2012 OCTOBER Free
Do you see people with
Dear readers and respected volunteers Welcome to the October edition of the VOICES magazine! For this month edition we prepared one very sensitive subject, we are tackling the issue of the people with fewer opportunities, especially the people with physical obstacles… We think that this category of people deserves even more attention from the youth population,
so we will try to continue with the awareness, which we started with this edition of the magazine… In the month of October, we also welcome the newest EVS volunteer in VCS, from Czech Republic, Ramona Sanigova, or like she wants us to call her Rami… Welcome to the EVS adventure!!!:)
We hope you will enjoy the October edition of the magazine… Soon the rain will start, so find yourself a nice and warm place, make yourself a hot chocolate and start to read the magazine…
Драги читатели и почитувани волонтери Добредојдовте во октомвриското издание на ВОИСЕС магазинот! За ова издание на магазинот ви подготвивме една многу чуствителна тема, каде што зборуваме за луѓето со помалку можности, особено луѓето со физичка попреченост... Ние мислиме дека оваа категорија на граѓани заслужува уште повеќе внимание од страна на младата популација, така да ние ќе се потрудиме да го задржиме
вниманието, кое го покренавме со ова издание на магазинот... Во месецот октомври, ние исто така и посакавме добредојде на најновата ЕВС волонтерка во ВЦС од Чешката Република, Рамона Санигова, или како што таа посакува да ја именуваме Рами... Добредојде во ЕВС авантурата!!! Се надеваме дека ќе уживате во октомвриското издание
на магазинот... Наскоро дождливите денови ќе започнат, така да најдете си удобно и топло место, направете си топло чоколадо и почнете со листањето на магазинот...
Street accessible for all
”The Golden Paralympian“ Nakovska-Bikova
Paralympic Games
School and special needs in Republic of Macedonia
Falling in love and love
No limbs no problems
Variety is the spice of life
Why should we help handicap people
When impossible becomes possible
Rainbow Rose
Daily fight for a normal life
How to surmount the handicap
The importance of believing in yourself
Youth Exchange ‘Gamestorming’
By Sarah Bastable
By Vesna Kiradjieva
By Alexandra Bogoevska By Jasmina Romanova By David Trajkovski
By Dzaner Shengjuler
By Victoria Mastralina By Raphaël Bonnet By Raphaël Bonnet
By Dragan Lazeski and Monika Ashtalkoska By Pablo Smith
By Nacera Dahes
By Dzaner Shengjuler
VOICES TEAM: Aleksandra Bogoevska David Trajkovski Dragan Lazeski Dzaner Shengjuler Ilona Olehlova Jasmina Romanova Monika Ashtalkoska Nacéra Dahes Pablo Smith Raphaël Bonnet
Robin Sarels Sanja Paunovska Sarah Bastable Vesna Kiradjieva Victoria Matraslina Tanja Zlateva Katerina Stojanova Bojana Nikolovska Ramona Sanigova
Production & Coordination: Nikola Stankoski Gjoko Vukanovski Contact: Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3-2/3, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk
by Sarah Bastable
he first law in France about accessibility of public spaces for disabled appeared in 2005. It was about the creation of communal commissions in every city counting more than 5 000 inhabitants. Disabled, include all person having physical or psychological disabilities or people with reduced mobility capacity: wheel chair, broken leg, stroller, pregnant, elderly, blind, deaf, and illiterate or tourist who doesn’t understand the language. The French politic of « Accessibility for all » aims to adapt progressively the public environment to all the population in order for everyone to participate fully to the social, educative, cultural and professional life, but also to fight against exclusion, isolation and any kind of discrimination. It is a question of equity. The French plan « Accessibility for all » has an aim of mean but also a goal of results. For example, by the year 2015 every French public establishment and every public transport will have to be adapted in order to fit with the new standards of accessibility. For street planning there is no deadline, but there is the obligation, for every new project to follow the rules of « Accessibility for all ». These very strict rules are about the width of sidewalks, the maximum percentage of the slopes, the minimum height under sign panels, the maximum height of projections, the width of parking places etc.
I work in an engineering office in France and I made several projects about street planning’s. Every new project we draw has to include all these rules. It is sometimes very challenging as soon as we cannot widen the existing streets which are sometime very narrow. But in the meantime, it is interesting to try to think the town differently and imagining a new organization of the circulation between cars and pedestrian. Nowadays, the biggest problem is that the cities are built around cars. And projects taking into account the rules of « Accessibility for all » are almost all the time criticized by the drivers. But drivers are also pedestrian, with children, grandparents and they finally catch the positive point of these facilities. But we mustn’t forget that accessibility is also a job of every day for everyone. Even with perfect street facilities, the trashes, illegal car park, coffee terrace disturb the continuity of the sidewalk. Let’s pay attention!
