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Magazine for all young people in Macedonia

Travel the world polish festivals | jeans | interview Gjoko vukanovski


Тука е

It’s here

На крајниот југ од Европа доаѓа малку порано отколку кај другите. Во април веќе станува неподносливо жешко, но сѐ уште е пријатно за спиење. Во мај веќе е друга приказна, пекол и преку ден и навечер. А, сепак, ретко кој не му се радува на летото. Да, асфалтот е жежок, сонцето пече, тешко се дише, ама лето е. Доаѓа време за одмор, море, авантури, емоции, заеднички моменти со семејството и со пријателите, пауза од училиште, факултет, работа... Истраживме каде најмногу сакаме да летуваме, кои ни се омилените дестинации, кои ни се тајните места кои сега не можеме да си ги дозволиме, но можеби еден ден... Којзнае. Ви подготвивме уште еден куп интересни содржини. Прочитајте како е да се биде студент со сите десетки, за нашиот долгогодишен член Ѓоко Вукановски, за скопскиот Аквадукт, летните фестивали во Полска, историјата на Измир, за покерот, во што веруваат народите низ светот, за џинсот и за композиторот Ангел Спироски. Подгответе се за летото и читајте „Воисес“.

In the far south of Europe, it comes a little earlier than for others. In April, it is becoming unbearably hot, but it’s still nice to sleep. May is already another story: hell day and night. And yet, hardly anyone does not rejoice in the summer. Yes, the asphalt is hot, the sun bakes, it’s hard to breathe, but it’s summer. It is a time to rest, for the sea, for adventures and emotions, for shared moments with family and friends, break from school, from faculty, from work ... We investigated where we mostly want to relax, which are our favorite destinations, which are the secret places we can not afford now, but maybe one day ... Who knows ? We’ve prepared you a lot of interesting content. Read how to be a top-ofthe-line student with all-tens, about our long-time member Gjoko Vukanovski, the Skopje Aqueduct, summer festivals in Poland, the history of Izmir, poker, what people of the world believe, about jeans, and composer Angel Spiroski. Get ready for summer and read “Voices”.

Горан Адамовски

Goran Adamovski

STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankovski COORDINATORS: Ivana Angelovska Goran Adamovski Kristina Mitrovska


VOLUNTEERS: Aleksandra Grzyb Paulina Gołębiowska Chloe Dumeusois Antoine Lomba Atahan Gokce Aida Athmani Ann Aro

WRITERS: Igor Pop Trajkov Chris Maiken Angela Rajchevska Damjan Georgievski

TRANSLATORS: Naser Ismaili Kristina Mitrovska

CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org



P.24 P.18

15 4 4 28

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Skopje aquedukt- Igor

The Macedonian journey MKD - Antoine & Chloe The Macedonian journey ENG - Antoine & Chloe


Polish festivals - Paulina


Jeans - Aida

REPORTAGE Izmir - Atahan



Gjoko Vukanovski - Aleksandra


TC Slovenia - Angela




Filip Stojanovski - Damjan


Angel Spirovski - Igor




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Superstitions - Chris

sport Poker- Ann



Туристичкиот дух на Македонија Светот малку знае за Македонија, а малкумина Македонци го откриле светот. Ние го истражувавме овој посебен однос, што може да им понуди земјата на туристите и во кои понуди може да уживаат нејзините граѓани. Како можат Македонците да се „донесат” во светот и како можат да го донесат светот во Македонија

Хоризонти кои го одземаат здивот, впечатлива култура и

наследство, богата кујна, евтини сместувачки капацитети и места, секој што го доживеал македонското искуство, нема сомнеж дека земјата може да понуди извонредни чуда. За секој што живеел, патувал или дури само се возел низ Македонија, вообичаено е да се запраша како една земја со таков огромен потенцијал може да биде скриена од лицето на светот. Во 2015 година, половина милион туристи ја посетија Македонија, што би можело да звучи како многу за население од два милиони, но сепак е далеку од нејзиниот историски врв од над еден милион во доцните 1980-ти. Според Светскиот совет за патување и туризам, конзервативните бројки прикажуваат дека директниот придонес на туризмот кон целокупната економија на земјата е нешто помалку од 2 проценти. Македонија е рангирана на 131 место во светски ранг на туристички пристигнувања годишно. За споредба, Словенија, поранешна југословенска република со приближно иста географска маса и големина на население како што е Македонија, е на 72-то место, со речиси четири пати повеќе туристи годишно.


TOPIC OF THE MONTH Македонија е преполна со неверојатни локации и златни грутки на патување. Истражувањето на сè што има да понуди би било како бескраен лов на богатство. Имено секоја туристичка агенција има некаков вид на партнерство со комората на туристички водичи. Една таква агенција е „Македонија Сообраќај“, која постојано е во директен контакт со туристички водичи, љубоморно чувајќи ги како свои најголеми тајни, совети за приказни и трикови за големите групи на туристи кои ги водат. Ќе ви кажат за природните бањи на Катланово, периодичното давење на црквата во Маврово, мегалитската опсерваторија Кокино или камените кукли во Куклица меѓу многу, многу други. Секое поединечно од оние скриени скапоцени камења може да биде жариште само по себе. Сепак, за многумина, тие остануваат мистерија и се засенети од популарниот атрактивен Охрид и удобно населеното Скопје. Сите се сложуваат дека потенцијалот на Македонија не е исполнет, но сепак туризмот во Македонија повторно се искачува кон врвот. Државниот завод за статистика на Република Македонија бележи постојан пораст на туристи уште од остриот пад во 2001 година. Минатото лето, „Македонија Сорабраќај“ забележи пополнување на хотелите во Скопје од изненадувачки 70 отсто.

Ова го поставува прашањето, кој ја посетува Македонија? Зошто доаѓаат и како може земјата конечно да го достигне својот потенцијал? Јавна тајна во туристичкиот сектор е дека туризмот во Македонија во голема мера ги вклучува, можеби иронично, македонските посетители. Споредбено. од 1991 до 2010 година, домашниот туризам е позастапен во споредба со посетите од странство. Според еден туристички агент, бранот на новодојденци во Скопје минатото лето во голема мера се должи на внатрешниот туризам, како од селата, така и од поголемите македонски градови. Сепак, повеќе од внатрешните посети, македонскиот туристички сектор е посетуван од македонската дијаспора. Навистина, не е тајна дека иселениците имаат некоја посебна, ако не и лојална, поврзаност со нивната матична земја. Не е потребна долга и темелна истрага за тоа да се сфати. Скокни на кој било лет од Цирих, Париз, Брисел или Берлин и речиси целиот авион ќе биде полн со Македонци. Главниот опсег на влезниот туризам навидум е воден од семејни собири, особено во лето. Македонците од Канада, Шведска, Австралија или САД, редовно се враќаат во земјата и тоа вообичаено го комбинираат со еднонеделен престој во некоја од соседните држави за навистина релаксирачка промена на амбиентот.

Многу од туристичките инфраструктури надвор од Скопје или Охрид, всушност, првенствено се управувани од приватни инвеститори, кои главно потекнуваат од Македонија, бипатриди кои инвестираа капитал назад во својата татковина. Брајчино, на пример, оддалечено на триесет минути од Битола, беше едно од првите зафрлени села кое инвестира во туризмот веќе три децении наназад. Резултатите се запрепастувачки. Поголем дел од домовите во селото се реновирани, имаат совршено пристојни услови и притоа се верни на нивната автентичност. Некои од овие приватници го препознаваат потенцијалот кој го поседува земјата и се стремат да го исполнат. „Лејк Вју“ хотел и ресорт на брегот на Преспанското Езеро, бил основан од Македонци, кои осум години студирале во САД и одлучиле да инвестираат во својата земја, убедени и со верба во нејзиниот потенцијал. Токму ова подмладување е потполно водено од припадници на дијаспората од целиот свет, некои од нив имале само еден далечен роднина од селото и никогаш не стапнале во земјата до своето полнолетство.


