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Magazine for all young people of Skopje

2013 MARCH Free

editorial 1 Dear readers and respected volunteers, Welcome to the month of March!!! A month when the first snowdrops should appear, a month which starts with paying more attention to the women, because of the international “8th of March Women’s Day”. I have a question for all of you: Do you think that the woman should be loved and taking cared of only on this day? I think we all know the answer…I don’t want to sound like a cliché, but today’s man are spoiled also need to be taking care of, so I think that we should celebrate this as expression of love and attention from the both genders. I do not want to sound cruel, but do not have to wait for days like St. Valentine’s day or 8th of March, so you can show someone how he/ she means to you…Do that every day, because you never know what can tomorrow bring... Gjoko

Драги читатели и почитувани волонтери, Добредојдовте во месецот март!!! Месецот во кој треба да се појават првите кокичиња, месецот во кој се посветува повеќе внимание на жените, поради меѓународниот ден на жената, 8ми Март. Имам едно прашање на сите вас: Дали мислите дека жената треба да биде сакана и да и се посветува внимание само на овој ден? Мислам дека сите го знаеме одговорот на прашањето...Не сакам да звучи како клише, но и на денешните разгалени мажи им е потребно внимание и некој да се грижи за нив, па затоа мислам дека треба да го одбележуваме овој празник и израз на внимание од страна на двата рода. Не сакам да бидам суров, но сметам дека не треба да чекаме денови како Свети Валентин или 8ми Март за да му покажеме на некого колку многу ни значи…Правете го тоа секој ден, затоа што не знаете што може да донесе утрешниот ден... Ѓоко

VOICES TEAM: David Trajkovski Dragan Lazeski Elena Popovska Emir Slezovikj Frosina Kiprijanovska Ilona Olehlova Jānis Segliņš Jasmina Romanova Katerina Stojanova Kristina Dimitrova

Monika Ashtalkoska Nacéra Dahes Ramona Sanigova Raphaël Bonnet Sanne Keulen Sanja Mihaјlovska Sanja Paunovska Sanja Ivanovska Sarah Bastable Tanja Zlateva Vesna Kiradjieva

Production & Coordination: Nikola Stankoski Gjoko Vukanovski Contact: Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3-2/3, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095


pekara moskva 3 the trust of the consumer 5 karin in macedonia 7 Training course MEntorevolution 10 "lost germans" 11

critique of intercultural learning 13 interview with dimitar atanasovski 17 the beauties of THE village staravina‌ 21 ancient technologies 22 drawing graffiti: a way of living 23 gender stereotypes 27 the relation between fashion & culture 29 evs in tallinn, estonia 31 interview with theodora raptis 33


Oasis of Russian cuisine In Skopje: Pekara Moskva By Janis Seglins

During one of my first weeks of staying in Skopje I have found many nice places but the one I’m going to speak in this article about was particularly special. As I remember it left a smile on my face for a pretty long time after visiting it for the first time.


magine: for a citizen of such a small country I represent here as Latvia, how big is the opportunity to accidentally hear somebody speaking my language? I’d say tiny. But things happen and the more you dig, the more often you get surprised by them. As this place Pekara Moskva is on my way home from the office it was just a matter of time when I’ll visit it for the first. And

big was my surprise when I did it and found there cuisine typical for my country (yes, we have great influence of the big neighbourcountry Russia in this sphere). And the surprise got even bigger when the lady of Pekara started to talk to me in Latvian. This made my day and left me wonder for another time about the tinyness of the world and the power of globalization. Apparently this lady Tatjana after her childhood on Caucasus region of Russia, teenage years on Ukraine and University years on Moscow has moved to Riga and spent there about 20 years working on several bakeries. However after these years she moved to Macedonia with her husband Petar who originally comes from Leskovac in Serbia but now is living on Skopje and working as a Russian language teacher. In order to create a job for his wife some years ago he bought all the necessary equipment and the place we now know as Pekara Moskva became a reality. – I’ve worked all my life. When we moved to Skopje I said to my husband that I’m not going to sit home without a job. So he bought a bakery where I have lots of job! – remembers Tatjana. Pelmeni (the pastry with meat inside), Russian pirogi (pies with meat and other fillets) and dark Russian bread are the most common and original products you can buy here. Most probably – the only place on whole Skopje. Of course on the assortment of this pekara there is always place for gevrek, burek, croissant and many more pastry products. Place is mostly oriented to people familiar with Russian culture and straight after entering it along with the white-blue-red coloured flag you see portraits of V. Putin, A. Puskin and other famous Russian people. But I’d say that good cuisine in this case is much stronger than politics, attracting to this all the people who once has tried and appreciate the special taste and sortiment of Pekara Moskva.

Оаза на Руската кујна во Скопје “Пекара Москва”

Јанис Сеглинс

За време на првите недели од мојот престој во Скопје, посетив многу интересни места, но она за кое ќе зборувам во оваа статија е многу посебно. Колку што се сеќавам, кога бев таму за прв пат, се почувствував многу пријатно, насмевката на моето лице не можеше да се скрие уште долго време потоа.


амислете колку големи се шансите случајно да слушнете некој како зборува на вашиот мајчин јазик ако потекнувате од една толку мала земја како мојата, Латвија? Би рекол многу мали. Но нештата се случуваат и колку повеќе истражуваш, толку повеќе се изненадуваш. Бидејќи пекара „Москва“ се наоѓа на патот од мојата куќа до канцеларијата, сигурно беше дека еден ден ќе отидам таму, прашање беше кога. Многу се изненадив кога отидов таму и кога видов дека специјалитетите што ги прават се исти како оние во мојата земја (да, бидејќи кулинарството во Русија има големо влијание врз нашето). Уште повеќе се изненадив кога госпоѓата којашто работеше таму почна да ми зборува на латвиски. Ова ми го разубави денот и ме натера уште еднаш да размислувам за тоа колку е мал светот и колку е голема моќта на глобализацијата. Како што изгледаше, госпоѓата Татјана своето детство го поминала во регионот Кавказ во Русија, тинејџерските години во Украина, а студиските во Москва и потоа се преселила во Рига каде што живеела 20 години и работела во неколку пекари. После тоа, се преселила во Македонија со својот сопруг Петар, којшто по

потекло е од Лесковац, Србија, а сега живее и работи во Скопје како наставник по руски јазик. За да и обезбеди работа на својата сопруга, пред неколку години тој ја купил целата опрема потребна за пекара и ја отвориле пекарата „Москва“. – Работев цел мој живот. Кога се преселивме во Скопје му реков на мојот сопруг дека нема шанси да седам дома без работа. Па затоа тој ја купи пекарата каде што сега имам многу работа. – се сеќава Татјана. „Пелмени“ (бело пециво со месо), „Руски пироги“ (пита со месо и други филети) и црн руски леб се најоригиналните производи коишто можете овде да ги купите. Најверојатно ова е единственото место во Скопје за овие производи. Се разбира дека овде можете да купите и ѓеврек, бурек, кроасан и други бели пецива. Но ова место најмногу е наменето за луѓето кои ја сакаат руската култура и откако ќе влезете во пекарата, право после знамето во бела, сина и црвена боја, можете да ги видите портретите на В.Путин, А. Пушкин и други познати Руси. Но добрите специјалитети вредат повеќе од политиката и ги привлекуваат сите оние кои еднаш биле и ги пробале специјалитетите на пекара „Москва“.

