емотивното врзување за одредена личност. За неа сме подготвени да направиме сѐ, да тргнеме и на крајот на светот. Со таква приказна вреди да се започне годината. Прочитајте ја во јануарското издание на „Воисес“, и овојпат се потрудивме да подготвиме интересни содржини што ќе го задржат вашето внимание. Отпатувајте со нас во Лублин, видете ги графитите во Атина, архитектурата на Скопје, дознајте повеќе за новинарката Искра Корошевовска, модната дизајнерка Ханифе Билали и режисерот Дарио Јуричан, почувствувајте ја магијата на театарот, дали половите се еднакви... Бидете живи, здрави и сакани!

It appears unexpectedly. Usually, it seems wrong to us and destroys any ideal that we stick to it, when it comes to love and what it should be. It comes with so much ease that we do not believe it is possible at all. We can not explain the connection that we establish with words and simply overwhelms us. We found the perfect person, things simply clicked and lay down in their place. We do not think about expectations, we are not under pressure to act and try to be something we are not. We are accepted in our most sincere form. It’s that feeling. It’s called love. Psychologists argue that it is based on emotional attachment to a particular person. For her, we are ready to do everything, to go to the end of the world. With such a story it is worth starting the year. Read it in January edition of Voices, this time we tried to prepare interesting content that will keep your attention. Travel with us to Lublin, see the graffiti in Athens, the architecture of Skopje, learn more about journalist Iskra Korovesovska, fashion designer Hanife Bilali and director Dario Jurichan, feel the magic of the theater and check whether genders are equal Be alive, healthy and loved! Goran Adamovski

Горан Адамовски

STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankovski COORDINATORS: Gjoko Vukanovski Ivana Angelovska Goran Adamovski


VOLUNTEERS: Aleksandra Grzyb Paulina Gołębiowska Chris Maiken Chloe Dumeusois Antoine Lomba Ann Aro

WRITERS: Igor Pop Trajkov Milan Gjapic Goran Galabov Angela Rajchevska Lea Matevska

TRANSLATORS: Aleksandra Krstevska Naser Ismaili

CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org


P.16 P.6

P.14 P.24

P.12 4

TOPIC OF THE MONTH 4 Love Without Borders MKD - Paulina 30 Love Without Borders EN- Paulina




ERAsMUS + 8 YE Ireland - Lea 10 YE Czech Republic - Angela


Mustapha Pasha Mosque - Igor

12 Medium’s World- Chris


Grafitti - Goran

Opinion Frozen Colossus - Aleksandra Gender Inequality - Antoine & Ann

24 Interview 22 Iskra Koroshevska - Goran 24 Dario Jurican - Igor 26

Culture 11

Laughter In Theater - Antoine

18 20

6 City of Inspiration- Paulina




Fashion Designer - Chloe

sport 28 Handball- Milan



Љубов без граници Прочитајте ја романтичната приказна за Лендеж од Јужна Африка и Јани од МакедонијаНивната приказна можеби е скрипта за романтичен филм, но е уште подобра бидејќи е вистинска. Нејзиното име е Лендеж. Неговото име е Јани. Таа е од Јужна Африка. Тој е од Македонија. Веќе звучи интересно? Прочитајте повеќе ...

Тие се сретнаа за првпат на 29 јануари 2013

година на бродот за крстарење, каде што Јани работеше како менаџер во казино. Од првиот момент Јани сакаше да се запознае повеќе со оваа мистерија, која го привлече вниманието толку интензивно. Како и во многу романтични приказни нивниот прв разговор беше малку незгоден. Но, тие имаа можност повторно да се сретнат на скалите, во последниот ден на крстарењето. Овој пат разговорот беше повеќе пријателски и пријатен. На крајот на разговорот, Лендеж му ја даде нејзината е-маил адреса за да го задржи контактот со него. Јани не се двоумеше премногу долго за да ѝ напише. Одговорот дојде по три дена кога Лендеж се врати во нејзиниот дом во Јоханесбург. И тогаш машината започна да работи... Пишувајќи писма секој ден, запознавање, пријателство и конечно заљубување. „Дали е вистинската љубов? Кажуваме те сакам преку е-пошта, но ние се сретнавме само еднаш...", се прашуваа. Двојката испрати 360 пораки еден на друг, се сеќаваат на точниот број до сега. Двајцата се навикнаа на дневни пораки, не можеа да започнат и да завршуваат ден, без да ја прочитаат поштата од љубената личност. Следна можност да се состанат беше почетокот на март во Дербен, Јужна Африка. И уште еднаш, во Кејптаун. По два месеца разделба конечно се сретнаа во Европа. На патот кон одмор се соочија со некои проблеми, но ги надминаа. Заедно патуваа низ Европа, ја посетија Шпанија, Франција, Италија, уживајќи секој ден во убавината на местата. Овој краток одмор само им потврди колку голема е моќта на нивната љубов и тие можат да сметаат едни на други, дури и во тешки ситуации. Сепак, двојката мораше да чека уште еден состанок, овој пат по речиси три месеци. Во меѓувреме, Јани веќе го купи прстенот и испланира сè. Тој и предложил брак на Лендеж на местото каде што првпат се бакнаа. Имајќи поддршка од други гости, кои повикуваа "кажи да!", Лендеж не можеше да даде друг одговор. Поминаа само неколку недели откако се венчаа, а истекуваше рокот на траење на документите на Јани. Повторно разделени? Во последно тие сакаа постојано да се заедно. Денот на свадбата беше луд, немаше време за фризер, за информирање на семејството, организирање бендови.



Само тие и блиски пријатели што им беа нивни сведоци. Лендеж го зеде првиот, темно-син фустан кој дојде до нејзините раце. Се изненади кога виде дека и Јани има костум во иста боја. Овој ден стана уште посебен. Тоа беше септември 2013 година, неколку месеци откако се запознаа на бродот. И двете семејства го прифатиле мешаниот брак без проблеми. Четири години живееле заедно со синовите во Јужна Африка. Поради лични причини, тие одлучиле да дојдат во Македонија оваа година. Првично само за обид, но веќе 7 месеци поминаа откако стигнаа во Скопје. Кога ќе ги споредат животите во двете земји, една од најважните работи е безбедноста. За жал, Јужна Африка е позната по високи стапки на криминал и секогаш треба да внимавате на улиците. На Јани не му беше лесно, но со текот на времето се прилагоди на специфичниот карактер на земјата. Живеењето во Македонија сигурно е предизвик за семејството, особено за Лендеж, кои никогаш порано не биле тука. Првата работа што ја забележа и најмногу изненади е нискиот економски развој на земјата. Уште повеќе, постојат тешкотии при разбирање со локалното население, кое се мачи со англискиот јазик, а таа со македонскиот. Но, Лендеж не се предава, има амбиции да го совлада мајчиниот јазик на нејзиниот сопруг. Од друга страна, она што ја освои Лендеж е гостопримството и љубезноста на луѓето овде, нивната подготвеност да помогнат и почитувањето. Процесот на адаптација сѐ уште трае, но семејството е подготвено да учи. Опкружени се со луѓе што ги сакаат, па процесот станува е многу полесен. Конечно, кога ги прашав за тајната на среќен брак, тие се погледнаа во очите и двајцата се согласија дека суштинските карактеристики се трпение и компромис. Дури и ако времињата се тешки, не треба да заборавите на љубовта кон личноста што сте ја одбрале и да ги негувате чувствата што ги имате секојдневно. Јани и Лендеж еднаш рекоа дека чувствуваат дека нивниот брак трае веќе 30 години, бидејќи тие знаат сè за себе. Ништо друго не останува отколку да им посакам среќа уште најмалку толку години заедно. Паулина Голебиовска




There is city in Poland who celebrated recently 700

years of existence. A city, that for ages different cultures were mixed and it has influence on the buildings and cultural initiatives. A city, touched also by tragic history, with Majdanek concentration camps upon its borders. A city where you can find devil’s trial. Let me introduce the biggest city in the east of Poland – Lublin. Lublin is located on the Bystrzyca river in Eastern Poland and it is capital of the region of Lubelszczyzna. It is called “Gateway of the European Union into the East” because of the close distance to the border with Ukraine and Belarus. The city is home for over 340,000 residents which placed Lublin the ninth Polish city in terms of population size. Lublin is also well-known as an academic city with 9 universities, including 5 public and 4 private (over 70,000 students). The uniqueness of Lublin was recognized as an international area, the city is the winner of e.g. Golden Star of Partnership and is a city friend for many cities all over the world (e.g. Xiangyang in China, Tbilisi in Georgia, Lviv in Ukraine or Novi Sad in Serbia). For ages, a significant part of Lublin was the Jewish community which contributed a lot to the economic development of the city. Unfortunately, during Second World War, due to extermination almost the whole


