VOICES November 2018

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Magazine for all young people in Macedonia






Maybe it looks like it is November, usual one, every year the same month in same time. No, this is not one more November in people life. It is November for first time, the leaves on the ground are for first time, child hands are on mum shoulder for first time, every day is new and for first time is saying hello and goodbye, same as the drop of water in the river that are passing once and never ever once again. There are lot youth adventures, life experiences, changing life moments in the Coolture - New trends, new stories, “Photo-I”, “Rural on the go: green way“. First times are so unique and never ever can be repeated, maybe sounds common, maybe sounds cliché but the “TC Empower vulnerable youth: theatre, creative writing and emotions in focus” will give you one new approach how do the first times are still undescribed. Earth is our home for first time as well, and we have to take care of our memories, places and emotions that we have for first time. That is why we have to take for our planet Earth “It is not plastic bags fault that humans can’t recycle” and for it clean ground, we are borrowing it from our next generation, as Chief Seattle has said. Being a refugee always will be first time with the biggest desire to be the last one because we have “A new perspective on refugee”.

Ноември, навидум ист, како секој ноември во секоја година, доаѓа во исто време секоја година како единаесети месец по ред. Не, не е така. Ова не е уште еден обичен ноември во животот на луѓето. Ова е ноември за прв пат, лисјата почиваат на почвата за прв пат, детските рачиња за прв пат се на мајчината прегратка, секој ден е нов и за прв пат го поздравува утрото со здраво и вечерта со чао, како што капките вода никогаш не можат да поминат по втор пат низ коритото на својата река така и првиот пат во животот е уникатен и никогаш не може да се повтори. Младешки авантури, животни искуства, моменти кои го менуваат целиот живот може да видиме во Coolture - New trends, new stories, “Photo-I”, “ Rural on the go: green way“. Првите пати никогаш не може да бидат повторени, и можеби веќе звучи како клише но тренинг курсот „Empower vulnerable youth: theatre, creative writing and emotions in focus“ промени многу животи и долови многу моменти кои сеуште се неописливи. Планетата Земја e нашиот прв и единствен дом, спомени, места и емоции околу кои треба да се грижиме лежат тука. Планетва мора да си ја негуваме за нашето „јас“ засекогаш да има свој дом. „It is not plastic bags fault that humans can’t recycle“ ќе ве направи свесни како да го зачувате домот на вашите спомени. Како што Chief Seattle, кажал, ние ја позајмуваме планетата од нашите идни генерации. Бидувањето бегалец може да се случи само еднаш за прв пат со желба никогаш да не се повтори затоа имаме „ A new perspective on refugee “ .

Stay calm and read VOICES November edition for first time!

Прочитај го ноемврискотo издание на Воисес за прв пат! STAFF VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankoski COORDINATORS: Andrej Naumovski Vafire Muharemi


VOLUNTEERS: Paulina Gołębiowska Ana Fernández Hernández Madis-Siim Kull Selina Niemi Triine Viisma

WRITERS: Goran Galabov Igor Pop Trajkov Jovana Naseva Magdalena Ilieva Omar Shabani Marijana Gavrilova Andrej Naumovski

Translators: Goran Galabov

CONTACT: Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk https://voiceskopje.org







4 Don’t hate the plastic - Selina 24 Don’t hate the plastic MKD- Selina



6 Once upon in high school - Igor



7 Seminar in Belgrade - Paulina 8

TC Struga - Paulina

10 YE Nasutow - Magdalena 12 YE Germany MKD - Jovana

14 TC Milicz - Omar 15 Volunteering in elderly house - Marijana



16 Refugees - Ana 18 EVS Heroes MKD - Goran

22 INTERVIEW 22 Big brother, Big sister - Madis

28 Sport 28 Footballpeople- Andrej



It is not plastic bags fault that humans can’t recycle Since 1950, when large-scale industrial production of plastic was started, humans have produced 8,3 billion tons of different kinds of plastic. To compare this a bit, heaviest land animal on earth, African Elephant, weights 6000 tons. So approximately, we have created plastic worth of 1 333 333 elephants.

Almost anywhere you go in this planet, you will

not be able to work without plastic. This clever thing is hiding in places that you don’t even realize. Your non-plastic, environment friendly carbon cup of take away coffee is a sweet lie. We can for example think, that you have wood and you want to recreate something out of it, what will you need? Plastic and similar elements, because without various binders, dyes, fillers and other products you cannot modify the product to be what you want it to be. That means that the carbon cup always contain some kind of plastic. For sure this is the topic of this century, everywhere you can see how people are talking about recycling, and how we have to create more eco friendly products. But the problem is that we don’t see where the real issue stands. Plastic, in fact, is cheap, convenient and easy to customize in any way and to any form. It comes as a side product from oil byproduct process, and the worldwide demand of plastic is covered by only 4% of the total oil production capacity. That makes the environmental load low. The problem comes out when we throw it to the nature, where it will basically never disappear. It breaks down into smaller pieces, micro plastic,


what is basically harmless. When it become problematic is when they get into the water where they are attracted to environmental poisons. I bet you have seen the photos of animals that had been trapped by plastic. Hundreds of thousands of marine animals and birds die each year, either by being trapped by the plastic garbage, or by stomach bag blocked by it. According to a recent study, most of the stranded plastic garbage comes from the ten rivers in Africa and Asia. So one of the answers to the plastic problem would be to develop waste management and material flows in these countries. Even it is a good product; we are going too crazy with it. Sometimes you might not even notice the pointless places to put plastic on, for example in northern Europe, where we don’t have so many fresh green markets, you can find out how they sell peppers wrapped up separately to tight plastic cover. Pepper has own covers strong enough, just like banana. You can buy a package of cookies and after you have opened the carbon box, you find a plastic packaging inside of another plastic packaging. Of course, when it comes to food, for the sake of hygiene it is important to have good packaging, but we can minimize it a LOT.

