JUNE 2018
Magazine for all young people in Macedonia
Навивање и страст
Cheering and passion
Предизвици, натпревари, напори, давање на најдоброто од себе го одбележува секој миг од човековиот живот. Јуни 2018, период на разноликост, сплотеност, навивање, страствено бодрење на омилените фудбалски тимови, старо и младо во еуфорија го очекуваат „Светското првенство во фудбал 2018“. Очекувањата и плановите немаат крај, покрај фудбалските натпревари меѓу врвните мајстори на тоа поле, се очекува и крајот на муслиманскиот пост за време на месец „Рамазан“, кој празнично се одбележува. „Генерациска дискрепанца„ различниот начин на живот, култура и размислување помеѓу генерациите ги обвиваат и засолнуваат при себе сите овие животни процеси . Животот тече, Скопје станува посмирено за време на летните температури и ширум ги отвара своите прегратки за своите стари и добро познати жители кои со насмевки ви кажуваат „Почуствувај го Скопје“. Разговорите како дел од човековото битисување ни помагаат да ги слушнеме туѓите мисли и доживувања. Ханис Багашов , дел од своите искуства споделува ексклузивно со нас. Образованието е нашата животна водилка, особено неформалното образование кое овој пат ни дава можност да ги провериме можностите околу признавањето на младинската работа, да ја доживееме Естонија и да ви го најавиме Летниот Камп во Скопје.
Challenges, competitions, efforts, are part of our life. June 2018, a period of diversity, unity, cheering, passionate cheer on favorite football teams, old and young people are in euphoria awaiting the “World Football Championship 2018”. Expectations and plans have no end, in addition to football matches between top masters in this field, the end of the Muslim fasting month Ramadan which is celebrated festively, is expected. “Generation gap” the different ways of life, culture and thinking among generations cover and shelter all these life processes. Life is going on; Skopje becomes calmer during the summer temperatures and opens its hugs to his old and well-known inhabitants who with a smile tell you “Feel Skopje”. Talks as part of human existence help us to hear other people’s thoughts and perceptions. Hannis Bagashov shares some of his experiences exclusively with us. Education is our living guide, especially non-formal education, which gives us the opportunity to check the possibilities for recognizing youth exchange, to experience Estonia and to announce the Summer Camp in Skopje. Hannis Bagashov shares some of his experiences exclusively with us. Education is our life guide, especially non-formal education, which gives us the opportunity to check the possibilities for recognizing youth work, to experience Estonia and to announce the Summer Camp in Skopje. Vafire Muharemi
Вафире Мухареми
STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankovski COORDINATORS: Ivana Angelovska Vafire Muharemi
VOLUNTEERS: Paulina Gołębiowska Chloe Dumeusois Antoine Lomba Aida Athmani Ann Aro
WRITERS: Igor Pop Trajkov Goran Galabov Milan Gjapic Vafire Muharemi Kristina Mitrovska Nikolija Pechevska
TRANSLATORS: Jeton Vinca Maja Kraljevska
CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org
P.8 P.18
World Cup in Russia MKD - Milan World Cup in Russia ENG - Milan
Montenegro - Chloe Estonia MKD - Goran
ERAsMUS + 10
Story of Atahan - Antoine
Seminar in Germany - Kristina
Train Vol MKD- Vafire
Summer camp SANO MKD - Vafire
Summer in Skopje MKD - Paulina
Decolletages - Igor
Summer colours - Nikolija
Ramadan ALB - Aida
Hanis Bagashow - Igor
Generation gap - Ann
Светско првенство во фудбал 2018
Во периодот кој ни следува погледите ќе бидат насочени
кон најважната споредна работа на светот, а тоа е 21. светско фудбалско првенство кое за првпат ќе се одржи во Русија од 14 јуни до 15јули. Ова ќе биде првото светско првенство кое се одржува во Европа од првенството во 2006 година во Германија, а исто така биде прво првенство кое се одржува во Источна Европа воопшто но и прво кое се одржува во земја чија територија е на два континента. Сепак сите натпревари ќе се одиграат на стадиони кои се наоѓаат во европскиот дел на Русија со цел да се одржи времето на патување. На првенството ќе земат учество 32 национални тимови од кои 31 својот пласман го обезбедија преку квалификациски натпревари, и Русија како домаќин на првенството и истите ќе бидат поделени во 8 групи, а ќе се одиграат вкупно 64 натпревари на 12 локации лоцирани во 11 градови.. Големото финале ќе се одржи на 15 јули во Москва на добро познатиот стадион “Лужники”.
Интересно е да се напомене дека вкупно 20 нации повторно ќе земат учество на првенството по претходното во 2014 година вклучувајќи го и бранителот на титулата Германија. Исто така Исланд и Панама за првпат ќе се појават на првенството откако изборија пласман во квалификациите, а воедно се и најмалите земји по бројот на жители. Меѓу националните тимови кои се враќаат после подолго отсуство се: Египет, враќајќи се после 28 годишно отсуство од нивниот последен настап во 1990 година, Мароко кој последен пат се натпреваруваше во 1998 година, Перу се враќа после 36 годишно отсуство односно од 1982 годинаи Сенегал кој ќе се појави по втор пат по првенството во 2002 година каде што се пласираше во четврт-финалето. За првпат три нордиски земји (Данска, Исланд и Шведска) и четири арапски држави (Египет, Мароко, Саудиска Арабија и Тунис) заедно ќе земат учество на едно светско првенство. Значајни земји кои не успеаа да се квалификуваат се:четирикратните шампиони Италија (за првпат по 1958 година) и трикратните финалисти Холандија. Исто така освојувачите на Африканскиот куп на нации во 2017 Камерун, и Чиле кои се двократен освојувач на Копа Америка и победник во купот на нации во 2017 година не се пласираа на првенството. Меѓу нив како освојувачи на купови се Нов Зеланд и Соединетите Американски држави, како и Гана и Брегот на Слоновата Коска кои ја прекинуваат серијата од три настапи едноподруго.
