Voices october 2016

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October 2016

Magazine for all young people in Macedonia

English - Makedonski - Shqip

Editorial In this edition of the VOICES magazine you’ll find many different articles. Beginning by local festivals like the Vino Skop heading to free time activities like taking a flight with an Air Balloon and ending with science for example CERN.

Therefore you should definitely find an article concerning your interests. Also we are happy to welcome in our VCS team the 5 new EVS volunteers from Turkey(Tugce Tezdiyar), from France (Laurene Duvert and Juilette Carron) and Germany(Dominik Daniel and Patrick Zimmermann). At the same time we would like to thank our volunteers Guilhem and Cyrielle, which are finishing their EVS project, for their active participation on the project and we wish them the best of luck! If you want to know more about our stuff make sure to like our facebook page and read our blog! The whole VOICES-Team hope you’ll enjoy this edition and stay tuned for the next one !

Во ова издание на ВОИСЕС магазинот ќе пронајдете различни статии. Почнувајќи од репортажи за локални фестивали, како што е Виноскоп, продолжувајќи преку активности за во слободно време, како што е летање со Балон и завршувајќи со наука, со статијата за ЦЕРН. Затоа, вие навистина би можеле да најдете репортажа која ќе ги задоволи вашите вкусови. Исто така, ни претставува огромно задоволство да ви ги претставиме 5-те нови членови но ВЦС тимот, ЕВС волонтерите од Турција (Туче Тездијар), од Франција (Лорен Дувер и Жулиет Карон) и од Германија (Доминик Даниел и Патрик Цимерман). Во исто време, би сакале да им се заблагодариме на нашите досегашни волонтери Гилем и Сириел кои го финишираат својот ЕВС проект, за нивното активно учество и голем придонес кон проектот и им посакуваме многу среќа во иднина! Ако сакате да дознаете и да прочитате уште повеќе, тогаш потрудете се да не следите преку нашата фејсбук страна и да го читате нашиот блог! Целиот тим на Воисес се надева дека ќе уживате во ова издание и дека ќе останете и понатаму посветени и на следните изданија!




SCIENCE 20 Alluminium


Innovation and Danger at the Same time Igor Poptrajov




Teona Mitevska - Part2


Petra Hamer Interview


Tatoo scene in macedonia

Energy of the future is the energy from the ancient times Igor Poptrajov

Igor Poptrajov and Antonin Vallet


Tugce Tezdiya


Dominik Daniel


Ana Llievska

28 A random way to discover the sky: the Air Balloon flight


Antonin Vallet

New approach in building capacities of youth


Gjoko Vukanovski

30 Are you a people Pleaser Lile Jovanovska



Bastille day

Pollution of the marine wildlife Patrick zimmermann

Igor Poptrajov

VOICES TEAM: Ana Ilievska Ana-Marija Karadjovska Ana-Marija Velinovska Anushka Dvemkovska Angela Gjekanovikj Anita Kirkovska Antonin Vallet Arbina Ajdar Bojana Drangova Bujar Islami Cyrielle LĂŠpine Danche Azmanova Dominik Daniel Dzvezda Mihajlova Elena Petrevska

Gjoko Vukanovski Goran Galabov Guilhem Cougouluegne Hristina Tanevska Ivana Angjelovska Ivana Dimitrievska Juliette Caron Kiril Dimitrovski Kristina Mitrovska Laurene Duvert Lazar Mikov Lile Jovanovska Lirie Memeti Marina Tanevska Martina Dimevska Michaela KawanovĂĄ Mihajlo Donev Milan Gjapik

Milica Kaevska Monika Stojmanovska Narcissa Dervichevikje Nikola Peshevski Patrick zimmermann Sandra Ivanovska Simona Georgievska Sokol Makolli Tamara Canevska Tamara Jovanovska Tijana Markovska Tugce Tezdiya Zuhri Kamberi

Production & Coordination: Nikola Stankovski Gjoko Vukanovski Ivana Angjelovska


Volunteer Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/2-3, 1000 Skopje Tel./Fax. +389 22 772 095 vcs_contact@yahoo.com www.vcs.org.mk


Vino Skop 2016 I

n 2007, the citizens of Skopje had the opportunity to attend the International Wine Festival “VinoSkop”for the first time. The event was held on the quay ”13 November” where 20 Macedonian wineries were presented. During the festival, three inernational and two local judges degustated different types of wines from Macedonian wineries. The festival’s judges were professional wine taster. One of them was Kevin Moore. He represented the wine magazine “Harpers Wine and Spirit” from the UK. Antoher judge attended from Italy, Enrica Tizziati, an expert on Italian wines.

The winners of the festival were the wineries : Vinar, Skovin, Chateau Kamnik, Pivka and Popova Kula. The festival was also accompanied by a cultural and artistic program. For example the Macedonian choir, ethno bands and brass orchestras. There were also musical performances and guests from Italy and Vojvodina. The funds that were collected by the wine’s auction, which the City of Skopje had organized within this festival for promoting Macedonian wines, were donated to charities to help the Children’s Hospital “Kozle”. From 2008 to 2015 the festival took place in another location: Square Filip II. This year the festival celebrated its 10 years anniversary. Therefore it took place on the the quay ”13 November” in memory of it’s first opening. It lasted from the 28th of September to the 2nd of October 2016.


Topic of the month

Over the years the festival became bigger and bigger. Now it is a very famous yearly event with more than 30 local wine varieties. There are plenty of people coming for wine tasting, to eat some local food, to enjoy the concerts and of course to have fun. For a good reason you can feel the good atmosphere and it is a pleasure to attend this festival. A few years ago, the city of Skopje decided to organize another winery event “VinoSkop Spring� around April / May near Vero Center. For this year the performances during the festival included Amadeus Band, Kuku Lele, Efto Pupinovski, and some more. Vlado Janevskiheld held the closing concert.

By Cyrielle


Vino Skop 2016


о 2007 година, граѓаните на град Скопје, за прв пат имаа можност да го проследат Меѓународниот вински фестивал „ Вино-Скоп “. Настанот се одржа на кејот „13 Ноември”, а на манифестацијата се претставија 20 македонски винарии. Во текот на фестивалот, пак, се одржа професионална дегустација, на која вината од македонските винарии беше оценувана од страна на тројца странски и двајца домашни судии. Гости на фестивалот беа професионалниот дегустатор Кевин Мур, од магазинот за вино “ Harpers Wine and Spirit “, од Велика Британија, и судијата за вино од Италија, Енрика Тицијати, експерт за италијански вина. Победниците на фестивалот беа винариите : Винар, Сковин, Шато Камник, Пивка и Попова кула. Фестивалот исто така, беше проследен и со богата културно-уметничка програма во која покрај македонски хорови, етно бендови и дувачки оркестри, настапија и музички гости од Италија и Војводина.