topic of the month Other significant sources of micro plastic are transport and textiles and from there comes about the third of the problem in the seas. We need a new kind of product design, since there’s a lot of micro plastic coming from tires, roads, ship paints and textiles. Now one of the biggest topic in media is cosmetics and how it should be banned to use micro plastic in them, because it is easy step forward. However, only 2% from the problem in the seas comes out of cosmetics. It’s a small drop in the ocean, but of course all the drops should be counted. One of the offered answers to the world wide problem of recycling is biodegradable plastic. It seems that people think that it is a better product to throw in to the nature because it will break up easier, however we shouldn’t throw anything to the nature. Bio plastics means plastics made from vegetable or animal-based materials, but the problem is that produce progress needs more energy than basic plastic. Above all, the production also takes place from food production, and that is too valuable thing to use just to create bio plastic, that will also at some point break down in the same way as ordinary plastics; Micro plastic, that is all again the problem in the nature. So, next time you go to buy vegetables from the green market, keep in mind that you are allowed to pack up the vegetables in the same package after weighing. And every time you have a free space in your backpack or purse, you can say no to the cashier when s/he is offering plastic bag for your groceries. Don’t follow up people who throw the garbage to the ground, even if it just a piece of chewing gum. The change comes also from individuals, and you can, by yourself, to join to make the change. Small acts will make the difference together, and that’s how we can clean up this world. But keep also in mind, that the plastic is not the only enemy; it is the fact that we don’t recycle it. So don’t hate the plastic, recycle it. Selina Niemi

https://medium.com/@johannakohvakka/hyv%C3%A4-paha-muovi-aaa414dd58b9 https://www.aamulehti.fi/maailma/maapallon-muoviongelma-ei-helpota-ihminen-on-valmistanut-jo-83-miljardiatonnia-muoveja-ja-tuotantotahti-vain-kiihtyy-200274297



Once Upon a High-school…

The educational system in Macedonia went through

several restructurings of which almost none was successful. This is what the students from the Skopje high-school “Josip Broz Tito” had told me. I spoke with them during the summer vocation and after the beginning of the school year. Their comments were becoming more pessimistic while the school days were going on, as during the vocation they were in a kind of more relaxing mode. Their main fears are that they are not going to be able to catch up when coming of age when trying to find a job with the latest educational requirements. In more particular- the requirements from the developed world. They told me that they are just obliged to memorize many things, of which big part are already unnecessary. Namely their curriculum is full with outdated methodology, even ideology. Every new government was promising that will acquire high standards in the education sector but all that was just political marketing. Some of the textbooks are still stuffed with various kinds of culturist animosity such as homophobia and bad mouthing of the Western Democracies. Furthermore students complain that the school does little to stimulate them socializing, because of which, they claim, they have communication problems. I was also student in this high school finishing in the generation of 1989.

Then Slovenia and Macedonia were the only countries that had passed the very high standards of the Badinter commission whose prerequisites of course included the educational standards. This was the system that was inherited from the previous state Yugoslavia. The faculties too in this country, in the 60’s were considered to be some of the best in the word, but later they began to drop down due to various geo-political and social circumstances. The educators Manuel Font-Altaba and A. Macri profess that any science of course must have rigorism but they also quote a meeting of the American high school professors which is that “The educational popular book should be precise, modern and understandable, clear and affordable”. Unfortunately it seems that this high school was only reformed with some fancy western-looking furniture and technology as no substantial changes in the educational approach were ever acquired. Indeed this is a very cool building wonderfully surrounded with a park. But I have to criticize the managers that they rented the green space for commercial porpoises which is of course bad for the psycho-somatic development of the youngsters. The library is with a nonchalant interior and table tennis desk inside, the toilets are with well hygiene and the diverse educational rooms are well equipped with technology. author of the text and photographer: Igor Pop Trajkov



COOLture - New Trends, New Stories


5-7th October Macedonian group of youngsters had a privilege to take part in project COOLture - New Trends, New Stories in Belgrade, Serbia. Project was implemented by The Municipality of Vračar and NGO BUM in cooperation with partners from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Slovenia and Macedonia. This project was realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. The main goal of the project is to increase the accessibility of culture by promoting the mobility of artists and arts in the region of Southeast Europe. Through this project, organizers wanted to encourage young people to start visiting cultural events outside their own cities and countries, and to see culture as one of the reasons why it is good to meet people belonging to another nation, religion or culture. At the beginning we were welcomed by President of the Municipal Assembly of Vračar - Mihailo Grupković. He emphasized the enormous importance that cultural exchange and mobility of artists have in the process of empowerment of cooperation among the people of Southeast Europe. Later on Danijela Maljević, President of NGO BUM reminded that main goal within COOLture project was to enable young people to get active and

learn about different cultures in the framework of the youth exchange process. The last speech was delivered by Nikola Kolya Božović, visual artist and a member of the steering committee of the October Salon. Projects such as COOLture represent a unique opportunity for young people from all over the Region to visit exhibitions within the October Salon and get familiar with the current trends in contemporary art. The large number of young people have gathered to learn about the European values, heritage, art and culture through different team activities. In the end each group had to make video to sum up what we discussed before. During evening we visited October Salon where we could see the exibitions from the best contemporary artists including Yoko Ono. It was also good occasion to make new contacts and friends. Our weekend in Belgrade passed really fast so there was no enough time to explore more the city but we have seen the main touristic points. Looking forward for more opportunities like that. Article based on press release Paulina Gołębiowska