Jewish part of the city was destroyed. However citizens of Lublin still keep memory about this tragic history and organize festivals and events dedicated to Jewish culture. When you come to Lublin, you should ask local people to tell you one of the legends. The best-known is legend about the devil’s trial from 17th century. In short it is about a dispute between a poor widow with rich nobleman which resulted in an unjustly harming of the widow. Disappointed women exclaimed that even the devil would have given a fairer judgment. During the night stranger judgesw came to the court and asked to consider once again the widow’s case. The court writer noticed that the strangers have something devilish in their appearance and horns hidden in black hair. It is believed that they were devils sent by God to retry the case. In result they claim sentence to the widow’s advantage. As a proof the devil left hand mark on the table. This historic table with trace of devil’s hand is available from time to time for visitors in the Lublin Castle Museum. The key words that Lublin would like to be associated are inspiration, energy, youth and diversity. During the year numerous festivals and artistic events are held in the city. But if you expect mainstream popstars you might be disappointed.

REPORTAGE If you come in April you can take part in “Codes” Festival of Traditional and Avantgarde Music and listen to combinations of archaic and new music. In June you cannot miss the most magical night during the year – The Night of Culture. No one sleeps on this night, streets are full of colour, decorations and artistic shows. All the museums and cultural institutions are open for visitors and prepare special programme for that night. In every corner of the city centre something happens: live concerts, visual art, theatre plays, fashion shows, film screenings in the parkings, dance parties on backstreets. In July city belongs to circus-theatre performances from all over the world (Magicians Carnival). If you can feel the music vibes in the air it looks like you are on “East of culture” The Different Sounds art’n’music Festival- the event where you meet artists representing diverse music styles like indie rock, pop, electro or even classic music especially from eastern countries but not only. Beginning of autumn in Lublin means that it’s time for gastronomy. Flavours of Europe is a festival where you can try traditional cuisines from Lublin region but also from another countries. For example main theme of last edition was Italian gastronomy. Except food tasting festivals included concerts, culinary workshops and contests. For the enthusiasts of fantasy we have “Falkon” – Fantasy and science fiction festival. The dance lovers should attend the International Dance Theatre Festival – one of the biggest in this part of Europe. For those interested in contemporary art we have “Open city” Festival of Art in Public Space. I mentioned only a few festivals that happen in Lublin during the year, the real number of interesting events is much bigger.

In 2017, Lublin celebrates 700th anniversary of heritage. Inhabitants of Lublin are really proud of the development of the city over the course of years. Especially this year which was full of initiatives which supposed to show dreaming potential in the city. For example, in June Lublin was one of the hosting cities in UEFA European Under-21 Championship. The number of tourists is getting higher every year. Comparing to other polish cities, maybe Lublin is not that popular among the tourists like Kraków or Wrocław or cannot offer the super nightlife like Warsaw but if you are seeking for cosy spaces, extraordinary events and unique atmosphere, here is the place. Would you like to see what is happening in Lublin now? You have opportunity to see Lublin LIVE - https://lublin. eu/lublin/o-miescie/lublin-na-zywo/. I hope this convince you to visit and fall in love with my city. Paulina Gołębiowska



FOUR LEAF CLOVERS AND LEPRE Macedonia is our homeland, so we’d say that there is nothing compared to its beauties, but Ireland had a lot to offer in that field. We found out what the colour green really is in Ireland.

Four leaf clovers and Leprechauns are the first two

things that pop up in your mind when you think of Ireland. However, that was not our experience. We were a group of five young volunteers from Macedonia who went to visit Ireland for the first time in their lives on a youth exchange on the subject of Teen healthy relationships. We were mostly interested in this subject because we discovered that the organizer of the project is an organization called Adapt Youth Services which is actually a very experienced centre helping abused women – something that we don’t have in our country, but is strongly needed. We were situated in a small and charming town called Bruff on the outskirts of County Limerick, filled with tons of incredibly friendly people. The spooky detail was that our accommodation was actually an old Convent of the Faithful Companions of Jesus – Catholic Sisters whose mission used to be “to follow Jesus to the cross


and beyond”. The interesting part, which we found out later in our journey, was that one of our team, our team leader more precisely, slept in the exact same room where one of the sisters had committed suicidea couple hundred years ago! As we researched later, the basketball court where a guy on our team cut his leg, used to be a graveyard! - coincidence? However, we met the most wonderful friends from Croatia and Greece with whom we had a laugh about these strange and spooky circumstances. We shared our ajvar, Macedonian yellow cheese, rakija and some sweets with them, while we tried tzatziki, Greek white wine and Croatian salami delicatessen. They were amazed by our home-made video about the beauties of Macedonia, where they followed our journey from the fortress of Kale, through the beauties of the Matka canyon, the Skopje city square and the Old Bazaar, finally to the highest point in Skopje – The Millennium Cross on mountain Vodno. They promised to visit us very soon!



Macedonia is our homeland, so we’d say that there is nothing compared to its beauties, but Ireland had a lot to offer in that field. We found out what the colour green really is in Ireland. We have never seen such green fields, such green grass in our lives, however funny it may sound! The nature was amazing, with one of the most wonderful views we’ve ever seen from the top of the Cliffs of Moher. Imagine yourself standing on the edge of a cliff; wind blowing in your face; in front of you 50 shades of blue - sea and sky connecting in one thin line in the far horizons and below you thousand waves crushing in the distant shore of the cliff. Fear rising, your heart is pounding, but in the same time, the wild beauty of it all overcomes the fear and all you feel is awe. The Irish beauty was expressed, although in a different way, in the pretty, cute cities of Galway, Cork and Limerick that we visited. Christmas lights, jolly songs and friendly faces were waiting for us, the only thing missing was snow! We tried some hot nutella buns and mulled wine to help us with the cold, while we shopped for souvenirs and magnets. The Christmas atmosphere was amazing and kept us happy for the day. During the nights, we visited local bars, trying the famous Guinness beer and enjoying some Ed Sheeran songs. However, the most magical city of all was Dublin! There was something to do for everyone there! We took pictures by the famous Ha’pennybridge, enjoyed the gardens and library of Trinity College, visited Dublin castle and admired the paintings from the art exhibition in the National Gallery. The most famous place in Dublin is the Temple bar district in the night, but during the

day as well. In the afternoons, we would relax in a cozy restaurant and try out traditional Irish dishes, such as the Irish stew and shepherd’s pie. During the nights, we would party with our friends from Croatia and Greece in a local pub. Grabbing a Guinness or cider at The Temple Bar, while enjoying the Christmas moodbecame a special treat. While enjoying the beauties of Ireland, we managed to do a little learning as well. We did diagrams and drawings with a trainer on what it means to have a healthy relationship, and what characterizes the opposite of one. We did the same exercise with kids in high school a few days later. It was very interesting to see the difference in sharing opinions between the ages and the different ways in which we reacted after seeing a video of an abusive boyfriend, opposed to their reaction to it. We visited the center for abused women in Limerick, but unfortunately didn’t have the opportunity to meet or talk to one of the victims. We didn’t manage to see examples of the processes we were told in theory - in real life, nor were we able to learn something more about helping the abused women in our countries. But, luckily, the things we lacked in training and learning, we made up by enjoying this beautiful and magical country full of wonderful people and friends. When people ask us what we remember from our trip, I’m sure our answer would be the green fields everywhere you look, the breathtaking views from the Cliffs of Moher, the amazing friends we met and last but not least – that we all found a coin or a penny in every corner we turned – luck of the Irish, eh? Lea Matevska



Младинска размена во Чешка: „Be prepared“


земји, 30 учесници, Еразмус тренинг во зимската бајка наречена Кути, Република Чешка. Кристијан Станковски, Мартин Терзиски, Петар Нестороски и Ангела Рајчевска беа претставниците на Волонтерски Центар Скопје на Тренингот за прва помош во организација на партнерите „Four Links“. „Тргнавме во авантура исполнета со многу неизвесности. Интригантни очекувања кои не однесоа на место кое наликуваше на бајка. Одличното друштво и едукативниот тренинг ни ги исполнија неверојатните 10 денови во Кути“, раскажува Ангела Заедно со претставници од Хрватска, Португалија, Италија, Словачка, Чешка, Романија и Литванија, во периодот од 11-ти до 22-ри декември нашите волонтери се запознаа со основните техники на прва помош. Проектот им овозможи на учесниците да ги подобрат своите вештини во пружање прва помош и да станат поодговорни и посвесни за нивниот потенцијал за спасување на животи.