HOT TOPIC 5 By Nacéra Dahes

THE TRUST OF THE CONSUMER In the news they talk about the stories of Findus brand about the meat that isn’t beef but the horse. We learn from childhood not to lie, not to steal, not to cheat but when it is. What is happening today in the work we do and what we think?


ay after day, the pace of DNA testing by the Europeans, the scandal of horse meat in dishes supposed to be prepared with beef extends to new countries. Especially in Europe, but also in the world. No region of the world seems immune to the scandal of horse meat. The scandal broke in early February in the UK and has since expanded at all the Europe. Horse meat was detected in 29 products intended to be beefincluding the Findus brand - a sample of 2501 so far tested by the industrial sector, a little more than 1%, announced the food Safety Agency (FSA).

The shepherd’s pie “beef” but containing horse for example, was delivered to 47 schools in Lancashire in north-west England and hamburgers with horse meat were supplied to hospitals in North of Ireland. Horse meat was also found in a lot of hamburgers “beef” delivered to hospitals in Northern Ireland. Provider hospitals in question, the Irish food company Rangeland Foods, said that the meat used came from Poland and some hamburgers contain 5% to 30% of horse meat. Studies have been done, people don’t trust retailers. One person told me: “It’s the same a beef or a horse. Also for religious matters there is no difference between a beef and a horse”. What? What do you think reader? For example, if you were eating a dog or a rat, why does it matter if it is meat after all? Is it the same thing a horse or beef? And if you are allergic or have religious or moral beliefs?

Each animal has a name then use a every of them correctly and stop your stupidities as it is the abuse of thousands of people. The importance for retailers to make a profit is to have the largest market share of whatever happens. What is this world without moral, value without principle? We are low on consumer confidence to buy, trust in the reputation to the company, the health and food service, the recipients written on the food packages. We used to buy meat in butcher shops and then it was different. This case highlights the dysfunction of the traceability of products sold in supermarkets that undermines consumer confidence in respect of the products they don’t know if they rely on a labeling of these (Who know maybe in the tin can of spinach there are pooh of rabbit). Is it the same a dog and a rabbit?


rt is when you hear a knocking from your soul. For the first time I heard that knocking in one international street art workshop. To start that journey and build the art outside, I found on the workshop held by two artist from Berlin. Through very interesting presentation they connect us to the viewer by sharing something that is outside, on the street and walls, some subject that can be related with your life, way of thinking, controversial subject. That’s the way of expressing and brings some important real art that is not placed in the gallery, but it is visible for community. Working as a group we have gathered a better understanding of compromising, flexibility, and appreciation of each other’ judgments. We have also gained much clearer perception of the street art movement in general terms as well as in terms of its commercialization. Furthermore, we realized that there are as many opinions as there are artists. Nevertheless, we found that the one thing they all agree on is that street art, as we know

it, belongs to the street. All you have as your guide is that you know what moves you, and realizes your dream. We try to paint with different forms and techniques, using projector to draw the main lines of the face and than we played with the colors. When we finished our pictures we put on the walls in city in different locations as a cultural landmark. Believe in yourself, and share your idea, dream, identity, opinion and dignity, stick a picture on the wall. ‎”Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.” There is no city in the world without walls covered in a mixture of artistic creations and it is practically impossible to disregard the existence of this art movement. It’s about getting something out in the open that is hard to say in words. Sometimes the most pressing things to be said aren’t quite defined. This is where the artist comes into play.

By Monika Ashtalkoska


Karin in Macedonia By Ramona Sanigovรก


n the beginning of February my friend Karin from the Netherlands came to visit me to Skopje with a desire to get to know Balkans culture, nature and architecture. I took it as a challenge to show her the best of Macedonia! We enjoyed Skopje, the city centre, old bazaar, food and night life. Then we travelled around to see more than the capital. Now you can read about how Karin liked her stay.

How was your first impression about Macedonia? My first impression was that Macedonia is a country in development. Skopje is getting build up right now, and new landmarks have to be created. I think the country and its culture is a mix of many aspects recognizable in neighbor countries. I saw many things (food, traditions) that I have seen before in Greece of Turkey but implemented in its own way in the Macedonian culture. Where have you been to? I visited Skopje, Mavrovo, Struga and Ohrid. How did you like your trip? I really enjoyed my trip because I was with a friend that was living in Macedonia for a couple of months already. It was really nice to hear stories about her experiences and to explore the country together. I really enjoyed the combination of city and countryside which is so close to each other in Macedonia. Was there something what surprised you? The price level kind of surprised me. I knew it was a more cheap country than I am used to live in, but especially the taxi prices were so low. I think I was also positively surprised by the fact that so many people do speak English and try to make a conversation with you. When we went to “kafana� last evening I was surprised by the music and the way people entertain

themselves singing and dancing. In my country people are stiffer. I really enjoyed the entertaining atmosphere of the bars and restaurants. Are there some things really different than in your country? I think many things are different. First of all, we have almost 17 million people living in a country that is only 1,5 times as big as Macedonia. I am used to travel a lot by public transport and we have a very wide network. The Netherlands is a very flat country, so it was really nice to visit the mountains of Macedonia. Overall I think the landscape and nature are very different. We have a lot of water around. In Macedonia this is more concentrated in the lakes in the south. Would you like to come back again? I think that for me Macedonia is too small for a long holiday. I would like to go back in summer to see what it looks like when the sun is shining but in that case I would like to combine it with other Balkan countries to see similarities and differences.

Karin ne Maqedoni


Nga Ramona Sanigová

ë fillim të shkurtit mikesha ime Karin nga Holanda erdhi për të më vizituar në Shkup me dëshirë për ta njohur kulturën, natyrën dhe arkitekturën e Ballkanit. Unë e pranova atë si një sfidë për ta treguar më të mirën nga Maqedonia. Ne gëzuam në Shkup,në qendrën e qytetit, në çarshinë e vjetër, në ushqimin dhe në jetën nate. Pastaj ne shëtitëm rreth për të parë diçka më shumë përveç kryeqytetit. Tani ju mundeni të lexoni për atë si i ka pëlqyer qëndrimin e saj.

Si ishte përshtypja jote e parë për Maqedoni? Përshtypja ime e parë ishte se Maqedonia është një vend në zhvillim. Shkupi tani e po ndërtojnë, dhe monumentet e reja duhen të krijohen. Unë mendoj se vendi dhe kultura e tij është një përzierje e shumë aspekte të njohura në vendet fqinjë. Unë pashë shumë gjëra (ushqime, tradita) që i kam parë në Greqi dhe Turqi, por zbatohen në mënyrën e vetë në kulturën maqedonase.

që jetojnë në një vend që është pothuajse 1,5 herë më i madh se Maqedonia. Unë dua të udhëtoj shumë me transport publik dhe ne kemi një rrjetë shumë të gjerë. Holanda është një vend shumë të sheshtë, dhe ishte në të vërtetë e bukur që i vizituam malet e Maqedonisë. Në përgjithësi peizazhi dhe natyra janë shumë të ndryshme. Ne gjithashtu kemi shumë ujë përreth. Në Maqedoni kjo ishte më e koncentruar në liqenet në jug.

Ku keni qenë? Unë i vizitova Shkupin, Mavrovën, Strugën dhe Ohrin.

A do të vish prapë? Unë mendoj se për mua Maqedonia është shumë e vogël për një pushim të gjatë? Unë do të doja të kthehem prapë në verë për të parë si duket kur dielli po ndriçon por në atë rast do të doja të kombinoj me vendet e tjera të Ballkanit për t’i parë ngjashmëritë dhe dallimet.