Empower vulnerable youth, empower yourself L

ife-changing, inspirational, open minding, amazing, valuable – these are just few words that participants used to describe their impressions about Training Course “Empower Vulnerable Youth: Theater, Creative Writing and Emotions in Focus”. Training Course was held in Struga between 15th – 23rd October and was organized by Belgium partner Art of Box together with Volunteers Centre Skopje. The project responded on the needs of organizations working with vulnerable youth. It means with young people at particular risk because they have additional challenges to overcome, fewer resources and supports. Besides impact on directly involved participants the project aimed to increase quality of services of partner’s organizations; bring ideas for local, national or intercultural projects as well as to raise public awareness on situations of vulnerable youth. There were 24 participants coming from Spain, Croatia, Belgium, Macedonia, Greece and Latvia. They were working, learning and spending time together. The group was very diverse, including the youth workers whose daily work is dedicated to vulnerable youth; future teachers and people who were seeking for new ideas and inspiration. For some of participants it was also the first time with Erasmus+ project, glad to know that they chose Macedonia for their debut. During the first days participants were getting to know each other through various team building games and energizers. Also it was time to discuss project objectives, types of education, roots of discrimination and social exclusion. In mixed groups they could share good and bad case practices from home countries. What was good, most of presentations were based on theater techniques which made activities more dynamic and group integrated. In next day’s also participants took a role of trainers and prepared workshops. Belgium team who consisted of people who work on professional level with vulnerable youth shared with participants some of their activities that might help express emotions and how to manage them. Another day there was more detailed talks about vulnerable youth, trying defining who we can classify to this group, what obstacles preventing youth to get activated and what we can do to change their situation. Then participants had a chance to create the new tools and test them on the rest of group. Ideas that they shared were very innovative and creative; might be used in work with youth without fail. For example one of workshops called “The world of songs” was designed to help in self expression and intercultural learning. Participants divided into teams were listening the songs from different countries. After that they were asked to make a collage used provided materials like magazines and colorful papers. It is amazing how people can perceive differently the same song. Thanks of that, our music horizons broaden as well.



Few participants were asked about activities they found useful the most on TC: “I can still remember the one related to creative writing delivered by Belgium team. Participants, where divided into groups and had to write three sentences each according to a DIXIT card of their choice. Afterwards, collaboratively each group conducted a poem and presented it on plenary, based in one sentence that each of the participants wrote. This workshop drew my attention due to the fact that in a very creative way, we could express ourselves, by sharing personal emotions and thoughts through creating a poem. In the end it produces a different meaning to each and one individual according to his/her experiences” – says Michalis from Greece. On the other hand Tamara from Croatia found interesting different workshops: “The most useful activities were the ones related to theatre because I believe that through theatre you can truly express yourself and it may be easier to youth to express their emotions when they’re playing someone else and having fun. I didn’t have a chance to use those activities yet but I will try to implement them in my work with not only vulnerable but children and youth in general.” Also, she shared what skills project developed in her: “I believe that I gained more confidence in working with vulnerable youth because I learned a lot of tools which might be very helpful in work with this group when but also youth in general. I improved my organizational skills regarding preparation of workshops, project writing skills, skills related to addressing strong emotions, self-confidence and self-awareness.” Last days were dedicated for getting to know better Erasmus+ programme, their key actions and in result participants had to prepare draft version of own projects that they would like to organize in the future. Let’s hope that some of these proposals will come true next year. Except hard work, during Training Course we had several leisure activities. Intercultural nights were especially the most awaited events. A lot of delicious food (e.g. Belgium team prepared famous French fries), salty snacks, sweets and national drinks.

They sang, they danced and simply had fun all night long. The weather in Struga was excellent so during one sunny day the group was taken to Ohrid – pearl of Macedonia. Another evening, we were invited to restaurant for traditional Macedonian dinner. Everyone could experience how Macedonians spend evenings with accompaniment of tasty food and cold drinks. In the end I asked about the most remarkable moment that happened during this few days in Struga. “For me it was the talks we had in between. Talking about their culture but also how their point of view was on vulnerable youth. Also when we gave the workshop ourselves, I learned a lot from it. But the goodbye was the hardest thing because you know that maybe you’ll never see some people back and after all you’ve lived together for a week” – says Lotte from Belgium. But for Michalis one of the best moment was activity prepared by one of the team: “Participants formed a circle and had to make a statement for a personal experience or attribute that they shared, which made them unique and then make a step forward. Whoever of the rest of the group, shared the same experience or attribute, was stepping forward as well. This moment was really remarkable and unforgettable for me; hence participants started sharing several things with the group, from the less crucial till the serious and important ones. It really touched me, the fact that many of us were feeling comfortable with the group in general, and therefore took the decision to share meaningful issues in public.” Training Course finished with handing the Youthpass certificates to participants and filling positivity boxes with nice notes for everyone on the project. The goodbyes are always the hardest moments but who said that you will not meet again? Partners on this project were Association Mundus from Spain, Media Terra nea from Greece, Talsu novada fonds from Latvia and Mladi za Marof from Croatia. This project is funded by the Erasmus + program and JINT. Paulina Gołębiowska



Youth exchange “Photo-I” From 30.09 - 08.10.2018 the group of six young people from Macedonia took part in Youth Exchange “Photo-I” in Nasutów, Poland. The village is situated at the edge of the local landscape park and has around 1100 inhabitants. Nasutów is located 12 km away from Lublin, the biggest city on the east of Poland.


subject of the project was photography combined with interpersonal communication and gaining valuable competencies in the labour market. The main objective was to raise awareness, develop photography skills as tool for self-presentation and communication in Internet. There were 18 participants coming from 3 countries: Macedonia, Poland and Italy. At the beginning we had activities for getting to know each other to become more integrated. We also had a workshops for developing our interpersonal skills. Through photos that we took during YE we had a chance to self- present and show our creativity. What’s more, we learned other useful skills e.g. how to prepare Europass CV or how to make ideal portrait photo. After that, our task was to make an event in one of the high schools in Lublin. The point was to show to students how to make accurate photos that they might use in social media and raise awareness about posting photos in the Internet. We hoped that we boosted their creativity and motivated them for better self performance in the Internet.