ТЕМА НА МЕСЕЦОТ Овие иницијативи играат значајна улога во напорите за земјата да го исполни својот потенцијал. Недостасува целокупната инфраструктура за туризам во земјата. Не постои министерство или надлежно државно одделение кое е целосно посветено на секторот. Се уште нема формален буџет за овој дел од економијата. Свеста за придобивките од туризмот заостанува кај сите општествени слоеви. Железничката мрежа, иако живописна, сѐ уште е далеку од целосна ефективна покриеност, без разлика на тоа што системот за патишта е меѓу најдобро зачуваните на Балканот, некои патишта се уште се многу оштетени и несоодветни за безбедно патување. На целокупната инфраструктура и е тешко да се мери со маркетинг стратегијата која е предодредена за земјата. Сепак, не е се така страшно. Речиси триесет години стапката на странски туристи постепено се зголемува. За првпат по осамостојувањето, во 2011 година бројот на странски посетители го надмина бројот на македонските. Оттогаш, овие бројки се зголемуваат од година во година. Истата година, стапката на вкупни пристигнувања конечно го надмина падот во туризмот во 2001 година, надминувајќи ги броевите од ‘90-тите. Со повеќе од 800.000 регистрирани пристигнувања во 2015 година, на Македонија и недостасуваат само неколку години за да го сруши сопствениот рекорд од 1987 година. Со тоа, земјата ќе ја надмине моќта на југословенската инфраструктура. Пред неколку години, првата група на дипломци од студиите за туризам во Македонија дипломирала на нивниот факултет. Местата како Охрид, Кичево или Матка се најдобри примери за европскиот апетит кон македонската култура и наследство. Половина од странските туристи доаѓаат од небалкански земји. Има долг пат пред себе. Но сепак, македонскиот туризам можеби е во пресрет на будењето. Има многу празници. Ова слбодно време им овозможуваат на луѓето да уживаат во одморот и луѓето ја користат можноста за да одат во странство. Во текот на целата година, повеќе од 5.000 луѓе ја искористија можноста за време на државните празници да отпатуваат во странство. Во Македонија, најчесто, патувањето е семејна работа. Всушност, семејството игра важна, квазиинституционална улога во македонската култура и општество. Додека цените постојано се зголемуваа изминатите неколку години, жедта за патување останува доволно истакната за Македонците кои ги имаат тие средства и туристичките агенции, кои тие задоволства би ги обезбедиле.


Македонија, а особено Скопје, нуди широк и обилен спектар на поволни врски со соседните земји. Во срцето на главниот град се наоѓа главната автобуска станица, каде што десетици автобуси доаѓаат и одат во и околу, од и до Македонија, во бучната атмосфера на човечки разминувања. Некои возат низ градот, други ја обиколуваат цела земја, а многумина ќе се симнат во странство. Речиси и не е дискутабилно тоа што автобускиот превоз е далеку најевтин и најефикасен начин за патување од Македонија, далеку надминувајќи ја железничката мрежа и многу поевтин од патувања со автомобил. Автобуси може да се земат од Скопје до Бугарија, Грција, Косово, Црна Гора, Албанија, Србија, Босна и Херцеговина, Турција... речиси секој ден!

TOPIC OF THE MONTH Патување преку туристичка агенција е меѓу омилените опции за планирање одмор на македонските семејства или групи. Во Македонија туристичките агенции предлагаат широка палета на тури низ целиот континент. Туристичката агенција „Македонија Сообраќај“, на пример, нуди викенд патувања во Венеција, Софија, Истанбул, Шалон-ан-Шампањ во Франција и многу повеќе. Во суштина, типична македонска туристичка агенција може да го однесе било кој клиент каде што ќе посака. Некои од нивните понуди вклучуваат летни зделки, главно насочени кон Грција. Всушност, Грција е најпривлечната дестинација во јужниот балкански регион за време на летната сезона, поомилена во однос на Бугарија, која, исто така, ужива висок интерес. Кога станува збор за небалканска Европа, Италија би била, без сомнение, најпосакувана дестинација за Македонците. Во изминатата деценија, оваа земја, од година во година, е најбарана дестинација помеѓу македонски туристи кои заминуваат. Агенциите како „Македонија Сообраќај“ или „Фибула Травелс“ предлагаат програми за Венеција, Фиренца или Верона. Во изминативе 10 години Италија остана непобедената македонска врвна дестинација во Европа, ако не и во светот. За разлика од групните пакети, некои патници преферираат индивидуален аранжман со туристичка агенција за патување скроено за нивните сопствени потреби и желби. Во нив, туристичките агенции ќе ги советуваат, усогласуваат и ќе им помагаат на своите клиенти да го организираат своето патување чекор по чекор. Тие ќе ги резервираат авионските билети, хотелот и ќе ги организираат сите детали за да ги задоволат барањата на своите клиенти. Сè е можно, дури и егзотичните дестинации можат да бидат на менито ако се побараат. За промена на видикот, некои од најбогатите ќе договорат патувања во Мароко, Египет, Бали, Молдавија, САД, Мексико, па дури и на Малдивите или во Дубаи! Сепак, егзотичните патувања се скапи, недостижни за повеќето граѓани, туристички агенции се свесни за тоа, а и нивните клиенти. Оттука, не е невообичаено за секој кој сака да патува за да се обидува да добие попуст и да го има најдоброто за помалку пари. На тој начин, туристичките агенции станаа вистински преговарачки пазар. Еден туристички агент се шегуваше дека со текот на времето Македонците станаа посилни преговарачи од Турците, поради нивната желба да патуваат по најдобрата тарифа. Сè на сè, Македонија и Македонците не ја уживаат најдобрата инфраструктура за срдечен прием на туристи, или најдобри услови за да го истражуваат светот колку што би сакале. И покрај сѐ, во оваа земја постои вистински апетит за патување, за размена на делчиња од наследство, за откривање на нови култури. Македонците се желни да му ја покажат својата земја на светот, а светот многу ќе придобие ако ја пронајде Македонија. Меѓутоа, повеќе од своите воодушевувачки природни локалитети, земјата има да му понуди на светот многу посилна и можеби преовладувачка вредност: Македонците.

Превод: Кристина Митровска

Антоан Ломба & Клои Думезоа





he great poet of Izmir, Homeros, described it as ‘the most beautifu l city under the sky dome, Aristotle emphasizes to Alexander the importance of İzmir, saying that if you do not see it, you are missing something , the geographer Strabon described it as ‘the most beautiful of all cities’, A city where great writer Victor Hugo wrote poetry in its name and likened it to a ‘princess’ without ever seeing it. In the west of Turkey and on the Aegean shores is İzmir, the pearl of the Aegean. This city contains all the beauties a city will have. Known for its history dating back to 3000 BC, it has always been the favorite of the kings, emperors and sultans for thousands of years. It became acquainted with various civilizations and became one of the elite cities of the Roman Empire. It became to be one of the important religious centers of the Byzantine Empire, equipped with privileges at the capital level. İt eventually met with the Turkish world and after the period of the Turkish principality, it became a coastal city of the Ottoman Empire. As a result of the conditions and geographical location of the time, a small town participated in the most important port cities of the Mediterranean world.

The name of Izmir comes from an Amazon queen named ‘Smyrna’ according to the rumors, this city was conquered by the Turks and then started to be called in the form of “Ismir”. The name “Smyrna” was used throughout its long history turns into “İzmir” which we use today. In the history of İzmir, Ephesus Antique City has very different characteristics. The Temple of Artemis, one of the world’s 7 wonders, is here. The works unearthed in the ancient city of Ephesus, where the traces of settled life extend back to 6000 BC, offer us a great opportunity of understanding the life of that period. Ephesus is visited by many tourists because of its closeness to Izmir city center andKuşadası. When you visit Ephesus, you should definitely visit Şirince Village and Mother Mary’s house. Also the ancient city of Bergama in the north of İzmir is also known as the city of Asklepios, the god of health in the Greek mythology. In the ancient city of Bergama, the Hellenistic period shops, the ruins of the ancient king Athalos, the city square, the sacred Athena area, the library, the theater and the temple of Dionysus are places to be seen.


REPORTAGE İzmir is a dynamic city in economic and social terms, because of its location, climate and hosting of different cultures and religions. The Persians, the Ancient Greeks, the Assyrians, the Romans, the Byzantines and the Ottomans are just a few of the dozens of different civilizations that the city has had throughout its long history.

The people of İzmir live by accepting all the differences without interfering with each other’s lives. İzmir is a city that has absorbed freedom, liberation, modernism and peace soul. Not only in the human being, but also in the seagull, at the sea’s edge, at the coolness of the wind, feeling the sense of freedom that has been processed into them.