Topic of the month

Средствата кои беа собрани од аукцијата на вина, која Град Скопје ја организираше во рамките на овој фестивал за промоција на македонски вина, беа донирани во хуманитарни цели за помош на Детска болница „Козле”. Од 2008 до 2015 фестивалот се одржуваше на друга локација, плоштадот Филип II. Оваа година, фестивалот прослави 10 години од постоењето и траепше од 28 септември до 2 октомври 2016. Во сеќавање на неговото прво издание, фестивалот годинава се одржа на истото место како и првото издание, Кејот „13 ноември“.

Низ годините фестивалот стануваше сè поголем и поголем и сега е добро познат годнишен настан со голема понуда на различни вина од повеќе од 30 локални винарии. Многу луѓе доаѓаат да дегустираат вино, да јадат локална храна, да уживаат во концертите и секако, да се забавуваат. Атмосферата е навистина весела и многу е пријатно да се присуствува на овој настан.

од сириел преведени од страна на : Ана-Марија Карадјовска

Пред неколку години, градот Скопје одлучи да организира и друг настан за винариите, „Пролетен Вино-Cкоп“, отприлика во април/мај кај Веро центар. Годинава, концерти за време на фестивалот одржаа Амадеус бенд, Куку Леле, Ефто Пупиновски и други. Завршниот концерт беше на Владо Јаневски.


An Ethnographic Movie : I WILL SPIN YOU IN A YARM !

Few days ago, I grabed a chance to meet a very eager, successful and early career director Petra Hamer in our office. I had the pleasure to interview andto listento her explaining me how and why she became a movie director . Petra Hamer is a Slovenian ethnographer* and cultural ethnographer. Last year in may, she made a movie with her partner which is based on a real story in Zadar. Petra, can you tell me who is Petra Hamer ? I am from Slovania and have been living in Slovenia. My profession is focused on the field of ethnology and cultural ethnology . Beside my occupation, one of my point of interest is Balkan music and to find out something new because new things always make me excited and raise my mood up *ethnologist : the branch of anthropology that analyzes and compares human cultures, as in social structure, language, religion and technology; cultural anthropology. ..So, you handle an interesting topic.What is the theme of your movie ? Isplestću t priču or in english I’ll spin you a yarn is a film about an older lady from Zagreb who comes to Zadar during the summer to sell her knitting products. We meet accidentally near a church where she was selling her products and started to talk. Ana and I heard so many interested stories from her and we asked her if we could film her. Stevanija, that is the ladies name, agreed. She inspired us and we wanted to point out her and her life story. Did you decide to make a movie suddenly ? When and how did the idea `making a movie` show up at first ? As an ethnographer, I always wanted to make an ethnographic movie.However, it`s a bit hard to make it by yourself.Few times ago, I was unemployed for awhile and had a plenty of free time. I wanted to use this time so, one day, I watched an advert which was about an ethnographic workshop in Zadar, Croatia and I applied for it. In the following days, they informed me that I was accepted for the workshop. In workshop, I met Ana Pavlic.Shehas adegree in Political Science and works in Centre for Women’s Studies in Zagreb.We got along with each other and still we do.One day, Ana and I were walking around the city, then by we encountered with the woman who will be the leader role of our film. First time we met her, she inspired us, Ana and I looked at each other and said `yes, this is what we need !` and we began to work… Ana and I divided our works in two parts.I was the one who was making interview and asking, Ana was the one filming this story. ..So, from your point of view, what did strike you specially about her life to make this film ?



She got married when she was very young.She wanted to go to school for her education but she did not because her husband didn`t let her.In those days, she was working in a factory and earned enough money so extra schooling were just a waste of time for her husband. She used to make scarfs, dolls and some other products at home when she had spare time.After her husband passed away, she started to make her products to sell them in the street and earnedsome extra money.She loves her independence, so she has children but she always prefers to live without them. In our movie you can see more about the leader role and realize why we chose her. You can watch the movie on youtube :https://youtu.be/iOJvLBQTUgY ( Isplest` cu tipricu) Has your movie already been presentedafter the workshops? And do you have more plans for the future ? Our movie was produced during the workshop of ethnographic film festival `Zadar in Frame` in May 12-212015 in Zadar. It was presented on Seffestival in Zadar in 2015, on festival VoxFeminae 2015 in Zagreb, on first ETNOFF (Student ethno film festival) in Skopje in 2015 and on Kratovo ethnological film festival in Kratovo in 2016.

During the whole process, Ana and I, in every steps of the creation to the festivals, we always thought and worked together.This movie is my first experiencing of making movie.After this such an incredible experience I learned many things about making movie and friendships, as well. Now, I have some new ideas and plans for the future.I think we will see in time .

Tugce Tezdiyar


One step into the macedonian cinema creation : Interview with Teona Strugar Mitevska


he fact of spendind some years in occident (USA, France) must have changed your point of view on many things like cultural aspects. Can you feel any impact on the way you feel/create your own cinema production? I try to work with the right person and I firmly believe there is a right person for each project, the right DOP, the right actor, etc...I have learned that there are no limits to the creation, people are pationate about the story you try to tell or they are not, they identify or they don’t. Work with the people who want to work with you, no matter which country/continent they come from.

At what moment of your life and why did you decide to focus on the creation of scenarios and cinema production in the balkan area, more especialy what does push you to return in your origin country? Even today I have a hard time envisioning a story that happen in another place than Macedonia, this is strange I know since I have lived more outside. The only thing I can say is that I guess this obsession comes from the fact that there are still Macedonian stories left in me to say, and I will continue until this dries out.

What are the main differences you feel concerning the cinema production between Macedonia and France or USA? The content of the stories are different, the way the story is specific to the environment , the place of origin. The form is different but all these differences come from the individual person of the creator, the artist, his/her cultural background and baggage. In the global world we live today we can’t speak so much about differences in the way we make things, produce a film, basicaly there is not such a big difference after all. I shot a part of a film in germany, there they were astonished that we took sometimes a day to shoot a single shot, most of my crew there has a television background and in television we cover the scene from all possible angles. Cinema is a bit different, I personally believe there is one good angle to tell the story I want to tell, the way i want to tell it, so I always try to find this angle. I know many American , German and French filmmakers who believe in this also so...