Also, we shared with student’s knowledge about our countries and cultures. Students asked many question about Erasmus+ programme so we tried to encourage them to participate in Youth Exchanges or Training Courses. The workshop in high school was our main task so after finishing that we could enjoy our intercultural night. Each group prepared traditional dishes and drinks that we all have tasted. Also, there was time to dance and sing national songs. Thank of this event we learned a lot about other cultures and make already some travel plans. As a reward every participant got a Youthpass certificate for taking a part in this project. If you have a possibility to go for a youth exchange project, do not hesitate. It’s a great opportunity for self-development, to experience new cultures and to understand the real meaning of the global citizen, improve English and what’s even more important to make new friendships. Magdalena Ilieva



Тренинг курс „Rural on the go: Green way“ Германија може да се пофали со фактот дека е седма по населеност во светот. Земја од која една третина е покриена со шуми и тие се одржуваат.Оваа земја може да се пофали со многу работи како и со фактот дека е многу позната по тоа што многу поети доаѓаат токму од тука. Оваа земја е втора најголема земја според потрошувачката на пиво. И доколку не сте знаеле Фантата потекнува од Германија како резултат на Втората светска војна.


град на Германија е добро познатиот Берлин, кој истотака има многу работи со кои може да се пофали . Берлин има околу 1700 мостови што се повеќе на број од мостовите во Венеција и е 9 пати поголем во големина од Париз. Зоолошката градина во Берлин не само што е една од најпосетените градини во Европа но истотака и има над 18 илјади животни. Во овој град постојат повеќе музеи отколку врнежливи денови, постојат 180 музеи а само 106 врнежливи денови. Јована Насева , Стефан Кечовски и Филип Кечовски со помош на Волонтерски центар скопје ја имавме таа можност да ја посетиме Германија и Берлин и да присуствуваме на тренинг курс “Green way ” кој е дел од долгорочен проект од два тренинг курса насловени “ Rural on the go” . Овој тренинг курс се одржуваше во Германија, Берлин во период од 07-12 Октомври. Целта на овој проект е да се запознаат младите со развојот на руралните средини, односно развојот на руралниот туризам. Преку разновидните активности и задачи заедно со учесниците од Србиja , Црна гора, Италија, Латвија, Унгарија, Германија и Албанија постигнавме резултат со кој ни беше доделено знаење и способности во секторот на агро-бизнисот. Преку локалните активности исто така се стекнавме со искуство чија насока беше да се пренесе знаењето стекнато на тренинг курсот на младите во руралните


средини. Овој проект се одликуваше со уникатни и интересни активности. Секое утро после доручекот кој почнуваше во раните утрински часови денот го започнуваме со „energizers“. Првиот ден имавме задача каде сите учесници беа поделени во две групи од кои едната група имаше задача да оформи бизнис идеа и да проба да ја “продаде” идеата за одредено време. Другата група имаше задача да поставува прашања во врска со бизнис идеата на групата која што ја презентираше својата креација. На крајот на активноста имавме дебата и заклучок каде што ги воочивме нашите грешки со помош на тренерите. Исто така во текот на оваа размена ја посетивме Химелбит (Himmelbeet) градината. Името во превод е градина на облаците чија што првична идеа било градината да се изгради на врвот на некоја висококатница, но подоцна заради безбедносни причини таа била пренасочена на земјена површина. Во градината се одгледуваат билки и растенија кој секој може да ги купи. Секој производ е произведен органски односно не се употребувани никакви хемикалии во нивното производство. Исто така во оваа градина граѓаните од овој град имаат можност да изнајмат дел од површината на оваа градина каде

ERASMUS+ што сами ќе си садат производи. На вториот ден од курсот беше интеркултурната ноќ, каде што сите учесници си ја претставуваа својата држава. После презентациите на државите следуваше дегустација на храната. Секоја држава имаше припремени свои традиционални јадења. Ние имавме спремено Македонски традиционални и класични специјалитети исто така и десерти. Се тоа беше проследено со нашите најпознати пијалоци. После дегустацијата на храна се забавувавме и разговаравме за интересни факти за нашите држави. Во текот на овој проект имавме можност да се запознаеме повеќе со проблемите на руралните средини и како можеме да придонесеме во промовирањето. Следниот ден имавме предавање за Еразмус плус програмата, нејзината цел и нејзиниот досегашен успех. После презентацијата имавме активност во која сите бевме поделени во неколку групи чија што задача ни беше да напишеме проект кој подоцна ќе треба да го презентираме и да бидеме оценети од комисијата. Комисијата беше сочинета од младински работници од организацијата. Последниот ден беше ден наменет за лично кажување за тоа што нас ни беше позитивно а што негативно во текот на целиот проект. Организаторите и

тренерите беа многу креативни и нивната идеа за оценување беше многу уникатна. Тие поставија три садови на подот. Едниот од нив беше празен. Другите два беа полни од кој еден со вода а другиот со суви лисја. Поентата на оваа „игра“ беше за секоја добра работа на проектот да се додаде вода во празниот сад и да се се објасни што било добро на проектот. Сувите лисја ги означуваат негативните работи или работите кои би ги промениле. Секој имаше можност да го искаже своето мислење за проектот без разлика дали е позитивно или негативно. Откако секој учесник ќе завршеше со својот говор поминуваше пред сите присутни кои своите коментари ги пишуваа на мал лист хартија и ги оставаа во неговата чаша. На крајот секој имаше чаша полна со ливчиња кој беа испишани со убави зборови.На крајот на проектот имавме

церемонија која беше одржана во еден од блиските традиционални ресторани каде ни беа доделени нашите сертификати. И на крајот од проектот си отидовме со многу повеќе знаење и со многу нови пријатели. Секој се збогуваше од своите нови пријатели и го завршивме овој проект со многу нови цели во животот. Се надевам дека ќе ја имате таа можност да ја искусите можноста да отидете на некој од проектите кои навистина ги менуваат можностите и целите во животот. А доколку веќе сте биле на проект ја знаете таа убавина кога ќе се вратите дома со многу позитивни впечатоци и знаења. Јована Насева Стефан Кечовски Филип Кечовски



STEP FORWARD TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP My name is Omer and I am one of the lucky ones that got the chance to attend the Training Course “Step Forward to Entrepreneurship and Employability’’ which was held between 26 September – 2 October 2018 in Milicz, Lower Silesia region of Poland.