topic of the month
На почетокот беше предложено првенството да се одржи во 13 градови и тоа: Калининград, Казан, Краснодар, Москва, Нижни Новгород, Ростов на Дон, Санкт Петербург, Самара, Саранск, Сочи, Волгоград, Јарослав и Екатеринбург со вкупно 16 стадиони. Подоцна бројот се намали на 11 градови и 12 стадиони со што беа исфрлени Краснодар и Јарослав, а изградбата на два стадиони беше откажана. Три од постоечките стадиони (Лужники, Екатеринбург и Сочи) беа реновирани, а останатите 9 се новоизградени. За изградбата и реновирањето беа потрошени околу 10 билиони евра. Најмногу ќе се користат “Лужники” во Москва и стадионот во Санкт Петербург со по 7 натпревари на секој од нив. Сочи, Казан, Нижни Новгород и Самара ќе бидат домаќини на по 6 натпревари вклучувајќи и по едно четврт-финале. На стадионите “Откритија” во Москва и Ростов на Дон, ќе се одиграат по 5 натпревари, а во Волгоград, Калининград, Екатеринбург и Саранск по 4 натпревари. Официјалната маскота на првенството е “Забивака” што во превод би значело“оној кој постигнува, погодува или поентира”. Претставува антропоморфен волк со маичка на која пишува “РУСИЈА 2018”. Маичката и шорцевите на маскотата се во комбинација од бела, сина и црвена боја што ги симболизира боите на руското знаме и рускиот тим. За крај ни останува да уживаме во првенството и да се надеваме дека ке ни донесе многу возбуда, сензација и одлична игра.
Милан Ѓапиќ
Along the coast : Montenegro
has been a popular touristic destination in the 80’s. However, the Yugoslav war in neighbouring countries during the 1990s crippled the tourist industry and damaged the image of Montenegro for years. The country had got its independance in 2006. In the same vein, its first official langage became Montenegrin in 2007, even if Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian, Croatian are also accepted officially. So it’s only in the 2000s that its tourism has emerged again. Since then, the country has seen sharp increases in the number of tourists and overnight stays. The Government of Montenegro has made tourism development a priority and wants to make tourism one of the major sectors of the country’s economy. It’s April, beginning of spring, the sun is back, and the days are longer and longer. It’s the perfect time to take the backpack, the tent and travel. Let’s go to discover Montenegro and its Adriatic coast, its beaches and old villages: this region considered as one of the great tourist “discoveries” of recent years. We started our trip in the fishing village of Virpazar, located on the banks of Skadar Lake,
the largest one iin southern Europe. The life there seems slow and peaceful. Starting from Virpazar it is possible to take a lot of different paths to reach other surrounding villages. The lake view is beautiful : A large body of water with a very special green / blue color, dotted with small hills. This is the perfect place to relax, breath fresh air, and take a moment to sit and meditate. Full of energy after being immersed in nature, we decide to go to Ulcinj the most southern city of Montenegro bordering Albania. We can instantly feel that were are in a touristic and very dynamic place! In front of the sea, hotels, bars and restaurants follow one another. In the evening, everyone is well dressed, drinking cocktails with view a of the sea - the city is alive. After a good night’s sleep, we go exploring Ulcinj. After climbing a few steps, we pass the porch that brings us into the old town. From above, we overlook the bay and the whole city. This place is a very nice surprise for the panoramas as well as for the stone houses. We enjoy our afternoon by strolling in the narrow streets enjoying the sun.
5pm, it’s time to leave Ulcinj to go to Maslina camping in Buljarica. We arrive by bus in this village belonging to the municipality of Budva. It’s quite, peaceful and so pleasant. The campsite where we pitch our tent offers a magnificent view of the mountains and access to the beach in 2 minutes. We go there for the sunset: beautiful surprise. The beach is empty, the red, pink, purple sky is bright, everything is perfect.
We hitchhike along the coast stopping at Petrovac then Sveti Stefan to go to our last stop: Kotor. Everywhere, the bright blue of the sea blends with the green of nature. We breathe, we smell sea, we enjoy the spring sun. Arrivals in Kotor: the unmissable city of Montenegro, we are immediately captivated by the beauty of the landscape: the mountain and its impressive wall overlooking the city. We kept the best for the end. At the top of its 1350 steps, Kotor’s Castle of San Giovanni offers a breathtaking view of the mouths of Kotor, a landscape worthy of a postcard. My words are no longer up to the beauty of the landscape, I will let the pictures speak.
Chloe Dumeusois
ESTONIA-THE PLACE TO BE I will never forget my first visit there. It was the beginning of January, wintertime ; we worked on some project
there that turned out to be one of my greatest works. I was told from my friends there that the temperature can drop below -30 sometimes in this period of the year. On the other hand some of the girls I know in my circles they constantly spoke about Estonia and Tallinn as one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe, the city of Love. And what could a guy possibly do that comes from a sunny Mediterranean country, mostly with mountains and a lot of high peaks, going into flat, freezing and cloudy north within a 3 hours flight away from home? Bombed with practical info, torn between the impulse of the heart that follows and the cold decision making rigid mind but still very keen on living the best of whatever comes…
I packed my bag with more warm clothes and set up my mind, configured my attitude that nothing`s going to spoil my 12 day stay with friends, to live these days like there`s no tomorrow, turned the maximum joy mode on. And it happened! Breaking the ice and the stereotypes through the snow in the streets of Tallinn, minus 28 degrees that evening for a welcome and picking up some useful tips and tricks of the locals how to stay warm. One week of training in the place called Vanaõue, in the middle of nowhere in Central Estonia, with traditional sauna every night and hot tube outside, tracks of wild animals in the snow, pure magic, with a sunny periods during the day and the trees in the night shining like decorated with crystals on the Moon light coming out from that dark, pure sky from above and so vast wherever you look. Of course, the average temperature was minus 15-20 degrees but nobody paid attention on that. Yes…if you want to fall in love with the winter, the cold and the snow-Estonia is the perfect place to do it. And again, a short visit of the city of Viljandi, trapped in the snow in that period but still the shining Sun turned it into a fairy tale place. There is an old city and a castle in Viljandi with a historical museum and a magnificent view, looking down from to ruins to the nearby frozen lake where youngsters skate on the ice until late in the evening. Since my first visit to Estonia I still have their national flag on my working desk at home, compliments of a blue-eyed Estonian girl and a personally taken photo as wallpaper on my desktop, showing frozen river and sunset behind snow-covered trees.
Almost two years later I was excited again to plan my second visit. I already knew where to go, what to see and friends to visit. And again touchdown from the very sky to Lennart Meri airport in Tallinn that turned out to be one of my favorites, small but very stylish, unique, warm welcoming. I`ll be going again out in the nature, Altmõisa guest-house, around 100 km south-west from Tallinn, Haapsalu region, close to the sea and the National park Matsalu. Still winter, a little bit of snow, not so cold, the now familiar vast horizon, you might think the sunset lasts forever. A week spent there with new group of people, my favorite non formal education approach, informal conversations and networking during outside walks or evenings in the sauna and the best of Estonian food, so good that I have personally brought back home some recipes to be a part of my daily diet. Just 20 minutes of walk to the sea and some lonely moose friendly staring at you during daytime and late in the evenings, under the clear starry sky howling wolves in the distance.