Çeşme comes first in the holiday centers in Izmir. Especially Alaçatı is flocked to by people because of surfing, nightlife every summer. With its fine and white sands Ilıca Beach in Çeşme is world-famous. Dalyan attracts tourists with its natural beauty and live entertainment, and is also famous for its fish. Old Foça is a place frequented by holidaymakers for its endangered Mediterranean Seals, Siren Rocks, Castle, historical monuments, magnificent nature, barbun fish and gilt-head bream. If you want to have a nice Turkish coffee after eating at the famous restaurants with old fish and meals in Old Foça or New Foça, then you should turn your route to Kozbeyli Village. The Kozbeyli is famous for its historical mosque, stone houses, pine and olive trees, sea view, a village with authentic dishes and most importantly dibek coffee. Besides delicious fish, herbs and olive oil dishes are the musts of İzmir cuisine. Olive oil has been used in İzmir cuisine for almost 2500 years. The ancient city of Klazomenai Ion in Urla is the oldest example of olive oil factories in the world. Olive oil dishes are very popular in İzmir. It is not possible to say that İzmir is fully refined in its culinary culture. Because, besides the Ottoman cooking traditions in İzmir cuisine, Jewish, Armenian and Greek tastes are also seen. Also the Italian and French influences are pretty much too. İzmir is the 3rd largest city of Turkey, with 8,500 years of history, has hosted 32 civilizations, which left unique dishes as inheritance. With favorable climatic conditions, waiting for you to discover every tone of the blue of the sea.

Atahan Gökçe



AGE OF ERASMUS 10 years in the youth field, countless exchanges and trainings Gjoko Vukanovski – EVS coordinator, sums up the past decade.



How did the world of Erasmus+ drag you in?

When I started my work in the youth field, only Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus existed at the time. It was addressed mostly for students, I was more involved in Youth in Action programme that proceeded Erasmus +. It lasted between 2007 and 2013, which more or less reflects the time of my engagement in that field. How did the programme influence your life? Probably everything that I am today is because of my involvement. The first time I heard about Youth in Action, it was in 2007. VCS organized an event and back then I was not the part of the team. It was in the municipality of Kisela Voda, the presentation of the programme raised my interest and later on the story continued. I heard about EVS before I heard about Youth in Action and I didn’t even know it was part of it, so my first contact with the youth field was my search for EVS. What were the most rewarding moments of these past 10 years? I would say two things. First one: 9 generations of EVS volunteers coming and going, including a few months before they arrive for engagement to ensure their stay here and then 9 or 12 months of their stay. To see them grow up and develop in personal and professional level. This is like to grow 9 generations of flowers. Second rewarding part is at the end of every youth exchange or training course. This feeling after the goodbye party when everything calms down and you start to collect all the papers and materials that were produced there. To say to yourself and to your colleagues: well done. The fact that people were engaged in intercultural activity and that they will take this experience and knowledge back home. How would you sum up this adventure? 10 years in 10 words? I would say it was kind of wonderful boat ride. It was in the period of my life when I grew the most and those were one of the most productive years in my life. 10 years in this field starting as soon as I graduated from a faculty till now, it reflects a total of my development. If I may sum it up it would be a trip around the world. You get on the ship and what is very important is that you are the captain so you navigate it and after 10 years you make a round. You arrive to the same place where you started and it is a time to get off the boat and let other people ride it. Which values you tried to follow? What was the motto of your work?

It’s also a motto of my life: Don’t let me down, not to let myself down but also other people. In my work I always have plan B and C, not to be surprised and get caught in the situation that you don’t want to be in. Don’t make assumptions, always expect the unexpected, expect everything but nothing from people at the same time. The project you were particularly proud of? The biggest challenge/success? A few of them, the first three projects that I did in three months. Imagine that, it was a bit challenging, but it was interesting and wonderful experience. I always support learning by doing, you always have to encourage yourself to try to do things. In my opinion you cannot fail when you try because you still get something out of it. I am also proud of one of my last projects, it was a youth exchange last year. We managed to gather together 47 young people facing different kind of fewer opportunities including health issues and disabilities. We put them in one place and time and got an outcome that I will remember till the end of my life. Based on your experience and observation, what youth needs nowadays? What are their problems? What is their drive? Few things, first is losing their interest very fast so that means that all the time, you have to be very dynamic to keep up with their interests. They are amused very fast but they also lose interest quickly. It is problematic not only in case of young people but also in the fast world where we live in, we try to catch up with the dynamic tempo which is happening. The other thing especially in Macedonia is the very low level of outreach that we have. Young people that are interested, they get information easy and fast due to developed network and capacities of youth organization in Macedonia. From other point there is a lack of people from rural social areas; organizations need to work more on grass-root level to make them more attracted. Another thing is that they want so much but offer so less. It’s a bit confusing to be a young person nowadays. When I was growing up there was a visa regime and when you wanted to exit the country you had to pass a lot of obstacles. It was expensive and nowadays you can go out with cheap flights and passport. There are much more possibilities but from the other perspective it may be really confusing. Sometimes having fewer opportunities is not good but also having too many of them doesn’t lead you. One of the challenges is to find their own spot on the sky. If you have too many possibilities it’s harder for you to choose what exactly you want to do in life. I wouldn’t say that they are lazy but they spend time doing unproductive things which


ЕРАЗМУС+ in the end they pay the price for. You can be young in your heart forever but your body sometimes tells you something opposite. You were in touch with millennials what do you think about this generation? Can you draw an image? There is a big difference between people born in 80s, 90s and after 2000 which reflects in every level. Because of the change of social system in the country people born in 80s had the part of former Yugoslavia. People from 90s live in the times completely different than their childhood and people after millennium have nothing to do with 80s or 90s and there is a big gap between them. It’s mostly based on the values, the major problems they face. My teacher, when we celebrated 10 years after finishing high school, she said that in our generation all of us had a domestic culture/education. Nowadays children don’t get it, at least at the end we respected teachers, new generation respects nothing. Based on bad reforms that happened in educational system and changes in the society in the last 15 years, we lost the values that were not put on by someone but were created on their own. Growing up a child after millennium is a very hard task to do because role models disappeared. Your parents are not them anymore, there is a big discrepancy between rich and poor and, all this contributes to lack of norms in the society. When I grew up it was normal to say good morning to every older person and now it’s normal not to say goodbye even to your teacher. All generations have some specifics but the most challenging is this generation. There are too many possibilities and they can get out of the track very easily, the job of youth worker is going to be put on test.


How did you inspire young people that crossed your path?

Generally it’s about believing in yourself, to be yourself not to do things for somebody else or for some other reason. Do because you want to be there, adjust yourself to the situation, not everything can be as you want. The world is adopting place, you cannot adopt world to yourself but you can create your own world. To hard work and be self-critical. Why is Erasmus+ programme so important? What are the profits of EVS? Erasmus is like a bridge, especially for young people coming from different areas and different corners of Europe. It is a possibility thanks to which people can get personal and professional development. What is very important is that it depends on the young people, how they will use this opportunity as it’s a non-formal

ERASMUS+ education. EVS is the only tool in the youth part that brought such results, 9 months is the least amount of time to go through all the stages of your development. You are monitored, you have trainings. To change attitude, opinion or develop in personal/professional aspects you need that time, also to find yourself and clear up some things that you want to do in your life. The benefits are large, how much you can get from it that depends on you. How has Erasmus shaped Europe? How do you see the future of EU and Erasmus? Europe has grown in a way, people that attend activities have some skills, competences that others are not even aware of. Some are full of prejudices, stereotypes, if you don’t meet a person from the other country how would you know how they are. It met the purpose that it was created for. Learning things and bringing them home, intercultural learning and dialogue, breaking stereotypes, taboos etc. It helped many people to face differences, people that are LGBT met for the first time people from the same community but different in a way. By creating a safe zone and putting them on some higher-level people learn and become more openminded. I hope the programme will be more open for the countries that are not part of it. Macedonia became a member in 2014 and it made a big difference in the society

What are the stories that show transition/change etc.? We had a situation on Youth Exchange, one person was very religious, he was homophobic and in 10 days he managed to break the stereotype. We had Christians and Muslims, for people it was a bit shocking to meet because they were told only about differences. I was happy about the process that it actually works. Even though the change is not always visible at first because people need time to digest what happened during those days. Why is it so important for people to do exchanges and come back to their countries? What are the benefits? The world is a global village, there are many things that you learn, there are many things you can bring back home, and there are a variety of possibilities. It is about accepting the reality, when you go out you find out that there are many similarities within the cultures. You realize that European values are not something invented but something based on almost any nation and tradition. The learning experience is fantastic, I had a situation when during youth exchange 3 people were abroad for the first time and those were not the same people anymore, it totally shocked their world. You don’t live anymore in a closed box, you are a part of the larger community and you can contribute to it. It’s about feeling equal. Aleksandra Grzyb



Иднината е еден заеднички идеал Од 16-19 април 2018 година, во Љубљана, 13 млади

ентузијасти од Турција, Италија, Полска, Литванија, Македонија и Португалија беа дел од Тренинг курсот „RE-thinking LEADership”, финансиран од Еразмус плус програмата на Европска Унија, а организиран од Институтот за младинска вклученост, здравје и одржлив развој од Словенија. Претставници од Волонтерски Центар Скопје беа Андреј Наумовски и Ангела Рајчевска.

