Gifts at WOrk fall 2012

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gifts at work

fall 2012

School of Medicine on Virginia Commonwealth University’s Medical College of Virginia Campus

Alumni, Faculty and Friends

Make Their Mark Questions? Contact the Alumni & Development Office at (804) 828-4800, (800) 332-8813 or

“I can only do what I do because I had wonderful training at MCV. It was a privilege.” “The traditional syllabus and lecture still has its place, but there are much more impactful ways to teach and learn these days.”

“MCV needs this building, and I’m excited to be part of that.” “I think giving is something that’s very personal and the motivation should come from within. I am grateful for my start from MCV.”


“I am intensely proud of how MCV has evolved, and I consider it to be a treasure chest of knowledge.”

he medical school is anticipating the opening of the McGlothlin Medical Education Center in the spring. Already, faculty are planning curriculum changes that will make the most of innovative space that is designed for team-based, clinically-driven problem solving in flexible, small-group learning studios and simulation labs. Alumni, faculty and friends are backing these forward thinking approaches to training physicians through financial gifts to the ongoing campaign. The $37-million campaign draws to a close at the end of the calendar year but it’s already attracted

an unprecedented level of support to the medical school. That support will be chronicled on a high-profile donor wall in the building’s lobby. The Dean of Medicine is looking forward to seeing the wall covered with the names of those who have supported the school’s ongoing campaign at the leadership level of $10,000 and above. “It is very gratifying to see how alumni, faculty and friends of the medical school have come together to support our core mission, medical education,” said Jerry Strauss III, M.D., Ph.D., dean of the medical school and executive vice

president for medical affairs for the VCU Health System. “I hear over and over again from our alumni about the incomparable clinical experience they had on the MCV Campus, and how exceptional teaching helped paved the way for their rewarding careers. The success of this campaign ensures that future generations will have an equally rich educational experience at school.”

More info about the building and naming opportunities is online

There’s still time to make your mark with a gift that will show future generations what your training has meant to you. Dec. 31, 2012, is the deadline for adding your name to the donor wall that will be unveiled at the building’s Gala Opening on April 20, 2013.

Supporting the School’s Imm Still Caring for Others The Class of 1954’s Charles Hoffman was on his urology rotation when he met a bright, strong-willed young woman. His classmate: Edna Maura. “He told her that she couldn’t possibly put a catheter into a man,” recounts Charlotte Hoffman Norris. “She said, ‘Just watch me.’” He found joy in her intellect and determination to become a doctor. They were married a year later. The youngest of the Hoffman’s five daughters, Norris proudly recalls how her parents built careers of selfless service to others in Fayetteville, N.C. His, through the establishment of his own successful urology clinic, and hers, through a lifelong devotion to geriatrics. Even when life took an unexpected turn, that concern for others lived on. Charles Hoffman died suddenly in the late 1990s. Within months Edna Hoffman was diagnosed with breast cancer. But before her death, she worked with her daughter, who is an attorney, to create a Charitable Remainder

Unitrust naming the Medical College of Virginia Foundation as beneficiary. “Both of my parents had a great fondness for MCV,” and it was important, Norris explained, to identify the best ways to invest and direct their monies to benefit others as they had often discussed. “The beauty of the charitable trust was that for a period of years there was an amount distributed to the beneficiaries of their estate while the trust continued to grow,” Norris says. Today, the gift is nearly $200,000 – half of which will be used to endow the Hoffman Scholarship Fund and the remaining portion to support the ongoing campaign for the School of Medicine, where the couple spent so many happy hours together. “They were taken early from this life,” says their daughter. “Taking care of people was their passion. They are still doing that.”