by of everyone, just re a c e th is is h T France, by the in t a th t c fa e more considering th out of 3 will be n o rs e p 1 , 0 5 year 20 old. than 60 years
igji i parë në Francë në lidhje me përshtatshmërinë e hapësirëve publike për aftësitë e kufizuara u nxori në vitin 2005. Ai ishte në lidhje me krijimin e komisioneve komunale në çdo qytet që ka më shumë se 5000 banorë. Me aftësi të kufizuara përfshihen të gjithë njerëz që kanë aftësi të kufizuara fizike ose psikologjike apo njerëz me aftësi të zvogëluar për lëvizje: këmbë të thyer, endacak, shtatzënë, të mosuarit, të verbër, shurdh ose ndonjë turist i cili nuk e kupton gjuhën. Politika franceze e <<Përshtatshmëri për të gjithë>> synon pak nga pak të përshtatet mjedisin për të gjithë popullsinë, të marrin pjesë në jetën shoqërore, edukative, kulturore dhe profesionale, por edhe për të luftuar kundër përjashtimit, izolimit dhe kundër çdo lloj diskriminimi. Kjo është një pyetje rreth objektivitetit. Për shembull, nga viti 2015 çdo institucion publik francez dhe çdo transport publik duhet të jetë përshtatshëm me standardet për përshtatshmëri. Për planifikimin e rrugës nuk ka afat, por ka një obligim, për çdo projekt të ri të ndjeken rregullat e <<Përshtatshmëri për të gjithë>>. Këto rregulla të rrepta janë për gjerësia e trotuareve, përqindja maksimale e shpateve, lartësia minimale nën shenjë panele, lartësia maksimale e projeksioneve, gjëresia e vendeve për parketimi etj. Unë punoj në një zyrë inxhinering në Francë dhe kam bërë disa projekte në lidhje me planifikimin e rrugës. Çdo projekt i ri që ne e vizatojmë duhet t’i përfshijë të gjitha këto rregulla. Ndonjëherë është shumë e vështirë, aq e vështirë që nuk mund të zgjerohen rrugët ekzistuese të cilat janë shumë të ngushta. Sot problemi më i madh është se qytetet janë ndërtuar rreth makineve. Dhe projektet duke marrë parasysh për rregullat e <<Përshtatshmëri për të gjithë>> janë pothuajse gjithë kohën e kritikuar nga ana e shoferët. Por shoferët gjithashtu janë këmbësore, me fëmijët,gjyshërit dhe në fund edhe ata e kuptojnë pika pozitive. Por ne nuk duhet të harrojmë se përshtatshmëria është gjithashtu një punë e çdo ditë për të gjithë. Edhe me rrugat e përsosura, mbeturinat, autoparqet ilegale, ballkonet për kafe prishen trotuarët. Le të kushtojmë vëmendje!
by Sarah Bastable Translated by Katerina Stojanova
Ky është kujdesi i të gjitëve, duke pasur parasysh se në Francë nga viti 2050, një nga tre persona do të ketë më shumë se 60 vjeç.
by Vesna Kiradjieva hortly after the London Olympics started the Paralympics. Republic of Macedonia had two representatives: Olivera Nakovska - Bikova and Vanco Karanfilov, both in archery. And if the 2004 Paralympics in Athens were marked for Vanco Karanfilov, this Olympic year is marked for Nakovska - Bikova. She delighted the Macedonian public with a gold medal and world record.
livera Nakovska - Bikova penned golden pages in the history of the Macedonian sport after she won the greatest award at the Paralympic Games in London. Macedonian representative won first place in archery, in the discipline air pistol from a distance of 10 meters once dominated throughout the competition day. Nakovska - Bikova first was fantastic during qualifying, managing to set a new world record by achieving the 381 circles. This broad an open doors to success, and the Macedonian representative acting safely in the final, where she score 94.7 circles and insure the first place finishing the tournament with a gold medal on her chest. Thus, Olivera Nakovska Bikova crowned her great career after two previous Paralympic Games narrowly made it to the medal. Olivera Nakovska - Bikova specializes in air pistol. At the Beijing Paralympics, she won fifth place, and four years earlier in Athens, was sixth in the final. Unfortunately, Nakovska - Bikova and Vanco Karanfilov failed to qualify for the final in mixed doubles
50-meter air pistol that was their last discipline of the Paralympic Games in London. In qualifying Nakovska - Bikova placed 17th place with 515 circles, while Karanfilov 27th place with 492 circles. For place in the final, the Macedonian shooters had to hit at least 531 circles. However, this is a huge success for the entire nation and an incentive for every young person to encourage them to give their best because with hard work, success is inevitable, regardless of the obstacles along the way. Our national representatives are proof for that, as well as all other Paralympic officials who defy their handicap and instead of complaining about "their poor lives", they bravely walk toward the top and victory. Nakovska - Bikova announces her participation on the POG in Rio, 4 years from now, this time with even more preparation than before, since now she have strong financial support from the MOC, the Agency for Youth and Sports, The city of Bitola, but also, the Macedonian public. We look forward to her further competitions and successes, and we wish her to have more of it.
Весна Кираџиева
епосредно по завршувањето на Олимписките игри, во Лондон започна Параолипијадата. На неа, и Република Македонија имаше свои претставници: Оливера Наковска –Бикова и Ванчо Каранфилов и двајцата во стрелаштво. И, ако 2004 на Параолимпијадата во Атина беше година на Ванчо Каранфилов, оваа олимписка година е во знакот на Наковска – Бикова. Таа ја израдува македонската јавност со златен медал и светски рекорд.
мено, Оливера Наковска Бикова испиша златни страници во историјата на македонскиот спорт откако се закити со најсјајното одличје на Параолимписките игри во Лондон. Македонската репрезентативка го освои првото место во стрелаштво, дисциплина воздушен пиштол од растојание од 10 метри откако доминираше во текот на целиот натпреварувачки ден. Наковска - Бикова најпрвин беше фантастична во текот на квалификациите, успевајќи да постави нов светски рекорд со остварувањето од 381 круг. Тоа широко и ги отвори вратите кон успехот, па македонската репрезентативка делуваше сигурно и во финалето, каде што со резултат од 94,7 кругови го осигура првото место и го заврши натпреварувањето со златен медал на градите. Со тоа, Оливера Наковска Бикова ја круниса својата одлична кариера, откако на претходните две Параолимписки игри за малку не стигна до медал. Оливера Наковска - Бикова е специјалист за воздушен пиштол. На Параолимпијадата во Пекинг таа го освои петтото место, а четири години претходно, во Атина, беше шеста во финалето. За жал, Наковска - Бикова и Ванчо Каранфилов не успеаја да се квалификуваат во финалето во мешани двојки 50 метри воздушен пиштол што беше нивна последна дисциплина на Параолимписките игри во Лондон. Во квалификациите Наковска - Бикова се пласираше на 17-то место со 515 кругови, додека Каранфилов на 27-то место со погодени 492 кругови. За пласман во финалето, македонските стрелачи требаше да погодат најмалку 531 кругови.Сепак, ова е огромен успех за целата нација и поттик за секој млад човек да се охрабри да даде се од себе бидејќи со напорна работа, успехот е неизбежен, без разлика на пречките на патот. Доказ за тоа се и нашите репрезентативци, но и сите останати параолимписки претставници, кои му пркосат на својот хендикеп и наместо да жалат за “лошата судбина“ храбро газат кон врвот и победата. Наковска – Бикова го најавува своето учество и на ПОИ во Рио за 4 години од сега, овој пат со уште подобри подготовки од порано, со оглед на тоа што сега има силна финансиска подршката од МОК, Агенцијата за Млади и спорт, градот Битола, но и од целата македонска јавност. Со нетрпение ги очекуваме нејзините понатамошни натпревари и успеси, а и посакуваме да ги има што повеќе.