First thing I need to admit that training was very well

organized. The content was very interesting and the discussions were truly inspiring. I enjoyed the visual sessions a lot, they made the subject easy to understand. The main objectives of the training were to increase competencies of youth workers, leaders, mentors tutors working with EVS programme; to identify and explore the needs and interests of EVS volunteers related to employability and entrepreneurship as well as increasing entrepreneurial mindset. Another important aspect of training was to support networking and brainstorming ideas for new projects that might improve the quality of voluntary and EVS services. One day we visited local NGO’s, which are working with people with special needs. They work with kindergarten kids as well as with the grown-ups. There are so many different options available to ensure that people are continually evolving. Also I enjoyed the role plays activity that we had about creating new business ideas and then we reflect about it.


On the last day we did a presentation about our social entrepreneurship idea in front of jury and students; it was an amazing experience for me and for all my friends there. All the participants had a smooth communication and positive synergy with trainers. They were really experienced and well prepared for workshops. They also made very friendly atmosphere on the training and thanks of that group become really integrated. I’ve learned a lot from participants as well, some of them had big knowledge and they shared with us their experience. The most important part was that we already have an idea about our Social Entrepreneurship which shows how useful the training was. We are going to realize our project idea soon! I surely recommend this kind of trainings to all my colleagues and friends. I personally would love to attend future trainings which will take place in Macedonia or abroad. Omer Shabani


Volunteering in an elderLy house

421, this was the number of the bus that I was taking every Wednesday to the neighborhood of Keçiören – not very far, but also not near from the center of Ankara. When I got out from the bus I could reach the elderly house in 5 minutes. Between April – May 2017 I did my short term EVS in Turkey. Once a week I volunteered in the elderly house which was unique experience for me.

Every time when I went there I used to see some old

men who was sitting on the bench in front the house. On my very first day I joined him on the bench because I needed to wait for another volunteer. The name of the old man was Ahmet. He was very nice to me and although we could not understand each other he brought me a cup of tea. Since that meeting every time when I saw him he was giving me hugs and it made my days better, I believe he felt good too. The elderly house has a place for praying, eating and living room where seniors are watching television or having conversation. We usually played tavla (backgammon) while trying to have talks with them. Some of them due illness needed a care just like for children. But being with different people every time, also from foreigner countries makes their life in the house better. Also there was craft room where we were supposed to do activities but seniors usually they were too tired, so it was hard to involve them. But I remember one lady who loved doing crafts. She showed us her room and I was surprised of how talented and creative she is. She has made many handmade fridge magnets, the wall clock and many other things.

The other one was there for more than 4 years and she told me that she has 9 children. Imagine! Those ladies taught me how to knit and said that I also need to learn how to sew, so I can sew my ripped jeans (as one day I was wearing ripped jeans and they laughed a lot about my ”Macedonian fashion”). Every time I went to this elderly house, I felt very comfortable, because everyone was very kind. Starting from the people who live there, then the workers… they were all so friendly and helpful. So why to volunteer in an elderly house? Although you cannot do much for the seniors, at least you can give them your time, your smile and make their sometimes lonely days more cheerful. Because the little things in life can make huge difference. We are just not aware of it yet. Marijana Gavrilova

I had my two favorite ladies with whom I spend most of time in elderly house. One of them was new and she has been living there for 3-4 months only.




Times change and sometimes we do not realize that something that once fitted perfectly is currently out dated. We will agree that the current refugee system does not work. This was created after the Second World War to ensure that if a state fails citizens have another place to go. The international agreement was signed by 147 governments in the 1951 convention on the Statute of Refugees, which reciprocally agreed to admit people fleeing conflict into their territory.

UNHCR in 1997 recognized refugees

in cities and even after their recognition they are still denied international assistance. In addition to the economic problems they face challenges due to the lack of access to education, health and the language barrier. Humanitarian organizations focus mainly on formal settlement in rural areas but in 2017 urban refugees represented more than 60% of refugees worldwide. When leaving countries they do not leave behind skills and knowledge; if they are allowed to live a productive life they can help the development of the host country. The refugees want empowerment, not alms. Politicians tend to assume that refugees are a cost or an unavoidable burden for society, but that should not be the case.


OPINION The Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs Alexander Betts proposes 4 ways to transform the refugee paradigm: enabling environments, economic zones, preference matching and humanitarian visa. With favorable environments, we refer to opportunities for their collective human flourishing as access to capital, work and the global economy that allows them to develop. Most countries do not open their economic zones for refugees but there are pragmatic options that we can use. Countries could make the leap from middle income country to producer country thanks to the inclusion of refugees in their staff. With preference matching we mean that we rarely ask refugees what they want and where they want to go. If we ask the refugees for a list of countries they want to go to and for the countries a list of the profiles they want according to their language the refugees could attend to the needs and demands of the host populations and use their own talent. The Humanitarian Visa have already been used in countries with a pioneering approach like Brazil; 2000 Syrians obtained humanitarian visas and asked for refugee status upon arrival in the country. Much of the tragedy and chaos that we have seen and seen in Europe was totally avoidable. The problem lies in a contradiction in European asylum policies. To seek asylum in Europe, people have to arrive spontaneously embarking on those dangerous trips on boats where 45,700 asylum seekers and migrants arrived on European coasts in the first half of 2018. Why do that in an era of economic flights? Just by allowing them to travel directly and seek asylum in Europe we would avoid the tragedies and deaths in the Mediterranean. With humanitarian visas this could be achieved. The humanitarian visa allows people to request a visa at an embassy or consulate and pay for the trip by plane or ferry to Europe. Allowing this to the refugees would save lives, weaken the smuggling market and eliminate the chaos that we see in southern Europe. Uganda is an exceptional example of a host country. Uganda has given refugees economic opportunities, freedom of movement, right to work and the results are incredible. In the Capital, Kampala 21% of refugees have a business with another employee and 40% of these employees are natives of the host country. Migration will not disappear, people will continue to be displaced and we have to find rational and realistic ways of managing it not based on the old logic of charity but building opportunities offered by globalization, the development of markets and mobility. Ana Fernandez Hernandez



ЕВС ХЕРОИТЕ НА ДЕНЕШНИЦАТА „Ако не ти се допаѓа каде си-ПОМРДНИ СЕ! Не си дрво!“ Тоа е само една од квотите што ми се допаѓа и е во потполност со една од целите на Еразмус+ програмата: Мобилност.