And I would like to share just a few facts from Estonia that I have learned and heard. The very famous Estonian rye black bread became my favorite as well as the dark chocolate, maybe the best I`ve ever tried. They use aroniavery much or so called Siberian blueberry, the best antioxidant fruit. They put it in jug with water, together with herbs, lemon or orange and you get amazing detox drink throughout the whole day. Estonia is around 50% in forest and great part of the Europe`s breathable oxygen is coming out of there. The Wi-Fi coverage is amazing; they have it even in some of the forests. They are a pretty IT country, the Skype as a communication tool is invented here, from the Estonians. Estonia has over 2000 islands and during the winter very low temperatures, when the sea is frozen they open ice roads where you can drive your way to the islands. As a safety measure the seat belt must be off. Also by the law the citizens have to put little safety reflectors on the clothes to stay safe and visible during the dark, winter days.
On the way back another short tour through Tallinn with the new friends to bring back home fresh impressions of the beauty of this city and we are gone till the next time. Yes, for me there will be again, next time.
And Tallinn, the city of Love…If you visit it bear in mind that it is only 80 km from Helsinki, there`s a cheap bus transport to Riga, Latvia from here and also organized tours to Sankt Petersburg, Russia, that you don`t need visa to enter. Yes, Estonia is really the place to be… Goran Galabov
For the past thirty years, volunteering opportunities
have gone through a massive democratization process. Volunteerism has truly become a world of its own. Yet, a volunteer can now describe anyone. From the hardened experienced humanitarian worker working for big NGO machines, to the college student offering his time—and money—to business-like organizations tapping into their white savior complex, through the recent graduate or young worker looking to expand his horizon by jostling his comfort zone in statesponsored youth organizations. So, what does it mean to volunteer? What drives someone to drop the classic scheme of formal development promoted by our societies to go abroad in foreign land? What do you get out of it? Last month, Atahan Gökçe, former European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteer, flew back to his home city of Istanbul, after spending 90 days in Macedonia for Volunteers Centre Skopje (VCS) and contributing to VOICES magazine. We sat down together, just a day prior to his departure, to shed some lights on these interrogations. Atahan developed, from a very young age, a craving for Arts. He especially grew a strong urge to draw, to outline the gross traits of a charming character, to witness its contours materialize as his hand sinuously, delineates its shape through the chalk point of his pencil. Hence, he quickly bred a calling for drawings of characters and caricatures, giving life to models. Very soon, he looked up ways to fulfill his craving, to live off, and by, his passion. To make it his life. He found out about the nationwide famous Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, the most prestigious in the country to his saying, host of big names of both high and popular culture, such as Maya Kulenovic, Nazmi Ziya Güran or Nuri Bilge Ceylan. He would only have to look across the Bosphore, from his home nest of Kadıköy, towards the shores of Europe, between Karaköy and Beşiktaş, to start dreaming about pushing the doors of this celebrated temple of Arts. He made it his goal to be part of that national elite, among the ranks of the guardians of Turkish cultural refinement.
He never stopped drawing, constantly creating, giving life to shapes out of thin blank papers. As a child, he taught himself the workings of Adobe software, such as Photoshop or Illustrator. He eventually left Istanbul for Eskişehir to study at Anadolu University, where he planned his preparation for the highly selective talent entrance exam of Sinan University. There, Atahan joined a one-paged black-and-white student newspaper, where he would write small posts and publish regular caricatures. He explains that those caricatures allowed him to “improve [his] skills” and develop his abilities to discern the defining traits, facial and bodily features of anyone’s character. Hence, Atahan refined his craft, broadening his scope beyond the two-dimensional world, onwards precise realist portraits, puppeteering and 3d design. He eventually achieved his dream and was accepted in his dream Sinan Fine Arts university, infiltrating this exclusive artistic elites through the big gates, into stage and costume design studies. Skills that would prove significantly valuable and appreciated during his EVS project. His experience there, his first outside of his comfort zone, laid the groundwork for his motivation to go on abroad to volunteer. “I felt like a grown man” he says, thinking: “I was alone at a different city, I tried to survive by myself”. In the volunteer’s corner of our office, with fellow colleagues and friend chatting and working in the background, he tells me how he grew from this feeling of “survival”—as he puts it— ; essentially this sensation to be pushed out of your comfort zone, and how he missed these intimate challenges when he came back in Istanbul: “I wanted to live three months abroad, without my friends, without my family, it was a unique experience for me. I wanted to be alone maybe, in this part of my life”.
ERASMUS+ Atahan was leaving his passion. He had finally reaped the rewards from his hard work. Yet, he needed to grow further, he could not merely stay content with his achieved goals. His level of English didn’t satisfy him. Although he thought about working in opera, ballet or cinema, he was also drawn to journalism, design or editorial cartoons, thanks to his background of print and publish design studies and experience at his student paper in Anadolu: “I didn’t just think about stage and costume design. I was thinking ‘maybe I can be a designer next, designer or journalist maybe…I can mix’”. More importantly, he wanted to achieve one of the most invaluable soft skill there is: “My department costume and stage design is a teamwork job. Totally…light director, set-director, director, we need to be a team”. As much as Sinan fulfilled him, it did not fully provide him the perfect betterment of his professional and personal goals. Academic education has its limits. Atahan understood that. He rightfully concluded that an informal educational experience, the likes offered by the EVS, could provide for his needs. Atahan fully blended with the give-and-take philosophy of the EVS. “To share is to gain” as one trainer of volunteers once put it. Atahan gave, but received too: “I learned team-work with the magazine …I learned some programs I didn’t know about” and the mere joy of sharing his knowledge benefited him: “I feel happy, because I shared my experience with Macedonian youngsters”. He broke the glass window of language, now feeling “relaxed” about speaking in English, where before it would make him “nervous” and a “little bit shy”. In just three months, Atahan did not only achieved all his set personal goals, but his skills thrilled the team in VCS. He designed sketches for a potential new logo, offered a series of drawing workshops, worked with puppeteer masters, and excited little kids in Sutka’s daycare facility, attracting crowds of fascinated little heads admiring and contributing to large-scale drawings of wildlife scenery. He offered new insights and new inspirations in his article designs, and helped his fellow volunteers with his qualified skills in Adobe software. “Sharing experience, added new experience. Improve yourself, being in a team. I learned all of that. Those are my top points”. Atahan grew, but he helped others grow. Meanwhile, VCS published an open call for a threemonths EVS media and educational project, particularly looking for Turkish volunteers. The latter primary responsibility involved working for, and contributing to, VOICES magazine, as well as offering workshops to young people based on the volunteer’s acquired skills. “My cousin sent me that project, because it was similar to my old department”, the timing couldn’t be more right. At the end of his studies, Turkish law would require him to be drafted in the military, something he did not particularly desired: “It would be an experience for me, but it wouldn’t be an opportunity” he says, laughing. By postponing his graduation, Atahan could buy some time away from the boots and perfect his soft skills before entering the job market. He sent his application and, next thing he knew, he put down his luggage in one of VCS’ apartment :“[In Skopje] I felt the same emotions and same things [as in Eskişehir] …I shared my room with different people from different countries. It was interesting. It was totally fine. We shared our cultures…food. It was so educational”.