The Class of 1954’s Charles and Edna Hoffman

Medical College of Virginia Society

MCV Society

Celebrating a proud heritage ... building a strong future for the MCV Campus of Virginia Commonwealth University

Alumni and friends who have included the School of Medicine in their estate plans Dr. Bruce A. Baber, M’57 Dr. Richard N. Baylor, M’46, H’52 Dr. Wyatt S. Beazley III, M’61, H’66, and Mrs. Mason H. Beazley Dr. Erika M. Blanton, H’71 Dr. Helen H. Bosse, M’50 Dr. Robert R. Bowen, M’56, H’61 Mrs. Helga Boyan Dr. Charles D. Burch III, M’54, H’59 Dr. Harold W. Burnette, M’61 Dr. Richard P. Burruss, Jr., M’83 Dr. John A. Byrd, Jr., M’47, H’48 Dr. Elizabeth R. Carmichael, M’57 Dr. Catherine S. Casey, M’74 Ms. Virginia L. Coleman Dr. Rufus Marion DeHart, Jr., M’65, and Mrs. Mary McCord DeHart Dr. David E. M. Drucker, H’88 Dr. George Drucker Mrs. Norma Ellis Dr. Russell D. Evett, M’57 Mrs. Ann M. Fenton Dr. Powell G. Fox, Jr., M’52, H’59 Dr. Albert A. Fratrick, M’58, and Mrs. Virginia M. Fratrick Dr. Arthur B. Frazier, M’55, H’68, F’69 Dr. David F. Gardner Dr. Frederick T. Given, Jr., M’53, and Mrs. Jane O. Given Dr. Robert Goldschmidt, H’81, F’82, and Ms. Debbi Nierenberg Dr. John A. Goodno, Jr., M’55 Dr. John N. Gordon, M’48, H’50 Dr. Lazar J. Greenfield Dr. Walter L. Grubb, Jr., M’61, H’66 Mr. Joseph Hackett Ms. Rosemary Hackett Dr. Louis S. Harris and Mrs. Ruth S. Harris Dr. Robert D. Harris, M’70 Dr. Eloise C. Haun, M’62, H’74 Prof. Virginia E. Hench Dr. Ernest C. Hermann, M’53 Dr. Roger Lew Hiatt, H’62

Mrs. Jane C. Higgins Mrs. Roberta Wildman Hill Dr. William A. Hobbs, Jr., M’68, and Mrs. Mary Jane S. Hobbs Dr. Edna M. Hoffman, M’54, deceased, and Dr. Charles A. Hoffman, Jr., M’54, deceased Dr. Gary S. Hoffman, M’72, and Mrs. Diane B. Hoffman Mrs. Phyllis A. Hussey Mr. Paul W. Jacobs II Mrs. Adah S. Jaffer Ms. Martha McCarty Kimmerling Dr. Karin L. Klingman Dr. Joseph B. Kohen, Jr., M’55 Dr. Bernard S. Lebenson, M’77, and Mrs. Penny S. Lebenson Dr. Deborah A. Lebman Dr. H. M. Lee, H’61 Dr. Edward L. Lilly, M’68, and Mrs. Linda Lilly Dr. David L. Litchfield, M’58, H’64 Ms. Flora S. Lockridge Dr. David B. Lorber, M’72 Dr. William Bruce Lundeen, M’55, H’58 Dr. N. Rudolph Mauney, Jr., M’72, H’75 Mrs. William H. McCall, deceased Mrs. Ruth W. McDonough, deceased Mr. James W. and Frances G. McGlothlin Dr. Francis H. McMullan, M’51, H’52 Dr. Patricia McQuade Koors, M’71 Dr. Marvin E. McRae, M’38, H’39, deceased Dr. James H. Meador-Woodruff, M’84, and Ms. Robin Meador-Woodruff Dr. Austin I. Mehrhof, Jr., H’82, and Mrs. Trudi M. Mehrhof Mrs. Julia Gray Michaux, deceased Dr. Steven C. Moreland, H’79 Dr. Mary A. Mrdeza, M’82 Dr. Walter E. Nance and Mrs. Mayna Nance Dr. James P. Neifeld, M’72, H’78 Dr. Timothy A. O’Connell, M’82 Dr. Shirley Carter Olsson, M’52 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., M’47 Mr. John Patterson