„Тренингот ’Be prepared’ беше едно навистина неверојатно искуство кое што ми овозможи да стекнам знаење за пружање на прва помош кое што сметам дека многу ќе ми користи. Исто така, благодарен сум што имав можност да запознаам многу луѓе од различни култури, кои што придонесоа тренингот да биде искуство кое што никогаш нема да го заборавам“, вели Мартин. По завршувањето на тренингот, учесниците се здобија со Youth Pass, и, секако, со пријатели ширум цела Европа! Ангела Рајчевска


ARCHITECTURAL PEARL MUSTAPHA PASHA MOSQUE This mosque has a rare and completely authentic

usage of marble, as a facade effect that reflects the light. This effect was respected in the restoration of its pendentives in 1933, but still the color of the restored parts was much darker, and with a band much narrower than the original one. But it seems that the restoration that begun in 2006 was much serious one, organized by the Macedonian National Conservatory Center and the Turkish Agency for Development and Cooperation TIKA from Ancara. The final project was prepared by the Gazi University from Turkey. This restoration finished in 2011. At the opening ceremony was present delegation from Turkey lead by the vice-premier Bekir Bozdag.

This mosque was built in 1492, as a bequeathing of Mustapha Pasha, which was vizier of the sultans Bayezid the Second and Selim the First. These two were responsible of all the very important functions in the Ottoman Empery. Mustapha owned big estate in Rumelia and 4 villages near Skopje, Bulchani, Batinci, Rashtak and Creshevo. He was a son of Abdullah (Abdulkarim), he had 2 wives, both of which were named Hurshid, and 4 daughters named Hanu, Umi, Sash Zemanand Huma. Above the mosque is a marble panel on which with carved Arab letters is stated that this object was built on the foundations of some middle-age church.

There was a fire in 1689 so the current version of this building is from 1802. This building is entirely in Osman baroque style with some usage of neoclassicist Islamic elements. The whole facade and the wall consist of layers of stone and bricks. The entrance of the mosque is through the porch that is made from white marbles, before which are 4 marble columns that are connected with semicircular ports. Within the mosque is the turbe, where in 1519 was buried Mustapha-pasha. Aside it is the sarcophagus of his daughter Umi. There is a fountain too. Interior is dominated with large cupola that is gamut built. This is decorated arabesque; from its left side are depicted motives that are from the time of the building, while on the left side there are some newer objects. The minaret is tall 47 meters and is placed on the northern side of the building. Evliya Celebi (1611-1682), the famous Ottoman travel writer, whose particular field of interest was the historiography of Macedonia, wrote that there was a madrasa (religious school) within this complex. The interior is depicted with florals not geometrisms. Igor Pop Trajkov




Sally Rossiter is a medium of whom I had the pleasure to speak to about her experience in spiritual practices. A medium is a person who can connect and communicate with the afterlife as well as spiritual guides and delivers the messages to those people of whom it was meant for.

So speaking to Sally, she told me that when she first

realized she had a gift, she also thought of it also as a curse. The reason for this is that when she was in her late teens, she started hearing voices in her head and she thought at the time that she might be going crazy, also she didn’t tell anyone because she was worried about what people would say. When she was around 22 she went to the United States and she saw a psychic who had told her that she was clairaudient (this is when someone has the gift of hearing psychic messages from spiritual beings). She says that she was so relieved to know that she wasn’t losing her mind. In order to harness her gift to fruition, she did some training but not in any of the psychic sciences, but rather in a different manner. She had become physically sick in her mid-20s and although she knew she had the gift of clairaudience, she did not work with it. She was working in the corporate industry at the time. There were no healing methods that we medically have now for her condition so she had to learn different healing modalities. She decided to learn reiki and it was mainly to work on herself. And through working on herself she started she started doing reiki on other people. It was through practicing reiki with others that she started getting messages for them.



And when she got messages for them she would pass on the message to them. It got to the point that people did not go to her for reiki anymore but to receive messages from their spirit guides and people who had passed on. Sally mentions that her main psychic “strength” was clairaudience at first, but now she has developed all her psychic senses. She thinks it depends now on a daily basis that she will get messages from different senses how spirits will communicate with her such as clairvoyant (visual), or emotionally sensitive, or mentally sensitive, etc. It varies on the way the information is received. She helps people through channeling, reiki, energy healing, metaphysical counseling (to help people change their patterning) and also clearing away dark magic. People generally want guidance and want to know what the future holds, because people sometimes get to a place where they are confused or fearful, and what they look for is something that can help them out of that place and point them in the right direction. She also states that the best, or most ideal time, to see a psychic/ medium is when you need to. It is important not to see a medium too often, because some can become dependant on channeling and communication with the other side. Sometimes one just has to live their life. Sally actually won’t channel for people too often. She will generally channel when someone is at a crossroad, or needs some direction, or feels they have been getting communication from the spirit realm and want to get some answers or clarity. Overall it is a very personal feeling as to why one would speak to a medium.

I know in my experience, the first time I spoke to Sally I was in a very dark place in my life and nobody knew what to do to help me. So I went to see her, and she did a reiki healing on me – clearing blocked energy and things like that. It was amazing because I could actually feel the energy moving through me when she was busy with the healing. Later I went to see her for channeling and the messages I got from the other side was incredibly mindblowing. The reason I say this is because shortly before I went to see her for the channeling, I had a dream about the person who had died and he had told me something very specific in the dream. When I went for the channeling with her she told me exactly the message I had gotten in the dream a couple of weeks before, and this is not something I told anybody! Since then I have contacted her whenever I needed help with something that I couldn’t find another solution around, because it is not her, but the ones who she is connecting with that are helping. She is the medium. So I am a believer. There is something after we die and there are spirit guides who help us in this life. We are never truly alone, even if at times it feels that way. It is important also to remember that. Everybody has their own opinion of such matters, but I know one thing for sure… and that is I don’t have all the answers and sometimes it takes something out of this world to guide us along. Chris Maiken



LAUGHTER IN THEATER The night is young, the crowd is chattering, the mood

is light. Lights are still bright, shining on the bright red carpet or reflecting on the dim dark walls. Suddenly, the bells ring. Late comers quietly rush off the cloakroom counter. The early visitors chip their last peanuts, put down their bottled beers and white wines on wooden round tables to hand their geometrically designed tickets to shred by a smiling dark-clothed clerk. Everyone finds their seat. The chatter continues until they come… The loud repetitive hits from brigadiers, a beat, then followed by the final three distinct blows. The curtains ceremoniously open. Let the play begin. Of those startling effect that theatre has the power to incept in one’s heart and soul, laughter is one of the most complex there is. The most recognizable feat of drama comes through what Aristotle coined the catharsis. Grossly summed up, the latter refers to the exhilarating emotional release that an audience expects and experiences throughout a play. Anyone penetrating either the halls of a prestigious national theatre or the dark room of a cozy local playroom craves a cathartic adventure. Laughter is, perhaps, one of the most common features of this release. However, contrary to common misconceptions, laughter is not limited to comedy or comic relief. It is the product of a convoluted relationship between playwrights, actors and audiences, itself the result of a long and winding history of their quest or evasion thereof.