Низ годините преку учество на различни проекти

имав можност да ја сфатам важноста на мобилноста за протокот на информации и размената на најдобрите искуства. Луѓето остваруваат контакти, соработки, учат и се здобиваат со сосема нови вештини за светот кој постојано се менува и има се поголеми побарувања. Сепак јас верувам дека еден од најголемите предизвици кои мобилноста ги става пред нас е соочувањето со себе си. Тоа значи да се биде свесен до каде си, твојата почетна позиција, да најдеш начини да се подобриш себе си и најдоброто-до каде сакаш да стигнеш и во која насока да се движиш. Според мене се на светот функционира совршено, како што треба па сепак се усовршува, подобрува, се надградува и прилагодува на промената. Лично јас бев отсутен од дома на една година за време на војниот рок, без зона на комфорт, постојано запознавање и склопување пријателства, сам со своето расудување, учиш постојано, ги „преживуваш“ деновите како најдобро знаеш и умееш, немаш време за губење туку гледаш да го искористиш најдобро што можеш. А Европскиот Волонтерски Сервис нуди многу повеќе, оној долгорочниот, 6-12 месеци поминати во мултикултурна средина, нови луѓе, различни култури, локални обичаи и јазици што треба да се научат.



Секогаш кога се изразуваме на друг јазик ние сме како други личности: преродени, начинот на размислување е сосема друг, мозокот функционира поинаку од обично, а притоа внесуваш многу повеќе свесност и труд во тоа. тоа е одличен почеток, нели? Нови личности запознаваш секојдневно, наидуваш на различни ситуации што бараат поинакви решенија. Како координатор, ментор и пријател на моите ЕВС волонтери потполно сум свесен за фазите низ кои тие минуваат. Затоа и секогаш се внесувам себе си целосно, да бидам секогаш тука за нив со значајни совети и насоки кои ќе им помогнат. Овие млади луѓе кои доаѓаат и заминуваат, тие се моите ХЕРОИ НА ДЕНЕШНИЦАТА, на сосема новиот свет кој доаѓа и промените што ќе се случуваат. Тие ја имаат визијата за насоките во кои Светот ќе се движи на различни полиња од образование, глобално поврзување, технологии, пријателства. Се разбира, иако не е тоа сосема јасна визија сепак тие тоа го осознаваат, интуитивно кое секогаш постои кога сме со отворен ум. Тие можат да бидат неуспешни и 100 пати па сепак веднаш застануваат на нозе со насмевка и ентузијазам и чекорат повторно по патот кој го избрале. На тој начин ние можеме да го менуваме светот: кога се менуваме себе си, учиме, се подобруваме, го покажуваме сопствениот пример и го споделуваме без зборови, тивко, а сепак влијаеме на туѓите животни патишта. И кога тоа доаѓа искрено, директно од срцето дури и Универзумот го прифаќа и поддржува. Отсекогаш се восхитував на нивната храброст да се преселат, да дојдат од далечни места, а на нас

овде ни изгледа како да доаѓаат од скоро крајната граница на Европа. Навистина, имам посетено некои од нивните родни места, 2-3 часа со авион од овде, некогаш и повеќе од 24 часа патување до таму. Но обидете се да се ставите во нивната ситуација: за нив Македонија е секако истото, на другата страна од географската карта. Истото се однесува и за нашите локални волонтери кои ги испраќаме во странство. Со информациите за местото на престој, активностите и контактите од таму тие ги пакуваат своите куфери и едноставно излегуваат на терен, ја прифаќаат играта со искра во нивните погледи, желни за нови знаења и да го извлечат најдоброто од нивниот волонтерски сервис. Јас сум навистина среќен и задоволен како личност. Колку од луѓето денес имаат можност да го поминат своето време во дружба со своите херои? Работиме, се смееме и забавуваме, патуваме и заеднички учиме како да станеме подобри и спремни за она што не очекува. Влијаеме взаемно, едни на други. И никогаш не се збогуваме. Со нашите соработки, пријателства и поврзување ние го правиме секој ќош од светот како да е соседство, едноставен пристап за доаѓање. Па така никогаш не знаеш кога ќе го испиеш наредното кафе некаде во соседството и ќе зборувате за старите добри времиња, како сте биле тогаш и какви сте станале сега. А прегратките и насмевките се секогаш бесплатни. Горан Галабов



Experience as A big sister In this interview I would like to bring you an experience of one of my photo models: Hanna – Liis. We met in August 2015 at Tartu Dome Church ruins, next to the supreme court. I remember it very clearly because that was the only season when I used my favorite camera Nikon F5. During the setup of the photo shoot we had a conversation, about her experience of volunteering in a program called “Big brother, Big sister”.