PARAOLYMPICS GAMES by Aleksandra Bogoevska
The Paralympic Games is a major internationally known sport event in which athletes with any kind of physical and intellectual disability are encouraged to participate.
n 1948 Ludwig Guttmann organized a sport competition for the veterans who had been injured in World War 2. This competition was the forerunner for the Paralympic Games. Afterwards a similar event was organized in Toronto, Canada in which different disability groups took part and the idea of disabled people participating in athletic sports was a huge success. In 1988 in Seoul, South Korea the Paralympic Games started right after the Olympic Games; and both winter and summer paralympic games have remained to be held immediately following the Olympic Games. The name Paralympic derives from the Greek “para” which means “beside” or “alongside”, referring to the parallel time in which both these and Olympic Games are held. This event is governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). The IPC organizes the Paralympic Games and functions as the international federation for nine sports. It was founded on 22 September 1989 in Düsseldorf, Germany
and its mission is: “To enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world.” The number of athletes participating in these games is significantly increasing. In the Summer Games the number of disabled people competing has raised from 400 athletes in 1960 to 3800 athletes in 2004. Both the Summer and the Winter Paralympic Games are the biggest international competitions for athletes with disabilities. The athletes participating must complete the qualifying standards in order to compete. These people, regardless of their disabilities, have found a way to succeed. Everybody should be amazed with the amount of determination needed to achieve sporting results in different disciplines. These heroes are fighting to accomplish the Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius"-"Swifter, Higher, Stronger". And their efforts should serve as an example, inspiration and motivation, not only for the disabled people, but for everyone.
These heroes are fighting to accomplish the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” ”Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.
ПАРАОЛИМПИСКИ ИГРИ Александра Богоевска
Параолимписките игри се најголемиот и најпознатиот интернационален спортски натпревар во кој учествуваат атлетичари со посебни потреби.
овредени во втората светска војна. Овој настан претставува предвесник за Параолимписките Игри. Подоцна сличен натпревар се организирал во Торонто, Канада во којшто учествувале различни групи на вакви луѓе; со што оваа идеја доживеала голем успех. Во 1988 во Сеул,Северна Кореја, Параолиписките Игри започнале непосредно после Олимписките Игри; и од тогаш и летните и зимските Параолимписки Игри продолжиле да се одржуваат по Олимписките. Името Параолимписки доаѓа од грчкиот збор “para” кој значи “покрај” или “паралелно”, што се однесува на паралелното време во кое се одржуваат Олимписките и Параолимписките Игри. Со овој настан раководи Интернационалниот Параолимписки Комитет (ИПЦ). ИПЦ ги организира Игрите и функционира како интернационална федерација за девет спортови. Бил основан на 22 септември, 1989 година во Диселдорф, Германија и неговата мисија е: “Да им овозможи на атлетичарите со посебни потреби да постигнат спортско совршенство, и да го инспирираат и возбудат светот.” Бројот на натпреварувачи кои учествуваат на овие игри значајно се зголемува. Бројот на учесници на Летните Игри се зголемил од 400 учесници во 1960 година, на 3800 учесници во 2004 година во Атина. Летните и Зимските Параолимписки Игри се најголемиот интернационален натпревар за ваквите атлетичари. Натпреварувачите кои учествуваат мора да исполнат одредени стандарди за да се квалификуваат. Овие луѓе, и покрај нивните тешкотии, пронашле начин да успеат. Сите треба да бидеме воодушевени од количеството на упорност и желба кое го имаат за да постигнат добри резултати. Овие херои се борат за да го исполнат Олимпиското мото: “Citius, Altius, Fortius” - ”Побрзо, Повисоко, Посилно”. Нивниот труд треба да служи за пример, инспирација и мотивација, и тоа не само за тие како нив, туку за сите.
ave s students h d e e n l ia c Spe ights ducation r e e m a s nts. the her stude t o e h t ll as a
hat are children and youth with special needs? They are those children and youth who have eye disorders, hearing disorders, psychical development disorders, autism, physical disability, children and youth with multi handicap and as well as gifted students. Their education is implemented in special institutions and schools, but also in the regular schools in the same or in a different classes. The curriculum is adapted to the students needs, according to the type and the level of disabilities. Also, special needs students have the same education rights as all the other students, according to their possibilities, needs and interests. A very small number of schools in Republic of Macedonia are successful in including the children and youth with special needs into the regular schools, in other words in accomplishing better results in their socialization and in gaining basic habits. But, when we talk about making them literate, increasing the education level, as well as overcoming the educational contents, the results are unsatisfying. There is a
big percentage of schools without skilled employees who are supposed to work with this children and youth. A small number of schools have the necessary materials and technical equipment. Because the students are studying in big classes, there is no opportunity for individual work with them, there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t any special teaching method or evaluation. The parents and co-students are usually full of prejudices and resistance towards special children and youth, so they are not well accepted in the school environment. According to the results of the national attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research, 30 % of the children and youth with special needs are not finishing primary school. If we want to overcome this problems, it is necessary to include the children and youth with special needs into the regular schools, but also the schools should be equipped with special equipment, teachers should be trained to work with children and youth with special needs, to collaborate with team of experts such as special education teacher, pedagogue, psychologist and social worker and with the parents of the students.