Interview You use strong cinema’s themes, for instance in “Je suis de Titov Veles”, you present some characters with living passionately and having hard lives, through them you denounce a hard reality of the society. What part of yourself do you give to those characters? Are they a part of you or do you only describe with an external point of view (of spectator) a situation? You must be the character in order to speak of it properly. I have a large imagination so I use it with abundance. I also take it to observe and research the situations and characters I depict in my films. I try to make my characters most detailed and specific as possible, or differently said most real I can. Then putting a character in a unique situation to add overall effects, every character reacts differently and that is beauty of it. I have always been interested in the social aspect of my society, this comes from my deep believe that a part of our job as a filmmaker and artist is to point the light on certain truth, injustice and try to make a difference, add to the alteration of the common consciousness, ultimately make the world a better place.

It is interesting you speak of external/internal point of view of a situation; this is an essential part of envisioning a scene and a film. The effect on the spectator id different depending which point of you is used and this is something I calculate very precisely for each moment of the film, point of view is just as important as the color or the lighting used for a certain scene. It is one of the many aspects of the cinematic form, so I play with it. What do you think about the evolution of your production? What are your future projects in the european and balkan cinema? Do your last productions/ creations help you to evolve, to know yourself better? As a production company we have recently started co-producing, we had a Romanian film SieraNevada in the last edition of the Cannes film Festival and A Slovenian film in Karlovy Vary. We will continue co-producing films we feel passionate about. We are also making a short animation film of our brother VUK, animation is something we would love to get involved more, we hope to create a long length feature animation film one day. In animation all is possible, there is no end to the imagination one can uses. Each production is a new experience, one learns but one makes mistakes also, have we become wiser, I don’t know, what I can say is that we have become more determined in the type of films we want to make. And I hope we continue to have this opportunity, to make cinema we believe in and explore the cinematic form.

by Antonin Vallet and Igor Pop Trajkov VOICES - 11

Tattoo scene in Macedonia

Interview with Bobi Tattoo InkS “Tattooing is the most sincere act, because people are opening their character and story to the world, and everybody can see the tattoo” - says Bobi Tattoo


n one hot October afternoon, we were sitting with Bobi Tattoo to talk about the tattoo scene in Macedonia, because he is one of the founders. His studio brings me back memories of seven years ago when I got my first tattoo. But, that’s another story. THE BEGINNINGS Bobi Tattoo told me about his beginnings, in the distant ‘90s, when, for the first time, he started with this profession. At first was an amateur, but soon he opened his own studio in Skopje. Like he says, the beginning was hard, as was the fight for acceptance of the tattoo art as part of the culture, way of life and everyday life. He is convinced that with perseverance he achieved that. At the beginning, the greatest interest came from the male population, foreigners and youth, but now, the boundaries are removed. His eldest client was around 70 years old, and girls are equally open as men to tattoos. The beginnings were hard because of the closeness of Macedonian society and stereotypes, but now people have no problems coming to tattoo artists, even from abroad, and according to his experience, they didn’t regret the decision. The tattoo scene now is represented by around ten professional artists who know their job well, and that’s why this profession is appreciated.


TATTOO EVENTS Like he says, Macedonia is missing out on many events. There are Tattoo Festivals in Macedonia, but they don’t have a rich program and entertainment. So far, they have had cooperation with the “Night Wolves” for events and tattoo artists from the Balkan and European countries have participated. He personally was advocating for tattoo events by bringing a new dimension to these events, for example the attempt to connect tattooing with erotic art. Also, his own project is called Tattoo Live Caffe that he has organized three times in cooperation with the former coffee bar Nica. This has been a successful and innovative idea, for the first time in our country and most likely outside of the country, where an onlooker can observe the act of tattooing. Live Tattooing caused many positive reactions from the attendees who have asked him many questions. It is interesting to mention that one young couple in love, witnessing that rare moment of inspiration decided to remember that time by crowing their love with a matching tattoos. However, there haven’t been any major attempts to organize more events, but he has revealed that there are efforts to create an association with all professional tattoo artists in Macedonia.


MACEDONIAN VERSUS FOREIGN SCENE Bobi Tattoo says that there isn’t big difference because Macedonia has very devoted tattoo artists who were also been invited to work abroad. What distinguishes the scene is the greater sophistication in the foreign scene in terms of techniques and tools, also, more liberal societies, and there are missing seminars and trainings, where attention will be put on education. He has an idea for events where tattoo artists and audience will share their experiences and where people will see the true spirit of the tattoo. However, they often visit foreign festivals, studios and have friends with whom they share experiences and apply what they notice to be interesting. However, he says, differences are mostly in the tradition because each studio has its own story. THE NEW GENERATIONS Bobi Tattoo is so glad that there are young and promising tattoo artists and he supports them. But, also appeal to them to realize that this profession brings great responsibility. Because of that, he recommends them to be trained by professional artist. He personally had trained young people who now have their own studios. He says that this way he contributes to developing of this profession and culture. He also advises them to be themselves, original and creative, and that the success comes with full commitment instead of profit. Only that way they can deserve their artistic name and gain a place on the tattoo scene, and with that the respect that comes from it.

PHILOSOPHY OF TATTOOING At the end, I had to ask him how he personally experiences tattooing. At the beginnings, he says, he was hooked by the magic of drawing on skin. He was asking himself how the person whose body was tattooing feels. That’s how he was experiencing that, like creative act of drawing. But, with the experience he realized that there was something deeper than the creation and that was the feeling of happiness that he was causing. People confide their stories and happenings to him to present them to their bodies. That’s why, according to him, tattooing is the most sincere act, because people are opening their character and story to the world, and everybody can see the tattoo. His greatest satisfaction is to see the look of the face when the tattoo is done. With that he makes them happy and they provoke greater creativity to him, for the next piece of art. He says that people must take away barriers that are stopping them to express themselves and to communicate freely with each other. And, one thing is for sure, tattoos are breaking down boundaries and the world becomes better place for living. Ana Ilievska


Tattoo сцената во Македонија Интервју со Bobi Tattoo InkS „Tетовирањето е најискрениот чин бидејќи луѓето го отвораат својот карактер и приказна кон светот, а тетоважата може да ја види секој.“ - вели Bobi Tattoo


дно жешко октомвриско попладне седнавме со Боби Tattoo да ја разоткриеме “Tattoo” сцената во Македонија, а тој е еден од основоположниците. Ова студио мене ми ги врати сеќавањата кога пред седум години ја добив мојата прва тетоважа. Но, тоа е една друга приказна.