Четиридневната програма за ReLEAD координатори беше исполнета со интерактивни работилници на кои се расправаа повеќе проблеми и предизвици. Бевме дел од тренинг на кој ги откривме нашите силни страни и преференции преку рефлексија и споделување. Го отворивме полето на лидерството и научивме како да земеме активна улога во секојдневните животни ситуации. Тимската работа зазема голем дел од процесот, каде што користејќи симулации и тим-билдинг активности ги развивме нашите способности за справување со луѓе и тимски проблеми. Низ дискусиите, исто така, се обидовме да го разбереме трендот на социјална промена и да оформиме една визија користејќи алатки за справување со најразлични проблеми. За време на тренингот го развивме нашето критичко и аналитичко мислење и сфативме дека иднината е еден заеднички идеал.

Оваа програма, во која приматот беше да се осврнеме внатре, кон себе, кон нашиот изворот на енергија, беше одличен тренинг кој ни помогна да си ја организираме својата енергија и своето време на продуктивен начин.

Ангела Рајчевска



UJËSJELLËSI I SHKUPIT Bukuria e Fjetur në Peisazhin

Kam pasur privilegj të xhiroj pranë ujësjellësit të Shkupit. Zona ishte e kufizuar për vizitorët pasi

ka një stacion ushtarak aty pranë; ne duhet të kërkonim një leje të veçantë për këtë nga ushtria. Unë kam qenë edhe me një privilegj tjetër, pasi që unë po xhiroja një dokumentar "Një ditë në jetën e ..." (e cila ishte pjesë e omnibusit të dokumentarëve) me producentin e njohur francez Eric Darmon me drejtorin e fotografisë Philip Millard. Më kujtohet se i gjithë ekuipazhi ishte i impresionuar nga qetësia e këtij vendi të mrekullueshëm.

Etimologjia e fjalës ujësjellësi vjen nga aqua latine dhe ducere (plumbi). Në vepër në disa vende, këto lloj ndërtesash po përdoreshin gjithashtu për transportin e mallrave, zakonisht me anije të vogla që lundronin në kanalin e vogël në krye të kësaj kolonade. Kjo ndërtesë u ndërtua në shekullin e 6 nga perandori romak Justinian I, por sipas disa është ndërtuar gjatë periudhës osmane në shekullin e 16-të. Nëse teoria e parë ka të drejtë, se kjo ndërtesë po përdorte për transportin e ujit nga Skopska Crna Gora (mali) në Shkup (në atë kohë qyteti quhej Skupi) Kalaja. Pas tërmetit në vitin 518 qyteti filloi të transferohej drejt pozicionit të saj të tanishëm - Kala e Kalasë; e cila është e kundërta nga ajo që përmendëm tashmë - ajo antike Scupi. Në vitin 1669 trashëgimtari anglez Brown Brown shkroi: «Ky ujësjellës është një ndërtesë e bukur e vjetër, e cila sjell dinjitet të caktuar në këtë vend.» Nga ana tjetër, shumë historianë citonin Procopin, historianin e famshëm, i cili shkroi gjithçka për sundimin e perandorit Justinian. Sipas Procopiusit ky ujësjellës u ndërtua në periudhën 527 dhe 565P.E.S. Restaurimet aktuale janë me një plan për ta shndërruar këtë vend në një vend interesant turistik me teatrin veror dhe monitorët e mëdhenj të LCD, që mund të ndihmojnë turistët me orientimin e tyre. Që nga fasada e kësaj ndërtese dhe ai nga Kurshumli An një vështrim kaq i ngjashëm, ka më shumë gjasa që kjo ndërtesë të ndërtohet për nevojat e qytetit të ri me rritje orientale. Megjithatë kjo mund të mashtrojë studiuesin e artit pasi që osmanët po riorganizonin shumë ndërtesa nga arkitektura e vjetër bizantine. Gjithashtu arkitektura otomane ishte dukshëm me një ndikim të fortë bizantin, i cili krijon polemika në shumë ndërtesa. Kështu që osmanët po shpenzonin shuma të mëdha parash për të blerë ndërtuesit e përsosur. Ata arritën të blinin disa prej arkitektëve më të mirë nga Italia dhe Franca që ata i quanin neimars (ndërtuesit). Për fat të keq kushtet e punës ishin aq të këqija saqë në shumë raste neimarët vdiqën nga rraskapitja vetëm pak sekonda pasi ndërtesa ishte përfunduar. Igor Pop Trajkov




Summer is coming… We’ve already hidden winter jackets and said hello to sandals, shorts and dresses. Don’t

forget to put sun filters on your skin, no one wants to get older too soon, right? To me summer is the best season not only because of the sunny weather and general enjoyment but also because of festivals. There are plenty of events during the summer, sometimes it’s hard to choose where to go. Poland offers many interesting events that you should visit at least once in your lifetime. I will present the subjective list of “worth seeing” Polish festivals that combine good music, additional artistic events and unique atmospheres. Pol’andRock Festival (Kostrzyn nad Odrą) - formerly Woodstock Station, is the biggest open-air festival in Poland and maybe even in Europe. The festival has been held since 1995. The average number of attendees the past years has been more than 600 000 people. The motto of the festival is “Love, Friendship, Music” and it’s organized by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. The festival gathers people from different generations, backgrounds and subcultures, which together create a vibrant community,very open for everyone and coexisting in peace. The line-up is usually full of rock, metal or reggae bands but the organizers try to keep the sets diverse. One of the most interesting element of the festival is the Academy of the Finest of Arts. It is an open meeting space for representatives of arts, sciences, political and social activities and NGO’s (Greenpeace, Polish Humanitarian Action etc.). A few years ago, even former presidents of Poland and Germany appeared together on the stage and delivered the speech. The goals of this initiative is to educate young people and provide dialogue with authorities in fields like religion, war, tolerance and arts. There are no tickets, the festival is free of charge. Date: 02-04.08.2018 What to bring: clothes that you can destroy while mud bathing; an open mind Line up: Goo Goo Dolls, Balkan Beat Box, Alestorm Open’er Festival (Gdynia) – the most mainstream festival in Poland with a line-up comparable to the biggest European festivals. The first edition was held in Warsaw, in 2002. The festival grew so much the following years that the organizers changed the place and made it longer. The festival has already good reputation, which means that early tickets are sold out before the announcement of the first artists. Currently Open’er is promoted under the banner of “Music&Arts”. It means that except music, you can take part in several theatrical spectacles, movie projections, fashion shows or even museum visits prepared by artists. Date: 04-07.07.2018 What to bring: fancy clothes because all Polish influencers and celebrities are there; rubbers – it rains quite often during festival Line up: Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, Depeche Mode, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Gorillaz. OFF Festival (Katowice) – festival for those who are more into alternative sounds. We often joke that only the main director of the festival knows the artists that are going to perform there. Also, the point of the festival should be to discover new bands so if you seek new music that you will never find in the radio, pack your luggage and go to Katowice. Date: 03-05.08.2018 What to bring: notebook for autographs because you can easily meet the artists walking around the festival campus Line up: Yellow Days, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Zola Jesus, Aurora


CULTURE Halfway Festival (Białystok) – the place for songwriters and folk music enthusiasts. Artists from different parts of Europe and the USA are presented during the festival. The motto of the event is “close to people, close to music”. It means that it’s a special place for those who appreciate direct contact with performers, can focus on music and don’t like crowds. It is not uncommon for an artist to invite someone from the audience to join them on stage. As well, there are no typical restrictions: artists spend time in the same area where attendees gather, the scene is not separated from the audience. Organizers encourage participants to read the festival’s savoir-vivre before coming, which includes that music and emotions that trigger are the most important. So, talks and breaks for cigarette are only allowed outside the amphitheater, no photos with flash, alcohol moderately but also a lot of applause and cheers for performers. Date: 29.06-1.07.2018 What to bring: positive attitude Line up: Low, Villagers, Anna Ternheim, Annie Hart, Jane Weaver

Castle Party (Castle Bolków) – also called dark, independent festival, has been organized since 1994. Created for fans of gothic rock, gothic metal, electro and industrial music. Most visitors dress in some costumes. Thematic reunions also take place during these few days of subcultures and parties in the nearest clubs or pool. Date: 12-15.07.2018 What to bring: crazy costume Line up: Samael, Project Pitchfork, Faun The number of summer festivals in Poland is large. Anyway, depending on what you look for, I’m pretty sure that you will find the perfect spot for yourself. Compared to other European Festivals, prices are not that high and the organizers are competent. Yet, wherever you will be, remember that music brings people together.