Dr. Karl E. Peace, PhD’76 Dr. Donald F. Perkins, M’65 Mr. Ronald W. Phillips Dr. Michael J. Pollak, M’68, H’74 Dr. Preston P. Purdum III, M’84, F’90 Dr. Richard C. Rashid, M’62, and Mrs. Eleanor K. Rashid Dr. S. B. Rentsch, Jr., M’54, H’55 Dr. Louise W. Robertson, M’60, H’63 Dr. Richard B. Robins, M’61 Dr. Michele A. Romano, M’84, H’87 Dr. Stephen J. Ronan, M’95, H’01, and Mrs. Leslie A. Ronan Mr. Gilbert M. Rosenthal and Mrs. Fannie Rosenthal Dr. C. Lester Salmon, Jr., M’43, and Mrs. Beverly Salmon Dr. Donald P. Sanders, M’72, and Mrs. Terry Sanders Dr. J. C. Moller Sanford, M’53, H’55 Mr. Julian D. Sanger, deceased Dr. S. Larry Schlesinger, M’71 Dr. Hugo R. Seibel and Dr. Edith E. Seibel Dr. Peder M. Shea, M’74 Mr. W. E. Singleton and Mrs. Dale Singleton Dr. Gabriel J. Somori, M’81, H’84 Mr. Henry F. Stern, Sr., deceased The Honorable Walter A. Stosch Dr. Thomas P. Stratford, M’53, H’54 Dr. Clarence W. Taylor, Jr., M’55, and Mrs. Ora Lee F. Taylor Dr. Ruth W. Campbell Taylor, M’57, H’60 Dr. Richard J. Unger, M’81 Dr. Michael P. Vaughn, PhD’84, M’87 Mrs. Shirley Van Epps Waple, deceased Dr. James L. White, M’62, H’67, and Mrs. Barbara W. White Mrs. Martha B. Whitworth Dr. Vivian M. Wilkerson, M’58, H’61 Dr. Lucien S. Wilkins, M’67, H’72, F’73, and Mrs. Freda Wilkins Dr. Ohlen R. Wilson, M’54 Mrs. Harriet A. Woodhull Dr. Lauren A. Woods Dr. Reuben B. Young, M’57, H’60, deceased Dr. Edward A. Zakaib, M’62


For many donors, a gift made through their will is the best way to make a substantial contribution. Through a bequest, a donor can make a gift without depleting current assets and can reduce federal estate taxes. There are other creative ways to support the medical school that can carry some advantages for you and your family. Go online to learn more about your options.

ediate and Long-Term Needs

Investing in Students Supporting the next generation of physicians is a priority for many alumni and friends of the medical school. Some choose to do it through the Annual Fund, which is used exclusively to create scholarships for medical students. Others have established endowments at the MCV Foundation for the same purpose. These funds are invested each year, generating earnings that will be used far into the future to assist students in covering yearly tuition and fees.

Giving Back Joseph R. Gazala, M.D., tells a funny story about how he decided to settle in Richmond in 1958. As he was completing his ophthalmology residency in New York, his mentor suggested he consider setting up practice in Richmond, where the well-known and respected MCV Ophthalmology Chair Dupont Guerry, M.D, had made a name for himself. Gazala investigated that recommendation: after getting his hands on a Richmond directory, he called down the list of ophthalmologists, posing as a patient who’d broken his glasses. No one could fit him into their schedules. Clearly, he decided, the number of Richmond’s ophthalmologists was not sufficient to the need. That strategy held him in good stead. He set up practice on Monument Avenue, where he served patients for 30 years. Taking the advice of his NY mentor, Gazala also connected with the medical school through an appointment to the Department of Ophthalmology, reaching the rank of an assistant clinical professor before his retirement. So when he recently began to consider how he’d like to make an impact for his adopted community, his thoughts turned to helping medical students. This year, he and his wife Rose have established a $100,000 scholarship to help a medical student who shows academic merit and financial need.

“I came to this country,” says the Iraqi-born Joseph R. Gazala, M.D., “and this country was good to me. I want my children and grandchildren to understand that you have to give back to your community.”