ПОЧЕТОЦИТЕ Боби “Tattoo” ми раскажа за неговите почетоци, од далечните 90ти, кога за првпат почнал да се занимава со оваа професија, најпрво аматерски, за набрзо да отвори и свое студио во Скопје. Како што вели, почетоците, како и борбата за прифаќање на тетовирањето како дел од културата, начин на живеење и секојдневие биле тешки, но, тој е убеден дека со упорноста го постигнал тоа. Ако на почетокот најголема заинтересираност имало од машката популација, странците и младите, сега границите се урнати. Неговиот најстар клиент имал околу 70 години, а девојките се подеднакво отворени како и машките. Почетоците биле тешки поради затвореноста на македонското општество и стереотипите, но сега луѓето со задоволство доаѓаат кај tattoo артистите, па дури и од странство, и според неговото искуство, не се покајале за одлуката. За сцената денес, ја држат десетина професионални tattoo артисти кои си ја знаат својата работа, па затоа и оваа професија е ценета.


TATTOO СЛУЧУВАЊА Како што вели, во Македонија недостасува поголема организираност. Се организираат Tattoo фестови, но немаат богата програма и голем замав. Досега имале соработка со „Ноќните волци“, а учествувале и “tattoo” артисти од балканските и европските држави. Тој лично се залагал да внесе нова димензија на овие настани, како на пример обидот да го поврзе тетовирањето со еротиката. Исто така, негов проект е “Tattoo Live Caffe”, кој го работел во три наврати во соработка со поранешниот кафе бар Ница. Тоа било креативна идеја, за првпат на нашето тло, а најверојатно и пошироко, каде можете да бидете случаен сведок на чинот на тетовирање. Тетовирањето во живо предизвикало многу позитивни реакции од присутните, кои поставувале многу прашања. Интересно е да се спомне дека млад вљубен пар, сведок на тој редок момент на инспирација решил да стави печат на тоа време со крунисување на нивната љубов со заедничка тетоважа. Сепак, и покрај тоа, поголеми обиди за организирање немало, но ни откри дека се прават напори да се основа здружение од сите професионални tattoo артисти во Македонија.

Интервју МАКЕДОНСКАТА “VERSUS” СТРАНСКАТА СЦЕНА Боби “Tattoo” вели дека нема голема разлика бидејќи Македонија има многу верни tattoo артисти кои се барани да работат и во странство. Тоа што ја разликува сцената е поголемата софистицираност на странската во поглед на техники и средства, како и полиберални општества, а недостасуваат и семинари и обуки, каде ќе се посвети внимание на едукација. Тој има замисла за настани каде “tattoo” артистите и публиката ќе ги споделуваат своите доживувања и каде луѓето ќе го видат вистинскиот дух на тетоважата. Меѓутоа, тие често посетуваат странски фестивали, студија и имаат пријатели со кои ги споделуваат искуствата и го применуваат тоа што ќе го забележат како интересно. Сепак, вели, разликите се најмногу во традицијата бидејќи секое студио си има своја приказна.

ФИЛОЗОФИЈА НА ТЕТОВИРАЊЕТО За крај, не можев, а да не го прашам како тој лично го доживува тетовирањето. На почетокот, вели, го навлекла магијата на цртање на кожа. Се прашувал како се чувствува личноста чие тело се тетовира. Така и го доживувал, како креативен чин на исцртување. Но, со искуството сфатил дека има нешто подлабоко од креацијата, а тоа е чувството на среќа кое го предизвикува. Луѓето му ги доверуваат своите животни приказни и случувања тој да ги претстави на нивните тела. Затоа според него тетовирањето е најискрениот чин бидејќи луѓето го отвораат својот карактер и приказна кон светот, а тетоважата може да ја види секој. Негово најголемо задоволство е да им го види изразот на лицето кога ќе биде готова тетоважата. Со тоа ги прави среќни, а нему му отвора поголема креативност за следното дело. Тој вели дека луѓето мора да ги тргнат бариерите кои ги спречуваат слободно да се изразуваат и да комуницираат меѓу себе. А едно е сигурно, тетоважите ги рушат бариерите и светот станува подобро место за живеење. Ана Илиевска

НОВИТЕ ГЕНЕРАЦИИ На Боби Tattoo му е особено драго што постојат млади и надежни наследници и со тоа ги поддржува. Но, исто така има апел до нив да сфатат дека оваа професија носи голема одговорност. Поради тоа им препорачува да се обучат кај професионален артист. Тој лично има обучувано млади кои сега самостојно работат. Вели, на тој начин придонесува да се развие оваа професија и култура. Тој исто така ги советува да бидат свои, оригинални и креативни и дека успехот доаѓа со целосна посветеност, а не од добивката. Само така можат да го заслужат своето уметничко име и да се изборат за место на “tattoo” сцената, а со тоа и почитта која произлегува.



New approach in building capacities of youth

appy, satisfied, exited, a bit sad for the end…This is the mix of emotions that we all feel at this moment, when we are slowly finishing and closing the Capacity building project “Challenging Youth through Youth Work!!!”. It’s been 10 months since we started: The first training course in December, followed by the second and third TC in February and March, the two study visit in April and July and the seminar in September…All six activities have been implemented more than successfully. In all six activities, 20 young people from Kyrgyzstan, with the support of trainer’s team from Macedonia, Romania and Kyrgyzstan, have passed through long way of learning, acquiring skills and changing attitudes, so we can proudly say that we have upgraded the youth work in this lovely and very welcoming Central Asian country.

This was the first time the three partner organizations, Volunteers Centre Skopje, OTI from Arad and Youth Human Rights group from Bishkek are organizing a project of this kind- Same 20 participants passing through six carefully designed activities, implemented in a time frame of almost one year, offering possibilities for learning from various areas, connected with youth work. We all, till now, have implemented single project activities (TC’s, youth exchanges and similar) with similar subjects, but this six interconnected activities has been challenge for us as well, but we have proven our capacities for implementation of large scale long term projects, with large effect over countries outside the European continent.



The areas tackled by our project, like principles of youth work, conflict management, PCM, advocacy and lobbying, research in the community, community youth work, youth policies and strategies, sustainable development and recycling and etc., created a solid background for further personal and professional development of the participants and as well, building of the capacities of the various NGO’s and institutions they were representing. We truly believe that the roots we planted will produce very fruitful results in the future and the youth workers/ leaders from Kyrgyzstan that we involved in our project, will have the leading role in the development of the youth sphere and all other areas connected with youth in country. The project had great impact on local and national level in Kyrgyzstan, so we believe that this is just the start of our implementation of activities and initiatives in that country. We want to thank the partner organizations, OTI from Arad, Romania, and especially the YHRG from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for their support, expertise and invested energy, in the preparation, implementation and follow up period of the project! See you soon‌ RAHMAT!!!