Si të ka pëlqyer udhëtimin tuaj? Unë në të vërtetë gëzova në udhëtimin tim, sepse isha me një mikeshë që jeton në Maqedoni pothuajse disa muaj. Ishte në të vërtetë e bukur për të degjuar tregime nga përvojat e saj dhe për të hulumtuar vendin së bashku. Unë në të vërtetë gëzova në kombinimin e qyteteve dhe fshatrave të cilat janë aq afër me njeri-tjetrit në Maqedoni. A ishte diçka që të ka befasuar? Nivelin e çmimeve më ka befasuar. E dija se është një vend më i lirë për dallim nga ai në të cilin unë jam bërë shprehi për të jetuar, por veçanërisht çmimet e taksive ishin aq të ulët. Unë mendoj se isha e befasuar pozitivisht nga fakti që kaq shumë njerëz nuk flasin gjuha angleze por përpiqen të bisedojnë me ju. Kur kemi shkuar në “ kafana “ isha befasuar nga muzika dhe nga mënyra në të cilën njerëzit argëtojnë duke kënduar dhe vallëzuar. Në vendin tim njerëzit janë të ashpër. Unë në të vërtetë gëzova shumë në atmosferën e këndshëm në barët dhe restoranet. A ka disa gjëra që janë në të vërtetë të ndryshme në krahasim me vendin tuaj? Unë mendoj se shumë gjëra janë të ndryshme. Para se të gjithash, ne kemi pothuajse 17 millionë njerëz

Youth in Action 10

Тренинг курс MentoREvolution Арад, Романија


Сања Ивановска

д секогаш сум се прашувала кое е значењето и полезноста, односно кои се придобивките од присуство и учество на еден интернационален тренинг курс. Самата помисла за учество на еден ваков курс во мене побуди позитивни чувства, еден вид на мотивација за успешно претставување на нашата земја, како и за стекнување на што поголем број пријателства од цела Европа. Но, доволно е нешто силно да се посака и да се работи на негово остварување...резултатите доаѓаат сами по себе !

Тренинг курсот во Арад, Романија е всушност мојот прв интернационален тренинг курс. Поради тоа што овој курс се состоеше од учесници кои имаа различни познавања во однос на менторството и волонтерството, посебно ми е драго што тренингот започна токму со објаснување на значењето на самиот поим ЕВС. Се запознавме со улогата на менторите во различни области, како на пример: социјална, географска, економска, образовна област, култура, здравје итн. Исто така, се постигна согласност дека треба да постои базична координација помеѓу волонтер- ментор и ментор- национална организација. Најпрвин се постави прашањето, а потоа и се дебатираше во однос на тоа каков пристап треба да

има менторот кон волонтерот при реализација на еден ЕВС проект. Дали менторот треба да пристапи со отворена комуникација и отворени прашања, или пак да пристапи кон рефлективна комуникација (да не се поставуваат отворени прашања доколку се согледа дека волонтерот не е подготвен, да му се дозволи на волонтерот тој да го отпочне разговорот, да постои разбирање и внатрешна конекција). Менторот треба да биде подготвен да го насочи волонтерот во вистинска насока, да дава опции и мислења, без притоа да нуди конечно решение затоа што тоа е одлука на самиот волонтер, односно на тој начин треба да му дозволи на волонтерот самиот да го најде вистинското решение. Тој треба истовремено да му даде максимална мотивација на волонтерот и да му помогне да ја зголеми самопочитта, доколку има потреба од сето тоа. Толеранцијата, како и секојдневната поддршка, исто така имаат клучна улога за да се постават добри пријателски односи помеѓу двете страни. За да се воспостават таквите пријателски односи, треба да се елиминираат бариерите кои можат да се појават при секојдневната комуникација. Различните бариери во комуникација се: поинаква агенда; емоции; стереотипи; претходни, веќе минати случувања; околина; статус и отсуство на доверба. Главна ориентација на волонтерот е да се стекне со знаење во одреден ЕВС проект, кое подоцна ќе може да го имплементира во својата земја со цел подобрување и поуспешно извршување на работите. За да можат волонтерите да ја подобрат својата позиција во одреден проект потребно е да се отворени за соработка со претпоставениот ментор, но да не го занемариме, во овој контекст, исто така особено е важен и говорот на телото. Се подготвуваа и поставуваа можни решенија за интеграција на лица во општеството со посебни потреби. Имавме можност да проучиме различни ... (за да го прочитате целиот текст ве молиме посетете ја нашата веб страница


"Lost Germans" the ethical state of Macedonians

By David Trajkovski


or ten minutes with a standing ovation and applause audience greeted the first performance of the play “Lost Germans” in the Macedonian National Theatre. According Dukovski’s text, the director Slobodan Unkovski made a play, which according to the genre is a black comedy, and talk about homosexuality, Nazism, the meaning of life, “rightists” and “leftists” and keep awake the viewer although last long. The action in the play takes place in Macedonia in 1944 in a mine, which could be Alshar, where lost Germans supposedly explore a secret ore, practically hidden from the war. Here discuss the various issues... Namely, in order to protect their own children from the horrors and tragic consequences of armed conflict, a group of influential and rich German industrialists and for their descendants organize harmless and futile task: send them to oversee excavation extinct ore in a ruined mine on the tripartite point between Yugoslavia, Greece and Bulgaria. Human faults, frustration, greed, love, homosexuality, Nazism, leftism, the meaning of life ... are just some of the basic, painful questions the play treats. In this play, the following actors are involved: Kamka Tocinovski, Toni Mihajlovski, Nikola Ristanovski, Dzvezda Angelovska, Jovica Mihajlovski, Yordan Simeonov, Oliver Mitkovski, Sanja Arsovska and Emil Ruben. Costume and author of the design

performance is Bojana Nikitovikj from Belgrade, choreographer is Krenare Nevzati Kerry and designer Viktor Mihaylov. Dukovski had the idea of the text for a while, originally seen as a screenplay for a movie, based on a true story. “This text is very different from all my previous. There is more specific, open structure. I am extremely pleased with the realization, however, is very important how it will pass and honestly, I have stage fright. I think we managed to reach very exciting theater moments “he said. Particular satisfaction with the work done by Dukovski Unkovski and other actors expressed Nikola Ristanovski. - “Greed poison our souls, knowledge made us cynical, mind-tough and ruthless. We need humanity, without it the world will remain violent and empty “said Ristanovski. As a conclusion, the three-hour show is a fun, magnificent, interesting and more comic than tragic. Actor’s performance is more than solid and matches the quality of the play. Commendable performance of the actors and their play finally gets the challenge of Macedonian playwright who these actors deserve but rarely receive. “The play is about the general situation in the Macedonian society, not so much political as ethical. It is firmly buried in 1944, but the ideas which he tries to articulate are very contemporary, current, “said director Unkovski.