The night before we talked, he recommended the experience to one of his closest friends, just as he had been recommended a year prior. He spreads the seeds of generosity around him, simply by consciously jumping out of his contentment. Like Atahan, we all have something to share, and something to gain. He left his mark on Skopje, like Skopje left its mark on him. We can all do it. We can all impact our environment around us, and mould our world to our liking, and, in the process, grow, develop and better ourselves. All it takes is to make the move, everything else will follow. That, perhaps, is what it means to volunteer.
Аntoine Lomba
Seminar of recognizing youth workers in Germany
Many people declare themselves as youth workers; many of them are but are not recognized in their own countries. Unfortunately, some do not even recognize themselves as youth workers. Why is that? Well one factor alone cannot be the reason for this situation, but the lack of awareness and legislation in this field can be a good start to change this. Somebody had to do something. That is why from the 8th to the 14th of May 35 Youth workers gathered in Osterholz-Scharmbeck (Bremen) to work on the project ”Recognition of youth work/ers”.
We need regulation regarding youth work and youth workers! The NaturKulture.v team recognized this problem and they decided to act on it. They started with creating this training and networking seminar “Recognition of youth worker/s” where they hosted the 35 of us, youth workers, with trainers/facilitators from 11 different countries will discuss about different aspects, challenges and needs for recognition of youth work on a European level. The focus of the project was on the recognition of international youth work and youth workers in order to stimulate European wide improvements. We were discussing and working on different topics such as the burning issues in youth work, work with radicalized groups, what to do when faced with unexpected crisis on a project etc. The first step towards a solution was identifying and mapping the needs of the youth workers from: Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Croatia, Romania, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Latvia, Hungary and Macedonia. This lead to our first objective, the creation of “the white paper”. The aim was to make this a whole some and useful document that contains suggestion to our governments, the European commission and other institutions on what kind of support and help do youth workers need in our countries and how do we see the development of youth work in the future.
ERASMUS+ I believe we made a great start and that many other NGO’s, institution and youth workers will give their contribution to this white paper. We did some serious work, shared know-how, we were coming up with solutions that will improve the quality of the youthwork and gain us recognition. We were talking about the challenges that youth workers are facing in terms of recognition in the society, conditions for work, methods and tools, legislative, financial, educational challenges, but also we had a lot of fun! My favorite part were the national evenings were each delegation was responsible for cooking and presenting our country. Two presentations each night. We had the opportunity to see the culture of the country through their food and had the opportynity to prepare diner for all 35 participants which was a fun challenge. Through song and dance, moral support from our friends in the kitchen, our Macedonian dish “Musaka”, the salad “shopska” and the “aivar” were ready to be served. Thanks to the host organization NaturKultur e.V. and the main organizer Darko along with the trainers Branimir and Antonio whose lectures and workshops were both fun and useful, thanks to Ziga and Juraj who made sure everything was running smoothly and made delicious food for us. Thanks to Patricia, Lidia, Elena, Ashraf and everyone who were immortalizing our moments with amazing photos and videos. Thanks to every single one who participated, shared their knowledge, experience, positive energy and made this project awesome! Last but not least thanks to Volunteer Center Skopje for making this possible for me, Andrej and Aleksandar.
Kristina Mitrovska
„TrainVol“ – европски проект што промени многу животи
Животот е брод кој нè носи на различни пристаништа во различен временски период. Никогаш не е во погрешно време на погрешно место. Животот може да биде проектен циклус, и само ние одлучуваме во кој момент во кој дел на проектниот циклус сме како индивидуи.
„ rainVol“ е европски проект, резултат на соработката на четири организации од четири земји. Босна и Хецеговина и нејзиното здружение „Буди ми пријател„ , Република Македонија преку Волонтерски Центар Скопје, Кипар претставен преку организацијата CARDET и Грција олицетворена во овој проект преку организацијата KMOP успешно ги реализираа зацртаните цели, резултати и активности на заедничкиот проект „TrainVol“. Целта на проектот „TrainVol“ e да се развијат алтернативни механизми за промоција на вештини и вклучување на пазарот на трудот нa младите луѓе (со посебен осврт на ранливи категории) преку волонтерството. „TrainVol“ го започна својот живот пред 18 месеци. На почеток, сите организации се впуштија во креирање на онлајн курс за градење на капацитетите на младите преку оваа алатка. Но, организираната форма на волонтирање бара многу повеќе од подготвување на младите преку волонтерството да бидат активни граѓани, чинители на општествениот живот. Сето тоа успешно да се реализира потребно е да имаме организаци со силен менаџмент и управувачка структура. Платформата со онлајн курсеви беше надградена со курс за градење на капацитетите на младинските работници и младинските организациис. Целта на курсот е градење на капацитети на младинските работници/ лидери за креирање и раководење со програми за волонтирање и успешно прифаќање, обучување и ангажирање на волонтери. Курсот обезбедува информации за процесите на регрутирање, вклучување и раководење со волонтери. Исто така, обезбедува информации за аспекти поврзани со обучувањето на почетниците, прифаќање/прилагодување, волонтирање базирано на вештини и организирање на волонтерски активности. Од друга страна, целта на курсот за младите е тие да бидат запознаени со вредноста на волонтирањето во насока на професионален и личен развој. Исто така, да научат повеќе за ефективната комуникација и уште поспецифично, како да надминат предизвикувачки ситуации и да развијат вештини за управување со кризи. Младите имаат можност да истражат аспекти на две многу важни вештини, емпатија и издржливост.