By Gjoko Vukanovski VOICES - 17

Bastille Day (2016)

Bastille Day” is a pleasant surprise from the genre of action movies, since it has that dash of originality that separates this film from the rest, that large number of action-movies productions that appear every year, mostly in Europe and USA. I was thinking if I could find anything similar to it, and I could remember one relevant film: “The day of the Jackal”, directed by Fred Zinnemann, with Edward Fox, and later its very worthy remake with Richard Gere. This movie was a tensed chase on the suspect that wants to assassinate the French president. The “Bastille Day” is also a chase. In this case not only one person is chased, but a mysterious organization. The interesting thing, considering the European productions (if we can call this so or perhaps a European co-production…)


is that somebody from the law has to collaborate with somebody that is an outlaw. I am underlining this since this was present in the action productions in USA very long.


The transatlantic influence, if we can generalize of such, is present by the main character (convincingly and ironically, regarding its social and professional status, interpreted by the marvelous Idris Elba). He is an agent from CIA that has to collaborate with somebody from the red underground. That this somebody from the underground is not anybody shows the complex interpretation of Richard Madden, in the best character actors’ interpretation; this actor had the honor to begin his career with the Disney production of “Cinderella”- 2015. And this outlaw (his name is Michael Mason) does this actually quite good, perhaps because he has to. The screenplay of Andrew Baldwin and James Watkins is a naturalistic persiflage of the social life that is the strong side of the story and separates “Bastille Day” from the rest of the routine productions that were produced in the last few years. Namely Michael Mason is portrayed as a vagabond that plans one day to start a decent life. Furthermore he is somebody that has intelligence that he can oppose to the CIA agent; particularly when the audience can scent that even the agent was not with a heart of stone. The other strong side of this production is its timing; it appeared in the time when it was|is evident that the security-system in the West failed in many ways. This production appeared in the time when it was pretty clear that some good-old-fashion collaboration with the civil society is necessary so that the stable lifestyles of some countries could be preserved.

by Igor Pop Trajkov


Aluminum Innovation and Danger at the Same Time


luminum is one of the elements that were discovered late. This metal can obtain its own strength and perseverance without creating alloy with other metals. His characteristics are amazing. It is strange that it was discovered so late since like many other metals it has its certain presence in our body, and like all other elements plays its role in our metabolism. Regarding this, scientists noticed that those patients that developed the Alzheimer’s disease have more aluminum in their brain than the ones that did not. Alzheimer is a genetic illness which is contracted from the parents to the children. Some people that are genetically positive to this disease never develop it, and docs believe that this is because they never imported some extra aluminum in their organism.


Science At first it seemed that in the past centuries there were less people with this disease due to the simple fact that there was less population, but now, after they discovered the aluminum in the brain, they begun to connect it with its import. Nowadays people are advised to do the genetic test whether they are positive to the disease, so that they would be conscious that this is a risk for their children. Those that are positive, according to some researches, will not develop the Alzheimer if they reduce the import of aluminum in their body. How can somebody increase this import? -By cooking in aluminum pots or with aluminum folio, or by using deodorants that contain aluminum. Many organizations had begun activating the systems for protection of using deodorants, so the firms must add a note on their product that it contains aluminum. But we don’t know what the outcome of this is? Did the percentage of the ill people became smaller? We haven’t seen any relevant researches on those that are not genetically susceptible to Alzheimer’s.

Plaques and tangles tend to spread through the cortex as Alzheimer’s progresses.

Some say that the extra aluminum in the brain of those that are not genetically disposed makes them less capable for intellectual working, by decreasing their concentration and by reducing their memory capacity. I also noticed that when I am not using deodorants that contain aluminum I could much easier concentrate and entirely I have more energy for everything. However these organizations that are active in this issue should be more transparent and easier to be found, since we heard that in some countries these products are entirely thrown out of the supermarkets.

by Igor Pop Trajkov VOICES - 21

Energy of the Future is the Energy from the Ancient Times


hat differs the contemporary science from the ancient is the thing that differs the contemporary scientists from the contemporary ones. Namely our ancestors were having more free time and they could observe the nature longer. Unlike the contemporary ones that have to stay all day in their labs. Beside the contemporary scientists couldn’t realize (since they were taught in this manner), that what they believe is their advantage- that everything that is a discovery must have a material proof, can be their source of circumscription too. Namely the modern science doesn’t appreciate the method of observing, or does not appreciate it as much as it should. It appreciates the experiments, the empirical proofs, the evidence that can be found in the laboratory, not the one that already exists in the nature. Of course I am not trying to say that this kind of evidence isn’t also relevant, but still is it useful if we just neglect something that is obvious?



The ancient man was observing the nature and he noticed that everything that has life is with blue color; the earth (just by observing in Ancient Egypt they find out that the earth was round, they measured its size, and they had a heliocentric space system) has life and has the blue sky above it; the sea has life in it and is blue. That is how the ancient man knew that if he wants to extract energy from the sun he can do it with the blue color. Some archeologists claim that they found ancient batteries on locations in Egypt. They were clay jars with vinegar and copper tube in them. A museum in Switzerland restored what some scientists believe were the ancient electric lamps.

All the relevant researches show that the air pollution in Macedonia is highest in the world. Due to the alleged money laundering with the fuel from the cars, the air pollution reached its peak this season and if continues so this winter the pollution will be the highest so far in the world again. But if the citizens put enough pressure to the authorities they can accomplish some change. In this region exists not just the solar energy but also the wind, and the scientists are telling us that the various kinds of cosmic radiation and energy (like the sound, radio waves, than the infrared- light energy) could be the source of energy too. The proof for this is the city of Kochani. This is the first city in Europe that has all of its public lighting system charged with solar energy.

by Igor Pop Trajkov




f you hear this name for the first time, you probably have no idea, what it might be. A new Rock-Band, or a new product, maybe in the chocolate industry? Or a new start-up firm in Berlin, Germany?

The initials CERN stand for: “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire” It was established in the year 1954. 12 Countries participated: France, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, Germany and Switzerland. In the beginning the idea was to build a laboratory for research in the area of atomic nuclei. But soon everybody thought it would be more interesting to study higher energy physics instead, mainly the interaction between subatomic particles.

The site of CERN is near Geneva on the Swiss-French border. The experimental sites are located underground, some on Swiss territory, some on French. The main site is Meyrin, Switzerland. Interesting is that the whole site is under Swiss jurisdiction. CERN is responsible for several important achievements in particle physics. The latest back in July 2012, the long, sought Higgs-Besom. In one of the experimental sites, CERN was able to proof why some fundamental particles have mass, when they actually should be massless.


