School of Medicine on Virginia Commonwealth University’s Medical College of Virginia Campus
at work
summer 2013
New Center Opens with a foundation of giving H
undreds of alumni were on hand for the
Jerry Strauss III, M.D., Ph.D., dean of the medical
grand opening of the James W. and Frances G.
school and executive vice president for medical
McGlothlin Medical Education Center in April.
affairs for the VCU Health System.
The occasion also celebrated the completion of the
The unprecedented level of support was anchored
first phase of the medical school’s fundraising
by a $25-million lead gift from the McGlothlins,
campaign that raised $190 million in gifts and
who made their gift in honor of their friend
pledges, including $44.8 million in support of the
Neurosurgery Chair Harry Young, M.D.
education center, a total that surpassed its initial
The center opens in a milestone year in which the
goal by $7 million.
medical school marks its 1838 founding. To further
“This facility is a testament to the loyalty and
commemorate the 175th anniversary, later this year
commitment of our alumni and friends. Their gifts
the medical school will embark on the second phase
and pledges have fueled the first phase of what
of its campaign, a key feature of which will be a schol-
will clearly be the most successful fundraising
arship endowment to support the students who will
campaign in the medical school’s history,” said
train in the McGlothlin Medical Education Center.
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At the heart of the MCV Campus, the James W. and Frances G. McGlothlin Medical Education Center is situated at 12th and Marshall streets where the A.D. Williams Clinic formerly stood. Designed by I. M. Pei’s internationally acclaimed architectural firm, the facility will allow the School of Medicine to pioneer new approaches for training physicians. You can trace the project online, where 41 months of news coverage has been distilled into a dozen slides. With links to photo galleries and stories, the timeline chronicles project milestones, from its launch, to the renovation of the curriculum, the restoration of 70-year-old murals and the center’s remarkable simulation and standardized patient programs.
175 years Building in the tradition of the Medical College of Virginia
The McGlothlin Medical Education Center opened with a daylong celebration in April. James W. and Frances G. McGlothlin were on hand, along with other donors to the project, including 1978 classmates Tom Scalea, Debbie Clapp and John Scandling. Jerry Strauss III, M.D., Ph.D., dean of the medical school, welcomed hundreds of alumni and friends to events that were a highlight of Reunion Weekend.