“Изгубени Германци“

етичката состојба на Mакедонците Давид Трајковски


ели десет минути со овации и аплаузи публиката ја поздравуваше првата изведба на претставата „Изгубени Германци“ во Македонскиот Народен Театар. По текстот на Дејан Дуковски, режисерот Слободан Унковски направи претстава, која според жанрот е црна комедија, а зборува за хомосексуалноста, нацизмот, смислата на животот, левичарството и десничарството, и го држи буден гледачот иако трае долго. Дејството во драмскиот текст се одвива во Македонија во 1944 година во еден рудник, кој би можел да биде и Алшар, каде што изгубени Германци божем истражуваат некоја тајна руда, а практично се сокриени од војната. Тука дискутираат за разни прашања.. Имено, за да ги заштитат сопствените деца од стравотиите и трагичните последици на воениот конфликт, група влијателни германски индустријалци и богаташи за своите потомци организираат безопасна, но и јалова задача: ги испраќаат да надгледуваат ископување на непостојна руда во руиниран и испостен рудник на тромеѓата помеѓу Југославија, Грција и Бугарија. Човечки маани, фрустрации, алчност, љубов, хомосексуалност, нацизам, левичарство, смисла на живот,..., се само дел од базичните, болни прашања што ги третира претставата. Во оваа претстава учествуваат и актерите: Камка Тоциновски, Тони Михајловски, Никола Ристановски, Ѕвезда Ангеловска, Јовица Михајловски, Јордан Симеонов, Оливер Митковски, Сања Арсовска и Емил Рубен. Костимограф и автор на целиот дизајн на претставата е Бојана Никитовиќ од Белград, кореограф е Кренаре Невзати-Кери, а сценограф Виктор Михајлов.

Дуковски идејата за текстот ја имал подолго време, најпрво ја гледал како сценарио за филм, а базирана на вистинска приказна. – “Овој текст е многу поразличен од моите досегашни. Има поспецифична, отворена структура. Исклучително сум задоволен од реализацијата, сепак, ми е многу важно како ќе помине и искрено, имам трема. Мислам дека успеавме да допреме многу театарски возбудливи моментни”, рече Дуковски. Особено задоволство од сработеното со Дуковски, Унковски и останатата актерска екипа изрази и Никола Ристановски. – “Алчноста ги отру нашите души, знаењето не направи цинични, умот тешки и немилосрдни. Потребна ни е хуманост, без тоа светот ќе остане насилен и празен”, рече Ристановски. „Претставата зборува за генералните состојби во македонското општество, не толку политички, колку етички. Цврсто е закопана во 1944 година, но идеите кои се обидува да ги артикулира се многу современи, актуелни“, изјави режисерот Унковски. Заклучно, тричасовната претстава е забавна, величествена (magnificent), занимлива и повеќе комична отколку трагична. Актерската изведба е повеќе од солидна и соодветствува на квалитетот на драмскиот текст. Перформансите на актерите се за пофалба и нивната игра конечно го добива предизвикот на македонски драмски писател кои овие актери го заслужуваат, но преретко го добиваат.



Critique of Intercultural Learning

By RaphaĂŤl Bonnet

Do we really have to learn from each other?


an we reasonably inflect our beliefs, forget our values, in the name of intercultural learning and for the sake of adaptation? Even if tolerance and respect are decisive in a society to make the relations between humans working, intercultural learning, less in its application and more in its spirit, is potentially bad. Nowadays, through the astonishing globalization which is expending more and more, a wave of people defending the relativity of the point of views, and the sacred adaptation, had invade earth. It consists in the construction of a peaceful dialogue within which people are exchanging their differences and trying to figure out a solution through a compromise. For sure, true intercultural learning, has many more purposes, and many more applications, notably in the working area. But here, the point is to contest the daily application in the domestic relation, between EVS Volunteers for example. One would argue

that, since nothing is true, and everything is built according to the dominant ideology, nothing is worth to be fought for, and therefore, you can be open-minded to everything. Another one would argue that, for the sake of peace we should be able to control the natural anger and frustration, go beyond, and figure out values which can be common. These two main arguments are contestable. If nothing is true, if we are totally pure from any values which are not belonging to us, then we are not able to exist in a society. It has to be understood that the differences between cultures and which are leading to conflicts, are the same ones which are allowing you to survive in your own society. Intercultural learning, in its domestic form, could lead to an erase of the differences it is taking advantage of. Meaning that, by contesting a complex system of value in order to become perfectly international, intercultural learning could create a time when only one system of value has been

set, fitting to everyone. It is for sure a catastrophe scenario, but it is important to remember that questioning is one thing, it allows you to be able to evolve, and contesting is another one. Denying who you are, or from where you are coming from, is extremely dangerous, it brings you in a position of excessive weakness and dive you into a paradox between the inner you, full of norms, and the aware you, who doesn’t want these.

Then, the conclusion would be: don’t forget that the one in front of you may be right, and don’t forget to listen what he has to say, but allow yourself more than ever, to fight against what you see as wrong or unjustified. What you “are” can evolve, but it cannot be destroyed in the holy name of cultural adaptation.

Kritikat e mësimit ndërkulturor A në të vërtetë duhet të mësojmë nga njeri-tjetrit? Nga Raphaël Bonnet


mundemi në mënyrë të arsyeshme të krijojmë besimet tona, të harrojmë vlerat tona. Për shkak të mësimit ndërkulturor dhe për shkak të përshtatjejes? Edhe në qoftë se toleranca dhe respekti janë vendimtare në një shoqeri për të bërë marrëdhëniet midis punimit të njerëzve, mësimit ndërkulturor.Sot, përmes të globalizimit të habitshëm që shpesohet dhe më shumë, një valë e njerëzve duke e mbrojtur relativitetin e pikëpamjes, dhe pështatjen e shenjtë e kanë invadur tokën. Ajo përbëhet nga ndërtimi i një dialog paqësor në të cilin njerëzit do t’i shkëmbejnë dallimet e tyre dhe do të përpiqen të gjejnë zgjidhje nëpërmjet kompromisit. Për mësimi ndërkulturor i sigurt dhe i vërtetë, ka shumë propozime, shumë aplikacione, në fushën e punës. Por këtu, bëhet fjalë për kundërshtimi i kërkesave të përditshme në lidhje me marrëdhëniet e brendhshme mes vullnetarëve EVS për shembull. Dikush do të argumentojë, pasi asgjë nuk është e vërtetë, dhe çdo gjë është ndërtuar në bazë të ideologjisë dominuese,për asgjë nuk vlen të luftohesh, dhe për këtë arsye, duhet të jetë me mendje e hapur për çdo gjë. Një tjetër do të argumentojë se, për hir të paqes, ne duhet të jemi në gjendje ta kontrollojmë zemërimin natyror, dhe frustrimin, të shkojmë përtej, dhe të kuptojmë cilat janë vlerat që mund të jenë të përbashkëta. Këto dy argumente kryesore janë kontestuese. Nëse asgjë nuk është e vërtetë, në qoftë se ne jemi krejtë-

sisht të pastër nga vlerat që nuk ne përkasin, atëherë ne nuk jemi në gjendje të ekzistojmë në ndonjë shoqëri. Mësimi ndërkulturor me formën e saj të brendshme, mund të jetë fshirjen e dallimeve. Kjo do të thotë se, duke kundërshtruar të një sistem të vlerës, në mënyrë të jetë i përkryer ndërkulturor, mësimi ndërkulturor mund të krijojë kohë kur vetëm një sistem të vlerave do të jetë i vendosur,i përshtatshëm për të gjithë. Ky është në të vërtetë një skenar katastrofik, por është e rëndësishme të mbani mend se pyetje është një gjë, ajo ju lejon të jeni në gjendje të evoluoni kurse kontestimin është një gjë tjetër.Ajo është për të kuptuar se dallimiet nëpërmjet kulturave të cilat ne çojnë në konflikte, janë të njejtët që ne lejojnë të mbijetojmë në shoqërinë tonë. Mohimi kush jeni ju, ose nga ku po vini, është jashtzakonisht e rrezikshëm, ju sjellë në një paradoks midis asaj që jeni nga brenda, plot normave dhe asaj për të cilin jeni të vetëdijshëm. Pastaj, përfundimi do të jetë: mos harroni se ndokush nga ata që janë para jush mund të jetë të drejtë, dhe mos harroni të dëgjoni çfarë ai ka për të thënë, por lejoni vetën më shumë se kurrë, për t’u luftuar kundër asaj që e shohin si gabim ose të pajustifikuara. Çfarë ju “jeni” mund të evoluojë, por nuk të shkatërohet emrin e shenjtë të përshtatjes kulturore.