It is undeniable that theatre is gifted with a peculiar— and to wmany — charming, atmosphere. Of the Seven Arts, it might very well be the most startling one. It is literary, but not exactly literature. It’s figurative, but not precisely sculpture. It is lyric, yet does not rely on music. It has rhythm, but it distances itself from dancing rituals. The dignified forebear of cinema, theatre’s grasp on all, and none, of its fellow artistic characteristics yields baffling feelings on its audience. Since the ancient times, philosophers of Arts and dramatists alike have all strived to decipher this extraordinary feature, leading to the slow composition of an enthralling field, which is drama studies today. During a conference on Laughter in French Theatre centered around the play “Un Deux”, playwright François Bégaudeau and director Mélanie Mary outlined the three main kinds of laughter in theatre: “comic relief”, “distinguished” laughter, and “absurdist” — or “surreal”— comedy.

Comic relief Of all the various types of laughter one can find in drama plays, comic relief is, essentially, and, incidentally, also the one where misconceptions on dramatic comedy falls into. Comic relief, typically, is the degree zero of laughter. It amounts to what is commonly perceived as comedy, i.e. a play or a stage performance with the primary aim of producing laughter on its audience. Here, the audience expects to laugh. The burden or achievement falls into the performers for producing the right jokes at the right timing with the right techniques to optimize the overall humoristic essence of the performance. Comic relief utilizes catharsis in a very utilitarian fashion. The emotional release is set to distract members of the audience from their daily routines and diurnal worries. The public attends the performance to fill their leisure time. They are expecting a friendly experience which will not challenge them outside of their comfort zone. Vaudeville theatre and, arguably, most stand-up comedy shows could be described as comic relief.


CULTURE Distinguished comedy

Surreal laughter

It should come as no surprise that among the dramatist elites and members of what Foucault describes as the High Culture, comic relief theatre is met at best with disdain, and at worst with hostility. Indeed, among the higher ends of the cultural society, theatre is a sanctified place. It is considered a serious cultural institution, amounting to an artistic temple, if not a secular church. Drama is perceived as a ceremony, where the most distinguished members of society glorify the rites of Arts. Hence, the frivolity of degreezero laughter is, ineluctably, considered a nuisance corrupting the sacred ritual of theatre: good enough for the common folk, unfit for the artistic endeavor.

Surreal theatre is, without a doubt, the most appreciated, complex form of laughter one can find. More than a kind of comedy, absurdist theatre has become a dramatic genre of itself, and not any genre. It is, certainly, the most influential modern theatre of the 20th century. Born after the second world war with prominent playwrights such as Eugène Ionesco or Samuel Beckett, absurdist theatre offers a deep, uneasy stare at mankind’s complexities and contradictions. Surreal plays entail their very own characteristics such as lonely, quasiinsane characters lost in their incongruences and lack of meaningful endeavors; as well as grey landscapes, full of gruesome environments filled with lonely dead symbols of nature. In Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot, two idle characters, Vladimir and Estragon, contemplate their own mortality. With just one belt and a dead tree as crops, they ponder whether to hang themselves or keep on waiting for Godot to arrive. For two long stretched hours, nothing happens, Godot never shows up, and might never do. The audience does not know why, or what, they are waiting for. Instead, they witness two tramps exploring the darkest corners of their minds and becoming gradually insane as a result.

There is, however, one path for frivolous comedy to achieve grand status among high cultural circles. That is time. A playwright that might be soiled and disregarded by his contemporaries, could posthumously witness his work and his name elevated to sanctity through the test of time. There are cases of 19th century Vaudeville theatre playwright, such as Georges Feydeau for example, utterly despised in his time, who are starting to be rehabilitated by famously recognized directors. The 19th century romantic movement also took up the challenge to restore Elizabethan tragi-comedy, a feature so dear to Shakespearean theatre, among mainstream theatre culture. Hence, frivolity, when distinguished, entails a different relationship between the audience and the play. When comic relief is performed, the script is not expected to be read nor studied. Distinguished comedy is regularly revised, published and commented. Roam through the street of Paris, and try to find one person who has not ever read at least some works of Molière. In comic relief, the artists need to design their work so as to provoke laughter in the audience. In distinguished comedy, the audiences already know the play. It is nearly expected to laugh at the right moments. As the very rehabilitation of those plays depends on time, the humoristic frivolity is almost always obsolete. Shakespeare and Molière’s play are hardly funny, yet an audience that does not laugh appears unlettered, thus not worthy of the play.

That is what absurdist theatre does. It its forcing lonely characters to explore their spirituality in an uneasy and discomforting way. It inflicts the same experience on the audience. The loneliness and awkwardness of the characters forces the public to go through an unsettling spiritual awakening. The playwrights force them to take a long hard look at themselves throughout the play. At first glance, neither the characters, the environment nor the play make any sense, yet there is meaning. Absurdist theatre produces laughter, but it is not funny. It is surreal. The audience first laughs at the play, before laughing at themselves. Absurdist laughter offers a true, genuine, cathartic experience. The emotional release is troubling, deep and quasitragic. Attending a surreal play goes beyond distracting oneself from routine, or maintaining cultural standards. On the contrary, it is about facing the existential absurdity of our individuality and mankind in general. Once the black curtain draws to a close, the night is eternal, the crowd is silent and the mood is gloom. Here lies the beautiful power of laughter in theatre.

Antoine Lomba



Атина-градот на графити

Никогаш не сум претпочитал престолнини и големи градови, но ова беше нешто сосема друго: урбани стилови, река луѓе што те разминува, графити по ѕидовите и улични музичари што свират на различни инструменти

Доцна ноемвриска ноќ... Речиси можеш да го

почувствуваш студот што доаѓа. За среќа си ги пакувам работите за да тргнам на пат. Овој пат ќе одам појужно каде се уште е топло. Се надевам. Ми претстои уште едно поглавје да пополнам со нови имиња и ликови. Се разбира, не можеш да побегнеш од себе никогаш беа разлика колку далеку ќе отидеш. Отсекогаш сум го знаел тоа. Затоа ја користам можноста да научам и откријам нешто ново за себе. Оние лица и места на кои наидувам на мојот пат... Тие се како огледало, постојано покажувајќи ми до каде сум стигнал и колку далеку можам да напредувам. Тие и овој пат ќе ми помогнат во тоа. Со драга пријателка која ќе ја разбие монотонијата да се патува сам. Таа внимава на мене, јас на неа, така тоа оди во нашиот тим. По повеќе часови возење со автобус и пријатен лет стигнуваме таму. Со сите тие светла и предбожиќна атмосфера, таа вечер централниот плоштад и


околните улици прават градот да изгледа како новогодишна елка. И така влетуваме сред толпата народ што се движи накај „Атина стрит“. Во нашиот хотел се поздравувам со две - три личности обидувајќи се да ги запомнам нивните имиња. А горе во мојата соба ме чекаше неверојатен поглед: Акропол осветлен во ноќта чиниш можеш да го допреш со гола рака. Ја започнавме нашата дружба најгоре на покривот веќе наредниот ден, со сите оние пријателски лица и ден по ден, крстарејќи низ градските улици се повеќе навлегувавме во крвотокот на градот. Никогаш не сум претпочитал престолнини и големи градови, но ова беше нешто сосема друго: урбани стилови, река луѓе што те разминува, графити по ѕидовите и улични музичари што свират на различни инструменти, тука и таму и насекаде. И продолжуваме покрај модерните продавници покрај редовите со дрвца

CULTURE од мандарини, а портокаловата боја насекаде, доминира, се рефлектира во твоите очи, можеби понекое паркче од страна со маслинови дрвца како да сакаат безгласно да ме потсетат на оние очи со боја на зелена маслина што ги оставив во мојот град. Истражувајќи го градот преку ден со целата негова убавина завлегуваме во понекое соседство малку подалеку од центарот. И така целата група навлеговме во квартот што се вика Егзархија и ја слушнавме приказната за луѓето од овој дел што го заштитиле паркот од сечење и градење згради. А уличните уметници водени од политички, економски и уметнички или било какви други побуди ја започнале своето безгласно изразување по ѕидовите, контејнерите, универзитетските блокови и тротоарите да ја пренесат својата порака до надворешниот свет. Некои од нив можеби беа сосема надвор од контекст или јас барем таков

впечаток добив, некои уникатни ремек дела на уметноста, а некои само текстуални но доволно силни како камшик, во сите можни бои што можеш да ги замислиш. Одејќи така од еден до друг графит се обидувавме да ја сфатиме приказната која е зад сето тоа, бунтовничкиот нагон на раката што го создала. И сето тоа ме враќа на вечното прашање: Графитите: уметност или вандализам. Се сеќавам од порано на еден графит кој вели: „Пишувам затоа што никој не слуша“. И можеби навистина визуелниот ефект на пренесената порака ја прави уште помоќна, давајќи и поинаква димензија, се зачувува длабоко во нашата потсвест, давајќи и можност да се појави повторно на површината. Да, и јас од истите причини повеќе сакам да пишувам како начин на изразување затоа што од таму од каде јас доаѓам многу од луѓето слушаат само со цел да одговорат, донесат заклучок или некој суд.