Paulina Gołębiowska




Everywhere around the world, people wear it: timeless, unisex and intergenerational, they are the most sold pants: the jeans.

Obviously, we can’t talk about “Jeans” without talking about Levis Strauss. Around 1850, Levis Strauss decided to immigrate to San Francisco,in order to open a branch to sell jean material for tents. It was a failure. Consequently, Strauss had the idea to make pants from this raw material. Levi’ story started thanks to his collaboration with tailor Jacob Davisin 1873. The same year they filled a patent and made the leather square a signature trademark.

It’s an immediate success. Jeans became the main clothes for workers, who needed resistant pants. So successful in fact, that Levis Strauss had to use another material from Nîmes, France (hence Denim jeans), the name “Jean’s”was kept to refer to the clothing item, but the material had changed.



Did you know that jeans were brown until 1860? Blue jeans only appeared once Levis started to use Denim material. 1890: the famous Levis 501 is created, more robust and resistant for workers. Did you know that small pockets were used to put gold nuggets?

1930: Cow boys and western movies contribute to make jeans becometrendy items, participating in the spread of these pants around the world. Seventies Hippies used jeans to claim their identity:adding colors, pearls, flowers and other stuff to make jeans a reflection of their own personality. Jeans reflected an idea of freedom:hippies customized it, youth and women used it as an object of rebellion… Ric Manning

In the beginning, jeans were clothes dedicated to the working class. Even the fashion industry appropriated jeans to make them hip until today. It’s an item that always kept and keeps on inspiring. It is part of every social class, an item that everybody can wear. Each decade, jeans were renewed. That’s why they live on as timeless clothes. The 501, loose, baggy, tapered, boot cut, flare, slim, skinny, boyfriend, colored …jeans are made for every taste. No matter the shape of your body, there are Denim jeans made just for you. You don’t like denim jeans? No problem! There are lot of ways to wear Denim:overalls, jacket, shirt, short… For some people jeans are a « must-have » that you can wear at any occasion.

“I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular, the most practical, the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.” - Yves Saint Laurent.

Aida Athmani



Не чекај друг да го сработи тоа што можеш сам Филип Стојановски: Дипломец со просек 10.00 на ФИНКИ

Како се одлучи да студираш на ФИНКИ (Факултет за

информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство)? Бев на отворениот ден на ФИНКИ и ФЕИТ (Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии) за подобро да се запознаам и со двата факултети, а воедно и да ги дознаам условите за стипендии. Не ги исполнував условите за стипендија на ФЕИТ, и покрај тоа што веќе имав земено награди на олимпијада и натпревари по математика и физика додека бев во средно училиште, што имаше голема важност за да ја донесам одлуката. Иако во 2011. беше новоотворен факултет, ФИНКИ изгледаше многу ветувачки со спојот на професори по математика од ПМФ и по инженерство од ФЕИТ, што на крајот се покажа точно. Како успеа да ги завршиш студиите со максимален просек од 10.00 на ФИНКИ? Многу често ме прашуваат дали имам некоја техника за учење. На некој начин - да, не можев да учам подолго време одеднаш, па затоа работев со чести мали паузи. Дури и сега на работното место го правам тоа - одам со колегите на кафе, играме пингпонг, скролам на твитер, фејсбук, инстаграм. Не е важно колку време ќе работиш на нешто, туку колку ефективен можеш да бидеш. Дали ја имаше замислено таа цел од почетокот на студирањето? Всушност не, но отсекогаш сум го имал тој натпреварувачи дух во мене. Целта ми беше да добијам што подобра стипендија за магистерски студии во странство. Дури преполагав неколку испити или оставав втори колоквиуми за испит за да го достигнам поголем просек и да не оставам ништо на случајност кога ќе аплицирам за нешто. Дали помина одличен во средно? Да, секоја година поминував со просек 5.00, иако во текот на годината знаев да имам „двојчиња“ по физичко. Каде си сега, односно каде работиш и живееш? Сега живеам во Стокхолм, Шведска и работам како Data scientist во Spotify.


Како се промени твојот живот после факултетот? Започнав со магистерските студии во Мадрид, Шпанија на Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Таму никој не ме знаеше и просекот од тука воопшто не важеше, па морав повторно да работам могу за да се докажам и истакнам. Во Стокхолм, Шведска на Royal Institute of Technology морав да се навикнувам на нови принципи на работа и организација заради различниот концепт на семестри (тромесечија на нашки). Првиот семестар го поминав во барање, аплицирање, и интервјуирање за компанија каде требаше да работам на магистерската теза. На крајот, добив можност тоа да биде во истражувачкиот тим на Спотифај (Spotify), што траеше околу седум месеци.

INTERVIEW Дали си поставуваш цели во животот? Дај ни пример? Да, секогаш си поставувам цели. Во средно, целта ми беше да одам на повеќе натпревари и олимпијади од областа на науката и техниката за да добијам стипендија за додипломски студии. На факултет целта ми беше да имам што подобар просек за да добијам стипендија зо постдипломски студии надвор од државата. Таму целта ми беше да се докажам за да ми дадат можност да работам на магистерската, што е одлична можност за добивање на работа. Кое е твоето хоби? Слободното време го поминувам во теретана, читање книги, гледање серии и следење на неколку јутуб канали. Исто така, слушам многу музика во секоја прилика (не бидејќи работам во музичка компанија) и сум голем обожавател на K-поп. Дали си бил вклучен во некои волонтерски активности за време на твоите средношколски или студентски денови? Додека бев средношколец волонтирав во Црвен Крст и во невладината организација Блу Скај, додека на факултет бев неколкугодишен член на ИАЕСТЕ. Дали мислиш дека оцените се целосно меродавни на знаењето? Не секогаш. Не значи дека некој со добри оцени знае, колку што некој со лоши оцени не знае. Јас добро работев под стрес. На пример, да ми поставеше некој прашање пред тест, јас не би го знаел одговорот тоа толку добро колку што би го решил тоа за време на тестот. Има луѓе кои целосно се блокираат во вакви моменти и не можат да го покажат тоа што го знаат. Оценките се добри за да универзитетите ти дадат шанса да покажеш дека имаш знаење.

Според тебе, кои професии мислиш дека се најпроспективни? Во моментот на запад најбарани во областа на технологијата се data scientists и machine learning engineers. Во последните неколку години многу луѓе од различни позадини, како статистика, физика, и индустриско инженерство, преминуваат во big data. На подолг план, би рекол нешто креативно, што машина не би можела да го замени. Кое е твоето мото? Не чекај некој друг да сработи нешто што можеш да го завршиш сам. Особено ако те засега само тебе и ти е многу важно. Каков совет би им дал на идните студенти и средношколци за поуспешна кариера, односно како би ги мотивирал? Задоволството на крај е секогаш најдобро, кога сè имаш постигнато сам. Сите поминати препреки и тешки моменти на крајот ќе изгледаат безначајни, бидејќи кога сè имаш постигнато сам (секако, со поддршка од луѓето околу тебе), задоволството е бесценето. Дамјан Георгиевски