Interview with Dimitar Atanasovski By Elena Popovska


he Young people are permanent, necessary and progressive segment of the society. Their role, except in social life, is particularly important and useful in the process of creating a brighter future for the next generations. Starting from the need for young people to engage actively in every field and to actively participate in social events, the NGO sector continually provides promotion of non-formal education, critical thinking and debating aimed at personal development. Information is also of great importance, which allows young people to perceive more clearly the changes, hazards and adjustments to new circumstances. Media as a communication and educational system has a great power in providing unbiased information. In that sense, people have an exceptional opportunity to learn really interesting things about a young and charming personality, a person with a constant smile on his face, a person who has the power to cheer everyone and with an enthusiasm that dominates television screens and radio receivers. For this purpose, the young TV presenter called Dimitar Atanasovski will tell us something more about himself and its experience with volunteering as one of the important tools for involving youth in action.

Tell us more about yourself and the beginnings of your TV career? My career started 6 years ago and at that point I could not even imagined that I would be as successful as I am today in this career field. Everything started so coincidentally, as I decided to audition at the National Macedonian Television (MTV) and since then I have changed many different medias in order today to find myself at the same place where I have started.

ing meetings and briefings for new television projects that will start soon, and after I take a short lunch break. Next, I am going to City Radio where I am hosting a show with my friends from Toyota every working day from 2.00 – 4.00 pm. After the show usually I’m going home to take a rest and I finally finish the day with cross-fit workout that I got addicted to. During the weekends I usually use my free time to relax and hangout with my closest friends and family...

Besides your TV - career, have you ever been actively involved in the NGO sector? When I was in high school I was very active in this field, but as time passed by I got more and more duties and responsibilities, so I did not have much time to participate in the NGO sector. Nevertheless, I have been involved in many projects devoted to promotion of multi-ethnic life, sexual education and protection from sexually transmitted infections.

Finally, tell us about your future plans? I don’t have specific plans for future because at this moment I don’t have time to think about what will happen in the future. My priority at the time is my work occupation that I am most dedicated to. We create our own future and how things will turn out depends on what are we doing, therefore one should have future plans only when one knows what exactly wants to accomplish.

Could you tell us more about your experience in the NGO sector? The experience gained in this work field it’s an excellent preparation for everyone’s future life. Actually, you are able to meet new people, exchange experiences and acquire skills that make you a better person. Furthermore, the greatest satisfaction is when you manage to realize a project by which you can show the society that everyone can give their own input in order changes to be made for our better future. What are your views on volunteerism and the active involvement of young people in it, in general? The active involvement of youth in the field of volunteerism and its contribution to striving for better life, in my opinion is the most beautiful thing that can happen to them in that period of time. What young people are doing in that period of their lives is first of all for their wellbeing mainly because instead of wasting their time doing something useless or turning to dangerous vices, they are directly involving themselves in the society and publicly expressing their views and opinions on a certain topic. Describe one average day of yours? Usually I don’t have average days. My working day starts at 9 am with ongo-

Интервју на Димитар Атанасовски Елена Поповска


ладите се постојан, неопходен и прогресивен сегмент во општеството. Нивната улога, освен во општественото живеење, е особено важна и корисна во процесот на креирање посветла иднина за следните генерации. Поаѓајки од потребата младите да се вклучат активно на секое поле и активно да учествуваат во општествените случувања, невладиниот сектор континуирано обезбедува промоција на неформално образование, критично размислување и дебати кои целат кон личен развој. Информираноста е исто така од голема важност, која им овозможува на младите појасно да ги согледаат промените и опасностите како и прилагодувањата на новите околности. Медиумот, како комуникациски и едукативен систем имаа голема моќ за непристрасно информирање. Во тaa смисла, имате исклучителна можност да дознаете навистина интересни работи за една млада и шармантна личност, личност со постојана насмевка на лицето, личност која има моќ да го расположи секого и која со својот ентузијазам доминира на ТВ-екраните и радиоприемниците. За таа цел, го повикавме младиот ТВ-водител Димитар Атанасовски кој ќе ни раскаже нешто повеќе за себе и за волонтерството како една од значајните алатки за вклучување на младите во акција.

Откриј ни нешто повеќе за себе и за почетоците на твојата ТВ-кариера? Мојата кариера започна сосема случајно пред 6 години и тогаш не можев ни да замислам дека толку успешно ќе се снајдам во ова што го работам денеска. Започнав сосема случајно, на аудиција во Македонската телевизија и од тогаш до денес сменив многу медиуми, за денес повторно да се најдам на местото од кое започнав. Покрај ТВ – кариерата дали некогаш си бил активно вклучен во невладиниот сектор? Кога бев во средно училиште, многу бев активен на ова поле, но како поминуваше времето, ми се зголемуваа обврските и немав толку време за учество во невладиниот сектор. Сум бил вклучен во многу проекти кои биле посветени на мулти-етничкиот живот кај нас, како и проекти поврзани со сексуална едукација и заштита од полово-преносливи инфекции. Доколку Да, откриј ни за твоето стекнато искуство? Искуството во оваа работа е одлична подготовка за она што те чека во животот. Запознаваш нови луѓе, менуваш искуства и стекнуваш вештини кои те прават подобар човек. Плус, најголемата сатисфакција е кога ќе изреализираш некој проект кој знаеш дека е нешто со кое му укажуваш на општеството дека и ти можеш да го дадеш својот удел за она што сакаш да се промени во подобра насока. Кои се твоите ставови за волонтеризмот и за активното вклучување на младите, воопшто? Активноста на младите луѓе директно во волонтеризмот и нивниот придонес кон стремењето за подобар живот е според мене најубавата работа која што може да му се случи на еден млад човек во тој

период од животот. Она што младите го прават во овој период е најпрво за нивно добро, затоа што наместо да го користат своето слободно време на работи кои се неполезни и да им се оддаваат на пороците, тие директно се вклучуваат во општеството јавно и гласно искажувајќи го својот став за одредена тема. Како изгледа еден твој просечен ден? Просечни денови немам... Обично работниот ден ми започнува во 9 часот наутро со тековните состаноци и брифинзи за новите телевизиски проекти кои наскоро ќе ги започнам, па потоа имам кусо време за јадење и го продолжувам кон Сити радио. Таму секој работен ден имам емисија од 2 до 4 со моите пријатели од Тојота. По завршувањето на емисијата обично одам дома да одмарам и вечерта ја завршувам со крос-фит тренингот на кој едноставно се навлеков. Викендите обично ги користам за дружба со најблиските и одмор кој многу ми треба. За крај кажи ни кои се твоите планови за во иднина? Конкретни планови немам, затоа што не можам во моментов да се посветувам на размислување за тоа што ќе се случува во иднината. Она што мене сега ми е приоритет ми е работата на која сум максимално посветен. Иднината сами си ја креираме и од она што го правиме таа зависи, затоа планови треба да се прават само кога знаеш дека сакаш да ги оствариш.