Можеби некои од графитите поставени на недолични места, навредливи и со експлицитен текст би можеле да се сметаат за вандализам, не знам, не би знаел да кажам можеби затоа што не видов такви или пак е во прашање мојот уметнички начин на гледање на работите, каде и да одам, каде и да погледнам. Се вратив дома со насмевка и со прекрасни спомени. И разгледувајќи ги одново фотографиите што ги направив постојано добивам сосема различни одговори за некои исти, веќе одговорени прашања.

Да, тоа е слободата на уметноста, но и основната потреба да се применат, изменат или подобрат нашите параметри на перцепција кои не водат постојано и тоа секогаш се случува кога разменуваме искуства со другите, кога учиме и прифаќаме нешто ново и поразлично од нашето. Горан Галабов



FROZEN COLOSSUS Icebergs, dancing prima ballerinas, arks and submarines, the architecture of the city is so much more than expected.

Darkness, supple figures emerge from the obscurity, the play of lights and shadows begins, spotlights follow

the motion of dancers and the building joins them in the act. Ballet is an art where movement, minimalism and lightness count, the same as in architecture. Although seemingly different, they have a lot in common, showed off they impress. An individual can steal the performance but if it will not harmonize with the surrounding, the final effect will be meagre; it’s a crowd or a surrounding that can give it a character or provide a proper background to shine.

Not only the act on its own but also its setting counts. Macedonian site of Opera and Ballet is situated in a building not diverging architecturally from the level of European concert halls, almost as if it was an ancestor of Oslo’s Operahuset. As both of the buildings referby their construction to icebergs floating above the surface of water,they distinctively stand out with their geometrical shape from the surrounding. Dynamic lines of construction harmonize with the motion spectacle that takes place in its interior. Unfortunately Skopje’s Opera is lost among neoclassical buildings, in order to discover it fully; you need to squeeze in between muses to see its ensemble. The creators: Kacin, Princes, Spindler and Ursic had nothing to say as to disruption of their original plan. Initial architectural layout was distorted and flooded by pseudo-ancient urban collage; prima ballerina of Skopje cannot shine anymore.


OPINION Good project can be recognized by the fact that there is no bad seat in the audience, the hall designed in 60shas its futuristic outline, roundness of armchairs and their coloring remind the style of the era, teal walls clearly stand out from omnipresent whiteness. The auditorium remains lucid and minimalistic; the same as the rest of construction which dynamic body is very expressive as if the building froze in a pose. Diagonal lines distinctively stand out the space, thanks to them although good-sized, Opera doesn’t overwhelm. The interior is lit up by the whiteness that magnifies the impression of spatiality. All that makes the opera a hidden gem of the city. Despite the fact that the earthquake from 1963 caused a lot of damage, one could say that in terms of architecture it was a catharsis for the city that could renew itself. Shortly after the tragedy, international competitions of different kind were announced, in 1960 the project of Office 71 won, which followed the construction of Cultural Center (later opera) in 1979. This realization integrated into KenzoTange’s master plan of Skopje’s reconstruction after the earthquake. Although a big part of the plan was never realized, even from project’s description it is visible that the initial vision was disturbed by Skopje 2014 that wrecked Tange’s and Office 71 team’s plans, closing the space and cutting it out of the urban tissue. Instead of spreading out in front of the passer-by, the area is suffocating. And the building inspired by Casper David Friedrich’s The Sea of Ice gets lost in a colonnade interweaved by Greek muses.

Kenzo’s plan was spacious and it would have shaped Skopje as well-organized, modern city with open areas. Skopje, as one of a few European capitals can show off quite an amount of buildings in the spirit of futurism, brutalism and functionalism. The architects focused on providing citizens proper amount of light and space, by building edifices representing their functions in the construction. Strolling through Skopje it’s worth to get away from golden kitsch in order to appreciate avant-garde architecture of main post office, transport centre, dormitories and university,deprived of decorations they create quite a specific landscape of colossus reminding gigantic submarines with oval windows. In Tange’s plan these majestic giants were supposed to float along newly set axis of the city opening by the City Gate and closed by City Wall of blocks of flats surrounding old town, repeating the traditional pattern of medieval planning. Even though this urban experiment appeared to be partially a failure, visionary conception of Tange still makes an impression, under the layer of styropol there is a true spirit of modern city that Skopje was supposed to be, it would be a pity to miss it. Aleksandra Grzyb



A TALE OF TWO STORIES BRIDGING GENDER INEQUALITY If there was one issue that really broke out in the

end of last year It would be called gender inequality. With in that there are many aspects like pay cap, sexism and discrimination etc. But my thought was why haven’t we still conquered this problem. I rest that thought in my head for a moment until I had an argument with a acquaintance of mine about the women and men inequality. The argument started with me pointing out that there should me more equality between men and women in today’s world. To which he firmly applied that you can not compare chicken and a bear. As you can imagine I did not like the comparison at all. After that he gave me another example of how women do less physical labor than men. To which he added a comparison in sports where apparently man are always faster, stronger, better etc. In that point I gave him a good example of how I probably swim a lot faster than him which he agreed for once. In that point I finally had a moment to explain myself and where my point of view was coming from. Because my idea was not to attack men or say that women and better but to have more equality between us. I gave him an example of women and men who work the same amount and give same solutions but men still get paid more. In which he agreed that this is not right but still had to add that we are not equal in this world none of us. In the end of this talk I just felt that he could not see the problem and he was so sure of himself that there would be no convincing him otherwise.

But I couldn’t see myself being upset with him because the generation where he comes from separated men and women roles in society. I mean even my generation was teached from a young age that there are boy colors and girl colors. So I had my favorite girl color which was yellow and boy color which was green. But in the end of the day it’s not about colors it’s what we teach our younger generation. We shouldn’t say to a young boy not to cry and be a man. We also shouldn’t say to a girl to be more soft and fragile if that’s just not the way she is carries herself. I feel as human beings we should be allowed to express ourselves freely. But even though in most societies we have the freedom of speech and expression if your opinion does not apply to a narrative it’s probably going to be frown on. Believe me there are many people who don’t talk about issues that bother them just because they are afraid of what others think. That’s what we call social conditioning where a person responds to things in a society in a manner which would be generally approved by the society that surrounds them especially family, friends and coworkers. Because thinking the same with a group of people gives you safety and a lot of people like that. Often when you say something that is different of what others believe in you are going to have an argument. But I think having an argument is better than having silence. So I find myself being thankful for the argument I had about the gender inequality with the acquaintance of mine. You can apply this idea of speaking out your through in everything from gender equality to how good was last Spiderman movie. Why I chose to speak about gender inequality was just because it’s a very strong movement right now but it’s been silenced for so long. So we can see the impact that social conditioning has had on society. In the end I think that people are starting to open up more and speaking out about problems that need solving. So it’s fair to say we might be moving towards more open and equal society. Maybe the steps we are taking look like baby steps but at least there is something moving and changing.



We are closing in on a year that saw many, dramatic, developments challenging the world’s development. The year 2017 is, certainly, about to go down as part of a wider turning point in recent history. Yet, if there was any issue that gained new impetus in the year that just passed us, it is gender equality. Indeed, January inaugurated the year with Women Marches across the world. December concluded it with tidal waves of sexual harassment allegations, breaking up silence and exposing the scale of systemic sexism in our societies. Hence, we are opening 2018 with reasonable confidence for the future. Awareness on the issue of gender equality is gaining new grounds. Its salience is slowly, but surely, strengthening. Yet, we should not lower our guard. We still live in a highly unequal society, where one strand of the gender spectrum still holds most of the privileges, while the rest are struggling to get their perspective and rights taken into account. We might hold the truth that we are created equal as self-evident, but we need to remain aware of challenges to overcome. Many people see gender equality as an evidence, but fewer stay true to this evidence in their actions. More worrying so, there remains a wide share of society, men and women alike, that do not even believe in this truth. Naturally, an extensive variety of factors leads to this situation, such as culture, education, societal pressure and so on. However, it would be a mistake to dismiss this problem as an unsurmountable cultural perspective that should be respected. Raising awareness is essential to bring about change. One cannot solve a problem when there is no problem to be recognized in the first place. The thing about raising awareness is that it works.