ngel Spiroski began his academic education in 2014 at FMU– Skopje at the composition department studying with associate professor MA. Darija Andovska, while in 2015 he started his second department — orchestral conducting — with associate professor MA. Sasho Tatarcevski.He attended several seminars and master classes with European composers: Bernhard Wulff (Germany), Olga Viktorova (Ukraine/Russia), Jean-Luc Fafchamps (Belgium), Snezana Nesic (Serbia/Germany), Steffen Schleiermacher (Germany) etc.His compositions were performed at the recent editions of the “Days of Macedonian Music” festival, while as a conductor he has performed with “Con Tempora”- a contemporary music ensemble, and the Chamber Orchestra of the Faculty of Music of Skopje. How do you find this festival,“Days of Macedonian Music”? Do you think it helps the young or does it make them conformists? Do you agree with the age limits; many times, the old generation doesn’t get the deserved spotlight… Having a festival that promotes domestic contemporary music, but at the same time gives us the chance to become familiar with the new musical trends in the world, is of vital importance for young musicians, both composers and performers. “Days of Macedonian Music” is, so far, the only festival where a young composer can hear/see the actual product of his/ her imagination. It is the only festival where a young performer can get the chance to introduce himself/ herself in front of the audience. Finally, it is the only festival where the audience can hear professional music written in contemporaneity.As far as I know, there are no age limits in the selection of the programme I don’t see why anyone could feel like not getting the “deserved spotlight”. I might be wrong, but the productivity of the older generation of Macedonian composers is almost non-existent, and there is where you can find your answer. Many young artists with whom I spoke with were reluctant to come to this event claiming that it is not an honest one, that there were some activities that were going on with the audience and with the entire organization. Do you think this is true? How do you find the organization of this festival? The only segments of “honesty” that I am interested in, when it comes to going to a concert,are the honesty of the performance, and how honest the composer was with himself/herself while writing the piece. Paradoxically, most concerts where that kind of honesty can be felt are performed by international ensembles, yet the program they play always contains many pieces of Macedonian composers.I would like to experiment and create music in an environment where our own performers are eager to perform music of “their own” composers, and, right now, I think there is a generation that is going to create those working conditions.


I can proudly say that “Monohromatika”, a concert on this year’s edition of DMM organized mainly as an initiative of piano student Iva Damjanovski, was an example of how new music should be presented to the audience.The organization of the festival, in my opinion, is good, but to provoke more audience, good is not enough, you need to be extraordinary, and the only way you can achieve that is by presenting modern music in a modern way, which includes: inviting good ensembles, having an attractive choice of program, booking the best halls, as well as, each and every other alternative concert space you can think of, having a bulletproof marketing plan, and maybe above all, finding out how to make the listener feel like an inseparable part of the whole event, because, in fact, he/she is!I know that in our country, with limited budgets for festivals like this,all of the above mentioned is hard to organize, but we are musicians, we are being creative with something as abstract as music, so finding alternatives to realize a successful festival should not be a problem. Do you think that the time of big composers and conductors (such as Pierre Boulez or Krzysztof Penderecki) is over? Now small is in, in every way. If you mean “big” in terms of popularity- I guess less and less people will get that, in a way, social role, but if you mean “big” in terms of quality of the work they have created, then my answer is yes. There will be big composers, even in bigger numbers. It is the result of the facilitated and accelerated flow of communication. So at the same time, while composers of the world connect with each other, exchange experiences and grow together, the listener is overloaded with information and, in some cases, confused about what to pick, and how to value that. For example: almost nobody knows Kate Soper (USA) or Jean-Luc Fafchamps (Belgium), yet in my opinion, most of their work is technically, intellectually and aesthetically at a very high level.The other thing that is easily predictable, and that, in fact, already happens is: big orchestras and opera houses get closed, while smaller ensembles are being created all the time.

INTERVIEW So, probably, as a result of that, the focus of composers of new music is on chamber works and electronics. I don’t think we will face a big step forward in the orchestral genres in the near future, instead there will be many interesting, and yet not so exploited, syncretic forms of art pieces with music as its core. How did you decide to compose? What was your inspiration for the composition you presented at the festival? I was 10 years old and already playing the accordion and the piano, but everything I learnt, I learnt by ear, and everything I repeated, it was by heart, because I wasn’t stuck with the sheet music, I improvised a lot. One day, I started improvising over a chord of the etude I played back then, and after a few hours, I convinced myself that I invented triad inversions, only to find out, few days later, that they were already in use for more than 500 years, also theoretically explained about the same amount of time. I was disappointed, but the satisfaction to attempt to create something on my own was still there, and since then it never went away.The creation of the composition “Ora Iacentem” was inspired by a phrase used in one of the poems of the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso that make up the words “ora” meaning “prayer” and “iacentem” meaning “laying” that, when translated, mean “lying face down”. In the poem itself, Ovidius used this phrase in a context where it means “facing your true self”, a process that I was actually starting at that moment, even though not being aware of it. The dramaturgy of the piece is built on two contrasting thematic materials which interfere with one another, resembling the inner conflicts a person is facing while discovering his/her true personality, then they create a climax, and in the “echo” of the climax they are placed on top of each other, achieving unity, suggesting the balance after finishing the process of discovering both the light and the dark segments of personality. Tell us what are, according you, the pillars of Macedonian composition historically, including the composers of electronic music? I find the development of Macedonian composition history very sympathetic, mostly because of the versatility of styles, and everything starting with the first attempt to write professional, artistic music (and a very successful one, I should say) made by Atanas Badev, a student of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Mily Balakirev, writing the “Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom” printed in 1898. After him, a group of professional Macedonian classical music composers appeared, consisting of Stefan Gajdov, Živko Firfov, Trajko Prokopiev, Todor Skalovski etc., whose main inspiration was the Macedonian folklore,

writing mainly choral music. From the mid-20s we note a great variety of musical styles where we have the humorous Vlastimir Nikolovski, the pioneer of the neoclassical style in Macedonian music- Tomislav Zografski, Toma Prošev- the founder of musical modernism in Macedonia etc. Vlastimir Nikolovski and Tomislav Zografski were also huge pedagogical figures in the history of Macedonian music- teaching composers like: Tome Mančev, Živojin Glišić, Jana Andreevska, Mihailo Trendafilovski, Pande Šahov andGoce Kolarovski (for me, the most original Macedonian composer, and also the most productive composition teacher in Macedonian music history, teaching many composers including: Darija Andovska, Damjan Temkov, Soni Petrovski etc.).When it comes to electronic music in Macedonia, the first electronic composition named “Eleorp 76” was made by Dragoslav Ortakov in Belgrade, 1976, following the example of the then European music avant-garde. After that attempt, Dimitrije Bužarovski made few electronic pieces in the gap between mid-80s and mid-90s of the past century, while today, as promoters of Macedonian electronic music, I can point out my professor Darija Andovska, and my collegue Andrej Blaževski. Do you think that artists are lonely people? Especially now when everybody has no free time… How does this (or the opposite…) reflect on artists? Everyone can feel lonely in some part of the day, and everyone needs that time alone. In that context, artists are not much different than “others”, yet the difference is in the “usage” of the time spent being alone. In loneliness, artists sublimate what they were surrounded with in the processes of communication, and recreate and organize the emotional impact and intellectual progress that was caused by those actions. There is a never-ending circle of energy transfer between people, animals, nature and objects, which is used as a fuel for artistic expression.It is true that, even as artists, we cannot lead our lives from a romanticist point of view and expect to be successful today, since a good artist should be, at the same time, someone who provokes a social progress, often reconsidering the moral and ethical patterns and ideologies in his/her surrounding, by being historically aware of the time and place he/ she lived in. Today the evolutionary progress, in all segments of mankind, is in constant acceleration,so an artist simply follows such a trend. Igor Pop Trajkov

Photographs Мr. Spiroski and A. Veskovski



SUPERSTITIONS Superstitions are beliefs about certain things that happen that result in good or bad omens. Most countries have their own superstitious beliefs

In this big and multicultural world we live in, there are

certain things people do which make cultures have differences, and also a lot of similarities. Among these are superstitions. The question is, what do we make of it? Some people strongly believe in them, some are indifferent and others just plainly couldn’t be bothered with mere superstitions. We have, I’m sure, all heard of the common superstitions such as when someone sees a black cat and it crosses their path (which would be considered bad luck), or breaking a mirror which is considered as 7 years of bad luck. Also walking through underneath a ladder can be bad luck (but in my opinion, walking under a ladder is probably not the safest thing to do anyway). The number 13 or Friday 13th is considered an unfavourable number in many cultures. Also, opening an umbrella inside the house.