Волонтерски Центар Скопје на 29 мај 2018 година одржа националана завршна конференција на која беа претставени активностите и резултатите на проектот. Конференцијата особено обезбеди простор за презентација на онлајн платформата за изградба на капацитетите на младинските организации и младинските лидери/работници, како и на младите кои се со помалку можности, кои не се ни вработени ни во образование и на маргинилизираните индвидуи кои немале доволно можности да го дадат својот допринес во развојот на заедницата и општеството. Покрај презентацијата на онлајн платформата се разви плодна дискусија и се создадоа нови соработки помеѓу присутните организации од една страна и Националната агенција за европски образовни програми. Преставничката од Агенција за млади и спорт (недостига името) на самата конференција најави проект кој ќе биде реализиран од нивна страна од септември. Како што соопшти Дичевска, самата идеја за проектот „Дојди и запознај нѐ“ се родила во текот на студиската посета што тимот од осум младински лидери од четирите партнерски земји на проектот ја имаа во Агенцијата за млади и спорт во јануари како дел од четирите мобилности во Босна и Херцеговина, Македонија, Грција и во Кипар. На мобилностите им следуваа национални работилници кои беа организирани и одржани од страна на младинските лидери/работници. На завршната конференција, учесниците на националните работилници добија „Youthpаss“ сертификати. Како учесници на проектот и организатори на настанот особено нѐ прави среќни фактот што не само конференцијата, туку целиот проект вроди со конкретни резултати кои денеска ги уживаме како општество. Проектот е финасиран и поддржан од страна на Европската Унија, преку програмата Еразмус+, КА2.
До гледање училиште, Здраво летен камп САНО
Ексклузивно за прв пат ова лето САНО ви најавува
нов Летен камп за деца од училиштна возраст. Образованието е дел од животот на секој поединец во општеството. Најголемиот дел од индивидуите се дел од формално воспоставеното образование во секој општествен систем. Во различни делови на светот интегрирањето на индивидуата во образовниот систем започнува од различна возраст. Нашиот образовен систем децата ги интегрира во себе од шестгодишна возраст. Регулиран во академска година која трае девет месеци, започнувајќи од септември до јуни, образовниот систем преку формални методи еманципира деца од 6 до 14 години во основно образование. Во моментот, децата се радуваат на последните училишни ѕвончиња и со нетерпение ги
очекуваат летните активности и одмори. Нашите ентузијастични најмлади и покрај официјалниот крај на учебната година сакаат преку неформално образование да го надградат своето знаење. Летниот камп организиран од здружението САНО, Германскиот јазичен центар и Волонтерски Центар Скопје, ова лето целосно ќе се посветат на најмладите и ќе организираат летен камп во траење од 10 седмици. Најмладите, од прво до петто одделение ќе имаат можност да научат германски јазик преку десетнеделниот камп во кој секоја седмица ќе се обработува различна тема со неформални методи на образование. Целта на кампот е најмладите да бидат згрижени во текот на летниот период кога нивните родители работат, како и да се подобри нивниот германски јазик.
Научно е докажано дека неформалниот метод на образование, опуштената работна атмосфера како и промената на работните околини се од голем придонес за побрзо и поефективно примање и запаметување на информациите. Концентрацијата на децата е многу полесно да се задржи преку активности што се интересни за нив, ги социјализираат со други деца и им даваат можност на визуелeн начин подобро и поборзо да ги совладаат јазичните предизвици. Летниот камп ќе има тема на неделата како на пример спорт, традиционални приказни и слично каде на германски јазик ќе бидат обработувани различни приказни од земји во Европа. Волонтерски Центар Скопје со своите волонтери од Франција, Естонија и од Полска ќе ги доближи културата и традициите на овие земји до најмладите. Покрај тоа, на кмпот ќе бидат организирани часови за пливање, џудо и други спортски активности. Утрата на децата ќе бидат исполнети со интерактивни активности во природа. Седиштето на Летниот камп ќе биде во Германски јазичен центар. Должни сме пред себе и нашето потомство да создаваме еманципирано и кохезивно општество, да создадеме свет подобар од овој што е денес, да ја изораме почвата за плодовите да бидат здрави и многубројни, тоа можеме да го постигнеме единствено преку континуирана едукација на оние на кои го оставаме светот - децата. Летниот камп обезбедува простор за надоградба на капацитетите и интелектот на нашите деца. Уписите на децата се во тек и повеќе информации околу нивното регистрирање може да добиете преку здружението за подобро здраство, образование и социјална грижа САНО.
Vafire Muharemi
Почувствувај го Скопје
Не сите од нас имаат можност да патуваат надвор од земјата за одмор, а и нашиот Охрид веројатно ќе
биде окупиран од странски туристи. Навистина сакате да почувствувате летни вибрации, но дали Скопје нуди нешто интересно? Дефинитивно! Да се биде тука за време на летото може да биде и добра идеја. Земете го календарот и означете ги датумите на најдобрите летни настани што ќе се случуваат во Скопје.
Јуни 09.06 - Bölzer, концерт на екстремниот метал бенд од Цирих, Швајцарија. Нивните албуми се критички признати, па ако сте обожавател на „тешките“ звуци, наскоро треба да го посетите МКЦ. Skopje Calling, Ќе се одржат неколку концерти почнувајќи од првиот викенд во јуни. Сите од нив ќе бидат одржани на Стадионот на АРМ. Познати диџеи, легендарни трип хоп и поп рок бендови. Со оглед на тоа дека е промовиран како најголем фестивал во главниот град, можете да очекувате одлична забаваоколу сцената. 21.06 - Axwell & Ingrosso, двајца шведски диџеи, поранешни членови на шведскатагрупа Mafia House. Тие го имаасвојот прв јавен настап во 2014 година и оттогаш тие ги најавуваат најголемите електрофестивали. Нивната најпопуларна песна е“More than you know”. 23.06 - Texas, иконскиот британски поп-рок бенд кој продаде 40 милиони албуми во речиси 30 години постоење. Можете да бидете сигурни дека Шарлин Спитери заедно со нејзините колеги ќе ги изведуваат сите познати хитови како “Inner Smile” и “Say what you want”.