A friend of mine, who goes by the name of Alex, from Yorkshire in England once told me an engaging story on gender equality. He was volunteering in India for three months in a bid that ranged from promoting social inclusiveness, including gender empowerment, to, later, disaster relief. Alex was living in an apartment with his fellow volunteers, who all happened to be female. They were, one day, cleaning their flat and Alex, naturally, did his share of the chores by sweeping around. Baffled by this arrangement, Sahil*, a local who was staying over to improve his English, took it upon himself to pinch the broom Alex was using to forcefully hand it to one of the girls, proclaiming: “Women job!”. Bewildered by this sudden manifestation of early-20th century gender hierarchy, the girl seized the broom and replied: “You want to learn English ? I’ll teach you a sentence: ‘Gender is a social construct!’. Repeat after me!”. Perhaps not entirely sure what he was saying, Sahil went on to repeat the sentence until he knew it by heart. Later, at a gathering between locals and international volunteers, the facilitator asked everyone to reflect on what they had recently learned. Sahil took the floor and announced: “Today, I learned that gender is a social construct”. His curiosity somewhat picked by the incident, he went on to undertake some research of his own on the matter. Sahil discovered another outlook on intergender relationship. All he needed was a trigger to compel a reaction from his part. That trigger offered exposed him to a new perspective. One that he quickly embraced. Sahil decided to get more involved with the work of the volunteers. Not merely to improve his English skills, but mainly to promote another point of view of gender equality in his community. He went on to become one of the most active and involved local volunteer in raising awareness on gender equality. It only took one sentence. One sentence to affect an entire community in the long run. Imagine the potential of one lecture, one workshop or a whole campaign. Challenges are always ahead, of course. 2017 started with the Women’s March, but it also started with a leap backward for gender equality. It ended with an overall freeing of women’s voices, but it also showed the gargantuan width of systemic sexism. The road is long and will be winding. But there is a road.

Ann Aro & Antoine Lomba



Луѓето не им веруваат на медиумите Искра Коровешовска е едно од препознатливите лица на македонското политичко новинарство. Моментно е дел од ТВ „Алфа“, има 14-годишно искуство, работеше во „Скај Нет“, беше дел од лајф - магазинот „Чуму“, а потоа и дел од вестите на А1, а до летово и од дневниот весник „Дневник“

Искра, зошто го одбра новинарството како твое

животно занимање? - Сосема несвесно влегов во новинарството. Пред да се запишам на факултет, последната година од средно училиште бев решена дека ќе студирам англиски и шпански јазик, но само три дена пред уписите, работите добија поинаков тек. Всушност, њтатко ми во мене препознал талент за новинарство, ме разубеди екстремно брзо, и моите документи завршија на Правниот факултет- отсек новинарство. Успеав да ги положам приемните испити, и почна мојата нова фаза во животот. Учење и станување новинар. ИКако е да се биде новинар во Македонија? - Предизвикувачко, тешко. Македонија е земја која некако плива низ процес на транзиција од своето осамостојување во 1991 година, и се уште. Мало, прекрасно парче земја, кое како да не успева да созрее до степен на ‘убав живот‘. Можеби затоа што сме едноставно на Балканот, но пред се заради нашите политичари и државници, кои се чини, не покажаа политичка волја за вистинско раководење и создавање на зрела и економски стабилна држава. Сето тоа се рефлектира врз новинарството, постојано и постојано. Но, предизвик е да си креатор на јавното мислење во полза на државата и нејзините граѓани. Каква е генерално состојбата со медиумите? - Плурализмот во медиумите постои, што е и одлика на секоја зрела и демократска држава. Но, финансиските проблеми со кои се соочува македонското општество, особено последниве неколку години на политичка криза, се рефлектираат и врз медиумите. Гаранцијата на опстојување на


медиумите е доведена во прашање. За кусо време згаснаа една од најгледаните телевизии, медиумска компанија што беше сопственик на три дневни весници, еден портал... Тоа не е добра слика. Истовремено држава без медиуми, без квалитетни медиуми е како држава без идентитет. А професионални новинари има, само треба да се препознаат и ценат. Те молам, сподели ја најинтересната или најважната вест на која што си работела? - Многубројни се, 14 години сум новинар, имам полно приказни на кои со задоволство се сеќавам. Но, кога се присетувам со посебна љубов, жар и емоции зборувам за две мои стории за еден од најтиражните дневни весници за кои работев: ’Дневник’. Првата е пронаоѓањето на гробот на македонскиот војвода и еден од најзначајните историски личности - Гоце Делчев во селото Баница, во Грција. Според моите информации, јас сум вториот човек кој, после многу децении, успеал да го лоцира гробот, во селото буквално збришано од географската карта на Грција. Втората приказна е за истиот весник, кога се облеков во питач, и поминав речиси цел ден низ скопските улици обидувајќи се да ја пренесам вистинската борба на сиромаштијата и питачењето. Ова е посебен новинарски жанр, кога новинарот истражува ставајќи се во улога на друг, за да долови реална слика. Има уште многу други искуства, не толку позитивни, но, тука се гледа професионалноста и љубовта кон работата: истрага за едно убиство со директно лоцирање на мртвата девојка на местото на злосторот - слика што никогаш

INTERVIEW нема да ја заборавам. Последниве години работам на политички известувања и анализи, нема подобро од тоа кога ги откриваш нечистите или криени политички игри и и ги сервираш на јавноста, таа мора да знае што прават оние кои ги избрала да ја водат државата. Каква е разликата меѓу новинарството на ТВ и во весник? - Стилот, динамиката, размислувањето. Во весник, темпото едноставно не е тензично како во ТВ, не си постојано во брзање и патувања во обид да дојдеш до информација, тоа едноставно може да се заврши телефонски и со една до две фотографии. Весниците се анализи, ексклузивитети кои мора да се чекор пред телевизиите, оти невозможно е да се тркаш со жива слика и тон. Но, телевизијата е посебна магија. Тоа не е клише, туку е вистински опис. Новинарите кои почнале како телевизиски личности, тешко засакуваат друг медиум. Дали повторно би се одлучила за новинарство да можеш повторно да си средношколец? - Да. Без размислување. Би ги минала истите премрежја, би работела како почетник без плата, би учела повторно од најдобрите. Ако е грешка, без двоумење би ја направила пак. Што мислиш за синтагмата дека новинарството е најдобрата професија во светот доколку ја напуштиш навреме? - Апсолутна вистина. Зошто? Новинарството можеби повеќе од мнозинството други професии ти го парализира приватниот живот, нема граници на работни обврски и крај на работните обврски во денот. Од позиција на мајка, сметам дека во еден момент новинарите- мајки се наоѓаат во состојба да завршат се и да се посветат на детето. Но, така ја дефинирам синтагмата сега, можеби мајчинството нема да ’победи’, но кога ќе почувствувам дека публиката, односно јас се презаситувам - нема да сакам да станам неподнослива. Ќе се повлечам на време. Но, не сум во таа фаза. Не се уште.