Science In 1964 Peter Higgs and other physicists suggested the possibility of the existence of such a particle. In the year 2013 Higgs was then awarded with Francois Englert the Nobel Prize in Physics.

But there is something else, for what CERN is famous for. It is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The main site at Meyrin had a large computer facility. Here a lot experimental - data analysis was collected. There was the need to make this information available for researches everywhere in the world – and today everyone can use this great platform to get information.

Today CERN has over 22 members with Israel as the only non European country with full membership. And in the future we can be sure that CERN will discovery more new things and help us to explain interesting aspects of physics. By Dominik Daniel




ко го слушате ова име за прв пат, веројатно не можете ни да претпоставите што би можело да биде. Нов рок состав, или нов производ, можеби од чоколадната индустрија? Или нова фирма во Берлин, Германија?

Иницијалите ЦЕРН означуваат: „Eвропска Организација за Нуклеарно Истражување“. Основана е во 1954. 12 земји земаат учество: Франција, Норвешка, Шведска, Белгија, Данска, Холандија, Луксембург, Југославија, Италија, Грција, Германија и Швајцарија. На почетокот идејата била да се изгради лабораторија за истражување во областа на атомски нуклеи. Но набрзо сите сметале дека е поинтересно да изучуваат честична физика, главно интеракцијата помеѓу субатомските честички.

Локацијата на ЦЕРН е близу Женева на швајцарско-француската граница. Експерименталните локации се лоцирани под земја, некои на територијата на Швајцарија, некои на Франција. Главната локација е Мерин (Meyrin), Швајцарија. Интересно е што целиот терен е под Швајцарска јурисдикција. ЦЕРН е одговорна За неколку важни достигнувања во полето на честичната физика. Последното достигнување се случува во јули 2012, долго бараната честичка “Higgs Bosom“ (Хигз- Бозон). На една од експерименталните локации ЦЕРН успеа да докаже дека некои фундаментални честички имаат маса, кога всушност не би требало да имаат.


Sciences Во 1964 Питер Хигз и други физичари ја предложуваат можноста за постоењето на таква честичка. Во 2013 Хигз е награден со Франсоа Енглерт Нобелова Награда за физика.

Но има и уште нешто по кое ЦЕРН е позната. Таа е родного место на “World Wide Web”. Главната област на Мерин имала голема компјутерска опрема. Тука, биле собирани многу периментални дата анализи Имало потреба овие информација да се направат достапни за стражувачите ширум светот, па така денес сите можат да ја користат оваа голема платформа за да собираат информации.

Денес, ЦЕРН има преку 22 членови, вклучувајќи го и Израел, како единствена неевропска земја со целосно учество. Во иднина можеме да бидеме сигурни дека ЦЕРН ќе открие многу нови работи и ќе ни помогне да објасниме интересни аспекти од физиката. Од Доминик Даниел


A random way to discover the sky : the Air Balloon flight Today we are about to focus an activity not (or almost not) existing in Macedonia, unfortunately! I am talking about the hot-air balloon, a very old french invention but still famous and active…


brief historical reminder about this big flying concept : The first hot-air balloon appeared in the french sky in 1783, over the little town of Annonay in Ardèche (little advice for you readers, go over there it is a very nice spot in France to visit and for ecotourism activities). The inventors of this big flying balloon (called montgolfière in French) are the two brothers Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étiennes. Few months after the first experience, the two brothers were invited to come to Versailles by king Louis XVI’s order for a first national demonstration. In order to avoid any human health risk, they decided to send a hot-air baloon 480 meters in the sky with inside: one sheep, one duck and one rooster. The first formal success for this invention was that the three animals landed back onto the ground safe and alive. Two months later a little group composed of parisian aristocrats tried for the first time a flight aboard a bigger montgolfière over the city of Paris. One year later, the first woman decided to participate to this wonderful aerial experience over the city of Lyon.

Then through the next years the hot-air balloon became a notorious concept used in different purposes and dimensions : some people considered it more like a symbol of glamour, of prosperity or like the best trend in the aristocracy community. Some others considered this invention as a new interesting way to discover their own territory from the sky. And even some travellers decided to use the montgolfière as a perfect way to travel around the world. By extension it became a reputed sportive activity with important performances, international meetings and competitions between hot-air balloons.


Life style During the 20th century, the hot-air balloon activity decreased deeply because of the two World Wars and many flying inventions appeared during this period for example helicopters, jet planes etc. Nowdays the montgolfière activity started again as a retro trend. In majority of occidental countries with international competitions and acrobatics demontrations it is about to become famous again.

One montgolfière’s feature that makes it so attractive is the fact that you know where you take off but you will not know where you arrive…The wind is the only force leading the hot-air balloon. The pilot can just control to go up or down (while opening the burner a high flame appears and the balloon rises up) in order to take the wind blowing towards his chosen destination. Actually it’s the only aerostat permitting a complete random sky discovery…in a perfect silence.

Today there are very few montgolfières within the Balkan area and maybe it would be a nice way to develop this activity through an ecotourism dimension. For instance Macedonia would be a perfect spot for this, in order to admire the view above the mountains and lakes .

by Antonin Vallet


Are you a “People Pleaser”? A People Pleaser is one of the nicest and most helpful people you know. They never say “no.” You can always count on them for a favor. In fact, they spend a great deal of time doing things for other people. They get their work done, help others with their work, make all the plans, and are always there for family members and friends. So far this sounds like a good thing. Unfortunately, it can be an extremely unhealthy pattern of behavior. Why am I a People Pleaser? Typically, the intense need to please and care for others is deeply rooted in either a fear of rejection and/or fear of failure. Fear of Rejection is the underlying feeling that, “If I don’t do everything I can to make this person happy they might leave or stop caring for me.” Fear of Rejection can come from early relationships in whichlove was conditional or in which you were rejected/abandoned by an important person in your life (parent left or was emotionally unavailable or inconsistently available). Fear of Failure is the underlying feeling that “If I make a mistake, I will disappoint people and/ or be punished.” Fear of failure can arise from early experiences with severe punishment for even small mistakes. People who had highly

critical parents may develop a people-pleasing pattern. Early experiences with harsh criticism or punishment can lead to significant anxiety upon attempting a task. Even though the parent or other important person in your life who doled out the criticism may no longer be in your life, anxiety is an emotion that can live on for a very long time. To deal with that anxiety, we do everything we can to get things right, finish the job, and make sure everybody is happy. Regardless of the origins, consistently putting others needs above your own can develop into the following 5 pretty bad consequences.