Tell me who you are, what do you do, what are your

hobbies and passion? My name is Hanna - Liis and I am 26 years old. I am currently working at the Police and Border Guard, where I am in the southern prefecture Tartu Police Department Prevention and Procedures Department operational group as a junior investigator. I also have duties at the University of Tartu, where I am studying to get my Master’s Degree in IT Law. When stress and tension begins to overwhelm me, I sit quietly at home and watch my favorite TV show while crocheting at the same time – toys in “amigur” style. Other hobbies I have is modeling, tennis and snowboarding, but at the moment I don’t have time for those. You mentioned the big brothers big sister at that time. How did you hear about it and why did you join? I joined the project “Big brother, Big sister” at the university. I don’t recall the year, but my acquaintance shared information about it on Facebook. I felt at that moment, that something is missing from my life and I have to offer some act of goodness. The project has many children, who are being bullied and don’t have friends, or have been neglected by people around them. Often they are left out and nobody has time for them. Since I was also bullied at a younger age, I myself would have had great joy over having somebody who would have listened me and helped me. Even for a moment, to get out of the negativity. So through this program I found that I could support someone who really needs it. How was application process like to become big sister? If I remember correctly, the first thing was the information seminar for everybody who had interest for the project. We were told what to expect and which things we should consider. Each volunteer had to explain why they want to join and submit a letter of motivation. Once suitable volunteers were selected, we all received forms, and based on that we chose the younger brother or sister. When a man chose a friend on the form, he could only choose among boys, but woman had the opportunity to choose between boys and girls.


What are the most important qualities for a person who is suitable to be a big brother or a big sister? In my opinion, the volunteer should have great empathy. Since we are older and we see the world as it is, it may happen that we don’t understand the problems of our younger friends. We must understand that a younger friend comes from another environment, and their troubles are very important no matter how insignificant they may seem to us. Today, all of us have very fast pace of life, but for a younger brother or sister, being with a new friend may be the highlight of the week. If you have promised to be an big sister or a brother, then you need to create a relationship of trust. One of the necessary bases is finding time and keeping the promises. A little friend needs help from someone who brings sun to their day and throws away thr rain clouds that have been bothered them for a long time.

interview How long have you been involved in this project? It was somewhere 5 years ago. Today I’m still in the volunteers rows, but unfortunately I haven’t contributed for three years. I was big sister for one boy who was 6 years old and the youngest child of the project. This boy was special in many ways. He lived in an orphanage, where nobody didn’t care or pay attention to what he needed. He had several mental disorders, which made it difficult to understand his mindset. I was a big sister to this young boy for over a period of more than 1,5 years until my life changed and I was no longer able to help out. I had to admit that I must first handle my own issues and I will not be able to deal with two lives. As a result, I had to put an end to the existing relationship with him and focus on myself. After that, I haven’t had a younger sister or brother, and today I have no time to step back in this path. How popular is this project in Estonia? When I joined the project, I had not met too many people who were aware of this project. Today, when new people took over the project, I think awareness has risen. Today is better defined for whom we are and why. There are also lots of events where people are raised awareness and through it, the project involves more volunteers. I hope that the popularity will rise with years more and more! Talk about your personal experiences with this project? My experience with the project was versatile. I committed myself to be there for someone. But at the same time, I didn’t understand how heavy will be the burden that fell on me. In fact, I didn’t have previous experience or education in which I would have understood the mindset of children with mental disorders. Because of my own ignorance and inexperience, it often happened that I didn’t know how to deal with the behavior and mood of my younger brother in the public room. I was supposed to be his great role model, big sister. My greatest joy was the moments when I went to visited him. He was waiting for me in the window and shouted when he saw me, that his friend had come. This emotion was so sincere and he always ran to me and gave me a big hug he was so proud that I was his friend. Such situations made my heart very warm. Since my younger brother was 6-7 years old at the time of our communication, most of the meetings were held on a playground. What have you learned from this experience since you spent time with your little brother? I learned from this experience that even thought I was bullied, I have been very lucky in life. I have a mother and a father who find time for me. Yes, they may not always understand my concerns, but I can rely on them. Unfortunately, everybody does not always have the

confidence to trust anyone. I consider the project to be important because everyone needs a friend to suport him. Sometimes one good friend can change someone’s life forever! What advice would you give to a person who is considering starting volunteering in this program? My recommendation is to think hard about why you want to join the project. If you decide to be a role model and emotional support for someone, you need to commit to it. Their expectations are to have you as part of their life. As a friend who is not someone you forget and leave when life is fast. I am glad that this project exists and I am so thankful for the people that are doing this kind of difficult, but thankful awarding work. I would have needed this kind of friend when I was young. Reason why I introduced “Big brother, Big sister” -project to you, is a secret hope to inspire your dear reader to become inspired by it and to take part of this or similar programs. http://www.bbbs.org

Madis –Siim Kull



To all of you #FootballPeople From the 11th till the 25th of October 2018 the global movement of the FARE network, #FootballPeople was taking place all around the world. In these weeks the action was to challenge all forms of discrimination, promote sport values and make and celebrate the fact that football is a game for all, regardless of who we are, where we are from or what do we believe in. The aim of movement is to raise awareness and tackle discrimination, make a social change through a unified action in football and to develop and try out ideas in practice that challenge exclusion.

Volunteers Centre Skopje this year

was part of the action weeks and together with its partners managed to organize two events. The first one was a football match with 14 to 18 years olds from different social and ethnical background. There was a high spirit in all of the participants and there were some new teams formed for some next games and tournaments. In fact there were a few teams that played a mini tournament between them and because there were some of their professors from the high school were they were studying they got to play against them as well. The best team got a small reward that was shared within all the players. As part of the football weeks VCS organized a forum theatre in which a class of high school students as well as some volunteers were acting out two different scenarios that involved discrimination and nationalism. The forum theatre enables everyone to take part and give their own take on the situation. We put in front of them a situation that maybe they have witnessed already or have been a part of and wanted them to see how they can actually change the flow of events and how they can make a difference. On this event there was also a photographer present from the FARE network that was able to witness the whole event and left with a sensation of wanting to have to work with youngsters again.