22.06 - Morcheeba, класичен трип-хоп бенд кој за првпат доаѓа во Скопје. Освен постарите записи ќе презентира и материјал од најновиот албум остварен на почетокот на јуни. Morcheeba имаат репутација за одржување енергетски концерти, па подобро е да не ја пропуштите оваа свирка. 23.06 - Дарко Рундек, хрватската легенда, пејач, актер и поет ќе настапи токму пред групата Texas. 29.06 - Alernative Skopje, фестивал за млади бендовикој ќе се одржи во МКЦ. Јули 26.07 - МКЦ за Скопје, културен настан, во знак на сеќавање на 55-годишниот земјотрес во Скопје.
culture Август/Септември 16- 23.08 - 9-ти Фестивал на креативен документарен филм „МакеДокс“, Куршумли Ан. Авангарден фестивал за креативни документарни филмови.Организаторите го опишаа настанот како “стимулирачко опкружување за размена на искуства и знаење за креирање и промовирање на документарни филмови со кинематографски квалитет, нудејќи ја креативната гледна точка на авторот, како во однос на содржината, така и во формата”. Освен филмските проекции, можете да присуствувате на работилници, изведби во живо и да уживате во музиката под ноќното небо. 01.09 - ЗДРАВО МЛАДИ, Македонски културен центар (МКЦ) - 8-то издание на фестивалот на новата музика. Ќе биде само еден ден, но исполнет со музика, радост и забава. Во претходните изданија на фестивалот беаизведувани песни од: Slowdive, King Khan and The Shrines, Lee Ranaldo & EL Rayo, Follakzoid, Moon Duo, Metz, FM Belfast, Chinawoman. Доколку ја започнувате учебната година, ова ќе биде најдоброто место за тоа. Сепак, може да очекувате се повеќе и повеќе интересни настани и фестивали кои сѐ уште не се објавени. Вреди да ги следите социјалните медиуми на МКЦ или да ја посетите веб-страницата http://www.visitskopje. mk/ каде што ќе ги најдете најновите вести. Во Скопје сè уште постојат многу работи кои чекаат да бидат откриени, па подобро е да ги искусите пред да станат врвна туристичка дестинација.
Но, ако сте уморни од градот и барате место за да избегате од топлото време и гужвите, само погледнете наоколу. Скопје е опкружено со убави планини. Од секој агол на градот можете да ги забележите Милениумскиот Крст и планината Водно.Може да се искачуватедо врвот или да ја користите жичарата, а како резултат на тоа ќе добиете прекрасен градски пејзаж и поглед кон планините. Директно од Водно може да се оди до кањонот Матка, кој се наоѓа на реката Треска. Тука може да се најдат десетици пештери, од кои најпопуларна е Врело, веројатно најдлабоката подводна пештера во светот. За да стигнете до ова место можете да користите кајак или брод. Ако трагате по духовно искуство, следете ги патеките и ќе ги најдете манастирите Св. Андреј и Св. Никола Шишовски. Ако сакате да мудадете енергија на вашето тело, посетете го СПА-центарот со термоминерална вода во Катланово, кој се наоѓана само 25 км од Скопје. Откако ќе се релаксирате, сигурни сме дека ќе бидете подготвени да ,,растурите” на журкитениз градот. Paulina Gołębiowska
Décolletage - Incredible Romanticism… One of the things that undoubtedly underlined the female
beauty were the décolletages; when we think about the romantic fairytales we always imagine the beauties in the décolletages. However many times the décolletages were just consequences about the concept how a beautiful woman should look; in a sense when not always the breasts but some other part of the female body was emphasized. Some clothes in various historic periods were accentuating the waist. A beautiful woman should have tiny waist which means she should have bigger bosoms- as a comparison effect. This resulted in the concept of the female figure in a form of a sand clock. Sometimes breasts were exposed just for the reason of the class predisposition, so that they could be covered with jewels or with expensive powder which used to refer to the belongingness to the aristocracy. Regarding the appeal- in different cultures totally different things were considered to be sexy. For e.g. in Japan the geishas expose the diametrically opposite site of their body since they consider the neck beneath the hair to be the sexiest place on the female body. The European designers usually experimented with the décolletages. In the first decade of the 2000s they were designing them so low so that just by walking the nipples could appear outside of the clothes. Coco Chanel however took a rather feminist point of view. Namely she never used the décolletages in her designs. She considered them vulgar; she even didn’t think women should expose their legs at all - unless they look perfect. She also believed that women should live very active and intense life with which they should be on the same rank with men. That is why she always used soft fabrics with designs that weren’t very tight. Her famous quote is “Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.” However the people that inherited her house allowed the décolletages to be present in the designs. Of course as any other parts of the clothes this one also depends on the climate and was influenced by or influenced the figure. Usually Mediterranean women want to have fairlyfilled shape of their body so that the décolletage would look bursting like the bottom in the tight skirt. Some psychologists though believe that décolletage expresses the latent homosexuality of men since it resembles them the mail behind. This was somewhat inspiration for the Marguerite Duras film “India Song”(1975) where only one mamma is exposed so that it will resemble penis, since the chosen all men cast was consisted of strictly declared homosexuals. Igor Pop Trajkov
Summer colours As summer approaches so does the sun and with the sun comes the warmest colour yellow. However,some might say that blue is the warmest colour, considering there was a movie carrying that title, but in order not to start a battle on opinions I will give you a little bit of information about the meaning of both so you will have a clearer perception and then make a desicion.
t’s nothing new that yellow is a representative of sunshine I mean it’s obvious, so it must also represent hope, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy, it attracts attention and can help when making desicions, since the sun is our sorce of life. But did you know that it could also mean anxiety, criticism, pesimism? Now, don’t let this confuse you, since there are different shades of the colour. For instance: Dark Yellow indicates lack of self love and low self-esteem. On the contrary Lemon Yellow urges for self-reliance and that’s why it is more likely to attract criticism. Bright Yellow helps when making a desicion and it opens the mind, on the other hand Cream Yellow often promotes a need for reassurance, so that would probably slow down the process of making the decision. However, when it comes to summer it is more likely that the people will choose to focus more on the lighter and more vibrant shades, to increase their positivity, happiness and joy and bring each other together. Also, let’s not forget that it is the colour of Sunflower and was Vincent’s favourite tool, and even though he was not the happiest man, his work warms everyone’s hearts. Blue is a representative of the see and the sky – freedom, inspiration, imagination and despite the almost non-existing limits of the sky, this colour, like the previous one, has different shades, each creating a certain limit of the meaning. Some hues, for example Dark blue represses our feelings and is often looked at as and emotionless one. Along with this dark shade goes the royal blue, which is conected to superiority (and not in a good way). Pale blue calls upon creativity and open-mindness, freedom and is quite fearless, Azure blue is truy a helper, urging for ambition, motivation and determination when it comes to promoting your creativity (of each aspect). For everyone struggling with low self-esteem sky blue is the key, since it promotes self love and comunication with the nature, it can bring you closer to your inner peace. But whatever you do, make sure you don’t get too much of this colour, because all of its beauty can turn into melancholy, negativity, sadness, or if you use too little of it into suspicion, depression, stubbornness, timidity, so try to find a certain balance. All in all, I have come to the realization that both of them have their own pros and cons, so maybe having a fine balance of both in your life is not a bad idea? Nikolija Pechevska
Ramazani: një muaj i shenjtë Ndoshta ju keni dëgjuar për Ramazanin, por mesiguri nuk e dini saktësisht se për çfarë ka të bëjë.