by Jasmina Romanova
Jасмина Романова
а кои деца и млади велиме дека имаат посебни потреби? Тоа се оние деца и млади кои имаат оштетен вид, оштетен слух, пречки во психичкиот развој, аутизам, телесен инвалидитет, деца и млади со мултихендикеп, како и надарените ученици. За нив образованието може да се одвива во посебни установи и училишта, но и во редовните училишта во исти или посебни класови. Курикулумот во училиштата е прилагоден на потребите на учениците, во зависност од видот и степенот на попреченост. Исто така, учениците со посебни потреби имаат исти права за образование како и сите други ученици, во зависнот од нивните можности, потреби и интереси. Многу мал дел од училиштата во Република Македонија постигнуваат добри резулатати со вклучувањето на децата и младите со посебни потреби во редовните училишта, односно дека се постигнати добри резултати во однос на нивната социјализација и стекнувањето на основни навики. Но во однос на описменувањето, подигањето на образовното ниво, како и во однос на совладувањето на наставните содржини, резулатите се незадоволителни. Огромен е
процентот на училишта во кои нема доволно стручен кадар кој треба да работи со овие деца. Мал дел од училиштата располагаат со соодветни материјали и техничка опрема. Бидејќи се вклучуваат во големи одделенија, нема можност за индивидуална работа со нив, ниту пак постои посебен метод на работа и начин за оценување. Родителите и соучениците најчесто се полни со предрасуди и отпор, па децата со посебни потреби не се добро прифатени во училишната средина. Сите овие негативни карактеристики придонесуваат за образовна ексклузија. Според истражувањето на народниот правобранител, дури 30 % од децата и младите со посебни потреби не завршуваат основно образование. За да се надминат овие проблеми, потребно е да се направи вклучување на децата со посебни потреби во редовните училишта, но за таа цел потребно е училиштата да имаат посебна опрема, наставниците да се оспособени за работа со деца со посебни потреби, да соработуваат со стручен тим составен од дефектолог, педагог, психолог и социјален работник и со родителите на учениците.
FALLING IN LOVE AND LOVE by David Trajkovski
“A true love never tires or wanes but is with us always, like our blood, our breath. I shall never weary of that brow, nor those grey, wistful eyes.” Abelard to Heloise
t the beginning of the relationship emotions surround us, prevail us, so there is time when we can’t think about anything else, except the person we are in love with and the joy that she/he brings to us. That condition can’t remain for a long time, but it stays written as some reminder which supports our relationship and which can recreate once again. When we’re in love, it connects us with the happiness we feel, because we know that he/she really exist. That connects us, but not with a deep feeling of fulfillment. When a man will fall in love, actually, he doesn’t see real picture of the other but the other looks like a paper on which the man project his ideal aspects. After a few months, will happen a “reality check” and the building of a road together will start or stop. Feelings unlike the passion are much more lasting and they’re rooted in the perception of the reality outside. The building of love starts at that moment when I can see the one standing in front of me, when I will discover the other. Then love replace the first moment falling in love feeling. When that first moment will pass by, we can start seeing some characteristics which are not so good. To love someone, it’s a challenge to accept those negative characteristics, and that’s the only way we can connect with the other. That process is not easy, but that’s the one of the most beautiful things that can happen to us or we help them to happen. A couple is more than decision. That’s something which can happen to us when we are connected to the other in a different way, when we are discovering the pleasure in the life together. Love is building in a couple and it’s based only for us known chemistry, because of which we feel different, maybe because of the magic feeling that someone accept us completely as we are. Of course we need to know that finding a life partner is not enough. It is necessary that person to be in condition to “feed us”, to be efficient in our growing up. The enjoyment in being together along with someone who take care for us, who sees and knows what I need and wants to give that… That makes the love!
NO LIMBS NO PROBLEMS by Dzaner Shengjuler
If you want it so bad, if you believe in yourself, impossible is nothing.
icholas James Vujicic, born in 4 December 1982 is an Australian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life. He also speaks about his belief that God can use any willing heart to do his work and that God is big enough to overcome any and all disabilities. Being bullied at school for his limbless disability, Vujicic grew depressed and by the age of eight, contemplated suicide. At age ten he tried to drown himself, but he did not go through with it out of love for his parents. After praying to grow arms and legs, he eventually realized that his accomplishments could inspire other- and became grateful for his life. A key turning point came when his mother showed him a newpaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. Vujicic realized he wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t unique in his struggles and began to embrace hic disability. He began to master the daily tasks of life. He learned to write using two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid into his big toe. He learned to use a computer and type using the heel and toe method. He learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get himself a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave. In year 7 he was elected captain of his school and worked with the student council on fund-raisingevents for local charities and disability campaigns. When he was seventeen, he started to give talks at his prayer group and eventually started his non-profit organization, Life without limbs. In 2005 Vujicic was nominated for the Young Australian of the Year award. If you want it so bad, if you believe in yourself, impossible is nothing.
“We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do.” „We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do” Dale Carnegie, American writer, once said. Life is full of opportunities - you just need to change the lifestyle by opening your eyes and starting to do something you have never done before. One of these chances of getting life changing experience is Youth in Action, program set up by European Union with a purpose of encouraging youngsters to be more active citizens
of Europe. Wherever you work, whatever you study and however you look – you can participate in different projects, like youth exchanges, training courses, European Voluntary Service, etc, because Youth in Action is absolutely for everyone. Still you do not believe me? Here you go, an example of a great event organized by my friend: Young persons with physical disability from Greece and mental disability from Hungary were all in the same boat - working together and using dance as a common tool for coope-
exchanging their culture, but, what is more important, they were fighting against social exclusion and promoting equal opportunities. I think there is no need to tell that this is only one project that without a doubt has changed lives, but there are lots of them. Since this moment it is up to you to skip this article and pretend you have never read it or may be right now is your time for change?!
ration and understanding. This project was done in Action 1.2 Youth Initiatives and lasted for 8 months. The aim was social incorporation for the young persons with physical disability, as well as acceptance of the disability for the able-bodied youngsters and their involvement as volunteers in the program. Through the presentations of the great dance performance, which was called â&#x20AC;&#x17E;I like the way you moveâ&#x20AC;&#x153;, in both countries all the volunteers were not only
by Raphaël Bonnet
WHY SHOULD WE HELP HANDICAP PEOPLE? Is it belonging to human proper nature to help others?
hat a question! But it is necessary to think about it. Nothing is given in this society, and helping handicap people cost a lot of energy, money, etc. So, why should we help handicap people? When this question is asked, the very first answer is either “Difficult question” either “Why not?” What appears to be human and normal, is actually very hard to get. Why such a behavior is consider as normal or required? Is it belonging to human proper nature to help others? Probably, and unfortunately: no. Just looking to societies which were consider such as great, as for example, the Republic of Sparta, helps us to see that this credo to help people in need wasn’t all the time valid. The Eugenic society like Sparta was, in order to reach a greater human, kills babies or peoples who are consider such as weak and unable to find a role in society. Here the core point of the discussion about helping handicap people, is touched.