The #FootballPeople weeks is supported by numerous clubs, including all of the Champions League clubs both in male and female competition as well as the UEFA Europa League clubs. Also it is supported by some of the top football players in the world such as Marco Verrati, Ivan Rakitic, Iker Casillas and many more. The Macedonian national team also supports the action weeks with a presentation of it on the screen of the stadium during the UEFA Nations League match between Macedonia and Liechtenstein on the 13 of October 2018. Volunteers Centre Skopje is proud to have taken part in the action weeks and being able to organize these events. The way that through a local event and initiative you can make a global change is one of the best ways we can make a change in people’s minds about what is going on around them. Support the action weeks, play football and make a better world. Andrej Naumovski



ВИНАТА НЕ Е ВО ПЛАСТИЧНИТЕ КЕСИ ШТО ЛУЃЕТО НЕ ЗНААТ ДА РЕЦИКЛИРААТ Уште од 1950 година кога е започнато масовното производство на пластика човештвото произведе 8,5 билиони тони на различни пластични производи. Чисто за споредба со животинскиот свет, еден афрички слон тежи 6 tona. Значи приближно досега имаме создадено пластика колку што тежат 1 333 333 слонови.

И каде и да заминете во светот невозможно е

да сработите нешто без пластика. Овие „паметни средства“ се сокриени на места за кои дури и не помислувате. Дури и вашата (не)пластична чашка за кафе што ви ја нудат е исто така една „слатка“ лага. Да претпоставиме дека имате дрвен материјал и сакате нешто да создадете од него и што ќе ви биде потребно за тоа? Пластични и слични материјали бидејќи без различни бои, лепак и сл. продукти не можете да ја завршите работата. Ова значи дека и карбонските чаши секогаш содржат некаков вид на пластика. Се разбира дека ова е темата на векот, каде и да отидете луѓето зборуваат за рециклирање и како мора да создадеме повеќе продукти што не се штетни за средината. Меѓутоа проблемот е во тоа што не ги согледуваме реално работите. Пластиката во суштина е ефтина, многу погодна и лесно приспособлива во секоја прилика. Се добива како спореден продукт при производството на фосилните горива и нејзината побарувачка на светско ниво е


само 4% од вкупното производство на капацитетите од нафтената преработка. Проблемот се појавува кога пластичните производи ги фрламе во природа од каде практично никогаш не исчезнува. Се распаѓа на постни состојки, микро пластика, што во суштина е безопасно. Проблематична станува кога влегува во водите и се поврзува со останатите отрови. Сигурно сите сте виделе слики од животни што остануваат заробени од пластиката. Илјадници морски животни и птици умираат годишно заробени од пластиката или од проголтаната во нивниот желудник. Според една неодамнешна студија најголемиот дел од пластичен отпад доаѓа од 10 реки кои се наоѓаат во Африка и Азија. Па затоа едно од можните решенија е да се започне со управување со отпадот и контолиран проток на материјали во овие земји. Дури и да е некој корисен продукт ние сме премногу навикнати на него. Некогаш дури и не можете да забележите некои бесмислени начини за користење на пластиката, како во северна Европа каде што и нема многу пазари за свежо овошје и зеленчук, а сепак ако купите пиперчиња

topic of the month на парче тие се врзани со пластична врвка. Тие си имаат своја која е доволно цврста, како бананите. Можете да купите и колачиња, а кога ќе ја отворите кутијата ќе најдете внатре уште едно пластично пакување, внатре во основното кое е од пластика. Се разбира, кога се работи за храна, за доброто на хигиената важно е да се има добро пакување иако тоа може многу да се сведе на МИНИМУМ. Други значајни извори на пластика се транспортот и текстилната индустрија, од каде произлегува третина од проблемот. Секогаш ни е потребен нов дизајн на производот па така големо количество микро пластика доаѓа од гумите, патиштата, боите за бродови и текстилот. Исто така една од најжешките теми во медиумите е козметиката и како треба да се отфрли микро пластиката која се употребува за истата, што би бил значаен чекор напред. Сепак само 2% од проблемот на микро пластика во водите отпаѓа на козметиката. Иако е само капка во океанот сепак се брои. Едно од можните решенија за овој светски проблем на рециклирање е употребата на био разградлива пластика. Изгледа човештвото е на мислење дека тоа е подобар материјал кој може да се фрли во природа бидејќи полесно се разградува. Сепак во природата не би требало да фрламе ама баш ништо. Био разградлива пластика значи пластика произведена од растителен или животински материјал но проблемот е што за производство потребни се материјали од храната, што не е исплатливо само за да се произведе био пластика, што на крајот пак би се разградила на некој начин како и обичната пластика. Така да микро пластиката е повторно проблем во природата. Па затоа следниот пат кога ќе одите да купите зеленчук на пазар имајте на ум дека можете да го спакувате во иста ќеса после мерењето. И секогаш кога ќе имате место во ранецот или торбата може да кажете НЕ на продавачите кога ќе ви понудат ќеса за продуктите. Не се водите според луѓето кои фрлаат отпад било каде дури и ако е само гума за џвакање во прашање. Промените доаѓаат од поединците и вие може да се приклучите кон промената. Малите дела заедно прават разлика и само така заедно може да придонесеме за почиста околина. Но исто така не заборавајте дека пластиката не е единствениот непријател. Тоа е нашето нерециклирање на истата. Затоа немојте да ја мразите пластикатаРЕЦИКЛИРАЈТЕ ја! Селина Ниеми Translator: Goran Galabov https://medium.com/@johannakohvakka/hyv%C3%A4-paha-muovi-aaa414dd58b9 https://www.aamulehti.fi/maailma/maapallon-muoviongelma-ei-helpota-ihminen-on-valmistanut-jo-83-miljardia-tonnia-muoveja-jatuotantotahti-vain-kiihtyy-200274297


Winter is coming, it’s the most difficult period for the stray dogs and cats in Macedonia. Activists from Saving Macedonian Strays organisation are doing their best to take animals from the streets, cure them, feed them and find new home. VCS also cares about our small friends so we are going to collect food, blankets for dogs and cats that live in shelter in Veles. Even small package of food matters. You can bring the food and other supplies to the VCS office (Emil Zola 3/3-1) between 9am – 5pm from Monday till Friday. The collection lasts till 23nd November. Thank you for your help and support!

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