The beauties of THE village Staravina‌

By Elena Popovska


iving deep into the Macedonian history, searching for the roots of our nation, we encounter with one rural environment, which is a seemingly simple one, but in fact it keeps facts that are related between each other in a certain way and represent a great importance for the Macedonian people during the Turkish slavery. That is actually the village of Staravina, based in Mariovo region, which belongs to the group of hilly and mountainous villages and extends to an altitude of 900 meters, located at the base of the mountain Nidze, on the right of the stream channel of the Gradeshka River. This village was named by the rich vineyards from which people in the past produced really good wines. The legend related to this village says that it was created with migration of the citizens living in the fortress "Pest" which is located at the altitude

of 1100 meters, on a hill near the village where remains of buildings from the Roman times can be found, and exists since the time of ancient kings. This area is also associated with the main character of the novels written by famous Macedonian writer Stale Popov, called Kalesh Angja. Actually, a special importance of this village gives the true story of Macedonian historical heroine, a Mariovo girl Kalesh Angja, who was famous for its beauty, and as the story tells, she was captured in a sneaky way by the kadia of Prilep, who loved beautiful Angja and wanted her to be one of his wives. Today in this place the memories associated with this story still exist, so the house of Kalesh Angja is of great importance for the cultural heritage of this Mariovo village as a synonym for combating the acceptance of Turkish religion by the Christians.

Science & Technology 22

Ancient Technologies By Raphaël Bonnet

Among a certain group of people, there is a tendency to think that the building techniques of the ancient civilizations were too perfect and too elaborate to be made by backwards societies.


ndeed the techniques to build the Pyramids, but not only, the Acropolis in Athens, or some Aqueduct, were absolutely impressive. After many years, these constructions are still strong and seem to be ready to survive the next centuries. The main problem is to consider that we are superior in terms of techniques, to the previous civilizations. Indeed, we have great technologies, but our progress is not ultimate and it has been built on the previous discoveries, made by the ancient technologies. In the village where I lived, called Sommières, there is a bridge that people don’t even notice anymore. It has been built by the Emperor Tiberius in the first century in order to link two important cities in the south of France. This bridge has survived to two thousand years of floods which are sometimes very strong. In the South of France you can find plenty of other constructions which are showing the genius of the Roman builders. The “Pont du Gard” (Bridge of Gard), is one of the most amazing constructions you can find around. Built in the first half of the first century, this aqueduct had for function to carry water in the entire region. Recognized worldwide, this Aqueduct is a masterpiece in the Roman construc-

tion, showing that, even if the means were limited, the ability and the techniques of Ancient civilization were properly amazing. I will not expend myself on the Pyramids, but other civilizations have been extremely powerful in terms of constructions. China for example, peopled by a great civilization, full of a knowledge which overwhelmed Europe for a long time, was able to build the Great Wall of China three centuries before JC! But this is not the only amazing fact. If you look to the organization of the cities, and the very develop sense of esthetic, it is possible to see in China or Chinese civilization a very great ability to build. If all of these examples are not enough to convince you that the Humans techniques were awesome in the past, consider the fact that it is through communication and exchanges of knowledge that these civilizations were able to reach such a level of technique. We still have to learn from them, especially about the construction skills. We need to avoid being arrogant and recognize that, to some extent, they were more able than we are.



By Jasmina Romanova

‘‘Drawing on the walls is absolutely normal for me, I think that graffiti are very important element and mark for every city… They are fighting against monotony, grayness and sterility of the city, they give a soul to the city.’’ -Drash


raffiti aren’t doodles on the wall. It is a special art and a way of living. I can describe this art with only one word: freedom. I was lucky to talk to one very nice guy who is experienced drawer - Drash. That’s how I got very interesting information about graffiti. He is explaining the graffiti as a type of art where through the shape of the letters, lines, color or characters you leave your authentic mark on the wall. According to him, the graffitis in Skopje are present since 1995. He started drawing more than 10 years ago, somewhere around 1995. In our conversation he let me know that in this period the most famous place to go out was the Quay of Vardar and Macedonia Square, so the most of the graffiti were concentrated here and a lot of young people could brag with their talent. It is interesting that the active drawers are not a lot, but they all know each other and hang out a lot. They travel around Macedonia where they meet the artists from the other cities. Sounds interesting right? Hanging out, drawing, traveling… ‘’In the last 2 years’’ says Drash, ‘’Many foreigners are coming in Skopje. We are known for our hospitality and besides the drawing there is a lot of hanging out, beer and rakia.’’ What do you draw mostly?

Mostly I draw DRASH in Cyrilic Alphabet. As a principle I like to draw characters too (bunnies, bears… animals or something that I invent) What else do you draw beside graffiti?

Beside graffiti I draw on canvas, small boards, stickers. I like to experiment and I like trying new things and techniques, literally everything connected to art, if I can express myself like that. Have you ever had exhibition?

I haven’t had exhibition until now, even though I am thinking about that since long time ago, but I think it will come by itself. And when it’s a question of graffiti, they are exhibited on the street in front of everyone. What do you think about drawing on the walls?

Drawing on the walls is absolutely normal for me, I think that graffiti are very important element and mark for every city… They are fighting against monotony, grayness and sterility of the city, they give a soul to the city. What are your plans for the future?

When it is a question of art and drawing graffiti I am 100% sure that I will continue to draw later on. The only thing I would like is to travel more in other cities and countries, so that I can see the level of development of the graffiti culture, to hangout with likeminded people and of course to draw and to leave a mark in some other cities.

Цртање Графити: начин на живеење Јасмина Романова


рафитите не се шкртаници по ѕидовите. Тоа е посебна уметност и начин на живот за оние кои се инволвирани во тоа. Јас би можела таа уметност да ја опишам само со еден збор: слобода. Имав среќа да разговарам со едно многу пријатно момче кое е искусен и познат цртач - Драш. Така добив многу интересни податоци за графитите. Тој графитите ги објаснува како еден вид на уметност каде преку формата на буквите, линиите, бојата или карактерите оставаш еден свој автентичен белег на ѕидот. Според него графитите во Скопје постојат некаде од 1995 година. Драш започнал со цртање пред повеќе од 10 години, некаде во 1999 година. Во разговорот со него, тој ми укажа дека во тој период најактуелно место за излегување на младите бил Кејот на Вардар и Плоштадот Македонија, па тука биле сконцентрирани голем број на графити и токму тука многу млади имале можност да се пофалат со својот талент. Интересно е тоа што има активните цртачи во Скопје не се во голем број, но сите се познаваат меѓусебно и многу се дружат. Често патуваат низ Македонија каде се сретуваат со уметниците од другите градови. Звучи интересно нели? Дружење, цртање, патување... ‘’Во Скопје во последните 2 години’’, вели Драш, ‘’доаѓаат доста странци. Бидејќи сме познати по нашето гостопримство, покрај цртањето, има многу дружење, пиво и ракија’’.