Now that the bad news is out the way, time for the good news. Maybe it’s a worldwide thing, but hanging a horse shoe on the door will bring good luck, also, having a rabbit’s foot (personally I don’t know anyone with a rabbit’s foot, or a horse shoe for that matter). But these are old superstitions so most people in our time now don’t really follow this. Stepping in dog poo is also good luck, as odd as it may seem if you think about it. Having an itchy right hand means you will get money soon. Four-leaf clovers, which are rare to find, bring immense good fortune. I’ve heard of most of these, so they must be I’m sure quite known. Knocking on wood is also supposed to remove potential bad luck. They say when a bird poos on your head it’s good luck too, which reminds me of a time I was very young and a bird made droppings on my head. I was sad and embarrassed, then someone sat me down and told me it’s good luck. At the time I thought they just told me that to make me feel better.


In Russia they have certain superstitions such as: you should never eat from a knife (it will turn you into a terrible person), never whistle inside a house (it’s gonna make you poor), never leave empty bottles on the table (it will make money and fortune go away from you), same as wiping the crumbs from the table with a hand. Never salute or shake hands if you have not walked inside the house (something to do with an elf that lives in the doorway). Some people put a knife on the top part of the doorframe (it chase bad people away from your house). Never give a pair number of flowers as a gift (pair number is only for the graveyard). Also, never salute with gloves, it’s a symbol that you are not a trustful person. In France there is one about if a kid is laying down and somebody walks past over their legs, they won’t grow up. Also, for saying cheers with drinks, whether it’s with friends, family, colleagues, etc it’s important to look the other in the eyes when glasses cheers, otherwise it could be seven years of bad sex. We used to joke about it back in South Africa, but had no idea it was an actual superstition. Speaking of which, in South Africa we say that when a broom touches your foot when someone else is sweeping, you’ll never get married. When you have a twitch in your eye, it means you’re going to see someone you haven’t seen in a long time. Here’s a good one, if you buy your partner/spouse shoes, they will run away. Seeing an owl on your roof can be a bad omen. Also, we believe that if you dream about snakes, it means that someone is pregnant in your family. And if you swim in the sea/ocean it cleanses bad luck.

A few Polish superstitions include: whenever a there is a squirrel on the roof, there is a possibility of a fire. If you are in Poland and see a stork (bocian) flying or in its nest, it’s good luck, but if it’s standing on the ground it’s bad luck. Seeing a chimney sweep, a priest and a white horse in a row is considered to be the best omen. Also shortly after a wedding, the bride and groom should ideally plant a linden tree, so in case there’s any conflict, they can chat under the tree to reconcile. In Turkey, apparently if you sit between two people with the same name, then you should make a wish. Probably the most popular one in Turkey is the evil eye and it’s said to keep away bad luck. Broken glass as well is said to keep away bad luck. Single women who want to get married write their names under the bride’s shoes. And in Macedonia they say if you are visiting someone, it’s not good to leave at midnight, because this is when the “bad fairies” come out. Rather leave before or after 00:00. So essentially they’re all superstitions. Whether you believe them or not, that comes to personal opinion. However I would personally emphasise that if something happens that could be “bad”, don’t dwell on it because it could potentially lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. That’s just my two cents on this topic (which I will now throw into the well and make a wish).

Chris Maiken



'CARDS IN THE AIR' Interview with professional poker player Michael Lech

Michael is a 28 years old American poker player who has recently won his 4th ring at WSOP( World Series of Poker) circuits in France.

Can You tell us your story? My story could go on for pages haha, I have fortunately kept a journal among all of my travels just for that reason. I graduated from the University of Arkansas with a bachelor degree in International Business in 2013. I enjoy most sports, hiking, traveling, and of course poker! I started playing poker for fun, with many other games with my grandmother and other family members anytime we visited together, then it evolved as I got older and merged into online poker around the age of 17, this continued through university and up to the present day. I evolved to play in more casinos and travel more as I got older and have had more success. I play all forms of poker, I enjoy the mixed variants even though they are not as popular and thus harder to find tournaments to play them, first and foremost though I play the Texas Holdem variant, as it is the most popular in the world. At first my parents were skeptical, they support everything I do, but as I graduated from University and still had no job, it was a small borderline timeframe, but now everyone is extremely happy and proud of my life and accomplishments. Is there a difference between playing in Europe and USA? For sure there is a large difference in almost all regions I play. There are still the same basic game principals, but the game style and general environment are slightly different, European casinos are obviously much more fancy as in the USA everyone is very very casually dressed and come from all forms of life. South America has more relaxed players after getting unlucky compared to French who tend to throw a hissy fit anytime they get unlucky. I enjoy playing everywhere, but probably more so in the USA at casual events where its ok to have a few beers and actually talk with everyone comfortably in English. Do you prefer playing live or online? I prefer live these days as I have came into my groove and feel not as scared as when I began playing for large amounts of money at live casinos. Online has gotten much more difficult in the recent years and takes much more work to be at the top of your game. It's a phenomenal learning tool to practice your game though, with a little side money to be won if things go well.


What are the main skills you need for poker? Patience and Aggression, with the perfect mix of both at the right times. Math is a factor, but as most people tend to have minimal math skills and pull off some wins, it can be done without, I am quite proud of my math skills and the ability to calculate percentage ranges quite quickly in real time so that's probably an advantage over the general competitor. My strongest skill would be my ability to spot differences in patterns of peoples betting styles. This comes from my online background and have applied it to the live game so that I don't rely upon the common conception of reading people, but instead their patterns of plays. How do you “train” yourself for poker?w Training just means practicing, and the cheapest and best way to practice is to play large amounts of volume, or tables at once, online and see how many different scenarios you can play and practice for a real time situation. I say online to practice because casino tournaments are usually quite expensive and require external travel costs. Yes Scott, and other friends who play, we talk quite a bit about different situations we get in and discuss both sides to an argument of what to do or what could be better. I never read any poker books although there are many, and I have watched many videos of other tournaments with cards showing so I can see how people play situations also to apply it to my own game.

SPORT How do you cope with losing? Losing is never fun, I cope with it by finding a new way to win, I hate losing. I think maybe this helps to my success as I know poker is a luck based game to an extent and losing is a guaranteed part of the game. It's all about keeping focus and a good head on your shoulders and keep trying. What has been your proudest moment in poker so far? Proudest poker moment... winning 4 World Series of Poker rings in 4 different countries is right near the top, but probably getting 2nd place in the WSOP in Vegas in 2016 for my biggest win to date and big life changing moment, just because it pushed me over the edge of people worrying about me playing poker, to them all supporting me and congratulating me on all poker related aspects. What advice would you give someone that is interested in starting in poker? I recommend everyone to try it, it’s a great game that puts everyone on an equal playing field, there's no minorities, male or female in poker, everybody has the same game to play, and you don't have to be in shape, the richest, or the smartest person to play and have a good time. Practice a lot for free when you can if you are just beginning and never play with more money than you are willing to lose.

If you weren’t playing poker what do you think you would be doing? Yes I think I would be doing something with people interactive, I volunteer quite a bit at home at the local boys and girls club, a youth center, for teaching, sports, and crafts. I never felt I would fall into the normal category of getting a normal job. Not quite sure where I would be.. just like all of us I suppose. I know you love traveling. How many countries have you traveled through and what would be your top 5 destinations? As of now I have been to 52 countries, and counting! My top 5 between mixture of scenery, culture, and experiences, would be in no order: Ecuador, Estonia, Macedonia, United States, and Bolivia Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 5 years, if I have found the right person maybe I will stop and settle somewhere, who knows. I plan to play poker, at least as a hobby, for the rest of my life. I would like to have continued seeing the world and maybe completed the globe and finally be ready to chill out and see where life goes. I am not a big planner. Lastly, where are you going next? Next, I had plans to come down to the Balkans again but it seems the plan is falling through... sorry Ann.. and will be going down to spain to spend the rest of my time here in europe until I leave in April. Then I have a wedding to attend in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic of an old roommate I lived with in Bolivia for a few months. Then I will be out to Vegas for the duration of the summer, June and July, to play the World Series of Poker where I have a house rented with 5 friends there, some from Lithuania, Italy, and also USA.

Ann Aro VOICES - 27


THE MACEDONIAN JOURNEY The world knows little about Macedonia, and too few Macedonians discovered the world. We investigated this peculiar relationship, what the country can offer tourist and what offers can its citizen enjoy. How can Macedonians bring themselves to the world, and how can they bring the world to Macedonia.