• Neglect self People Pleasers devote very little time to taking care of their own health. Their efforts towards taking care of others usurps time they need to be active, de-stress, plan healthy meals, etc. As a result they may be more prone to health problems. If you are a People Pleaser your heart is in the right place. Wanting to take care of others is not a bad thing and if more people had a little bit of what you have,


Opinion the world would be a better place. However, you cannot do this at the expense of yourself. A balance is needed. Consider that taking care of yourself makes you better equipped to take care of others by giving you the energy and vitality to do it even better than you are now. Imagine you are driving a Red Cross truck delivering food and water to hurricane victims. If you are in such a hurry to get to every single victim that you don’t stop once in a while to refuel the truck, eventually you will be stalled on the side of the road helping no one. Think of the time you put into exercise, de-stressing, and eating healthy as your fuel stops. • Passive aggression and/or resentment Over time, people pleasers are likely to find themselves silently angry at the people in theirlifes. Their desire to be kind will suppress that anger but unexpressed anger often turns into passive aggression. We are being passive aggressive when we make sharp comments, crack sarcastic jokes, or make subtle actions that let a little of our negative feelings seep out (e.g., doing the favor but in a half-assed fashion). Making matters worse, mounting resentment is the biggest destroyer of relationships. Communicating your feelings is the only way to avoid resentment, although it requires taking the risk that the other person might not be happy to hear that you are upset or they may not take responsibility for what has upset you. The outcome doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you spoke up for yourself. Speaking up also puts people on notice that they will be informed when they have done something that has upset you. This alone can make people tread more lightly. • Reduces ability to enjoy other people and activities People pleasers have so much on their plate, that they are constantly thinking of all the things they need to get done that it takes away from their ability to enjoy the game. But we need to acknowledge that people around us pick up on our lack of enthusiasm. Our level of engagement in an activity or a person


is impossible to hide. What message do we send our loved ones by being present but disengaged? Being present but disengaged is not better than being absent. By doing less things for other people and recharging yourself in the interim, you would get more enjoyment from the activities you engage in. • Stress and Depression The definition of stress is having more demands than you can handle. People Pleasing can turn into a vicious cycle of chronic stress and unhealthy behaviors. If you have the constant feeling like you are too busy and doing everything for everyone else but yourself, you might be stuck in this cycle. Stress and depression can be medicated but that won’t break the cycle. If pulling out of the cycle seems overwhelming, identify one small place you can start. Identify one responsibility you have taken on that you can cancel to free up some time for yourself. Work from there. Find one person in your life to share your plan with and ask them to help you implement it. • Be taken advantage of By always saying yes to requests for favors, people may begin to take advantage of your kindness by asking for more than is reasonable. Even worse, you may become the target of exploitive people because they will quickly see that you can’t say no and take as much as they can from you. Even people who are generally not exploitive may take advantage because they don’t realize that you are overtaxing yourself and have difficulty understanding where your boundaries are because you have set none. Either way, requests from other people will become overwhelming. We teach people how to treat us by the behavior we accept or reject from them. If someone takes advantage of you, it is only their fault once. After that it is your fault for not teaching them different. Teaching different means setting boundaries about what you can and cannot do, and what you will and will not accept. Once you have established this, sticking to it is important. The other challenge is that if everyone is used to you saying yes, they may feel disappointed or angry when you begin to say no. It is extremely important to ignore feelings of guilt. You deserve to take care of yourself, it is nothing to ever feel guilty about. Keep reminding yourself of the Red Cross Truck. The text is based on an article from Psychology Today


Lile Jovanovska


Дали постојано им удоволуваш на сите? Човекот што постојано им удоволува на сите е еден од најфините луѓе што ги знаете и секогаш е тука да подаде рака. Никогаш не кажува „не“. Можете да сметате на него за било која услуга. Всушност, овој човек поминува многу долго време вршејќи работи за други луѓе. Ги завршува неговите обврски, им помага нa другите при нивните обврски, ги прави сите планови и е секогаш тука занеговото семејство и пријатели. Сето ова звучи како добро нешто, но тоа е така само навидум, бидејќи може да биде екстремно нездрав начин на однесување. Ако се пронајдовте во овој опис, сигурно се прашувате зошто постојано им удоволувате на сите? Најчесто, интензивната потреба да им се удоволи на другите потекнува од огромен страв од одбивање или од страв од нeуспех. Стравот од одбивање е потсвесното чувство дека „ако не направам се што можам за оваа личност да биде среќна, можно е таа да ме напушти или да прекине да се грижи за мене“. Стравот од одбивање може да потекнува од претходни врски со другите луѓе при кои љубовта се добивала само ако одредени услови биле исполнети или при кои индивидуата била одбиена или напуштена од страна на некоја за неа важна личност (родител кој го напуштил семејството, бил емоционално недостапен или нередовно емоционално достапен).

Стравот од неуспех е потсвесното чувство дека „ако направам грешка, ќе ги разочарам сите или ќе бидам казнет“. Стравот од неуспех може да потекнува од искуства од детството при кои што личноста претрпувала строги казни дури и за најмалите грешки. Децата кои имаат родители кои многу критикуваат можат да се развијат во луѓе што константно им удоволуваат на сите. Рани искуства со сурови коментари или казни можат да водат до значајно ниво на анксиозност при извршување на некоја задача. Иако тој родител, или таа важна личност во нивниот живот која ги подвргнувала на остри критики не е е повеќе присутна во нивниот живот, анксиозноста е емоција која може да живее многу долго време откако стимулот го снемало. За да се справиме со таа анксиозност, правиме се што можеме за да ги направиме нештата извонредно добро, совршено да ја завршиме работата и да се погрижиме дека сите се среќни. Без разлика на потеклото, постојаното ставање на потребите на другите луѓе на пиедестал, пред своите може да развие 5 многу лоши последици:


• Не водење грижа за себе си Луѓето кои постојано им удоволуваат на другите посветуваат многу малку време на себе си и своето здравје. Нивните подвизи за другите луѓе им го завземаат времето кое би можеле да го посветат на активност, релаксација, планирање на здрави оброци итн. Како резултат на ова, посклони се кон здравствени проблеми. Грижата за другите луѓе не е нешто што е лошо и ако поголем дел од човештвото го практикуваше тоа, светот би бил поубаво место за живеење. Но, тоа не може да се прави на сметка на себе си. Потребна е рамнотежа. Земете го во предвид фактот дека ако водите грижа за себе си – тогаш ќе бидете подобро „опремени“ да водите грижа за другите, ќе бидете поенергични и повитални. Замислете дека возите автобус на Црвен Крст кој дели храна и вода на жртви од ураган. Ако толку многу брзате да дојдете до сите жртви што не застанувате повремено да го наполните резервоарот со гориво, тогаш по некој период ќе се најдете себе си застанати покрај патот со возило без бензин – а тоа не би му помогнало никому. Гледајте на времето кое го