In the end, helping handicap people, is more giving them the opportunity to be more present and active within the society. It is to give them a role, a chance to not be only on the side of society. So, we should change the question and ask: why should give to handicap people the opportunity to play a role in society? Again, it is a very difficult question. And the key point for this answer is in the idea we built around what it means to be human. To make it short, humans have to -based on some moral ideas which were spread since more than 2000 years- help each other’s. This helping doesn’t need to be sincere, but it is a requirement which appears in its most concrete form through the concept of “charity”. Thereby, the idea that we have about humans or humanity is built around the fact that every human being shouldn’t be put a part from society as long as they didn’t break the rules. The question then is about responsibility. Handicap people are, most of the time, not responsible for their problems. So helping them to have a place in society is honoring the concept that we have about humans. To conclude, helping handicap people is so obvious because they are humans, and in this society, assisting and caring about people who are, despite their responsibility, handicapped, is respecting the idea that we have about humans. In short, helping handicap people is human.
«Why should give to handicap people the opportunity to play a role in society?»
farë pyetje? Por është e nevojshme të mendoni për atë.Asgjë nuk është e falur në këtë shoqëri, dhe ndihma e njerëzit me meta kushton shumë energji, para etj. Pra, pse duhet t’i ndihmojmë njerëzit me meta? Kur kjo pyetje është e parashtruar, përgjigja e parë është ose “Pyetje e vështirë” ose “Pse jo”? Atë që duket të jetë njerëzore dhe normale, është në të vërtetë shumë e vështirë për t’u marrë. Pse sjelljen e tillë konsiderohen si normale, ose e nevojshme? A ajo është pjesë nga natyra njerëzore për t’u ndihmuar e të tjerët? Ndoshta, dhe për fat të keq: jo. Duke shikuar shoqërit e cilat konsiderohen si të mirë, si për shembull,Republika e Spartës, na ndihmon të shohim se besimi për t’u ndihmuar njerëzit që kanë nevojë nuk ishte gjithë kohën e vlefshme. Shoqeria eugjenik si që ishte Sparta për të arritur të jetë njeri i madh, i vret foshnjat opo popujt që konsiderohen si të dobët dhe të paaftë për të gjetur roli i tyre në shoqëri. Pika kryesore e diskutimit për ndihmën e njerëzve me meta është e prekur. Më në fund, ndihmën e njerëzve me meta,për të qenë më i pranishëm dhe aktiv në shoqëri. Kjo
është për t’u dhënë atyre një rol, një shans që të mos jenë vetëm në anën e shoqërisë.Pra, ne duhet ta ndryshojmë pyetjen dhe të pyesim:pse duhet t’i jepim njerëzit me meta mundësi të luajnë një rol në shoqëri?Përsëri, kjo është një pyetje shumë e vështirë. Dhe pika kyçe për këtë përgjigje është në idenë që ne e ndërtojmë që do të thotë të jesh njeri. Për të qenë më shkurtër, njerëzit duhet të bazohen në disa ide morale të cila kanë qenë të përhapur me shumë se 2000 vjet duke ndihmuar njeri-tjetrit. Kjo ndihmë nuk ka nevojë të jetë e sinqertë. Atëherë pyetja është në lidhje me përgjegjësinë.Njerëzit me meta, shumicën e kohës, nuk janë përgjegjës për problemet e tyre. Pra ndihma të kenë një vend në shoqeri paraqet nderim të konceptit që ne e kemi për njerëzit. Për të përfunduar, duke ndihmuar njerëzit me meta është e qartë, sepse ata janë njerëz dhe në këtë shoqëri,duke ndihmuar dhe duke kujdesur për njerëzit që janë pavarësisht përgjegjësisë së tyre, meta e tyre, është respektimi i idetë që ne e kemi për njerëzit. Me pak fjalë, ndihmën e njerëzve me meta është njerëzore.
Translated by Katerina Stojanova
WHEN IMPOSSIBLE BECOMES POSSIBLE Sometimes, a huge strength can give to people the power to outdate difficulties.