Së pari, është emri i muajit të nëntë të kalendarit të hënës muslimane. Në të vërtetë, kalendari musliman bazohet në
fazat e hënës. Pra, kur gjysma e hënës është e dukshme, muaji i Ramazanit fillon si dhe agjërimi. Është koha që gati 1.6 miliardë njerëz në mbarë botën të agjërojnë gjatë një muaji. Pra, nga agimi deri në perëndim të diellit, njerëzit janë të ndaluar të hanë, të pijnë dhe të kenë marrëdhënie seksuale. Pas perëndimit të diellit, lejohet përsëri. Lutja e Magribit shpall kohën për të ndaluar agjërimin, kjo lutje bëhet në kohën e perëndimit të diellit. Kalendari na jep orarin për t'i bërë lutjet me kohë. Këtë vit, agjërimi filloi në 16maj për shumicën e njerëzve muslimanë (megjithatë,çdo vit data e Ramazanit kthehet prapa rreth 10 ditësh).
Gjatë këtij muaji, myslimanët praktikojnë më thellë fenë: është një muaj që të jetë më afër shpirtërisht ndaj Perëndisë. Është një muaj pastrimi, është muaji që të jeni më të duruar ... Një muaj për meditim dhe për të lexuar Kuranin. Vetëkontrolli është fjala për të shpjeguar se si duhet të jemi gjatë kësaj periudhe.
Koha më e vështirë për të agjëruar është gjatë verës. Ditët janë më të gjata, moti më i nxehtë, kështu që agjërimi është më i gjatë dhe i mundimshëm se në dimër. A e dini se në të gjithë botën, kohëzgjatja e agjërimit në ditë ndryshon varësisht se në cilën pjesë të botës jetoni. Për njerëzit në Islandë, agjërimi zgjat 21 orë për t'u krahasuar në Australi, agjërimi është vetëm 10 orë. Në Maqedoni ka 17 orë.
Pra, si funksionon një ditë agjërimi? Unë zgjohem para agimit për të pasur kohë për të ngrënë dhe për të marrë energji për ditën dhe për të bërë lutjen e parë të ditës. Pak orë para përfundimit të agjërimin, fillojmë të përgatisim ushqimin tonë. Në shtëpinë time, ne përgatisim darkën së bashku. Ne zakonisht thyejmë agjërimin me një urmë dhe një pije me qumësht ose ujë. Dhe pas kësaj ne hamë supë të quajtur chorba (madje edhe në verë).
Në këtë kohë bëjmë një pushim sepse nuk është e mundur të hamë më shumë sepse stomaku juaj është shumë i vogël për të ngrënë më shumë në të njëjtën kohë. Dhe së fundi, kur vjen fundi i agjërimit, përgatitim disa ëmbëlsira tradicionale për të festuar një muaj agjërimi dhe u ofrojmë disa familjeve dhe lagjeve tona. Çdo vit, kur vjen Ramazani, diçka ndryshon. Unë nuk jam në gjendje të shpjegoj se çfarë është ndryshimi, por ndihet sikur është koha për një atmosferë të re. Gjithmonë është një ndjenjë e mahnitshme për të mbajtur ramazan me familjen tuaj, për më tepër duke e ditur se miliona njerëz e bëjnë këtë, kështu që na bën të ndiheni të mbushur me entuziazëm.
Aida Athmani
An Artist Should Always be in Search of the Truth Born 1999, Hanis Bagashov is a director and screenplay writer of the shorts “Mishko” and “Faces” and author of few music and promotional videos. He plays one of the leading roles in the movie “When the Day Had No Name” by Teona Strugar Mitevska. As a photographer he participated at the biennale of black and white photography in Seoul and had his exhibition in the “Museum of Contemporary Art” in Skopje in Dec., 2017. His short documentary “Faces” was screened in over 20 festivals in Europe; amongst the prizes it won are the ones for best documentary and best cinematography at the festival For River in Karlovac, Croatia. His short “Mishko” was premiered at the this year’s Skopje Film Festival.
hat I particularly like about your shorts is that you are not trying to deform the reality. For e.g. when you showed that women with the broom cleaning the yard, or how the parents treat really badly their children in this region. Why do filmmakers always try to “invent” the reality in this country? They don’t have enough courage; they think that is the way how they can easily find finances; the education system makes them nasty… Why?
I don’t know the reason. Filmmakers must not make compromises when it comes to the truth they should show in the films. Making films requires courage. An artist should always be in search of the truth. What I don’t like about the new generation of filmmakers is their desire to be trendy and cool. I rarely see new films that warm people’s hearts with something “primordial”, something honest, human- something that touches your soul. You are also an actor, I would say – firstly actor. This is some-what cliché question… Usually actors are good directors but directors are bad actors (like Orson Welles, John Houston, Sidney Pollack). Does this have something to do with the ego? Acting is a very serious job. Good actors need good directors – and vice versa. It goes together. Both actors and directors have big egos, so when they change the positions –I guess, their egos increase even more. Sometimes this results in a masterpiece, sometimes in trash. There’s no rule. You are very good looking. Does the appearance more help or it is kind of a burden? Thank you. A good look always helps – but, less than talent and skills. While preparing the project (film) do you think more of how precise its final cut will be or you would like it to be kind of poetic, airy? I do a lot of preparations before I start shooting, especially with the actors – so we can improvise later. Even for improvisation, one needs to be prepared. That’s how the whole process of production starts to breathe, to give birth of something beautiful. It’s very important to build a skeleton, a base on which you can play, improvise, work – but never lost or run out of it. It’s important to know what you want.
interview Your film had a very warm reception from the audience at the Skopje Film Festival, but everybody agrees that due to the long period of cultural stagnation, poverty and dictatorship Skopje lost its intellectual capacity and audience. Why did your film kind of deny this? Or was the audience from that programmed, bought crowd – from those that have free meals at ShirokSokak? I don’t know why, but it makes me happy. It’s not free meals, that’s for sure. I was also surprised because the film didn’t have any support from the news media (as usual, when it comes to arts and culture – the čoček dance at the opening of that new tunnel is more important and interesting to them; they were writing about it for several days in a row). But, I am very grateful to the audience and hope it will continue in this way. Films belong in cinemas, on big screens. Do you connect happiness with creativity? Do you try to be happy all the time? Or you just let it go – that gray ambience to catch you? I don’t try to be happy, nor sad. I don’t try anything. They are both part of everyone’s life. Both happiness and sadness can help the creativity. I need both of them. Igor Pop Trajkov
Have you ever heard somebody say back in the day, when grass was greener and life was more simple. Well the reason behind that could be generation gap.