Како препознаваш вистинска од лажна вест? - Искуството те учи како да филтрираш што значи лажна, а што вистинска вест. Во искуството се спакувани и луѓе-извори на информации во кои имаш доверба. Кредибилитетот на медиумот кој ја објавува, апсолутно, повторно поврзано со искуството, односно познавањето на македонските и светските медиуми, нивната поставеност, уредувачки политики... Во вистинските вести изворот е наведен, нема многу прашалници, нема импровизации. Дали медиумите го креираат јавното мислење и колку луѓето им веруваат? - О, да. Особено телевизијата. Се уште е најмоќен медиум, особено во Македонија. Влијанието е огромно, но не и довербата во медиумите. И сега звучи контрадикторно: од една страна силно влијание, но од друга – голема недоверба. Плурализмот во медиумите овозможува поглед од различна страна, тоа ги збунува луѓето, но иднината ќе покаже кој предвидел правилно и информирал професионално. Но, за тоа не се највиновни медиумите, оти тие едноставно се оневозможени да добијат информација, оти кај оние кои ја даваат постои недостаток од почит и култура на однесување кон медиумот. Последниве, заради ова, се често принудени да шпекулираат што ја руши сликата за телевизијата кај народот. Понекогаш е полесно да се разговара со странски отколку со домашен политичар. И тоа објаснува многу нели? Крис Маикен

Како изгледа работниот ден на новинарите? - Никогаш исто, никогаш досадно и монотоно. Почнува со читање и гледање вести на интернет и печатени медиуми – паралелно со будењето и првото кафе. А некогаш и на слушалки додека крадам време за вежбање или трчање. Потоа, неколкучасовно снимање и теренска работа, па назад во редакција. Следи обработка на информацијата, нејзино соодветно пакување, проследено со безброј интересни ситуации, тензии, технички проблеми, нервозни уредници, хумор и тахикардија. Финализира со подготовка на новиот ден. Новинар сум едноставно цел ден.



DARIO JURICAN: FIND YOURSELF This author of over 50 short movies in different genres we met at the Investigative Film Festival in Skopje. Dario Juričan is also regional pioneer in investigative journalism. His first long documentary “The Boss” had a big success. As a producer he had a big success in crowd-funding.

You don’t have any traditional education in filmmaking…

- I actually do. I did study at the London Film Academy for a year. But anyway that is not enough. -You are a terrible person. No I have a film background. I worked in the film-industry for the last 10 years as a professional film-maker. So that is my background. You didn’t confront any problems while editing, such as those with the linear editing, whatever? by Igor P.T.

- You mean about the movie “Boss”, the one we just saw? Not just about this movie but entirely about movies because some people say that they have problems while film-making if they don’t have any traditional film-education? - Actually I am coming from the fiction film productions, and most of my films, like 90% of them are fiction. So I just recently switched to documentaries. And I discovered that actually I am good in the documentaries. Because I like to play with the structure and I create my characters as fiction characters- and I built a story around it. I think that my fiction movie background helped me with the documentaries.

Tell us how did you decide to begin with your filmcareer and what are, according to you, the best movies you have done till now? - OK. I decided to switch into movies while in my early twenties, when I was watching experimental movies. And they were terrible. And I said to myself:“Oh my God, I can do better than that.” So my first movies were experimental. Slowly I moved to fiction. Now I am in documentaries. I specialized in investigative documentaries feature films. So I am making movies, and when I am making movies I am making them for the cinema. But I still think that my first feature “The Boss” is probablyconsidered to be a really good movie. I also have fiction shorts that I really like; this fiction stories are intimate dramas. So I think I am some kind of crazy combination between intimate drama, love stories and on the other side- I am making investigative feature films. What are the best tendencies in the Croatian Cinemain the recent Croatian Cinema and entirely? - You mean public attendencies?



No tendencies in the cinema, in the movies. - I am eclectic so I have some experimental authors that I really like from Serbia and from Croatia. And I am huge fan of the American crime movies. But I am also crazy about the contemporary Korean movies, which I consider to be the great best thrillers in the world at the moment. I also like independent American cinema, which now, is practically main stream. So I am combination of everything. In my movies I don’t think you can recognize any of the stiles, I am just eclectic. But for my investigative movies I have certain American documentarists that I am building my documentaries on them- like about food for instance, or the secret war… But I also watch many documentaries from the 80s, 90s even the fresh ones, like the movie series about OJ Simpson which are incredibly good. So I do have an eye for contemporary documentaries but I also watch the classic movies. But I don’t think that I have someone that I copy-paste. I think now I finished my second movie and am on my way to do the third feature. So I think no one before me did investigative documentaries in Croatia so I kind of consider myself to be my own cook.

What is your advice to the young film makers? How do you recommend them to begin and continue with their career? - Two things: be honest to yourself, don’t make stuff that you don’t like. If you like crime stories, make a crime movie. And don’t forget - the fish pond is filled with fish and you need to find your own voice. You need to have balls and they have to be the biggest in the pool. If you don’t have balls, if you don’t have a voice- find it. It took me years to find it. So it is OK. The first movie is probably going to be terrible. But don’t make feature films, make shorts. Than you would find you voice and your balls. Igor Pop Trajkov

We saw that you are very successful in the crowdfunding. Did you find yourself as completely left behind in the other sources of financing like the Ministry of Culture, those traditional ones. Did you get rejected so that is why you became interested in this or there was some other reason? - Actually we were very successful with the funding for the first one. But the shooting took so long and we were like short in the end with the few thousand dollars. And I saw the crowd funding as a good way. I didn’t wanted to ask the Croatian film-fund:“Oh guys we still need money…”, because I wanted to give a chance to the people to put some money in it. Because I saw that the staff we are doing is of such a public importance; I could see that the people will contribute.And I also count on the new movie that the people will contribute with their differences. On the second movie the whole money we put in is ours. Everything what we earned with the first movie we put in for the second movie.



PËR TË ARRITUR ËNDRRËN TIME DHE PER TU BË STILIST Intervistë me Hanife Bilalli, student i Izet Curi në Paris

Franca ka qenë gjithmonë prestigjioze në dizajnin e modës. Në të vërtetë,

Parisi është i famshëm për frymën e lirisë, guximin dhe kreativitetin. Kjo kontribuon në ndikimin e saj ndërkombëtar. Këtë dimër, moda mban një spot në ekranin e Institutit Francez të Shkupit me ekspozitën ‘Gjatë tërë veprës, stuWdimit dhe krijimit’. Kjo është ekspozita e krijimeve, nga talentet e reja të Institutit Ndërkombëtar të Modës Izet Curi. Do të jetë e hapur deri më 25 janar 2018. Izet Curi është një stilist dhe rrobaqepës i njohur francez me famë botërore. Bazuar në Paris, ai është i specializuar në luks të gatshëm për veshjen dhe ka punuar në Moden e Lartë për Jean Paul Gaultier. Aktualisht, ai është gjithashtu një mësues në fushën e modës. Ky projektues profesional i modës ishte i pranishëm në hapjen e ekspozitës, me një nga studentët e tij, znj. Hanife Bilalli, e cila është 19 vjeçe. Gjatë hapjes së ekspozitës, një audiencë e re dhe entuziaste ishte e pranishme, dhe unë isha në gjendje t’iu bëja disa pyetje znj. Hanife Bilalli.

Pse keni zgjedhur Izet Curin si mentor për të mësuar dizajnimin e modës? Arsyeja e vetme që zgjodha shkollimin dhe trajnimin në Institutin e Artit të krijuar nga z. Izet Curi është Izet Curi. Ai është i vetmi person i famshëm i specializuar në modë në Maqedoni dhe përtej këtij vendi. Ai bëri shumë për evolucionin e modës në vendin tonë. A jeni partneri ose i vetmi student? Unë jam një student.


Sa studentë jeni në këtë trajnim? Rreth 30 studentë. Cili është projekti juaj në të ardhmen? Unë dua të arrij ëndrrën time, që është të bëhem stilist, sepse gjithmonë kam ëndërruar të bëj këtë punë. Të gjitha ëndrrat e mia janë të lidhura me karrierën time dhe shpresoj t’i arrij ato.