t appears when you look closer to handicap, that a disability cannot be faced easily. But sometimes, a huge strength can give to people the power to outdate difficulties associated with handicap. When that happens, the symbolic value of these experiences is strong. Since the world needs examples, heroes, to go on, speaking about these people is essential. Philippe Croizon, a French man of 42 years old, without legs and arms after an accident, is representative of how humans can be adaptable and powerful in any situation. He did cross the sea between France and England, with the help of prosthesis. The crossing was around 33 kilometers, but he only took 13 hours to do this trip. The training for this was intense, more than 30 hours a week during years. And everything was made possible thanks to a sole idea coming from the mind of someone who tried to keep hope during the darkest hours of his life. For sure, nothing would be possible without the help of his friends, family, etc. This year in August, he just accomplished a new challenge: rally four continents by swimming. Concretely it consists in crossing, via swimming, different seas which are separating
continents. A total of, more or less, he traveled 40 kilometers. In hostile waters, in his own way, he has been a globe trotter. And that is the point: when a great will encounter an assumed difference, new possibilities are created, which can be not original, but for sure authentic. “We do that with all our heart”, said Philippe Croizon. Here is the message, fighting no matter what, with all we have, in order to accomplish something of which we can be proud. It doesn’t have to be extraordinary though, it just need to fit to your own hopes. This lesson of life which is given by someone who has lost a lot is extremely valuable. It is inspiring not only people in the same situation as Mister Croizon is, but also people without disabilities. It is simple and efficient, and a good cure against cynical state of made: impossible is impossible, but sometimes, with a clever mind, you can find the tricks to make your dreams come true…
“We do that with all our heart”, said Philippe Croizon. by Raphaël Bonnet
ur shikoni nga afër ndonjë njeri me meta, aftësia e kufizuar nuk mund të ballafaqohet me lehtësi. Por ndonjëherë, një forcë e madhe mund t’i jep njerëzit fuqinë për t’i përballojnë vështërsitë.Kur ndodh kjo, vlera simbolike e këtyre përvojave është e fortë. Sepse bota ka nevojë për shembuj, heronj, të vazhdojnë, bisedimet rreth këtyre njerëzve janë thelbësore. Filip Kroizon, frazncez 42 vjeç, pa këmbë dhe duar pas aksidenti komunikacionit është përfaqësues në atë si njerëzit mund të jenë përshtatshëm dhe fuqishëm në çdo situatë. Ai e kaloi detin në mes të Francës dhe Anglisë, me ndihmën e protezave.Kalimi ishte rreth 33 kilometra, por ai harxhoi vetëm 13 orë për të realizuar këtë udhëtim. Trajnimi për këtë ishte intensive, më shumë se 30 orë në javë gjatë viteve. Dhe çdo gjë u be e mundur në sajë të një ide të vetme që erdhi nga mendja e dikujt që u përpoq për ta mbajtur shpresën gjatë orëve më të errëta të jetës se tij. Sigurisht, asgjë nuk do të jetë e mundur pa ndihmën e familjes miqtë e tij etj. Këtë vit në gusht, ai realizoi, një sfidë të re është realizuar: kaloi katër kontinente duke notuar. Dhe ky është mendimi kryesor: kur ndonjë njeri i madh do të ndeshet me një ndryshim të supozuar, atëherë mundësitë e reja janë krijuar,
të cilat mund të mos jenë origjinale, por me siguri do të jenë autentike.” Ne e bëjmë këtë me tërë zemrën tonë”, tha Filip Kroizon. Këtu është mesazhi, duke luftuar pa marrë parasysh kundër kujt me të gjithë që e kemi, me qëllim të arrijmë diçka në të cilit do të jemi krenar. Ajo nuk duhet të jëtë diçka e jashtëzakonshme, ajo gjë vetëm duhet të përshtatet me shpresat tona. Ky mësim i jetës që është dhënë nga dikush i cili ka humbur shumë në jetën e tij është jashtëzakonisht e vlefshme. Ai është frymëzues jo vetëm për njerëz në të njejtën situatë si që është Zotëri Kroizon,por edhe për njerëz pa aftësi të kufizuara. Ai mësim është e thjesht dhe efikas dhe është një ilaç të mirë kundër gjendjes e berë cinike: e pamundur është e pamundur, por ndonjëherë me një mendje të zgjuar, mundeni të gjeni truke për t’i realizuar ëndërrat tuaja.
”Ne e bëjmë këtë me tërë zemrën tonë”, tha Filip Kroizon.
by Raphaël Bonnet
Translated by Katerina Stojanova
RAINBOW ROSE Dragan Lazeski Monika Ashtalkoska
Flowers are one of those creations of nature that are appreciated by almost anyone. They are used to represent love, friendship and all happy emotions. They are also given out on different occasions to people. There is no denying the beauty of a rainbow rose. Even those people who haven't ever really seen a rainbow rose can image how it would look and appreciate it since it includes within itself all the different colors of a rainbow and is simply beautiful.
he same as Rainbow Rose every society has its own beauty shown by the colors of its inhabitants. Every person in one society has various needs which make the society striving to fulfill them in order to blush into a perfect Rainbow Rose. So, in Macedonia, people with intellectual and other disabilities will have more independence and better quality of life, following the opening of the first-ever community-based home for people with disabilities. The community home will be operated by Polio Plus, a Macedonian NGO, with funding from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Open Society and Institute for Mental Health, and is the first step in bringing Macedonia’s disabled population out of the shadows and into the community. The Mission of the organisation is to re-connect people with disabilities to the basic fundamental of freedom and equal opportunities, thereby enabling them to become active participants in society - as is their basic human right. Also to raise awareness of disability rights within the wider population and to galvanize them to work as one with people with disabilities in or-
der to remove discrimination and marginalisation. This Macedonian project is part of a three-year cooperation agreement signed on September 18 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Mental Health Initiative. As part of the agreement, known as the “Community for All Initiatives in Macedonia,” supported housing services will be established in local communities throughout Macedonia. This ensures that people, many of whom have spent a lifetime in an institution excluded from society, will live in local communities as equal citizens and receive individualized support from the government’s housing services agency. This cooperation agreement will help the country to improve the life of all people especially on those who lived in shadow until now, in order to blossom in one beautiful RAINBOW ROSE. lowers are one of those creations of nature that are appreciated by almost anyone. They are used to represent love, friendship and all happy emotions. They are also given out on different occasions to people. There is no denying the beauty of a rainbow rose. Even those people who haven't ever really seen a rainbow rose can image how it would look and appreciate it since it includes within itself all the different colors of a rainbow and is simply beautiful.
ll started the 31th of January of 2004 in the hospital of Cruces in Bilbao. Since that date started the daily fight to stay alive. His name is Unax, he’s eigth years old and this is his life story. When Unax was just two days old and when the doctors were on the way to let him go home one nurse saw something strange on him and after making many medical tests the doctors diagnosed him with hard disease. This disease affects mainly the respiratory tract but unfortunately this wasn’t the worst news because few days later he had the necessity to undergo one operation with name “blalocktaussig left modificate”. This was a death live operation and the results of the operation were good but Unax needed to stay in hospital one year and half. Each day he was fighting to survive and win this war started in his live. The doctors said to the Unax parents that he will leave just until three years but you can see fortunately they were wrong. This is not the only thing in which they were wrong they also said that the child will be sad kid, without energy… And actually is almost the opposite. Yes, the disability put him some limits but he did not stop make things he likes. He loves football, concretely the Athletic of Bilbao, and he also loves to play drums. And it is not surprise because his father and uncle play in music group. But let’s come back to the principal topic, the medical guess and advice to the parent’s that he will not have easy live, also he will have a lot of crisis time and a long stages in the hospital, and actually is like this until today. All these things had consequences, the parents got divorced because of the pressure, the father lost a lot of days of work caring about Unax, they sold the house to pay the medicaments, operations…Despite of this Unax family do not resign. They went in many prestigious hospitals but unfortunately the answer was almost the same. Finally some people who know about this disease more they recommend them the Boston Children’s Hospital. But the problem now is that health care in United States is private and this operation is very expensive between 150.000 and 200.000 Euros. So the family started to collect money, making solidarity activities for example there is one page on internet where you can read Unax story and if you wish you can donate money for the operation. They won this battle, they got money for the operation and this 7th September Unax got operate and fortunately with very good results. Now he is recovering in this hospital and he is wandering to come back and say thanks personally to all these people who support him and give wishes to win the battle. This story shows that you never should give up. Aupa Unax txapelduna zara!