‘‘...графитите се доста битен елемент и одбележје за секој град... Тие всушност се борат против монотонијата, сивилото и стерилноста на градот, тие му ја даваат душата на градот.’’ -Драш

Во продолжение следува интервјуто со Драш: Што најчесто црташ? -Најчесто цртам кирилични букви ДРАШ. Во принцип сакам да цртам и карактери (зајци, мечиња, животинки или нешто мое измислено) Што друго црташ освен графити? -Освен графити цртам и платна, даскички, стикери. Сакам да експериментирам и да пробувам и други нови нешта и техники, буквално се’ што е поврзано со уметност ако така може да се каже. Си имал ли изложба на твоите дела? -До сега не сум имал изложба, иако одамна сум размислувал за такво нешто, но мислам дека ќе си дојде само по себе тоа. А кога станува збор за графитите тие си се секој ден изложени на улица пред сите луѓе :) Каков е твојот став во однос на цртањето на ѕидови?

-Цртањето на ѕидови е сосем нормална работа за мене, графитите мислам дека се доста битен елемент и одбележје за секој град... Тие всушност се борат против монотонијата, сивилото и стерилноста на градот, тие му ја даваат душата на градот. Какви планови имаш за во иднина? -Кога е во прашање уметност и цртањето графити 100% сум сигурен дека ќе продолжам да го правам истото и понатака. Единствено ете за понатака би сакал повеќе да патувам во други градови и држави, да едноставно видам до кој степен е развиенс и доведена графити културата, да дружам со истомисленици и нормално да цртам и да оставам свој белег во некој од другите градови.

Sex & City 27


This article is not about feminism, this article is about to give the desire and possibilities to every human to develop and change himself freely. This article is a claim to fight against every form of determinism.

Boys are turbulent, brawler, talkative, disordered and they want to show how interesting they are while the girls are more polite, more responsible, more perfectionists, more sensible, harder workers but they have a tendency to coquetry, and play on seduction.” Who has never heard this from parents or teachers? These common remarks let the impression that masculine and feminine behaviours are innate. As the philosopher Simone de Beauvoir said, “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”, I will show you that these gendered behaviours are transmitted by our educational systems. And we need to be aware of this in order to make these stereotypes disappear from schools. School is not apart from the society and it is permeable to all the standards of the society, and specifically, to the standards of feminity and masculinity. A study about the content of school’s textbooks revealed that the boys are over represented compared to girls, that there is more heroes than heroines, that when an adult is represented with children, 7 times out of ten, it’s a women, the boys are represented outside and the girls inside, the jobs are gendered, the games also, the little boys are presented in situations were

they are strong, courageous but negligent, while the girls are pretty, sensitive but fragile. As these books build our imagination since our little childhood, we can easily understand the power of these images printed in our brains. Some other studies shows that 80% of the punishments are given to boy pupils. This disproportionate result shows clearly that there is a gender differentiation in school. By questioning boy pupils, the answers they give are surprising. They say that in fact, they are searching for punishment because the little feeling of adrenaline but also because of the secondary effects obtained. They gain the image of rebels, they become popular and attracts more the girls! Thus, the punishment system largely participate to the gendered behaviour. In school, boys and girls play their gendered partition; Meaning, for the boys to be agitated and noisy. The boys acts to look like real little boys and the girls to look like real little girls in order to seem normal and not be marginalised. The class, the professors, the parents validate or no these behaviours. This is how we have been taught the way how to behave according to our sex and why we play our “role” according to the common standards of feminity and masculinity.

Sex & City29 FASHION



Once cherished… Today forgotten?

hroughout the history and even today, people from different cultures coming from different parts of the world, differ from one another by their living lifestyles among many other things. Speaking of living lifestyle one of the things defining it is certainly fashion, which as we know today, allows people to express their sense of style wearing certain type of clothes, jewelry, shoes etc. But the question is: Was the meaning and purpose of fashion the same back in the days as it is today? To begin with, if we try to look back in history, a culture of a nation was recognized by the way people acted, spoke and finally how they looked and what they wore. Namely, what we call today traditional clothing, for the people from the past was something they would wear on a daily basis, mainly influenced by their ancestors, living conditions, class in society, work occupation, but still inspired by their culture. Thus, taking into consideration the circumstances in which people have been living in the past, it can be concluded that culture had tremendous influence on the way people expressed themselves through fashion,

and obviously it was part of their everyday lives. Besides that, breaking the cultural norms by wearing whatever they wanted just to make a statement with choosing a certain fashion style was not something that could have been easily done. Therefore people had to obey certain rules and honor and respect culture through their appearance. On the contrary, fashion in today’s world far less represents people’s culture instead it shows one’s personal style and helps people differentiate from the crowd. Actually, people who still demonstrate their culture through their appearance are quite few in comparison to those who would rather choose their own fashion style. Thus, fashion today is more influenced by our choice of music that we enjoy to listen or the places we prefer to hang out, rather than by the things that define us as a nation, such as the cultural heritage of the place where we are coming from. To sum up, the liberty of expressing our sense of fashion it doesn’t necessarily has to mean we are on a bad track, but certainly means we are not representing our culture through fashion, as other people used to in the past.



екогаш во минатото, а впрочем и денес, луѓето од различни култури кои доаѓаат од различни страни на светот, се разликувале меѓу себе по начинот на живот, покрај другите работи. Кога станува збор за начинот на живот, едно од нештата кое што го дефинираат е секако модата, којашто како што е знаеме денес, ни овозможува да го искажеме сопствениот стил, преку изборот на облека, накит, чевли итн. Но, прашањето е, Дали модата имала исто значење и улога порано, како што има и денес?

Некогаш почитувана... Денес заборавена?

Најпрво, ако погледнеме наназад во историјата, културата на една нација се препознавала по тоа како луѓето се однесувале, како зборувале, како изгледале и каква облека носеле. Така, она што ние денес го нарекуваме традиционална облека, за луѓето од минатото било нешто што го носеле секој ден, а врз што најголемо влијание имале нивните предци, услови за живот, класата во општеството, нивното занимање, но и покрај сè нивниот изглед бил инспириранa од нивната култура. Оттука, ако ги земеме во предвид условите во кои луѓето живееле во минатото, може да се заклучи дека културата очиглено била дел од нивното секојдневие и имала големо влијание врз тоа како луѓето се изразувале преку модата. Покрај тоа, кршење на културните норми за да го изразат својот моден стил не било толку лесно да се направи. Затоа, луѓето морале да почитуваат одредени правила и да ја ценат и претставуваат културата преку нивниот изглед.

Од друга страна, културата во денешно време многу помалку се препознава во модата, наместо тоа, модата го претставува личниот стил на луѓето и им овозможува да се разликуваат од другите. Всушност, луѓето коишто ја демонстрираат нивната култура преку изгледот се многу помалку во однос на луѓето кои преферираат да пронајдат свој личен стил. Така, модата денес сè повеќе е под влијание на музиката што ја слушаме или местата каде сакаме да излегуваме, отколку од нештата кои не дефинираат како дел од нацијата, како што е културното наследство поврзано со местото од каде што доаѓаме. За крај, слободата на изразување на нашиот моден стил конкретно не мора да значи дека сме на лош пат, но сигурно значи дека не ја претставуваме сопствената културата преку изборот на облека онака како што луѓето пред нас го правеле тоа.