Dëshironi të punoni më vonë në bashkëpunim me Izet Curi? Po, do të doja të vazhdoja të bashkëpunoja me të. Do të doja të përdorja përvojën e tij, për të mësuar më shumë. Si është ai pedagog? Ai eshte me i miri. Çfarë keni bërë para se të pranoheni në këtë trajnim për dizajnin e modës? Unë kam diplomën time nga shkolla e mesme, dhe kjo është e gjitha. Unë kurrë nuk kam pasur ndonjë përvojë në këtë fushë më parë. Kjo është e para e mia! Përshkruani punën tuaj me pak fjalë? Ndihem 100% i kënaqur me dizajnimin e modës. Kur zgjohem çdo mëngjes, jam i sigurt, e di se çfarë dua të bëj, jam plot energji. Ndihem super komod në atë që bëj. Çfarë mendoni për Parisin? A është ky një qytet premtues për një artist të ri si ju? Parisi është qyteti i magjepsjes. Edhe më shumë se sa isha duke menduar para se të shkoj atje. Është një qytet

shumë frymëzues. Natyrisht, ëndrra ime është që të vazhdoj ta kryej punën atje. Këto janë ndoshta vetëm ëndrra ... por ne kurrë nuk e dimë ... A mendoni se evolucioni i teknologjive të reja ka ndikim në projektimin e modës? Puna jonë kërkon të shohim gjithmonë në të ardhmen: vizualizimi. Ne gjithmonë duhet të jemi të hapur, të mësojmë gjëra të reja dhe të ndjekim ritmin. Falë frymëzimit që ne mund t’i tregojmë diçka publikut tonë. A ka shumë gra që praktikojnë në këtë fushë? Në shkollën time, ka vetëm një burrë ... A mendoni se një grua moderne duhet të jetë e kujdesshme me peshën e saj? A është e nevojshme të jesh e veshur mirë? Njerëzit dëshirojnë gratë e varfër. Dhe unë mendoj se të gjitha gratë kujdesen për trupin e tyre. Sigurisht, është më mirë që të vishen mirë.

Chloe Dumeusois



Инвазија во Загреб Почнува Европското првенство во ракомет, Македонија очекува неколкуилјадна подршка на трибините

Почетокот на новата година ни носи сензација што

е особено значајна за Македонија, а тоа е Европското првенство во ракомет, кое ќе се одржи од 12. до 28 јануари во Хрватска. Добро е познато дека ракометот во Македонија претставува национален спорт со оглед на успесите што редовно се нижат како на клупско, така и на национално ниво. Поседува одлична репрезентација со врвни ракометари, и како таква се избори за учество на првенството со максимален успех во групата за пласман. Ждрепката одлучи македонската репрезентација да игра во Загреб, во групата Ц каде што ќе ги одмери силите со европскиот шампион Германија, добро познатата Словенија и не помалку значајната Црна Гора. Иако станува збор за група со силни противници, голема е веројатноста дека Македонија ќе го продолжи натпреварувањето во следната фаза со надеж дека ќе влезе во финалната четворка и ќе се вклучи во борбата за трофејот. Сето тоа не би било комплетно доколку не е присутна подршката од публиката и од верните навивачи. Без оглед дали станува збор за пријателски натпревар или натпревар од највисоко ниво, тие редовно се присутни во голем број на трибините. Облечени во црвено-жолтата боја, навивајќи и пеејќи песни со сета сила од своите грла, како и со приредување на разни спектакли, верно ги бодрат ракометарите да дојдат до победа. Затоа не случајно е потврдено дека македонската публика претставува гордост за тимот и страв за противникот.



Секако дека гордоста и мотивацијата кај играчите ќе бидат уште поголеми доколку публиката масовно е присутна на трибините. Со оглед дека првенството се одржува во Хрватска, се очекува вистинска инвазија од страна на македонските навивачи, кои се очекувани во голем број веќе од првиот натпревар против репрезентацијата на Словенија што ќе се игра на 13 јануари во 19:30 часот. Билетите во слободна продажба се речиси распродадени, а цената кај онлајн продавачите за натпреварите во кои игра македонската репрезентација изнесува од 20 до 50 евра за дневен билет, односно за два натпревари во денот. Доколку се одлучите да патувате до Загреб со автобус, повратен билет би ве чинел околу 90 евра, а за четири ноќевања во хостел или ефтин хотел ќе треба да одвоите најмалку 120 евра, секако, доколку успеете да најдете слободна соба или кревет, бидејќи повеќето од нив се одамна резервирани. Слична е ситуацијата и кај понудувачите на приватно сместување каде што зависно од квалитетот на понудата и локацијата во градот, цените се движат од 15 до 40 евра за ноќевање по особа. Значи, може да заклучиме дека за да го проследите првенството во сопствена режија, би ви биле потребни околу 400-500 евра.

Но, да не ги заборавиме и туристичките организации кои се во голем број и кои нудат пакет аранжмани по цени од околу 300 евра. Во понудата, покрај патот, сместувањето и следењето на натпреварите, додадена е можност за дополнителни факултативни излети и разгледи на Вараждин, Трст, Самобор и детален разглед на Загреб предводен од туристички водич.

Доколку сте заинтересирани повеќе информации можете да добиете директно во туристичките агенции или да ги посетите нивните веб страни каде што ќе најдете детални информации во врска со аранжманите, а понудите се навистина примамливи. Која опција и да ја одберете, сигурно нема да погрешите во намерета да ја бодрите македонската репрезентација кон постигнување на нови успеси. Покрај тоа што ќе уживате во атмосферата и прославите за победите, ќе се стекнете и со незаборавно искуство, па со нетрпение ќе го очекувате со секој нареден настап на ракометарите.

Милан Ѓапиќ



LOVE WITHOUT BORDERS Their story might be the script for romantic movie but it’s even better because it’s real. Her name is Lenedge. His name is Jani. She is from Republic of South Africa. He is from Macedonia. Already sounds interesting? Read further…

They met for the first time on 29th January

2013 on the cruise ship where Jani worked as a casino manager. From the very first moment Jani wanted to get to know more this mystery lady who captured his attention so intensely. Like in many romantic stories their first talk was a bit nasty. But they had a chance to meet once again on the stairs, on the last day of cruise. This time the chat was more friendly and pleasant. At the end of conversation Lenedge gave Jani her e-mail address to keep the contact. Jani didn’t hesitate too long to write to the women that he just saw. The reply came after three days, just when Lenedge got back to her home in Johannesburg. And then machine just started… Writing e-mails every day, getting know each other, becoming friends and finally falling in love. “Is it the real love? We say I love you by e-mail but we just met once…”- they wondered. The couple sent to each other 360 mails, they remember the exact number till now. Both got used to daily messages, they couldn’t start and finish day without reading the mail from the beloved person. The next opportunity to meet was at the beginning of March in Durban, South Africa. And then once more, in Cape Town. After two months of separation they finally met in Europe again. On the way to holiday both faced some problems but happily they found themselves. Together traveled around the Europe, they visited Spain, France, Italy, enjoying every day and the beauty of places. This short vacation just ensured them how big the power of their love is and they can count on each other even in difficult situations. However, the couple had to wait for another meeting, this time almost 3 months. In the meantime Jani already bought the ring and planned everything. He proposed to Lenedge in the place where they kissed for the first time. Having support from other guests who were calling “say yes!”, Lenedge couldn’t give other answer than yes. It passed only a few weeks since engagement when they got married. Except love the thing that pushed them to hurry up with wedding was expiry date of Jani’s visa. Being separated again? At last they wanted to be freely together. The day of the wedding was crazy, no time for hair dresser, for informing the family, buying bands. Only them and close friends who were their witnesses. Without all this glory party that they do not even like so much. Lenedge took the first, navy blue dress that came to her hands. What was a surprise to her was when it turned out that Jani had a suit in the same colour. It made this day even more special. It was September 2013, a few months after they found each other on the ship.



Both families accepted the mixed marriage without any problems. For 4 years they lived together with her sons in Republic of South Africa. Due to personal reasons they decided to come to Macedonia this year. Initially just to try but already 7 months lapsed since they arrived in Skopje. When they compare the living in both countries, one of the most important things is safety. Unfortunately, South Africa is famous for high crime rate and you need watch out on the streets every time. Jani didn’t find it easy but with time he adjusted to the specific character of the country. Living in Macedonia is surely a challenge for the family, especially to Lenedge who has never been here before. First thing that she observed and surprised the most is unfortunately the low economical development of the country. What is more, as an English native speaker she noticed that the level of language skills of local people is still average which sometimes makes things a bit difficult but in general it’s nothing more than challenge. Macedonian language is still problematic issue but the lady has an ambitious to take part in course and speak better in native language of her husband. On the other hand, the thing that entranced Lenedge is the hospitality and kindness of people here, their willingness to help and respect. Process of adaptation is still on but the family is eager to learn and having loved people around only make this process much easier. At last, when I asked about the secret of happy marriage they looked themselves in the eyes and both agreed that essential features are patience and compromise. Even if the times are hard, you should not forget about the love to the person you chose and foster the feelings you have every day. Jani and Lenedge said once that they feel like their marriage last already for 30 years because they know everything about themselves. Nothing else remains than to wish them another happy 30 years together. Paulina Gołębiowska


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