A lot of persons have a handicap in the world which is for them difficult to surmount especially at the beginning. To manage to fight it the person must to fight. Why fight?
o live. Even if it isn’t the wished life, the person has to fight because it isn’t the disease which has to win it is her. She has to live because she is alive she hasn’t choice or she fights and she finds what she is looking for or she gives up and she cries and lived unintentionally but without being here and thus she is unfortunate. Whatever is the handicap that we have whether it is physical, psychological or other we owe fight to live. In Sanjay Leela Bhansali's movie (on 2005 India) "Black" who is moreover a very good movie which touched a lot of persons including I. This fight of a girl which wants to learn and which wants to have her diploma. She crossed several times her diploma nobody not nobody thought that she would
arrive there and nevertheless she succeeded in the credit note without seeing and without hearing. This movie tells the story of Helen Adam Keller (in June 1st 1968-June 27th, 1880 in Alabama) which was a writer, an activist and an American speaker. Although she is deaf and blind she succeeded in obtaining a university degree. Her determination aroused the admiration, mainly in the United States. She wrote 12 books and a lot of articles during her life.
What is her secret?
The trust and the support «when we feel steady just by one person it reassures and gives some hope ". It is important, for the blind persons, to learn that their blindness will not prevent them from being happy, and that they can live a normal life.
Buttons, scratches or pressures, belt, fabric or texture, will be necessarily different according to the garment. Skirts and dresses will have a belt or elastic in the size, the various forms of pockets” “I cook now at the beginning it was hard because I mixed sauces thus I took lessons. I also learnt what there is in boxes on the shelf: a lot of foods are recognizable by the size, the shape, the type of packaging. Sometimes the smell is enough, we know at once: the cinnamon does not smell as the pepper, the jelly of currant as the apricot jam”. There are a lot of questions that we arise that we are blind or not. Further to meetings with persons not clairvoyants, I am going to tell you their stories. What do to be blind? «A not clairvoyant can’t feel what I feel there is that not clairvoyant who can really feel him it is something very difficult to explain. At the beginning when we become suddenly blind, we feel frustration and panic. It is because we didn’t learn to make things for one as nobody blinds. But as soon as we know about all the tricks and about the dexterity of which the blind persons are capable, we stop feeling it. The blind persons make the same things as the others. They go to the school or to the work, carry out what is necessary or useful for them. They make him naturally, and without thinking that they are blind. The blindness just becomes one somewhere else of what they are and of the fact that they appear. They don’t think of that every day, as we don’t think every day of the time that he makes or for the fact have the red or brown hair. Most of the blind persons are too much occupied to think so much that in their blindness. They aren’t ashamed there, and consider it as one of the characteristics of their person. Most are very inclined to speak about it and it especially since they feel at ease with her”. «I learnt to read the Braille when I am 18 years old. It was very hard at the beginning I wanted to make nothing I more wanted to live in what that serves to live when we can see the world seeing nothing seeing nobody that we cross our family feel all the time assisted, I didn’t want. Then, one day, I am tell I'm fed up to complain and I told to go I have to fight I don’t want that people feel sorry for me. I am going to prove to them of what I am capable. « I learnt to recognize my clothes. The majority of articles of preparation contain a distinguishing mark in the touch.
«At first I didn’t want to make up, to get dressed to do hair what's the use I am not going to worsen things. After yes, because I am a woman and a woman likes feeling that she pleases that she is attractive that we found beautiful, thus I am OK. At first, it was a little disaster but having made up me even better than what has eyes. The importance it is to try because that in we try we move forward if you don’t try you moves back ". Here are another two things which don’t require in reality either mirror or vision. Doubtless is needed a little of concentration at the beginning, but any woman is fast expert in this domain. A little of help will be necessary at the beginning of the learning to feel nothing the various manners to dry itself hair, how buckle them or discipline them and not leave a drill with dungeon. For the makeup it is necessary be described the nuances of the creams of complexion and blusher before adopting a choice according to his own personality. It is as for the cooking, certain women will be a fan of make-up and products, the others more sober. Be that as it may, let us not forget this formula of a big perfumer: «a woman knows well how to make up when she can make up in the black ".
Everything is question of confidence in itself and especially of motivation. When we have the mental we can everything arrive as one says when you want you can it is just necessary to try to find the exit. Certainly it is hard it is easier to say that to make but one needs and everybody for right for the happiness because was well worth it is to you!!!
by Dzaner Shenglujer
THE IMPORTANCE OF BELIEVING IN YOURSELF â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the most common problems with individuals today is that they do not believe in themselves.â&#x20AC;?
