HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATIONS ARE SET TO RESUME AT SIEGEL CENTER Graduates and their families will soon commence at Siegel Center and Altria Theater this year, from May 23-25 and June 10-16. During these special events, thousands of high school graduates and their families will have the opportunity to experience Virginia Commonwealth University. Given the large volume of traffic expected, VCU Police will implement a regional traffic plan to mitigate traffic impacts and promote guest and pedestrian safety. As in previous years, VCU Police and VCU Parking and Transportation will relocate all West Broad St. Deck subscribers once again. This has helped us to better facilitate the safety of guests and subscribers, reduce area congestion and improve operational efficiency in the past. A shuttle service will be provided to minimize inconveniences for those impacted by relocation. Shuttles will travel to and from on-campus locations from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily. You can view additional information on high school graduations and refer inquiring customers to the dedicated graduation page online at
EVENING PERMITS NOW BEGIN AT 3 P.M. To accommodate afternoon class and work schedules, the start time for all student and employee evening permits was extended to 3 p.m., from the previous 3:30 p.m., effective February 4. The change comes following feedback from customers regarding some challenges they were encountering arriving to class on time. This new change is expected to increase customer satisfaction and convenience for students.