посветувате за физичка активност, релаксација и здрава исхрана како ваши бензински станици. • Пасивна агресивност и лутина Со текот на времето, удоволувачите на луѓе им стануваат „нечујно“ лути на личностите околу нив. Нивната желба за љубезност го поттиснува нивниот гнев, но гневот кој не се искажува често прераснува во пасивна агресија – давање на остри критики, забелешки, саркастични шеги, безволно пружање помош и други суптилни дејствија преку кои ја вадиме нашата лутина од нас. Некомуницирањето и таложењето на лутината е најголемиот уништувач на врските. Единствен начин да се одбегне ова е да се води отворен разговор за нашите чувства. Сепак, за ова е потребно да се превземе ризикот дека другата личност можеби нема да биде толку среќна кога ќе слушне дека не сте задоволни или ќе нема да сака да ја превземе одговорноста за она што ве потиштило. Крајниот исход и не е толку важен, колку што е важно да застанете позади себе си и да проговорите за она што ве мачи. Тоа ќе им покаже на луѓето, дека вие ќе им дадете до знаење кога тие ќе ве налутат со штотие ќе ги осознаат вашите граници и како вие сакате да бидете третирани од нивна страна. • Ја намалува способноста да се ужива со другите луѓе и во различните активности Ако се трудите да им удоволите на сите, тогаш што и да правите ќе бидете под стрес, ќе


размислувате постојано за сите работи што ве чекаат Вас за да бидат завршени и ќе нема да можете да му се препуштите на моментот. Вашето ниво на вклученост во некој настан или некоја личност не може да се прикрие. Каква порака им праќаме на нашите блиски ако сме со нив само физички присутни, но не и мисловно? Да се биде немо присутен, но не и вклучен во моментот не е подобро од тоа да не се биде присутен воопшто, а за да можеме да бидеме ангажирани во некое случување и тоа да ни пружа задоволство, треба да бидеме одморени и да не се грижиме за купот обврски кои самите сме си ги ставиле на свои плеќи. • Стрес и депресија Стресот по дефиниција е имање повеќе обврски отколку што можеме да завршиме. Удоволувањето на други луѓе може да прерасне во мачен круг на хроничен стрес и нездраво однесување. Ако константо имате чувство дека сте премногу зафатени правејќи се за секого, освен за себе си, можеби сте заглавени во овој круг. Ако прекинување на целиот циклусот е преголем чекор за вас, тогаш идентификувајте една мала одговорност што ќе можете да ја отстраните од вашиот живот за да си одвоите време за себе си. Луѓето ве користат • Со тоа што секогаш кажувате „да“ на молби за услуги, луѓето можат да почнат да ја користат вашата добрина и да бараат од Вас многу повеќе отколку што е разумно. Дури и полошо, можете да станете мета на луѓе кои сакаат да ги експлоатираат другите, бидејќи тој тип на луѓе веднаш приметуваат дека не знаете да одбивате и ќе Ве исцрпат колку што е можно повеќе. Дури и луѓе кои генерално не се искористувачи, можат да почнат да уживаат во придобивките бидејќи нема да можат да разберат дека ставате премногу на вашата тацна и дека имате тешкотија да разберете до каде одат вашите граници, бидејќи Вие, впрочем си немате поставено никакви граници. Со време, барањата и молбите на луѓето ќе станат преголеми. Ние ги учиме луѓето како да се однесуваат со нас преку нашето прифаќање или отфрлање на нивните постапки. Ако некој Ве искористи еднаш, тоа е нивна вина, но ако тоа продолжи, тогаш вината е ваша, бидејќи не сте ги научиле поинаку да се однесуваат со Вас. Под „учење како да се однесуваат со Вас“ се подразбира поставување јасни граници за тоа што Вие можете или сакате и што не можете да направите и што вие прифаќате, а што не прифаќате. Штом еднаш ќе ги поставите овие темели, ќе треба да се придржувате до нив. Другиот предизвик кој произлегува од превземањето на овој чекор е фактот дека личностите околу вас веќе се навикнале на вашата послушност, што кога ќе почнете да ги одбивате, можтие да станат лути. Од екстремна важност е да ги игнорирате чувствата на вина. Вие заслужувате да се грижите за себе си, тоа не е никаков грев. Само потсете се на возилото на Црвениот Крст. Текстот се базира на статија од Psychology Today Lile Jovanovska


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Pollution of the marine wildlife

0,7 % of water covers the surface of the earth. We are addicted to our nature but the humanity does not always work hand in hand with it. And this affects a lot of consequences. Like the pollution of the marine wildlife. You can distinguish the pollution in two categories: solid and non-solid waste. So we are not always able to see the damage we create. In the following article I will introduce you into the pollution of the marine wildlife and how it affects on humanity.

Let’s begin with solid waste which you can clearly see. Solid waste begins with plastic bags, foam and goes to construction waste and much more. This kind of waste is not natural therefore it does not dissolve from its own. So it can flow in the oceans for many years. The wildlife like fish, dolphins and turtles consume the waste because they mistake it for food. With serious consequences for example blocking the breathing way and stomach of the animals which results in dying a painful death.

Non solid waste appears in different ways like fertilizer, oil, chemicals, radioactive waste, waste water chemical weapons, emissions from factories and automobiles and many more.


Opinion So the sources are not always at the shore but have netherless a big impact on the marine wildlife. The fertilizer for example ends up in the rivers and in the groundwater because rain erodes the soil. This fertilizer make algae flower in the ocean which robs the oxygen in the water. Therefore no life can live in this outcast area. Right now exist about 400 of these dead zones in the world. Another big problem is waste water. Almost 80% of our run-off water is un- or under treated. The problem about the non solid waste is that it requires a hidden period of impact till you notice the consequences. Just because of these issues almost every marine organism is contaminated with human chemicals. Once in the environment the solid and non solid waste can travel for long distances through air and water. And it affects on the human body in the same way. If we eat contamined fish it causes different diseases like cancer, birth defects and long term health problems. Similar with the destroyed reefs and fouled beaches the chance to get rashes, hepatitis, diarrhea, stomach problems, and vomiting are continually rising. All in all the pollution our marine wildlife is a current problem and it would even help if you try to lower your waste by choosing a fabric bag instead of a plastic bag in the supermarket.

by Patrick Zimmermann VOICES - 37

VCS Family

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