2005 Alumna Honored by Classmates “She made the most out of every moment, brought out the good in everything and always found a reason to be happy and smile,” Katrina Kandra McLellan, M’05, says of her friend and classmate Rebecca Clary Harris. “Ever since I met her, I’ve wanted to be more like her.” Becca – as she was known to her friends – was the third generation of her family to attend the medical school, and was beloved by her classmates and faculty. In 2007, just two years after their graduation from medical school, Becca’s classmates were shocked to learn that she had been killed in an accident. Soon after, her classmates began to make gifts in her memory, creating what they see as a living memorial to her remarkable character as well as to her service and devotion to the field of medicine, particularly melanoma research. They’ve asked that the scholarship be awarded to a student who embodies the qualities of kindness, compassion, unguarded optimism and unquestionable character that made Becca who she was.

If you would like to add to the scholarship created in memory of Rebecca Clary Harris, M’05, please use the enclosed envelope to make your gift.

Annual Fund This fall, more than 80 high-achieving students will receive Aesculapian Scholarships made possible by the Annual Fund. That’s thanks to 1,013 donors who together made gifts totaling nearly $350,000 – including 317 first-time donors to the Fund. The Annual Fund donor roster includes a number of young alumni who’ve graduated within the past 10 years. By making a leadership gift commensurate with their graduation year, they join the Warner Club, pooling their gifts for maximum impact. The Class of 2008’s Tiffany Kelly Helman joined the Warner Club last year. After finishing her family medicine residency, she headed to Jennerstown, Penn., where she practices in a rural health clinic. The town is designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area. “I am the only physician in my office, and sometimes that’s overwhelming,” says Helman. “But at the end of the day I’m doing what I love, and I’m grateful for this opportunity. I feel like I am really providing a service to my patients. They appreciate genuineness and kindness just as much as they appreciate my opinion on the latest studies, and I’m learning that the art is just as important as the science of medicine.”

“I know how important scholarships are,” says Tiffany Kelly Helman, M’08, and Warner Club member. While in medical school, she received an Aesculapian scholarship that was created with Annual Fund gifts. Now practicing in a rural health clinic, she says, “I’m glad to help.”


s t f i g at work


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If you have questions about Gifts at Work, please contact the medical school’s Development Office, (804) 828-4800, toll-free at (800) 332-8813, or by email at Associate Dean for Development: Tom Holland Editor: Erin Lucero Assistant Editor: Leetah Stanley Contributing Writer: Nan Johnson Photographers: Allen Jones, Skip Rowland, Kevin Schindler and VCU Creative Services Graphic Design: Kevin Schindler

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The Class of 2016

The largest applicant pool in the school’s history vied for seats in the Class of 2016. The incoming class of students includes a half dozen who were simultaneously admitted to a program called fmSTAT. Chosen from a pool of 107 applicants, the fmSTAT students aspire to a career in family medicine. To keep them on track through the next four years, the program will supply mentors, seminars, weekend retreats and fellowship.

7,047 applicants • 202 in the class • 102 Virginians • 28 other states • 106 undergraduate colleges and universities • 92 women, 110 men • 3.63 average GPA • 29.5 average MCAT

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Re-visit your own med school days

Reunion Weekend

Classes ending in ’3s and ’8s should mark the calendar for April 19-21, 2013!

A new addition to orientation week was an outdoor teambuilding program that included a high ropes course. The students were chalA dozen legacy students were seated with the Class of 2016. lenged to work together to move their patient – a Go online to learn about them. large rubber ball – through the obstacles. As they topped high walls and completed group Serving the Medical College of Virginia Campus of Virginia Commonwealth jumps, they were encouraged to apply the teambuilding lesUniversity since 1949 and proud to be a partner with the School of Medicine. F O U N D A T I O N sons to overcoming challenges Serving the MCV Campus of Virginia in medical school. Post Office Box 980234 Richmond VA 23298 (804) 828-9734 Commonwealth University Since 1949


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