any people constantly doubt their abilities, skills, talents, opinions, and numerous other aspects that makes them who they are. For these individuals, a lot of precious time is wasted on this demeaning method of thinking. If you are looking to improve yourself, your life, the way that others see you, and the way that you see yourself, it is important to understand the importance of believing in yourself. If you miss the opportunity of accomplishing this very important goal, you will continue to miss opportunities all through your life. When a person believes in their abilities, skills, talents, and val-
ue, they also develop a new logic to life. They understand that for every action there is definitely a reaction, however, each reaction can be a positive and fulfilling experience. These individuals have a high level of self-confidence, they are usually quite motivated, and they understand the power of positive thinking. One of the first methods of learning to believe in yourself is learning to take a close look at yourself and being able to identify the potential that you have. Many individuals experience many negative situations throughout their life that may lead them to believe that they pose no value to
themselves or others. Usually, these thoughts are created by listening to the harsh assumptions and words of an individual who is relatively close â&#x20AC;&#x201C; such as a friend, or a family member. As a result of these negative assumptions and harsh words, a person may start to actually believe what others are saying. It is important to understand that everyone has a right to their opinions, but these opinions are often only one viewpoint. Furthermore, many opinions are wrong. One of the second methods of learning to believe in yourself is to overcome the obstacle of fear. Many individuals are frightened to attempt a new challenge or task because they are afraid of failing and not succeeding. However, any individual with a high level of self worth will quickly inform you that it is better to try, fail, and learn to succeed than it is to not try, failing, and not learning to succeed. If you are able to keep in mind that failing is
just another form of winning, you are creating a strong belief in yourself. Those that fail in the attempts that they make will learn from the mistakes of the attempt. However, those that never try to attempt anything at all will stagnate in their personal growth. The third method to building the belief of yourself is to challenge yourself. In order to do this, you should establish a list of items that you are thoroughly convinced that you are unable to do. Once you do this, you should start tackling each task, one by one. You will quickly find that you are able to do much more than you ever imagined that you could. Soon, you will discover that the list that you initially created is getting smaller and smaller. This is a great way to prove to yourself that you do offer something to yourself, your friends, your family, and your world. This will help you establish the ability to believe in yourself.
outh exchange â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Gamestormingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; connected young people coming from Azerbaijan, Albania, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria and Macedonia and provided them an opportunity to share their traditional games as well as create new energizers, team building or intercultural learning activities. Moreover the participants had opportunity to increase their communication, team building and intercultural skills and competencies as well as their creativity.
DISCOVERING CULTURES During youth exchange ‘Gamestorming’ the participants took part in various intercultural activities that aimed to strengh participants intercultural skills and competencies... During one exercise the participants were also asked to write down text about other participants and their countries. And here goes text about Moldova wrote by Polish group and text about Bulgaria written by group from Azerbaijan.
liga and Placinte. I asked them what kind of alcohol is that and they explained that this is their traditional cuisine. I was curious how are the girls in Moldova and they have sent me a video with beautiful girls in traditional outfits dancing a typical dance: Hora. We finished the quest “Conquest of Russia” together and chatted a bit more. I wanted to ask for their e-mail addresses but my internet connection went down. I really hope we’ll meet again… <polish_mafia1 log out>
esterday I turned on my computer and started playing World of Warcraft as usual. There have already been many people there but I haven’t recognized them. I started to chat with them and it occurred that they’re from Moldova. I remembered the name from history lessons but I wasn’t sure what was the context. We talked a bit longer and it occurred that they are sitting in a wine cellar in Chisinau. I was really confused because you usually do not get a very good connection underground but they explained that their internet is the 3rd fastest in the world. I was pretty impressed as in Poland we always get so many lags. I wanted them to teach me some Moldavian words but they told me that there is no such language and they all speak Romanian, even though their National anthem is called Limba Noastră (our language). Most of them even have Romanian citizenship. Suddenly he wrote “BRB Wine@KeyBoard LOL”. Then he explained it was Cricova, the same one that Angela Merkel received, together with 399 other bottles when she visited Moldova this year. It wasn’t so surprising as I have seen Putin’s pictures from his birthday’s party on Facebook. He organized them in Chisinau in the biggest wine cellars in the world: 240 kilometers and 2 million bottles – that’s something! Nice place for a party! I will book it for our next clan meeting. We could play Moldavian music like Ozone. I still remember wild LAN parties with “Dragostea din tei” played full volume simultaneously on YouTube. I shared my idea with the Moldavian guys. They really liked it and promised to bring some Mama-
o, here is what we learned about Bulgaria and the Bulgarians. At the very begging of the youth exchange we didn’t know too much about Bulgaria, except for some common stereotypes about the country and its people, particularly, that Bulgarians shake their heads when they say “yes” and nod when they want to say “no,” which is the opposite of what is usually done. As the youth exchange progressed we got an opportunity to get to know each other better, talk to Bulgarian participants and find some similarities and differences between our countries and people. The Bulgarian cultural night was a great way to learn more about Bulgaria and its people. During the cultural night we learned that: A rose is a traditional flower in Bulgaria. Bulgarians even have a rose festival which takes place early March each year and lasts for about a week. There is a region called Rose valley and a town called Kazanlik where the main celebrations of rose festival take place. Major activities include a beauty contest in which a “queen of the rose” is selected. The most traditional food in Bulgaria is a summer soup called taratur - which is made of ayran (yogurt), cucumber , onions, herbs, and walnuts. Lutsenitsa that we tasted during cultural night is very Bulgarian. According to Bulgarians, there is nothing similar to it anywhere else in the world. Differences: The main difference is religion. The major religion in Bulgaria is Christianity, and the predominant religion of Azerbaijan is Islam. But regardless of this, we have many similarities. Similarities: Due to fact that we are not that far from
each other, there are many similarities in our traditions. For example, the moves in our dances are quite similar just like the way the music sounds. We have many common beliefs, for example, the one about sitting in the corner of the table. In both Azerbaijan and Bulgaria people believe that if someone sits at the corner of the table, this person will not get married (or at least his/her marriage will be delayed for some time). In both countries we have some common words of Turkish origin. Some examples include: “komshu” is a “neighbor” in Bulgarian. In Azerbaijani, it’s “qonshu.” The word “borc” is the same in Azerbaijani for “debt.” Baklava is very popular in both countries: even the way baklava is made is similar. We would also like to mention something about the Bulgarian participants: we discovered that they are very nice, approachable, friendly, communicative, and hospitable. Georgiy - is very smart - he seems to know history very well. We were really surprised with how knowledgable he is about the geography and history of almost all participating countries. And this helped him during cultural quizzes and earned him very nice presents :) Virginia - is very kind and helpful. Zoya - is very positive and kind, and is a good runner - we observed her running skills during the games :) Ivo - is positive, kind, and patient. Ilya - is very quiet and calm. Ivana - the brightest person. She is kind, optimistic, very friendly, adaptable, easy to talk to. We are happy to have met the team Bulgaria and that now we have them as our friends :)
"With the support of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union"