Youth in Action 31



he first time for me to get in contact with volunteering and working on Youth field was back in 2009 when I came back from China and had finished my studies there. I didn’t know what to do, so I had accepted the invitation from a friend of mine to go to VCS’s office in order to attend a small session about InterCultural Learning and YiA Program. At that time I was really skeptic about this Volunteering stuff, so I wasn’t interested that much in it. But, on that session, one Czech volunteer who was an EVS volun-

teer in Macedonia at that time, had left me big impression and had raised a lot of questions about YiA Program and EVS experience in me, so I continued with attending other sessions and workshops held by Volunteer’s Centre Skopje. At that time, I was thinking: “Ok, this is kind of interesting stuff and I should be more active in it in order to understand it better”. So, I got involved in more activities and I found them interesting for me to do them. I started to write articles for its magazine “VOICES”, to work with the children from street in the Daily Centers in Shuto Orizari and SOS children’s

m Skopje, an Lazeski and I come fro ag Dr is me na My ! dy EVS Hello everybo nia, doing my long-term to Es n llin Ta in I’m ly, nt . To be honest I R. Macedonia. Curre ivate Russian Gymnasium Pr a , ium as mn Gy a Er la d I don’t regret. in Saka S but I’m doing it now an EV t ou ab ts ub do s ay have had alw

village and also I took the advantage of making and holding workshops in VCS. I first heard more details about EVS during a session held in EU Info Center in Skopje by former EVS volunteers in Macedonia, from Latvia and Czech Republic, 4 years ago. When the session about the YiA Program and EVS possibilities ended, I was asking myself whether this is a great opportunity or not, I still wasn’t sure about taking this advantage and being volunteer somewhere in Europe. At that time, I had just basic knowledge about what exactly EVS is, so I said to myself, “Maybe I will, but not yet.” After this, to be honest I really didn’t know what to do with myself so I started to explore a bit the fields which I might be interested for doing it for life time. So, first I tried to work in one local TV station as a Program Assistant, and then I worked on a cruiser as an assistant stateroom attendant and as a teacher in one private school. When I saw that none of this is not the thing that I want to do I said to myself to try to do my EVS because while I was searching my “dream work” I was also volunteering in VCS and I found it most interesting for me working on Youth field. One day, one of the staff from VCS proposed to me to go on a short-term EVS for one month in Sandanski, Bulgaria and to be back up staff there on Balkan Youth Festival. At that time, still I had many doubts about EVS but I took that opportunity because I thought that it’s not long time and I will see ac-

tually what is to be an EVS Volunteer. I went in Bulgaria and I joined to the Media Team, which was in charged in promoting the whole event and in updating the news about it. For me this was an unforgettable experience and also very useful because I was developing my skills there and I have learned many new and useful things. After this experience I said to myself that I want to go on a long-term EVS because it’s very useful and gives you many opportunities in developing your character and your skills. And now, here I am, in Tallinn Estonia doing my long-term EVS as an Assistant Teacher in one Russian Private Gymnasium and I’m really happy about it because finally I’m doing something that I like to do. Currently, I’m working with students from 5th to 9th grade and I’m helping them in their English. Also with older students I’m providing for them different debates and workshops on various topics based on non formal education. But not only that, in order to explore more about Estonian Culture and better to develop my singing skills as well, I started to sing in chorus in the Estonian National Music Academy which is my biggest achievement for now in understanding better the Estonian Tradition and Music. I would like to suggest to everybody: “Do not miss this chance!” Really, it gives new perspectives, ideas and possibilities to explore and develop yourself on what oneself is most interested in. Take the chance in your hand and make the first step. You won’t regret it!



Interview WITH Theodora Raptis By Vesna Kiradjieva


his time, I had the honor to personally talk with one of our best ever swimmers, Theodora Raptis. In a while, she is inactive on the swimming scene, but today, she is a family person with a new profession - dentistry. If you stereotype that athletes are not getting on well in other professions, well that’s a lie. I was lucky enough to be her patient and I assure you in her expertise, professionalism and knowledge, and I am not planning to look for another one soon. Nobody likes dental interventions, but if someone has you picking in your mouth, you will want that to be Theodora Raptis.

You shot down a lot of records, won many titles and achieved many sporting successes, but do you miss some title? Something you wish to achieve more than this? Of course I do. Every athlete has big ambitions and always strives for more, so do I. I miss pedestal from the big events like the European Cup, World Cup, and even participation in the Olympic Games as the top in every athlete's career. It’s been a while since you’ve been "retired" from the sports fields. How much do you miss the regular training sessions, the competitions and all the euphoria and how often are you “in the water” now? Honestly, I don’t miss any of it. This days I barley even get in the water. Maybe, I just miss the travels, but now I like more my family trips than those then, with my sports team. All these sporting successes, how much did they paid for you (materially)? Did you have any financial support from the Agency for Youth and Sport, Swimming Federation of Macedonia, as a reward for your success and the trace that you have left in the Macedonian swimming history? Back then, I had financial support for preparations, traveling costs, scholarship and competitions. But

now, since I’ve been "retired", nothing. But now I'm doing what I love and I don’t ask anything from the state, I think that I'm the one that should contribute to its progress. I know that swimming is a noble sport, especially when it comes to the inevitable sports injuries. We athletes are becoming depressed if an unintended injury gets on our way to success. However, did you have some serious injury that “pulled you back"? No, at least in that aspect, it is indeed a noble sport. Very often, the young athletes find themselves on a crossroad in times of low motivation, uncertainty, and doubt... Were there times when you simply didn’t want to enter the water and how did you overcome these moments of weakness? Very often, but I had great support from my parents and from my coach, and when I started swimming

marathons I received great support from Jane (her husband). Also, the diversity in the training and changing sports fields contributed for killing the monotony. For example, the preparations we held in Belmeken with Jane along with the best swimming marathoner Petar Stojcev. On 2700 meters above sea level, with nothing else to do but just train is a perfect base for athletes where you have to stay for 21 days. Those were very hard, but nice days, such things simply made you like steel. As an athlete, I know that the sport teaches as militancy and durability. Daily training and competitions teach as life lessons. Which competitions or training sessions left the deepest mark in your memory? Which moments were for you, in some way, life lessons? I will never forget the three consecutive marathons which were held in Argentina in three weeks, on three different rivers. The first one was 20km in length and generally, I passed it without a problem. Next week, the race was 57km in length, but a lot harder because the second half, we were swimming against the water currents. And last week, the race was on Parana River, 88km in length and this was the hardest race for me, but also the most experience. Parana River is huge river. From one side of the shore you cannot see the opposite shore. The currents were very strong, so when you swim against them most of the race - it is a big problem. After this race, I was so exhausted the next day, that literally I couldn’t lift my arms up. Many years since you're not active swimmer, but still you remain remembered with your results and records, as well as the last Macedonian female who swam the Ohrid Marathon. What this says about you, and also, what this says for the other female swimmers in the country? This indicates that the swimming sinks, shows in how low level it is in Macedonia, especially when it comes to females. From your point of view, where can we find the problem for this poor response of females in Macedonian swimming? First of all, there are no training conditions, the pools are not working. In the Olympic pool we can

only use the "small basin", and this is a problem in winter in particular. This pushes away the youngsters from this sport, and also their parents, because when they see the conditions offered, they don’t allow their children to continue with training. Together with your husband (Jane Karajovanov)

you are leading part from the swimming club Orion. How actively are you involved with the club, given that today you are professionally involved in dentistry? Jane is working actively in the club in cooperation with his partner, the former swimmer Velkovski Philip and I am inactive, because other than the work as a dentist, I'm on specialization, so my time is limited, but now my priorities are different than before. But when I have free time I go for swim and I’m working with the youngest members of the club. Dentistry ... Where does this come from? I graduated from High school as a dental technician, so it somehow predetermined me to continue to the Faculty of Dentistry. When people think of you, what do you want / hope to think of you? What would you like to be known and remembered for? Well I would say as a good swimmer, but also as a successful dentist, those are my two passions.

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