Breathtaking natural sites, striking culture and heritage, rich

cuisine, cheap accommodations and venues, to anyone that has lived the Macedonian experience, there is no doubt that the country has remarkable wonders to offer. It is common for anyone that has lived in, travelled to or even just drove through Macedonia to wonder how a country with such a vast potential could be hidden from the face of the world. In 2015, half-a-million tourists visited Macedonia, which might sound like a lot for a population of two million, but is still a far cry from its historic peak of more than a million in the late 1980s. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, conservative figures put tourism’s direct contribution to the overall country’s economy to a bit less than 2 %. Macedonia ranks 131st in the world ranking of tourism arrivals per year. By comparison, Slovenia, an exYugoslav republic with roughly the same land mass and population size as Macedonia, ranks 72nd, with as much as four times more tourists per annum.


TOPIC OF THE MONTH Macedonia is brimming with astonishing sites and gold nuggets of travelling. Exploring everything it has to offer would feel like an ever-expanding treasure hunt. Supposedly every travel agency has some sort of partnership with the chamber of tour of guides. One such agency is Makedonija Soobrakaj, which is in constant direct contact with the latter, jealously preserving their best-kept secret, stories, tips and tricks for the large group of tourists they are guiding around. They would tell you about the natural baths of Katlanovo, the periodically drowning church of Mavrovo, the Kokino megalithic observatory or the stone dolls of Kuklitsa among many, many more. Each individually, those hidden gems could be hotspots by themselves. Yet, to many, they remain a mystery and are shadowed by popular attractive Ohrid and convenient populated Skopje. It is consensual that Macedonia’s potential is not fulfilled, yet tourism in Macedonia is climbing its way back up. The Republic of Macedonia State Statistical Office recorded a steady increase of tourism arrivals since the sharp fall of 2001. Last summer, Makedonija Soobrakaj noted a surprising 70% hotel filling in Skopje.

This begs the questions, who visits Macedonia? Why do they come and how can the country finally reach its potential? An open secret in the tourism sector is that tourism in Macedonia largely counts, ironically perhaps, on Macedonian visitors. From 1991 to 2010, domestic tourism and foreign arrivals have consistently substantially outweighed foreign arrivals. According to one travel agent, last summer’s surge of newcomers to Skopje’s was largely due to internal tourism, from both the countryside and larger Macedonian cities. Yet, more than inland visits, the Macedonian tourism sector is specifically carried by the Macedonian diaspora. Indeed, it is no secret that expatriates have somewhat of a special, if not loyal, relationship with their home country. One doesn’t need a long and thorough investigation to figure that out. Hop on any flight from Zurich, Paris, Brussels or Berlin and virtually the entire plane will be filled with Macedonians. The main bulk of incoming tourism is seemingly driven by family reunions, especially in summertime. Macedonians from Canada, Sweden, Australia or the United States regularly fly back to the country for a month-long reunion with, typically, a week abroad in a neighboring country for a real relaxing change of scenery.

Many of the tourist infrastructures outside of Skopje or Ohrid are, in fact, primarily driven by private initiatives, mainly initiated by dual-nationals Macedonians investing their capital back in their home country. Brajcino, for instance, thirty minutes away from Bitola, was one of the first remote village to invest in tourism thirty decades back. The results have been staggering. Most of the village’s homes are renovated, in perfectly decent conditions, and true to their authenticity. Some of these private initiatives are recognizing the potential of the country and striving to fulfil it. Lakeview Hotel & Resort, for example, on the shore of Prespa Lake, was established by Macedonians who had studied 8 years in the United States and decided to invest back in their country by conviction and belief in its potential. Precisely this rejuvenation has been entirely driven by members of the diaspora from all around the world, some of which only had a remote relative from the village and had never set foot in the country until well into their adulthood.


ТЕМА НА МЕСЕЦОТ These initiatives play a vital role in the effort to make the country live up to its potential. Overall infrastructure for tourism in the country is lacking. There is no ministry or full-fledged state-department wholly devoted to the sector, sparsely compensated by few chambers of interest related to the field. There is still no formal budget allocated to this section of the economy. Awareness on the benefits of tourism is still lagging for entire strata of the population. The railway network, although picturesque, is still far from full efficient coverage, and, while the roadway system is among the best preserved in the Balkans, some roads are still highly damaged and unsuitable for safe travel. The overall infrastructure has a hard-time living up to the marketing strategy destined to the country. Not all is grim though. For close to thirty years, the rate of foreign tourists has been steadily increasing. For the first time since its independence, in 2011, the number of foreign visitors has exceeded the number of Macedonian incomers. Since then, these numbers have been increasing year after year. The same year, the rate of total arrival had finally overcome the 2001 fall in tourism, exceeding numbers of the 1990s. With more than 800 000 registered arrivals in 2015, Macedonia is just a few years short to break its own record of 1987. The country would, hence, surpass by itself the potency of the Yugoslavian infrastructure machine. A few years ago, the first ever batch of bachelor students in tourism studies in Macedonia graduated from their faculty. Places such as Ohrid, Kurchevo or Matka are prime examples of the European appetite for Macedonian culture and heritage. Half of incoming foreign tourists come from non-Balkan countries. There is a long road ahead. Yet, Macedonian tourism might very well be on the eve of an awakening.

There are a lot of holidays.These time -offs allow people to enjoy their leisure and people use their time to go abroad. Year-round, more than 5000 people took the opportunity of legal holidays to travel abroad. In Macedonia, most of the time, travelling is a family affair. Indeed, family plays an important, quasi-institutional, role in the Macedonian culture and society. While prices have been increasing steadily over the past few years, the thirst for travelling remains rather salient for Macedonians with the proper means, and travel agencies are happy to provide.


Macedonia, and Skopje in particular, offers a wide and plentiful range of convenient connections with neighboring countries. At the heart of the capital lies the main bus station, where dozens of buses come and go in and around, from and to Macedonia, in a buzzing atmosphere of human transit. Some drive through the city, others around the country and many will disembark abroad.It is hardly debatable that bus transportation is, by far, the cheapest and most efficient means of travel from Macedonia, far exceeding the railroad network, and much cheaper than car road trips. Buses can depart from Skopje to Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Turkey —to name just a few— almost any day!

TOPIC OF THE MONTH Planning a trip through a tourism agency is among the favored options for Macedonian families or groups. In Macedonia, tourism agencies propose a wide range of tours around the whole continent. The Makedonija Soobrakjaj travel agency, for example,offers week end tours to Venice, Sofia, Istanbul, Champagne in France and many more. Essentially, a typical Macedonian travel agency could fairly be able to bring any client anywhere it wishes. Some of their offers would include summer deals, mainly targeting Greek destination. Indeed, Greece is a prime destination of choice in the southern Balkan region in the summer season, favored over Bulgaria, which also enjoys high interest and appreciation for its deeply developed infrastructure in city tourism. When it comes to non-Balkan Europe, Italy would be, without a doubt, the preferred destination for Macedonians. Over the past decade, this country has been, year after year, the most demanded destination among departing Macedonian tourists. Agencies such Makedonija Soobrakjaj or Fibula travels propose program to Venice, Florence or Verona. The past 10 years Italy has remained the undefeated Macedonian top destination in Europe, if not the world. As opposed to group packages, some travelers do favor individual arrangements with travel agency for a tailor-made journey designed for their own needs and desires. In those cases, tourism agencieswill advise, concert and help their customers to organize their trip step by step. They will book the plane tickets, hotel, and arrange all practicalities to fit their clients demands. Everything is possible, even exotic destinations can be on the menu if so requested.For a change of scenery, some of the wealthiest will arrange travels in Morocco, Egypt, Bali, Moldova, USA, Mexico, or even the Maldives or Dubai! However, exotic travels are expensive, out-of-reach to most in the country. Travel agencies are very aware of it, and so are their customers. Hence, it is not uncommon for anyone who wants to travel to try their shot at getting discounts, and to have the best for the less money. In that way, tourism agencies became real negotiation market. One travel agent was joking that, overtime, Macedonians became tougher negotiators than the Turks themselves because of their eagerness to travel at the best rate. All-in-all, Macedonia and Macedonians do not enjoy the best infrastructure to welcome tourists, or the best conditions to explore the world as much they would like to. Yet there is, in this country, a real appetite for travel, for exchanging bits of heritage, for discovering new cultures. Macedonians are eager to show their country to the world, and the world would have much to gain to discover Macedonia. Yet, more than its astonishing natural sites, the country has a much more prevailing asset to bring to the world: Macedonians themselves.

Antoine Lomba & Chloe Dumeusois


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