Generation gap is the differences in values, actions,
opinions, morals etc. between two or more generations. Throughout all history there has been generation gap, but it has become more relevant in recent centuries. It’s been estimated by different studies that in the year 2020 there will be five generations working together. Because of that it’s important to find a way to work as a team between all of the generations.
The issue of generation gap raised into more importance in 1960s when the younger generation called “baby boomers” showed notable difference from the older generation known as “traditionalists”. Baby boomers is the generation that came after World War II and it was notably bigger generation than the previous ones. Because of the size and difference in their values and behaviour sociologists started to do research to find a way to integrate two generations. There have been multiple studies on the topic, but in general it’s difficult to predict the future of the problem. As the technology and societies have developed every new generations has changed even more from previous ones. For example “baby boomers” who grew up with radio put importance in audio and listening, while the generation after them called Generation X is more visual because of the television popularity in their era. Following the Generation X came the “millennials”. It’s the generation that widely grew up with technology and it’s estimated to be the biggest generation in the year 2019. Millennials are known for their love for internet and sharing their opinion. Often it’s said that millennials are most-loved generation because they grew up in a time where people started to put more emphasis on self-esteem studies. Coming to 2018 we have the newest generation called “Generation Z” it’s often said that it’s just millennials on steroids. As they fully grew up surrounded by technology. But there are some things we are not able to compare yet. The Generation Z is still fairly young so as a person ages their values, actions, opinions change too. Ask any millennial have their opinions, motivations, actions changed in past five or ten years and the answer would probably be yes. So it’s fair to say we can not fully label a generation just by their coming of age values and actions. But it is an important link to their behaviour later in age.
A lot of studies say that our values come from our upbringing and surroundings. It has a certain truth in it because children are considered to be like “little sponges” that take in a lot of information as they start to learn good from bad. So as they become adults they rely on those values that they have learned in their childhood. But why aren’t the new generations acting same as their parents in their way of being? To answer that you need to look at the surrounding which are constantly changing. Since the societies develop rather fast people have had to adapt to it. In these situations young children are often more adaptable because they have not developed strong values yet and are more open to change. There is another change in societies since social media has become more and more part of people life, humans have developed higher expectations. For example people use social media to put up pictures of their vacations, successes, happy times etc. That in itself paints a false interpretation of life and not only do the person often feel the need to keep up with the lifestyle. But others who see it often start to compare their own life to that and it usually ends up damaging their self-esteem. All in all, the generation gap comes from the fast development of societies and the differences in adaptation within those changes. It’s a very important issue to solve, because in order for society to be peaceful there needs to be an understanding between the generations. Ann Aro
World Football Championship 2018
n the period ahead, all eyes will be directed to the most important secondarything of the world, and that is the 21st World Football Championship, which will be held in Russia from June 14th to July 15th. This will be the first world championship held in Europe since the 2006 championship in Germany, and it will also be the first championship held in Eastern Europe in general, but first held in a country whose territory is on two continents. However, all matches will be played in stadiums located in the European part of Russia, in order to maintain travel time. 32 national teams will take part in the championship, out of which 31 were ranked through qualifying matches, plus Russia as host of the championship. They will be divided into 8 groups, playing a total of 64 matches in 12 locations located in 11 cities. The final match will be held on July 15 in Moscow at the well-known “Luzhniki”stadium.
It is interesting to note that a total of 20 nations will again take part in the championship after the previous one in 2014, including title-holder Germany. Also, Iceland and Panama will witness their first World Cup, as they passed the qualifiers for the first time. They also both hold the title smallest nations, in terms of population, of this championship. Among the national teams returning after a long absence are: Egypt, returning after 28 years of absence from their last competition in 1990, Morocco who last competed in 1998. Peru returns after a 36-years leave in 1982 and Senegal will appear for the second time after the 2002 championship where they were placed in the quarterfinals. For the first time, three Nordic countries (Denmark, Iceland and Sweden) and four Arab countries (Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia) will jointly take part in a world championship. Significant countries that failed to qualify are the four-time champions Italy (for the first time since 1958) and thethree-time finalists Netherlands. Also, the conquerors of the African Cup of Nations in 2017 Cameroon, and Chile, the two-time Copa America winner and the national champion in 2017, did not enter the championship. Among them, New Zealand and the United States, as well as Ghana and Ivory Coast, are breaking out of the series of three appearances in a row.
topic of the month
At the beginning, it was suggested that the championship be held in 13 cities: Kaliningrad, Kazan, Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saransk, Sochi, Volgograd, Yaroslavl and Ekaterinburg with a total of 16 stadiums. Later the number was reduced to 11 cities and 12 stadiums, eliminating Krasnodar and Jaroslav, as the construction of two stadiums was canceled. Three of the existing stadiums (Luzhniki, Ekaterinburg and Sochi) were renovated, and the remaining 9 were newly built. About 10 billion euros were spent on the construction and renovation. The most used stadiums will be “Luzhniki” in Moscow and the stadium in St. Petersburg, with 7 matches each. Sochi, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara will host 6 matches, including one quarter-final. Five games will take place at the “Otkritie Arena” stadiums in Moscow and Rostovon-Don, while four will be played in Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Ekaterinburg and Saransk. The official mascot of the championship is “Zabivaka”, which in translation would mean “the one who scores”. It is an anthropomorphic wolf with a jersey that reads “RUSSIA 2018”. The shirt and shorts of the mascot are combined with a white, blue and red color that symbolizes the colors of the Russian flag and the Russian team. In the end, we remain to enjoy the championship and hope that it will bring us a lot of excitement, sensation and great play.
Milan Gjapic
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